DEFORESTATION ISSUE OF PAKISTAN NAME GROUP MEMBERS: Registration No ABUBAKAR SIDDIQUE 2111178 ABUDUL AHAD ABBASI 2111152 JABBAR IQBAL 2111185 MUSTAFA KHAN 2111191 Executive summary Nowadays climatic changes could be observed everywhere in our surroundings that result from deforestation and are becoming more clear and difficult to tackle with. This report describes a program that our team is aiming to run this year. Our program aims to build a cleaner and greener Pakistan and hence we have put forward a detailed report which would help our audience to understand properly about the issue and our program. The first part of our report is based on our communication strategy framework that highlights our key objectives, why we chose to run this campaign, how we plan to approach our audience and communicate our plan with them. The report is then followed by a proposal email that provides precise details of our program for a company we plan to get funding from. Our team also designed a distinctive brochure in order to attract as many people as we can. A rejection email that we received from the company that we approached, is also attached with this report. CAUSES OF DEFORESTATION: Urbanization Industrialization Forest fires overgrazing AUDIENCE AND RELATIONSHIP: Target audience: Youth of age between 10 years to 30 years Approach: Organize Plantation programs Awareness campaigns Use of visuals to portray the impacts of deforestation vividly i.e. run advertisements DESIRE KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES AND PRACTICE: We want our target audience to know the negative impacts of deforestation, and to feel a sense of responsibility towards the alarming climatic change and carry out actions that could help it slow down like planting trees