Teaching Creative Writing Rafiah Mudassir Farhana Farhat Asif SPELT 2010 Warm-Up Writing Task: Create something with the lump of clay on your desk. When you are finished, take about 10 minutes to write what you created and why. Questions for Discussion • Look at the ceramic jar. What steps would you need to go through to create something like this from a lump of clay? • How do you think this is similar to writing an essay? Some Basic Knowledge About Creative Writing Why Do We Write Purpose Communicate with each other Record information Enhance oral development Reinforce vocabulary and Language structure Present ideas, information and feelings Demonstrate ones creativity and critical thinking Inform ,influence and entertain The Writing Process Activate knowledge Take in information Generate Ideas Organize/Reorganize Publish The Writing Process g n i t ec l f Re Polishing Revising Pre-Writing Drafting Editing What do we need to teach ? Using the basic conventions of English Presenting Information Ideas and feelings coherently and clearly Stages Of Writing In Primary School learners go through four stages of writing to develop their writing skill. Copying Guided writing Controlled Writing Independent Writing Development through Task of writing skills Based Activities Have a context Have a purpose Involve learners in thinking and doing Learners draw up their own framework of knowledge and skills. Purposeful activities lead to a product. Approaches to writing Parallel Writing Modeled writing Shared and Interactive Writing Process Writing Experiential Writing Creative Writing …….etc Creativity And Creative Writing What Is Creative Writing Definition: Creative Writing expresses the writers thoughts and feeling in an imaginative often unique and poetic way. Creative writing is guided more by the writers need to express feelings and ideas than by the restrictive demands of factual and logical progression of expository writing What Is Creativity Definitions: Ability to produce original ideas. The result of a complex of cognitive skills, abilities, personality factors ,motivation and strategies. Elements Of Creativity Fluency Flexibility Originality Elaboration Visualization Lateral Thinking Define Problems Teachers’ can develop learners creativity by: Choose Interesting topics. Go beyond given information Give time to think Reward creative efforts Value their creative attributes Teach them creative thinking techniques Create a climate conducive to creativity Conducive Environment for developing learners creativity Provide challenges Appreciate individuality Encourage open discussion Absence of conflicts Allow time to think Encourage confidence and willingness to take risk Appreciate and support ideas Respect the novel and unusual Strategies For Creative Writing 1 Activity Sheet Three Minute Fast Write: Write anything that you can remember from the Hare and the Tortoise. 1,2,3 ……...go !!!!!!! The Tortoise And The Hare hare tortoise slow grass white lazy stupid clever Sunny run competition sleep hot tired sad cry surprised happy cry wake-up sunny unhappy sleep Setting . Who when where Event Green tortoise White rabbit Grass hot sunny Running competition Swimming competition Problems Slow fast lazy Stupid clever sleep hot tired work hard a long time Cant swim clever Jump easy proud find a bridge enjoying Resolutions Wake-up win lose happy unhappy Surprised cry Arrive first rest laugh silly proud Three Minute Fast Write + Transformation = A new version of a story Why Use Fast Write A daily fluency exercise. First thought on a starting point are usually the most powerful and original ones. Helps students get started on an assignment Remember: at this stage accuracy is not emphasized Thematic Tree Start with a theme Reflect on the theme Develop sub themes Brainstorm relevant themes Theme : My House Rooms in my house Things to put in each room Things to do in each room My House 1 Living room 1 Kitchen 3 Bedrooms 2 Toilets 1Dining room Now write about the dream house How many rooms do you want Besides the living room, bedroom, washroom, drawing room dining room do you want any other rooms What do you want to put in those rooms. What do you want to do in those rooms Who do want to live with Why Use Thematic Tree Encourages students to think of different perspectives builds students' flexibility generates more idea Helps students’ structure their writing Multi-dimensional writing A car accident has occurred injuring several people Teachers and students discuss how it could have been averted Students imagine that they are one of the following characters and write an account 1. Driver 2. Passenger 3. Pedestrian Activity Sheet Imagine you are the Principal/Headmistress Librarian Head Girl/ Boy Teachers. Write about any one particular day. ……Other Examples You are Papa Bear. Write rules for Goldie Locks to help her become a better girl. You are the King of the forest. Write rules for different animals to follow Why Use Multi-dimensional writing Enables Students to view things from different angles Helps students to remain focused when they write Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Identify Problem/Task to be done Brainstorm solutions/steps possibilities Use mind map to arrange and develop ideas Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Put the word ‘Future’ on the board Brainstorm words related to your future Now focus on your education family and career Group all the words under these three sub themes and write a composition Example Map Never stop learning Eventually get a PhD Learn to love whatever work I am doing work Instill a love of education in my children Education My future family Make them a priority Stay at home while raising children Use the skills I have learned in as many ways as possible Raise healthy, happy children Stay close to my family Why Use Brainstorming and Mind Mapping Brainstorming: Excellent way of creating many new ideas Helps students break out of their thinking patterns into new ways of looking at things. Mind Map: Used for arranging and developing ideas. A good format for reviewing ideas Strategies For Creative Writing 2 Writing Stories. Transformation Making an appeal Creating a new ending/ new version to a story Transformation Making an appeal Imagine you are the Troll. Write why you are so fierce to the goats. I am fierce to the goats because…………….. Transformation Discuss with your friends why do you think the troll was so fierce to the goats. Language Help The goats were naughty Always hit the Troll Ate all the grassland Reasons Goats ate all the grass. No more grass land and trees all the animals hungry Goats kicked Trolls Mother. She fell into the river and died No one to look after the troll. Troll lonely and hungry Hated the goats Activity:Imagine you are…. Imagine you are the three goats. Use your 5 senses to think and write about how nice the grassland is. See Smell Touch Hear Taste Sample When I arrived at the grassland I saw-----------. I smelt ----------- and it was ------------. I touched---------. I could hear---------- . Finally I ate the grass and it tasted------------ . Character Empathy Write for the characters and express how they feel. (letter, diary) Examples: Write about the Baby Bears feeling when he saw his broken chair. (letter) Write how Cinderella felt after the Ball dance. (diary) Imagination IF………… Create anew ending based on assumption -If the little Billy Goat Gruff could not cross the bridge-----Your turn. Create a new ending 1 2 3 GO………!!!!! Language Help Sample Troll took Billy Home. Billy was very hungry. There was no food so Billy dies of starvation Troll took him home Troll and Billy become good friends. Troll takes care of Billy Lived happily ever after New endings The two brother goats could not find l Little Billy They were sad They went back to the Bridge The Brothers fought with the Troll and brought Little Billy back home Wish Fulfillment Discuss Cinderella's dream. What could it be. Write about your own dreams Thanks For Coming Your Comments And suggestions Are Valuable