16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 523 1 Parametric Analyses on Impulse Voltage Generator and Power Transformer Winding for Virtual High Voltage Laboratory Environment Sachin Kumar, N K Kishore and B Hemalatha Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur-721302, India. Abstract—This paper presents the development work done for virtualization of a typical high voltage laboratory, especially named as virtual high voltage laboratory. The main objective of the paper is to develop an understanding of impulse voltage generator’s ciruit parameters’ effect on the standard output waveforms. The most significant part includes analyses of various internal constraints which cannot be easily estimated in a high voltage laboratory. The motive is to - analyze the effects of different parameters involved in the respective impulse voltage generator and equivalent power transformer winding circuits and show the results graphically. To accomplish this motto, parametric analyses are carried out on the effects of different parameters for impulse voltage generator and power transformer winding, along with desired outputs. Index Terms—Impulse voltage generator, marx generator, parametric analyses, power transformer winding, virtual high voltage laboratory. Table I T IME PARAMETERS WITH TOLERANCES FOR SOME STANDARD IMPULSE WAVEFORMS Type of impulse LI voltage SI voltage Impulse current Impulse current Front Time Tf (µs) 1.2±30% 250±30% 4.0±10% 8.0±10% Tail Time Tt (µs) 50±20% 2500±20% 10±10% 20±10% particular experiment from the list, GUI prompts input values. After submitting the input values mathematical analyses algorithm of impulse voltage generator (IVG) circuit in this particular case is run and displays output waveform with the help of JAVA programming. So, present paper deals with the parametric analyses of IVG and impulse testing on power transformer winding equivalent which is useful in VHVL environment to get the standard waveforms. I. I NTRODUCTION OMPUTER simulation plays an important role in engineering course teaching. Nowadays, a variety of softwares like MATLAB, AutoCAD, and PSCAD are available to simulate electrical circuits; but fail to provide the actual feel of a physical laboratory. Also most of these softwares come with commercial license at a high price, thus restricting their availability but virtual high voltage laboratory (VHVL) is a web based [1,2,3,4,5] application which not only serves as a good tool for teaching but also enables a student to understand the influence of the circuit parameters on the output of the various experiments. VHVL can also act as a guide for the testing engineer to arrive at the values of the desired parameters to get a standard output waveform as listed in Table I [6]. VHVL prompts user to achieve the standard Lightning Impulse (LI) or Switching Impulse (SI) parameters by providing facility to vary the circuit parameters through graphical user interface (GUI). C Figure 1. Proposed Scheme of VHVL. II. I MPULSE VOLTAGE G ENERATOR A. Marx generator Marx generators [7] are at the core of impulse voltage tests of HV equipment. The classical Marx generator nominally produces a pulse in the form of a double exponential function. Fig. 1 presents a proposed scheme of VHVL which constitutes home page links for various experiments. By selecting V (t) = V [exp(−αt) − exp(−βt)] Sachin Kumar is a recent graduate of M.Tech. in Electrial Engineering from Indian Instutute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302 India (email: sackumaarc@gmail.com). N K Kishore is Professor of Electrical Engineering with Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721302 India (email: kishor@iitkgp.ac.in). B Hemalatha is Principal System Manager with Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (email: hema@adm.iitkgp.ernet.in). where V(t) is the instantaneous value of output impulse voltage, and V is the voltage that is stored across the generator capacitor (Cg ) (for a multistage generator V is the sum of the charging voltages of all stages), α and β are inverse time constants in µs. Fig. 2 [8] shows an equivalent of n ≤ 20 stage Marx generator which generates the impulse voltage for Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. (1) 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 524 2 testing of transformers, where the front and tail time of the impulse voltage are important; therefore one must observe the effect of the wave-shaping control elements on the voltage waveform. The dependence of the shape of the waveform on the resistors Rf (front resistor) and Rt (tail resistor) can be checked by changing the values of these resistors. These resistors control the wave-front and wave-tail of the output impulse voltage waveform. The basic principle of operation of the Marx generator is that the generator capacitors are charged in parallel with a HV dc source and discharged in series through load (here capacitive, Cl ) with the means of triggering spark gaps (SG). Hence an impulse voltage is obtained across the load which is standardised as shown in Fig. 3. corresponding to 50% of the peak value, and it is t4 . O’t4 is defined as fall or tail time (Tt ). Figure 3. Standard waveform of an impulse voltage generator. B. Single stage impulse voltage generator circuit Fig. 5 shows single – stage equivalent of IVG circuit. Circuit contains front resistor (Rf ) and tail resistor (Rt ) with small internal inductancesLf and Lt offered by Rf and Rt respectively. These inductances are incorporated in the equivalent circuit to give the VHVL a more realistic feel. Solution for the circuit is obtained using differential equations approach and then the corresponding algorithm is developed. Differential equations and appropriate boundary conditions V(t=0) = 0 and ( dV dt )(t=0) = 0 are formulated as follows: Loop i1 : Z Z 1 1 di2 + Rf ∗ i2 + i1 dt + Lf i2 dt = V (2) Cg dt Cl Loop i2 : Lf 1 di2 + Rf ∗ i2 + dt Cl Z i2 dt = Lf d(i1 − i2 ) + Rt ∗ (i1 − i2 ) dt (3) output voltage: V (t) = Figure 2. Typical Scheme of a Marx Generator. Referring to the waveshape in Fig. 3, the peak value A is fixed and referred to as 100% value. The point corresponding to 10% and 90% of the peak values are located on the front portion (points C and D). O’ is taken as the virtual origin. 1.25 times the interval between times t1 and t2 corresponding to points C and D is defined as the front time (Tf ), i.e. 1.25*(O’t1 -O’t2 ).1 The point E is located on the wave tail 1 Due to oscillation in the initial portion, front is defined this way. 1 Cl Z i2 dt (4) After solving Eqn. 2 and Eqn. 3 for current i2 and putting i2 ’s value in Eqn. 4 output voltage is obtained. The algorithm for single-stage IVG for generation of impulse voltage is shown in Fig. 4, is employed in virtual laboratory environment [14]. 1) Single stage impulse voltage generator - Algorithm : Based on the mathematical analyses of circuit shown in Fig. 4, algorithm for the implementation of the VHVL is developed. The flowchart shown in Fig. 4 explains the algorithm of parametric analyses for impulse voltage generation. The first task is to track peak voltage of waveform which is accomplished by comparing present and previous sample values which are continuously stored. At an instant when previous value is greater than the present value, the sample data of Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 525 3 Figure 4. Algorithm for generation and parametric analyses of single-stage impulse voltage generator. previous value is stored as the value of peak voltage. After tracking peak voltage, time for 10%, 90% and 50% of peak voltage are determined. This provides waveform parameters to be compared with standard listed in Table I. Finally, a plot between voltage vs. time with front and tail time values is displayed with the help of JAVA programming. transformer winding models are taken and analyzed through simulation. The results enable students to test a transformer in vitual laboratory environment, and a test engineer to arrive at required configuration of the generator for an impulse test. To accomplish the above discussion present paper deals with the parametric analyses of an equivalent model of a power transformer winding with an application of impulse voltage. A. Power transformer winding equivalent Figure 5. Equivalent circuit of single stage impulse voltage generator. III. I MPULSE VOLTAGE G ENERATOR A PPLICATION A power transformer [9], a vital and expensive piece of equipment in a power system, requires critical attention from the standpoint of its insulation design and performance under both steady state and transient stress. Therefore, this assessment is carried out through impulse tests. This study is carried out using transformer model to be incorporated in VHVL. Since, the virtualization involves simulation so, Fig. 6 shows an equivalent of one phase winding of a three-phase transformer [11]. In this model 2 , each stage (one turn of winding) is modeled by series resistance (Rs ), selfinductance (Ls ), shunt resistance (Rsh ), series capacitance (Cs ) and ground capacitance (Cg ). The typical voltage and the neutral current waveform for A phase during impulse voltage testing is shown in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 respectively. Cg represents the equivalent capacitance of primary and secondary windings; Csh is the capacitance between primary and secondary windings; Ls is equivalent leakage inductance of the primary and secondary windings; Rs is equivalent resistance of the primary and secondary windings; Rsh is the core exciting impedance-composed of a resistance and inductance. 2 This paper presents transformer winding model of the frequency range of 10 kHz to few MHz which is helpful in internal resonance studies. And the experiments in this frequency range reveal remarkable overvoltages. So, necessary to model a transformer accordingly, as explained in [12]. Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 526 4 tail resistor value only leads to increment in tail time but there is no change in peak voltage and front time as summarised in Table III. Figure 6. Equivalent model for a Power Transformer winding. Figure 7. Typical voltage waveform at A phase terminal during impulse voltage testing for power transformer. Fig. 11 shows the impulse voltage waveforms of Marx circuit for different values of load capacitor. Slight change in load capacitor value leads to increment in peak voltage and tail time but there is no change in front time as summarised in Table IV. Figure 9. Variation of impulse voltage with front resistance Rf . Figure 10. Variation of impulse voltage with tail resistance Rt . Figure 11. Variation of impulse voltage with load capacitance Cl . Figure 8. Typical neutral current waveform at A phase terminal during impulse voltage testing for power transformer. In the present paper, the data [12,13] for one phase of a 220 kV/35 kV, 50 MVA three phase transformer are as follows: • series resistance per turn = 1 Ω; • self inductance per turn = 1.65 mH; • shunt resistance per turn = 1 kΩ; • series capacitance per turn = 2 nF; • ground capacitance per turn = 2 pF. IV. R ESULTS A. Marx Generator Fig. 9 shows the impulse voltage waveforms of Marx circuit for different front resistor values. Small increment in front resistor value leads to negligible increment in tail time but a significant change in peak voltage and front time as summarised in Table II. Fig. 10 shows the impulse voltage waveforms of Marx circuit for different values of tail resistor. Significant change in Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 527 5 Table II VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM OF M ARX GENERATOR WITH FRONT RESISTANCE R f a V (kV) 50 Cg (µF ) 0.6 Rf (Ω) 10 Rt (Ω) 120 Cl (nF) 2 Vp (kV) 143.60 Tf (µs) 1.39 Tt (µs) 45.40 b 50 0.6 11 120 2 143.30 1.43 45.45 c d e 50 50 50 0.6 0.6 0.6 12 13 14 120 120 120 2 2 2 143 142.85 142.65 1.47 1.51 1.55 45.46 45.52 45.54 curve Figure 12. Variation of impulse voltage for single stage impulse voltage generator with front inductance Lf . Table III VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM OF M ARX TAIL RESISTANCE R t CIRCUIT WITH a V (kV) 50 Cg (µF ) 0.6 Rf (Ω) 10 Rt (Ω) 120 Cl (nF) 2 Vp (kV) 143.60 Tf (µs) 1.39 Tt (µs) 45.40 b c d e 50 50 50 50 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 10 10 10 10 122 124 126 128 2 2 2 2 143.60 143.60 143.60 143.60 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.39 46.10 46.76 47.37 48 curve Table IV VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM OF M ARX GENERATOR CIRCUIT WITH LOAD CAPACITANCE C l a V (kV) 50 Cg (µF ) 0.6 Rf (Ω) 10 Rt (Ω) 120 Cl (nF) 2 Vp (kV) 143.60 Tf (µs) 1.39 Tt (µs) 45.40 b 50 0.6 10 120 2.2 143.30 1.43 45.50 c d e 50 50 50 0.6 0.6 0.6 10 10 10 120 120 120 2.4 2.6 2.8 143.10 142.90 142.70 1.45 1.49 1.53 45.57 45.72 45.80 curve Figure 13. Variation of impulse voltage for single stage impulse voltage generator with tail inductance Lt . Table V VARIATION OF IMPULSE VOLTAGE FOR SINGLE STAGE IMPULSE VOLTAGE GENERATOR WITH FRONT INDUCTANCE L f ( CHARGING VOLTAGE = 100 K V) a b Cg (µF ) 1 1 Rf (Ω) 112 112 Lf (nH) 1 10 Rt (Ω) 70 70 Lt (nH) 1 1 Cl (nF) 2 2 Vp (kV) 97.03 97.03 Tf (µs) 1.22 1.27 Tt (µs) 45.30 46.10 c d f e 1 1 1 1 112 112 112 112 102 103 105 106 70 70 70 70 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 97.03 97.09 - 1.28 1.34 - 50.14 53.70 - curve B. Single stage Impulse Voltage Generator Fig. 12 shows the impulse voltage waveforms for the different values of front inductance. It is an important consideration to avoid output waveform distortion. Slight change in front internal inductance value does not affect peak voltage, front time and tail time, however, for a large change in inductance value output waveform shows oscillations as shown in Fig. 10 and summarised in Table V. It is also an important consideration for getting an error free standard output waveforms. Fig. 13 shows the impulse voltage waveforms for the different values of tail inductance. As inductance increases slightly there is negligible change in peak voltage, front time and tail time but due to a large change in inductance value there is a significant change in Vp , Tf and Tt as summarised in Table VI. Table VI VARIATION OF IMPULSE VOLTAGE FOR SINGLE STAGE IMPULSE VOLTAGE GENERATOR WITH FRONT INDUCTANCE L f ( CHARGING VOLTAGE = 100 K V) curve a b Cg (µF ) 1 1 Rf (Ω) 112 112 Lf (nH) 1 1 Rt (Ω) 70 70 Lt (nH) 1 10 Cl (nF) 2 2 Vp (kV) 97.03 97.03 Tf (µs) 1.28 1.28 Tt (µs) 50.14 50.11 c 1 112 1 70 103 2 97.05 1.33 50.21 d 1 112 1 70 106 2 98.66 1.65 56.78 e 1 112 1 70 107 2 98.79 2.17 121 C. Power Transformer In order to get power transformer testing analyses results, simulation studies are carried out by using a MATLAB simulation model. The number of stages is chosen by the user, Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 528 6 dependent on the number of coils of transformer winding, to simulate the transformer windings (here, it is 3), and the ladder network for the transformer is constructed in MATLAB by choosing proper values of the ladder parameters that are obtained from test results for the transformer. The transformer is connected to the output of the IVG as the test object as shown in Fig. 6. Series inductance and shunt resistor having significant value affect the output voltage across transformer winding. So, present paper analyses the variation of these two only. Fig. 12 and Fig. 13 show the voltage waveforms for different values of shunt resistor and series inductance respectively. As shunt resistor value is increased the voltage increment is more and as series inductance value is increased the winding voltage has very little increment as summarised in Table VII and Table VIII respectively. The analyses on number of coils are also done which shows an increment in voltage across transformer winding as shown and summarised in Fig. 14 and Table IX respectively. Figure 16. Variation in output voltage with number of turns. Table VII VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM WITH R sh Curve a b c Rs (Ω) Ls (mH) Csh (nF) Rsh (kΩ) Cg (pF) 1 1 1 1.65 1.65 1.65 2 2 2 1 1.5 2 2 2 2 Table VIII VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM WITH L s Rs Curve (Ω) a b c Figure 14. Variation in output voltage with shunt resistance Rsh . OF POWER TRANSFORMER 1 1 1 Number of turns 1 1 1 peak voltage (kV) 134.20 142.47 146.63 OF POWER TRANSFORMER Ls (mH) Csh (nF) Rsh (kΩ) Cg (pF) Number of turns 1.65 1.75 1.85 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 peak voltage (kV) 134.20 135.38 135.90 Table IX VARIATION OF OUTPUT VOLTAGE WAVEFORM OF POWER TRANSFORMER WITH NUMBER OF TURNS Curve a b c Figure 15. Variation in output voltage with series inductance Ls . Rs (Ω) Ls (mH) Csh (nF) Rsh (kΩ) Cg (pF) Number of turns 1 1 1 1.65 1.65 1.65 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 3 peak voltage (kV) 134.20 157.90 166.70 V. C ONCLUSIONS The mutual coordination between present work and VHVL is to provide a remote access of virtual laboratory with accomplished parametric analyses, which is most important for the learning perspective. This paper is outlined and illustrated a MATLAB model to generate standard output impulse voltage waveforms of 1.2/50 µs which leads to the simulation analyses on impulse voltage testing of power transformer winding equivalent. Students may use power transformer winding equivalent model to learn about impulse voltage testing, and can simulate Department of Electrical Engineering, Univ. College of Engg., Osmania University, Hyderabad, A.P, INDIA. 16th NATIONAL POWER SYSTEMS CONFERENCE, 15th-17th DECEMBER, 2010 529 7 different kinds of winding parameters during impulse voltage testing. The method considerably reduces the time and cost needed to teach impulse testing of power transformers. Therefore, it is very useful for educational purposes where the budget is limited. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sachin Kumar whole heartedly thanks Professor N.K. Kishore for providing an opportunity to compose a conference paper on M.Tech project work, which is one of the most emerging technology in the field of virtualization. Author takes this opportunity to express his gratitude to Ministry of Human Resource development (MHRD), Government of India (GoI) for sponsoring the project. Author would like to thank Mr. N.C. Santhosh (Electrical Engineer, Tata Consulting Engineers Limited, Jamshedpur), Mr. Debasish Mukherjee (Jr. Programmer, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur), Miss S. Poornima Rao (Web Developer, Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Kharagpur) and all his colleagues for their support. Finally, the Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur for their encouragement. R EFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] Christof Rohrig and Andreas Jochheim, “The Virtual Lab for Controlling Real Experiments via Internet,” Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design Kohala Coast-lsland of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, 1999. Hess Hodge, H.Scott Hinton and Micheal Lightner, “Virtual Circuit Laboratory,” 30th ASEE/IEEE Frontier Education Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, 2000. N Liester and W Schufft, “Virtual ASP based Impulse Generator,” presented at the 12th Int. 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