COMA 103 Instructor: Norelline Gabas Business Letters NATURE AND USES OF BUSINESS LETTERS: Business letter is a written message used to transact business which cannot be conveniently conducted orally. Its tone and style should be formal and business like. AIMS OF BUSINESS LETTERS Essentially speaking, all business letters are classified as sales letters because no matter what the purpose is, you still sell something to the reader. This can be a service or idea. Hence, selling here as implied by the word business does not only involve monetary considerations but also other factors such as explanations, friendship, goodwill, apologies, acceptance, refusal, suggestion, comments, complaint, invitation, proposal, and others. More than these, they serve as a part of the country’s permanent records, written documents, and written contracts. You will be writing letters to different firms and companies, customers, employees, suppliers, credit agencies, associate organizations, government offices, etc. Writing such letters are termed as business letters. The purpose of such letters is to achieve a specific goal, such as selling products or goods, seeking information or advice, making an inquiry, appeasing the upset feelings of a client, establishing rapport with a customer, creating goodwill, etc. It is, therefore, very important to know the nature and function of writing business letters if you want to reach your goal in your professional life. The main purpose of writing a business letter is to arouse the reader's interest and stimulate in him good mood and to achieve this goal, your letter needs to have the necessary built-in attraction. The aim of your writing is to open the mind of the reader to the message. There is one sure way of doing it: Place yourself in the position of your correspondent and anticipate his feelings and reactions. A good letter writer, after having written a letter, asks himself, 'How would I react to this letter after reading it?'; What would my mental condition and/or feelings be if I received such a letter?' Such a test helps him to consider his letter from the reader's point of view and make the necessary changes. EFFECTIVE BUSINESS LETTERS A business letter is not effective if it is impersonal, longwinded, and difficult to understand; when the writer utilizes overused, trite phrases and expressions, and an over-formal approach; when one or more of the following elements considered essential for standard business letters are missing: heading, inside address, salutation, body (text), complementary closing, and signature; and finally, when the layout, that is, its visual appeal and balance does not follow the standard one. TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS VS HANDWRITTEN LETTERS Generally speaking, all business letters should be typewritten or encoded because they are easier to read and they give the letter an official and formal look. However, there are some companies and institutions which prefer handwritten letters specifically application letters because they can reveal an aspect of the personality of the writer.