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Science MCQs: Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science Exam Prep

A. Desert
B. Mountain
C. Black
D. Alluvial
Which of the following is both endocrine and exocrine gland?
A. thyroid
B. pancreas
C. parathyroid
D. all of these
A fathom is equal to ________feets?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 4
D. 3
How many pairs of walking legs does a cockroach have?
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Person with following blood group are considered to be universal recipient ?
A. A+
B. B+
C. AB+
D. O+
E. None of these
Which metal is added to steel to make it stainless steel?
A. Chromium
B. Aluminium
C. Carbon
D. Copper
What sub-class of neutron star is known for its extremely high magnetic field?
A. Magnetar
B. Quasar
C. Magneto
D. Magnetta
Sedimentary rocks are formed by natural process known as ?
A. Lithification
B. Rejuvenation
C. Hydration
D. Peroxidation
The phenomenon of Aurora Borealis, the display of red and green lights in
northern hemisphere is due to radiations from____________ ?
A. Ionosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Mesosphere
D. Stratosphere
E. None of these
‘Christian Friedrich Schönbein’ discovery is___________?
A. Ozone
B. Radium
C. Cholorine
D. Neutron
Which of the following is the world’s loudest bird ?
A. White bellbird
B. Peacock
C. Piha
D. None of the above
Who gave the idea of law of inertia?
A. Dalton
B. Galileo Galilei
C. Bacon
D. Einstein
One of the main function of the earth’s ozone layer is to ?
A. Prevent global warming
B. Filter out ultraviolet rays
C. Absorb pollution
D. All of the above
A disease always has a______?
A. Cure
B. Germs
C. Cause
D. Patient
Diamond is harder than Graphite because of___________?
A. Difference in crystalline Structure
B. Tetrahedral structure of diamond
C. Difference in layer of atoms
D. None of these
The Continent Antarctica lies at the__________?
A. North pole
B. South pole
C. middle of the earth
D. Equator
E. None of these
Which planet in our solar system has the most gravity?
A. Jupiter
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Neptune
Celestial body that affects tides of Ocean is?
A. Sun
B. Moon
C. Galaxy
D. Meteorites
Which Part of an egg contains Protein?
A. White
B. Yellow
C. Shell
D. None of these
Which of the following protects the body against infectious disease and foreign
A. Leukocytes
B. Red blood cells
C. Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
D. Golgi apparatus
The position of earth in its orbit, when it is at its greatest distance from the sun
causing northern summer is called ___________?
A. Aphelion
B. Perihelion
C. Perigee
D. Apogee
E. None of these
Which of the following letter does not represent in periodic table?
A. X
B. K
C. J
D. N
The time taken by Sun to revolve around the center of our galaxy
A. 150 million years
B. 250 million years
C. 300 millon years
D. 350 millon years
The type of glass used in making lenses and prism is___________?
A. Pyrex glass
B. jena glass
C. Flintglass
D. Soft glass
Hepatitis is a disease of which of the following organ?
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Lungs
D. Brain
In humans , most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the ?
A. Small intestine
B. Stomach
C. Liver
D. Large intestine
E. None of these
The frequency of a turning fork determined by a: