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Astronomy Lecture Notes: Sky, Earth, Moon, and Eclipses

Week 1: The Sky Above
Our senses indicate a geocentric model of the universe
o Geocentric: Earth is the center of the universe
o Obviously not true
Geocentric view reinforced religious/philosophical beliefs of the past
The Celestial Sphere
Zenith: Top of the dome in your field of view
Horizon: Where the dome meets the Earth
Celestial sphere: Term used to describe star movements like jewels on a sphere
Celestial sphere turns because the Earth spins on its axis
Celestial Pole: Earth’s north and south poles extended into the celestial sphere
Celestial Equator: Same thing, but with the Earth’s equator
Motion of celestial sphere depends on your latitude
o North pole observers would see stars rotate around the celestial north pole
o Equator observers see the stars move from north to south in a straight line)
o In between those, stars appear at an angular height
Circumpolar zone: Area in which stars do not set below the horizon
o Dependent on the viewer’s latitude.
 Ex. Latitude of 38* places their circumpolar zone at 38* of the north pole
Polaris: Most northern star to Earth right now. Barely rotates.
Rising and Setting of the Sun
Stars are there during the day, just hidden by the Sun’s brightness
Year: Time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the sun once
Ecliptic: Sun’s path around the celestial sphere
o Sun travels on its ecliptic once a year
o Lies at an angle of 23.5, not on the celestial equator
Fixed and Wandering Stars
Moon and planets also change positions from day to day
“Planet” means “wanderer” in ancient Greek
o Sun and moon counted as planets in the past
Individual paths of planets and moon lie close to ecliptic
o Path of sun, moon, and Earth all nearly in the same plane
Zodiac: an 18* wide belt centered on the ecliptic that contains the planets, sun, and moon
Used in ancient times to navigate
o Big dipper, Orion
Today we use constellations to divide up the sky into 88 sectors
Imaginary line between constellations run north/south, east/west to divide up the sky
Asterism: Easily noticeable star pattern within a constellation
o Ex. Big dipper inside Ursa Major
Week 2: Earth and Sky
Locating Places on Earth
Directions north, south, east, and west are clearly defined on Earth except at the poles.
Coordinates on spheres more complicated that on flat surface
Great circle: A circle on the surface of a sphere that shares its center with the center of the sphere
o Ex: Equator on earth
Each of these are called a meridian, longitude
o Meridians are perpendicular to the equator
o Specify east-west direction based on degree of arc between itself and the prime meridian (0*)
o Greenwich chosen as prime meridian because it’s between Europe and USA
Latitude: North south location
o Degree of arc you are away from the equator along your meridian
o Measured from 0 to 90, where 0 is Equator and 90 are the poles
Locating Places in the sky
Convenient to make a fake celestial sphere
o Celestial equator: Great circle in the celestial sphere that’s lined up with our equator
Declination: Measured like latitude
Right ascension: Measured like longitude, but with vernal equinox as 0 instead of Greenwich
o Vernal equinox: Point in sky where sun’s path (ecliptic) crosses celestial equator
o Can be expressed in degrees or time
The Turning Earth
Generally accepted that Earth turned, but only proved in 1851 by Jean Foucault
o Swung a big ass pendulum from Paris, and the swing shifted not because the pendulum moved by itself,
but because the Earth rotated
The Seasons
People thought seasons were the result of Earth’s distance from the sun changing
o Only deviates about 3%
Seasons are caused by Earth’s 23.5* tilt on its axis
Seasons and Sunshine
Axis always points in the same direction no matter what
Northern Hemisphere leans into sun in June, and leans away in December
o Sun hits us at a more direct angle, heats Earth more effectively
o Days also get longer in winter because Sun is higher up than the celestial equator in the summer
Summer solstice: Longest day of the year
o Sunlight hits the surface in a really straight line
Ancient people celebrated summer solstice to thank the gods for warmth
o Stonehenge may have been built for this purpose.
Poles have 6 months of light followed by 6 months of darkness
Although Earth’s horizon blocks our view, atmosphere allows us to see beyond it
o Refraction: Bending of light passing through air or water
Longest day doesn’t mean hottest day; Earth needs time to heat up
Keeping Time
The Length of the Day
Day: Amount of time it takes for Earth to spin on its axis once
o Also called solar day
Sidereal day: Rotation of Earth with respect to the stars
o Shorter than a solar day by 4 minutes
Apparent Solar Time
Time determined by the actual position of the Sun in the sky
o Measured with sundials
First half of day where sun has not reached meridian labelled ante meridiem hours (a.m.)
Second half where Sun is past meridian labelled post meridiem (p.m.)
Simple, but not convenient to use
o Solar time does not move at a constant rate because of Earth’s revolution
Mean Solar Time and Standard Time
Mean solar time: Exactly 24 hours long
o Progresses in a uniform rate but inconvenient because it’s determined by the sun’s position
o If we followed mean solar time, we would have to adjust our watches every minute when we travelled
 This is to match to local mean time
Larger time zones introduced in 1883
o Standard time followed in each of zones
o Local mean time is moved to just the center of those zones
o Only need to change times when we move an hour
Daylight savings time: Local time +1 hour
o “Saves” daylight by making days an hour longer
o Actually doesn’t do anything
International Date Line
If you go around the world, you’ll eventually be 24 hours ahead of everyone
International Date Line solves this problem
o Runs down Pacific Ocean, next to Alaska and some islands
The Calendar
Challenges of the Calendar
Keep track of time over long periods of time
Needs to run on natural time intervals that everyone agrees on
o Defined by the motions of Earth, moon, maybe other planets
Rotation of Earth: 1 day
Length of one month: 29.5306 days
Length of one tropical year: 365.24 days
Inconvenient rations for calculations
Ancient civilizations all used different types of calendars
o Stonehenge used to precisely determine solstices
o Mayans predicted movements of Venus and stuff
o Chinese used the 12 year cycle of Jupiter to come up with their zodiacs
Western civilization used Julian calendars, which wrote years to be 365.25 days long
The Gregorian Calendar
Julian calendar was only off by 11 minutes, which stacked up after centuries
Pope Gregory reformed the calendar to catch up on those missing days
Adopted immediately by the Catholic church, but not other branches
Week 3: Phases and Motions of the Moon
Moon does not shine on its own, but reflects sunlight
Follow the moon and you will see a cycle of phases
Lunar Phases
The Moon rotates around the earth once every four weeks
o New: Moon is in same direction as sun, appears invisible to us
o Waxing crescent: Moon moves 12* and small crescent shows
o First quarter: Moon travelled for a week, covered a quarter of its path, half moon
o Waxing gibbous: Moon travels more, illuminates more of its surface
o Full: Side of moon that faces sun also faces us
 Folklore says full moon influences bad behaviour
o Waning gibbous: Moon starts to disappear 2 weeks after full phase
o Waning crescent: Moon is about to disappear again
Seems like eclipses should happen during every full and new moon, but don’t
o Moon is 30 Earths away from us, and the moon’s orbit and path of the sun almost never line up.
o Eclipses happen when they do
Moon’s Revolution and Rotation
Sidereal Month: Length of moon’s rotation around Earth
o 27.3217 days
Solar month: Time it takes for Moon to go through all phases
o 29.5306 days
Difference is due to Earth’s revolution around the sun
Synchronous rotation: Moon rotates on its axis in the exact same time it takes to revolve around the sun
o This means same side of the moon faces us all the time
o No such thing as ‘true dark side of the moon’
Ocean Tides and the Moon
Early historians thought tides were caused by the moon
Moon’s Pull on Earth
Moon’s gravity pulls on different parts of the earth at the same time
Not all parts are equidistant
Earth isn’t completely rigid, so differential force makes Earth distort a little
o Differential forces stretch earth into a prolate spheroid (football shape)
If Earth was 100% water, there would be distortion of 1m
o Only 20cm in reality
o Force only affects water
The Formation of Tides
Tides occur over hours
Side of Earth facing moon gets biggest bulge, along with opposite side earth
Moon doesn’t compress, expand, or “lift water”
o Water just piles up more where Moon’s pull is stronger
When water is deep, tide comes in
o When water is shallow, tide goes out
Sun also creates tides, but only half as strong
o Happens when sun and moon line up (new or full moon) and created tides stack
Eclipses of the Sun and Moon
Sun is 400 times further away than moon, but also 400 times bigger
This makes eclipses possible
Eclipse: When either Earth or Moon enters the other’s shadow
o Solar eclipse: Earth enters Moon’s shadow
o Lunar eclipse: Moon enters Earth’s shadow
Shadows made of two parts
o Umbra: Darkest cone
o Penumbra: More diffused area of shadow
o Most spectacular eclipses when object enters umbra
If Moon’s path was identical to ecliptic, we would see an eclipse every month
o Moon’s tilted orbit of 5* forbids this
Solar Eclipses
Most of the time, Moon appears smaller than the sun and makes a ring of light around it (annular eclipse)
When Sun and Moon align perfectly, total eclipse occurs on eclipse path, covering a small area
o Observers in the penumbra will see partial eclipse
o Eclipses don’t last more than 7 minutes
Appearances of a Total Eclipse
Solar eclipses start when moon starts silhouetting on the edge of the Sun
Moon slowly covers more of sun in partial phase
Sun is completely hidden an hour later
o Sun’s corona (outer atmosphere) flashes during this phase
Total phase ends as moon starts moving out
Lunar Eclipses
When the moon enters Earth’s shadow
o Visible to anyone that can see the moon, unlike solar eclipse
Total lunar eclipse happens when moon enters Earth’s umbra
o Lasts longer than solar eclipse because Earth’s umbra is massive compared to the moon
Moon starts as full moon before entering umbra, which makes the darkening more dramatic
o Moon appears reddish in the umbra because sunlight bends through earth’s atmosphere
Week 4: 2.2 Ancient Astronomers
Ancient astronomers in Middle East figured out the 365 day calendar
Chinese astronomers kept track of comets, meteors, sunspots, and guest stars
Britain astronomers built Stonehenge to keep track of sun, moon, and stars
Early Greek and Roman Cosmology
Cosmology: Concept of cosmos
Ancient Greeks knew Earth was round
o Sphere believed to be a perfect sphere, and gods love spheres, so Earth and moon are spheres
Aristotle used eclipses to figure out that moon is closer than the sun
o Since moon covers the sun it must be closer to the Earth than the sun
Figured out Earth is round with lunar eclipses
o Edges of the moon’s shadows are round, which means Earth is round too
o Can’t be a disc because that means there should be a line shadow on the Moon sometimes
Travelling to the south revealed stars that were not visible from the northern hemisphere
o If earth was a disc, all stars would be visible everywhere to everyone
Aristarchus proposed that the Earth moved around the sun, but this was rejected
o Rejected because the stars didn’t move as much
Parallax: The apparent shift in an object’s motion as a result of observer’s motion.
o Stellar parallax: Apparent shift in star due to Earth’s orbital motion
o Was impossible to observe
o Either Earth wasn’t moving or stars were ridiculously far away, which philosophers rejected
o Earth centered view became dominant philosophy of Western world
Measurement of Earth
Eratosthenes measured Earth’s size with observations of the sun
Sun is so far away its rays hit us at a parallel line
o If sun was closer, it would hit at an angle between the poles
Sun isn’t infinitely far away, but 150 million km is pretty damn far
On the first day of summer, the sun hit the bottom of the well in Syene.
o Sun is directly overhead
At the same time, the sun was at a slight angle in Alexandria, 7* (1/50 of a circle)
o If sun’s rays are parallel, then this deviation is caused by the curvature of the Earth
Alexandria is 1/50 of Earth’s circumference north from Syene, 5000 stadia
o Stadium: Unit of measurement based on length of stadium track
Earth’s circumference is about 250,00 stadia
o If stadium is 1/6 km long, he is off by 1%
Hipparchus built an observatory on Rhodes to measure position of celestial objects
Designated celestial coordinates
Also divided stars into apparent magnitudes
o Ordered according to brightness (1st is brightest)
o Still used, but not as much
Discovered that the position of the sky changed over a century and half
Also deduced that this change was happening all the time
Precession: The motion in which Earth’s axis points change in
o Sun and Moon’s pull on Earth make it wobble
o Takes 26000 years to make one rotation
o Also changes where our axis points over time
Ptolemy’s Model
Wrote the Almagest, a compilation of astronomical knowledge
Also predicted the positions of planets in any given time
Planets’ independent motion made tracking difficult
Only using sphere also made this difficult
Ptolemy resolved this by using an epicycle
A small orbit for each planet
Also celestial bodies usually move in ellipticals
2.4 The Birth of Modern Astronomy
Astronomy was further enhanced by Muslim and Arab scholars
Trades between Europe and Middle East brought these new ideas into Europe, opening a renaissance
Famous for introducing the heliocentric model of the solar system
o All the planets orbit the sun while the moon orbits the Earth
He still assumed that celestial bodies had an elliptical orbit
Had convincing arguments for the heliocentric model, but didn’t catch on for a long time
o If the Earth is moving how come nothing is moving?
The Heliocentric Model
Earth is one of the six known planets in the solar system
Copernicus ordered the six planets correctly
He couldn’t prove that the Earth revolved around the sun, but said the Ptolemaic view was clumsy and inelegant
Heliocentric model was debated for 50 years without having means to test it
Galileo studied forces
o If it wasn’t for friction, everything would be sliding around
o You need force to move around an object, and to stop it
o Also studied acceleration
Adopted the heliocentric theory
Church did not like this theory
Galileo’s resistance led to this theory becoming banned by the church
Galileo’s Astronomic Observations
Used telescopes (called spyglasses back them) to look at far away things
o Don’t know who came up with this idea
Created the 9x magnification telescope, which got him a lot of money and tenured position
Originally planned to look at earthly stuff, but turned to the skies
o Created a stable mount and increased magnification to 30x
o Did experiments to determine what he saw was what was truly there
Found stars that he couldn’t see with his eyes, and discovered that Milky way held many stars
Tested the Copernican model by observing Venus
o Noticed that it had phases like the moon, which meant it revolved around the sun
Also observed craters, mountains, and “seas” on moon
Put under house arrest by Catholic Church for these findings
3.1 The Laws of Planetary Motion
Tycho Brahe’s Observatory
Born into Dutch nobility
Made observations of the Sun, moon, and planets for 20 years
o Used this data to note the positions of the planets
o Couldn’t publish his work because he lacked the connections
Later met Johannes Kepler
Johannes Kepler
Born into a poor family, studied at Tubingen and became an assistant to Brahe
Had to find a satisfactory theory for planetary movement
o Brahe didn’t give him everything he needed because he didn’t want Kepler to take all the glory
o Kepler got full access after Brahe died, and worked on this for 20 years
First 2 Laws of Planetary Motion
Orbit: Path of an object through space
o Initially thought orbits were circles, but this didn’t work with Brahe’s observations
o Conic sections: Curves formed by the intersection of a plane with a cone
Focus: Two points inside the ellipses where the sum of the distance from them to the edges are the same
Major axis: Widest diameter of ellipse
Semimajor axis: Center of ellipse to one end
Eccentricity: Ratio between foci and length of major axis
Rule 1 : All orbits are ellipses
Rule 2: Planets move faster if nearer the sun than further away
Kepler’s Third Law
Week 8: 3.2 Newton’s Great Synthesis
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Worked on his ideas during the plague years, where he stayed home
Published his findings in 1687 as an encyclopedia, Principia
Listed three laws that governed the laws of all objects
o First law: Objects at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an external force
o Second law: Change in motion is proportionate to and in the direction of the force
o Third law: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
These laws set the stage for modern science
Interpretation of Newton’s Laws
First law: A rewording of Galileo’s conservation of momentum
o Momentum: Measure of body’s motion
o Also called the law of inertia
o Velocity: Speed and direction of motion
o Friction slows things down, but with no frictions things will move forever
Second law: Force is expressed in terms of ability to change momentum with time
o Force has size and direction
Third law: Momentum of items must stay constant
o Any change in momentum must be balanced by another change to maintain current momentum
o Shooting a gun has recoil, because the force of the bullet propelling forward also pushes back at you
o This is how rockets work
Mass, Volume, and Density
Mass: How much of an object there is
Volume: How much physical space an object takes up
Density: How tightly packed an object is
Angular Momentum
Measure of rotation of a body as it revolves around a fixed point
o Planet orbiting the sun
A product of its mass, velocity, and distance from the fixed point
o If these quantities are constant then so is the angular momentum
Kepler’s second law is about the conservation of angular momentum
3.3 Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation
A straight line is the most natural state of motion
o But planets move in ellipses
Gravity bends their paths
o Gravity was associate with just Earth at the time
Earth exerts gravitational force upon objects on its surface
Newton hypothesized a universal attraction among all bodies in space
o Had to figure out this nature of attraction
o Limited by the technology of his time, but didn’t give up
o This tool is called calculus
Gravitational attraction between two bodies must be proportional to their masses
Force of gravity on the surface of Earth gives us sense of weight
o Weight depends on local force of gravity, unlike mass
Gravity is a built in property of mass
o Wherever there is mass, they will interact with gravity
Gravity never becomes zero, but just gets weaker the further away items are
Why to astronauts in ISS look like they’re floating then?
o They’re falling
o Falling: accelerating at the same rate as everything around them
o Astronauts are falling around the Earth, not towards it
3.4 Orbits in the Solar System
Orbit: Path of an object in space under the influence of gravity
Perihelion: Place where the planet is closest to the sun, and therefore moves the fastest
Aphelion: Opposite of that
o For moons: perigee and apogee are used
Orbits of the Planets
Kepler’s law states that Mercury has the fastest orbit since it’s the closest while Neptune has the longest since
it’s the furthest
All planet orbits have low eccentricity
Orbits of Asteroids and Comets
Asteroids and comets: small chunks of leftover material in the solar system
Asteroids generally have smaller semimajor axes than comets
o Most of them lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter
Comets generally have larger and more eccentric orbits than asteroids
Week 9: 18.4 The H-R Diagram
Measuring Star Characteristics
Surface temperature
o Determine colour
o Measure spectrum and get spectral type
Chemical composition
o What lines are present in spectrum
o Measure brightness, compensating for scale
Radial velocity
o Measure doppler shift in spectrum
o Measure with of spectral lines
o Measure period and redial velocity curves
o Measure how star’s light is blocked by moon
o Measure light curves and doppler shifts for eclipsing binary stars
Henry Russell plotted luminosity of stars based on their spectral classes
o Discovered that temperature and luminosity are related
Features of the H-R Diagram
A scale used to chart stars based on luminosity and spectral class
o Named after Hertzsprung and Russell
Stars line up on ‘main sequence’
o Line of best fit that shows relationship between temperature and luminosity
o More luminous stars are hottest
Some stars lay beyond it
o Supergiants are cool, but appear bright due to their size.
o White dwarves are small and hot, but appear dim due to their size
Incomplete collection of data
o Many stars are too faint to be observed
o Not many giants and dwarves that we can observe
90% of stars are on the main sequence
o Stars spend 90% of their lives here
Understanding the Main Sequence
Suns convert hydrogen into helium through nuclear fusion, creating energy
If all stars are doing this then why are they distributed on a sequence of points?
o Total mass and composition of star determine energy made from nuclear fusion
Bigger stars are brighter because they have more mass, which means more fuel to burn and more nuclear fusion
to take place
90% of stars follow this
Stars of the Extreme Ends
Cool super giants are brighter and larger than the sun
Cool dwarf stars are smaller than the sun, but super dense
White Dwarves
First white dwarf discovered in 1862
7% of stars in our neighbourhood are white dwarves
Bright for its size, which means its super dense
20.5 Cosmic Life Cycle
Flows in Interstellar Gas
It’s not static
o Orbits the galaxy and can change in density, temperature, and state of ionization
Majority of interstellar gas in Milky Way is hydrogen
Dense molecular clouds are 30% of total mass between stars
Hot gas from supernovas contribute a little bit
Dust falls onto milky way all the time because of gravity
Giant gas clouds can collapse to form new stars
o When they die they expel material outwards
o This process is called the baryon cycle
The Cycle of Dust and Heavy Elements
Stars fuse heavier elements from lighter ones
Lose some newly made material in the process
Dust grains get bigger when they spend more time in interstellar medium, where they stick together and get
Eventually covered in ice, which protects molecules on the inside from breaking up due to radiation
Newly formed stars melt the ice, and the grains combine to create planets and stuff
o Some scientists say Earth water came from space
o Or it was brought over by asteroids
Interstellar grains are incorporated into new stars and destroyed, but cycle begins again when the star goes
22.1 Star Evolution
Left side of H-R Sequence called zero age main sequence
o Zero age: When a star stops contracting and starts fusing hydrogen in the core
o Continuous line that shows stars of different masses
Fusion doesn’t change mass of star since it only uses 0.7% of hydrogen
As hydrogen depletes, helium accumulates
o This changes luminosity and temperature
o Moves to the right on the H-R diagram
As helium accumulates, temperature and density increase in the center region of star
Lifetimes on the Main Sequence
How long a star remains on the main sequence depends on its mass
Star lifetime determined by how much nuclear fuel it has and how quickly it uses it up
o Rate of fusion strongly depends on star’s core temperature
o Temperature of star core depends on mass
o This is why massive stars don’t last as long as smaller stars
We look for sun-like stars when searching for aliens, because it gives time for complex organisms to evolve
From Main Sequence to Red Giant
All the hydrogen in a core will be used up eventually
Core is now only helium contaminated with heavier elements the star started with
No more energy since hydrogen is gone and fusion of helium needs higher temperatures
Core contracts when it cools
o Energy of collapsing material creates heat
o This heat flows outward, where it heats up the hydrogen layer around the core
o New energy heats up outer layers, causing it to expand
Star become cooler and brighter at the same time
o Move to top right on H-R sequence
Week 10: Stars
Collect light from each star to measure its spectrum of light
o Used as a unique fingerprint for each star
Every combination of atoms absorb light differently
Used for DNA analysis
Spectral Classes and Temperature
From hottest to coldest: OBAFTKM
Our sun is G2
Week 11: 7.1 Overview of Our Planetary System
Solar system consists of the sun and many other things
All these things formed 4.5 billion years ago
Clumps of material that condensed from an enormous cloud of gas and dust, and center became sun
We sent probes all across the solar system
An Inventory
Sun is the most massive part of solar system
o 99.8% of all mass in solar system
Jupiter is 0.1%
o More massive than all other planets combined
Trans-Neptunian objects: Smaller worlds beyond Neptune
o Largest ones are dwarf planets, like Pluto
All planets and dwarf planets spin on an axis and rotate in the same direction around the sun
o Except Venus (retrograde direction)
4 planets closest to the Sun are terrestrial planets
Next 4 are giant planets
Smaller Members
More than 180 known moons in solar system
Gas giants also have rings around them
Asteroids: Rocky bodies that orbit the sun, mostly between Mars and Jupiter
7.4 Origin of Solar System
Superearth: Large, earthlike exoplanets
Looking for Patterns
All our planets like in nearly the same plane and revolve in the same direction around the sun
Sun also spins on its own axis
o This is interpreted as evidence that Sun and planets formed in a spinning cloud of gas and dust called
solar nebula
Composition of planets is another clue
o Sun, Jupiter, Saturn made up of hydrogen, which means they’re from the same reservoir
o Terrestrial planets made of heavier elements
o This is because it’s close to the Sun, and its heat removed gas closer to it
The Evidence from Far Away
Younger solar systems resemble ours when it was younger
o Circumstellar disks: Flat clouds of spinning gas that revolves a star
Building Planets
Planetesimals: Small proto-planets
Planet forming process was violent
o All planets were heated until they were liquid and gas
o This process explains many regularities but not many irregularities
Week 12: 30.1 The Cosmic Context for Life
What made Earth hospitable to life?
Dust and stuff combining to form Earth a long time ago eventually collected a lot of water
Chemical variety and moderate conditions led to creation of molecules that could reproduce by dividing
Many different species of life came and went, bringing us to the present
Atoms in our body are from space
o We are stardust
The Copernican Principle
Earth isn’t in the middle of anything, doesn’t look that special
Planets are natural formations
Copernican Principle states that there is nothing special about the Earth
Are we an exceedingly rare outcome of cosmic evolution or is life normal
So where are they?
Fermi paradox: If life is common then how come it doesn’t look like it?
o Maybe life is common, but intelligence isn’t
o Maybe communication systems will form in the future
o Streams of data pass by us because we can’t detect them
o Sophisticated aliens don’t meddle with primitive lifeforms like us
o Other civilizations reached a self-destruct point in their development
30.2 Astrobiology
Study of biology in an astronomy context
The Building Blocks of Life
Have been found in extraterrestrial environments
Amino acids: Organic compounds that are the molecular building blocks of protein
o Protein: Molecules that make cells work
Many organic molecules found in space by radio telescopes
Miller Urey experiment: 1950s experiment where Earth’s early atmosphere was simulated to create building
o They got the atmosphere wrong
Possible that Earth’s life was seeded from the stars
o Still doesn’t explain where that came from
Origin and Early Evolution of Life
Genes in the simplest organisms are made of millions of molecular units
o A giant step away from regular molecules
Little direct evidence of what Earth was like early on, or of where life came from
After heavy bombardment, ingredients were there to make living organisms
DNA: Stores genetic information about living organism
RNA: Helps flow of genetic information from DNA to proteins
Photosynthesis: Ability of creating energy from light
o Could’ve helped create oxygen rich atmosphere in the beginning
Stromatolites: Believed to be fossils of photosynthesizing bacteria from the past
Increasing oxygen in atmosphere hurt some microbes that didn’t need it to develop, but allowed other ones to
generate huge amounts of energy with it
Habitable Environments
An environment capable of hosting life
Life needs a solvent that enables construction of biomolecules and interactions between them
o Water is the solvent
Identifying water crucial to finding habitable worlds
Our biochemistry is based on CHNOPS (Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur)
o All of these are formed inside stars
Elemental raw materials and solvent set, now we need assembly
Life in Extreme Conditions
Humans have a narrow range of operation, but life has a large range as a whole
Extremophile: Organisms that live in environments that would kill other organisms
Thermophile: Organisms that live in high temperature environments
Heat and cold can both be detrimental to life
o Cold slows down metabolism and changes molecules
Acidity level also affects survivability
o Acidophiles: Microorganisms that live in acid
o Alkaliphiles: Microorganisms that live in bases
High salt levels also a problem for life
o Salt blocks cellular functions
o We used this knowledge to salt meat and prevent microbe growth
High pressure compresses molecules, but some animals do fine
Same with radiation
30.3 Searching for Life Beyond Earth
Biomarker: Evidence of life on a planet
Life on Mars
Mars thought to have water, even life in the past
o We didn’t find either early on
Curiosity found existence of habitable environments on Mars
o Found mudstone
Mars could’ve hosted life in the past, but all that disappeared after the atmosphere thinned
Life in the Outer Solar System
Gas giant moons might be habitable
o Europa has a big ocean under its ice
o Its contact with underlying mantle creates reducing chemistry
25.1 The Architecture of the Galaxy
Herschel measures the Galaxy
Using a refracting telescope, William Herschel and his sister discovered that stars seem to lay on a flat plane
Stellar system was in the shape of a wheel, with the Sun at the center
Discs and Haloes
Milky way is flat and thin like a CD
Stars and gas are not uniformly spread out, but concentrated in arms
Central bulge: Stars are not flattened out in the middle and form a bulge instead
Milky way mass near the edge of the galaxy is made of dark matter
o It emits no light and can’t be detected by telescopes
26.1 The Discovery of Galaxies
Early astronomers thought Milky Way was the entire universe
They were asking questions in the past, but didn’t have the tools to confirm or deny anything
Nebulae: Name given to all celestial objects that were not sharp lights
o Latin for cloud
Other Galaxies
Some nebulae corrected to galaxies by early 20th century
Edwin Hubble discovered the first galaxy outside the Milky Way
o Named it Andromeda, estimated it to be about 900,000 lightyears away from us
His discovery started extragalactic astronomy
26.2 Types of Galaxies
Spiral Galaxies
Milky way and Andromeda
Central bulge, halo, disc, spiral arms
Young stars present in arms
New stars are forming
Barred spirals: Spiral galaxies with boxy bars in the middle through the center
Milky way has bar too
o Commonality of bar suggests every spiral galaxy forms a bar at some point
Galaxies classified as Sa, Sb, Sc
o Sa appear as lenses, while Sc have clearly defined arms
Elliptical Galaxies
Consist almost entirely of old stars
Have oval shapes
Larger than the largest spiral galaxies
Dwarf elliptical galaxies are a thing, they went unnoticed because of how dim they are
Irregular galaxies
Do not have regular shapes
Contain both young and old stars
Best known Irregular galaxies: Large and Small Magellanic Clouds
Galaxy Evolution
Early astronomers thought different galaxy shapes were different evolution stages
Collisions and mergers change the shape of galaxies
Increased consumption of gas may slow down galaxies, changing their shapes