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1. Attention Getter: David Campbell once said, “Discipline is remembering what
you want most, not what you want now” Did you know pain is unavoidable
you can choose short-term pain and long-term pleasure from remembering
what you want most but now what you want now and vice versa.
2. Relevance: : Discipline has been used in society throughout history, creating
laws keeping nations intact and also creating extremely talented individuals
such as Micheal Jordan and Albert Einstein.
3. Credibility: As a person who wants to improve I always took an interest in
discipline and self-improvement leading me to create good habits and
routines for myself
4. Thesis: Today I’ll be informing you about discipline and habits.
5. Preview: First, I will describe what discipline is and its history, second I will
talk about what self-discipline is and how to build it, lastly I will touch on how
habits work and how to break bad habits
A. First, I will talk about three definitions of discipline and its history
1. What are the three types of disciplines is probably what you're
a. First, it’s to regulate, order control, and authority. Think of it as the
government. All of these are necessary to have a functioning government.
b. Secondly, It’s used to create habits. A good example would work out
every other day. Lastly self-discipline a growing trend is the practice of
ignoring your impulses and doing what needs to be done
2. From readingmuseum.org.uk last accessed on October 10, 2022.
Disciplinarians have been involved in many societies throughout history
a.The Victorian era had disciplinarian governance over children.
Schoolrooms were tough places and not everyone wanted to be there.
Victorian schools were strict and the punishments were harsh. Students
would be beaten if they answered questions incorrectly or if they didn't sit
b. These schools were set up so the kids would be better by disciplining
their bad actions in hope that they'll be good kids in the future.
Transition: Disciplined can be defined in many terms its been used throughout history,
self-discipline line is a very popular practice in this day of age.
B. Second, I will inform you about self-discipline and building self discipline
1. Adam Sicinski from IQ Matrix in December, 8 2018 explains Self-
discipline is about your ability to control your desires and impulses in
order to keep yourself focused on what needs to get done.
a. It's about taking daily consistent small actions that build into strong
habits that fulfill your goal
b. Doing things you don't want to do and repeatedly doing them it'll
become habits over time.
2. There are three ways to learn to build discipline according to Sam Thomas
a. The first is self-assessment identifying the why behind what you need
discipline for. Find out what's causing you to fail and learn to buffer it.
Second, self-awareness is learning to understand why you don't break your
bad habits. We don't have an understanding of how easy it is to give in to
our urges than to stay on track answer is, to eliminate anything that will
distract you. T
b.Thirdly self celebrations to celebrate and reward yourself for your efforts
for each win you accumulate single day. fail when you fail you have learned
something new. Celebrating will make you more consistent and disciplined
Transition: Self-discipline is essential when wanting to achieve a goal by practicing this
it'll become a habit.
C. Lastly, I will elaborate on how habits work and how to break habits
1. Ryan Bartlett from Vision Personal Training on September 21, 2021,
demonstrates how habits work, there is a simple three-step pattern
every habit follows
a. Reminder (the thing that initiates the behavior) Routine ( the action you
take ) Reward ( the benefit you gain from doing the behavior )
b. Let me show you what the 3 R's look like in real life A great example is
food. We need food to survive. You get hungry that's the trigger you eat
the food that's the action you take after eating it you feel good that's the
1. According to Ryan Bartlett From Vision personal training habits can
be broken
a. First, we recognize our triggers. These happen on a day-to-day basis.
some are good some are bad the trigger is something you can't control it's
a part of life
b. Even if you can't control your triggers you can control your actions by
responding to the triggers. You can trick your brain into thinking you're
doing the same thing by satisfying your needs with a new healthier habit.
For example, if you're hungry instead of eating junk food to satisfy that
need you can replace it with a protein shake a healthier alternative, it
tastes good and it'll fill your craving.
Transition: Bad habits can be broken and replaced with good habits through discipline.
1. First, we discussed discipline it's meaning, its history, and we also discussed
building discipline and breaking habits
2. Now, when you think about delaying that assignment of yours your future self
won't thank you.
Works Cited
“Crime and Punishment – The Victorians.” Reading Museum, 5 Oct. 2022,
Sicinski, Adam, “The Complete Guide on How to Develop Focused Self-Discipline.” IQ
Matrix Blog, 8 Dec. 2018, https://blog.iqmatrix.com/self-discipline.
Bartlett, Ryan. “Self Discipline - the Biggest Lie Ever Told: Vision Pt.” Vision Personal
Training, 21 Sept. 2021, https://www.visionpersonaltraining.com/expert-hub/expertarticles/weight-loss/self-discipline-the-biggest-lie-ever-told.