Uploaded by mjcn100

league chat

1 게임
게임 중
: ??
: why arent u trading me
: tf
: wtf
: why
: am i getting traded
: my god
: just wanted to play a norm
: for fun
: this aint fun
: why didnt u give me
: diana
: ??
: just go afk plz
: i cant play
: with this
: k ur laning with me then
: ?
: i got trolled
: picked diana
: trades
: doesnt give back
: go ahead
: ?
: legit
: why u blaming me
: no
: i cant
: just ff
: at 15
: and move on
: no
: why would i leafvef
: game
: when i didnt fk up
: it was this mid laner
: who didnt trade me
: wow
: ok
: so i intentioanally
: traded
: right
: i can report top for inting?
: or nah
: thats prolly not reportable is it
: how did i troll
: i never wanted lb
: lol
: this mid
: admitted
: she fked up by doing her runes
: and not swapping wit me
: yet
: u still blame me
: i didnt run it edown?
: im laning
: lol
: lb is mid champ
: keep talkin
: not my fault tops griefing
: mhm
: 0/4
: why would i afk
: i just wanted to play
: jg
: diana
: this guy takes
: and doesnt give
: cuz he was doing runes
: and he was the one who made mistake
: and admitted it
: someone said it in chat
: to trade
: whoever picked lb
: traded me
: and i accept4ed
: thinking
: we were gon do 3 way
: trading
: cuz someone may not ahve the champ
: ?
: then
: why did i get traded
: in the first palace
: how
: ur just gaslighting now
: literally explained
: my situation
: u dont even care to listen
: i
: d
: c
: ur inting
: that reportable right
: for inting?
: lol
: inted too hard
: i got trolled
: and these guys are tryna blame me
: yo
: our mid
: literally admitted he made a mistake
: by checking runes
: why blaming me tho
: ok
: then why would i afk
: im not gon force myself to play i didnt mean to play
: lol
: and u aint gon force too
: ur 0/76
: thats mroe trolling
: 0/8*
: am i right'?
: duos disgusting
: plz report diana plz