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MCG1100 Dissection Lab Outline - Mechanical Engineering

Faculté de génie
Génie mécanique
Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
MCG1100 - Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Course Outline for Dissection Laboratories
The course MCG1100 includes “mechanical dissection” labs (the two-hour lab in CBY C011
in your timetable) which will give you introductory concepts in mechanical design, materials and
manufacturing. This document is the course outline for these labs; you will receive another outline
for the CAD/drafting part of MCG1100.
These laboratories are available in the “in-person” format only. No virtual labs will be
held, although the formal presentation in each lab will be recorded and posted on MS Teams.
1. Instructors: Course coordinator: Dr Hallett
Sections A, B: Dr W. Hallett (CBY A210), hallett@uottawa.ca
Section C, D: Dr P. Richer (CBY A211), Patrick.Richer@uottawa.ca
Teaching assistants: Section A: Ismail Dabbarh, idabb087@uottawa.ca
Section B: Antony Choueiry, achou035@uottawa.ca
Section C: Tatiana Turcitu, tturc092@uottawa.ca
Section D: Mihai Stefanescu, mstef036@uottawa.ca
2. Course Books
You must purchase the Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual (which includes the
MCG1100 Dissection Lab Manual) for the labs. It is available from the Docucentre (UCU0024).
You must bring the manual to every lab.
Nota bene: Read the appropriate lab manual sections for each week’s lab carefully before
coming to dissection labs. For most labs there will be an on-line quiz to complete on Brightspace in
the week before the lab to test your preparation.
Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers will be used as a reference for this
course. It is available as an e-book on the library web site. Directions for accessing it are given at the
beginning of the lab manual.
3. Design Report
As one of the requirements of the course, you must prepare a brief report on the design
features of a mechanical device. Details are given in a document posted on Brightspace. The deadline
for submission is 6 March.
4. Examination
The dissection exam is a practical exam which will require you to perform a number of
different tasks in sequence, with each task being timed. Examples of questions can include
performing measurements, identifying materials and manufacturing processes, naming machine
elements, drawing free-body diagrams and making simple calculations.
As one of the course requirements, you must complete an on-line WHMIS (Workplace
Hazardous Materials Information System) course. Detailed instructions are posted on the Virtual
Campus site for this course. The WHMIS course will not contribute to your grade, but it must be
completed before you can pass the course. This must be done by 27 January.
6. Marking scheme:
Lab work sheets
On-line quizzes
Design report
Dissection exam
Total dissection lab mark
Total mark for drafting part of course
Total mark for course
Note: You must attend a minimum of 80% of the dissection labs (as required by the Faculty`s
academic regulations requiring attendance at 80% of classes), complete the on-line WHMIS course,
and submit a design report to get a mark for the course. If you do not fulfill these requirements, your
final grade will be EIN (incomplete), equivalent to an F.
7. Laboratory Rules
The use of cell phones or tablet computers during the mechanical dissection labs for any
purpose is strictly forbidden. You must bring a non-programmable calculator with you to each lab.
You are expected to be on time for labs. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for a lab,
you will not be given a worksheet and you will not receive a mark for the lab. Lab work must be
completed and the worksheet handed in by the scheduled end of class. If your worksheet is not
handed in by the end your mark will be 0.
Work safely at all times. The instructors reserve the right to remove anyone from the lab
who is working in an unsafe manner or damaging equipment.
8. Lab Schedule
See the next page.
MCG 1100 Dissection Lab Schedule
Week of
9 Jan.
1. Engineering Materials; Review of Free-body Diagrams
16 Jan.
2. Manufacturing Processes
WHMIS on-line course must be completed by 27 January.
23 Jan.
3. Dimensional Metrology.
30 Jan.
4. Machine Components and Free-body Diagrams - I
6 Feb.
5. Machine Components and Free-body Diagrams - II
13 Feb.
6. Gasoline Engine
20 Feb.
Study Week - no classes
27 Feb.
7. Gear Reducers
6 Mar.
8. Joining methods
Design report deadline 6 March.
13 Mar.
9. Floppy Disk drive (MCG) / Gait lab (MGB)*
20 Mar.
10. Power Tool (MCG) / Avian elbow joint (MGB)*
27 March
Make-up/practice labs†
3 April
No lab (Easter Break 7 - 10 April)
11 April
Last day of classes 12 April.
*Students in the Biomedical Mechanical Engineering Program (MGB) take biomedical labs instead of the mechanical
dissection labs for Labs 9 and 10.
†Make-up labs are for students who have missed a lab for justified reasons. The instructor must have been informed
of the absence by email within five (5) working days of the original lab. The instructor reserves the right to accept or
reject the reasons presented. Reasons such as travel or work are not accepted, except in exceptional and properly
documented circumstances. Labs 1, 2, 6 and 8 as well as the biomedical labs will not be repeated.