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Conference Program: Computational Mechanics & Additive Manufacturing

10:15 AM
10:35 AM
10:55 AM
11:15 AM
11:35 AM
Classical and Non-classical Plate and Shell Models in Computational Mechanics of
Multilayered, Sandwich, and Functionally Graded Composites
Chair(s): Alexander Tessler
Room: 525A
MS 703
A Nonlocal Higher-Order ZigZag Theory Based on a Strain
Gradient Elasticity
Static Analysis of Sandwich
Beams Including the Effect of
Adhesive Layers by using the
Mixed Refined Zigzag Theory
Buckling Behavior of Thin
Walled Composite Box
Beams with Variable Stiffness
A Plate Element Formulation
for Modeling Progressive
Damage and Failure of Shear
Deformable Laminates
Jun-Sik Kim*
Marco Gherlone*
Taner Timarci*, Muhsin Gökhan
Devlin Hayduke*
Room: 518A
MS 708
Global Sensitivity Analysis of
a Selective Laser Melting
Finite Element Model:
Identification of Influential
Modelling Powder Bed Fusion
Feature Creation
A Semi-Analytical Model of
Selective Laser Melting
Numerical Simulation of
Temperature Fields in
Powder Bed Fusion Process
by using Hybrid Point and
Line Heat Source Model
Temperature and Distortion
Simulation for Laser Powder
Bed Fusion Parts
Claire Bruna-Rosso*, Ali
Gokhan Demir, Maurizio Vedani,
Barbara Previtali
Mustafa Megahed*, Wolfgang
Can Ayas*, Yabin Yang
Zhibo Luo*, Yaoyao Zhao
Erik Denlinger*, Pan Michaleris
Room: 516D
MS 801
Adaptive Multiscale Methods
for Heterogeneous Flows
Eric Chung*
Modeling and Simulation of Additive Manufacturing Processes
Chair(s): Neil Hodge
Adaptivity for Multiscale Problems
Chair(s): Kristoffer Van Der Zee
A Posteriori Error Estimation
for Multiscale Computations
Based on MsFEM
A New Paradigm for the
Numerical Approximation of
Sign-Changing Problems
Frédéric Legoll*, Ludovic
Simon Lemaire*, Assyr Abdulle