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Annotated Bibliography on Telenursing

Annotated Bibliography
Loredana Olekaibe
Department of Nursing, Towson University
NURS 333: Annotated Bibliography
Professor Tammy Bowers
March 7, 2021
Annotated Bibliographies
Anderson B. (2010). The benefits to nurse-led telephone follow-up for prostate cancer. British
Journal of Nursing, 19(17), 1085-1090. https://doi-org.proxytu.reasearchport.umd.edu/10.12968/bjon.2010.17.78565
Anderson (2010) explains how nurse-led telephone follow up is beneficial for patients with
prostate cancer. He reveals empirical evidence showing that in conducting health care
programs aimed at enhancing care quality and patient retention, the expertise of a
multidisciplinary team is of vital significance in delivering nurse-led services. Several studies
were conducted to evaluate the level of patient satisfaction with the use of telephone nurse-led
services, and the results revealed that ninety percent of the patients (participants) were
satisfied with the service provided. However, there is need for him to conduct more research
on this area because the available data provided on nurse-led care was minimal, and the
majority of these studies have small number of participants. Also, this prompts the concern of
whether nurse-led programs are truly successful in improving telephone coverage and
increasing patient quality of care. The article provides a great support to this paper because it
gives context to the use of telenursing in improving patient satisfaction.
Souza-Junior, V. D., Mendes, I. A., Mazzo, A., & Godoy, S. (2016). Application of telenursing
in nursing practice: An integrative literature review. Applied nursing research: ANR, 29, 254–
260. https://doi-org.proxy-tu.researchport.umd.edu/10.1016/j.apnr.2015.05.005
Souza-Junior, Mendes, Mazzo & Godoy (2016) described telenursing as the use of digital
resources and communication networks to foster nursing growth. They conducted a research
on the latest telenursing techniques used in the nursing practice. Between 2003 and 2013, they
conducted an integrative literature analysis of the use of telenursing, and made use of
telenursing, nursing care, and means of communication as descriptors. They found that its
effectiveness has been shown in assisting countries in overcoming health care challenges.
Also, the study's findings indicate that telenursing is successful, but some aspects, such as
consumer awareness, proficiency, and familiarity with the technology used in the strategies,
need to be strengthened. The authors explained that patients can encounter problems when
they first begin a telenursing approach. However, after a period of adjusting to the program,
adherence and the need for this form of treatment will rise. The information in this article
gives support to what telenursing is, and its effectiveness to health care.
Kaminsky, E., Aurin, I. E., Hedin, K., Andersson, L., & André, M. (2020). Registered nurses´
views on telephone nursing for patients with respiratory tract infections in primary healthcarea qualitative interview study. BMC Nursing, 19(1), 1–10. https://doi-org.proxytu.researchport.umd.edu/10.1186/s12912-020-00459-1
Kaminsky, Aurin, Hedin, Andersson & Andre (2020) conducted a research with the goal of
explaining the registered nurses’ perspectives on telephone nursing work with people on the
phone seeking treatment for respiratory tract infections at primary healthcare centers.
Interviews of twelve registered nurses in Swedish primary healthcare were used to conduct a
comprehensive and qualitative analysis. In the study, two trends emerged as the key findings
for registered nurses' perspectives on the use of telephone nursing—professional issues and
professional assistance. The importance of effective communication for understanding the
caller’s (patient) symptoms and determining whether they are dangerous or not without
physically seeing it was highlighted. This created a concern of overlooking something major
in the patient’s health. Also, support from colleagues and teamwork collaboration was needed,
but not always received by the registered nurses that were interviewed. This article is of
relevance to my paper because it highlights some of the downsides to telenursing from the
nurse’s perspective.
Gaines-Dillard, N. (2015). Nurse Led Telephone Follow-Up Improves Satisfaction in
Motorcycle Trauma Patients. Journal of Trauma Nursing, 22(2), 71–77. https://doi-org.proxytu.researchport.umd.edu/10.1097/JTN.0000000000000110
Gaines-Dillard (2015) emphasizes on the benefits of telenursing as it leads to greater patient
satisfaction. The aim of this research was to assess the use of telephone follow-up (TFU),
which is a type of telehealth in patients discharged from the hospital after motorcycle injuries
because it has been linked to enhanced health outcomes such as improved patient satisfaction,
improved quality, decreased information deficits, and the potential to reduce emergency
department visits and hospital readmissions. The use of telephone follow-up is an effective
method for transferring clinical information, coping with symptomatic problems, detecting
potential dangers early on, and being there for the patients after discharge, says Gaines. In the
article a telephone follow-up was conducted and led by an advanced practice nurse which
comprised of fifty-nine motorcycle trauma patients discharged to their homes. There was
found to be an overall patient satisfaction in their care. This is useful in my paper because it
provides some vital information on the benefits of telenursing in improving patient
Uslu, E., & Buldukoglu, K. (2020). Randomized controlled trial of the effects of nursing care
based on a telephone intervention for medication adherence in schizophrenia. Perspectives in
Psychiatric Care, 56(1), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppc.12376
Uslu & Buldukoglu (2020) did a study to see if "Telephone Intervention Problem Solving"
(TIPS) has any impact on drug compliance in people with schizophrenia. A randomized
clinical trial was performed with a total of 45 participants for two months. There was an
intervention group which got the “Telephone Intervention Problem Solving” and a control
group that received standard care. The findings of this clinical trial showed that the use of
TIPS as a form of telenursing practice, can discourage patients with schizophrenia from
deliberately discontinuing their medications and improve their trust in the importance of
medication and prescription adherence. They considered the use of weekly telephone
interviews to conduct TIPS as a cost-effective way to encourage people to engage in their
care. These interviews also provide a connection between the patients and healthcare
professionals. There were some limitations to the study. The research only had a two-month
follow-up. There should have been a longer follow-up after the intervention to assess the
long-term efficacy of the use of TIPS. Also, only one population was included in the research
trial. However, this article is of great use to my paper because it gives some important
information on how the use of telenursing is beneficial to patients.
Gagnon, MP., Duplantie, J., Fortin, JP., & Landry, R. (2007). Exploring the effects of telehealth
on medical human resources supply: a qualitative case study in remote regions. BMC Health
Services Research 7(6). https://doi.org/10.1186/1472-6963-7-6
Gagnon, Duplantie, Fortin & Landry (2007) performed a case study to learn more about how
physicians and managers view telehealth would help with physician recruiting and retention
in remote and rural areas. They made use of two literature reviews—the factors affecting the
recruiting and retention of physicians and the impact of telehealth. Then they also conducted a
Delphi study after a range of hypotheses was produced on the potential effect of telehealth on
the recruiting and retention of physicians. The results of the study showed that, the interviews
demonstrated the possible effects of telehealth on a number of factors that are affecting the
recruiting and retention of physicians in rural and remote areas. It has the ability to improve
job satisfaction by permitting for a localized on-call duty system and improved patient followup. Consequently, they added that there are some drawbacks to telehealth, such as the concern
that it will potentially overtake all forms of clinical practices and onsite professionals in
remote areas. The article provides useful information on both the benefits and drawbacks to
telehealth from the healthcare professional standpoint.
Roing, M., Rosenqvist, U., & K. Holmstrom, I. (2013). Threats to patient safety in telenursing as
revealed in Swedish telenurses’ reflections on their dialogues. Scandinavian Journal of
Caring Sciences, 27(4), 969–976. https://doi-org.proxytu.researchport.umd.edu/10.1111/scs.12016
Roing, Rosenqvist & Holmstrom highlighted that the key sources of information for telenurses are their conversations with callers (patients), the content of this conversation may
influence the provision of safe and quality care. The goal of their study was to identify the
flaws of telenursing in tele-nurse conversations with callers that could jeopardize patient
safety. The study was conducted as a descriptive and qualitative analysis, where a researcher
paid five to six different visits to a group of six tele-nurses at their place of work to pay
attention to and discuss their conversations with patients in stimulated recall meetings with
the tele-nurses. The results of the study showed threats to patient safety according to the
qualitative interpretation of the reflections and subsequent conversations may be linked to the
surrounding community, the organization of telenursing, the tele-nurse, and the patient. The
article provides detailed information for my paper on how telenursing can be a concern when
it comes to patient safety.
Edirippulige, S. (2011). Telenursing: Nursing Informatics in Practice. In Cashin, A., & Cook, R.
(Eds.), Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Applications (pp. 150161). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-034-1.ch012
Edirippulige (2011) summarized the duties of nurses in the health care setting. The
importance of nurses was emphasized. They are responsible for caring for patients, inform
patients and families about common medical issues, and give guidance and emotional
assistance to family members of the patient. Nurses are also in charge of keeping track of
patients' medical records and conditions, assisting with laboratory testing and analysis,
administering therapy and prescriptions, and assisting with patient follow-up and recovery.
The author also stated that the nurses' common responsibilities include giving services to
patients at home. Telenursing was described as the use of technologies for the provision of
remote treatment. In addition, the author indicated that there is developing evidence on the
use of information and communication technology in the health care facilities in encouraging
greater quality of treatment. Also, for the use of telenursing methods to be successful in the
healthcare setting, the nurse has to be prepared to use telecommunication methods. The author
provides valuable information that can be used in my paper to support that telenursing
promotes better quality of care.
Darvish, A., Bahramnezhad, F., Keyhanian, S., & Navidhamidi, M. (2014). The role of nursing
informatics on promoting quality of health care and the need for appropriate
education. Global journal of health science, 6(6), 11–18.
Darvish, Bahramnezhad, Keyhanian & Navidhamidi (2014) saw the importance to research
the role of nurses and to stress the need for effective information technology education
services to be integrated with the ever-increasing speed of technology. They used a selection
method centered mainly on nursing informatics and the significance of competence in the
efficient use of information technology in all fields of the nursing profession. Healthcare
promotion, advanced systems, the internet, and networks were also considered core aspects of
nursing informatics adoption in a critical evaluation of new technologies. They made use of a
comprehensive literature search such as: Pubmed, Google Scholar, Ovid, Science Direct, and
SID, and also conducted a library search and retrieved a total of 135 articles. The result shows
that there are benefits of incorporating information technology into all fields of nursing,
including clinical practice, administration, curriculum, and science, as well as its effect on
health care. It shows improved health care quality, more efficiency and better performance,
and increase in the management of nursing outcomes. This article highlights the importance
of information technology in the nursing practice, and this is useful for my paper.
Sitton-Kent, L., Humphreys, C., & Miller, P. (2018). Supporting the spread of health technology
in community services. British Journal of Community Nursing, 23(3), 118–122. https://doiorg.proxy-tu.researchport.umd.edu/10.12968/bjcn.2018.23.3.118
Sitton-Kent, Humphreys & Miller (2018) said that for several years, health technology has
been regarded as a way for the NHS to save money while still improving patient safety.
However, they indicate that there has been an uneven implementation of health technology in
the NHS. The use of cellphone access to digital medical information, digital imagery, and
online face-to-face appointments were the three main promising uses of health technology in
community nursing discussed in this paper. The authors highlighted that there are some
benefits to the patient outcomes, but a common documented obstacle to long-term
implementation of technology such as EHRs is the inability to successfully interact with and
share information within current processes in or between organizations. They suggested that
in order for an implementation of health technology to be successful and beneficial, each
place participating in it must go through its own adaptation and learning process. This article
is useful in my paper because the authors emphasized on the requirements that must be
achieved for health technologies to be beneficial to patient care.