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Frontend Web Development Internship Report

Frontend Web Development Internship
Submitted by
SUMIT ROY B. Tech (CSE) 7th Sem
(Reg No.- 19030440034)
B I T Sindri Dhanbad, Jharkhand
Under the guidance of
MD.Jawed Aftab
KOLKATA- 700091
• Introduction
• Organization detail
• Internship Description
• Overview
• Conclusion
• Certificate
Website Design and learning HTML were the main
objective of this internship. To develop a web based
application there are several programming languages
that are in use. Some of them are only used for the
frontend and backend design of the software. For
example, HTML3, HTML4, HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap,
JavaScript etc. There are also some other programming
languages that are used to develop the dynamic
functions of the software or application. For examplePHP, Java etc. Nowadays there are also some
frameworks that use vastly. Frameworks are basically
structured programming by using Model, View and
Controller. It is also called as MVC. If we develop web
based application that is very useful for us because we
can access it from anywhere in the world. It is very
helpful for our daily life. That is why I choose subject of
my report as “WEB DESIGN”. Training in Universal
Informatics added huge experiences in my upcoming
career. Solving real life problems was another key issue.
This report takes us through all the details of WEBSITE
DESIGN knowledge and experience gathered during this
internship period.
Organisation Details
CodeBuzzer is based in Kolkata, we are here with
the services of web development, digital marketing,
UI/UX design, app development, product strategy,
and data analytics. Our primary goal is to serve our
clients through solutions based on knowledge, logic,
and creativity. We are an industry leader in Kolkata
for total IT solutions. We try to build good relations
with more than the right customers,
and we do that by listening to your genuine problems
and concerns related to your business instead of
throwing our bookish solutions on you like others.
We are here to provide you creative designs of a
high standard, excellent quality in coding, and
maintain the position on the top of SEO strategies.
We offer you correctly develop solutions for serious
business issues. We innovate and help you to make
your own unique path instead of following others.
Internship Description
The objective of the web design is to handle the
entire design of a website. The software keeps
track of all the information about the entire
website. The system contains database where all
the information will be stored safely.
To gain skills and knowledge
This internship provided us essential skills and
knowledge one requires in the field of web
designing. The crucial tools used during the tenure
helped us in gaining knowledge about
programming languages.
To get field work experience
By taking this training we enhanced our knowledge
in Web designing and got insight in how the
websites are designed using HTML and CSS.
To enhance our communication skills
By interacting with my trainee and classmates I
got to learn a lot. It helped me to enhance my
communicative skills and represent my work with
confidence. It boosted my confidence to design
more webpages and create some great designs
just for fun.
To link theory with practice
First we learned the theory aspect and then we
put that into practice. By doing the practical work,
our concept got clearer and it was easy to code
into HTML once we got familiar with it. By putting
our theoretical knowledge into practical, coding
became more fun.
To build a network
By learning how to code in HTML and CSS it is
easy to build and design our own websites with all
the changes we want. We also got to know about
how websites are designed initially and the logic
behind that.
During entire training session we discussed about
how to analysis the project and how to work on it
as per the requirement of client. The projects
done duringng language HTML & CSS.
Learning Outcome
Basic Concept (WWW & HTTP, client server communica
• • Basic HTML (tags, element, attributes, paragraphs,
headings, line breaks, lists, table, color codes, font, text
linking, email, images, background, comments, media,
• • HTML Forms (input, text fields, password, checkbox,
combo-box, radio box, text areas, files, buttons)
• • HTML5 features
3.2.2 CSS
• • Basic CSS (selector, internal, external, inline, class, id,
background, font, text, padding, margin, border, list CSS,
hovering and elements)
• • Advance CSS (border-radius, opacity, cursor, layers,
position, display, float, gradient and multiple-column)
• • Concept of Menu (single menu, drop-down menu)
• • Template design using CSS div.
3.2.3 Bootstrap
• • Grid System
• • Typography
• • Tables, forms, buttons, images
• • Dropdown, button group
• • Navigation element
• • Bootstrap plug-ins (Transition, Modal, Dropdown,
Tab, tooltip, Alert, Button)
3.2.4 JavaScript
• • Basic JavaScript (syntax, enable, location, operators,
variables, events, alert, confirm, prompt, POP up, date,
• • JavaScript string (strings, length, split, search,
In conclusion, I can say that this internship was a
great experience. Thanks to this project, I
acquired deeper knowledge concerning my
technical skills, but I also personally benefited.
Currently HTML is a common part of web
applications, and it is one of the most popular
language for web designing used by professionals
worldwide. If we surf internet, we can see millions
of websites designed with HTML and CSS. I
learned to live in a different environment from the
one I am used to. Indeed, I grew more
independent in work and also in everyday life. I
realized that I could do more things than I thought,
like learning new things by myself.
There are huge opportunities available for the
students who want to work in this field. Many
private and public organizations hire web designer
for their online work and website development.
With the rapid advent of online industry, the
demand of web development professionals is
increasing, and this has created a huge job
opportunity for the aspirants in the upcoming
Also, an experienced person in this field can also
work as a freelancer; there are many online
companies which provide online projects to the