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Dunzo Sustainability: Product Strategies & Carbon Footprint Reduction

Team : Four Musketeers
Dunzo is looking to come up with ways to reduce their carbon footprint as a
company as well as that of their users. For this problem, assume that Dunzo is
taking all measures on the sourcing, warehousing, packaging front and the focus
needs to be exclusively on consumer-facing solutions.
Devise some product strategies/features or campaigns that will help Dunzo
and its users reduce carbon footprint and move towards a sustainable future.
Research User Behaviour to ensure their experience isn't compromised in the
● Objectives
● Problem
● Approach & fINDINGS
● Your solution
Analyze the present Dunzo offerings (products, features, and marketing) to
determine their ecological footprint.
Research and assess the sustainable practices and technologies employed by
competing or similar businesses.
Develop tools and features that enable consumers to make more sustainable
Approximately 20% to 30% of a city’s carbon dioxide emissions are sourced to
last-mile deliveries
By 2030, e-commerce growth will lead to a 33% increase in delivery related
carbon emission, or 3.1B tonnes of CO2
30% of all transport-related CO2 emissions come from fuel combustion
The transport vector as a whole is responsible for 7% of global CO2 emissions
The freight industry as a whole was responsible for 2108 million tonnes of
emissions in 2010 – and by 2050, that number is projected to rise to 8132
million tonnes
Road freight represented 53% of total international trade-related emissions in
2010. That number is expected to grow to 56% by 2050.
CLIMATE CHANGE - Carbon emissions from human activities are a major
contributor to climate change, which is causing a variety of detrimental effects
on the globe, such as rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather
events, and the extinction of species. Dunzo and its users can assist in the
resolution of this climate disaster by lowering their carbon footprint. Reducing
carbon emissions can improve the planet's overall sustainability.
ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY- A growing number of customers are
looking for businesses that share their concern for the planet and are actively
working to reduce their environmental effect. Dunzo can show it is socially
responsible by working to solve the problem statement, which may lead to
increased sales from customers who prioritise environmental consciousness.
BUSINESS BENEFITS- In addition to the social and environmental benefits,
there may also be business benefits to reducing carbon emissions and moving
towards sustainability. This can include cost savings from more efficient
operations, increased brand loyalty and customer satisfaction, and improved
risk management.
Around 70 percent of the families that bulk shop for food twice a month or
once a month likely to do it in local stores rather than on any e-commerce site.
Reasons for not bulk shopping on online platforms include a lack of all
essential products, greater pricing compared to local stores, and the inability to
compare multiple versions of the same food.
Around 75 percent chose to accumulate small 2-3 orders or to get it the next
day morning to avoid delivery charges, explaining that they frequently forget
some items and end up ordering again, and would add some frequently used
items or stock up in advance for the upcoming month to avoid delivery
We had a crystal clear understanding of the problem, as well as the aims and
specific issues and difficulties that the problem statement was attempting to
We gathered all the pertinent facts and information about the issue at hand as
well as the prospective remedies. This included the requirements and
preferences of the consumers, as well as the effects on the environment of the
various products and procedures.
We thought about a variety of approaches and potential answers and because
of this, we were able to determine the options that were the most efficient and
Business Model
Minimum delivery fee of Rs.10 is payable to the consumer. Delivery fees change
depending on the location and service selected.
Dunzo charges its retail partners a commission of 10% to 12% of the total delivery
costs. There are no up-front costs for using Dunzo for business, however the
service does charge for delivery.
Surge pricing: increased fares due to unusually high demand. When demand is
high, prices go up, and Dunzo profits.
The Provided Services: Delivery services, including but not limited to Bike taxi,
laundry, local courier, repairs, electronic products, and duplicate key are subject to
a fee.
The app's navigation features include GPS tracking and integration with Google
Dunzo accepts payments via Cash on Delivery, Dunzo cash, debit/credit card,
PayPal/Simpl/Net Banking/Google Pay/Paytm/Lazypay, and more.
E-commerce is enabled through a website, as well as mobile apps for both
customers and delivery partners.
Artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots, a data-driven strategy, help desks, and two-way
chat with the service provider are all part of Dunzo's effort to streamline the customer
service process.
Dunzo does an excellent job with all facets of supply chain management, CRM, and
Shipping and logistics play a crucial role in Dunzo's business plan.
● Solutions
A reward-based system can be introduced in the app. Sustainability points can
be earned over time, and when a customer reaches a certain level, like the first
level, the delivery fees for their next 10 orders will be cut in half. Multiple levels
of the reward system can be introduced.
The points can be earned based on the sustainable choices that consumers
make. As groceries are essentials, and according to the research, on average,
consumers tend to buy groceries once a week, they would get a notification to
order all the essentials. The more they do this, they earn more reward points.
They may choose to consolidate multiple orders into a single delivery, or get it
delivered the next morning with other orders in the area.
This will result in increase of customer retention due to reward points and
indirectly increase the profits and also lead to considerably less carbon
footprint due to reduction in delivery costs.
Providing more ecologically friendly delivery options: This could include employing electric
vehicles or bikes for deliveries, as well as collaborating with companies that use low-carbon
transportation techniques.
Promoting the usage of reusable or sustainable packaging: Dunzo might provide users with
the choice of selecting reusable or biodegradable packaging for their orders, or provide
incentives for doing so.
A successful last mile delivery management system includes route optimization. Ensuring
efficiency in route planning can be an excellent method for lowering fuel costs and becoming
more environmentally friendly. More efficient routes result in fewer miles driven and less time
spent on the road. Advanced route optimization software employs advanced algorithms for
route planning, reducing wasteful fuel consumption. Efficient route planning on multi-stop
delivery journeys ensures that less time is lost on the road, that the equipment performs.
Fuel emissions and expenses are greatly reduced, and that road congestion is reduced - all
of this results in significant monetary savings.