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Public Speaking Tips: Improve Your Communication Skills

Toastmaster Tips – Nishant Sondhi, DTM
Good communication skills are essential to succeed and can help double your income in half
the time!
Good communication skills also enhance self-confidence and mood! There are no limits to
learning and becoming better
Tips to Improve Public Speaking:
(1) Slow Down: Slow speak and lend your words greater importance; powerful people speak
slowly and confidently! Do not speak too quickly
(2) Build vocal power: Build vocal power, human voice, like a muscle can be built stronger.
Memorize poetry, and recite it regularly.
(3) Record yourself, and replay and see ways to improve pronunciation
(4) Record phone conversations: record them to listen to afterward
(5) Focus on pauses: The drama and power of a speech are in the silences that you create
in the speech.
Preparation is the key to succeeding well! Keep practicing again and again till you master.
Short Talks:
Part 1: Opening and introduction
Part 2: Whatever you promised in the speech
Part 3: Summary
Complex structure for longer speeches:
(1) The opening
(2) The Introduction
(3) The first point
(4) The transition into the next point
(5) The Second Key Point
(6) Another Transition
(7) The Third Key Point:
(8) The Summary
Practice is very important- speak, speak, speak, speak, speak, speak!!
People forget what you said but remember how you said it.
Planning and preparation made simple
Know your audience: Age, Gender, Income, Education, Occupation, Family status, audience
familiarity with the subject, how do they think?
> Common desires
> What is happening in their lives
> What is the objective
> What is happening in the business
Once you know your audience- Prepare
The PREP Formula:
P : Point of view
R: Reason
E: Example
P: Re-state point of view
Powerpoint in speaking:
The 5X5 Rule: Not more than 5 lines in a slide, and 5 words per slide
Powerpoint is just a prop! I am the focus of the presentation
Keep the lights on
Face the audience
Keep preparing, and be sure that technical points have been taken care of in advance
Memory techniques are great such as index cards and short forms for words such as SAVERS
Before talking in front of a large group, you can even speak in front of a small group to get
Self- confidence and mental mastery- Eliminate the fear of public speaking
Your goal when you speak is to stand up confidently: positive, relaxed, and feeling wonderful
about yourself
Always speak about something you are passionate and believe in, and speak from your
How to build confidence and competence:
> Verbalise: Keep saying to yourself, I can do it, I can do it- I like myself I like myself
> Visualise and Emotionalise the feeling
Last minute confidence builders:
> Check the room
> Do breathing exercise: 7-7-7 rule 7 times
> Pump yourself up
> Wiggle your toes
> Roll your shoulders
> Stand power pose
> Think about the audience: They are wonderful amazing people, wanting me to win
> Be grateful
Stay strong with any audience
Your Introduction: First impression is the most important done by others
* Step up confidently
* Look the part
* Take charge and build positive expectations
* Be authentic and humble
Ways to start a speech:
> Thank the organizers
> Start with a positive statement
> Compliment the audience
> Make a thought-provoking statement about the audience
> Refer to current events
> Refer to Historical Event
> Start with Hope
> Start with Humor- maybe
> Be an entertainer
> Ask a question, conduct a survey
> Open with a problem
> Make a statement, ask a question
> Start with a story
> Build a bridge- let them see you authentic and connect with you
The ability to start strong with an audience is a learned skill
Knowing how to structure an introduction and take the stage can make or break your
speech. Within 30 seconds we want the audience to get very excited
Platform Masters: Impressing Large Audiences
There are 8 parts of a keynote talk:
(1) Opening
(2) Introduction
(3) The first point
(4) The transition
(5) The second key point
(6) Another transition
(7) The third key point
(8) The summary
Some important essentials:
(1) Introduction and opening are very important
(2) Check out the facility
(3) Mix with your audience
(4) Listen to other speakers
(5) Think on your feet
(6) Meet your introducer
Create audience rapport by looking into their eyes, and keeping good timing and pacing.
Always close with a call to action!!
Preparation and practice are critical to success in speaking in front of a large audience.
Vocal Power
(1) Slow down
(2) Energy is important
(3) Practice speaking loudly by reciting poems
(4) Check sound system
(5) Record and hear your speech
(6) Pausing for power
Do not drink super cold water before your speech.
Tricks of the trade: Techniques of Master speakers
The Pareto principle applies, top 20% make 80% of the money. Also, top speakers who are
well known can charge a lot. Good content is very important.
Two qualities for top speakers:
(1) High levels of energy and vitality
(2) Excellent content and delivery
Always maintain good touch with meeting planners and other speakers as well! Always
End with a bang, leave them breathless!
Opening and ending have a strong impact.
> Plan your ending word for word
> End with a call to action
> Close with a summary
> Close with a story
> Make them laugh
> Make it Rhyme
> Close with Inspiration
> Make it clear that you're done
> Let them applaud- and, look from person to person - nod and smile, and say thank you
The power of speaking well will help in every area of life. Your concluding words can have an
inordinate impact on your audience. Carefully chosen, your words can cause your audience to
think, feel and act differently than they would have without your influence. Sometimes, you
can change their lives.
How To Structure A Speech
When you think about your talk, remember that “Less is more.”
This should be the basic structure of your talk:
1. Your opening.
2. Your 3 key points.
3. Your close.
You have a strong opening, first key point, and then a story.
Transition, second key point, and a story.
Transition, third key point, and a story.
Summarize, and then a close.
The stories link it all together. And you can tell stories that are inspiring, or emotional; that
make people feel very strongly. You can tell motivational stories that have to do with more
tremendous success and achievement as the result of persisting.
How to use Body Language to increase sales?
Body language constitutes 55% of the message you send in a face to face
(1) Opening your hands is a great way to embrace!
(2) Smile at people
(3) Ask a question, lean forward, smile and agree
When you open your arms you say you are open to the message!
Leaning slightly forward and nodding and smiling! We pay attention to people we value
55% body language
38% Tonality
7% actual words you use
People forget what you said, but not how you made them feel!!!
Nishant Sondhi