Grade 2 British Week 16 Tests & Quizzes Day Sunday: 25/12/2022 English Selection Test Monday: 26/12/2022 Tuesday: 27/12/2022 Math Assessment Wednesday: 28/12/2022 Contrôle de français n1 Thursday: 29/12/2022 اختبار مادة الدراسات اإلسالمية Notes 1|Page Day SUNDAY Classwork Subject English (2) Math (2) Science English Selection Test: Reading: “Jan’s Birthday Surprise” -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P.38-44 -RCV Booklet P.4-6 Grammar: “Present Progressive with Future Meaning + should/shouldn’t, must/mustn’t” - Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P.26+34 -Grammar and Writing Workbook P.14+15+17 Phonics: “Consonant Blends with l and r + Long vowel i, o and u” - Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P.35 -Phonics Book P.35-39 Reading: Read the story “The Day They Didn’t Come” -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 62-65 -RCV Booklet P. 9 Cambridge Primary Mathematics Workbook 3 P.22 Math Review Above Level Cambridge Primary Science Book Unit 4 Staying Alive Lesson 4.1 Human organs P. 92 37 - 35 نص علم بالدي ص: كتاب لغتي اللغة العربية Homework Reading: Read the story “The Day They Didn’t Come” -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 62-65 -Solve Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P.38 Solve the workbook P. 46 التدرب على اإلمالء ليوم+ نسخ النص من كلمة جلس الى كلمة األصفر 40 ص2 الخميس فقرة 10 الى8 سورة البلد من آية: قرآن العلوم االسالمية Unité 4: À Paris Livre p.26 Cahier d’activités p16 n.1 Chanson ; Au clair de la lune French 2|Page Day Monday Classwork Subject English (2) Math Science Computer Reading: Read the story “The Day They Didn’t Come” -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 62-65 -Continue RCV Booklet P. 9 Spelling: “Compound Words” -Spelling Booklet P.29-30 Butterfly – toothbrush – hairbrush – bathroom – eggshell – rainbow – teaspoon – dustpan – basketball – classroom – goodbye – supermarket She jumped out of her bed and ran out of the house. Soon, she was in the forest. She looked up at the branches of the trees. Math Assessment Unit 1 Lesson 1: “Hundreds, Tens and Ones” P.11-15 Unit 1 Lesson 2: “Comparing and Ordering” P.16-19 Unit 1 Lesson 3: “Estimating and Rounding” p.20-22 + all the related pages in learner’s homework Above Level Cambridge Primary Science Book Unit 4 Staying Alive Lesson 4.1 Human organs P. 93, 94 22 الى20 صفات الرسول صلى هللا عليه وسلم ص: توحيد TUESDAY Classwork Subject Reading: Read the story “The Day They Didn’t Come” -Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 62-65 Grammar: “Past Progressive” - Grammar and Writing Workbook P.25 Listening:” Taking Care of Nature” - Cambridge Path Level 3 Student’s Book P. 68 Cambridge Primary Mathematics Learner’s book 3 Unit 2: “Statistics” P.24-29 Above Level Cambridge Primary Science Book Unit 4 Staying Alive Lesson 4.1 Human organs P. 95,96 Unit 3 Lesson 1 “The Hobbies and Chores” P. 80-83 Social Studies 43 - 40 تابع نص علم بالدي ص: كتاب لغتي اللغة العربية Art ض/قواعد Solve the workbook P. 47 45 - 44 ص، عالمات الترقيم: ملزمة ضاد Day Science Kindly bring 1-riyal coin with you tomorrow 39 - 38 تابع نص علم بالدي ص: كتاب لغتي العلوم االسالمية Math Reading: Solve Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P.39 Spelling: Solve Spelling Booklet P.31 Copy the Spelling words and Paragraph on the Spelling Copybook. Kindly Solve the ungraded Spelling Assignment on Dashboard ICT Olympiad Competition اللغة العربية ض/قواعد English (2) Homework Homework Listening: Solve Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P.56 Kindly Solve the ungraded Grammar Assignment on Dashboard Cambridge Primary Mathematics Workbook 3 P. 23-24 Kindly do the ungraded Grammar assignment on JAD-IS Dashboard Study the lesson + Solve P. 84+85 Graded Social Studies Project due date 1/3/2023: If you have the chance to be one of the community helpers what you’ll be? 1. Select one of the community helpers you would like to be, then prepare a Power point presentation about your profession. 2. Describe by details your community roles. 3. Add photos to make your PPT more attractive. 4. Dress up with your favorite community worker. 5. Send you PPT privately to your teacher on class dojo 6. Prepare a 2-minutes presentation to discuss your project. 42 حل ص+40 نص1 فقرة Coloring P.13 Materials: colors 47- 46 حل تمارين ص: ملزمة ضاد 3|Page Day WEDNESDAY Classwork Subject English (3) Math French P.E. Phonics: “Syllables” Phonics Book P.51-52 “Consonant blends “ Phonics Book P.53-56 Grammar: “Interrupted Past” -Grammar and Writing Workbook P.27,28 Writing: “Make a Brochure” Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P. 49 Apply samples on Writing copybook. Cambridge Primary Mathematics Learner’s book 3 Unit 2: “Statistics” P.30-32 Contrôle de français n.1 : Réviser la fiche de révision n 1 Gymnastics for girls Football for boys Phonics: Solve Phonics Book P. 57 Kindly Solve the ungraded Phonics Assignment on Dashboard Study for tomorrow’s dictation Cambridge Primary Mathematics Workbook 3 P.26 (question 5) , P. 27 and P. 28 45 - 44 التقويم التجميعي ص: كتاب لغتي اللغة العربية العلوم اإلسالمية 43 الى38 المحافظة على البيئة ص: فقه Day THURSDAY Subject Classwork Dictation: Spelling words and Paragraph Butterfly – toothbrush – hairbrush – bathroom – eggshell – rainbow – teaspoon – dustpan – basketball – classroom – goodbye – supermarket English (2) Homework Homework Writing: Solve Grammar and Writing Workbook P.29 +31 She jumped out of her bed and ran out of the house. Soon, she was in the forest. She looked up at the branches of the trees. Writing: “Make a Brochure” Cambridge Path Level 3 Activity Book P. 50 Apply samples on Writing copybook. Above Level Cambridge Primary Science Book Unit 4 Staying Alive Lesson 4.1 Human organs P. 97, 98 Solve the workbook P. 48 Science Math Cambridge Primary Mathematics Workbook 3 P.30-31 Kindly do the ungraded Grammar assignment on JAD-IS Dashboard P.E. العلوم االسالمية اللغة العربية ض/قواعد Gymnastics for girls Football for boys مادة االختبار 19 الى10 عبادة هللا وحدة –عبادة غير هللا شرك – نبينا محمد ص: توحيد 32 الى28 آداب اآلكل والشراب ص: فقه 47 - 46 تابع التقويم التجميعي ص+ 40 ص2 إمالء فقرة: كتاب لغتي 48 ص1 فقرة 36 - 34 حل تمارين ص: قواعد 4|Page JAD Communication Channels Website: http://www. E-mail Account: D.intschools General Administration K.G. Section 0559978422 0535551908 0535557620 0509422207 G1 American & British G2 & 3 British 0509641525 0500237867 hools G2 & 3 American G4 American & British 0509667950 0532224667 d/jad.intschools Gr.5-10 0531143591 0535554908 Books and Uniform Technical Support (I.T.) 0531206618 053075 2427 0530774845 0509675815 Accounting Department 0531134290 0538975379 0550433221 Transportation 0556612099 0531182673 Vision: “Enrich our learners, future leaders, with the best quality of safe educational environment by promoting excellence in all learning areas, while preserving our Islamic identity in a multicultural heritage”. Mission: Provide students with a high quality International education from an Islamic perspective. This will be achieved in a secure, caring and disciplined environment by means of a challenging curriculum that is delivered through the committed leadership, qualified teaching body members, up-to-date technology, indoor/outdoor activities, and organized field tripseducational and recreational”. 5|Page