Erasmus School of Economics FEB22012X– Programming Personal information student Name: Student number: Written examination General information Date examination: Lecturer: Time examination: Type examination: Number of questions: Number of pages: Practice Exam dr. P. Bouman Three Hours Closed book 4 questions 12 pages (incl. cover sheet – 3 for the exam, 3 for the appendix and 5 for the reference) Instructions ESE You are not allowed to use a calculator (types FX-82SX Plus / FX-82MS / FX-350MS / TI-30Xa / TI-30XS Multiview). You are not allowed to use a programmable calculator. You are not allowed to use notes. You are not allowed to use books. You are not allowed to use a dictionary. Scrap paper, examination assignments or other examination related documents must stay in the examination room during the examination and after the examination has finished. You are not allowed to take with you the answers nor may you copy answers in any way. It is not allowed to keep a watch within reach during the examination. Watches need to be stored in your coat or bag. Any kind of mobile devices or (potential) data media must be switched off during the examination. All devices need to be stored in your coat or bag. Additional information Motivate your answers as completely as possible. Exam grade: number of obtained points . 10 Good luck! THIS IS A PRACTICE EXAM! No part of this examination may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or any means, without permission of the author or, when appropriate, of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. Programming — Question 1 FEB22012X — Practice Exam (20 points) Answer the following four theory questions. Keep your answers as concise as possible. a. Explain in which situations a NullPointerException can occur in java. Name a different way than using try-catch to avoid NullPointerExceptions. b. Explain how a try-catch construct works, and under which circumstances the catch part of the try-catch is executed. c. A programmer created a class Student with header public class Student. Is it possible to call the method toString() on objects of type Student? Explain why this is or is not possible d. Mention two intermediate operations for the Stream interface and explain what they can be used for. Pay attention: In Question 2 and Question 4 you have to write pieces of code. You are not required to write commentary, but this is allowed. You don’t need to write import statements and you can assume that the methods will not be called with nonsensical arguments. Small writing errors such as a forgotten semicolon will not directly lead to a reduction of your score, unless the mistake introduces ambiguity or has a large impact on the correctness of your program. Try to write your program as correct as possible. Unless specified otherwise, all methods and classes available in the standard Java library can be used, including those described in the reference attached to this exam. Question 2 (20 points) a. The class Math contains a number of useful static methods for various tasks, such as computing powers and goniometric functions. Suppose the programmers of the Math class want to add an additional method repeatOperator that has three input arguments: a BigInteger startValue, a UnaryOperator<BigInteger> operator and a int repetitions. The method repeatOperator should repeatedly apply the operator to the startValue and return the result as a BigInteger. The number of repetitions is given by repetitions. Write this method as it could be written inside a class such as Math. Example: suppose the start value is BigInteger.valueOf(3), the operator is (BigInteger bi -> bi.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(2)) and the number of repetitions is 3, than repeatOperator should return a BigInteger with value equal to ((3 × 2) × 2) × 2 = 24, which is the number 3 multiply by 2 for three times. b. The Collection interface and therefore the List interface have a method addAll that can be used to add all elements from another Collection to the local Collection. Classes that implement these interfaces, such as ArrayList, have to give an implementation of the method. Suppose the programmers of the ArrayList class implemented all methods from the List and Collections interfaces, except the addAll method. Write the implementation of the addAll method as it could be written in the class ArrayList. Note: the types of elements that are stroed in the local ArrayLsit and in the argument Collection is E. The exam continues on the next page. Programming — Question 3 FEB22012X — Practice Exam (30 points) a. A programmer is working on a project and has defined a number of new classes A, B, C, D, E and F, each with a constructor that accepts zero elements. There are some subtype-supertype relations between these types. The goal of this question is to create a class hierarchy diagram showing these relations. It is known that the following code can be compiled without error: 1 2 3 4 5 C A D F f c a D f = = new A () ; = new D () ; = new F () ; = new B () ; new E () ; If any one of the following lines is added to the code, the compiler produces an incompatible types error: 1 2 B b = new E () ; E E = new B () ; Deduce the relations between the types and create a diagram. A relation between a subtype and supertype has to be drawn in the following manner: Supertype Subtype b. Each of the following two code fragments contains an error. This can be either a compiler error, a runtime error or a logical error. Find and explain the error in each fragment and indicate which type of error it is. Both methods are supposed to sum up a list of BigInteger objects and should produce the result as a BigInteger. Fragment 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 public BigInteger sum ( List < BigInteger > numbers ) { BinaryOperator plus = ( BigInteger other ) -> other . add () ; Stream < BigInteger > stream = numbers . stream () ; Optional < BigInteger > result = stream . reduce ( plus ) ; return result . orElse ( BigInteger . valueOf (0) ) ; } Fragment 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 public BigInteger sum ( List < BigInteger > numbers ) { BigInteger sum = BigInteger . valueOf (0) ; for ( BigInteger number : numbers ) { sum . add ( number ) ; } return sum ; } The exam continues on the next page. Programming — Question 4 FEB22012X — Practice Exam (30 points) The appendix contains the source code of classes which are used to model an inventory that contains different assets. The classes provide the following functionality: Inventory models the inventory of a company. There is a list of assets and a Map<Asset,Integer> inventory that keeps track of how many copies of each asset are owned by the company. Asset models an asset with an identifiable name, belonging to a certain category of assets. Each asset also has a price. In the following exercises you have to write additional methods for these classes. You are allowed (but not always required) to add methods to other classes to solve the questions. Indicate to which classes you add the methods. The questions can be answered independently. a. Write a method countAssets in the class Inventory that has no arguments. This method should count how many assets there are in the inventory. For this, it is necessary to add up the numbers in the inventory map. This number should be returned as an int. The appendix gives an example. b. For the accountant it is helpful to receive a list with the total inventory. Add a method writeInventory to the Inventory class that has an argument File output. This method should first write a line with “Inventory” to this file. Afterwards, for each asset in the inventory, it should write the following line to the file: ‘<<n>> times <<name>>” where <<n>> is the number of copies of the asset in the inventory, and <<name>> is the name of the asset. The appendix contains an example. c. It is important to know the total value of the inventory to create a yearly balance. Add a method computeValue to the Inventory class that has a String category as input argument, and compute the total value of assets in this category. It is required to consider all assets in the inventory, check if the asset has the correct category and if yes, take the number of copies in the inventory, multiply this by the price of the asset, and at it to the total value. The appendix contains an example. d. In order to obtain a better overview over the assets in the inventory, the accountant wants to define an natural order on the assets. It is important to order assets first by the alphabetic order of their category. If the category is equal, the alphabetic order of the names of the assets should be used. If the category and name of the assets are equal, the asset with the highest price should come first (thus at the lowest index of a sorted list). Explain how you must adapt the class Asset to define this natural order. The appendix contains an example of how this natural order is supposed to work in practice. End of exam. The appendix starts on the next page. Programming — FEB22012X — Practice Exam Appendix Question 4 public class Inventory { private List<Asset> assets; private Map<Asset,Integer> inventory; public Inventory() { this.assets = new ArrayList<>(); this.inventory = new HashMap<>(); } public void addAsset(Asset a, int count) { if (!inventory.containsKey(a)) { assets.add(a); } int current = inventory.getOrDefault(a, 0); inventory.put(a, current + count); } public int countAssets() { Question 4a Question 4a } public void writeInventory(File output) { Question 4b Question 4b } public double computeValue(String category) { Question 4c Question 4c } Question 4a/b/c/d } Appendix continues on the next page. Programming — FEB22012X — Practice Exam public class Asset Question 4d { private String name; private double price; private String category; public Asset(String name, double price, String category) { = name; this.price = price; this.category = category; } Question 4a/b/c/d } 4a) Suppose we execute the following code: Asset chair = new Asset("Chair", 150, "Furniture"); Asset chair2 = new Asset("Chair", 200, "Furniture"); Asset fridge = new Asset("Fridge", 500, "Appliances"); Asset oven = new Asset("Oven", 1200, "Appliances"); Inventory inventory = new Inventory(); inventory.addAsset(chair, 20); inventory.addAsset(chair2, 5); inventory.addAsset(fridge, 2); inventory.addAsset(oven, 1); System.out.println(inventory.countAssets()); The following should be printed: 28 4b) Suppose we execute the following code after 4a: inventory.writeInventory(new File("inventory.txt")); After the execution of this program, the file model.txt should contain the following content: Inventory 20 times Chair 5 times Chair 2 times Fridge 1 times Oven Appendix continues on the next page. Programming — FEB22012X — Practice Exam 4c) Suppose we execute the following code after 4a: System.out.println(inventory.computeValue("Appliances")); The following should be printed: 2200.0 4d) Suppose we execute the following code after 4a and changing List<Asset> lst = Arrays.asList(chair, chair2, fridge, oven); Collections.sort(lst); System.out.println(lst.get(0)==fridge); System.out.println(lst.get(1)==oven); System.out.println(lst.get(2)==chair2); System.out.println(lst.get(3)==chair); The following should be printed: true true true true End of Appendix. Reference starts on the next page. Java Class Reference class Object This is the official reference available during the FEB22012X examinations. Some liberties were taken to simplify some aspects of the classes presented here. Type constraints have been omitted and some intermediary classes have been left out. This has been done in such a way that code written based on this reference should be compatible with the full Java language. Exceptions thrown by constructors in the library and Scanner are not indicated: you should take this into account. String boolean int toString equals hashCode () (Object other) () run () interface Runnable void class String implements Comparable<String> java.lang interface Comparable<E> int compareTo (E o) class Double extends Number implements Comparable<Double> static constructor double Double parseDouble (double d) (String s) class Integer extends Number implements Comparable<Integer> static constructor int Integer parseInt (int n) (String s) iterator forEach () (Consumer<T> action) interface Iterable<E> default Iterator<E> void static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static static double double int double double double double double double int double double int double long double double double PI E abs abs ceil cos exp floor log max max min min pow round sin sqrt tan (int n) (double (double (double (double (double (double (int i, (double (double (int i, (double (double (double (double (double d) d) d) d) d) d) int j) i, double j) i, double j) int j) base, double power) d) d) d) d) equalsIgnoreCase compareTo length substring substring concat charAt indexOf toUpperCase toLowerCase split contains endsWith startsWith trim replaceAll (String s) (String s) () (int from) (int from, int to) (String s) (int pos) (char c) () () (String pattern) (String pat) (String suffix) (String prefix) () (String pat, String rep) InputStream PrintStream long in out currentTimeMillis () class System static static static class Math boolean int int String String String char int String String String [] boolean boolean bolean String String java.math class BigInteger extends Number implements Comparable<BigInteger> static BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger BigInteger abs add divide max min mod multiply negate pow remainder subtract valueOf () (BigInteger (BigInteger (BigInteger (BigInteger (BigInteger (BigInteger () (BigInteger (BigInteger (BigInteger (int val) abstract class Number abstract abstract double int doubleValue intValue () () Reference continues on the next page. Reference continues on the next page. val) val) val) val) mod) val) val) val) val) java.util interface Deque<E> extends Queue<E> void void E E E E class ArrayList<E> implements List<E> constructor constructor ArrayList<E> ArrayList<E> () (Collection<? extends E> c) interface Collection<E> extends Iterable<E> default boolean boolean void boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean Stream<E> int add addAll clear contains containsAll isEmpty remove removeAll retainAll stream size (E e) (Collection<E> () (Object o) (Collection<?> () (Object o) (Collection<?> (Collection<?> () () c) <E> List<E> <K,V> Map<K,V> <E> Set<E> int <E> E <E> E void void <E> void <E> void <E> List<E> <K,V> Map<K,V> <E> Set<E> (E e) (E e) () () () () class HashMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> constructor constructor HashMap<K,V> HashMap<K,V> () (Map<K,V> m) c) class HashSet<E> implements Set<E> constructor constructor c) c) HashSet<E> HashSet<E> () (Collection<E> c) hasNext next remove () () () interface Iterator<E> boolean E void class Collections static static static static static static static static static static static static static addFirst addLast getFirst getLast removeFirst removeLast emptyList emptyMap emptySet frequency max min reverse shuffle sort sort unmodifiableList unmodifiableMap unmodifiableSet () () () (Collection<?> (Collection<E> (Collection<E> (List<?> list) (List<?> list, (List<E> list) (List<E> list, (List<E> list) (Map<K,V> map) (Set<E> set) (T o1, T o2) () (Comparator<T> other) (Function<T,Comparable> keyExtractor) (Function<T,U> keyExtractor, Comparator<U> keyComparator) (Function<T,Comparable> keyExtractor) (Function<T,V> keyExtractor, Comparator<U> keyComparator) () () class LinkedList<E> implements List<E>, Deque<E> constructor constructor c, Object o) c, Comparator<E> cmp) c, Comparator<E> cmp) LinkedList<E> LinkedList<E> () (Collection<E> c) interface List<E> extends Collection<E> Random rnd) Comparator<E> cmp) default void E int E E void List<E> add get indexOf remove set sort subList (int index, E element) (int index) (Object o) (int index) (int index, E element) (Comparator<E> c) (int from, int to) clear containsKey containsValue forEach get getOrDefault isEmpty keySet merge put putAll remove size values () (Object key) (Object value) (BiConsumer<K,V> action) (Object key) (Object key, V defaultValue) () () (K key, V value, BinaryOperator<V> op) (K key, V value) (Map<K,V> m) (Object key) () () interface Comparator<T> default default default int Comparator<T> Comparator<T> Comparator<T> compare reversed thenComparing thenComparing default <U> Comparator<T> thenComparing static <T> Comparator<T> <T,U> Comparator<T> <T> Comparator<T> <T> Comparator<T> comparing static static static comparing naturalOrder reverseOrder Reference continues on the next page. interface Map<K,V> default default default void boolean boolean void V V boolean Set<K> V V void V int Set<V> Reference continues on the next page. class Otional<T> static static static class TreeMap<K,V> implements SortedMap<K,V> <T> Optional<T> T void boolean <T> Optional<T> <T> Optional<T> T empty get ifPresent isPresent of ofNullable orElse () () (Consumer<T> action) () (T value) (T value) (T alternative) constructor constructor constructor TreeMap<K,V> TreeMap<K,V> TreeMap<K,V> () (Comparator<K> comparator) (Map<K,V> m) class TreeSet<E> implements SortedSet<E> constructor constructor constructor interface Queue<E> extends Collection<E> TreeSet<E> TreeSet<E> TreeSet<E> () (Collection<E> c) (Comparator<E> comparator) accept andThen (T t, U u) (BiConsumer<T,U> after) apply andThen (T t, U u) (Function<R,V> after) java.util.function class Random constructor constructor boolean double double int Random Random nextBoolean nextDouble nextGaussian nextInt () (long seed) () () () (int n) Scanner Scanner Scanner hasNext hasNextBoolean hasNextDouble hasNextInt nextBoolean nextDouble nextInt nextLine (File source) (InputStream source) (String source) () () () () () () () () interface Set<E> extends Collection<E> firstKey headMap lastKey subMap tailMap () (K toKey) () (K fromKey, K toKey) (K fromKey) interface SortedSet<E> extends Set<E> E SortedSet<E> E SortedSet<E> SortedSet<E> first headSet last subSet tailSet () (E toElement) () (E fromElement, E toElement) (E fromElement) R BiFunction<T,U,V> interface BinaryOperator<T> extends BiFunction<T,T,T> static static T BinaryOperator<T> BinaryOperator<T> apply maxBy minBy (T t1, T t2) (Comparator<T> comp) (Comparator<T> comp) accept andThen (T t) (Consumer<T> after) apply andThen compose identity (T t) (Function<R,V> after) (Function<V,T> before) () test and negate or isEqual (T t) (Predicate<T> other) () (Predicate<T> other) (Object targetRef) get () interface Consumer<T> default void Consumer<T> interface Function<T,R> R Function<T,V> Function<V,R> Function<T,T> interface Predicate<T> default default default static boolean Predicate<T> Predicate<T> Predicate<T> Predicate<T> interface Supplier<T> T interface UnaryOperator<T> extends Function<T,T> static Reference continues on the next page. void BiConsumer<T,U> interface BiFunction<T,U,R> default default static interface SortedMap<K,V> extends Map<K,V> K SortedMap<K,V> K SortedMap<K,V> SortedMap<K,V> default default class Scanner implements Iterator<String>, Closeable constructor constructor constructor boolean boolean boolean boolean boolean double int String interface BiConsumer<T,U> T UnaryOperator<T> apply identity (T t) () Reference continues on the next page. interface Stream<T> interface Closeable static static static static boolean boolean <R,A> R long Stream<T> Stream<T> Optional<T> Optional<T> void Stream<T> <R> Stream<R> Optional<T> Optional<T> boolean Optional<T> Stream<T> Stream<T> Stream<T> <T> Stream<T> Stream<T> Stream<T> Stream<T> allMatch anyMatch collect count distinct filter findAny findFirst forEach limit map max min noneMatch reduce skip sorted sorted concat generate iterate of (Predicate<T> predicate) (Predicate<T> predicate) (Collector<T,A,R> collector) () () (Predicate<T> predicate) () () (Consumer<T> action) (long maxSize) (Function<T,R> mapper) (Comparator<T> comparator) (Comparator<T> comparator) (Predicate<T> predicate) (BinaryOperator<T> op) (long n) () (Comparator<T> comparator) (Stream<T> a, Stream<T> b) (Supplier<T> s) (T seed, UnaryOperator<T> op) (T... values) void close () class BufferedReader extends Reader constructor String BufferedReader readLine (Reader in) () class DataInputStream extends InputStream constructor boolean char double int DataInputStream readBoolean readChar readDouble readInt (InputStream in) () () () () class DataOutputStream extends OutputStream constructor void void void void DataOutputStream writeBoolean writeChar writeDouble writeInt (OutputStream out) (boolean v) (char c) (double v) (int v) class File implements Comparable<File> class Collectors static <T,?,Long>* static static static groupingBy <T,?,Map<K,List<T>>* <String,?,String>* joining <String,?,String>* joining static <String,?,String>* joining static static static static <T,?,Optional<T>>* maxBy minBy toList toSet <T,?,Optional<T>>* <T,?,List<T>>* <T,?,Set<T>>* counting constructor boolean boolean boolean () (Function<T,K> classifier) () (String delimiter) (String delimiter, String prefix, String suffix) (Comparator<T> comparator) (Comparator<T> comparator) () () File exists isDirectory isFile (String pathname) () () () class FileInputStream extends InputStream constructor constructor FileInputStream FileInputStream (File file) (String name) class FileOutputStream extends OutputStream constructor constructor FileOutputStream FileOutputStream (File file) (String name) FileReader FileReader (File file) (String filename) * Note: The return types of the Collectors class are all a Collector<T,?,R>, but only the generic part of the type is given to avoid the return types do not fit in the table. For example: if <T,?,Long> is indicated for the counting method, the actual return type is Collector<T,?,Long>. class FileReader extends Reader constructor constructor abstract class InputStream implements Closeable abstract int read () class LineNumberReader extends BufferedReader constructor int Reference continues on the next page. LineNumberReader getLineNumber (Reader in) () Reference continues on the next page. Exceptions abstract class OutputStream implements Closeable void write (int b) Note: all classes in this section have constructors similar to Throwable. class PrintStream extends OutputStream constructor constructor constructor void void class Throwable PrintStream PrintStream PrintStream print println (File file) (OutputStream out) (String filename) (String s) (String s) PrintWriter PrintWriter PrintWriter print println (File file) (OutputStream out) (String filename) (String s) (Strng s) class PrintWriter extends Writer constructor constructor constructor void void constructor constructor constructor Throwable Throwable Throwable () (String message) (String message, Throwable cause) class Error extends Throwable class VirtualMachineError extends Error class OutOfMemoryError extends VirtualMachineError class StackOverflowError extends VirtualMachineError abstract class Reader implements Closeable abstract int read () class IOException extends Exception abstract class Writer implements Closeable abstract void write class Exception extends Throwable (int v) class FileNotFoundException extends IOException class RuntimeException extends Exception class IllegalArgumentException extends RuntimeException class NumberFormatException extends IllegalArgumentException class NullPointerException extends RuntimeException class IndexOutOfBoundsException extends RuntimeException class UnsupportedOperationException extends RuntimeException End of reference and examination materials. End of reference and examination materials.