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Course Submission Guidelines & Policies

All assignments and papers are due at the beginning of class. Late assignments or papers will NOT
be accepted unless accompanied by documentary evidence of illness or other extenuating
circumstance. (See course outline for more on deadlines and extensions.)
It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not guilty of plagiarism or cheating. ASK if you
have any doubts or questions.
Always make (and save) an extra copy of all your papers. If you do your writing on a computer,
back up your files onto something (e.g. an external drive or USB drive, or a cloud storage system)
other than your hard drive. You may think that your computer device is your friend, but it is merely
waiting for a strategic time to fail you. Back up everything.
We will accept hard copies only, unless you have received permission from your Tutorial Leader or
the Professor to submit your assignment another way (e.g. email attachment). Beware that printers
have a habit of not working just when you are trying to print off your assignment ten minutes before
class. Therefore: complete and print off your work well ahead of the deadline so that you have
ample time to deal with unforeseen problems.
Any document more than one page long should be held together with a staple or paper clip. Don't
bother with plastic report covers or folders. Number your pages.
You don't need a separate title page for your papers (save a tree), but your first page should
provide, neatly, the following information:
your name
the course number
the name of your Tutorial Leader
the date the paper was due
You should, of course, remember to put your name on all work submitted for the course.
Papers should be double-spaced and written/printed on one side of the page only. On all work
handed in for this course (including exercises and in-class work), leave a margin of at least one inch
on all sides of the page, so that we have room to scribble comments. Whether you are handwriting
an assignment or choosing a font, make sure the text is legible.
Whenever you are quoting, paraphrasing, or alluding to someone else's work, your citations must be
thoroughly and accurately documented using MLA style.
All marks will be expressed in terms of percentage grades. A detailed description of the U of S
grading system is provided on the University website at
https://students.usask.ca/academics/grading/grading-system.php .
If you wish to appeal a grade, you should discuss the matter with the Professor, within 30 days of
receiving your grade, before taking your appeal to higher levels of administration.
We are marking the assignment; we are not marking you. We mark what's handed in to us; we
don't base our marking on your effort, your enthusiasm, your personal charm, how much money you
spent on fancy stationery, or your need to get into medical school. Take your mark but don't take it
personally. The mark that your paper gets does not reflect how much we like you, and it certainly
does not reflect your worth as a person.