Exercise Sets & Reps Skipping Full court Description Skipping with double arm circles Full court Skipping with cross-body arm swings Full court Skipping with arm swings alternate directions Full court Carioca Full court Carioca with high knee Full court Walking lunge with arm sweep, lunge every 3rd step Full court Straight leg kicks, kick every 3rd step Full court https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksNl4zEynMo Rotation Hops Full court https://www.instagram.com/p/CKAJBArjnly/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Front/Back Fascia Line Elasticity 5 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/CKAJBArjnly/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Overspeed Good Mornings 10 reps Body-weight squats 10 reps Forward Lunges 5 per side Reverse Lunges 5 per side Jumping Jacks 10 reps Star Jumps 6 reps Wide Stance squats 10 reps Accelerations 4 x 15 metres Not 100%, a short acceleration on the court Hurdle Ducks 10 per side I set a barbell about waist height and step under that and back Donkey Kicks, alternating legs 60 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkTil-WCYCA Fire Hydrants (Hip abduction), alternating legs 60 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=La3xYT8MGks Iron Cross 60 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcJO0gfKEAc Prone Iron Cross 60 secs prone = lying on front Cross-Band Walks 10 steps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cyYV7cRh98 Lateral Leg Swings 10 per side Copenhagen Plank 15 secs NEW https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWoskMbvCbs WEEK 1-4 Day Exercise Monday & Thursday Dynamic Warmup Dorsiflex Drill 1 Tuesday See sheet loop a resistance band round ball of foot, pull band towards you for tension, dorsi/plantar slowly, challenging but not a full on effort Bounce on balls of foot, minimal knee bend, reactive, no plantarflexing A2 Ziani Leg Lifts 4 x 60 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAu7q0gNKTo B1 Elbow Plank 3 x 10 secs Squeeze glutes, pull elbows and toes together to create body tension B2 Clap Push ups 3x4 Rest 10-15 seconds between each of these moves B3 Lateral bound 3x4 Soft landing Broad Jumps 5 reps work on hip hinge, soft landing 2 Step Approach (2 foot) 8 reps No deceleration or forward lean 2 Step Pop Ups (2 foot) 4 reps Chest up, core tight 2 step Full Jumps (2 foot) 6 reps Every step gets a little quicker, think of the rhythm the foot contacts make, sight the rim Tibialis raise 25 reps https://www.instagram.com/p/CILlw51nZXp Dynamic Warmup One 6-10 reps Shake legs out between reps Patrick Step Up 2 x 15 per leg ATG Split Squat 3 x 8-10 per leg A1 Front Squat 3x5 Not max. effort, about 80-90% of capability A2 Borzov Hops 3x5 Set up like a RLESS then jump maximally with front foot Assisted Nordic Curls 3x7 4 seconds to lower Don't go too heavy too soon One 6-8 reps Patrick Step Up 2 x 15 per leg ATG Split Squat 3 x 8-10 per leg Power Clean Turn foot out slightly, 6 inch step or higher 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps the time is for single leg hopping and the reps is 2 up 1 down eccentric calf lowers Dynamic Warmup Countermovement Jump Sunday 2 x 15 Description 4 x 20 secs Achilles Spring Combo Friday One A1 Dorsiflex Drill 2 Countermovement Jump (new since video) Sets and Reps 10 singles Assisted Nordic Curls 3x7 Achilles Spring Combo 2 x 35 secs, 7 reps TKE Stretch 10 x 5 secs Flexion Gapping 40 secs Posterior Chain Floss 40 reps BB Heel Cord Smash 50 secs Spread & pull, Toe Dorsi & Plantar 50 secs SL Flex and Ext Rotation 90 secs Calf Stretch with rope 2 x 1 min Soleus Stretch 2 x 40 secs 60-75 seconds rest, fine to do doubles too https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf WEEK 5-8 Day Exercise Monday & Thursday Dynamic Warmup Dorsiflex Drill 1 loop a resistance band round ball of foot, pull band towards you for tension, dorsi/plantar slowly, challenging but not a full on effort Bounce on balls of foot, minimal knee bend, reactive, no plantarflexing A2 Ziani Leg Lifts 4 x 60 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAu7q0gNKTo Wall Drill 2x6 Arm Drill 3 x 10 3 x 10 secs Stand one foot length from a wall, drop rapidly so bum is in contact with the wall Sit straight legged on an exercise bench, swing arms aggressively as if jumping and try to get some air Squeeze glutes, pull elbows and toes together to create body tension B2 Clap Push ups 3x4 Rest 10-15 seconds between each of these moves B3 Lateral bound 3x4 Soft landing Broad Jumps 5 reps work on hip hinge, soft landing 2 Step Approach (2 foot) 8 reps No deceleration or forward lean 2 Step Pop Ups (2 foot) 4 reps Chest up, core tight 2 step Full Jumps (2 foot) 6 reps Every step gets a little quicker, think of the rhythm the foot contacts make, sight the rim 25 reps Dynamic Warmup One Banded Pull Through 3x8 Tuck Jumps 2 x 15 ATG Split Squat 3 x 8-10 Depth Jumps 4x4 Front Squat (fast up) 3x5 Nordic Curls 3x7 Dynamic Warmup One Banded Pull Through 3x8 Tuck Jumps 2 x 10 Patrick Step Up 2 x 15 ATG Split Squat 3 x 8-10 Weighted Jumps 4x4 RDL Rowing Machine TKE Stretch https://www.instagram.com/p/CILlw51nZXp 2 sec iso, hard glute squeeze 2 x 10 Patrick Step Up Single Leg Box Jumps Sunday See sheet 4 x 20 secs Tibialis raise Friday One 2 x 15 Description A1 Dorsiflex Drill 2 B1 Elbow Plank Tuesday Sets and Reps 3 x 8 per leg 3x6 4 x 500m (2 mins rest) Not heavy, more of a late warm up 60% 1RM, done for speed 2 sec iso, hard glute squeeze Not heavy, more of a late warm up Use a weight that lets you achieve at least 70% of your unweighted best jump (probably 10-15kg) Not necessary to jump onto a high box but do try full effort each time Slow eccentric, fast up Not too intense, still work the breathing but don't destroy the legs 10 x 5 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Flexion Gapping 40 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Posterior Chain Floss 40 reps https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf BB Heel Cord Smash 50 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Spread & pull, Toe Dorsi & Plantar 50 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf SL Flex and Ext Rotation 90 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Calf Stretch with rope Soleus Stretch 2 x 1 min 2 x 40 secs WEEK 9-12 Day Exercise Monday & Dynamic Warmup Thursday Standing Calf Raise Sets and Reps One 2 x 15 Dorsiflex Drill 2 3 x 20 secs Seated Arm Drill 3 x 10 Broad Jumps Description 5-7 reps https://youtu.be/4nhuBzBjWzQ?t=50 Bounce on balls of foot, minimal knee bend, reactive, no plantarflexing Sit straight legged on an exercise bench, swing arms aggressively as if jumping and try to get some air work on hip hinge, soft landing A1 Penultimate Acceleration 3x5 Big penultimate, drop hips low, arms back as you step forward, both sides (LR and RL) Mechanics Primer 3x4 Part 1: Arm backswing, super relaxed arms, pinkie level with earlobe behind Part 2: above arm swing, plus rapid descent, "attack the floor" Part 3: above arm swing, plus push into penultimate and drop low 2 step Full Jumps (2 foot) Tuesday Every step gets a little quicker, think of the rhythm the foot contacts make, sight the rim Dynamic Warmup One Overhead Squat 4x5 Not heavy, mainly for flexibility A1 Medicine Ball Toss 3x3 Jump with ball, land and then throw it vertically, use 4-5kg 3x3 Wait 2-3 minutes between the med ball tosses, see here https://youtu.be/vIjUKnc5434?t=189 A2 Countermovement Jumps Explosive RLESS Friday 6-8 3 x 6 per side Nordic Curls 3x6 Ab Ripper X Once Dynamic Warmup Single Leg Hip Raise (3 sec ISO) Floor to Ceiling Jumps DB SLRDL Hex Bar Clean Pulls https://vimeo.com/410205129 One 2 x 8 per side For glute activation 3x8 Touch the floor then explode up and try to touch the ceiling with both hands, straight into the next rep 3 x 6 per side The free leg comes through into a high knee when standing up, arms start at waist but finish overhead 5x2 Patrick Step Up 2 x 10 Seated Calf Raise 50 total Ab Ripper X Once Saturday Foam Rolling 30-60 secs each Sunday Rowing Machine TKE Stretch Slow descent, back knee touches floor, front foot lifts up and slams into explosive rep. Use max. ~10kg dumbbells 4 x 500m (2 mins rest) Quite heavy, 50-70% 1RM Load weight on the top of the knee https://vimeo.com/410205129 Adductors, Quads, VMO, Calf, Hamstring, Glutes Not too intense, still work the breathing but don't destroy the legs 10 x 5 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Flexion Gapping 40 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Posterior Chain Floss 40 reps https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Ziani Leg Lift 4 mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAu7q0gNKTo BB Heel Cord Smash 50 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Spread & pull, Toe Dorsi & Plantar 50 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf SL Flex and Ext Rotation 90 secs https://efficientbodybuilding.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/1628600837_becoming.pdf Calf Stretch with rope Soleus Stretch 2 x 1 min 2 x 40 secs WEEK 13-16 Exercise Monday Dynamic Warmup Broad Jumps Sets and Reps One Description See sheet 6-8 Penultimate Acceleration 2x5 Big penultimate, drop hips low, arms back as step fwd, both sides Mechanics Primer 2x4 Arm backswing, super relaxed arms, pinkie level with earlobe behind repeat with rapid descent and return, "attack the floor" repeat with push into penultimate, descent and arm swing CoD and LR to RL after each rep rather than 4 and 4 Wednesday Full Jumps (2 foot) 10 per side Copenhagen Plank 2 sets Standing Hip Flexor Raise 3 sets Dynamic Warmup One Seated Box Jumps 3x5 Split Jumps SL Line Hops Friday 3 x 5 per side 2 x 2 x 30 secs Every step gets a little quicker, think of the rhythm the foot contacts make, sight the rim Stand on one leg, lifting the other thigh above parallel using your arms. Release with the arms and hold the leg as high as possible. Don't tilt the pelvis back too much. Keep the feet relatively narrow to allow you to pop up Side to side, then front to back, good for Achilles Dynamic Warmup Flying 25m runs Shock Jumps Reverse Nordics 6 4 x 5 (30 sec/5 min) Foam Rolling Sunday TKE Stretch Flexion Gapping Posterior Chain Floss Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekowbKbBNSM 30-60 secs each 10 x 5 secs 40 secs 40 ZIani Leg Lift 4 mins BB Heel Cord Smash 50 secs Spread & pull, Toe Dorsi & Plantar 50 secs SL Flex and Ext Rotation Calf Stretch w Rope Soleus Stretch Step off from a box and land (on a soft surface eg grass) with two feet, stick landing, land on toes, silent, 3 x 15 Dominik Sky Ab Routine Saturday Set out 25m cones, accelerate submaximally but be at top speed going through the cones 90 secs 2 x 1 min 2 x 40 secs Adductors, Quads, VMO, Calf, Hamstring, Glutes 34 18 Height 5'9" / 177cm 5'6" Weight 158lbs / 72kg 62 Kg Best CMJ 25.2" / 64cm Best Running Vert 29.1" / 74cm Age (now 30.3" / 77cm)