CEE 213—Deformable Solids Contents. CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Linear elastic constitutive equations E Keith D. Hjelmstad The Mechanics Project Arizona State University © Keith D. Hjelmstad 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Constitutive models. Dilatation. Stress and strain in three dimensions. Stress in terms of strain. Strain in terms of stress. How does the matrix equation work? Plane stress. Plane strain. Summary. CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Constitutive models. To model the behavior of materials it turns out that a very useful approach is to write relationships between stress at a point and strain at a point. At this fundamental level we can successfully write “universal” laws that govern the mechanical behavior of certain classes of materials. In general terms we write either (1) stress is a function of strain or (2) strain is a function of stress. Constitutive Models E S f ( E) G Isotropic means that the material looks the same in all directions. A counterexample is wood that has an oriented grain structure. Steel is generally view as isotropic. Linear simply means loading and unloading happens along a straight line (as above). © Keith D. Hjelmstad E g (S) A constitutive model is a relationship between stress and strain. This is the third leg of the mechanics stool—force is related to stress through equilibrium and displacement is related to strain through kinematics. One such law, which will be our focus here is Hooke’s Law, which models isotropic, linear elasticity. CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’ Law Dilatation. If the deformation of a solid body involves pure expansion in all directions but no shearing, we call the deformation dilatation. Considering the sketch at left, we can see that a change in volume involves a change in length of each side. Because the normal strains, xx, yy, and zz, give the ratio of the change in length per original length in those directions we can write the volume of the deformed cuboid as Dilatation e2 e3 e1 a xx c zz b yy V a 1 xx b 1 yy c 1 zz abc xx yy zz abc higher order terms Vo xx yy zz Vo 1 e Vo where we have defined e tr(ε) xx yy zz Dilatation is pure expansion of a body. Change in volume per original volume is the sum of the normal strains. © Keith D. Hjelmstad Note that the notation tr(E) stands for “add up the diagonal terms” of the tensor (matrix) E. Rearranging the above equation shows that change in volume per original volume is V e Vo CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Stress and strain in three dimensions e2 e3 yy yx yz zy zz zx e1 xy xz xx To satisfy balance of moments the stress tensor must be symmetric. We take the strain tensor to be symmetric, too. Hence, © Keith D. Hjelmstad xy xy xy xy zx xz zy yz zx xz zy yz Stress and strain in three dimensions. If the state of stress and strain is fully three dimensional then we write the stress and strain tensors as xx xy xz S yx yy yz zx zx zz Stress xx E yx zx Strain xy xz yy yz zy zz The convention for the components are shown in the sketch. If you look across a row of the stress matrix those quantities are the components of the traction vector on one face (the face associated with the axis of the normal vector). For a general state of stress or strain any or all of these components can be non-zero. Among the interesting invariants the “trace” (the sum of the diagonal components) is important to Hooke’s Law. We designate these invariants as tr(E) e xx yy zz tr(S) p xx yy zz CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Stress in terms of strain. Hooke’s Law is a relationship between stress and strain. The general relationship can be written in the form of stress as a function of strain as Stress in terms of strain e2 yy yx yz zy zz zx xz e3 S e1 where xy xx E E tr(E) I E (1 )(1 2 ) 1 tr(E) e xx yy zz and where E is Young’s modulus and is Poisson’s Ratio. These constants are material properties, which can be determined by laboratory tests (or you can often look them up in a handbook). The specific form of this relationship is important because it includes all of the special cases (i.e., E is the constant of proportionality between axial stress and axial strain in a uniaxial tension test and shear stress is proportional to shear strain in torsion). Poisson’s effect is where a body in tension contracts laterally. As shown below. Hooke’s law incorporates this behavior. 1 xx xx yy 1 xx © Keith D. Hjelmstad CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Strain in terms of stress. We can put Hooke’s Law into a form that gives strain as a function of stress. The easiest way to do that is to take the “trace” of both sides of the previous equation to get an expression for tr(E) in terms of tr(S). Then substitute back and rearrange terms to get: Strain in terms of stress e2 e3 yy yx yz zy zx zz e1 xy xz tr(S) tr(I ) E 1 2 tr(S) E xx 1 tr(S) E Thus, © Keith D. Hjelmstad E tr(E) 1 2 E tr(S) I 1 S E tr(S) xx yy zz Again, the equations involve E (Young’s modulus) and (Poisson’s ratio). It is important to note that these two forms of Hooke’s Law are completely equivalent. They are simply an algebraic manipulation of the equations. To get back to the form on the previous page compute tr(S) and substitute back in… E 1 tr(E) I E S E 1 2 E Rearrange to get S tr(S) where the trace of the stress tensor is Take the trace of both sides… tr(E) E E 1 E E E tr(E) I tr(E) I E 1 2 1 1 1 2 Which is exactly what we have on the previous page. CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s L aw How does the matrix equation work? Stress vs. strain version of Hooke’s Law S How does the matrix equation work? It is a good idea to take a look under the hood of the constitutive equation. It is a matrix relationship and each one of the nine elements actually gives a single scalar relationship. Let’s see how that works… E E tr(E) I E (1 )(1 2 ) 1 xx xy xz e 0 0 E 0 e 0 E xy yy yz (1 )(1 2 ) 1 xz yz zz 0 0 e E yz yz 1 xx E E xx yy zz xx (1 )(1 2 ) 1 Normal stress vs. normal strain. Notice how these equations are couple by the e term. This gives rise to Poisson’s effect. © Keith D. Hjelmstad e tr(E) xx yy zz xx xy xz xy xz yy yz yz zz Shear stress vs. shear strain. Notice that these equations are not coupled because the e term is not involved (off diagonal). Note also that the shear modulus is defined as G E 2 1 So we can also write this equation as yz 2G yz G yz CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s L aw Plane stress. Plane stress is a condition in which there are no tractions (and hence no stresses) on two opposing faces (the ones with normal in the z direction in this case). Just plug in to find zz in terms of xx and yy . Plane stress yy xx xy yy xy 0 0 xx zz Hooke’s Law for the special case of plane stress: zz xz yz 0 E xx yy 1 2 E yy xx yy 1 2 E xy xy 2G xy 1 xy yy E E xx yy zz zz (1 )(1 2 ) 1 0 E E E xx yy (1 )(1 2 ) (1 )(1 2 ) 1 0 E (1 ) E xx yy zz (1 )(1 2 ) (1 )(1 2 ) zz Solve for zz xx © Keith D. Hjelmstad xx xy 0 0 e 0 0 E 0 e 0 E 0 (1 )(1 2 ) 1 0 0 e 0 tr(E) 1 2 xx yy 1 Substitute zz in 3D equations to get plane stress equations. zz 1 xx yy The out-of-plane strain is not zero! 0 0 0 zz CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s L aw Plane strain. Plane strain is a condition in which there are no strains on two opposing faces (the ones with normal in the z direction in this case). Just plug in to find zz in terms of xx and yy . Plane strain yy xx xx xy 0 xy 0 yy 0 0 p 0 E 0 0 0 p 0 0 1 0 E p xx xy 0 yy 0 xy 0 0 zz zz 1 zz E 1 0 xx yy zz E E E zz Hooke’s Law for the special case of plane strain: zz xz yz 0 1 1 xx yy E 1 yy xx 1 yy E 1 xy xy E 0 E xx E xx yy zz 1 yy zz E Solve for zz xx © Keith D. Hjelmstad tr(S) 1 xx yy Substitute zz in 3D equations to get plane stress equations. zz xx yy The out-of-plane stress is not zero! CEE 213—Deformable Solids Hooke’s Law Summary Robert Hooke (1635 – 1703) Summary. Behavior of materials is a huge and important part of solid mechanics. All sorts of behaviors have been observed in material testing. Among those models that have been formulated for deformable solids we find: 1. Elasticity. Hooke’s law, but also for cases that are not isotropic. Also, nonlinear elasticity where the body returns to its original shape upon unloading but the response is not linear. 2. Plasticity. Models that capture yielding of material that prevents the body from returning to its original state upon unloading. 3. Visco-elasticity or visco-plasticity. Like the two above only with time-dependent (or viscous) effects. and many others. This set of notes has presented only the simplest case of material behavior (isotropic, linear elasticity). This model is called Hooke’s Law (named after Robert Hooke a famous contemporary of Isaac Newton). Hooke’s Law isn’t really a “law” of nature, but rather a model that describes the behavior of certain materials very well. The model incorporates the important observation that a bar stretched in tension will contract laterally (Poisson’s Effect) as well as the normal straining caused by normal stresses and shear straining caused by shear stresses. This model was implicit in the constitutive models used for the bar in axial tension, the bar in torsion, and the beam in flexure. With Hooke’s Law in three dimensions we can relate multiaxial states of stress to multiaxial states of strain. © Keith D. Hjelmstad