WAN NUR HASANAH BINTI MIOR AHMAD ZULPATAH GB210052 Bradley Effectiveness Model Characteristic Planning Tyler Objective Centered Model 1. Vertical continuity 2. Horizontal Continuity 3. Instruction based on curiculum (guided) 4. Curiculum Priority - which involve monitoring and comitments by whole 1. Pre determined party intended learning 5. Broad involvement outcome 6. Long Range Planning 7. Decision Making Clarity 8. Positive human relationship 9. Theory into practice approach 10. Planned change Reporting Stake Responsive Model Context, input, Planning stages include 9 steps process and product (Interactive and recusrsive evaluation evaluation process) Scrven Consumer Oriented Evaluation Action Research 1.Learning outcome, responsibility competency, and task 2. Selection of topics 3. Curiculum design 1. Self reflection enquiry 2. Plan-Act-Observe Reflect 3. Offer one path to more deliberate, substantial, and critical reflection 4. Context based 1. Evaluator meet the clients, staff and audience, stakeholder 1. Pre determined intended learning 1. Input evaluation 2. Draws on such discussion and 1. Identify the outcomes or objectives 2.Assess and report analysis of to determine scope of context that gives 2. Select, modify and construct an entity merit, evaluation projects opportunity to Learning outcome are stated evaluationinstruments or tools. worth, and 3. Observe the implementation closely, develop behavior or Check its objectivity, reliability and significance as well 4. Discover the purpose achieve objectives validity as lesson learn 5. Identify problems 6. Develops the evaluation design 1. Utilise the materials or tools used to obtain the result. Utilize the tools to Implementation 2. Compare the obtained results from obtain the results several instruments before and after to determine the change Completion Daniel Stuffle CIPP Model Process evaluation, Implement data collection, may involve strategies that helps videotapes, artifacts, case studies and in decision making others Determine strength Analyse the result to determine the and weaknesses strength and weaknesses. Identidy depend schools area Feedback monitors possible explanation about the specifically the the process reason for particular system establishment surround it Learning outcomes Use the result to make necessary outcome Product evaluation Organise the information theme Discuss and decide together with the stake holder most appropriate report 1. Systematic approach in evaluation process 2. Use multiple and varied data sources 3. Activities meet the students standards 1. Action and application Action research is inquiry where participants and researchers cogenerate knowledge through collaborative communicative processes in which all participants’ contributions are taken seriously 1. Knowledge is not passively received, but actively developed through an individual’s 1. Summative and formative cognition; 2. Follow up online training 2. Involves continuous (if) evaluation and modifications can be made easily as the project progresses Intended learning outcomes open-ended outcomes