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Strategic Market Planning Assignment: New Product in Canada

University of F
EMBA 7035 – Strategic Market Planning
Final Assignment
Submission via online course room and/or e-mail
Use the following format:
1) Cover Page
2) Executive Summary (Brief – this describes the purpose of the paper - may be a single
3) Body of Assignment –
a. No page Limit (Provide what you believe to be sufficient)
b. SINGLE SPACE – 12pt Times New Roman
c. Writing style – 2nd or 3rd Person (your choice– not first person – you audience is
the owner of the company)
d. Order of body information - See below
4) References – (not required for marketing knowledge - as this is your work about a
product for a client – reminder – do not plagiarize (copy verbatim) – you may paraphrase
from any source) You should include sources for any “Data” that may need to be looked
up further – data sources may be put into an appendix.
5) Appendix – (only if necessary)
NOTE: Be sure to read the WHOLE question – and answer all parts! If you have any questions –
e-mail to me right away.
You are to complete the following scenario by selecting a product, brand name and target
market for a new product to be marketed in Canada. You are to complete this exam by
providing the product positioning and marketing mix elements for the product YOU selected.
You have recently opened your own Marketing Consulting Practice. Your first (and only) client
has asked you to a lunch and presented you with the following conversation:
“I know you are new to the consulting industry, yet I believe in you. I want to hire you to help
me gather information so that I may make a presentation to my company board. I have recently
purchased an factory in Malaysia that could create most anything ( X - product - You decide)
and I am interested in marketing a product only in Canada.”
Since this product will be a new area for my company and new to Canada, I’m looking at this
being a newly Branded Item for the company, using the new brand name for marketing. The (Y
- new brand name- You create) may have been sold under different names in other countries
through retailers targeting ( Z- Target market- You analyze the target market based on the
product you selected).
Since there are alternative products here in Canada, I need to have branding, positioning, and a
strategic Marketing Mix Analysis to provide information for my Board to approve funding and
for my Department Managers to follow so they may create a full plan of operations. The
information you develop will be my selling tool and I will present it to the board; asking them to
approve investment in marketing the (New Brand and Product) in Canada to (The Target Market
you determine best for the product)”
The Client has offered you a contract for $15,000.00 to complete this Marketing Mix Analysis
for the new Branded Product! The Catch? - He needs the analysis in 10 days so he may present
a proposal at his next Board meeting.
To help you get this project started you should provide information on the following areas:
(remember you are providing information so that an Owner may give a presentation to a board)
These headings are suggestions – you may use your own – yet information for each of these
sections must be presented – DO NOT include these as question format – this is not a Q&A but
a strategic proposal for the client.
Marketing Mix Analysis for the (Y/X)
1. Provide a brief description of (X) product and describe the consumer benefits
2. Suggest a (Y) Brand Name for (X) Product.
a. What Value is there in this brand name for Company & Product?
3. Who is the main (Z) target market? Why? What, Demographics, size, usage rate - is the
4. What are alternative purchase options for consumers and who is the main competition?
5. Suggest a Positioning Strategy
a. How does the product meet the needs of the target market?
b. Describe points of parity and points of difference
c. What is the product’s most distinguishing feature?
6. Provide main strategy points for each of the Marketing Mix Elements - including the
information requested below. (Not all inclusive)
a. Product
- What is the product
- What makes the product different (as above)
What gives the product more value than alternatives?
What is the main value/benefit for the target market?
b. Price
- Considering the target market – what is the value to price
- How should the price be set? Any specific pricing method?
c. Distribution (Place)
- What should be the “full” distribution channel?
- Can the distribution channel add value to the target market?
- Should it have a Push or Pull Strategy – Why?
- Are there any special channel considerations
d. Promotion
- What should be the message communicated? Why?
- Are there any specific communication mediums or channels to be
used? Why?
Formulate how
your product
meets the
need(s) of your
target market
Report how this
product will be
of benefit to
your target
Evaluate a plan
of action for the
marketing Mix
No Progress
Student work
demonstrates no
understanding or
progress towards
achievement of
this outcome.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to apply in
their writing some of
the ways that the
product meets the
need(s) of the target
market segments.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to discuss (at
the level of analysis)
most of the ways
that the product
meets the need (s) of
the target market
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to formulate
how the product
meets the need (s) of
the target market
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to fully
formulate how the
product meets the
need (s) of the
target market
Student work
demonstrates no
understanding or
progress towards
achievement of
this outcome.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to explain
some of the ways
this product will be
of benefit to the
student’s target
market segments.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to discuss (at
the level of analysis)
most of the ways this
product will be of
benefit to the
student’s target
market segments.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to report how
this product will be
of benefit to the
student’s target
market segments.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to clearly
report how this
product will be of
benefit to the
student’s target
market segments.
Student work
demonstrates no
understanding or
progress towards
achievement of
this outcome.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to explain
some of the
components of a
marketing mix
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to discuss (at
the level of analysis)
most components to
a marketing mix
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to assemble a
simple plan of action
for a marketing mix.
Student work
demonstrates the
ability to
assemble a plan of
action for a
marketing mix.
Content, Focus, Use of
Marketing terminology
Analysis and Critical
Answers successfully complete
Discussion exhibits strong higherthe assignment; thoroughly uses
order critical thinking and analysis
various marketing terminology in
(e.g., evaluation).
support of position.
Answers successfully complete
the assignment; with only minor
digressions; sufficiently uses
marketing terminology
Discussion generally exhibits
higher-order critical thinking and
analysis (e.g. true analysis).
Writing Style, Grammar
Sentences are clear, concise, and direct;
tone is appropriate. Grammatical skills
are strong with almost no errors per
Sentences are generally clear, concise,
and direct; tone is appropriate.
Grammatical skills are competent with
very few errors per page.
Answers successfully complete
Discussion exhibits limited higherthe assignment; some digression;
order critical thinking and analysis
sufficiently uses some marketing
(e.g. application of information).
Sentences are occasionally wordy or
ambiguous; tone is too informal.
Grammatical skills are adequate with few
errors per page.
Answers successfully complete
the assignment; but digress
significantly; insufficiently uses
marketing terminology
Discussion exhibits simplistic or
reductive thinking and analysis
but does demonstrate
Sentences are generally wordy and/or
ambiguous; tone is too informal.
Grammatical skills are inadequate, clarity
and meaning are impaired, numerous
errors per page.
Answers insufficiently complete
0-59% the topic; insufficiently uses use
of marketing terminology.
Discussion exhibits simplistic or
reductive thinking and analysis
and demonstrates limited
knowledge on the subject matter.
Sentences unclear enough to impair
meaning; tone is inappropriate and/or
inconsistent. Grammatical skills are
inadequate for college level.