Survey of the Hierarchy of Needs of Middle Age Adults in Makati City, 2023 Link: bB7PWfWE%26fbclid%3DIwAR09hhOvS6IaTIb_Eaowp9x_dk4l0pvlFz7spxpP_aEx4r_LZxVEQuuXiM0&h=AT1oNrv3S5 UVd7JLN3eUUk_XErZeJbL0egV9yv4PRudHG3XFD7WQBdY4idsBv4dNqi63b9AS_ut4rWq02Qx83G4qebOaRtHFRkj1u0dW-jrmJiFYnPwAe9ffvMlZjSLuRGUw MxX2KFioS_mD5OTDGQEzq&thread_id=100074513024381 Questionnaire Based from the areas of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Key: 1.Strongly agree 2.Agree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Disagree 5.Strongly disagree Physiological: 1. I prefer to have my basic needs like food and a home fulfilled before seeking power and status 2. If I do not have my basic needs fulfilled, I will not think of starting a family. 3. I will not spend extravagantly visiting fine- dining restaurants when quality food is accessible at other places. Safety: 4. I believe in having a safe and secure home before establishing a family. 5. I would rather protect myself and my family from disasters and diseases than seeking professional growth in my career. 6. I will invest in a house before I get married. Love or belonging: 7. I will give priority to love and support my family first than having my social needs satisfied. 8. I believe that it is important to get love and affection from my family and friends before seeking progress at work. 9. I prefer to have cordial relationships with my colleagues first and later pursue power and status at work. Esteem. 10. I will begin to seek prestige and status only after I have my social needs fulfilled. 11. I will take steps to do my job efficiently and satisfy my line manager before I seek self- actualization or achieving my fullest potential. 12. I prefer to concentrate on gaining power and status at work after I found belongingness. Self-actualization: 13. I will take initiatives for achieving my fullest potential when I am sure that I have satisfied the needs of my family. 14. I feel fulfilled in life because I am already financially stable and have a sense of belonging in my family. 15. I genuinely accept myself as I am. Transcendence: 16. I accept death as a part of my life when I'm fully contented in my life. 17. I find meanings in my spiritual beliefs. 18. I trust the Supreme being/God in my life.