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Protein Synthesis Lab Report: Transcription & Translation

The purpose of this lab was
to explore the molecular
process of building proteins
from theinformation carried
by RNA using a laboratory
procedure. The question that
we ultimately try tosolve is,
how are the processes of
transcription and translation
used to create proteins?How
Procedure:1)Transcribe the
information on the
mRNAGroups:Control group:
The control group are the
codons and the anticodons
are the experiment groupare
the anticodons. The
experiment group is the
AnalysisThe findings of these
showed how codons and
anticodons bond by
Chargaff's rule, A=T and
C=G,however in RNA,
adenine= uracil. The data
was very simple to combine
and complete
In this lab report, it had been
cleared how codons latch on
to anticodon, andthe
hypothesis has been proved
by the codons lining up and
becauseRNA determined the
sequence of amino acids in
proteins andpolypeptides then
a translation occurs
betweenthe mRNA to tRNA
because of theinthe
ribosome in the cytoplasm.