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SAP FICO Course Content: S/4 HANA Training

UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
Course Contents of Module
(Financial Accounting & Controlling)
(Basic + Advance Levels )
Version: S/4 HANA
(Users Acitivities, Support, & Implementation)
Helps to become:
• End User,
• Super User,
• Power User,
• Manager,
• Consultant,
• Auditor,
• Freelancer Professional,
• Solution Architect, & Others
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
1. Introduction
A. ERP Concept,
B. SAP and other ERPs Concept,
C. SAP S/4 HANA Concept,
D. Why SAP and other ERPs,
E. Why SAP ECC and SAP S/4 HANA,
F. Difference between SAP R/1, SAP R/2, SAP R/3, SAP ECC, & SAP HANA,
G. Difference between SAP Embedded HANA & SAP S/4 HANA.
H. SAP Products,
I. SAP Professionals,
J. SAP Growth Chart,
K. SAP Projects,
L. ASAP methodology,
M. Business Blue Print Creation,
N. SAP Modules,
P. SAP FI/CO organization structure,
Q. Functional Requirement Specification,
R. Creation of Industry Print.
S. Real Time Functionality of SAP R/3, SAP ECC, & SAP HANA,
T. SAP GUI and SAP Logon/Login,
U. SAP LandScape,
V. SAP R/3, SAP ECC, & SAP S/4 HANA Architecture,
W. SAP ECC Concept.
X. PIS and Function Specification.
2. General Settings:
A. Defining Country,
B. Defining Regions,
C. Defining Currency, and
D. Defining Holidays Calenders.
E. Defining Factory Calenders,
3. Enterprise Structure on S/4 HANA:
A. Definition,
B. Identifying the organizational Units,
C. Assignment,
D. Enterprise Structure Navigation.
4. Financial Accounting Global settings on S/4 HANA:
A. Fiscal year,
B. Shortenend Fiscal Year,
C. Year Shift.
D. Displacement Factor,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
E. Allocation of Fiscal Year Variant and Companies,
F. Normal Posting Periods,
G. Special Posting Periods,
H. Defining the Audit and Tax adjustment needed posting periods,
I. Opening and Closing of Accounting Months,
J. Document Number ranges,
K. Vouchers Number Ranges,
L. Document Types,
M. Posting Keys,
N. Field Status Variant,
O. Field Status Groups,
P. Field Controls,
Q. Screen variant for document processing,
R. Tolerances groups for employees,
S. Setting maximum amount limit for voucher entry by individual employee,
T. Setting maximum cash discount limit per voucher for employees,
U. Default values for document entry,
5. General Ledger Accounting on S/4 HANA:
A. Chart of accounts,
B. Account groups,
C. Identifying the G/L accounts groups,
D. Retained Earnings Account,
E. Account for Balance Carrying Forward,
F. G/L accounts creation,
G. Modifing G/L Accounts,
H. Identifyng the G/L Accounts,
I. G/L accounts mass creation through bulk data upload /migration tools,
J. Tolerances for G/L account clearings,
K. G/L document/Voucher posting/entry,
L. Hold/Unhold G/L document/Voucher,
M. Park G/L document/Voucher,
N. Post parked G/L document/Voucher,
O. Making changes as per allowed policies in the posted vouchers,
P. Reference Documents,
Q. Sample documents,
R. Recurring Entry documents,
S. A/c Assignment Model.
6. BP- Business Partner on S/4 HANA:
A. Concept of BP,
B. Functions of BP,
C. Types of BP,
D. Number Range of BP,
E. Creation of BP.
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
7. Accounts Receivables on S/4 HANA:
A. Screen layout for Customer A/c groups,
B. Identifying Customer Groups,
C. Setting Field status for customer creation,
D. Customer number ranges,
E. Reconciliation A/c for A/R,
F. Integration of A/R with G/L
G. Tolerances for Customers,
H. Customer master data and Business Partner creation,
I. Making changes in customer master,
J. Bulk creation/upload of customers by migration tools,
K. Customer Invoice Creation,
L. Outgoing Invoice Creation,
M. Sales invoices creation without Sales order,
N. Sales invoices creation through Sales order,
O. Making changes in invoice,
P. Blocking and unblocking the invoice for payment,
Q. Customer credit memo/Sales returned,
R. Customer Billing,
S. Customer Line Item Display,
T. Customer Ledger balance Display.
8. Accounts Payables on S/4 HANA:
A. Screen layout for Vendor groups,
B. Identifying Vendor Groups,
C. Setting Field status for vendor creation,
D. Vendor number ranges,
E. Reconciliation A/c for A/P,
F. Integration of A/P with G/L
G. Tolerances for Vendors,
H. Vendor master data and Business Partner creation,
I. Making changes in vendor master,
J. Bulk creation/upload of vendor by migration tools,
K. Vendor Invoice Creation,
L. Incoming Invoice Creation,
M. Purchase invoices creation without Purchase order,
N. Purchase invoices creation through Purchase order,
O. Making changes in invoice,
P. Blocking and unblocking the invoice for payment,
Q. Vendor credit memo/Purchase returned,
R. Vendor Line Item Display,
S. Vendor Ledger balance Displey,
T. Vendor Negotiation.
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
9. Manual payments on S/4 HANA:
A. Incoming Payments,
B. Customer Standard Payment,
C. Customer Part Payment and Residual Payment,
D. Customer Payment in Bank account,
E. Payment return to customer,
F. Outgoing Payments,
G. Vendor Standard Payment,
H. Vendor Part Payment,
I. Vendor payment from bank account,
J. Getting payment returned from vendor against purchase returned,
K. Over Payment,
L. Under Payment,
M. Discounts at the time of invoice creation,
N. Discounts at the time of payments,
O. Bad Debts.
10. Cheque Management on S/4 HANA:
A. Manual Cheque Creation,
B. Automatic Cheque Printing,
C. Cancelling the Cheque,
D. Voiding the Cheque,
E. Cheque number swapping,
F. Deleting the Cheque,
G. Cheque Lots,
H. Cheque Voiding Reasons,
I. Cheque Register.
11. House Bank:
A. Creation of House Bank,
B. Main Bank Account,
C. Outgoing Bank Account,
D. Incoming Bank Account,
E. House Bank A/c,
F. Integration of House Bank to G/L Account,
G. Usage of House Bank.
12. Automatic Payments:
A. House Banks Linking,
B. Cheque Printing Programs Linking,
C. Cheque Printing Forms Linking,
D. EDI Programs Linking with Cheque,
E. Automatic Payment Program configuration,
F. Payment Methods,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
G. Defining the maximum amount limit for each bank account,
H. Run Automatic Payment Program(APP),
I. Printing the Payment Summary,
J. Printing the Payment Advice,
K. Printing the Payment Note,
L. Blocking/Unblocking the Invoices for Automatic Payment Run.
13. Interest calculation on S/4 HANA:
A. Configurations of Interest Calculation process,
B. Configuring Item Interest Calculation,
C. Configuring Reference Interest Rate,
D. Configuring Time Based Terms,
E. Automatic Calulation of Interest,
F. Interest Calculation Indication Configuration,
G. Linking of Interest Calculation Indication to Customer Master,
H. Interest Received A/c Configuration,
I. Automatic posting of interest amount in customer accounts,
J. Automatic posting of interest amount in G/L account,
14. Dunning on S/4 HANA:
A. Configuring the Dunning Intervals,
B. Configuring the Dunning Levels,
C. Configuring the Dunning Charges,
D. Configuring the Minimum Amounts,
E. Configuring the Dunning Texts,
F. Configuring the Dunning Procedure,
G. Calculating the penalty on late payment,
H. Integrating the Customer master to Dunning Procedure,
I. Sending the payment reminder to customer.
15. Cash Journal on S/4 HANA:
A. Identifying the cash journals,
B. Configuration of Cash Journals,
C. Cash Journal Setup,
D. Defining Business Transaction Types,
E. Cash Receiving,
F. Cash Payments,
G. Cash Sale,
H. Cash Purchase,
I. Cheque Receiving,
J. Day end Cash Postings,
K. Display Periodic Cash Activities,
L. Printing of Cash Journal and Cash Activities.
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
16. Advance Payment/Down Payment on S/4 HANA:
A. Vendor Down Payment configurations,
B. Customet Down Payment configurations,
C. Recording of Customer Down Payment Requets,
D. Recording of Vendor Down Payment Requests,
E. Receiving the Advance Payments from customer,
F. Making the Advance payments to Vendors,
G. Customer Noted Items Display,
H. Vendor Noted Items Display.
I. Clearing the Customer Noted Items,
J. Clearing the Vendor Noted Items,
K. Clearing the Advance Payment of Customer,
L. Clearing the Advance Payment to Vendor.
17. Cross Company code transactions on S/4 HANA:
A. Configurations of Cross Company code transactions,
B. Configurations of Inter Company Code Transactions,
C. Maintaining the G/L accounts for Cross company code Transactions,
D. Maintaining the G/L accounts for Inter company code Transactions,
E. Voucher Postings for Cross company code Transactions,
F. Voucher Postings for Inter company code Transactions,
G. Automatic postings in G/L Accounts for Cross company code Transactions,
H. Automatic Postings in G/L Accounts for Inter company code Transactions,
I. Clearing of G/L accounts for Cross company code Transactions.
18. GST- Goods and Service Tax on S/4 HANA:
A. Configurations of Input GST,
B. Configurations of Output GST,
C. Maintaining the G/L accounts for GST,
D. Configuring the Condition Types for GST,
E. Configuring the GST Calculation Procedure,
F. Integrating the GST Calculation Procedure with Country,
G. Automatic Calculation of GST on purchase Invoice,
H. Automatic Calculation of GST on Sales Invoce,
I. Automatic Accounts Assignment for GST,
J. GST Ledgers Display.
19. Extended Withholding Tax and TDS on S/4 HANA:
A. Maintaining the Extended W/Tax Keys,
B. Maintaining the TDS Keys,
C. Maintaining the Extended W/Tax Types,
D. Maintaining the TDS Types,
E. Maintaining the Extended W/Tax Codes,
F. Maintaining the TDS Codes,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
G. Maintaing the G/L Accounts for Extended W/Tax,
H. Maintaing the G/L Accounts for TDS,
I. Integrating the G/L accounts with Extended W/Tax,
J. Integrating the G/L accounts with TDS,
K. Enabling the Extended W/Tax in customer master data,
L. Enabling the TDS in customer master data,
M. Enabling the Extended W/Tax in vendor master data,
N. Enabling the TDS in vendor master data,
O. Setting the Minimum/Maximum Amounts for Extended W/Tax,
P. Setting the Minimum/Maximum Amounts for TDS,
Q. Defining the Certificate Numberings for Extended W/Tax,
R. Defining the Certificate Numberings for TDS,
S. Calculation of Service Tax, TDS, Cess, etc...
T. Automatic posting of Extended W/Tax amount,
U. Automatic posting of TDS amount.
20. Fixed Assets Accounting on S/4 HANA:
A. Chart of Depreciation,
B. Assets Account determination,
C. Assets Screen Layouts,
D. Depreciation areas,
E. Depreciation Calculation methods,
F. Depreciation Key,
G. Assets Creation and Maintenance,
H. Assets Transfer,
I. Assets Acquisition,
J. Assets Retirements,
K. Assets Scrapping,
L. Ordinary/Accumulated Depreciation, and
M. Periodic Depreciation Run,
N. Reports on Assets Accounting.
O. Assets Closing.
21. Financial Statement versions(P&L Statement and Balance Sheet) on S/4
A. Identifying the Balance Sheet Nodes,
B. Identifying P/L Statement Nodes,
C. Configuring the Financial Statement Version,
D. Assigning the G/L Accounts,
E. Generating the Balance Sheet,
F. Creatinng the P&L Statement,
G. Periodic Comparisons.
22. Integrations with other Modules on S/4 HANA:
A. Integration with CO Module,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
B. Integration with SD Module,
C. Integration with MM Module,
D. Integration with HRM Module.
E. Integration with PP Module,
F. Integration with PM Module,
G. Integration with PS Module,
H. Integration with QM Module.
23. Standard Reports on S/4 HANA:
A. G/L Reports,
B. Accounts Receivables Reports,
C. Accounts Payables Reports,
D. Fixed Assets reports.
24. Segmented Reports on S/4 HANA:
A. G/L Reports,
B. Accounts Receivables Reports,
C. Accounts Payables Reports,
D. Fixed Assets reports.
25. Month end, Quarter end, Year end Closings on S/4 HANA:
A. Closing Balances/ Opening Balances,
B. G/L Closing,
C. A/R Closing,
D. A/P Closing,
E. G/L Balance Carry forward,
F. A/R Balance Carry forward,
G. A/P Balance Carry forward.
Controlling Module
26. CO Enterprise Structure on S/4 HANA:
A. Defining Controlling area,
B. Integrating Controlling area with compny code,
C. Defining Operating Concern,
27. Basic Settings of Controlling on S/4 HANA:
A. Activating Components and Control Indicators in Controlling Area,
B. Maintaining Cost Vouchers Number Ranges,
C. Maintaining the CO Versions for Integrated Cost Planning,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
28. Cost Element Accounting on S/4 HANA:
A. Identifying the Primary Cost elements,
B. Automatic Creation of Primary Cost elements,
C. Manual Creation of Primary Cost Element,
D. Identifying the Secondary Cost Elements,
E. Manual creation of Secondary Cost elements,
F. Modifying the Cost Elemnets,
G. Identifying Cost Element Groups,
H. Creation of Cost Element Group,
I. Modifying the Cost Element Group,
J. Integrating the Cost Elements with Cost Element Group.
29. Cost center Accounting on S/4 HANA:
A. Maintaining the Cost center Hierarchy,
B. Identifying the Cost centers,
C. Cost center creation,
D. Performing changes in cost centers,
E. Integrating the Cost Center with Cost Elements.
F. Maintaining the Cost Center Groups,
G. Assigning the Cost Elements to Cost Element Group.
30. Profit center Accounting on S/4 HANA:
A. Defining Profit Center Standard Hierarchy,
B. Identifying Profit Centers,
C. Defining Profit Centers,
D. Integrating Profit Center with Cost Center.
Advance Topics
31.Currency Conversion on S/4 HANA:
A. Updating Currency Table,
B. Posting invoices.
32. Customer Credit Management on S/4 HANA:
A. Maintianing Credit Control Area,
B. Defining Maximum Credit Limit,
C. Integrating Credit control Area with Company,
D. Maintaing Credit Risk Groups,
E. Maintaining Credit Representative Groups,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
F. Integrating Credit Control Area with Customer,
G. Integrating Credit Representative Group with Customer,
H. Integrating Risk Category with Customer
33. P2P or Purchase Cycle on S/4 HANA:
A. Creation of Purchase Requisition,
B. Creation of RFQ,
C. Maintain Quotation,
D. Quotation Comparision,
E. Create Purchase Order,
F. Goods Received,
G. Invoice Verification,
34. O2C or Sales Cycle:
A. Create Customer Enquery,
B. Create Quotation,
C. Create Sales Order,
D. Inboud Delivery,
E. Customer Invoicing,
F. Payment Receiving.
35. Z Reporting on S/4 HANA,
A. Z Report for G/L,
B. Z Report for A/P,
C. Z Report for A/R,
D. Z Report for Assets.
36. Data Migration,
A. Creating the Raw Data File for Master Data Upload
B. Configuring the LSMW,
C. Uploading the Data File Through LSMW.
D. Verifying the Uploaded Data.
37. Project Scenarios and Implementation Life Cycle:
A. Project Preparation,
B. Creation of Business Blue Print,
i. Creation of AS IS Document,
ii. Creation of TO BE Document,
iii. BBP Signoff activity,
C. Realization and Testing,
i. Realization:
a. Configuration and Customization,
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
b. Creation of FSD for the Development/Enhancement,
c. Getting Table and Field details and building the logics,
ii. Testing:
a. System Integration Testing(SIT),
b. User Acceptance Testing(UAT),
c. Getting Testing Documents Signoff.
D. Final Preperation,
i. Identifying the Cutover Activities,
ii. Performing the Cutover Activity.
E. Go Live and Post Implementation Support,
i. Documentation and precautions,
ii. Ticket Handling with priorities,
38. Creation of Functional Specification Document on S/4 HANA:
A. Getting field details and building the logics,
B. Creation of Input Screen,
C. Creation of Selection Screen,
i. Fetching the Technical Details,
ii. Verifying the Records,
D. Creation of Output Screen,
i. Fetching the Technical Details,
ii. Writting the Logics,
iii. Verifying the Logics authentication.
39. Authorization Management on S/4 HANA:
A. User Maintenance,
B. Roles Maintenance,
C. Profile Maintenance,
D. Assigning Transaction Codes
40. Customization Request or TR on S/4 HANA:
A. TR Creation,
B. TR Copy,
C. TR Release,
D. TR Movement.
41. Business Process Discussions Activities
A. Defining the Teams,
B. Defining the Schedules,
C. Business Process Dicussion techniques,
D. Brainstorming,
E. Documentation of Business Process.
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
42. Cutover Activities
A. List of Cutover activities,
B. Defining User Screen Variaint,
C. Maintaing Z Table Data,
D. Maintaing the Number Ranges,
E. Uploading the Master Data,
F. Uploading the open transaction Data,
G. Transpoting the TRs.
43. Project Trial Run Activities
A. Importance of Trial Run,
B. Performing the Tria Run.
44. Black-Out Period in Project
A. Importance of Black -Out Period,
B. Performing the Black -Out Period.
45. Go or No-Go Activities
A. Importance of Go or NO-Go activities,
B. Performing Go or NO-Go activities.
46. MOM
A. Formating MOM,
B. Importance of MOM,
C. Performing and Maintaining MOM.
47. Project Workshop
48. GUI Setup:
A. GUI Definition,
B. GUI Versions,
C. GUI Configurations and Connectivities.
Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064
UCPL Technologies
(Approved SAP Training Center)
Course Details
A. Regular Classes : 2 Months,
B. Weekend Classes : 3 Months,
C. Only Sunday Classes : 4 Months,
D. Only Saturday Classes : 4 Months,
E. Fast Track : 15 Days.
Available Class/Training Types:
A. Classroom Training,
B. Online Trainig,
C. Corporate Training.
Services of UCPL Technologies
• ERP Implementation,
• ERP Rollout,
• ERP Support,
• ERP Outsourcing,
• ERP Staffing, and
• ERP Data Migration.
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Address: U-136, Ground Floor, Satyam Building, Near Laxmi Nagar Metro Station Gate No.-3 & 4,
New Delhi- 110092. Visit us at www.ucpltechnologies.org.
Mobile and Whatsapp: 931 832 4064