Practical Laboratory Exam, Fall 2022 Important Information: 1. The exam is to be performed individually by each student. No talking is allowed. If necessary, you may speak ONLY to the TA or Lab staff. 2. You will have 70 minutes to complete the exam. Use your time wisely. 3. The total length of the period is 90 min. You will be required to leave 15 min before the end of the period. You will be given 5 minutes at the beginning to put your materials away and settle yourself at your station. 4. There are two parts to be completed. You may complete them in the order of your choice. 5. You have access to any glassware/equipment in your locker. You will need to bring a paper, pen, calculator, and a device that will permit you to access LabFlow during the exam time. 6. Please review the attached equipment list. It will be your decision as to which equipment and/or glassware to use. During the first FIVE minutes of the period, CHECK your locker!! If something you need is missing, inform your TA immediately. Part 1: Determination of the Density of a Solid 1. You will be given an unknown solid. Note its unknown number. Without this unknown number, you cannot receive a grade. 2. Using your choice of equipment, glassware, the unknown solid and water, determine the density of the unknown solid (in g/cm3). You may use the method of your choice to accomplish this task. Part 2: Determination of the Density of a Liquid 1. You will be assigned a fixed volume of an unknown solution. Note its unknown number. Without this unknown number, you cannot receive a grade. 2. Using your choice of equipment, glassware, and the unknown solution, determine the density of the unknown solution (in g/mL). You may use the method of your choice to accomplish this task. Considerations: 1. Work carefully but quickly. 2. Consider your choice of equipment and glassware in the lab. 3. Consider how many measurements you should make. Results: 1. Once you have determined your densities, open LabFlow. 2. Go to the Practical Lab Exam tab. Your access to the Submission folder in the Practical Lab Exam tab in LabFlow will begin at the start of your lab and will end 80 min later. 3. Enter the required information in the appropriate spaces. 4. CHECK your answers before submitting them. Once you submit, you cannot change anything. 5. Best of luck! Contents of the General Chemistry Locker, 2022 Contenus du Casier de Chimie Générale, 2022 ITEM / ARTICLE SIZE No. Grandeu r 1. clamp holder / noix de pince 3 2. Extension clamp/pince d’extension 1 3. universal clamp / pince universelle 2 4. Erlenmeyer flask / Fiole conique 125 ml 2 5. beaker/ bécher 50ml 3 6. beaker / bécher 150 ml 2 7. beaker / bécher 250 ml 1 8. beaker / bécher 400 ml 1 9. beaker / bécher 600 ml 1 10. graduated cylinder / cylindre gradué 10 ml 2 11. graduated cylinder / cylindre gradué 50 ml 1 12. watch glass / verre de montre 75 mm 3 13. wash bottle / pissette 250 ml 2 14. funnel / entonnoir 60 mm 1 15. test tube holder / pince à éprouvette 1 16. test tube rack / support à éprouvette 1 17. crucible tongs / pince à creuset 1 18. spatula / microspatule 1 19. scoopula / spatule 1 20. teflon rod / tige de teflon 2