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Noah's Ark Craft Activity Instructions

2022 KidsBibleTeacher.com | Graphics by Edu-Clips.com
Have students color the ark on the first page and the storm and rainbow strips on the
second page.
Cut out the strips on the second page along the dark, solid lines. If your students are
not able to safely use scissors, have adults help with the cutting.
Tape the strips together, A to A and B to B.
Carefully fold the ark page horizontally and cut into the page on the black solid lines.
Insert the strips so that the rain / rainbow and water / dry land are showing between
the cut slots.
Pull the strips back and forth to tell the story of Noah and the flood.
Materials Needed:
One copy of each template page below for each student
Safety scissors, if age appropriate, or scissors for adults
Clear tape
Crayons, colored pencils, or markers
Old Testament Bible Heroes
Noah Craf t
Noah obeyed
And Noah did all that
the Lord commanded him.
Genesis 7:5 (niv)
2022 KidsBibleTeacher.com | Graphics by Edu-Clips.com