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Intro to Professional Nursing NUR3160pdf

NUR 3160 - Introduction to Professional Nursing
I. Course Information
Course: NUR 3160 - Introduction to Professional Nursing
Semester Credit Hours: 3.0
Course CRN and Section: 29939 - D02
Semester and Year: Fall 2022
Course Start and End Dates: 08/22/2022 - 12/11/2022
Building and Room: Kendall Main Building - 312
II. Instructor Information
Professor: Lyn M Peugeot
Email: lp215@nova.edu
Additional Instructor(s):
Lovette Graham-Ellis - lgrahame@nova.edu
III. Class Schedule and Location
Day Date
Location Building/Room
08/24/2022 - 10/05/2022 9:10 AM - 11:59 AM
Kendall Main Building-312
10/12/2022 - 10/12/2022 9:10 AM - 11:59 AM
Kendall Main Building-312
10/19/2022 - 11/16/2022 9:10 AM - 11:59 AM
Kendall Main Building-312
11/30/2022 - 11/30/2022 9:10 AM - 11:59 AM
Kendall Main Building-312
12/07/2022 - 12/07/2022 9:10 AM - 11:59 AM
Kendall Main Building-312
IV. Course Description
This course focuses on the role transition to baccalaureate prepared nursing student as provider of care,
manager of care, and member of the profession. The students will explore the history of nursing and how
society views the nursing profession. Ethical and legal principles guiding the nursing profession are
introduced. Fall and Winter.
V. Course Objectives / Learning Outcomes
Course Objectives: 1: Examine the evolution of professional nursing practice.
2: Identify the role of the professional nurse within the global healthcare delivery system.
3: Describe the impact historic nursing leaders have on the practice of nursing today.
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4: Summarize the role expectations of the professional nurse.
5: Examine the ethical and legal principles guiding professional nursing practice.
6: Identify evidence-based guidelines for professional nursing practice.
VI. Materials and Resources
Book Url: NSU Book Store
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
Course Required Texts and Materials:
Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements:
Development, interpretation, and application (2nd ed.). American Nurses Association.
Fowler, M. D. M. (2015). Guide to nursing’s social policy statement: Understanding the profession
from social contract to social covenant. American Nurses Association.
Hood, L. J. (2018). Professional nursing (9th ed.).Wolters Kluwer ISBN: 9781496351364
American Nurses Association. (2015). Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.). Silver Spring,
Maryland: Author ISBN-13: 978-1558106192
Recommended Materials:
VII. Course Requirements
Required Technology Tools:
Audio Response System Technology
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link for additional requirements https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/studenthandbook/index.html
Web Requirements:
This course requires students to complete specific web-based submissions. Students are responsible for
checking Canvas course messages and email for announcements. Announcements and questions related
to the class will be done through Canvas.
VIII. Instructional Methods
Weekly textbook, journal and other assigned
Audio-visual materials
Case studies
Quizzes and examinations
Class and group activities
Written assignments
Web based activities
Group discussions/presentations
Scholarly papers
Socratic questioning
Clinical experiences
Classroom Simulation
Tuition Refund Policy for Dropped Courses:
Students are eligible to withdraw from a course once they are past the drop/add period, provided that they
are passing the course and the withdrawal period has not expired. The undergraduate student withdrawal
period starts with the end of the drop/add period of each semester and ends three weeks prior to the end of
the semester. Students who are not passing a course and are beyond the drop/add point will not be able to
withdraw from the course. A student must meet with the program director to request a withdrawal. The
withdrawal must be approved by the program director. Students will be allowed only two withdrawals
during their program of study. If an undergraduate student wishes to withdraw, after completing the
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required withdrawal form(s), an eligible undergraduate student may receive a refund of the tuition,
according to the following formula:
Drops through the seventh day of the term in which the class begins: 100 percent
Drops during the eighth through 14th day of term: 75 percent
Drops during the 15th through 21st day of term: 50 percent
Withdrawals after the 21st day of term: no refund
Adding Courses:
Students must first meet with their academic advisor who will evaluate the student's request and inform the
program director. The program director is the only person authorized to add courses for Ron and Kathy
Assaf College of Nursing students.
Course Activities and Assignments
The Activities and Assignments document is located on the Home Page.
Timeline for Feedback from Faculty
Students can expect feedback from faculty within seven calendar days of submitting papers and written
work. Faculty will respond to emails in a timely manner. Emails received on clinical and didactic days will
be responded to within 24 hours. Emails received after 5:00 pm on Friday will be answered on Monday,
unless the timeframe for response falls under the criteria of clinical or didactic day. E-mails received on
holidays will be responded to the next business day after the university re-opens.
IX. Grading Criteria
All grading rubrics for assignments can be found in the Activities and Assignments guide.
Grading Criteria:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
The Nova Southeastern University Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing grading system is based on
a scale of 0 - 100 points. There is no rounding up of points/grades.
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Undergraduate Nursing Programs:
The passing grade for the undergraduate nursing program is 75 points (C). A grade of less than 75 points
is a failing grade. A point system is used to calculate the course grade.
Grading Scale:
Assignment 1: Introduction to PowerPoint Recording
Assignment 2: Nursing History Paper
Assignment 3: Clinical Practice Guideline Presentation
In-Class Activities: 5 (5 points each)
1 – Cultural competency
2 – Historical Timeline
3 – Professional Organizations
4 - Evidence Based Practice
5 – Current Events
Unannounced Quizzes: 8 (1.5 points each)
Drug Dosage calculation Test
X. Course Policies
Students are responsible for complying with the Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student
Handbook policies including, but not limited to, attendance, conduct, academic honor, academic affairs and
dress code. Non-adherence may result in disciplinary action. Please see the current NSU Ron and
Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/studenthandbook/index.html. In addition, undergraduate students should also refer to the undergraduate catalog:
Students are expected to be prepared for and actively participate in all class sessions. The following
policies will apply to this class:
Changes to the Syllabus:
The professor reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessary
during the course, the professor will immediately notify students of such changes and provide a written
syllabus revision.
The entry-level nursing program has been designed for full-time study. In addition to regularly scheduled
class times, additional required or optional activities may be scheduled by your professor. This may include
(but may not be limited to) mandatory skills lab, Saturday or Sunday hours, mandatory simulation, exams,
exam reviews, National Assessment Tests, and student success seminars.
Students must attend and participate during the first week of class or they will be withdrawn from the
Students are expected to attend class and class attendance is strongly recommended. Points are given for
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in class assignments including unannounced quizzes and class activities during class. Students must be
present in class to be eligible for these points. It is professional courtesy, and a program expectation, that
students notify the professor, in advance, of any absence(s) from class. Students who are absent will
receive a "zero" for all in-class course activities and assignments. Pre-assigned coursework will be
required on the date due, regardless of presence in class. Pre-scheduled absence(s) must be discussed
(and documentation must be provided prior to the scheduled absence) with the course instructor at least
two weeks prior to the absence or as soon as the student is aware of the need for the absence.
Documentation verifying the absence (such as an unexpected illness) is required on the date the student
returns to school
Students are expected to be seated by the time class is scheduled to begin. Entering the classroom late is
disruptive, should be kept to a minimum, and used only for emergencies. Students arriving late will not
enter the class until the class break.
Clinical Requirements: N/A
Examinations and quizzes are evaluation methods used in this course. The time allotted for each exam will
be comparable to the time students will be given during the NCLEX exam (approximately 1.5 minutes per
nursing question and 3 minutes per math question). Students are expected to build on previous knowledge
from other nursing courses.
Students are expected to arrive on time for all examinations. Entering the classroom late is
disruptive and violates classroom behavioral standards and netiquette, student handbook,
https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html. Students who arrive late to a test,
will be permitted to take the examination, but will not be afforded any additional time. Students who must
leave prior to completing the examination will be graded based on the total point value of the exam.
All computers, cell phones, tablets or any other personal communication device must be turned off and left
with personal effects in the front of the classroom during testing, quizzes and exam reviews. Students who
are found with any electronic communication devices on or near their person will have their examination
taken, be removed from the classroom, and will receive a grade of zero (0) for the exam or quiz. The
student will be referred to the Committee on Student Progress (CSP) for further action.
Examinations are scheduled in advance and the dates are posted in the course. Should a student have an
unavoidable absence from an examination the student, in order to receive a make-up examination, must
notify the professor prior to the exam. In order to receive a make-up examination, students are required to
present documentation regarding the reason for unavoidable absence from the examination including but
not limited to: a letter from a health care provider in case of acute illness, subpoena for court case, etc.
Students who are unable to provide appropriate documentation for their absence from the exam or who fail
to notify the faculty of their absence prior to the exam will receive a grade of zero for that exam.
Faculty will determine the date and time when the make-up exam will be administered. The make-up
examination will differ from the original examination; however, the make-up exam will address the same
objectives. The examination may not be in multiple-choice format and may be an essay, fill-in, oral or a
combination of any of the above.
Students who are absent from the final exam and provide the appropriate documentation will be provided a
make-up examination. Make-up for the final exam must be completed prior to the deadline for posting
grades. Once the student has completed the final exam, the earned grade for the course will be submitted.
Courses with Quizzes:
Quizzes will be unannounced.
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Medication Competency Examination:
BSN students must demonstrate math competency by passing a math competency exam by the end of the
first week of the second semester or they will be dismissed from the program.
ABSN students must demonstrate math competency by passing a math competency exam prior to
administering medications. Students will have two attempts during the first clinical course, and if
unsuccessful, the third attempt will be given during the first week of the next clinical course. If the student
does not pass the math exam on the third attempt, the student will be dismissed from the program. Student
MAY NOT ADMINISTER MEDICATIONS until successful completion of the math competency
National Assessment Tests:
The Entry Level BSN Program uses National Assessment Tests (NAT) to assist students in preparing
for the NCLEX. Assessment testing identifies the strengths and weaknesses of students during
progression through the curriculum. At one or more times during a course, students will be required to
complete assignments and/or take assessment examinations. National Assessment Tests are utilized by
faculty to evaluate student learning and are included in course grades.
National Assessment Test points contribute to 5% of the total grade in some courses and are based on the
level achieved on the examination. National Assessment Test points require the completion of all ATI
assignments/exams for the course, including assigned Practice Test, and remediation. All ATI assignments
and remediation must be completed by the due date assigned to receive the achieved points from NAT end
of semester exam.
ATI Content Mastery Levels Course Points
Level 3
5 points
Level 2
3 points
Level 1
1 point
Below Level 1
0 points
Seventh Semester:
Multiple assessment exams will be administered in the seventh semester. Students who do not meet the
identified benchmark will be required to complete a remediation plan. Students will not receive a grade and
may not progress to the next course until the remediation plan is completed. Exit exams will be
administered during NUR 4180: Nursing Practicum in the last semester of the program.
All students are required to sit for these assessment examinations and reach the designated benchmarks
for the exams. Students who do not reach the designated benchmarks will receive a grade of incomplete
(I) for the course until the benchmarks are reached. Students who receive an incomplete (I) will be
allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony (if all other graduation requirements are achieved) and
will not incur additional tuition charge. The student's degree will not be approved nor conferred until the
incomplete is satisfied. Degree approval is required prior to sending the student's name to the Florida
Board of Nursing.
Retention Strategies:
Students who have earned a score of less than 75% on a course examination are to meet with the course
faculty for assistance. At the 50% mark (midterm) of the course students at risk of failure must be
referred to the Program Director.
Course Remediation: N/A
Learning Enhancement Seminars (LES): N/A
Classroom Rules of Conduct/Netiquette:
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Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link:https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
Writing Requirements:
All papers are subject to review through an electronic plagiarism detection system such as Turnitin.com.
All written work must be submitted in American Psychological Association (APA) format according to the
latest edition of the APA Publication Manual. Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf
College of Nursing Student Handbook at the following link
Readings and Discussions:
Both historical and current primary source references are important. Many of the readings in ACON
courses include current literature supplemented with readings from assigned textbooks. It is expected that
students keep current with readings and appropriate citations.
Late Assignments:
All assignments are due according to the due dates posted in the Assignment Drop Box. Points will be
deducted from the assigned grade for each day late. Assignments turned in late without previous approval
or notification will receive a one (1) point deduction from the assigned grade for each day late up to three
(3) days after that the student will receive a zero for their grade.
Audio and Videotaping/Course Material Reproduction:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
XI. University Policies
Academic Standards:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
Academic Honesty:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
Unprofessional Conduct:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
Students with Disabilities:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook
To obtain the necessary forms to submit to the Health Professions Division (HPD) disabilities office,
please access the following link: http://www.nova.edu/disabilityservices/index.html
Additional Student Resources
Tutoring and Testing Center:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html The website is
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Success:
Please refer to the current NSU Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook at the
following link https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html The website is
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http://www.nova.edu/yoursuccess/resources.html. As students, you will find the resources most helpful.
Students may refer to the current Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing Student Handbook for further
information. https://www.nova.edu/publications/nursing/student-handbook/index.html
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