Jt^ata, New Qntk BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT' OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Cornell University Library arV19570 Differential calculus 3 1924 031 254 042 olin.anx The tine original of tliis book is in Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031254042 WORKS OF H. B. PHILLIPS, PUBLISHED BY JOHN WILEY & SONS, PH.D. Inc. Analytic Qeometry. Tii+197 pages. 5 by 7}^. Illustrated. Cloth, Illustrated. Cloth, $1.50 net. Differential Calculus. v+162 pages. $1.25 net. 5 by 7Ji. Integral Calculus. $1.25 net. Ready Spring, 1917. and Integral Calculus, In one volume. $2.00 net. Ready Spring, 1917. Differential DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS BY H. B. PHILLIPS, Ph.D. AssisioTii Professor of Mathematics in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology FIRST EDITION FIRST THOUSAND NEW YORK JOHN WILEY & SONS, London: CHAPMAN Inc. & HALL, Limited 1916 Copyright, 1916, BY H. B. PHILLIPS StanDope F pcex H.GILSON COMPANY BOSTON, U.S.A. PREFACE on have continued the Geometry, wherein a few central methods are expounded and appUed to a la,rge variety of examples to the end that the student may learn principles, and gain power. In this way the differential calculus makes only a brief text suitable for a term's work and leaves for the integral calculus, which in many respects is far more important, a greater proportion of time than is ordinarily devoted In this text plan adopted for to differential calculus I my Analytic it. As material for review and to provide problems for which answers are not given, a supplementary list, containing about haK as many exercises as occur in the text, is placed at the end of the book. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor H. W. Tyler and Professor E. B. Wilson for advice and criticism and to Dr. Joseph Lipka for valuable assistance in preparing the manuscript and revising the proof. H. B. PHILLIPS. Boston, Mass., August, 1916.' CONTENTS Chapter I. Pages 1- 9 Introduction Derivative and Dipfbrbntial 10- 18 III. Differentiation of Algebraic Functions IV. Rates 19-31 32-38 II. v. VI. VII. Maxima and Minima 39- 48 Differentiation of Transcendental Functions. 49- 62 Geometrical Applications 63- 84 VIII. Velocity IX. Rolle's and Acceleration in a Curved Path Theorem and Indeterminate Forms X, Series and Approximations XI. Partial Differentiation . .... 85- 93 94-100 101-112 113-139 Supplementary Exercises Answers 154-160 Index 161-162 140-153 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION —A Definition of Function. 1. quantity y is called a function of a quantity x if values of y are determined by values of X. . Thus, if 2/ = 1 — x^, 2/ determines a value of y. function of its is a function of x; for a value of x Similarly, the area of a circle is a radius; for, the radius being given, the area is determined. It not necessary that only one value of the function is correspond to a value of the variable. Thus, determined. if 3? then y is a function of Several values may be x and y satisfy the equation — To each x. = 2 xy ]- y^ X, value of x correspond two values of y found by solving the equation for y. quantity u is called a function of several variables if u is determined when values are assigned to those variables. A Thus, if 2 = x^ + y^, then values being given to x and Similarly, the volume 2 is y, of a cone a function of x and y; a value of is z is a function of for, determined. its altitude and radius of base; for the radius and altitude being assigned, the volume is determined. of Functions. 2. Kinds An expression containing variables is called an explicit function of those variables. — Thus Vx + 2/ is an expUcit function y y is an = Vx-j- explicit function of x. 1 of 1, x and y. Similarly, if DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 2 A is called an implicit function. x^ is I. quantity determined by an equation not solved for that quantity y Chap. — an implicit function 2 xy = X, Also x is -\- of x. Thus, y^ if an implicit function of y. Explicit and do not denote properties of the func- implicit tion but of the way expressed. it is rendered explicit by solving. tion imphcit function is equivalent to is x± = y in An For example, the above equa- Vx, which y appears as an explicit function of x. A one representable by an algebraic rational function is expression containing no fractional powers of variable quantities. For example, a; V5 + x^ is a rational function of An + 3 2x x. irrational function is one represented by an algebraic expression which cannot be reduced to rational form. Vx + y is an irrational function of x and y. A function is called algebraic if it can be represented algebraic expression or is Thus by an the solution of an algebraic equa- All the functions previously mentioned are algebraic. Functions that are not algebraic are called transcendental. For example, sin x and log x are transcendental functions of x. tion. — 3. Independent and Dependent Variables. In most problems there occur a number of variable quantities connected by equations. Arbitrary values can be assigned to some of these quantities and the others are then determined. Those taking arbitrary values are called independent variables; Which those determined are called dependent variables. and which as dependent is usually a matter of convenience. The number of independent variables is, however, determined by the equations. variables are taken as independent Chap. INTRODUCTION I. For example, 3 in plotting the curve y = 31? + X, values are assigned to x and values of y are calculated. independent variable is x and the dependent variable y. The We might assign values to y and calculate values of x but that would be much more difficult. 4. — A particular function of x Notation. is often repre- sented by the notation / (x), which should be read, function For 'example, of x, or / of X, not / times x. / means that/ (x) is = Vx^+ (x) a symbol for Vx^ = 2/ means that y function of If it is is some / + 1. Similarly, (aj) definite (though perhaps unknown) x. necessary to consider several functions in the same discussion, they are distinguished by the use f" 1 (x), g (x) by subscripts or accents or Thus, of different letters. /i (x), /a (x), /' (x), (read /-one of x, /-two of x, /-prime of x, /-second of X, g of x) represent (presumably) different functions of x. Functions of several variables are expressed by writing the variables. For example, commas between V expresses that «; is The / in the is h) a function of r and h and V expresses that « =f{r, = f{a, a function of symbol b, c) a, b, c. of a function should be considered as representing an operation to be performed on the variable or variables. Thus, if f{x) = Vx^ + 1, /represents the operation of squaring the variable, adding 1, and extracting the square root of the result. If x is replaced . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 4 by any other quantity, the same operation on that quantity. For example, / = V22+ (2) f{y+l) = Similarly, then If / (x, y) (1, 2) {x, y, z) -3, f (2, 1) 0^ = 3 to be performed = Vs. 1 Vf + 2y + 2. +1)2+1 = = x^ = P = x^ = 2^ + xy + 1 2 - 22 = -1. + y^ + + (-3)2 + 1 = 14. 2/2, . z^, EXERCISES Given x + y a express !/ as an explicit function of x. Given logio (x) = sin y, express x as an explicit function Also express 2/ as an explicit function of x. 3. If / (x) = x^ - 3 X + 2, show that/ (1) = / (2) = 0. 4. If F (x) = X* + 2 x^ + 3, show that F (-a) = F (a). 1. , 2. + Xi, + 5. If F (x) = 6. If .* (x) = Vx2 - 7. If^(x)=^3,find^(i). Alsofind^. 8. If /i (x) 9. If/ (x, I. if / / then V(2/ is Chap. X find 1, F (x find J/) 10. Given / 11. On how many = F Also find 2 (2 x). = 2% /2 (x) = x^ = X - i, show Also find l). find /i !/2 (j/)]. that/ (2, 1) (x) + 1. (x). .^ Also find f, = 2/ (1, of y. 2) = [/i (^)]. 1. + x^ xj/, find / {y, x) independent variables does the volume of a right circular cylinder depend? 12. Three numbers x,y, z satisfy two equations (x, j/) X2 X How many 5. Limit. of these — + + 2,2 y + 32 = 5, +z =1. numbers can be taken as independent variables? If in any process a variable quantity ap- proaches a constant one in such a way that the difference of the two becomes and remains as small as you please, the constant is The said to be the limit of the variable. use of limits is well illustrated by the incommensurable Chap. INTRODUCTION I. and the determination cases of geometry circle or 5 of the area of a the volmne of a cone or sphere. — Limit of a Function. As a variable approaches a a function of that variable may approach a limit. Thus, as X approaches 1, x^ 1 approaches 2. We shall express that a variable x approaches a limit a by 6. limit + the notation x The symbol — thus means Let / (x) expressed = a. " approaches as a limit." A approach the limit as x approaches a; this is by lim/(x) = A, x=a which should be read, " the limit of / is A." Example 1. Find the value of lim (x x=l V As x approaches or as x approaches a, -)• + xl the quantity 1, (x), x+ X- approaches 1 +t1 Hence 2. lim Ex. 2. Find the value of sin 6 ,. hm e=o 1 As d + cos 9 approaches zero, the function given approaches Hence sin e hm — ,. 6=5=0 7. 1 + cos 6 = 0. Properties of Limits. — In finding the limits of func- made of certain simple properties that tions frequent use is follow almost immediately from the definition. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 6 The 1. limit of the equal to the sum sum a of finite I. number of functions is of their limits. Suppose, for example, X, Y, proaching the limits A, B, is Chap. C Z are three functions ap- X+Y+Z Then respectively. A + B + C. Consequently, {X + Y + Z) = A + B + C = \imX + limY + \im Z. approaching lim The 2. limit of the product of a finite number of functions is equal to the product of their limits. 3. X, Y, for example, If, then Z approach A, B,C respectively, XYZ approaches ABC, that lim XYZ = ABC = lira X lim Y lim Z. is, If the limit of the denominator is not zero, the limit of the ratio of two functions is equal to the ratio of their limits. Let X, Y approach the limits A, X Then ^ zero. A approaches „ ,. X , B that A and suppose B is not is, limX A is not zero, will be infinite. Then X A X y cannot approach „ as a limit; for, however large y. may If B is zero and -?, become, the difference of -^ and infinity 8, The Form value, jr , — When x is will not become small. by a replaced a function sometimes takes the form ^ • particular Although this symbol does nob represent a definite value, the function may have a definite limit. This is usually made evident by writing the function in a different form. Example 1. Find the value of ,, iim x=l x^-1 r- X-l 1 Chap. INTRODUCTION I. When X is replaced by 1, 7 the function takes the form 1-1 1-1 0' Since, however, X — the function approaches 1 =X+l, T 1 +1 ^= lim— x=l Ex. 2. Find the value ,. lim x— X = 2. 1 of (\/r+^ - 1) X a:=0 When Therefore or 2. the given function becomes 1-1 ^0 "O" Multiplying numerator and denominator by Vl+x- ^ ~ X As X approaches X X {Vl Vl + + a; 1 +x+ ~ Vl 1) +x+1 the last expression approaches 0, 1, |. Hence ^^(vr+^-i)^i X x=o Infinitesimal. 9. —A 2 variable approaching zero as a an infinitesimal. Let a and fi be two infinitesimals. limit is called If lim^ is finite and not the same order. |8. If than a. zero, If a and ^ are the hmit is the ratio ^ approaches said to be infinitesimals of zero, a is infinity, of higher order /3 Roughly speaking, the higher the the infinitesimal. is than of higher order order, the smaller 8 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS > For example, let x approach The zero. Chap. I. quantities X, 0?, 3?, 3^, etc. are infinitesimals arranged in ascending order. higher order than lim -; = — lim x^ of lower order than is x* is of 0. 1=0 x=oX'' Similarly, 3? Thus x^; for 3^, since X 3^ approaches infinity when x approaches zero. As x approaches ^ same , cos x and cot x are infinitesimals of the order; for lim T, which is finite cos x — — = lim sin ,. ,. - cot X and not . cc = 1, 1=0 zero. EXERCISES Find the values . 1. of the following limits: hm a;2-2x ^+ ,. „ 2- 4. « 5. ,. hm By a' — 3a; X — +2 sin hm s=osin 2 9 the use of a table of natural sines find the value of Imi a:=0 9. Iim^i5_£. 9=0 tan 9 ... 6. r-' \ ,. 8. a;" ^ ,. x=\ 7. hm x=0 J 3. Vl - s^— - Vl + ... 3 X- 5 sin 9 + cos 9 >^"^.sin29 + cos2e«= ;=D / sinx ^ Define as a Umit the area within a closed curve. Define as a limit the volume within a closed surface. 10. Define V2. 11. On the segment angles reaching from PQ P (Fig. 9a) construct to Q. a As the number series of equilateral tri- of triangles is increased, Chap. INTRODUCTION I. their bases PQ. Does approaching zero, the polygonal line its length approach that of PQ? A \/ 9 PABC, etc., approaches \/ Fig. 9a. 12. as Inscribe a series of cylinders in a cone shown in Fig. 9b. As the number of cyl- inders increases indefinitely, their altitudes approaching zero, does the sum of the volumes of the cylinders approach that of the cone? Does the sum of the lateral areas of the cylinders approach the lateral area of the Fig. 9b. cone? 13. Show that when x approaches zero, tan - does not approach a limit. 14. is As X approaches 1, which of the infinitesimals 1 — x and Vl — x of higher order? 15. As the radius of a sphere approaches zero, show that its volume an infinitesimal of higher order than the area of its surface and of the same order as the volume of the circumscribing cylinder. is CHAPTER II DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL 10. Increment. — When a variable changes value, the algebraic increase (new value crement and is minus old) called is its in- by the symbol A written represented before the variable. Thus, if X changes from 2 to Ax = 4 If 4, its - 2 = increment is 2. X changes from 2 to —1, -1-2 = Ax = When the increment is -3. positive there is an increase in value,' when negative a decrease. Let y he a, function of x. When x receives an increment Ay will be Ax, an increment determined. The increments of X and y thus correspond. To illustrate this graphically X and y be the rectangular coordinates of a point P. An equation let y =fix) to some other position Q on represents a curve. When changes, the point P changes the curve. The increments x of X and y are Ay = RQ. Ax = PR, — (10) Continuous Function. A function is called continuous if the increment of the function approaches zero as the increment of the variable approaches zero. 11. 10 Chap. ' II. In Fig. DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL 2/ is approaches zero, Q 10, a continuous function of x; approaches P and so 11 for, as Ay approaches Ax zero. In Figs. 11a and lib are shown two ways that a function can be discontinuous. In Fig. 11a the curve has a break at Y DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 12 The slope of the tangent at Chap. II. P is called the slope of the curve at P. Example. Find the slope of the parabola y = x^ P Q at the point (1, 1). Let the coordinates of be X, y. Those of are a; Ay. Ax, y + + Since P and Q are both on the curve, y =x^ and y + Ay=-{x + Axy = + 2 Ax + (Aa;)^. x2 we Subtracting these equations, Ay = Dividing by a; get 2xAx+ {Axy. Aa;, ^^2a=+A.T. Aa; As Aa; approaches zero, this approaches Slope at This is then X. Let w be a function of Derivative. Ax slope at is is It is represented = lim Ai=o represented Ay Ax ^ Ax called by the by / (13a) (x) = derivative with (x), its often represented by/' (x). f is -r^ is, D^y a function to x. If x. approaches zero, that limit the derivative of y with respect notation Dxy, that respect to x The 2-1=2. approaches a limit as If 2 the slope at the point with abscissa x. (1, 1) is 13. P= Thus = Z)^(x). lim^^ iiX ^=0 (13b) Chap. DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL II. 13 In Art. 12 we found that this Umit represents the slope of is, in fact, a function the curve y = fix). The derivative of X whose value is the slope of the curve at the point with abscissa X. The derivative, being the limit Aw of -T-^ is , approximately equal to a small change in y divided by the corresponding small change in x. It is then large or small according as the small in- crement of y is large or small in comparison with that of x. If small increments of x and Aw y have the same sign -r— and its limit Dxy are positive. If Fig. 13. they have opposite signs D^y Therefore Dxy is positive when x and y increase and decrease together and negative when one increases as the is negative. other decreases. 2. Example. y = x? — 3x Let x receive an increment Ax. The new value of x is Ay. Since these satisfy X Ax. The new value oiy isy + + + the equation, y + Ay={x + Axy -3{x + Ax)+ 2. Subtracting the equation y = oi^-3x + Ay = 3x^Ax + 3x (Ax)^ + 2, we get (Ax)' - 3 Ax. Dividing by Ax, Ay = 3x^ Ax As fyx + 3xAx + {Axy - 3. approaches zero this approaches the limit Dxy = 3 a;2 - 3. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 14 Chap. U. The graph is shown in Fig. 13. At A (where x = 1) y = = 3-1 — 3 = 0. The curve is thus tangent to the a>axis at A. The slope is also zero at B (where x = —1). This is the highest point on the arc AC. On the right of A and on the left of B, the slope D^y is positive and x and y inand Dxy crease is and decrease Between .together. A and B the slope negative and y decreases as x increases. EXERCISES Given y = Vx, find the increment of y when x changes from 2 to X = 1.9. Show that the increments approximately satisfy 1. I = the equation A^ Ax 1_. 2 VS 2. Given y = logio x, find the increments of y when x changes from 50 to 51 and from 100 to 101. Show that the second increment is approximately half the first. .3. Find its slope by 3. The equation of a certain line iay = 2 x + Aw calculating the limit of -p4. Construct the parabola y = x'' — 2 x. is 2 (x — 1). Find the point with abscissa "x what point is Show its that slope at its slope at (4, 8). At the slope equal to 2? Construct the curve represented by the equation y = x* — 2 x'. its slope at the point with abscissa x is 4 x (x^ — 1). At what points are the tangents parallel to the x-axis? Indicate where the slope 5. Show is that positive and where negative. In each of the following exercises show that the derivative has the value given. /Also find the slope of the corresponding curve at x = — 1. 6. Chap. As DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL II. A.X approaches zero, -i— approaches 15 Dxy and so « ap- proaches zero. The increment of y is + eAa;. Ay = DxV Ax The part D^y Ax (14) called the principal part of Ay. is As Ax approaches amount eAx. eAx becomes an so It differs zero, e from Ay by an approaches zero, and It is an than Ax. If then the principal used as an approximation for Ay, the error will be indefinitely small fraction of Ax. infinitesimal of higher order part is only a small fraction of When Example. mate value be 1- change in y for the In exercise 9, Ax when Ax page Hence the The exact increment 15. and is 2% small. - principal part of -7(.1) 4 = Ay - was found is -0.0250. Ay with an error less than 0.002 of Ax. Differentials. ^Let x be the independent variable y be a function of x. called the differential of y and The let dy = is principal part of denoted by dy; that D^^y Ax. Ay ii y = x, D^y = dx is, = 1, is is, (15a) This equation defines the differential of any function y of In particular, that to is principal part represents which = 14, the derivative of -\Ax= x^ The is sufficiently x changes from 2 to 2.1 find an approxi- x. and so Ax, (15b) the differential of the independent variable is equal to DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 16 its Chap. II. increment and the differential of any function y is equal to and the increment of the independent the product of its derivative variable. Combining 15a and 15b, is, the quotient dy -^ get dy = Dxy dx, (15c) X = (1^^) whence that we "^"V' is equal to the derivative ofy vnth respect to X. Since D^y is the slope of the curve y = f {x), equations 15b and 15c express that dy and dx are the sides of the right tri- PRT (Fig. 15) with hypotenuse PT extending along the tangent at P. On this diagram, Aa; and Ay are the increments angle Ax = PR, occurring from P to Ay = RQ, the change The differen- in Q. tials are dx = PR, A point differential dy x + = RT. the moving when it the tangent PT. The curve passes through dy describing P is in the direction of then the amount y would increase when x Ax if the direction of motion did not change. is changes ixi In general the direction of motion does change and so the If the inactual increase Ay = RQ is different from dy. crements are small the change in direction will be small and so Ay and dy will be approximately equal. Equation 15c was obtained under the assumption that x was the independent variable. It is still valid if continuous functions of an independent variable dx = Dtx At, dy = Dty At. x and y are For then t. Chap. The II. DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL identity Ay _ Ay Ax Ai~Ax"Ai gives in the limit Dty = D^y • DfX. 17 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 18 The error in the area dA=d which is 2% (a;2) Chap. II. approximately is =2xdx= ±0.02 x^ = ±0.02 A, of the area. EXERCISES 1. = Let n be a positive integer and y A?/ = (a; Show by using the binomial theorem. Expand a;". + Ax)" — x" that = nx-K ^ ax What the principal part of Ay? Using the results of Ex. 1, find an approximate value for the increment of a^ when x changes from 1.1 to 1.2. Express the error as a is 2. percentage of Ax. 3. If A the area of a circle of radius is r, show that dA -j- is equal to the circumference. 4. If the radius of a circle is measured and using the result, show that an error of radius will lead to an error of about 5. If V is Let V be the volume Show that if r is if If that the is constant constant dv -7- is -jr is If an -y- is equal h. equal to the lateral area. = / (x) and for all variations ia x, graph oi y = f (x) is a straight line. 2/ the show that r, equal to the area of the base of cylinder 8. If y is the independent variable and x showing dx, dy. Ax, and Ay. 9. of the in the area. a cylinder with radius r and altitude of dv h area calculated by measurement its surface. 6. 7. its in the the volume of a sphere with radius to the area of and 2% 1% 2/-axis is vertical, zontally from the origin with the dx = =f a;-axis horizontal, a velocity of 50 ft. Ax, dy (y), = Ay, show make a diagram a body thrown horiper second will in t seconds reach the point X = 50t, y = -16 tK path at that point. 10. A line turning about a fixed point P intersects the x-axis at A and the y-swa at B. If Ki and K2 are the areas of the triangles OPA and Find the slope OPB, show of its that dKi^PA^ dKi PB^' CHAPTER III DIFFERENTIATION OF ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS The 16. called is method process of finding derivatives and differentials Instead differentiation. applying the direct of of the last chapter, differentiation is usually per- formed by means of certain formulas derived by that method. In this work we use the letter d for the operation of taking the differential and the symbol -r-jior the the derivative with respect to To d {u + v) J- (m + w) = = Thus x. differential of (m derivative of {u operation of taking + w), + v) with respect to x. we proceed as in everywhere replaced obtain the derivative with respect to x finding the differential except that d ""^dTx 17. Formulas. single variable x, I. II. III. IV. V. VI. — Let and c, u, n v, w be continuous functions of a constants.* = 0. d {u-\- v) = du + dv. d {cu) = c du. d (tfv) = u dv -\- V du. V du — ti dv fu\ 3 d[-) = dc d (it") = nu"'-'- du. assumed that the functions u, continuous functions, * It is exist is u =f{x), 19 v, w have derivatives. There DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 20 Chap. III. — Proof of I. The differential of a constant is zero. a variable x takes an increment Ax, a constant does 18. When not vary. dc -^ = 0. Proof of n. 19. Ac 0, = -r— and 0, in the limit Clearing of fractions, = dx-0 = dc number = Consequently, Ac — The 0. differential of the sum of functions is equal to the sum a of finite of their differentials. Let y When to «; + =u+ V. X takes an increment Ax, u will change to w Ay. Consequently Ay, and y to j/ + Am, v + y + Ay = u + Au + v-j- Av. Subtraction of the two equations gives Ay = Au + Av, whence Ay _ Aw ~ Ax Aa; . . As Ax approaches , respectively. Ay Ax Au Av dy du ^^ approach ^, ^, Ay , ^, ^, zero, dv ^ Therefore dy dx _du dv dx dx' and so = dy By the same method d{u±v±w dc • du + dv. we can prove • • ) = du±dv±dw± • • • . such that Au Ax does not approach a limit as Ax approaches no derivative DxU and therefore no du = zero. differential DxU dx. Such a function has Chap. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. 20. Proof of in. function is — The differential of 21 a constant times a equal to the constant times the differential of the function. = cu. Ay = c(u + Ay = c~"Am, Ay _ Am Let y Then y + and so A A 1 As Ax approaches Ax Ay "" , Am) Ax Am zero, -r-.and c-ir- dy du approach j- and c-j-, , Therefore dy dx _ du dy = dx' whence c du. Fractions with a constant denominator should be differentiated by Thus this formula. '^©='^(^)=^"21. . Proof of IV. functions is equal — The to the first differential of the product of two times the differential of the second plus the second times the differential of the Let Then y + y = Ay = = first. uv. (u + Am) + Av) + (m + Am) Av. (v uv -\-v Am Am + (m Subtraction gives Ay = V + Am) Av, whence Aw Am , , , . , Aw m is a continuous function, Am approaches zero as approaches zero. Therefore, in the limit, Since dy dx _ du do dx dx Ax DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 22 Chap. III. and so dy = V du + u dv. way we can show that d (uvw) = uv dw -\- uw dv In the same 22. Proof of V. — The -\-vw du. a fraction differential of the denominator times the differential of the the is equal to numerator minus numerator times the differential of the denominator, all- divided by the square of the denominator. Let y =u Then and + Am w , Ay V -\- u- Av V V Am — m V {v At; + Av) Dividing by Ax, . At/ -r^ Ax Am = V-:Ax V (v At; M-7- Ax + Av) t; is a continuous function of approaches zero. Therefore Since du dx _ dy dx x, Av approaches zero as Ax dv dx v^ whence , dv23. Proof of VI. — The V du — udv ^ differential of a variable raised to a constant -power is equal to the product of the exponent, the variable raised to a power one and less, the differential of the variable. We consider three cases depending on whether the exponent is a positive whole number, a positive fraction,' or a negative number. page 61. For the case of irrational exponent, see Ex. 25, Chap. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. Let n be a positive integer and y (1) = 23 Then u". and Ly = nu"-^ Am + ^ ^\~ ^^ m"-^ (Am)^ + • • . Dividing by Am, n Ah -^ =nM"-iH As Am approaches — — (n , , 1) , , , + , • • . approaches zero, this = -^ du „ ^M"-2 (Am) ^^"2 nM"-!. Consequently, = dy du. nu"~''- V Let n be a positive fraction (2) = 2/« and y - — u''= u". Then M". Since p and g are both positive integers, we can differentiate both sides of this equation by the formula just proved. Therefore qy^~^ dy = du. pu'^~'^ p Solving for dy and substituting m' for dy = VU^ qu « P--p = M" = M""" Therefore, we = nu"~^ du. get — m. Then = M" m is positive, we can find d (m") above. , du n q * W " dy V ^ = -u Let n be a negative number (3) Since du y, by the formulas proved by V, — = u"'d(l) = ^ „^„ld{u'^)- = —7rmr~Hu ^ — „,, = nu"-^,,du. —mu-'^-^du DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 24 . n Therefore, whether an is Chap. III. integer or fraction, positive or negative, d If (m") = the numerator of a fraction = d -j ( = y 1. is constant, this formula can be Thus used instead of V. Example nw"""' du. d icu~^) == —cu~^ du. 43^. Using formulas III and VI, = dy Ex.2, y 4d = Vl + =4 (x^) ~ + Vx 3 • a;2 dx = 12 a;2 da;. 3. This can be written y = x^ + 2+3. x Consequently, by II and VI, dy dx _d (xi) d (x-i) dx 1 d —idx —sdx 1 (3) dx dx , = 2^^d^-2^^di + Ex. 3. y 2VZ 2V'^ = (x + a) (x^ - b^). Using IV, with = = Ex.4.. y n (x 3 u = x + a, v = x^ — V, + a)(2x-0) + (3?- ¥) + 2 ax - a;2 = $^- 62. (1 + 0) Chap. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. Using V, with u , '^'^ (x" ~ = x^ + 1, v = x^ — 1, -l)d (x' + 1) - (x^ +l)d {?? - ^ {x^-\)2xdx_ + i - 1) + l)2xdx -1)2' (a;2 Ex. 5. y = Va;2 - 1. Using VI, with u = x^ = jx" {x^ ly Axdx ~ '~ 25 — 1, (a;2 - 1)-^ (2 — 2/^ = a;) = Vx2- 1 Ex. 6. We can consider y a function of x determined by the equa- cc^ 1. Then tion. d that a;2/ ix') + d (xy) - d (y2) = d (1) = 0, is, + X dy + y dx ~ 2 y dy = 0, (2x + y)dx+{x-2y)dy = 0. 2 X dx Consequently, d^ dx Ex.7. a; = < + -, y ^ 2x-\-y 2y — = t x -. In this case dx = dt — ^, dy = dt + ^- Consequently, %^ dx ^ ^ l±l t^ 1 t^-l f Ex. X = 8. 0.2. Find an approximate value of 2/ = /I ( _ x\i . 1 when : DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 26 When = X 0, = y = a; this 2dx 3(l-a;)^(l+a;)*' becomes = -f da;. dy If in III. Also 1. ^~ When Chap. we assume that dy is approximately equal to Ay, the change y when x changes from to 0.2 is approximately dy The required value = -f is (0.2) = -0.13. then y = l- = 0.13 .87. EXERCISES In the following exercises show that the differentials and derivatives have the values given 1. y = + 3x* ^- y 4. y 5. J/ 6- 2/ x^ + 1 ' 5 (,x = a; + 2a){x- ay, (2a;- 1) (3a; + 2), = 2X \ (ix (x +3 I)'' (x (4x-5J^ 2x - 3 x' - 2 3 (y? - ^= ISa;^ + 2a; - 2. _ - -2a;cfa; (i ^"- a") dx. d9 + if 1 Ve^-l-e 0+V^2Tri= ^/W^^l ^ ds« va- Vo^ a: = 1)' x' x) dx. 5 {l-t)di / + x^ - dy dx dy -22dx / dx Vx 11 {x" Zx^-2 (a;2 -2x _ - ^ dy ''y ^?:pi- '•^"4x-5'''^ d di 1 = _ + 5, 3, - g3 ~ -6x' ix' 3 J - x^ y - a2-2s2 s> = y^, _ a?dy ^j ' ' ' Chap. 18. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. 27 = (x+l)(2-3a;)2(2x-3P, 2/ ^ = (24 + 13a; -36a;2) (21-1 19 dy a;" = * "^ 20. = . ^^V.-^. 3 + (x vr+T')"+^ + ,« « I 1 (x .x2 + 2/2 = a2, 23. x3 + ,3 = 3 ax.. 25. 2 x^ +4 X2/ = 2/ 2/'" 2/2 d^ dx 3 X, ?/ when 1 V _ 4x — 3)/ — ~ 3X — 8 -1 3 2/ 0. da " dx 1 - - n Vl+x'+Vr+a*" I + x'"2/" = x^™, 2 mydx =nx dy. +3 J d2/ 29. x=i-V<2-l, y=t+^e-l, 31. Given y = - = 2 (x + VrTx'2)"dx. _ X ydx-xdy = I X 1 + | P^^= a;' 27. Va:2 = +1 = h 1 n~ 26. 3 jfi K d^ dx 22. 24. _i_ 1 + vrr^o"-' ' 1 d?/ - 3)=. * "^ t dx ' ij - (a-|-6x")«+' ar* ' (2x maa:"'-' da; + ia;")"" (a _ ~ 3a;) = ^ + ydx = xdy 0. X .^ ^ „ , an approximate value find for 4.2. 32. Find an approximate value of i/5 T X^ X when X = X+ 1 + 1 -|- X .3. = x^ find d2/ and Ay when x changes from 3 to 3.1. Is dy a satisfactory approximation for Ay? Express the difference as a 33. Given y percentage of Ay. 34. Find the slope of the curve 2/ at the point x = =X (x5 + 31)^ 1. 35. Find the points on the parabola y^ incUned at an angle of 45° to the x-axis. = iax where the tangent is . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 28 36. Chap. III. Given y = (a + x) Va — x, for what values of x does y increaae and for what values does y decrease' as x increases? Find the points P {x, y) on the curve as X increases 37. = y +,1- x where the tangent is perpendicular to the 38. Find the angle at which the circle x^ + P to the origin, < 2x-Zy = y'^ line joining intersects the a;-axis at the origin. 39. A line through 2/-axis at (0, y). 40. If — a;2 a; the point Find +2 = (1, 2) outs the x-axis at {x, and the 0) -— 0, why :^ ax is (x2 the equation - a; + = 2) not satisfied? 41. The distances x, x' of a point and its image from a lens are con- nected bv the equation -= + x^x' - - r / being constant. If L is the length of a small object extending along the axis perpendicular to the lens and L' is the length of its image, show that . MIT approximately, x and x' being the distances of the object and from the 24. Higher Derivatives. function of x. is its image lens. — The Its derivative derivative ^^ with respect to called the second derivative of is, first -^ dx^ dx \dx) /%Y Similarly, d^^d^ l^\ dx \dxy' ^ = 1W etc a written ^-^ y with respect to ^= db? x, is x. That Chap. The /' (a=), ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. 29 derivatives of / (x) with respect to x are often written /" Thus, (.x),f"' (x), etc. g= | = /'(x). Exafnple = y 1. ii y /"(x), = f (x), g = r(x),etc. x^. Differentiation with respect to x gives All higher derivatives are zero. x^ JEx. 2. + + xt/ = 2/' ^ 1. , , \ '^^ Differentiating with respect to x, + ,+x|+2,|=0, 2x whence dy dx The second derivative ^ + +2 2x j/ X J/ is ^= __ddx /2xJ-_^\ +2 U dx2 dv Replacing -~ by Y its 6 (Py (x^ (x last expression is curve x^ + xy derivative we -\- y^ (x + 2 y)' value in terms of x and y and reducing, dx2 The 2// 3x^-Sm ^_2dx__^ + x?/ + + 2 yy 6 2/^) (x +2 2/)' obtained by using the equation of the = 1. By differentiating this could find the third derivative, etc. second DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 30 Change 25. second derivative by -r^ tient obtained by dividing a second The value (dxy. = d^ = If, however, = ^ df 30 ^« we = x x^, 2 (dxY = is is = differential however depend on the Then t'. 2 (3 vari- differentiated. <2 dty = d^y -r^ 18 = 1^ differentiate with respect td 2 and so {dty. t, since y = t^, and = d?y which have represented the d (dy) of d^y will able with respect to which y Thus, suppose y III. This can be regarded as the quo- . d^y by — We Variable. of Chap. 30 t" {dty, not equal to the value obtained when we differen- tiated y with respect to x. For this reason we shall not use differentials of the second or higher orders except in the numerators of derivatives. ' Two dj^ti derivatives like -^ and dr fractions because d^y does not d^v -r^ ax' must not be combined like have the same value in the two cases. If we have derivatives with respect to t and wish to derivatives with respect to x, they can be found find by using the identical relation du d dx _ du dt dt^ _ dx dt ,„ dx Tt For example, dx\dtj dt\di) dx dx V Chap. ALGEBRAIC FUNCTIONS III. = Given x Example. — -1 t y , = 1 t + -, 31 d'y find -r| In this case dy dx f_ ^ ,, dl + , ^f - dt -. f + 1 l' Consequently, d^y _ d ff dx \f - 1\_ + 1/ it dt 4t _ _ 1 {(' EXERCISES Find -r and -r4 in each ax ax' 1. y 2. y 3. y 4. !/^ 9. If = X — 5. r1 = Va2 - x2. = (x - 1)3 (x + = 4 X. a and of the following exercises: 2)<. b are constant dx' 10. and y dx = x^ 6. x'' 7. X2/ 8. x^ ax^ + 2/" = a?. -2y^ = 1. = a + + t/» = ai + bx, ?/. show that 4f CHAPTER IV RATES 26. — Rate of Change. the change in a quantity z If proportional to the time in which at a constant rate. Az If is it occurs, z is is said to change the change occurring in an in- terval of time Ai, the rate of change of z is Az Af If the rate of constant if change of z is the interval Ai not constant, it will very short. Then is be nearly Az -r- is ap- proximately the rate of change, the approximation becoming The exact rate of greater as the increments become less. change at the time t is consequently defined as 0^' ^fr-%' that is, the rate of change of any quantity respect to the time. If if the quantity is increasing, its rate of decreasing, the rate 27. negative. is Velocity Along a Straight Line. move along a is its derivative with < straight hne (Fig. 27). s change — Let a Let s is positive; particle = OP P be con- As P Fig. 27. on one side of 0, negative on the other. If the particle moves with constant velocity the distance As in sidered positive the time Ai, its velocity is As At' If the velocity is very short. is not constant, Therefore As -rr is it will be nearly so when A< approximately the velocity, the 32 RATES Chap. IV. 33 approximation becoming greater as At becomes velocity at the time t is therefore defined as less. „=liin^ = g. At dt The (27) ^ A(=o ' This equation shows that ds is the distance the particle would move in a time dt if the velocity remained constant. As a rule the velocity will not be constant and so ds will be different from the distance the particle does move in the time dt. When the velocity s is increasing, decreasing, the velocity Example. A body starting = s feet in The t Find seconds. t, At the end = positive; from 16 rest falls approxinaately i2 t is = 32 ^ dt of 10 seconds « ft./sec* it is 320 ft./sec. Acceleration Along a Straight Line. tion of a particle moving along a the rate of change of = That is defined as is 5=g- This equation shows that Uv if — The accelera- straight line its velocity. « in the time dt s is dv V •= 28. when velocity at the end of 10 seconds. its any time velocity at is negative. is is the (^' amount v would increase the acceleration remained constant. is positive when the velocity is increasing, when it is decreasing. Example. At the end of t seconds the vertical height of a ball thrown upward with a velocity of 100 ft./sec. is The acceleration negative h Find rising, * = 100t-lQ f. and acceleration. Also find when it is when falling, and when it reaches the highest point. its velocity The notation ft./sec. means feet per second. Similarly, ft./sec.^, used for acceleration, means feet per second per second. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 34 The The velocity -^ = and acceleration are v = j^ (100 - 32 a = ^= be It will 3|. highest point -32 be rising while ball will Chap. IV. when ft./sec.2. v is positive, falling after = < ft./sec, i = 3|. that It will 3|. until is, t = be at the — Angular Velocity and Acceleration. Consider a body rotating about a fixed axis. Let d be the angle turned through at time t. The angular veloc^P ity is defined as the rate of change of 29. that 9, is, angular velocity Fig of The angular change of angular velocity, that , .. , angular acceleration Example = -^ at • = a acceleration is the rate = do} -tt A wheel 1. is = (P9 ttt dt^ • turning 100 revolutions per minute Find its angular velocity. turned through in one minute angle The its axis. CO Ex. to is, dt about = '^9 2. constant A = 100 • 2 = TT will be 200 T radians/min. wheel, starting from rest under the action of a moment about (or tv/ist) its axis, will turn in t seconds through an angle 8 k being constant. at time By Find its = kt\ angular velocity and acceleration t. definition 0) = a= jT -jT at = 2 ftf rad./sec, = 2k rad./sec*. RATES Chap. IV. — In matny cases the rates of change Related Rates. 30. of certain variables are be calculated. This 35 is known and the rates of others are to done by expressing the quantities whose rates are wanted in terms of those whose rates are known and taking the derivatives with respect to t. Exam,ple and its The 1. radius of a cylinder is increasing 2 ft. /sec. Find the rate of change altitude decreasing 3 ft./sec. of its volume. Let r be the radius and h the altitude. = V The By irr'-ll. derivative with respect to t is ,dh,^ dv Then dr , hypothesis dr _ dh _ di~^' _ dt~ ~^- — TT^- Hence -r- = 4 irrh 3 dt This h. is If r when the the rate of increase = 10 ft. and = /i -77= 6 radius is r and altitude ft«, — 60 TT cu. ft./sec. dt Ex. 2. A ship B sailing south at 16 miles per hour is northwest of a ship A sailing east at 10 miles per hour. At what rate are the ships approaching? Let X and y be the distances of the ships point where their paths cross. ships is The then s This distance is = Vx^ + 2/2. changing at the rate dx ds ^ dy ^dt^^di Va;2 + 9 A and B from the distance between the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 36 By ;t7 Chap. IV. hypothesis, = -| 10, = -16, Vx' " = , dt at + y^ = , VX2 + cos45° —^• = V2 2/2 Therefore 10 ds dt The - 16 = V2 -3\/2mi./hr. negative sign shows that s decreasing, that is the is, ships are approaching. EXERCISES From 1. the roof of a house 50 upward with a speed t of 100 ft. above the ft. thrown above the ground street a ball is Its height per second. seconds later will be A Find its velocity + 50 100 - < and acceleration when What tinue to rise? = is t 16 = fi. 2. How A body moves in a straight line according to s = it* - il' + 16P. 2. long does the highest point reached? it con- p4 / the law During what interval is the velocity moving backward? 3. If V is the velocity and a tht acceleration of a particle jnoving along the a;-axis, show that Find and velocity its decreasing? When acceleration. is it adx = 4. If a particle moves along a line with the velocity = t)2 where g is 2 gs, constant and s the distance from a fixed point in the that the acceleration 6. V dv. When is line, show constant. a particle moves with constant speed around a circle with its shadow on the a^-axis moves with velocity v center at the origin, satisfying the equation 2,2 n and r being constant. proportional to its A is 6. wheel angular velocity? it drive a belt? 4- „2j;2 Show = ^2^2^ that the acceleration of the shadow is distance from the origin. turning 500 revolutions per minute. If the wheel is 4 ft. in diameter, with What is its what speed does RATES Chap. IV. 37 . A rotating wheel is brought to rest by a brake. Assuming the between brake and wheel to be constant, the angle turned through in a time t will be 7. friction e a, b, c When = a + bt - cfi, being constants. Find the angular velocity and acceleration. wiU the wheel come to rest? 8. A wheel revolves according to the law w = 30 < <', where m is the speed in radians per minute and t the time since the wheel started. + second wheel turns according to the law 9 = Ifi, where t is the time and 9 the angle in degrees through which it has turned. Which wheel is turning faster at the end of one minute and how much? 9. A wheel of radius r rolls along a line. If v is the velocity and a the acceleration of its center, a the angular velocity and a the angular acceleration about its axis, show that A in seconds V 10. The depth increasing 1 = a Tec, = ra. water in a cylindrical tank, 6 feet in diameter, ia foot per minute. Find the rate at which the water is flowof ing in. A stone dropped into a pond sends out a series of concentric If the radius of the outer ripple increases steadily at the rate of 6 ft. /sec, how rapidly is the area of disturbed water increasing at the end of 2 seconds? 11. ripples. 12. At a of its base 3 its certain instant the altitude of a cone ft. If base decreasing the altitude 1 ft./sec, is is 7 increasing 2 ft./sec. how fast is the and the radius and the radius of ft. volume increasing or de- creasing? 13. The top of a ladder 20 feet long slides down a vertical wall. Find the ratio of the speeds of the top and bottom when the ladder makes an angle of 30 degrees with the ground. The cross section of a trough 10 ft. long is an equilateral triangle. water flows in at the rate of 10 cu. ft./sec, find the rate at which the depth is increasing when the water is 18 inches deep. 15. A man 6 feet tall walks at the rate of 5 feet per second away from a lamp 10 feet from the ground. WTien he is 20 feet from the lamp post, find the rate at which the end of his shadow is moving and the rate at which his shadow is growing. 16. A boat moving 8 miles per hour is laying a cable. Assuming that the water is 1000 ft. deep, the cable is attached to the bottom and stretches in a straight line to the stern of the boat, at what rate is the cable leaving the boat when 2000 ft. have been paid out? 17. Sand when poured from a height on a level surface forms a cone with constant angle ^ at the vertex, depending on the material. If the 14. If DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 38 sand is poured at the rate of creasing when it c cu. ft./sec, at what rate Chap. IV. is the radius in- equals a? 18. Two straight railway tracks intersect at an angle of 60 degrees. On one a train is 8 miles from the junction and moving toward it at the rate of 40 miles per hour. On the other a train is 12 miles from the junction and moving from it at the rate of 10 miles per hour. Find the rate at which the trains are approaching or separating. 19. An elevated car running at a constant elevation of 50 ft. above the street passes over a surface car, the tracks crossing at right angles. If the speed of the elevated car face car 8 mUes, at is 16 miles per hour what rate are the and that of the sur- cars separating 10 seconds after they meet? of the sun make an angle of 30 degrees with the horidrops from a height of 64 feet. How fast is its shadow moving just before the ball hits the ground? 20. zontal. The rays A ball CHAPTER V MAXIMA AND MINIMA 31. -A function of x is said to have a maximum a,t x = a, when x = a the function is greater than for any other value in the immediate neighborhood of a. It has a minimum if when X = a the function is less than for any other value of x if sufficiently near a. If we represent the function = maximum / Wi bottom of a wave. y If is ^ the derivative plot the curve minimum at the continuous, as in Fig. 31a, the tangent wave and maxima and minima horizontal at the highest and lowest points of a the slope of is by y and occurs at the top, a is zero. a function / (a;) Hence we in determining first look for values of x such that lfix)=nx) = If a is a root of minimum, this equation, or neither. T / (a) o. may be a maximum, a DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 40 = atx a, iff (x) is positive for values of for values a tive If the slope is Chap. V. xa little less and negor greater than a. little negative on the left and positive on the right, and the ordinate is a as at B, the curve rises on both sides minimum. That is, negative for values of / has a (x) xa minimum and little less = x at a, iff positive for values (x) is a little greater than a. If the slope has the same sign on both sides, as at C, the curve rises neither a falls on the other and the ordinate nor a minimum. That is, / (x) has a minimum at x = a if f (x) /los the on one side and maximum maximum nor neither a is same sign on both sides of a. Example 1. The sum of two numbers mum Find the maxi- is 5. value of their product. Let one of the numbers be x. The other is then 5 — x. The value of x is to be found such that the product y is = X ib maximum. a — x) The = 5 X — x^ derivative is f = 5-2x. ax This Fig. 31b. ti is zero when x = the derivative is f than f the derivative a; a; = = J the graph then has the shape f the function has its f (5 Ex. its 2. . If positive. is shown x is If x than less is negative. greater Near At in Fig. 31b. greatest value - f) = ¥• Find the shape of the pint cup which requires for construction the least amount of tin. Let the radius of base be r and the depth tin used is A = TTT^ 2 irrA. h. The area + Let V be the number of cubic inches in a pint. v = irr^h. Then of MAXIMA AND MINIMA V Chap. Consequently, 41 = h irr' 4 = Trr^ and t and Since —=2 ^~ — 2 is zero if tit' = v. " ( J.2 ^ If there is a dr it 2v v are constants, dA This + ^2 V y maximum or minimum must then occur when = V!; has any other value, for, if r dA -p will have the same sign on both sides of that value and A will be neither a maximum nor a minimum. Since the amount of tin used cannot be zero This must then be the value there must be a least amount. of A when that r = v = Also in^. The cup h. v = We irr%. therefore conclude requiring the thus has a depth equal to least tin the radius of base. its The strength of a rectangular beam is proportional to the product of its width by the Ex. 3. square of strongest from a Find the depth. its beam that can be cut 24 inches in circular log diameter. In Fig. 31c is shown a and beam. beam. Then of the log of the Let x be the breadth and y the depth a;2 The strength of. the + beam S= Fig. 31c. section kxy^ 2/2 = (24)2. is = kx (242 _ a.2)^ . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 42 k being constant. The dS S derivative of = dx k (24^ x = ±8 Vs. cannot be negative. - 3 Since x beam, Hence the only solution. there maximum 2/ = Ex. Since no other value can 8 minimum, a; = 8 v3 must be beam. The corresponding depth or a the width of the strongest is the breadth of the Since the log cannot be infinitely strong, must be a strongest beam. give either a is = 8^3 a; is is x2). If this is zero, it Chap. V. Ve. Find the dimensions of the largest right circular 4. cylinder inscribed in a given right circular cone. Let r be the radius and h the altitude of the cone. Let X be the radius and y the altitude of an inscribed cylinder (Fig. 31d). From the similar triangles DEC and ABCj DE^AB EC that h y r — X V Fig. 31d. its = derivative to zero, 2 rx - 3 y r The volume Equating BC' is, = - of the cylinder irx'^y we a;^ = — {rx^ - (r x). is — x^) get = 0. Hence x = or a; = | r. The value a; = obviously does maximum. Since there is a largest cylinder, its radius must then be a; = | r. By substitution its altitude is then found to be 2/ = ^h. 32. Method of Finding Maxima and Minima. The method used in solving these problems involves the following not give the — steps: MAXIMA AND MINIMA Chap. V. Decide what (1) it be to be a maximum or minimum. Let y. Express y in terms of a single variable. Let it be x. be convenient to express y temporarily in terms of (2) It is 43 may several variable quantities. If our present methods, there nate all but one of these. will the problem can be solved Calculate -p and find for (3) by be relations enough to elimi- what values of x it is zero. (4) It is usually easy to decide from the problem itself whether the corresponding values of y are maxima or minima. determine the signs of If not, a -j^ when a; is a and and apply the greater than the values in question little little less criteria given in Art. 31. EXERCISES Find the 1. 2 2. 6 Show maximum and minimum _ a;2 + x\ 6. a? 9. Show 11. x* -2x^ + The sum Q. ^^ that x 4. • Va? - x' maxima +-X has a - 7. 6 8. X Va^ a;* 15 a^ + or minima: + 10 x\ a;". maximum and a minimum and that the than the minimum. is less of the square and the reciprocal of a number is a mini- Find the number. Show square. 12. 3. 7. x\ + 4 X. maximum mum. + - a; that the following functions have no 5. 10. 5x 12 values of the following functions: that the largest rectangle with a given perimeter is a < Show that the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a given a square. Find the altitude of the largest cylinder that can be inscribed in circle is 13. a sphere of radius a. A rectangular box with square base and open at the top is to be a given amount of material. If no allowance is made for thickness of material or waste in construction, what are the dimensions of the largest box that can be made? 14. made out of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 44 15. A cylindrical tin Show capacity. Chap. V. can closed at both ends is to have a given amount of tin used wiE be a minimum when that the the height equals the diameter. 16. What are the most economical proportions for an open cylindrical water tank if the cost of the sides per square foot is two-thirds the cost of the bottom per square foot? 17. The top, bottom, and lateral surface of a closed tin can are to be cut from rectangles of tin, the scraps being a total loss. Find the most economical proportions for a can of given capacity. 18. Find the volume of the largest right cone that can be generated by revolving a right triangle of hypotenuse 2 ft. about one of its sides. 19. Four successive measurements of a distance gave ai, 02, Oa, 04 as results. By the theory of least squares the most probable value of the distance is that which makes the sum of the squares of the four errors a minimum. What is that value? sum of the length and girth of a parcel post package must not exceed 72 inches, find the dimensions of the largest cylindrical jug that can be sent by parcel post. 21. A circular filter paper of radius 6 inches is to be folded into a conical filter. Find the radius of the base of the filter if it has the 20. If the maximum capacity. Assuming that the intensity of light is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source, find the point on the line joining two sources, one of which is twice as intense as the other, at which the illumination is a minimum. 22. 23. wide. The sides of a trough of triangular section are planks 12 inches Find the width at the top if the trough has the maximum capacity. 24. A fence 6 feet high runs parallel to and 5 feet from a wall. Find the shortest ladder that will reach from the ground over the fence to the wall. 26. A log has the form of a frustum of a cone 29 ft. long, the diameters A beam of square section is to be cut ft. and 1 ft. of its ends being 2 from the 26. A log. Find length if the perimeter is 30 ft., circle. If amount of Ught 27. its window has the form may beam is a maximum. a rectangle surmounted by a semifind the dimensions so that the greatest the volume of the of be admitted. A piece of wire 6 ft. long is to be cut into 6 pieces, two of one length and four of another. The two former are bent into circles which are held in parallel planes and fastened together by the four remaining The. whole forms a model of a right cylinder. Calculate the lengths into which the wire must be divided to produce the cylinder of greatest volume. pieces. MAXIMA AND MINIMA Chap. V. 45 28. Among all circular sectors with a given perimeter, find the one which has the greatest area. 29. A ship B is 75 miles due east of a ship A. If B sails west at 12 miles per hour and A south at 9 miles, find when the ships will be closest together. 30. A man on one side of a river J mile wide wishes to reach a point on the opposite side 5 miles further along the bank. If he can walk 4 miles an hour and swim 2 miles an hour, find the route he should take to make the trip in the least time. Find the length 31. Une which of the shortest will divide an equi- lateral triangle into parts of equal area. A 32. angle is an oval curve. triangle is inscribed in a maximum, show If the area of the tri- graphically that the tangents at the vertices of the triangle are parallel to the opposite sides. 33. A and C are points on the Ught passes from A same side of a plane mirror. A ray of C by way of a point B on the mirror. Show that path ABC will be a minimum when the lines AB, the length of the to CB make equal angles with the perpendicular to the mirror. Let the velocity of light in air be Vi and in water Vi. The path of a ray of light from a point A in the air to a point C below the surface of the water is bent at B where it enters the water. If fli and 0i are the angles made by AB and BC with the perpendicular to the surface, show that the time required for light to pass from A to C wiU be least if B is so 34. placed that sin $1 sin 35. The 62 _ vi Vi cost per hour of propelling a steamer is proportional to the cube of her speed through the water. Find the speed at which a boat should be run against a current of 5 miles per hour in order to make a given trip at least cost. 36. If the cost per hour for fuel required to run a steamer is proporand is $20 per hour for a speed of 10 knots, tional to the cube of her speed and if the other expenses amount to $100 per hour, ical speed in 33. atill Other Types given in Art. 31 find the most econom- water. of Maxima and Minima. is sufficient to determine — The method maxima and minima the function and its derivative are one-valued and continuIn Figs. 33a and 33b are shown some types of maxima and minima that do not satisfy these conditions. At B and C, Fig. 33a, the tangent is vertical and the deif ous. rivative infinite. At D the slope on the left is different from DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 46 that on the right. and E The derivative is Chap. V. At discontinuous. A This happens in problems where values beyond a certain range are impossible. According to the curve ends. Fig. 33a. our definition, y has and E. If maxima more than one value at A, B, D and minima at C of the function corresponds to a single value of the variable, points like B, Pig. 33b, A may and occur. At such points two values of y coincide. These figures show that in determining max- ima and minima special attention must be given to places where the deFig. 33b. the function ceases to rivative exist, is discontinuous, or two values of the function coincide. Exatnyle Find the 1. on the curve maximum and minimum In this case, dy dx No finite ordinates = 7?. y = x^ and y^ 2 _i 3 value of x makes the derivative zero, but a; = MAXIMA AND MINIMA Chap. V. makes Since y it infinite. minimum is never negative, the value 47 is a (Fig. 33c). Y Ex. 2. A man on one side of a river J mile wide wishes to reach a point on the opposite side 2 miles down the river. If he can row 6 miles an hour and walk 4, find the route he should take to make the trip in the least time. i_ 2 Fig. 33e. Fig. 33d. Let tion. (Fig. 33d) be the starting point and B the destinaSuppose he rows to C, x miles down the river. The A + time of rowing will be ^ Va;^ J and the time of walking J (2 — a;). The total time is then t = i ViH=l + H2 - Equating the derivative to '6 which reduces to 5 a;^ Vx^ + f zero, +i = 0. we x). get 4 This has no real solution. : DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 48 The Chap. V. — a;) is the time of walking only above B. If C is below B, the time is i (r — 2). The complete value for t is then if C trouble that J (2 is is t the sign being + = i v^n ± if x < 2 and the equation connecting x and i (2 — t if a; is - x), > 2. The shown graph of in Fig. 33e. At X = 2 the derivative is discontinuous. Since he rows faster than he walks, the minimum obviously occurs when he rows all the way, that is, x = 2. EXERCISES maximum and minimum values Find the 1. x' = + 2/' = x'{x a^. 2/3 of y on the following curves = X* = t' + 1. X i^, y = t' - tK 6. Find the rectangle of least area having a given perimeter. 6. Find the point on the parabola y^ — ix nearest the point (-1,0). 7. A wire of length I is cut into two pieces, one of which is bent to form a circle, the other a square. Find the lengths of the pieces when the sum of the areas of the square and circle is greatest. 8. Find a point P on the line segment AB such that PA^ PB' is a maximum. 9. If the work per hour of moving a car along a horizontal track is proportional to the square of the velocity, what is the least work required to move the car one mile? 10. If 120 cells of electromotive force E volts and internal resistance 2 ohms are arranged in parallel rows with x cells in series in each row, the current which the resulting battery will send through an external 2. y^ - 3. 4. 1). + resistance of J ohm is C = 60 xE 20 s2 How many current? cells + should be placed in each row to give the maximum CHAPTER VI DIFFERENTIATION OF TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Formulas for Differentiating Trigonometric Func- 34. tions. — Let u be the circular measure of an angle. = cos u du. — — sin u du. = sec^ u du. = — csc^ u du. = sec u tan u du. = — CSC u cot M du. d sin u d cos v, d tan u d cot u d sec u d CSC u VII. VIII. IX. X. XL XII. The negative sign occurs in the differentials of all co- functions. 35. The Sine of natural of a Small Angle. sines will — Inspection of a table show that the sine of a small angle is very nearly equal to the circular meas- Thus ure of the angle. sin 1° 180 We = 0.017452, = 0.017453. should then expect that sin 6 lim-^= O ,. 1. (35) Fig. 35. 9=0 To show this graphically, let d PM perpendicular to OA. is defined The = AOP circular by the equation e = arc arc AP OP rad. 49 (Fig. 35). Draw measure of the angle DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 50 Also sin d = jyp Hence . e 6 MP _ chord QP _ ~ sing As Chap. VI. arc AP ~ arc QP approaches zero, the ratio of the arc to the chord ap' proaches —r- Therefore the limit of 1 (Art. 53). Proof of VII, the Differential of the Sine. 36, y = sinu. + Ay = sin (u is 1. — Let Then y -\- and so Ay = shown It is ; If Am) — sin u. in trigonometry that sin A - sin A = u+ then + sin (w Am) ~ 5 = 2 cos I (A B= u, Ay = 2cos {u Am, + B) sin | (A - B). + i Am) sin § Au, whence Am ^ = 2cos(m + „ / , 1 . , i Am) As Am approaches Am = ^^ sin A , cos (m , . , + |Am) , sin i ^ Am ^^ . zero Am _ sin 8 Am ~ ~e~ sin § I approaches 1 and cos (m + § Am) approaches cos u. There- fore dy -rr au = cos M. Consequently, dy 37. Proof of Vm, = cos u du. the Differential of the Cosine. trigonometry cosM = sin(^ — MJ- — By . ' TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. 51 Using the formula just proved, dcosu = d 38. sin (^ — wj = — u]dl- — u]= cosf^ —sin u du. — Differentiating both Proof of IX, X, XI, and XII. sides of the equation tan u and using the formulas sin u and cos u, d tan u = cos Md sin 5 = By u sec^ wd cos u = cos^ differentials of udu + „^ U sin^ u du . „. COS'' u du. differentiating both sides of the equations cot u = COS —. sin M u 1 u = sec , cos and using the formulas we sin u COSM sin proved for the just — M COS^ = u CSC , 1. y = 1 = sin for the differentials of sin obtain the differentials of cot u, sec Example u sin^ (a;^ u and M u and cos u, esc u. + 3). Since sin2 we use the formula dy=-2 sin Ex. -r + 3) = for u^ (a;^ and [sin (x^ + 3)]^, so get + 3)d sin (x^ + 3) + 3) cos {x^ + 3) d {x^ + + 3) cos {x^ + 3) dx. = 2 sin (a;2 = 4 X sin (a;2 = sec2x tan 2 x. 3) sec 2 + tan 2 -5dx = sec 2 sec^ 2 (2) + tan 2 x sec 2 tan 2 x (2) = 2 sec 2 (sec^ 2 + tan^ 2 x) = dx y 2. (a;2 sec 2 a; T- tan ax 2x a; a; a; a; a; a; a; EXERCISES In the following exercises show that the derivatives and differentials have the values given: 1. 2/ = 2 sin 3 a; + 3 cos 2 a;, -p = Q (cos 3 x — sin 2 x). , , ' • • DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 52 = Chap. VI. y = sin' 3. 2/ = 2 cos a; sin 2 a;— sin a; cos 2 s, dy =Z cos x cos 2 x dx. , V ==^ 1 — — ^ 2. 4» - dy ix cos dy — — , sin i dx dy a; 6. 2/ = tan 2 e 6. y = cot'^csc'^, 7. X = a cos + sec 2 a; ,,a; ,a; = y t, asin^ /, — X —x cos \ Z sin' J a; = 2 sec 2 x (sec 2 d?/ ^ = .a; .xt ,x -cot2Csc'2(csc'2 -^ = —3 sin -3^ a;, ^ cos ^ dx. sin t cos a; + tan 2 a;). ,,x\ + cot'-j, i. da; 8. a; = a — (</> « sin 0), + = a — (1 cos — = 3^ ax </>), cot ^• i d?v -rK ax' 1 = 9. .-c = 10. 2/ =|cot'i— icot'x+cotx+x, dy = —cot'xdx. cos i sin i y <, = sint t cos t, . 12. 13 V '• ^. y i tfirf s y = _ 15. y = cosx/1 .. =— ^sm'x I 1 _ — 18. y II = y : j — sin — tan x X + tan x (cotx =A dy -rdx dy dx X sec X sec 17. J,' dy ,5. \,5 +,5., YoSin'x + gSinx + T^x, +—sin X -^r-^ 1 ^„ + f tan' x+ tan x, I 14. ., ' c = sec' x dx. ^ sec' 9 — f sec' 9 +^ sec' 9, du = tan" 9 sec' 9 d9. -J x dx. J = x\/cos'x ^ sm X, dy = x sm' —q— —cos ^ \,1., + Q sin' X +,2. = M = 11. r-COS'' t — 3tanx) cos Vcotx, + B sin (?ix) -,- "^ (rax), = = -Bj sm' x dx. 2 cos x ,ri (1 _ ~ , dy rz— sin x)' - — 2 sec x (tan x = sec x) + tan x sec x 5— 2cot^x A where and B are constant, show that 19. Find a constant A such that g+ 20. Find constants satisfies A and j/ =A sin 2 52/ = 3sin2x. B such that y x satisfies = A sin 6 the equation x + 5 cos 6 x the equation S+4x+«^=^^'"^21. TT Find the slope of the curve 2/ = 2 sin a; + 3 cos a; at the point TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. 53 Find the points on the curve y = x + sin2x where the tangent y = 2 x + 3. If 23. A weight supported by a spring hangs at rest at the origin. the weight is lifted a distance A and let f aU, its height at any subsequent time t will be y = A cos {2imt), 22. is parallel to the line n being constant. origin. Where 24. A is Find its and acceleration as Where is it passes the the acceleration revolving light 5 miles from a straight shore makes one com- plete revolution per minute. beam velocity the velocity greatest? when Find the velocity along the shore of the makes an angle of 60 degrees with the shore line. 26. In Ex. 24 with what velocity would the light be rotating if the spot of light is moving along the shore 15 miles per hour when the beam makes with the shore line an angle of 60 degrees? 26. Given that two sides and the included angle of a triangle have at a certain instant the values 6 ft., 10 ft., and 30 degrees respectively, and that these quantities are changing at the rates of 3 ft., —2 ft., and 10 of light it how fast is the area of the triangle changing? a crank and AB a connecting rod attached to a piston B moving along a line through 0. If OA revolves about with angular prove that the velocity of B is MC, where C is the point in velocity. which the Une BA cuts the line through O perpendicular to OB. 28. An alley 8 ft. wide runs perpendicular to a street 27 ft. wide. What is the longest beam that can be moved horizontally along the degrees per second, 27. OA is fc), street into the alley? 29. A needle rests with one end in a smooth hemispherical bowl. needle will sink to a position in which the center is The as low as possible. If the length of the needle equals the diameter of the bowl, what will be the position of equilibrium? 30. A rope with a ring at one end is looped over two pegs in the same and held taut by a weight fastened to the free end. If the rope slips freely, the weight will descend as far as possible. Find horizontal line the angle formed at the bottom of the loop. 31. Find the angle at the bottom of the loop in Ex. 30 if the rope is looped over a circular pulley instead of the two pegs. 32. A gutter is to be made by bending into shape a strip of copper so that the cross section shall be is a, an arc of a circle. find the radius of the cross section when If the width of the strip the carrying capacity is a maximum. 33. A spoke in the front wheel of a bicycle is at a certain instant per- pendicular to one in the rear wheel. in If the bicycle rolls straight ahead, what position will the outer ends of the two spokes be closest together? DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 54 Trigonometric Inverse 39. X sin~i is — The used to represent the angle whose sine = y x sin~* X, cot""' X, sec~' x, = sin is x. symbol Thus y Similar definitions apply to cos~^ x are equivalent equations. tan~^ x, Functions. Chap. VI. and csc~' x. by mulan indefinite number of angles are represented by the same symbol sin"' x. The algebraic sign of the derivative depends on the angle differentiated. In the formulas given below it is assumed that sin~' u and csc~' u are angles in the first or fourth quadrant, COS"' u and sec~' u angles in the first or second quadrant. Since supplementary angles and those differing tiples of 2 have the sam'e 7r If angles in other must be sign are valid in 40. all — quadrants are differentiated, the opposite The formulas for tan-'w and cot~'M used. quadrants. Formulas Functions. for Differentiating Inverse Trigonometric du Xm. d sin-' vT w du XIV. Vl-u^ du- XV. l XVI. XVII. dcot-'tt d sec-' + u"' du = 1+1?' u = xvni. 41. sine, du u Vw^ _ i' du u Vm^ _ Proof of the Formulas. 1 — Let y = sin-i u. siny = u. cos y dy = du, Then Differentiation gives TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. whence dy '^ = 55 ' cosy But cos = 2/ y is an angle Hence If ± Vl — sin^ 2/ ± Vl — w'. = in the first or fourth quadrant, cos y is positive. cos y = Vl — u^ and so , dy The = du Vl -m2 other formulas are proved in a similar way. EXERCISES 1. ^ = sin-i - {Sx 3dx 1), V6x - 9a;2 V2 ax - x2 3. 2/ = tan-'|^, 4. 2/ = cof 5. 6. 2/ = dv_ -2 -(i-rj. sec~^ dx (4 X dy dx 2/=^csc-" 2 1. 8. o 9. y X 2/ = tan +a csc~' (seo0), = -1 sin 1- 11. ^ 12. = 2/ = 2/ _, = itan^ „ 13.2/ 1) Vx 1 V2 + 2x-4x2 _ a x' ~ a? -\- ~^' ^2/ - x2 d^; sec-i I , V 1 — x^ , v^^:^^ + 1 sin-i^, 3 4sinx , + 5COSX . = sec-^,^, (a2 ^ = dx ^ y HO + Hfi Va? 10. dy dx dx a = +l d^/ 1, 1,3 4x-l — x^ dx V4x + X X 6dx dx - 3;2) Vo^ ^ . Vl — x^ g ^ v^^r^s. rf,. , _ 5» ckc 4 1 = 5 + 3COSX g=__^. - 2 x^ DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 56 14. y " 15. 2/ = + V^TT^, asin-ia = 2(3x = <k dx Chap. VI. J^^^ a + X + l)* + 4cot-i^^-^-±^. L dj/ ic 16. = 51*tan-1 6 • 2/ 17. 3^ = " 2/ + _,x cos + 2a;2 2 ' - g' = tan-' 20. y = x sin-' x 21. 2/ = x2 sec-' Let 22. x2 . + 2/2 = , I Let - + 2 Show A (3a; + 1)^' 1_ dt/ j 1)8+4 j- = dx 17a;2+4 + a: _ (3 : =• 1 V3 - 2x , a;) a;2 1 dx~ajVx2 - o^' ^ ^ -^Vx^+4x-4 1 ^ . ^ = 2xsec-i|- Vx^":^, be the arc from the x-axis to the point s a*. (x, y) on the = a?, circle that = _«, *=«, ay y ds2=rfx.+d^.. x be the area bounded by the circle x^ through (x, y). Show that -\- y'^ the y-a,jaa vertical line A = The end 24. 4a;* ^= + Vl - x^ * 23. a' ^ ax and the 03*'^" + Vx2 + 4 X - 4 y dy dx ^ _jX ]_ 2 19. + . ^~ 2oV X (3a; 2 2x Tocos';; 3 - a; V3 l s 2 _ Vx' dx of xy + a^ tan"' - , dA = 2 2/ dx. a string wound on a pulley moves with velocity v Find the angular along a line perpendicular to the axis of the pulley. velocity with which the pulley turns. A tablet 8 ft. high is placed on a wall with its base 20 ft. above the 25. an observer's eye. How far from the wall should the observer stand that the angle of vision subtended by the tablet be a maximum? level of — Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. If a is a and u a variable, a" is called an exponential function. If m is a fraction, it is understood that a" is the 42. positive constant positive root. li That y = a", then u is called the logarithm of y to base a. is, 2/ = a", u = logay (42a) TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. are by definition equivalent 57 Elimination of u equations. gives the important identity aio8.!'=2/. (42b) This expresses symboUcally that the logarithm is the power which the base must be raised to equal the number. 43. The Curves y = O'. Let a be greater than 1. The graph of to — = y O" has the general appearance of Fig. 43 increment A, the increment in y If X receives a small is Aj/ = — a^+* a'' = a'' — (a* 1). This increases as x increases. If then X increases by successive amounts h, the increments in y form steps of increasing height. The curve is thus concave upward and the arc lies below its chord. The slope of the chord AP joining A and (0, 1) P g''- (x, y) is 1 X As Pi moves toward A the slope of APi increases. As P2 moves toward decreases. A the slope of AP2 Furthermore the slopes of AP^ and APi approach equality; for 1 -k =-e-^')' and a~* approaches 1 when k approaches zero. Now if two numbers, one always increasing, the other always decreasing, approach equality, they approach a common limit. Call this limit m. Then ,. a^ — lim 1=0 X 1 = m. (43) DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 58 This is Definition of e. 44. number e a" at the point where — We shall now show that there is it a such that (44) ^ 1=0 In = the slope of the curve y crosses the y-axis. Chap. VI. fact, let = e m where is ^ — —1I = limbO a" the slope found in Art. 43. X ,. Inn bO a™ a" — 1 —1 = — X ,. a"* a" Then — lim 1 —1 = m m 1. m = The curves y a" all pass through the point A (0, 1). Equation (44) expresses that when a = e the slope of the curve at .4 is 1. If a > e the slope is greater than 1. If a < e, the slope is less than 1. Fig. 44. We shall find later that e = 2.7183 Logarithms to base e are called natural In this book we shall represent natural log- approximately. logarithms. arithms by the abbreviation logarithm of u. In. Thus In u means the natural TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. 45. tions. Differentials of Exponential — = = XIX. <«e" XX. d!a" XXI. dhiu = 59 and Logarithmic Func- e" du. a" In a du. —u log„e du V VTT d^ !.,„ XXII. lOga'U' = —^ ttl 46. Proof of XIX, the Differential of e». y = — Let e". Then y + Ay = e"+^", Ay = 6"+^" whence — e" = e" = e" du. (e'^" — 1) and Am Am. As Am approaches zero, by (44), gAu _ 1 Am approaches 1. Consequently, -^ 47. = dy e", Proof of XX, the Differential of a". a" _ = e"'"". a) = e" ^ gives — The identity glna Consequently, da" 48. = e" Proof of Let arithm. — '""" d (m In " " In a dw XXI and XXn, = = u. dy = dM. Inu. Differentiating, e^ a" In a dit. the Differential of a Log- e" y Then = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 60 Chap. VI. Therefore du J The derivative of logo Example J dy Ex. y 1. X d ^— sec' x sec^ = y 2. = = = dy ]n u is du found in a similar way. (sec'' a;). 2 sec X (sec x tan x dx) — ^^ sec^ x = „ ^ , 2 tan x dx. 2t='°"'^ 2'»°"'»' d (tan-i x) In 2 = 2""'"'Mn2cia; + x^ 1 EXERCISES - 2. y = dy '- 1 g = 2 a*»°^^ln a a*^2^, x-l 5. 2/ = I" 6. 2/ = a^2«, 7. 2/ = In (3 y = 9. 2/ = In (x 10. y = \n (sec ax 8. V+ e-^' + re% = + n^ln ^ dx ^ = a^x»-i(a + a;lna). »ia;"-i a;2 + 5X + ln sec^ x, + — + tan ax), 12. 3/ = In sin X + i cos" x, 1 X 2/ = . cosx 2sin2x 1 = "2 tan x. 1 a?), + ^.), o *° t^'^ 2 2 3i2 dx dy ln(a^ , dz -y- Vx2 +5 + 5a; + i 6l 1), = 13. n. a-; 11.2/ ,n 2 x. -e" = e* 2/ 4. sec^^ x-l -?- ox = a sec ax. g, a-lna u?/ -;^ COS X ax dy dx = —. sin X 1 sin^x + 5^1n. . TRANSCENDENTAL FUNCTIONS Chap. VI. ^ . J "• 1 _^ , ,.1, = -m 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 1_ 4*^3:2-4 ^ 2/ " X - a + Va^ — x2 dy dx dy — dx 8 ^ a; (a;^ — - 4)2' 1 ^j Va^ X'' 2/=ln(V^T3 + Vx + 2)+V(x + 3)(x + 2), 2/ 2/ = In (VxTa + V^), y = ef^ (sin 2/ = i tan* ax X— — cos ax), J tan* !^^ x i(.+ 2 Vx2 + ax ^ ax = tan-i-- j^ = 2 ae<" sin ax. — In cos x, i} J = V|-^- ^ = "^ =xtan-i--^ln(x'i+a^), a z 21.x = aln,2. = 22. a;2-4' 61 a -3^ — tan^ x. i=i(-J)- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 62 Sl.^From equation (44) show that = e lim (1 x=o 32. If the space described acceleration 33. is + »)»• by a point is s = ae' Assumfng the and k being + fee"*, show that the equal to the space passed over. resistance encountered by a body sinking to be proportional to the velocity, the distance g Chap. VI. constants. Show in water descends in a time t is that the velocity v and acceleration a satisfy the equation = a it Also show that for large values of g t — kv. the velocity is approximately con- stant. 34. Assuming the resistance of air proportional to the square a body starting from rest will fall a distance of the velocity, _ g fc2 in a time tion t. Show ." ™\, eM + e-^ N 2 / that the velocity and acceleration satisfy the equa- a = kV g--. Also show that the velocity approaches a constant value. CHAPTER VII GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS — Let Tangent Line and Normal. a given curve at Pi{xuyi). It geometry that a line through (xi, yi) with slope 49. of rui is represented is mi be the slope shown in analytic by the equation y — yi = mi(x - xi). This equation then represents the tangent at where the slope of (xi, 2/1) the curve The is mi. PiN line perpen- dicular to the tangent at its point of contact Fig. 49. is caUed the normal to the curve at Pi. tangent is is mi, the slope of a perpendicular line the equation of the normal at Example 1. to the ellipse The At and so (xi, yi). + any point the slope is of the curve dy dx then ^ _ mi The equation is Find the equations of the tangent and normal 2y^ = 9 at the point (1,2). x^ slope at (1, 2) Since the slope of the of the tangent 2/ - 2 is X 2y = -|. is = -i 63 (a; - 1), DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 64 and the equation. of the normal 2/ Ex. 2. 2 = 4 is (a; !)• Find the equation of the tangent to x^ at the point The - — y^ = a^ {xi, yi). Xi slope at (xi, j/i) is The equation 2/1 is Chap. VII. then 2/ - 2/1 = - (a; - a;i) of the tangent GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. Find the angles determined by the Une y Example. and the parabola y = parabola (1, 1) and any point x we find that the fine at intersect The slope The slope at (0, 0). of the line is 1. = x^. Solving the equations simultaneously, and 65 of the parabola y \ is = 2x. ^ ax At (1, the slope of the 1) parabola is then 2 and the Fig. 50b. angle from the line to the parabola is then given by tan 1 |3i 1 +2 3' whence l3i At (0, 0) from the = tan-ii = 18°26'. the slope of the parabola fine to the parabola tan j32 = is is and so the angle given by the equation 0-1 = 1+0 -1, whence ft The : -45' negative sign signifies that the angle is measured in the clockwise direction from the line to the parabola. EXERCISES Find the tangent and normal to each of the following curves at the point indicated: 1. 2." 3. 4. 5. 6. The circle x^ + y^ ='5 at (-1, 2). The hyperbola xy = i&t (1, 4). The parabola y' = ax a.t x = a. The exponential curve y = aVa,tx = The The sine curve x^ ellipse -j 2/ = V^ + fe 3 sin = 1, a; at at a; = (xi, yi). ^ 0. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 66 8. The hyperbola x' + xy The semicubical parabola 9. Find the equation 7. x at the point <t> — = a sin Show <t>i' - 2 x, a,t (2,0). = x', at — 8, 4). y" y' ( normal to the cycloid of the — (<t> Chap. VII. y <j)), that it = a — {1 cos <^) passes through the point where the rolling circle touches the z-axis. Find the angles at which the following pairs = 4 10. 3/* 11. x^ 12. x'' 16. Show x' a;, = iy. + y' = 9, x^ + y^— 6 X = 9. + y^ + 2x = 7, = 4 x. all y 14. y of curves intersect: = = = sin x, logw y = cos x. = y x, hix. e^), 2/ = 2 i (e^ values of the constants a and 6 the curves x^ — y^ = y 15. 2/2 that for IZ. xy o'', + e*. = V intersect at right angles. Show 17. that the curves y = e°*, ^ = + c) e"^ sin (bx are tangent at each point of intersection. Show 18. that the part of the tangent to the hyperbola xy == a' inis bisected at the point of tan- tercepted between the coordinate axes gency. 19. Show 20. Let the normal to the parabola that the projection of The focus F of the parabola that the tangent at any point with 21. FP and The the line through foci of are the points F' ( y^ = ax at P cut the x-axis at N. PN on the x-axis has a constant length. j/^ = ax the point (i is P of the parabola makes P parallel to the axis. a, 0). Show equal angles the ellipse - Va^ - 6^, P of the tangent at any point o) and F (Va^ - b\ O) Show that the makes equal angles with FP and . ellipse F'P. 22. Let P I be any point on the catenary 2/ 23. _^x\ "), Af the M P on the x-axis, and N the projection of on the tangent Show that MN is constant in length. Show that the portion of the tangent to the tractrix projection of at P. X = sU^ + e " 2 \a- vV - xV intercepted between the y-axis length. and the point of tangency is constant in GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. Show 24. Une joining 67 that the angle between the tangent at any point P to the same at origin is the In + "y' = Vx' all P and the points of the curve k tan-'-X 25. A point at a constant distance along the normal from a given curve generates a curve which is called parallel to the first. Fiad the parametric equations of the parallel curve generated by the point at distance h along the normal drawn inside of the ellipse X = a cos Direction of Curvature. 51. P if the part of the curve near P cave y (t>, upward at a point = b sin <t). — A curve is said to be con- above the tangent at PIt is concave downward at Q if the part near Q hes below lies the tangent at Q. At "points where -p^ispositive, Fig. 51. upward; where the curve is concave -7-^ is negative, the curve is concave downward. For d^y ^ dx' If then -T^ is positive, by d^/dy\ dx \dx/ Art. 13, -- the slope, increases as x , and decreases as x decreases. The curve therefore above the tangent on both sides of the point. If, increases rises however, d^ -7-| is negative, the slope decreases as x increases and increases as x decreases, tangent. so the curve falls below the — A point like A 52. Point of Inflection. one side of which the curve concave downward, is assumed that there is a, flection. and is called (Fig. 52a), on concave upward, on the other a point of inflection. It is definite tangent at the point of in- A point like B is not called a point of inflection. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 68 The second Chap. VII. on one side of a point of Ordinary functions change sign only by passing through zero or infinity. Hence inflection derivative is positive and negative on the to fimd points of inflection other. we find where t^ is zero or infinite. Fig. 52a. If the second derivative changes sign at such a point, point of inflection. sign on both If the sides, it is it is a second derivative has the same not a point of inflection. Fig. 52b. Example 1. Fig. 52c. Examine the curve By = x* and points of inflection. tion of curvature The second derivative . dx' is = 4 (^^ - 1). — 6x^ ior direc- GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. This zero at is a; =± cave upward on the It is positive 1. and the curve conon the right of = —1 and x left of 69 = +1. It is negative and the curve concave downward between x = —1 and x=+l. The second derivative changes sign at A ( — 1, — #) and B (+1, — ^), which are a; therefore points of inflection (Fig. 52b). Examine the curve y = cc* In this case the second derivative is Ex. This 2. is of x. is for points of inflection. zero when x is zero but is positive for all other values The second derivative does not change sign and there consequently no point of inflection (Fig. 52c). Ex. If 3. > 0, a; — sin x > = smx- x + —^- show that a; ^* Let y We show that y are to -p- dx When X -p a; — -rr da; is 1 x Differentiation gives 0. + 2! > 0, * If from 1 -r%= —sin , pT, dx^ is less then positive when Since -^ dx a; = when x = 0, y which was to be proved. n is to ra. any positive integer ra! > 0, is + is zero a;. is positive. when x is and so y increases with therefore positive when represents the pi:oduct of the integers Thus 3! a; than x and so -r^ increases with x. Since y X. a; cos positive, sin is Therefore zero, = > = l-2-3 = 6. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 70 Chap. VII. EXERCISES Examine the following curves for direction of curvature of inflection: 1. y 2. 2/- 3. y =a^-3x + 3. = 2x' -3x2 -6z + = x* - 4 x3 + 6 1^ + 12 1. 4. 2/3 = l. X - 1. and poiats GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. The On AB, projection of a chord, such as uct of its by the length the arc is 71 equal to the prod- makes with PQ. Let a be the PQ makes with the cosine of the angle it AB is a tangent RS parallel to AB. largest angle that any tangent on the arc Fig. 53. chord PQ. The angle between RS and PQ is not greater than a. Consequently, the angle between AB and PQ is not Therefore greater than a. proj. AB = AB cos a. Similarly, proj. proj. PA = PA cos a, BQ = BQ cos a. Adding these equations, we get PQ = {PA + AB It line is + BQ) cos a. evident that this result can be extended to a broken with any number of sides. As the number of sides in- creases indefinitely, the expression in parenthesis approaches the length of the arc PQ. Therefore PQ = that arc PQ cos a, is, chord PQ curve is continuous, the angle a apapproaches P- Hence cos a approaches If the slope of the proaches zero as land Q chord PQ , hm 57P =1. Q=p arc PQ DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 72 Since the chord is be greater than 1. always less than the arc, Chap. VII. the limit cannot Therefore, finally. ,. lim PQ jqTT^ = PQ chord Q=p arc — Let , 1. (53) be the distance measured to a variable point P Then s is a function of the coordinates of P. Let be the angle from the positive direction of the x-axis to the tangent Differential of Arc. 54. s along a curve from a fixed point A <t> PT drawn in the direction of increasing s. FiQ. 54a. If X, y, Fig. 54b. P moves to a neighboring position Q, the increments and s are Aa; From = PR, the figure Ay = RQ, it is rr>T>r,\ (RPQ) = sin (RPO) - RPQ As 1. arc PQ. As _ = Ax -—, Ao; ^ - ^ Ai approaches _ PQ ~ approaches = seen that cos As Q approaches P, As in arc and PQ PQ chord The above equations then cos^ = dx ds' . • , give in the Hmit dy as (54a) ' GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. 73 These equations express that dx and dy are the sides of a right triangle with hypotenuse ds extending along the tangent (Fig. 54b). be read All the equations connecting dx, dy, ds, One off this triangle. = ds^ 55. its |3 Curvature. chord, the — If amount + dy\ can is (54b) everywhere concave toward bent can be measured by the angle it is its _ j3 is dx'' an arc between the tangents at arc and of particular importance is ends. The - _ ~ As <j}' PP' ~ ratio . Atj} 4> As the average bending per unit length along PP'. The limit as P' approaches P, lim A<t> As=o is called the curvature at P. bends more sharply, less _d4 . As ds' It is greater where it is Fig. 55a. In case of a straight. Fig. 55b. circle (Fig. <t> where the curve more nearly = 55b) B + 2' d<t> _ s Consequently, ds dd 1 ado a = ad. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 74 that is, the curvature of reciprocal of 56. its Radius any curve radius of curvature of curvature, that to the — We have just seen that the the reciprocal of is and equal circle is constant of Curvature. radius of a circle its a radius. Chap. VII. is curvature. its The defined as the reciprocal of is, radius of curvature It is the radius of the circle = p = ds (56a) yr- which has the same curvature as the given curve at the given point. To express p in terms of x and y <^ we note that = tan-|. Consequently, ^^dx 1 Also ds dx^ ldy\ = Vdx^ + dy^. Substituting these values for ds and d<t>, we get (56b) " cPy dx^ If the radical in the numerator the same sign as -r-^ , that is, is will the radius will be positive have when is concave upward. If merely the numerical value wanted, the sign can be omitted. By a similar proof we could show that the curve is taken positive, p dy' GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. Example y^ = Ax 75 Find the radius of curvature of the parabola 1. at the point At the point dy dx (4, (4, 4). 4) the derivatives 2-1 y 2' Therefore U + &)1 \dx/ _ have the values DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 76 same slope at P. -r- Since they have the Chap. VII. same radius of curvature, the second derivatives will also be equal at P. T Fig. 57. The -rr ax circle of curvature is thus the circle through and to have the same values P such that for the circle as for the curve ax' at P. EXERCISES 1. is s = The x'' + length pf arc measured from a fixed point on a certain curve X. Find the slope of the curve at x = 2. cos s,y = sin s, represent a curve on which s is the length measured from a fixed point ? Can x = sec s, y = tan s, represent such a curve? Find the radius of curvature on each of the following curves at the 2. Can X = of arc point indicated: 3 ^- 1+^-1 + ~ 4. x^ 62 o^ at ^' + xy + y' = (0, b). 3, at (1, 1). Find an expression for the radius 5. r = e'. 6. r = a at9=2(1 of ciuvature at + cos 6), any point at S of = 0. each of the following curves: 7. y = l[^ + 8. X = In sec y. 11. Show infinite. e ^)- 9. X = ly^ 10. r = a — ilny. sec^ \ 9. that the radius of curvature at a point of inflection is GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. 12. A 77 point on the circumference of a circle rolling along the x-axia generates the cycloid = a X — {<t> y sm<l>), —a — (1 cos <j>), a being the radius of the rolling circle and the angle through which it has turned. Show that the radius of the circle of curvature is bisected by the point where the rolling circle touches the x-axis. ij> 13. A string held taut unwound from a is The end fixed circle. of the string generates a curve with parametric equations X = a cos 6 aB sin -{- = asmB — y 8, aS cos 8, a being the radius of the circle and d the angle subtended at the center by the arc unwound. Show that the center of curvature corresponding to any point of this path the point where the string is is tangent to the circle. 14. Show that cycloid x^ the radius of curvature at any point + y^ = to the tangent at o' of the hjrpo- (x, y). cos X 1 58. (x, y) three times the perpendicular from the origin is Limit of It is shown in trigonometry that — 1 cos a; = 2 sin" ^ Consequently, 1 — 2.x = sm 2 sm^ ^ COS X = X X sm I 5 2 X 2 / \ . - z X smAs X approaches approaches zero, ,. hm 1 — 1=0 59. Derivatives of angle from the outward cosa; Therefore 0. X — Arc in Polar Coordinates. The drawn radius to the tangent drawn in the direction of increasing s letter ^. = 0-1 = 1. is usually represented by the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 78 Let r, those of B be the polar coordinates of P, and r Q Draw QR (Fig. 59a). As = arc PQ. let Chap. VII. -\- Lr,d perpendicular to M and Then sin Ag A9 _As = RQ _ (r+ Ar) sin ^e _.. -^^+^^) AO As' PQPQ~ PQ (r At-) r PR cos A9 _ + (,RPQ) = . . sin (/2FQ) cos \- PR ' PQ~ = Ar cos (Ae) p^ - r (1 — cos Afl) PQ /• ^°'(^^)ii-^- (1 - — cos Ad) A0 PQ Fig. 59b. Fig. 59a. As Ad approaches As Ag As zero, sin lim(i2FQ)=^, lim- A& A6I = 1, hm The above equations then sm^ = , ,. l-cosA0 ^g As , ^0, limp^=l. give in the limit, rdd . dr COSl^ ds (59a) ds These equations show that dr and rcW are the sides of a right triangle with hypotenuse ds and base angle ^. this triangle all the equations connecting dr, dd, ds, can be obtained. The most important tan^ = ^. d^ = dr^ From and \l/ of these are + r^ dS^. (59b) GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. The Example. In this case, dr = logarithmic spiral r = ae^- and so aeP dd tan 79 = —;— = yL 1. dr The angle ^ is The equation dr , ''''l' shows that -j- is and equal to 45 therefore constant = ds also constant degrees. 1 = V=2 and so and r s increase propor- tionally. EXERCISES Find the angle i^ at the point indicated on each of the following curves: = 1. The spiral r = 2. The circle r = asinflate = 3. The straight line r 4. The ellipse r (2 6. 6. ad, a,t 6 - = ^^ o -: 4 = a sec '9, at 9 cos 6) =k,a.td ^• = |- = | ir. The lemniscate 2 a? cos 2 9, at Show that the curves r = oe», r = ae~« are perpendicular r'' = fl at each of their points of intersection. FLad the angles at which the curves 7. r = a cos (1 — cos 6) where the tan- r B, = a sin 2 9 intersect. Find the points on the cardioid 8. gent is 9. r = a parallel to the initial line. Let P (r, 8) be a point on the hyperbola that the triangle formed r-^ sin 2 9 by the radius OP, the tangent = c. at P, Show and the a;-axis is isosceles. 10. Find the slope of the curve r = e^* at the point where Angle between Two Directed Lines in Space. directed line is one along which a positive direction 60. A 9=2" assigned. This direction is usually indicated — is by an arrow. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 80 Chap. VII. An angle between two directed lines is one along the sides which the arrows point away from the vertex. There are two such angles less than 360 degrees, their sum being 360 degrees (Fig. 60). They have the same cosine. If the lines do not intersect, the angle between them is defined as that between intersecting lines respectively parallel of to the given lines. M i^&iC- Fig. 61. Fig. 60. 61. try* that the angles a, the line cos a 0^2 = — It is shown in analytic geomey between the coordinate axes and P1P2 (directed from Pi to P2) satisfy the equations Direction Cosines. — Xl P1P2 fi, -yi = cos /3 ^""'' ' PlP2 22 cos """ ' 7 ' — Zi P1P2 These cosines are called the direction cosines of the They line. satisfy the identity cos^ If (61a) a + cos^ + /3 cos^ 7 = 1. (61b) the direction cosines of two lines are cos ai, cos /3i, cos 71 a^, cos j32, cos 72, the angle 6 between the lines is given and cos by the equation cos 6 = cos ai cos In particular, if a.2 + cos 182 cos ^2 + cos 71 cos 72. the lines are perpendicular, the angle B (61c) is 90 degrees and = cos ai cos a2 * Cf. H. B. + cos |8i cos 1S2 + cos 7i cos 72. Phillips, Analytic Geometry, Art. 64, et seq. (61d) GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. 81 Direction of the Tangent Line to a Curve. 62. — The a point P of a curve is defined as the limiting approached by the secant PQ as Q approaches P along the curve. Let s be the arc of the curve measured from some fixed point and cos a, cos j8, cos 7 the direction cosines of the tangent tangent line at position PT drawn X in the direction of increasing If X, + Aaj, y, y + s. A?/, s + Lz, those of ^'°' P, are the coordinates of z ^'^^' Q, the direction cosines of PQare Ay PQ' Lx PQ' Az PQ' As Q approaches P, these approach the the tangent at Pcos a = ,. lim Q=P On the curve, ,. lim direction cosines of Hence. x, y, z Ax dx — -r TAs ds Ax 7^7; PQ Ax = am -r— ,. As are functions of s. As 7^7, • PQ Hence As arc hm r-^ = hm -j 7 = PQ chord , ,. ,. ^ 1.* Therefore cos a = -7- (62a) • Similarly, d^ ^y a cos^=^, These equations show that if along the tangent, dx,dy, dz are nate axes (Fig. 62b). * The proof that a distance ds its is measured projections on the coordi- Since the square on the diagonal of a the limit of arc/chord is 1 was given for the case of plane curves with continuous slope. can be given for any curve, plane or space, that direction. fan \ (62a) cosT=^^. A is ia Art. 53 similar proof continuous in DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 82 rectangular parallelepiped is equal to the dx^ + dif + dz\ Chap. VII. sum of the squares of its three edges, ds2 = (62b) Fig. 62b. Example. Find the direction cosines of the tangent to the parabola X = at the point where At t = = t = bt, z = \ cf 2. 2 the differentials are dx ds y at, = = a dy dt, = b dt, ± Vdx^ + dy^ + dz^ = dz = \ctdt = c dt, ± Va^ + ¥ + c^ dt. There are two algebraic signs depending on the direction s is measured along the curve. If we take the positive sign, the direction cosines are dx ds ds dy Va^ + ¥ + c^' ds Va^ + + c"' fe^ c ds~ Vcf+W+~^ — Equations of the Tangent Line. It is shown in analytic geometry that the equations of a straight line 63. GEOMETRICAL APPLICATIONS Chap. VII. through a point Pi (xi, tional to A, B,C are yi, Z\) 83 with direction cosines propor- x-^i _ y-yi _ z-zi The direction cosines of the tangent to dx, dy, dz. we then If ,„ . hne are proportional C hy numbers pro- replace A, B, portional to the values of dx, dy, dz at Pi, (63) will represent the tangent line at Pi. Example Find the equations of the tangent to the curve 1. X = t, t = at the point where y = dy : The equations = dz : dt 2. 4 3, x^ 1, .2tdt -.Sf — 1 _ y — _ 1 = 1, = dt 1 2/1 :2 = 1, Zi = 1. -.3. g — 1 ~~3 2 1 Ex. a;i i^ of the tangent line are then X = = 1. The point of tangency is i = At this point the differentials are dx z t^, Find the angle between the curve Sx + 2y — 2z and the line joining the origin to j/2 = 2 2^ + (1,2,2). The curve and y and satisfj'' S dx + 2 dy - 2 dz = 0, At the point 3dx Along the curve line intersect at (1, 2, 2). can be considered functions of the equations z The x. 8xdx + 2y dy of intersection these equations + 2dy -2dz = 0, Solving for dx and dy in terms of dx = izdz. become 8dx + 4:dy = 8dz. dz, we get dy 2 dz, ^ differentials = —2 dz. Consequently, ds = Vdx^ + */ + dz^ = S dz and dx '=°^" 2 = d-s=3' „ '°''^ —2 dy = d^ = -3-' '^°'^ = dz ds 1 = 3- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 84 The line joining the origin and equal to The angle d between the 2 3- 31 31 line 2) has direction cosines (1, 2, 12 Chap. VII. and curve satisfies the equation 2-4+2 = 0. ^ cos 6 = . The line and curve intersect at right angles. EXERCISES Find the equations hues to the following curves at the of the tangent points indicated: 1. X = sec 2. X = e', 3. X = e' 4. On the a; 2/ sin = y /, = tan e-', y (, = = z t, z = e' cos P, at = z t, = « TT = a,tt at, -• 1. at kt, = i ^• circle = ocos9, + = acos(e ^ o'^)i = acos(9 z + ^7rJ show that As is proportional to dS. 6. Find the angle at which the heUx X — a cos e, = y aeai.6, cuts the generators of the cylinder x' 6. I 3? + z = a^ on which kO it lies. Find the angle at which the conical heUx = t cos t, y cuts the generators of the cone x' 7. + y^ = = tsint, + y^ = Find the angle between the two y^ + ^ = liby the planes x — y + z^ z circles z = t on which = it lies. cut from the sphere and x +y—z = 2. CHAPTER VIII VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION IN A CURVED PATH 64. Speed a curve, its of a speed Particle. is — When a particle moves along the rate of change of distance along the path. Let a particle P move along the curve AB, Fig. 64. Let s The speed of the parbe the arc from a fixed point A to P ticle is then ds (64) '"=dt- Fig. 65a. Fig. 64. 65. Velocity of a Particle. at the point — The velocity of a particle P in its path is defined as the vector* PT tangent to the path at P, drawn in the direction of equal to the speed at P. To motion with length specify the velocity we must then give the speed and direction of inotion. A vector a quantity having length and direction. The direction by an arrow. Two vectors are called equal when they extend along the same line or along parallel hnes and have the * is is usually indicated same length and direction. 85 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 86 The Chap. VIII. can be considered as moving instantaneously particle The in the direction of the tangent. velocity indicates in magnitude and direction the distance unit of time if it would move in a the speed and direc- tion of motion did not change. Example. A wheel 4 ft. in diameter rotates at the rate of 500 Find the revolutions per minute. speed and velocity of a point on its rim. Let center of the wheel OA to a and Then moving point P. s The speed of OA be a fixed line through the the distance along the wheel from s = 2dit. P is = 2^=2 (500) 2 X = 2000 x ft./min. ^ at at Its velocity is at 2000 t ft./min. in The speeds P. Their velocities 66. If is, its the direction of the tangent on the rim are the same. differ in direction. Components velocity in a plane that of all points of Velocity in a Plane. it is customary to give — To specify a its components, projections on the coordinate axes. PT is the velocity at P (Fig. 66), the FQ = Prcos</.= ^cos<^ = and the ^/-component ^m a;-component is ^^ = ^, is r>m , The components are thus rfs . , the rates of ds dv change of the coordinates. Since pya = PQ2 -I- dv QT\ VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION Chap. VIII. the speed is 87 expressed in terms of the components by the equation (dsY [dtj ^ (dxV (dyf [dt) '^[dtj Fig. 67. FiQ. 66. 67. Components in Space. — If a particle is moving along a space curve, the projections of its velocity on the three coordinate axes are called components. Thus, if PT (Fig. 67) represents the velocity of a point, its components are PQ = PT cos a = Since PT? = PQ^ -77 T- dt ds + QR^ + RT^ = -77 the speed and compo- nents are connected by the equation (dsV \dt) ^ /dx\ (dyV . dt (dzV \dt) '^[dtj '^[dtj DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 88 Chap. VIII. — In this book we shall indicate a vector 68. Notation. with given components by placing the components in brackets. Thus to indicate that a velocity has an a>component equal to 3 and a ^/-component equal to —2, we shall simply say that the velocity is [3, —2]. Similarly, a vector in space with a;-component a, y-component b, and 2-component c will be represented by the symbol [a, b, c]. Example 1. Neglecting the resistance of the air a bullet fired with a velocity of 1000 ft. per second at an angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal plane will move a horizontal distance = a; and a t « Vs vertical distance = y in 500 Find seconds. 500 <- velocity its 16.1 «2 and speed at the end of 10 seconds. The components of velocity are ^ = 500 V3, = 500 - 32.2 § at at At the end of 10 seconds the velocity 7= and the speed Ex. into a 2. A fixed then [500 V3, 178] is = j^ is t. V (500 V3)' + (178)2 = 384 ft./sec. point on the thread of a screw which nut describes a helix with equations X — r cos d, y = rsind, z = is turned k9, being the angle through which the screw has turned, r the radius, and k the pitch speed of the point. of the screw. Find the velocity and VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION Chap. VIII. The components dx . of velocity are „dd dy „dd dz dt dt dt dt at d8 Since -37 the angular velocity is V= its speed ds —= which is [—na &> sin 6, rco dd , dt with which the screw moving point rotating, the velocity of the and 89 cos is is 9, kia] is y/rW sin2 d + r^oj^ cos^ 6 + fcW = co Vr^ + k^, constant. X^ m,vy ^^ Fig. 69b. Fig. 69a. — Composition of Velocities. By the sum of two and V2 is meant the velocity Vi F2 whose components are obtained by adding corresponding compo69. + velocities F] nents of Vi and V2. Similarly, the difference V2 — Vi is the whose components are obtained by subtracting the components of Vi from the corresponding ones of Vi. velocity Thus, Fi + Fa if = [ai Fi = [ai, 61], + 02, h + h], Vi = [02, 62], F2 — Fi = [02— ai, 62 — &i]. If Vi and F2 extend from the same point (Fig. 69a), F2 is one diagonal of the parallelogram with Fi and Fi F2 as adjacent sides and F2 — Fi is the other. In this case Fg — Vi extends from the end of Vi to the end of F2. + DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 90 By Chap. VIII. mV of a vector by a number is meant a m times as long as V and extending in the same direcm is positive but the opposite direction m is negative. evident from Fig. 69b that the components of mV are the product vector tion It if is if m times those of V. 1 V The quotient — can be considered as a product — Acceleration. — The ing along a curved path is acceleration of a particle the rate of change of A= lim AV and -jrr is ing the mov- velocity dV ' . In this equation by its . M=0 At AV Its V by m. components are obtained by dividing those of 70. V. dt AF is a vector obtained by components divid- of AF A*. Let the particle move from P where the velocity the point is V to an adjacent point P' AF. where the velocity is 7 dx dy to The components of velocity will change from + It' dt da; di'^ .dx di' dy, .dy dt'^ dt Consequently, Subtraction and division by At give dx A ^^'b%^t] As At approaches At At zero, the last equation , dV ^1 AV [d'x d^yl ' At approaches ,,„ , VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION Chap. VIII. 91 In the same way the acceleration of a particle moving in is found to be space (70b) Equations 70a and 70b express that the components of the a moving particle are the second derivatives of acceleration of its coordinates with respect to the time. A Example^ particle moves with a constant speed V around a circle of Find its velocity r. and acceleration at each radius point of the path. Let e = AOP. The The co- P are ordinates of velocity of a; = P is r cos 0, .del ^dd 'df Since s = ds rd, -y. = = v r -j- . The ^"" dtj velocity can therefore be dt dt written V= Since v is [— «;sin5, .dd r Replacing 37 by - , [—cos 9, is . .del this reduces to sm0 = -[ — cosS, — sin9]. COS0, Now «;cose]. constant, the acceleration —sin 9] is a vector of unit length directed DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 92 along PO toward the Chap. VIII. Hence the acceleration of P is and has a magnitude center. directed toward the center of the circle equal to — • EXERCISES 1. A point P moves with constant speed v along the straight line y = a. Find the speed with which the line joining P to the origin rotates. 2. A rod of length a shdes with its ends in the x- and j/-axes. If the end in the s-axis moves with constant speed v, find the velocity and speed of the middle point of the rod. 3. A wheel of radius o rotates about its center with angular speed u while the center moves along the x-axis with velocity v. Find the velocity and speed of a point on the perimeter of the wheel. 4. Two particles Pi (xi, yi) and Pi (xa, 2/2) move in such a way that = 1+ 2 % = 3 + 2<2, xi Find the two 6. Pi = 2 -3 «2, -4<'. 2/2= and show that they are always parallel. xi, yi, zi) and Pi (xa, y^, Zj) move in such a way velocities Two particles 2/1 <, ( that xi X2 = = a cos o sin e, yi 9, 2/2 = a cos (5 + 4 = o sin (9 + J = o cos = a sin jt), Si tt), 32 {0 (9 +% +f ir), ir). and show that they are always at right angles. He wishes to cross 6. A man can row 3 miles per hour and walk 4. a river and arrive at a point 6 miles further up the river. If the river is If miles wide and the current flows 2 miles per hour, find the course he Fiud the two velocities take to reach his destination in the least time. Neglecting the resistance of the air a projectile fired with velocity b, c] moves in t seconds to a position shall 7. [a, X Find 8. = its speed, velocity, A particle and = bt, z = ct — \ gf'. acceleration. moves along the parabola Show that yr is constant. y at, its acceleration 3? is = ay in such a way that constant. at 9. When a wheel rolls along a straight line, a point on its circum- ference describes a cycloid with parametric equations X = a (<^ — sin 0), y = a {1 — cos <l>), the angle through which it has> a being the radius of the wheel and rotated. Find the speed, velocity, and acceleration of the moving point. <t) VELOCITY AND ACCELERATION Chap. VIII. 10. Find the acceleration of 93 a particle moving with constant speed v along the cardioid r = o (1 — cos 9). 11. If a string is held taut while it is unwound from a fixed circle, its end describes the curve X — a cos 9 -{ a 8 Bin d, y =a sin d —a ff cos 9, subtended at the center by the arc unwound. Show that the end moves at each instant with the same velocity it would have 9 being the angle if the straight part of the string rotated with angular velocity -w about the point where A piece it meets the fixed circle. mechanism consists of a rod rotating in a plane with constant angular velocity w about one end and a ring sUding along the 12. of rod with constant speed v. (1) If when of rotation, find its position, velocity, time. if t = the ring is at the center and acceleration as functions of the Find the velocity and acceleration immediately (2) after / = U, at that instant the rod ceases to rotate but the ring continues sliding with unchanged speed along the rod. (3) Find the velocity and acceleration immediately after t = ii ii at that instant the ring ceases sliding but the rod continues rotating. (4) How are the three velocities re- How lated? are the three accelerations related? B and lie in a plane. A is w about A, and BC rotates with angular speed 2 a about B. (1) If when t = 0, C lies on AB produced, find the path, velocity, and acceleration of C. (2) Find the velocities and accelerations immediately after i = ii if at that instant one of the rotations ceases. (3) How are the actual velocity and acceleration related to these partial velocities and accelerations? 14. A hoop of radius a rolls with angular velocity on along a horizontal line, while an insect crawls along the rim with speed oua. If when t = the insect is at the bottom of the hoop, find its path, velocity, and acceleration. The motion of the insect results from three simultaneous actions, the advance of the center of the hoop with speed aun, the rotation of the hoop about its center with angular speed wi, and the crawl Find the three of the insect advancing its radius with angular speed £02. velocities and accelerations which result if at the time t = h two of these 13. fixed, Two AB rods AB, BC are hinged at rotates with angular speed actions cease, the third continuing unchanged. velocity tions? and How are the actual acceleration related to these partial velocities and accelera- CHAPTER IX ROLLE'S Rolle's 71. least off THEOREM AND INDETERMINATE FORMS Theorem. one real root of (x) = f — If (x) = /' ix) is continuous, there is at between each pair of real roots 0. To show this consider the curve y =f(x). Let / (x) be zero at X = a and x = b. Between a and b there must be one Fig. 71a. distance from the horizontal points a;-axis. or more maximum \t such a point the tangent =f (x) = is 0. That this theorem may not hold if /' {x) shown in Figs. 71b and 71c. In both Fig. 71b. cro.sses at and so dy dx is P discontinuous cases the curve Fig. 71c. the x-axis at a and b but there point where the slope is is zero. 94 is no intermediate THEOREM ROLLE'S Chap. IX. Show Example. 95 that the equation a;S + 3a;-6 = cannot have more than one real root. Let + 3x-&. f{x)=x' Then +S =3x' fix) = 3(x2+l). Since /' (x) does not vanish for any real value of =0 / (x) cannot have more than one real root; for if there were two between them. there would be a root of /' (x) = The expressions 72. Indeterminate Forms. x, — ^, -, O-oo, 00-00, 00 are called indeterminate forms. No r, 0°, 00° definite values can be assigned to them. If when X form, there = a a, function / (x) assumes an indeterminate may however be a definite limit lim/(x). In such cases this limit function at x = is usually taken as the value of the a. For example, when x = the function 2x0 ~0" X It is evident, however, that lim x=0 —X = lim (2) = 2. This example shows that an indeterminate form can often be made definite by an algebraic change of form. 73. for The Forms -r U and — 00 . — We shall now show that, a particular value of the variable a fraction the form t; or — , f (x) . , if assumes numerator and denominator can be replaced DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 96 Chap. IX. by their derivatives without changing the value of the limit approached by the fraction as x approaches a. 1. Let /' (x) and F' (x) be continuous between a and b. = 0, F (a) = 0, and F (b) is not zero, there is a number Jff Xi between a and b such thai W f(b)_f(x^) Fib) To show this let |^ = R. t / (73a) F'{x,) Then (p) - RF (6) = (6) 0. Consider the function / This (a) there is F - RF (a;). when x = h. Since / (a) = 0, By Rolle's Theorem 0, it also vanishes when x = a. then a value Xi between a and b such that function = ix) vanishes /' (xi) - RF' (xi) = 0. Consequently, jf^rM fib) F{b) "- F'ixO' which was to be proved. 2. and Let/' F For, if (x) = (a) we and F' (x) be continuous near by x, (73a) replace b fix) Fix) xi being between a and proaches (a) = x. becomes ^f'ixQ F'ix,)' Since xi approaches a as x ap- a, iS F 3. Iff a. 0, then ix) '^a F' In the neighborhood of x (Xi) = Ta F' (X) a, let /' (x) and F' (x) be ' THEOREM ROLLE'S Chap. IX. continuous at approach infinity as x approaches ,• ^^a To show this let c — / (c) Since / (x) by Theorem where Xi is If J a. and F (x) fix) /(^) , F x=a F' (X) (X) {x) a, be near a and on the same side as F {x) — F (c) are zero when x = and x. c, 1, IM F' = points except x all 97 He) 1 = /W-/(c) = F (xi) (x) - F (c) between x and F (x) F {c)/F (x) approach zero. /W F_(^ F(x) As x approaches c. increase indefinitely. /M i^ (x) The The a, / and (x) quantities / (c)// (x) -and right side of this equation therefore approaches x=a Since Xi a the is between left side of c and a, F by taking the equation can be ™ F' Since the two (x) c sufficiently made near to to approach (x) sides are always equal, we therefore conclude that = lim^^limm F .r. F' (x) Example 1. (x) Find the value approached by approaches zero. Since the numerator and denominator are zero when x we can apply Theorem 2 and so get ,. lim Ex. 2. sinx cosx = lim— —= ,. Find the value of Um-^ xi^ (x — r^- x)2 1. • as x = 0, DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 98 When zero. = X Chap. IX. the numerator and denominator are both IT Hence l ,. Iml 7 i=, Since this is + cosx - TV = (—sin ,. Iim x=T xy (tt -^^r-j —2 (tt we apply indeterminate a;) — X)r = -• the method a second time and so obtain sin ,. X=T 2 The value Ex. required a; 1 a; —2 x=„ therefore is cos ,. — X) (TT 2, \. Find the value approached by — tan X 3. as x ap- proaches ^- When this fraction approach Iim tan 3 TT a:=2 When X TT -^ X approaches is a; —. Therefore, oo. ,. = lim tan X replaced the numerator and denominator of 3sec^3a; 5 sec^ x by ^ the by Theorem — = hm 3cos^a; 5-;r— ,. cos^ 3 last expression 3, • x takes the form 7: • Therefore ,. hm — a; cos^ 3 a; 3 cos^ TTTT- 6 cos x sin x ,. = hm 6 cos 3 x sin 3 x eos^ lim X — sin^ x - sin2 3 x) 1 3 (cos2 3 X 74. The Forms • 00 and the t< a fraction e expression to it 00 will — 00. — By 3 transforming take the form tt or — 00 For example, xlnx has the THEOREM ROLLE'S Chap. IX. form when oo • = a; 99 can, however, It 0. be written , a; In a; = In a; -j— i X which has the form The — 00 expression — tan x sec X has the form oo — IT when x = oo It can, ^- however, be written sec x — tan x cos X which becomes ^ when x 75. The Forms sin 1 = — sin cos x x , — The logarithm of the given From oo. • 1 = -• = 0°, 1"=^, oo°. function has the form a; cos x the limit of the log- arithm the limit of the function can be determined. 1 Example. Find the limit of + xY (1 as x approaches zero. 1 Let y = {1+ xf- Then , In 2/ When X is + 1 I N a;) = + x) In (1 '- zero this last expression becomes ^ ,. bm 1=0 The 1 /I =-ln(l limit of ln(l + — X ^^ lay being 1, a;) '- ,. = hm 1 = 1 -|- a; the hmit of y is e. 1. . Therefore - - DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 100 Chap. IX. EXERCISES 1. Show by RoUe's Theorem that X* - 4x - the equation 1 = cannot have more than two real roots. Determine the values of the following limits: ~ 1r—1 -1 ^' „ T 2. Lim-n; • ii xi" x" 3. Lim .^^-1' 4. Lim 6. 7. Lim „ T • X Lim =0 10. 1-2 ., - 11. T Lun Lim tan x 21. Lim (x + a) Inf 1 +2). 22. Lim (x - " 24. 1 + COS cos X X (2 sin — sin x — X 1) t:^ logioCsmx -sina) 13. Li^ =^^- ^(s-i^ij- 26. Lim 27. Limftanx-^ 2g_ j^j^ _ X' Sec'-^ -2tan.» (cot x — In x). ^^^-^r-l smx-sm'^xj .-t L 2 6sinx-6x+x3 x=0 1 Limx^a^. x=o -., 2)2 - 3) cot (ttx). X sin^x (a; cos 3 x. 1=3 a;=3 "• ,l™lo!r,„rtanx-tan«V i=5=a logio (tan X — tan a) Lup 20. 1= to 14. Lim X cot x. a; Lim, hi) 19. In (x In cos a; =^=0 „, - 2) „ —6 , — —X Limi-t*2iL2x. -^|sec x^cosx cosx — 1 x=3 9. 18. - - , 8. sec 3 X ^= « x=a X — o, tan X — X Lim 1=5=0 X — sm X j:=?=0 • Lim smo; Lim^ Lim T ^ sec X ^".""^^ ^0 6. <iT 17. ^_ x=0 29. Lim (sin x)*™^ + cos 4 1 2 1 15. Limi5^. 16. Lim 30. x=0 x=0 cot X a:=a) 1 Inx • a; Lim (1+ ax^. 31. Lim a;=QO (x™- — a"") 'i *. CHAPTER X AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES 76. Mean Value Theorem. tinuous from X = atox = m^ such that To show and / (6) b the arc = {x) and a value /' (x) are con- Xi between /' (-0. AB —a let = y =/(x). a and x = b, Qf ^j^Qj.^ gjQ Pi be a point at a and b (76) this consider the curve are the ordinates at x /(&)-/(«) ^ On — If f h, there is Since f (a) j^g maximum distance from Fig. 76. the chord. and so its The tangent at Pi slope/' (xi) will will be parallel to the chord Therefore equal that of the chord. i»l^) = ;,(,,, which was to be proved. Replacing 6 by x and solving for / (x) equation , fix) =f{a) + 101 (x-a)f'{xi), (76) becomes DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 102 Xi being between o and This x. we general theorem which — 7/ / Taylor's Theorem. 77. a special case of a more is now shall Chap. X. prove. and (x) all its derivatives used are continuous from a to x, there is a value Xi between a and x such that f (x) =f(a) To prove + ix- a)f' (a) + i^^^/" (a) this let <t>{x)=f(x)-f{a)-(x-a)f'(a) _ jx - ay _ .^s ^''^ ^ 2! . . _ . - (X a)"-i (n- 1)! ^ * ^ It is easily seen that <t> (a) = 0, = 0' (a) 0, . When X = = (a) (t)" . 0, r-' . (a) = r 0, (x) = /" (x). a the function 4>{x) — (x therefore assumes the value 3i form a)" By ^ zz. Art. 73 there then a between a and x such that _ 0(a;) — (x 4,'(zi) n a)" {zi — This new expression becomes ^ when sequently a value Zi between Zi a)"~^ = z, and a (and a. There _ <^^(zi) n (zi — a)"-i (n — 1) (Z2 — a)""^ continuation of this argument gives finally (t>(x) (x — a)" ^ <P^(Zn) n\ ^ con- between x and ct>" (z,) 71 is so such that A is /" (Zn) ^ n\ a) , Zn being between x and Equating / AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES Chap. X. we (x), If Xx a. = Zn 103 we then have this to the original value of ^ (x) and solving for get /W=/(a) + (x-a)/'(a) + ^>(«)+---+^"/"(^0. which was to be proved. Example. Prove In X where = xi is When X (x - (x between = 1 - 1) ^ 2 1 and ly {x "^ , , 3 ly {x - ly ^ ^ 4x1* x. the values of In x and /(x)=ln(x), - its derivatives are DIFFERENTIAL. CALCULUS 104 called the remainder. is value of the function /W -/(o) + If this is small, Chap. X. an approximate is (l-a)f(o) the error in the approximation being equal to the remainder. To compute/ of/ (a;) /(«). close by this formula, we must know the values We must then assign a value to a such (a), /' (o), etc. knovm. /' («)i ete., are that Furthermore, a should be as as possible to the value x at which / (x) is wanted. For, a, the fewer terms {x a)^, (x a)', etc., — the smaller x — — need be computed to give a required approximation. Example 1. Find tan 46° to four decimals. The value closest to 46° for which tan x and its derivatives known are is 45°. Therefore we let a /(a;)=tana;, -7 • 4 ^(l)'" f'{x)=eec^x, ^' •^'(i)=2. (x) = 2 sec2 x tan /'" (x) = 2 sec* x /" = + 4: x, f" sec^ (^ = 4, x tan^ x. Using these values in Taylor's formula, we get and tan46° = l + 2(^) + 2(^)^=1.0355 approximately. Since xi does not differ much from /'" (46°) is = between 45° and 46°, /'" 8 +8= 16. (x{) The AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES Chap. X. error in the above approximation f(lioJ<3|o)-3<4oko It is thus very nearly is = 105 0-««««25. ' therefore correct to 4 decimals. Ex. Find the value 2. of e to four decimals. The only value of x for which e^ and its derivatives known is a; = 0. We therefore let a be zero. / {x) /(O) By = = = = /' (x) e-, /' (0) 1, f'{x)=e-, e, /" 1, (0) = /" {x) , 1, , /" (xi) are = e^, = e\ Taylor's Theorem, x^ , Letting x = = 1 6 1, this x^ , if , a;"e^i becomes 11 + 1 + 21 + 3! + In particular, a;"-^ , , n = 1 • • • +(;r^i)! e'^ + ^r 2, e = 2 + i e^'. + between and 1, e is then between 2^ and 2 therefore between To get a better ape, and 2^ and 4. J proximation let n = 9. Then Since xi is e = l + l + ^ + ^+--- +3^=2.7183 approximately, the error being 9!^ The value 2.7183 is 9-, ^ 9! < -00002. therefore correct to four decimals. EXERCISES Determine the values of the following functions correct to four decimals: 1. sin 5°- 5. sec (10°). 2. cos 32°. 6. ln(T%). 3. cot 43°. V. Ve. 4. tan 58°. 9. Given In tan"' (^j). 1.6094, find In 17. 8. 3 = 1.0986, In 5 = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 106 — As Taylor's and Maclaurin's Series. 79. indefinitely, the Chap. X. n increases remainder in Taylor's formula n In that case often approaches zero. /(x)=lim[/(a) + (a;-a)/'(a)+ This is • • + ''"^ /""Ha)]- • usually written f{x)=f + (a) {x- a)f' (a) + ^^—^ f" (a) (^ , - a)l^„, (^) 3! the dots at the end signifying the limit of the number of terms is indefinitely sum is called an infinite series. . . . ^ sum Such an increased. This one + as the infinite called Taylor's is Series. In particular, if a = 0, Taylor's Series becomes f{x)=fiO)+xf'{0)+^f"{0)+f^f"iO)+ This is Show that cos x x'' represented is x^ x^ cosx=l-2| + 4;-gj+ The series = that 0, • . called Maclaurin's Series. Example. a • , given contains powers of is, / when (x) f'{x) f"ix) /'" {x) /"" (x) by the series , • • • . This happens when x. Taylor's Series reduces to Maclaurin's. = cos X, = -smx, = -cosx, = sm x, = cos X, f (0) = 1, /'(0)=0, /"(0) = -l, f" (0) f"" (0) = = 0, 1. These values give cosa;=l-2] + 4j- • ±-,/"(xi). Chap. X. AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES 107 The nth. derivative of cos x is =tcos x or ±sin x, depending on whether n is even or odd. Since sin x and cos x are never greater than 1, /„ (xi) is not greater than 1. Furthermore /viTC I* f '>• 'y* n\^l'2'3' can be made ' ' 'n you please by taking n sufficiently Hence the remainder approaches zero and so large. as small as = l-2; + 4|-g;+ cosa; • • • . which was to be proved. EXERCISES 1. 1 „ / 1 7r\ 1 ttV / 1 , irV ( , 3. 2^ (^^ + Mi2)!+. + = l+xln2 ryl X T'G /r5 '1-3 .. T' 4s* 4x5, 8 ,.e-cosx = ,, l+x-^-^--gj+ -^+ 2a;3 a;' ... 5. + x)" = a" + — 6. (o 7. V-x 8. 9. = 2 + + ^'^gT^ na"-'x '*''"^^' i-^+i^j^ + • • ln3+^-^^=^' + ^^=3?l! ln(x + 5)=ln6+^^-i|=^+M! 80. Convergence and Divergence the , if |x|*< ,iflx-3|<l. ,if|x-l|<l. of Series. sum — An of the first a * out The symbol its -\- ar |x| is algebraic sign. in- n terms approaches a limit as n increases indefinitely. If this does not approach a limit, the series is said to diverge. The series for sin x and The geometrical series |o|. ,if|x-4|<l. lnx = finite series is said to converge if • sum cos x converge for all values of x. ai^ \- ar^ -{ -{- ar'^ -\- • • used to represent the numerical value of x withThus, — 3 = 3 =3. | | | 1 when r is numerically n terms is converges the Chap. X For the sum of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 108 first iS„ If r is = + ar + ar^ + a • • numerically less than than 1. + ar"~i = less • a 1 -. \ — — r" r approaches zero and 1, r" /S„ approaches 1 as is n increases The series — r indefinitely. 1-1+1-1+1-1+ ••• sum oscillates between and The geometrical series 2 + + 4 + 8+16+ ••• divergent, for the not approach a 1 and does limit. 1 diverges because the sum increases indefinitely and so does not approach a limit. The convergence of a 81. Tests for Convergence. series can often be determined from the problem in which it — Thus the occurs. series _ E! e! _ ^ 2!"'"4! _i_ _l_ e!"*" converges because the sum of n terms approaches cos x as n increases indefinitely. The terms near the beginning of a series (if they are all have no influence on the convergence or divergence of the series. This is determined by terms indefinitely far out finite) in the series. 82. General Test. Ul + to converge it is ll2 — For the series + U3+ beyond m„ approach zero as For, if + Un+ • • necessary and sufficient that the, sum of terms n increases indefinitely. the series converges, the proach a Umit and so the approach zero. sum sum of terms of n terms must apbeyond the nth must Chap. X. AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES 109 — 83. Comparison Test. A series is convergent if beyond a certain point its terms are in numerical value respectively less than those of a convergent series whose terms are all positive. For, if a series converges, the sum of terms beyond the nth will approach zero as n increases indefinitely. If then another series has lesser corresponding terms, their sum will approach and the zero 84. series will converge. Ratio Test. approaches a limit r — // asn is convergent if r is ' increases indefinitely, the series • numerically numerically greater than of consecutive terms Un + U3+ U1+U2 -^ the ratio ' + Un + Un+1 + • • • than 1 and divergent less if r is 1. by taking n sufficiently large the ratio made as nearly r as we please. be a fixed number between r and 1. We can Since the limit is r, of consecutive terms can be < If r 1, let n take n so large that the ratio of consecutive terms is less than series are therefore less than Then ri. Un+l < nUn, U„+2 < < riUn+1 Beyond Un the terms of the given etC. T-^Un, those of the geometrical progression + Un r-iUn which converges since ?'i + r^n + is ' • • numerically than less 1. Con- sequently the given series converges. If, however, r is greater ultimately increase. and their than 1, the terms of the series must The terms do not then approach sum cannot approach a Example. limit. Find for what values of x the a; + 2a;^ + 3a^ + 4a^+ • series • converges. The ratio of consecutive Mn+i ^ (w + terms is 1) a:"+^ = (-S • zero — DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 110 The Chap. X. limit of this ratio is = r lim H 1 ( The converge series will Power 85. Series. if x —A is x ] nj n=oo \ = x. less than powers of {x numerically series of 1. — a) of the form P {x) = + ai ao (a; — o) + 02 (x — a)^ + as (x — a)' + • • , where a, ao, ai, Oa, etc., are constants, is called a power series. If a power series converges when x = b, it will converge for all values of x nearer to a than b is, that is, such that |x In will fact, if ao + be less — < a| the series converges ai (6 — a) than a + 02 (& a\. when x = — ay + maximum |o„ (b — |& 03 (& M^ that < M. value - a)"| b, — each term of o)' + • • • is, Consequently, The terms Oo + of the series Oi (x — a) + 02 (x — a)2 + 03 (x — o)' + • • • are then respectively less than those of the geometrical series in which the ratio is \b-a\ If then \x — a\ < \b — a\, the progression and consequently the given series will converge. // a power series diverges when x values of x further from a than |x ^ o| = &, it will diverge for all b is, that is, such that > |6 — a\. Chap. X. AND APPROXIMATIONS SERIES 111 could not converge beyond b, since by the proof just would then converge at b. This theorem shows in certain cases why a Taylor's Series For given is it it not convergent. Take, for example, the ^2 series ^4 /wo + x)=x-^ + ^-^+ ln(l • • • . + As X approaches —1, In (1 x) approaches infinity. Since a convergent series cannot have an infinite value, we should when x = —1. must then from a = 0. The series in fact converges between a; = — 1 and x = 1 and diverges for values of x numerically greater than 1. 86. Operations with Power Series. It is shown in more advanced treatises that convergent series can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided like poljoiomials. In expect the series to diverge diverge when at a distance greater than is a; It 1 — case of division, however, the resulting series will not usually converge beyond a point where the denominator is zero. Example. Express tan x as.a series in powers of x. We could use Maclaurin's series with / (x) = tan x. It is easier, however, to expand sin x and cos x and divide the one by the other to get tan x. Thus sin a; tana;= cos = ~ ^ x^ a:' ^ 120 ~ 6 z a; ' ' ' , _ ^ "^ ^ _ 1 a;^ 3 I 24 2 EXERCISES 1. Show that and that the 2. By series converges expanding cos 2 sin'' X Prove that the = 1 — cos 2 series x, when |a;| < 1. show that 2x _ a;2 „„ a;* 2 21-2' 2! 4! converges for 2 a;^ =a;+ir +-t?-+ -j all , + „, a? "' ' values of x. 616! 15j • • . DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 112 3. Show that (l+e^)2 = l+2e* + e=* = 4 + 4a; + 3a^+ix'+fx*+--- and that the series converges for all values 4. Given / (x) = sin"' x, show that /' (X) Expand this = 1— = VI — (1 of x. - x^)-\. x^ by the binomial theorem and determine /" Hence show that differentiating the result. , 1 a^ , 1 .3 a? , 3 5x' 1 and that the series converges when |a;| < 1. 6. By a method similar to that used in Ex. -lO *i^3 U.n-^x and that the 6. Chap. X. = 4, show that ^7 x-^+j-j+--- series converges when \x\ < 1. Prove cosx For what values of 2 24 x do you think the series converges? {x), etc., by CHAPTER XI PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION 87. u is — A quantity Two or More Variables. a function of two independent variables x and y, Functions of called u =f{x, if u is y), determined when arbitrary values (or values arbitrary within certain limits) are assigned to x and y. For example, M = is a function of x and + y. Vl If a;2 - 2/2 u is to be real, x and y must be so than 1. Within that limit, however, x and y can be chosen independently and a value of u will then be determined. In a similar way we define a function of three or more independent variables. An illustration of a function of variables that are not independent is furnished by the area of a triangle. It is a function of the sides a, b, c and angles A, B, C of the triangle, but is not a function of these six quantities considered as independent variables; for, if values not belonging to the same triangle are given to them, no triangle and consequently no area will be determined. The increment of a function of several variables is its inThus, if crease when all the variables change. chosen that x^ y^ is not greater u =f(x, y), u+ Au =f(x + ^x,y + Ay) and so Au=fix + Ax,y A function is called continuous if zero when all its + Ay) - f {x, y). increment approaches the increments of the variables approach zero. 113 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 114 88. Chap. XI. — Let Partial Derivatives. u =f{x, y) be a function of two independent variables x and y. If we keep y constant, w is a function of x. The derivative of this function with respect to x is called the partial derivative of u with respect to x and is denoted by g Similarly, stant, we if we or fAx,y). differentiate with respect to y with x con- get the partial derivative with respect to y denoted by ^ For example, or fy(x,y). if u = x^ + xy — y^, then du ^ _=2x + du „ -^-x-2y. ' , Likewise, if m is j/, a function any number of of independent variables, the partial derivative with respect to one of is them obtained by differentiating with the others constant. 89. Higher Derivatives. are functions of the functions partially, we — The first By variables. partial derivatives differentiating For example, the derivatives of — with respect to x and y are d ldu\ tdu\ dhi ^dhi \dx) dx \dx/ ~ /du\ ^ d d^ tdu\ ldu\ dy \dx) \dxj dx^ ' dhi _ dhb ~ dy dydx dx Similarly, d_ d^u dx dy dx \dy/ It these get higher partial derivatives. /du\ ^ 6^ dy \dy/ dy^ d^ ' can be shown that dhc dxdy _ dhi dydx' PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. if both derivatives are continuous, that is, 115 -partial derivatives are independent of the order in which the differentiations are performed* Example, u = — = 2 xy + af| = ^(^^ 90. + x^y xy^. —= y", + x^ 2 xy, + 2^^)=2- + 2,,g=A(,. + 2.,)=2.. — It often happens that some Dependent Variables. F6r example, of the variables, are functions of others. u = + x^ y^ let f -\- let 3 be a function of x and y. When y is constant, z will be a function of x and the partial derivative of u with respect to X will be and — = 2X dx -\- 2 z — dx Similarly, the partial derivative with respect.to y with x con- stant is + 2zp. P=2y dy dy " If, however, we consider z constant, the partial derivatives are du -^ dx The value of a partial = 2x, du — = 2 dy 2/. derivative thus depends on what quantities are kept constant during the differentiation. The quantities kept constant are sometimes indicated subscripts. * Thus, in the above example For a proof see Wilson, Advanced Calculiis,^ 50. by DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 116 It will usually be clear variables u is Chap. XI. from the context what independent considered a function Then of, -r— will ox repre- sent the derivative with all those variables except x constant. Example. If a '^^ is a side and A the opposite angle of a right triangle with hypotenuse From the triangle a P = Differentiating with da = sin it is c sin A c, find (— j • seen that A. constant, we get A, dc which is the value required. — Geometrical Representation. Let z = f (x, y) be the equation of a surface. The points with constant ycoordinate form the curve AB (Fig. 91a) in which the plane y = constant intersects the surface. In this plane z is the Consequently, vertical and x the horizontal coordinate. 91. dz dx is the slope of the curve AB at P. Similarly, the locus of points with given x is the curve CD and dy is the slope of this curve at P- Example. Find the lowest point on the paraboloid 3 At the lowest = a;2 + 2/2-2x-4j/ + 6. point, the curves = 2a;-2 = f dx AB and CD (Fig. Hence have horizontal tangents. 0, = p-=2y-i dy 0. 91b) will Chap. XL PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Consequently, x = 1, y = These values substituted 2. the equation of the surface give 2 is then (1, 2, 1). That this is 117 = 1. The point really the lowest point in required is shown by the graph. Fig. 91a. Fig. 91b. EXERCISES In each of the following exercises show that the partial derivatives satisfy the equation given: 1. 2. 4. x^ u z x = + +y (.x+a}(.y u =\n du i {x^ -\-xy , du ""Tx-^^Vy- + b), -\- y'^), x —ox = +y— dy 2. 18 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. By }{x mean value theorem, the + ^x,y-\- Ay) xi lying between x / {x, + y + Ay) + Axf^ + Similarly + Ay. Aw = Ace/, (xi, y As Ax and Ay approach If fx (x, y) y. /x y (xi, Ayfy y + Ay), (.x,.yi), Ayfy (x, yi). approaches x and zero, Xi 2/) + «i = fy (X, 2/) + €2 ^+ —+ = du = ap- €2, and e2 approaching zero as Ax and Ay approach These values substituted in (92b) give +~ yi «i' €i Au = -^ Ax (92b) y) are continuous, {x, (x, fa: (xi, Using these values in (92a), + Ay)+ and fy + Ay) = fy (X, yi) Ax. =f {x, y) + Ay) yi being between y and y we get proaches Art. 76, =f{x,y and x 119 Ay + eiAx + e2 Ay. zero. (92c) The quantity du ~ Ax + — Ay dx dy du . . , It differs from Am by an As Ax and Ay approach zero, ei and e^ approach zero and so this difference becomes an indefinitely small fraction of the larger of the increments Aa; and Ay. We express this by saying the principal part differs from Am by an infinitesimal of higller order than Aa; and Ay (Art. 9). When Aa; and Ay are sufficiently small this principal part then is called the principal part of Am. amount ei Ax + 62 Ay. gives a satisfactory approximation for Am. Analogous results can be obtained for any number of independent variables. For example, if there are three independent variables x, y, z, the principal part of Am is du du — -^Ax+—Ay Az. + du dx dy dz In each case, if . , . , . the partial derivatives are continuous, the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 120 Chap. XI. from Am by an amount which becomes comparison with the largest of the increments of the independent variables as those increments all approach zero. Example. Find the change in the volume of a cylinder when its length increases from 6 ft. to 6 ft. 1 in. and its diameter decreases from 2 ft. to 23 in. = irr%, the exact change is Since the volume is principal part differs indefinitely small in ?; At; The = TT (1 - 1^)2 (6 + tV) - P T 6 . principal part of this increment = -0.413 x cu. ft. ^ is |Ar + |A/. = 2../.(-l) + ..^(l)=-0.417.cuft. ^ Total Differential. 93. m If pendent variables x and y, the principal part of Aw, that is, '- = is a function of two inde- total differential of u is the (93^) fx^'+fy^y- This definition applies to any function of x and u = x and u = y give dx = Ax, dy = Ay, y. The particular values that the differentials of the is, independent variables are equal increments. to their Combining (93a) and <^w We shall show later if (93b) (93b), = ^ we «^a; get + ^ dy. (93c) (Art. 97) that this equation is valid even X and y are not the independent variables. The quantities J dxU are called partial that the — = 5m , dx, differentials. total differential of J dyU —= du ., dy Equation (93c) expresses a function is equal to the sum of the partial differentials obtained by letting the variables change one at a time. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. 121 Similar results can be obtained for functions of For instance, of variables. pendent variables = Tdx = +— dy Aa; u = particular values dx any number a function of three inde- is x, y, z, dw The w if Ax, x, dy At/ +— dz u = y,u = = A2. z give dz A.y, = A2. The previous equation can then be written = du dx -:— dx +^— dy dy + ^r dz (93d) dz in this form it can be proved valid even when x, y, z are not the independent variables. Example 1. Find the total differential of the function and u = By + x^y xy'^. equation (93 c) du , du = , -j- i2xy + dx = , dx -:r- du T— dy dy y^) dx -, + (a;^ + 2 xy) dy. Ex. 2. Find the error in the volume of a rectangular box due to small errors in its three edges. Let the edges be x, y, z. The volume is then V The If error in v, = xyz. due to small errors Aa;, Aj/, Az in x, y, z, is Aw. the increments are sufficiently small, this will be approxi- mately dv Dividing by v, we = yzdx + xz dy + xy dz. get dv _ yz dx + xz dy = Now — expresses the dx -\- xy dz xyz V dx — H xyz dy , dz • error dx as a fraction or percentage of x. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 122 The equation just obtained expresses that the percentage volume error in the equal to the is errors in the edges. If, not more than one per cent, the more than three per cent. of the percentage error in the was assumed that functions of a single variable. It volume is not — In proving the formu- Calculation of Di£ferentials. las of differentiation it sum for example, the error in each edge is 94. Chap. XI, is u, etc., v, were easy to show that the same formulas are valid when those quantities are functions of two or more variables and du, dv, etc., are their total differentials. Take, for example, the differential of uv. By (93c) the result- is d (uv) = -r- (uv) du du +-T- (uv) dv = vdu -\- u dv, dv which is the formula IV of Art. 17. Example, u = y^ + ze". Differentiating term by term, we get — du We y^" dx + ^ dy -{ ze'" dy + e" dz. obtain the same result by using (93d) ; for that formula gives du = 95. — dx + — dy + — dz = y€!''dx+ Partial Derivatives (d'' + ze") dy + e" dz. as Ratios of Differentials. — The equation dxU shows that the = -— dx dx du partial derivative -r- is the ratio of dx two dif- and dx. Now d^u is the value of du when the same quantities are kept constant that are constant in the ferentials dxU calculation of -r-- dx Therefore, the f partial derivative v- is the ' Q^ value which to same du "^dx- the 123 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. reduces -r- dx are determined with when du and dx quantities constant that are constant in the calculation . Given u Example. Differentiating the we = x^ + y^ + z', = v two equations with xyz, find v and ^ f j • z constant, get du = 2xdx + 2y dy, = yz dx + xz dy. Eliminating dy, du =2xdx-2'^ x Under the given conditions the du dx ^ 2 = dx 2 f \ ^' ratio of (x^ - ~ X ^' ) dx. / du to dx is then y") x Since v and z were kept constant, this ratio represents that ( — j ; is, (- \dx/v EXERCISES a right triangle increases from 5 to 5.2 while the other decreases from 12 to 11.75. Find the increment of the hypotenuse and 1. its One side of principal part. 2. A 3. and and 6 in. deep, Find approximately the volume closed box, 12 in. long, 8 in. wide, material J inch thick. used. Two A = sides 45°. and the included angle By a2 4. and A = 62 of a when 20, c = 30, 6 increases 1 unit, c decreases a simple pendulum is r = 2xv^Find the error in of + c2 - 2 6c cos A, increases 1 degree. The period = made using the formula find approximately the change in i unit, of a triangle are 6 is of material T due to small errors in I and g. ) Chap. XI. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 124 If 6. (/ computed by the formula, is s = J gfi, and find the error in g due to small errors in s The area 6. a triangle of is K t. determined by the formula = i ab sin C. K due to small errors in a,b,C. Find the error in Find the total differentials of the following functions: 7. xf^. " y xysm(x 8. -+^z + -X 9. + y). tan"' - 10. X + tan"' -• y The pressure, volume, and temperature of a perfect gas are connected by the equation pv = kt, k being constant. Find dp in terms of 11. dv and dt. y are rectangular and show that 12. If X, point, xdy - ydx =r^de, 13. lix = 14. llu = xy 16. 11 + + yz + zx, x^ = tix + y -\- z^ + (^ —1 yz, z', find da cos 96. Let u s and a; + cos f dff^. • find ( — • J — b, c and opposite angles A, B, C that db A j + r" dr'^ same \OZJu,x Show inscribed in a fixed circle. = find ««, = uy vx tfi, + dy^ dx^ A variable triangle with sides a, 16. is yz =v? u-v, 6 polar coordinates of the r, _ dc , B cos _ C Derivative of a Function of Several Variables. = t. f {x,y) When Ax and y t + Am = — x and y be functions of two variables changes to i Ai, a; and y will change to and let + The Aj/. — Aa; resulting increment in +— Aj/ + €1 Ax + €2 u will be' Ay. Consequently, ^ Am _duLx du bM Ax Ay ~ dx Ai'^ dy At'^ ^^Ai'^ ^~Ai 'Kt K As Ai approaches zero, Ax and Ly will approach zero and ^o ' ei and £2 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION • Chap. XI. approach will _ ~ It If a; or is 2/ Taking the zero. du 125 limit of both sides, du dx du dy dx dt^ dy dt' , , ^^^> dx a function of t only, the partial derivative -r-. at du or T7 replaced is dx by a total derivative dt and y are functions of i, w -77 or -^ dt at a function of is du t If . both x with total deriva- tive du dt Likewise, depend on if w is dt As before, is dx du dy dt'^ dy dt (q(\w\ ^ ^ a function of three variables that x, y, z, t, du rivative _du ~ dx if _ du ~ dx a variable replaced any number The term dx 'di dz ^ '^ du Tt' , * 'dz a function of is by a du dy ^ dy t , ^^ only, its partial de- Similar results hold for total one. of variables. du dx dx is dt u with respect to t, leaving all u except x constant. Equations (96a) and that if u is a function of several variable quanti- the result of differentiating the variables in (96c) express ties, — can be obtained by differentiating with respect to only one of those quantities were variable at a time t as if and adding the results. Example 1. Given y The function = du x", find -^- x^ can be considered a function of ables, the lower x and the upper x. If two the upper x is vari- held constant and the lower allowed to vary, the derivative (as in case of oj") is X • cc^~i = a?. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 126 If the lower x Chap. XI. held constant while the upper varies, the is derivative (as in case of a?') is iU'lnx. The actual derivative of y -^ ax Ex. ~ Given u 2. = = x^ f {x,y, sum then the is + z), a?' In a;. y and z being functions of a;, du ^-• ax , find By equation (96c) the result _ du dx du dx is du dz dz dx du dy dy dx . In this equation there are two derivatives of u with respect If y and z are replaced by their values in terms of x, u to X. will is J- If . 2/ and function of x. Ex. 3. Find the It The be a function of x only. is z are replaced derivative of that function by constants, u Its derivative is -r- Given u will be a secopd • dx = f {x,y, z), partial derivative of z being a function of u with x and y. respect to x. understood that y is to be constant in this partial Equation (96c) then gives differentiation. du dx _ du dx du dz dz dx In this equation appear two partial derivatives of u with respect to x. If z is replaced by its value in terms of x and y, u will be expressed as a function of x and y only. Its partial derivative is the one on the left side of the equation. If z is kept constant, u is again a function of x and y. Its partial derivative appears on the right side of the equation. We must not of course use the same symbol for both of these A way to avoid the confusion is to use the derivatives. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. letter/ instead of u on the right side 127 It then of the equation. becomes dx dx It is understood that / ^ dx and that the derivative obtained with is Change we have a definite function of {x, y, z) is but X constant. 97. dz dx of Variable. — w If is all x, y, z the variables a function of x and y said that the equation , du == 5m —- dx , dx du + ^dy , I ay and y are the independent variables or not. and t be the independent variables and x and y functions of them. Then, by definition, is true whether x To show this let s = du -r- , du Since m is a function by equation (96a), du ds _ du ~ dx dx ds , and of x du dy dy ds j/" du + -rr Of , as dS ,, dt. which are functions of du Tt ' _ ^ du dx dx s and t, du dy dy 'di\ 'di Consequently, /du dx , du dy\ , , , /du dx , du dy\ ,. '^''=[di-d-s+d^-d-sr+[d^^+dimr du /dx = , d-x[d-s'^ , dx ,\ . du /dy which was to be proved. A similar proof can be given variables. 98. , , dy , A du , du , , + -dt'^V + d^[ds^'+mV = d-x'^'' + d-y'^y' Implicit Functions. — If in case of three or more two or more variables are connected by an equation, a differential relation can be obtained by equating the the equation. total differentials of the two sides of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 128 Example 1. / (x, y) = Chap. XI. 0. In this case d-f{x,y)=^dx Consequently, + ^dy = d-0 = 0.\ PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. rivative of this function dz The for the ratio is 129 found by eliminating dy and solving result is dx' 99. dfidf2 dfidh dz dy dx dx dy dx dfidf2 dfidf, dz dy dy dz Directional Derivative. — Let u P point in the aitz-plane, (x, y) move away from u has a =f At each If we PQ, x and y will {x, y). definite value. P in any definite direction Fig. 99. The be functions of the distance moved. with respect to s is du dx dx ds du ds This is when •r- ds is if du dx u , , du . u , dy in the direction PQ. The — and — are special values of — which PQ Similarly, du du dy dy ds called the derivative of partial derivatives result , derivative of is drawn in the m = / (x, y, z), direction of OX or OY. du dz du dudy du dx „ du = ^COSa + du = T-j-T-COS|8 + -r-COS7 + T--f + T-jds as dx dy ds dy dx ds dz , , , u with respect to s as we move along a with direction cosines cos a, cos |3, cos y. The partial the rate of change of line , DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 130 derivatives of u are the values to which -r- Chap. XI. reduces when s is ds measured in the direction of a coordinate Example. Find the derivative of a;^ + <t> = 45° at the point The result ^(x^ + axis. y^ in the direction (1, 2). is yi) =2x^+2y^ = 2xcos<t> + 2ysm<l> = 2~ + 4~= 3V2. V2 V2 — 100. Exact Differentials. If P and Q are functions two independent variables x and y, Pdx may and or y. may of + Qdy not be the total differential of a function w of the total differential of such a function, If it is P dx + Q dy = Since dx and dy du = -T- ax dx dy. + -ray a; PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. Similarly, if + Qdy + Pdx is 131 the differential of a function u of Rdz x, y, z, dPdQ dQ_dR dRdP ^-'di' 'di-^' 'di'dz' ,.„„,. ^^""^^ and conversely. Example 1. Show that (x2 is + 2 xy) dx + (x^ + 2/2) dy an exact differential. In this case The two partial derivatives being equal, the expression is exact. Ex. U 2. In thermodynamics being the shown that it is dU = TdS -pdv, internal energy, T the absolute temperature, S the entropy, p the pressure, and v the volume of a homogeneous substance. Any two of these five quantities can be assigned independently Show and the others are then determined. that The result to /an ^ /dv\ \dp/s \dSjj, be proved expresses that TdS + vdp is an exact differential. That such is the case is shown by T dS by its value dU + pdv. We thus get TdS + vdp = dU + pdv + vdp = d(U + pv). replacing EXERCISES 1. If M =/ (x, y), 2. If M =/ (x, y, z), y == (t> (x), find ^• z =<t> (x), find f ^j — DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 132 =/ 3. If u 4. If « =/ and (a;, y, z), z = y {x, y), = (x, r), <l> = r =^ <{' (x), ~ find find (x, s), , [J^j \J^j^' \ax), 5. If/ fe 6. If F y,z)=Q,z = F y, z) (a;, = 7. If w = 8. If u =/ If z 9. If u =f -, + ay), X (x, y), _ dx~ s == T cos —+y— = =y + bt, = show that t" "*" Urj Bz^ show that x = a;+<rf, r (r, s), = / (x = z a;/ (z), find^- {X, y), show that 0, Sx ay dy dz 10. y (x, y), <t> Chap. XI. B, y = u. show that -rr = a ot « -r ax \-b -r-- dy ^" r sin 9, show that \ax) '^\ay) \r Be] moving in a plane is determined by the coordinates h, k of the moving origin and the angle between the moving x-axis and a fixed one. A variable point P has coordinates x', y' with respect to the moving axes and x, y with respect to 11. The position of a pair of rectangular axes Then the fixed ones. X =f {x', Find the velocity y', h, k, of P. = F y <t>), Show that it is the (x', y', h, k, 4>). sum of two parts, one repre- senting the velocity the point would have if it were rigidly connected with the moving axes, the other representing its velocity with respect to those axes conceived as fixed. 12. Find the directional derivatives of the rectangular coordinates X, y and the polar coordinates r, 9 of a point in a plane. Show that they are identical with the derivatives with respect to s given in Arts. 54 and 59. 13. point 14. is Find the derivative At a y= 15. of x'' — y'' 'va. the direction ij> = 30° at the (3, 4). - . distance r in space the potential due to Find an electric charge e its directional derivative, r Show that the the curve 3? — y^ = derivative of xy along the normal at c^ ia zero. any point of PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. = f {x,y), show Given u 16. 133 that and sj are measured along perpendicular directions. Determine which of the following expressions are exact 17. y dx — X dy. 18. (2x + y)dx + {x -2y) dy. 19. exdx-\- eydy + (x + y) ezdz. 20. yz dx — xzdy + y'^dz. 21. Under the conditions of Ex. 2, page 131, show that if Si \dT)p \av]T {dTJv Kdph' In case of a perfect gas, pw 22. = Using hT. differentials: this and the equation -p dv, dU = TdS show that = 1^ dp Since U that J7 always a function of p and T, a function of T only. is is Direction of the 101. 0. Normal this last equation expresses at a Poiat of a Surface. — Let the equation of a surface be F (x, y, z) = 0. Differentiation gives dF, -T-dx dx Let PN through P be (x, the line y, z) with cosines direction .dF, ,dF, = -r-dz +^-dy + dy _ 0. (101a) dz propor- tional to dF^SF^dF dx' dy If P ' dz moves along a curve on the surface, the direc- tion cosines of its tangent PT are proportional to dx : dy : dz. Fig. 101. Equation (101a) expresses that PN and PT are perpendicular to each other (Art. 61). Consequently PN is perpendicu- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 134 lar to all saying Chap. XI. This is expressed by normal to the surface at P. We conclude the tangent lines through P. PN is the that the normal to the surface F = y,z) {x, at P {x, y, z) has direction cosines proportional to f:f:fdx dy dz 102. Equations of the Normal (101) ^ ^ — Let A, B, C be proportional to the direction cosines of the normal to a surface at Pi {xi, yi, zi). The equations of the normal are (Art. 63) X - xi at Pi _ y-yi _ z ^4~~~B~~ (asi, - yi, z^.' ..„„, z, ^^^^> C — Equation of the Tangent Plane at Pi (xi, yi, «i). All the tangent lines at Pi on the surface are perpendicular 103. Fig. 103. to the normal at that point. All these lines therefore lie in a plane perpendicular to the normal, called the tangent plane at Pi. in analytical geometry that ii A, B, C are prothe direction cosines of the normal to a plane passing through (xi, yi, Zi), the equation of the plane is It is shown portional ,to A(x-xO+B(y- yi) + * C (z - z^) = 0* See Phillips, Analytic Geometry, Art. 68. (103) PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. 135 A, B, C are proportional to the direction cosines of the normal to a surface at Pi, this is then the equation of the It tangent plane at Pi. Example. Find the equations of the normal line and tangent plane at the point + a;2 The equation given + a;2 The 2 is 2 —1, (1, + 2/2 3 2) of the ellipsoid = z2 3 a; + 12. equivalent to + 1/2 - ^2 3 direction cosines of its 3x - = 12 0. normal are proportional to the partial derivatives 2x At the point (1, 3 -.iy :6z. —1,' 2), these are proportional to A :B :C = -1 -4 The equations of the normal are : : ' X 1 The equation _ ~ y 1 + 4 1 1) : 4 : -12. 2 ~ - 12 4 + (?/ = +1_g- of the tangent plane - X I 12 - is 12 (2 - 2) = 0. EXERCISES Find the equations of the normal and tangent plane to each of the following surfaces at the point indicated: + y^ + = 9, at (1, 2, + xy + y' = 7, at (2, = x' + y', at (3, 4, 5). 1. Sphere, t' 2. Cylinder, x^ 3. Cone, z' Hyperbolic paraboloid, sj/ = 3 z — 4, at (5, 1, 3). Elliptic paraboloid, x = 22/^ 3 z^, at (5, 1, 1). Find the locus of points on the cylinder {y-z)' = i {x zy 4. 5. 6. z'' + 7. 3). is + parallel to the iiz-plane. that the normal at any point P (x, y, z) of the surface 4 X makes equal angles with the x-axis and the line joining Show 22 = PandA 8. -3, + where the normal j^2 _]_ 2). (1,0,0). that the normal to the spheroid Show 9 at P A' (0, {x, y, z) -4, 0) "^25 determines equal angles with' the lines joining and A (0, 4, 0). P with DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 136 Maxima and Minima A maximum value Chap. XI. Functions of Several a function m is a value greater than any given by neighboring values of the variables. In passing from a maximum to a neighboring value, the func104. Variables. — tion decreases, that is Am < A minimum of of value is a value (104a) 0. than any given by neighIn passing from a minimum less boring values of the variables. to a neighboring value Aw > If (104b) 0. the condition (104a) or (104b) is satisfied for all small changes of the variables, it must be satisfied when a single variable changes. If then all the independent variables but X are kept constant, u must be a maximum or minimum in x. rilj If -r- is continuous, ox by Art. 31, g=o. (104c) Therefore, if the first partial derivatives of u with respect to the independent variables are continuous, those derivatives must be zero when u When is zero. is a maximum or minimum,. the partial derivatives are zero, the total differential For example, if x and y are the independent vari- ables, du dx +^ dy = =^ ax ay Therefore, if the total differential of dx + dy first partial derivatives are u is zero when u is either = 0. (104d) continuous, the a maximum or a minimum. To find the maximum and minimum values of a function, we equate its differential or the partial derivatives with respect to the independent variables to zero and solve the resulting equations. minimum, or neither. from a maximum, It is usually possible to decide the problem whether a value thus found is PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. Example 1. 137 Show that the maximum rectangular parallele- piped with a given area of surface Let X, y, z is a cube. be the edges of the parallelopiped. A the area of its A = V = xyz, volume and Two If V is the surface 2 xy -\- 2 xz -\- 2 of the variables x, y, z are independent. yz. Let them be Then X, y. _ A — 2xy ^~2{x + y)' Therefore y ^xy{A-2 xy) + y) 2{x dV^f FA dz -2x^ 2L {x -4 xyl + yy J-"' dV ^^ VA -2y^ -Axy dy~ 2l The values x = A - 2x^ y 0, {x = + yy '\ " " J cannot give maxima. - 4xy = A - 0, 2y^ Hence - Axy = 0. Solving these equations simultaneously with A = we + 2 xy 2 xz + 2 yz, get x^y We know there only one solution Ex. 2. is it a = z =V-g- maximum. Since the equations give must be the maximum. Find the point x + in the plane 2y + iz= 14 nearest to the origin. The distance from any point origin {x, y, z) is D = Vx^ + y^ + z^. of the plane to the DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 138 If this is a minimum , j^ + ydy + zdz ^ + + 2^ ^ xdx Va;2 that Chap. XI. ^ 2/2 is, xdx From + ydy + zdz = 0. the equation of the plane dx + 2dy + we get Zdz = (104e) (104f) 0. The only equation connecting x, y, z is that of the plane. Consequently, dx, dy, dz can have any values satisfying this If x, y, z are so last equation. chosen that D is a minimum by all of these values. If two linear equations have the same solutions, one is a multiple of the Corresponding coefficients are proportional. The other. (104e) must be satisfied coefficients of dx, dy, dz in (104e) are x, y, are z. Those in (104f) Hence 1, 2, 3. _z _y ~2~3' X 1 Solving these simultaneously with the equation of the plane, we get X = 1, y = 2, z = 3. There is a minimum. we get only one solution, it is the minimum. Since EXERCISES ( An open rectangular box is to have a given capacity. Find the dimensions of the box requiring the least material. 2. A tent having the form of a cylinder surmounted by a cone is to contain a given volume. Find its dimensions if the canvas required is a 1. minimum. 3. When an resistance R electric current of strength the heat produced are connected by three wires is / flows through a wire of proportional to I^R. Two terminals of resistances Ri, Ri, Ra respectively. A given current flowing between the terminals will divide between the wires in such a way that the heat produced is a minimum. Show that the currents 4. A Ii, h, h in the three wires will satisfy the equations particle attracted toward each of three'points A, B, force proportional to the distance will be in equilibrium C with a when the sum PARTLAi DIFFERENTIATION Chap. XI. of the squares of the distances from the points 139 is least. Find the posi- tion of equilibrium. 5. Show that the triangle of greatest area with a given perimeter is equilateral. 6. Two starting at adjacent sides of a room are plane mirrors. A ray of light P strikes one of the mirrors at Q, is reflected to a point B on the second mirror, and is there reflected same horizontal pline find the positions PQBS may 7. A to S. of If P Q and B and S are in the so that the path be as short as possible. table has four legs attached to the top at the Ai, Ai of a square. A weight comers Ai, Ai, W placed upon the table at a point of the diagonal AiAs, two-thirds of the way from Ai to As, will cause the legs to shorten the amoxmts Si, Si, Sj, St, while the weight itself sinks a dis- The increase in potential energy due to the contraction of a where k is constant and s the contraction. The decrease in potential energy due to the sinking of the weight is Wh. The whole system will settle to a position such that the potential energy is a minimum. Assuming that the top of the table remains plane, find the tance h. leg is fcs^, ratios of Si, Si, Ss, St, SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES CHAPTER Find the III difierentials of the following functions: 2 ^_ + 1) (2 + 7)' (2a; + 5)» (a + 2)' + 4)' + l)na: + 3)«' (2 7 b^ax?+h , 2 Vaa:' + hx „ . 5- (ax +6 _ + 6i + c 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (2x''-l) _ + 6)'H^ ~ fa(ai+&)'H-i + 2) aUn + 1) ,„, ' ^0. a;(a;" + ,5=1. » 7i) in each of the following cases: + 3j/2 = 6x-42/ + 18. + Zx'y = y\ 2 = + 22/'. = 2o2(x'-2/''). (x2 + ^ x = + r^, " t-V y = 2t- {t-iy 2a;='-4xj/ x' 32/'' 2/2)2 « X = /:;--— Vl+ 02 + o2)* ' y ^ t2 18. = X = 19. x" 20. The volume 17. V^HH; a^ aHn Find -y 11. (a; 2o3; Vax' a; (a; 6a; ^ a; X < z' + 2z, + 2^ = aS 2/ 2 yz = Vl - <2 = < «2 + a2)*. = + 2^. = V. 2/2 elasticity of according to Boyle's law, pv = a &uid iae constant, = —v-^. show that When a e If = a gas expands p. gas expands without receiving or giving out heat, the pressure, volume, and temperature satisfy the equations 21. B, n, and C being pv = BT, constants. Find pv" = C, ^ and ^- 140 ^ 1 1 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 22. yr is If « is 141 the volume of a spherical segment of altitude show that h, equal to the area of the circle forming the plane face of the segment. 23. a polynomial equation If W= / has two roots equal to / r, (x) is has = (x) / where /i (x) a polynomial in — r)^ as a factor, - ryf, (x), {x (x Hence show that x. W /' = that r is is, a root of 0, the derivative of/ (x). Show by the method of Ex. 23 that each of the following equations has a double root and find it: where/' (x) is 24. x3 - 25. - x^ - x= 3x2 -3= 5X 4x'-8x'i-3x 4x4 - 12x3+ 26. 27. a;2 Find '^ and 28. + 4 = 0. y = j^ ^ - x\ c ax by X = 2 3(, ^^ 33. x 34. If, = x^findgandg. 35. Given x^ — = y' 1, is If ~ d!/2 Compare 38. If = v are functions of x, = d% ^-« , , (x) = 7:ri' + * \,dx/ .d'u dv + 4^-^^ , constant. show that du d^ + «^. +6^.^,+4^.^ , -dhi cPv this with the binomial expansion for / y = 4-5<. a positive integer, show that M and d^ ^(w) + 2/ verify that d" -r^ x" dx" 37. ——T = a2. dx^ « + ' xj/ If + = 0. + 32. 31. 30. 36. =0. in each of the following eases. 3.2 x Va? = 0. + 9 =0. + i2x + 4 = (x — rYfi (x), where /i (x) is /'W=/"«=0. . (4t . dh) , + w)*. a polsmomial, show that DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 142 CHAPTER A particle moves 39. along a straight line the distance particle When Two velocity its t When acceleration. is is the the velocity decreasing? trains start from different points track in the same direction. in and When backward? When moving forward? increasing? 40. Find seconds. t + 3&t + l = it>-21P s feet in IV and move along the same the train in front moves a distance 6 1' hours and the rear one 12 P, how fast will they be approaching or If At the end separating at the end of one hour? wUl they be 41. If s of When two hours? closest together? = Vt, show that the acceleration negative and propor- is tional to the cube of the velocity. The 42. Find its moving along a velocity of a particle acceleration k = -, s when where k / V = 2P -3t. = 2. straight line is constant, find the acceleration. 43. li 44. Two by a is is What What is tf' is wheels, diameters 3 and 5 ft., are connected the ratio of their angular velocities and which belt. greater? the ratio of their angular accelerations? Find the angular velocity of the earth about its axis assuming that there are 365j days in a year. 46. A wheel roUs.down an inclined plane, its center moving the 45. distance s = 5P wheel about 47. in An amount that the acceleration of the constant. money of Show seconds. t its axis is interest is immediately is drawing interest at 6 per cent. added to the principal, what is If the the rate of change of the principal? 48. If water flows from a conical funnel at a rate proportional to the square root of the depth, at what rate does the depth change? If the 49. A kite is 300 ft. high and there are 300 ft. (rf cord out. kite moves horizontally at the rate of 5 nules an hour directly away from the person fls^ng it, how fast is the cord being paid out? 50. A particle moves along the parabola 100 y in such a way that its the velocity and acceleration of 51. 10 ft. How The side of is 16a;2 its projection on the an equilateral triangle per minute and large = abscissa changes at the rate of lO ft./ sec. its the triangle? is Find j/-axis. increasing at the rate a! area at the rate of 100 sq. ft. per minute. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 143 CHAPTER V 52. The velocity of waves of length X in deep water is proportional to a X \^a'^X when o X = is a constant. Show that the velocity ia a minimum when a. 53. The sum of the surfaces sum of the volumes is that the of a sphere and cube least is when the diameter Show given. of the sphere equals the edge of the cube. 54. A box is to be made out of a piece of cardboard, 6 inches square, by cutting equal squares from the comers and turning up the sides. Find the dimensions of the largest box that can be made in this way. 55. A gutter of trapezoidal section is made by joining 3 pieces of How material each 4 inches wide, the middle one being horizontal. wide should the gutter be at the top to have the maximum capacity? 56. A gutter of rectangular section is to be made by bending into shape a strip of copper. Show that the capacity of the gutter will be greatest if its width is twice its depth. 57. If the top and bottom margins of a printed page are each of width a, the side margins of width 6, and the text covers an area c, what should be the dimensions of the page to use the least paper? 58. Find the dimensions of the largest cone that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius a. 59. Find the dimensions sphere of radius of the smallest cone that can contain a a. 60. To reduce the friction of a liquid against the walls of a channel, the channel should be so designed that the area of wetted surface is as small as possible. Show that the best form for an open rectangular channel with given cross section is that in which the width equals twice the depth. 61. Find the dimensions of the best trapezoidal channel, the making an angle B with the vertical. 62. Find the least area of canvas that can be used to make a tent of 1000 cu. 63. ft. banks conical capacity. Find the maximum capacity of a conical tent made of 100 sq. ft. of canvas. 64. Find the height of a light above the center of a table of radius a, so as best to illuminate a point at the edge of the table; assuming that the illumination varies inversely as the square of the distance from the Ught and directly as the sine of the angle between the rays and the surface of the table. 2 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 144 65. A weight of 100 lbs., hanging 2 ft. from one end of a lever, is to be raised by an upward force appUed at the other end. If the lever weighs 3 lbs. to the foot, find its length so that the force may be a minimiiTn 66. . A vertical telegraph pole at a bend in the line is to be supported from tipping over by a stay 40 How stake in the ground. long fastened to the pole and to a from the pole should the stake be ft. far make the tension in the stay as small as possible? The lower comer of a leaf of a book is folded over so driven to 67. as just to the width of the page is 6 inches, find the width of the part folded over when the length of the crease is reach the inner edge of the page. If a minimum. 68. If the cost of fuel for running a train is proportional to the square of the speed and $10 per hour for a speed of 12 mi./hr., and the fixed charges on $90 per hour, find the most economical speed. 69. If the cost of fuel for running a steamboat is proportional to the cube of the speed and $10 per hour for a speed of 10 mi./hr., and the fixed charges are $14 per hour, find the most economical speed against a current of 2 mi./hr. CHAPTER VI Differentiate the following functions: X sin 70. 76. sec^ X sm'-secs" + cos 9 78. tan: sin 9 __ . 1 1 72. — cos 9 73. sin 74. 2 CSC tan 2x — X 1 ax cos ax. ^.^0 cot K — 75. — tatf x. 77. sm „ 71. x --..?> X ' 2 cot — 2 tan 80. ., 81. ;;• A X x — tan' x - 7 setf 9. „ sec I esc I — 2 cot x. 1 5 sec' 9 . x. Differentiate both sides of each of the following equations that the resulting derivatives are equal. X 82. sec' 83. sin 84. sin 3 85. sin (x 86. 87. + csc'a; = sec' x esc' x. 2X a; = = 2 sin a; 3 sins cos x. — 4 sin' X. + o) = sin s cos a + cos x sin a. sec'x = 1 + tan'x. ainx + maa == 2mn^ (x + a) cos i (x — a). and show ^ SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 88. cos a — cos s = Find —- and = = X = X = X = = 2 sin 5 X a cos^ e, y 90. X a cos* e, 2/ 92. 93. 94. a; — ta.ne y e, sec2e, y sec 2/ e, esc 8 — + o) sin |(s — a). in each of the following cases: -3-^ 89. 91. (a; 145 cot 8, y = = = = = = a sin* fl. a sitf 8. cos 9. tan* 9. tan 8. csc8 + cot 0. Differentiate the following functions: 95. sin-i 102. 96. cos-' 103. 97. tan-i 2x 2 98. :7|tan- 99. cos-i , +l V3 Vx^ +1 a csc-i - + Va* - a;«- cot-^a;- l+a:^ 104. Vl — 105. sec->^i4 + siii"'^^- sin-i X a; — 106. sm 10',- 1 2 cos-i X 108. Vx* 1 .r - Vi- 1 r—+a a; +1 cos a; + 2 VT X*- V5 100. CSC-' 2a; 101. -1' — a* e^. 110. V^. 111. (Vi)^ 118. 119. 120. + ihi(a2 + x2)e-*' cos (a + 6/). hi(a + Va' + x*). (x + yin(x + y-x-L itan-ii 112. 5thxt. 113. 7^. 114. a^lna;. 115. In sin" x. 116. hihi.-!;. 123. tan-i i (e^ U7. .{1=^. 124. hi(Vx 1 126. a sec" sec-i 109. 125. — 121. 122. ln^^ + ° + 2x + 5)+|tan-i-^^. secixtanjx + ln (secix +tan Jx). (x + l)hi(x* + ^^^zJ. vx + a ~ V X — a + + ^^1^2). e-"^). DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 146 127. |(.+i)-M + -j-In(a;2 + l) xsec->^|a; + + iln (HX^ 128. -z^[l^' l)-|a; ')- + tan-'|a;. CHAPTER VII Find the equations of the tangent and normal to each of the following curves at the point indicated: 130. = 2x + y,a.t{l,2). x^-yi = 5, at (3, 2). 131. x' 129. y^ 132.. I* + + = 2/ a^{x 136. 2/* = x + 3y,Sit{-l,l). = 2, at (1, 1). hix, at 133. 134. 135. j/^ (1, 0). + y) = a" {x - y), X = 2 cos r = a 9, + (1 = 2/ 3 sin at 9, = cose), at 9 (0, 0). at 9 = 2 2" Find the angles at which the following pairs n 137. x^->ry'' 138. y'- 139. x' 140. 2/2 = Sx, y^ (2 - x) = of curves intersect: x'. = 2ax + a?, x^ = 2hy + ¥. = Aay, (x^ + 4a2) = Sa^. = 6x, x^ + y' = 16. = He' + €-"), y = i. = sin X, = sin 2 X. i/ 141. y 142. 2/- 143. Show that 2/ all the curves obtained by giving different values to in the equation are tangent at 144. Show (a, 6). that for x' all - 3 values of a and b the curves xi/' = a, 3 x^ -2/3 = 6, intersect at right angles. Examine each of the following curves for direction of curvature points of inflection: 1 i.ir 146. 147. y X = = —X tan x. 6y' -22/3. and SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES = 2«-i, = + i- 148. x 149. Clausius's equation connecting the pressure, volume, and tem- perature of a gas 2/ 2« is RT a, b, c c v-a ^ B, being constants. T(.v T If is of a point, this equation represents T 147 + by' constant and an isothermal. p, v the coordinates Find the value of which the tangent at the point of inflection is horizontal. 150. If two curves y = f (x), y = F (x) intersect at x = a, and /' (a) = F' (o), but /" (a) is not equal to F" (o), show that the curves are tangent and do not cross at x = a. Apply to the curves y = 7? and 2/ = s' at X = 0. 151. If two curves y = f {x), y = F (x) intersect at x = a, and f (o) = F' (a), /" (a) = F" (a), but /'" (o) is not equal to F'" (a), show that the curves are tangent and cross at x = a. Apply to the curves y = x^ and y = x^ + (x — ly at x = 1. for Find the radius on each of curvature of the following curves at the point indicated: 152. Parabola 153. x^ Ellipse -; a-' 154. 155. = ax at i/^ = + r: 0' Hyperbola 2/ = y^ - ^' In CSC x, at ( s vertex. at its vertices. 1 |' its = 1 at x = Va^ + ¥. • I , x = Jsin2/ — iln (sec y + tan y), at any point (x, y). X = a cos' 6, y = a sin' 6, at any point. 158. Find the center of curvature of j/ = In (x — 2) at (3, 0). 156. 157. Find the angle at the point indicated </' on each of the following curves: = 159. r = 2", 160. r = a + 6 cos 161. r (1 — cos 0) 162. »• = at e 0. 9, = at e = 2 = k, a.t e a sin 2 9, at 8 = =• • -J 4 Find the angles at which the following pairs r = a (1 — cos9). 163. r (1 — cose) = a, a 164. r = asec2-, a r — bcsc^-- of curves intersect: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 148 = = 165. r r 166. o cos 9, r asec9, r = o cos 2 9. = 2awi0. Find the equations of the tangent Unes to the following curves at the points indicated: 167. X = 2 «, 2/ = sin t, 168. X 169. x^ 170. z 2 = - y = , z = at fi, cos t, z = < = sec 2. a,tt t, 1/2 -1). a,t A 171. 0. 2/ CHAPTER VIII point describes a circle with constant speed. projection on a fixed diameter its = + 2^ = 6, X + + 2 = 2, at (1, 2, = x' + y^, !? = 2x - 2y, (1, -1, 2). + Show that moves with a speed proportional to the distance of the point from that diameter. The motion 172. Show that its x = lVa^~p 2/ = I speed Find the speed, by the equations of a point (x, y) is given is Vo^ + ^Bbi-^-, + + ^ In + v^T+TO. «2 constant. velocity, and acceleration in each of the following cases: X 174. X = = = = 173. 177. + 3<, a cos 2/ {uit = 4 -9«. 2/ = a sin + a), (w( + a). = b + pt, z = c + yt. = e' cos z = kt. e' sin The motion of a point P (x, y) is determined by X = o cos (nl a), y = b sin (nt + a). X 176. X 175. 2 a-\- ad, i, y y t, the equations -\- Show that its acceleration is directed toward the origin and has a magnitude proportional to the distance from the origin. 178. A particle moves with constant acceleration along the parabola 2/2 179. 2/2 = = 2 A 2 ex. 180. (x, y) ex. Show particle Find that the acceleration moves with is in parallel to the x-axis. [a, o] along the parabola its velocity. Show that the and is acceleration vector I j-^ ' jz I extends along the normal at magnitude equal to the curvature at (x, y). — SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 149 CHAPTER IX Show 181. that the function x^ -1 = — 1 and x = vanishes at x 1, but that its derivative does not vanish between these values. Is this an exception to RoUe's theorem? 182. Show that the equation i^ - = 5a;H-4 has only two distinct real roots. Show 183. that x^sin- = Lim — x = o sins : 0, but that this value cannot be found by the methods of Art. Show 184. , . Lim 1=0 Why 1 — cos a; = cosx . 0. cannot this result be obtained by the methods of Art. 73? Find the values 185. ,„^ 186. of the following limits: ^11^. Lim lifll— cos2x T- Lim ! 189. 187. V3i - Vl2 - X Lima;"e-=^. 191. Lim -^^ a;===osm2a; 1 + esc (s — r xcotx 1 192. 1) 1 The a cot Lim ^sec x) x' = (ttx) area of a regular polygon of n sides inscribed in a circle is no' sm- n cos — n that this approaches the area of the circle indefinitely. 194. - Lim'^^^-^) of radius Show / Vl9 -Ss tan-;f 2 Lim = 193. ^ 190. 1 188. - '-2^1 - = 3 2a:-3 1 Lim f i = oV^ i TTX Show that the curve x^ is Explain. 73. that + 2/' = 3 xj/ tangent to both coordinate axes at the origin. when n increases DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 150 CHAPTER X Determine the values of the following functions correct to four decimals: 195. cos 62°. 198. v^O. 196. sin 33°. 199. tan-' (iV)- 197. hi (1.2). 200. esc (31°). 201. Calculate ir by expanding = I 202. 203. = Given hi 5 Prove that tan"' x tan-i and using the formula (1). 1.6094, calculate hi 24. D= Vfh is an approximate formula for the distance of the horizon, distance in miles and h the altitude of the observer in feet. X Prove the following expansions indicating which they converge: if D being the possible the values of for 204. + x') = In 10 + 4 (x - 3) - A (x - 3)2 + ln(e^ + + 5+ •• hi(l +sinx) =x - ix2+Ji= -t^eX<+ e^secx = l+x + x2 + |xs + Jx<+ In (x + VT+^') =x-i| + if|J+--.. hi (1 0=|-g yr>2 205. 206. 207. 208. • • 209. In e»-- = l+x+|-,-^ «*'°" = l+^+|+^' + ^+--- 212. In x Determine the values rt»2 01R 216. + 7x* -^ + = 211. 215. X* + x In tan 214. • • . • • . . 5^ = 2g + 3^ + ^ + ...]. 210. 213. • 'y6 -J^ 1^ -5- of x for • • • . . which the following series converge: -M 1+x + l+f + j + • • • . (^V(^V^^+.... + 1 +2x + 3x2 + 4x'+ + 2 (x + 2)' (x + 2)» » 2 + -Y-2-+^73-+-3TT-+' (x-l) • • • • . a: I • ' • SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 151 CHAPTER XI In each of the following exercises show that the partial derivatives satisfy the equation given: «,n 2n.u = 218. z = x« du du du x~ + z~=y-- + yV, , , , xy - , + 2 a;V ^ 2/*, M + 2/)lnxz, ^ +^E " du\ du ^3m ^^_--j=^-. 219.^ = (x 220.. = (.+ i)tan-.(.-J), 221. / , u = xy °- i+.^g=.^ z 223. ,* = hi + t), (a:^ Shi Shi^ _L dydz dxdy {x dx^' dz' +y = z+e^, du du u = z{x^ - 't dx If a; dz _ dz y dy if), —hx = (^-y'){y%+-'i) y"£+-'£ du 227. _ y'di~''dx ""to 226. du dz dx dy du dz du dx ~ dy dx dy u z iS'a function of - zf, du 225. 2/^-,. ^ = ^. Prove the following relations assuming that 224. dz + ^^ = °- ^^ = ^ + 5, y —z u = -r— + -, ^'^ + 2..z—^ + z^^ = 222. 'Z , 9m -Tdy =^ (e* + e"'), = o', show that 2/ = | (e* - e''), Xdrje 228. If xyz /dy\ /dj\ \dxjy /dA ^ \dx)i\dylx\dz]y show that x and y: — DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 152 In each of the following exercises find As and its principal part, assuming that x and y are the independent variables. When Aa; and A^ approach zero, show that the difference of Az and its principal part is an infinitesimal of higher order than Ax and Ay. 229. z 230. 2 = = 231. ^ = ,-^- xy. a;2 232. -y^ Find the total - z + 2x. Vx'' + y^. the following functions: differentials of + bxV + cy*. +22). hi (a? + 233. ax^ 234. 2/2 235. a'tan-'^ -^Han-'-" X y 236. yze' 237. If u = x"f (z), 238. li u — f{r,s), + zxe" + xye'. = z r show that ^, = x aw + y, s = x - aw aw _ dxdy~ 239. If M = / (r, 0, s, »• = du dx 240. a If P is s du , \-y " t. show that dr' = ^, du r dy , a;-:; origin to -, — y, z r- dz « = = -, show that . 0. the angle between the a>axis and the line OP from the find the derivatives of a in the directions parallel (x, y, z), to the coordinate axes. 241. Show that (cot is an exact y — y sec x tan x) dx — {x esc' y + sec x) dy differential. Find the equations of the normal and tangent plane to each of the following surfaces at the point indicated: 242. x^ + 2y' -z'' = 16, + 32/ -42 = 4, 243. 22; 244. z' 245. y 246. Show surface is = 8x2/, at (2, = z^-x'' + l, 1, at -1). at (3, 2, at (1, 2, 1). -4). (3, 1, -3). that the largest rectangular paraUelopiped with a given a cube. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISES 153 An open rectangular box is to be constructed of a given amount Find the dimensions if the capacity is a maximum. 248. A body has the shape of a hollow cylinder with conical ends. Find the dimensions of the largest body that can be constructed from 247. of material. a given amount of material. 249. Find the volume of the largest rectangular parallelepiped that can be inscribed in the eUipsoid. a2 250. Show "^ 62 "•" & that the triangle of greatest area inscribed in a given circle is equilateral. 251. Find the point so situated that the sum of its distances from the vertices of an acute angled triangle is a minimum. 252. At the point (a;, y, z) of space find the direction along which a given function F (x, y, z) has the largest directional derivative. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES Page 8 1. -i 4. -1. 2. V2. 5. 1. 3. -1. 6. |. 3. 2. 5. The tangents are The (1, —1). Page 14 and on the parallel to the x-axis at slope right of 10. Negative. 11. Positive in 1st 31. When is (1, and 4th quadrants, negative 32. (0, 0), and and (0,0) = in 2nd and 3rd. 27, 28 da;. When x changes to 4.2, dx = 0.2 and an approximate value for y is y + dy = 0.814. This agrees to 3 decimals with the exact value. When a; = 0, the function is equal to 1 and its differential is —dx. When X = 0.3, an approximate value is then 1 — dx = 0.7. The x A, y ^ and dy exact value is 0.072 * 0.754. 35. 34. 18. 36. Increases 37.x = 38. = — 1, —1), ( — 1, —1) —1). Pages = ( positive between when x < ±^. 2 (a, when x s. decreases a). > -x- 2 ^^--(^r^riy^ tan-i|. Page 31 2 , 3. 4 (x-iy {x-iy(.x + _J: (x-i)» 2y(7x + 2 2), (a; -l)(x y y' X x_ 2y' ' v^;rz^2' _4. 2 - a' 7 l^Zjy „ y* x-r _2_. {.x-iy rii Sx^y _J_ At 154 ^a'-x'^^ + 2)2(42x2 + 24 a;- 12). ANSWERS TO EXERCISES 12 tPa; + 3 0'' <i2/' _ (ft/ 1Q di' <(2 155 12 _ <(2-3 0'' Pages 36-38 1. e « 2. - = 100 h = 206.25. = «' - 32 12 i^ between is w = 7. i «, a = - + 32 = «, 1.691 32. Rises 6 2 cf, 13. Highest point SJ. 8. a = —2 c. Wheel comes to rest when 15. 12ift./sec., 16. 4 , c Vs < = •^ 7|ft./sec. mi./hr. tan fl , , "• -l^"/^*^"- V-3:l. 18. i V3 in./see. Neither approaching nor separating. 19. 25.8 ft./sec. 14. = = 3P - 24t + 32. Velocity decreasing Moving backward when t t — 6.309. a 9 ir cu. ft./min. 11. 144 JT sq. ft./sec. 12. Decreasing 8 ir cu. ft./sec. 10. t and negative or between 4 and — until 20. 64 Vs ft./sec. Pages 43-45 1. 3. 4. Minimum 3|. Maximum at x = 0, minima Minimum when x =0. Minimum — 10, maximum 22. = — 1 and x = +1. 2. at a; 13. -a Vs. ^2. 10. J 14. Length of base equals twice the depth of the box. Radius of base equals two-thirds of the altitude. 4 16. 17. Altitude equals - times diameter of base. TT IGirVs 20. Girth equals twice length. 27 21. Radius equals 2 i (ai 22. The 23. 12 V2. 24. [5^-|-6¥. Radius of semicircle equals height of rectangle. 26. 27. Ve inches. + 02 + 03 + 04). 19. distance from the more intense source tance from the other source. 25. 194 ft. 4 pieces 6 inches long and 2 pieces 2 ft. long. of the sector is two radians. 28. The angle 29. At the end of 4 hours. , is '^2 times the dis- DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 156 30. He o 31. 35. should land 4.71 miles from his destination. V2 —s— 2 <* . ' being the length of side, 2imi./hr. 13.6 knots. 36. Page 48 1. 2. 3. 4. 10. Maximum = a, minimum = — n. Maximum = 0, minimum = — (jV) Minimum = — 1. Minimum = 0, maximum = fy. Either 4 or 5. Pages 52, 63 23. A = -i„ B = -A. Vs - |. Velocity = — 2imA, acceleration = 24. 26. 20. 21. ^ • miles per minute. 'JT ± g, n bemg any mteger. 0. f+f^rVs. 13 Vl3. ,. „ , } radians per hour. 29. The needle will be inclined to the horizontal at an angle of about 28. „. 25. 32° 30' 30. 120°. 31. 120°. 33. If „„ a ^^- V the spokes are extended outward, they will form the sides of an isosceles triangle. Page 66 24. a = 25. by the 4V35. 27. X 30. a; - cos c^, r being the radius of pulley string and line along which Page 61 = nir + cot~' 2, n being any integer. < -3, x>2, or -2 < z < 1. Pages -x + 4a 1. 2y 2. 3/ 3. 2 2/ =F a; 66, = 5, y + 2x = G. = 8, iy — x = \b. = ±a, ^ ± 2 2 = ±3 a. 66 its and the angle formed end moves. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES 4. 2/ 5. y 6. = a (x In 6 — 2 2 + 1), 7. a a; 9. 2/ ay]nb = a?]nb. -\- ^-i+i^Ki)=«- ^(--i)' ^ + ^' = 8. x 1. - a^ViX = fc'aJiy + = 2, - = 2. + 3 = 4, j/-3a; = 28. = tan ^ 0i. + tan a; 2/ 2/ 2/ a: 10. 90°, 11- 4^°- (6^ - tf) 12. 90°. 13. tan-i2V2. 1^. _ In 10 — 1 tan ij^^^-j-^- 15. tan-' 3 CKt>i h<t>i 157 tan-'f. ajij/i. Vs. Page 70 1. Point of inflection point, 2. Point of inflection point, 3. Concave upward on the (0, 3). downward on the — f). (J, downward on The curve is the right of this left. Concave upward on the right of thia left. everywhere concave upward. There is no point of inflection. 4. Point of inflection ward on the 5. Concave on the (1, 0). Point of inflection I downward on the —2, 6. 7. Points of inflection — ^)- a; = the points of inflection, 8. X < or a; ±—V2 upward (0, 0), 3 ^ 4. 3V2. 5. e^ v'2' 8. fo. right, Concave downward between outside. (±3, ±1). Concave upward when > 3. Pages ±2V6. Concave upward on the ;=. Point of inflection at the origin. the origin. 1. down- left. Points of inflection at -3 < left of this point, right. Concave upward on the left of DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 1158 Page 79 There are two angles 4/ depending on the direction in which s is measured along the curve. In the following answers only one of these angles is given. ' --(I)2 3 ^- r t 1. 7. 4 8. Z. •-* 0°, 90°,andtaii-i3V3. fl= ±ijr. 10. 3. 3 Page 84 I -V2 _ yv-l —1 ^"T ^- *^"' 6. tan 4__ k 1. X —e _ ^ 2/« ^ g — V2 1 2 e '—=• 69° 29'. 7. irfc '.-e^ 2 y 3. Pages 1. The angular speed is ^ where , ^ 92, 93 a; is the abscissa of the moving point. 2. If xi is the abscissa of the end in the a>axis and yi the ordinate of j/-axis, the velocity of the middle point is the end in the '£]. 2yi_ [*". the upper signs being used right, the 3. The lower signs velocity is [v where 6 is moving — 7. point. Speed the end in the avaxis to the left. moves The speed to the is — ^ 2j/i aa cos fl], <ia sin 0, The speed is + aW — 2 The boat should be pointed Velocity if moves the angle from the a>axis to the radius through the Vt^ 6. if it 30° ooi!) sin 0. up the river. = [a, h, c — gt], Acceleration = = Vo" + 62 + (e - gt)^. [0, 0, —g]. ANSWERS TO EXERCISES Velocity Speed Acceleration 10 12. 3 r L X 1)' 4a = «J = = = [oa (1 ao> X = coaf St!" 6in|fl' 4ajSinJeJ cos ait, y sum = q The vt sin aj<. velocity but the acceleration -\-b cos 2 at, j/ (^, aa'cos<^]. <^, sin 1 9 a cos ait the (^ [a«^ sin tial velocities, 13. — cos<^), ousin^], Vz — 2 cos = 2 aw sin J 159 = a sin ui of the partial velocities is is the sum of the par- The velocity is not. + 6 sin 2 at. and the acceleration the sum of the partial accelerations. 14. X = (Mit the — sum + a sin (ui uj) <, y = a cos (coj + aj) t. The velocity is of the partial velocities and the acceleration the sum of the partial accelerations. Page 100 2. A. DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS 160 Pages 123, 124 1. Increment 4. -ip=n{-j = —0.151, principal part ——) = T may negative, the percentage error in 5. The percentage may be Since dl and dg percentage errors in and I error in g —0.154. either positive or be | the sum of the g. may be as great as that in s plus twice that in T. 13. -'^+^. 2''-"^ 15. zx 14. dx dx dx dy dx dx Bydx 131, 132 "' dz\dx _ d'x 1. 2. dy dx WW" dy dz dy £^1 = ^ 3 3. —5 .X^—=5 4. . 5. 6. = 1:^2, z — _ (a; 5 „ ^15" z — x 3x • 3 Z3-' — 5y— IZ— = '^-^' g— —^ X 3V3-4. 14, --3(a:co8Q:+2/oos/3+zcos7). Page 135 —4 4^ = y — 1 2/ dx g Normal, y + ix = H, z = 3. Tangent plane, a; — 4 2/ — 14 „x— —3~= dz 13. dx dy ^ dx \dxjy dydx' df_aF_aldF dz 2uv + y' + xy-z'^). -{x' Pages _ ^' — 1 • = 1) +2(2/ -2) +2(2- 2) =0. 0. ,. + 42/-5z = 0. x + 5y -Zz-l X a,+ 5 =0. -42/-6Z =0. en + z = 2/-2=± "^2. Pages 138, 139 1. The box should have a square base with side equal to twice the depth. 2. The cylinder and cone have volumes surfaces in the ratio 2 4. The : in the ratio 3 3. center of gravity of the triangle ABC, : 2 and lateral INDEX The numbers refer to the pages. Acceleration, along a straight line, 33. angular, 34. in a curved path, 90, 91. Angle, between directed lines in space, 79, 80. between two plane curves, 64. Approximate value, of the increment of a fvmction, 14, 15, 118-120. Arc, differential of, 72. Continuous function, 10, 113. Convergence of infinite series, 107111. Differentiation, of transcendental functions, 49-62. partial, 113-139. Directional derivative, 129. Direction cosines, 80, 81. Direction of curvature, 67. Divergence of infinite series, 107111. Exact differentials, 130, 131. Exponential functions, 56-62. Function, continuous, 10, 113 discontinuous, 10. Curvature, 73. explicit, 1. center and circle of, 75. direction of, 67. radius of, 74. Curve, length of, 70. slope of, 11. implicit, 2, 127, 128. irrational, 2. of one variable, 1. of several variables, 113. rational, 2. Functions, algebraic, 2, 19-31. Dependent exponential, 56-62. inverse trigonometric, 54-56. logarithmic, 56-62. transcendental, 2, 49-62. trigonometric, 49-53. Functional notation, 3. variables, 2, 115. Derivative, 12. directional, 129. higher, 28, 29, 114. of a function of several variables, 124-127. partial, 114. Differential, of arc, 72. of a constant, 20. of a fraction, 22. of an nth power, 22. of a product, 21. of a sum, 20. total, 120, 121. Differentials, 15. exact, 130, 131. of algebraic functions, 19-31. of transcendental functions, 4962. partial, 120. Differentiation, of algebraic functions, 19-31 Geometrical applications, 63-84. Implicit functions, 2, 127. Increment, 10. of a function, 14, 15, 118, 119. Independent variable, 2. Indeterminate forms, 95-100. Infinitesimal, 7. Infinite series, 106-112. convergence and divergence 107-111. Maclaurin's, 106. Taylor's, 106. Inflection, 67. 161 of, INDEX 162 Rate of change, 32. Rates, 32-38. Length of a curve, 70. Limit, of a function, 5. related, 35. sinS of— ,49. , .„ Limits, 4-9. properties Related rates, 35. Rolle's theorem, 94. of, 5, 6. Series, 106-112. Loganthms, 56, 58. natural, 58. convergence and divergence 107-111. of, Maclaurin's, 106. Maclaurin's power, 110, 111. series, 106. Maxima and minima, exceptional types, 45, 46. method of finding, 42, 43. one variable, 39-48. several variables, 136-138. Mean value theorem, 101. Power series, 110, 111. operations with. 111. 134. series, 106. Total differential, 120, 121. of, Partial, differentiation, 113-139. differential, 120. Plane, tangent, 134. Point of inflection, 67, 68. Polar coordinates, 77-79. Tangent plane, Tangent, to a plane curve, 63. to a space curve, 81-83. Taylor's, theorem, 102. Natm-al logarithm, 58. Normal, to a plane curve, 63. to a surface, 133, 134. Partial derivative, 114. geometrical representation 116, 117. Taylor's, 106. Sine of a small angle, 49. Slope of a curve, 11. Speed, 85. Variables, change of, 30, 127. dependent, 2, 115. independent, 2. Vector, 85. notation, 88. Velocities, Velocity, composition components of, 89, 90. of, 86, 87. along a curve, 85-89. along a strai^t line, 32. angular, 34.