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COVID-19 Impact on Kurdistan Economy

Soran university
faculty of law, political science and management
Accounting department
Covid-19 effects on Kurdistan region economy
 Supervisor: Dr. Naji Odel
Prepared by: Muhammad sadq
Muhammad fadhil
Sakar Muhammad
Imad abid
(2020 - 2021)
• Introduction
• Negative effects of covid-19 on Kurdistan economy
• how covid-19 had an impact on tourism?
• covid-19 had an impact on the small business
• The oil sector and covid-19
• Conclusion
• Reference
In Kurdistan, high levels of conflict, coupled with the COVID-19
outbreak and the drop in oil revenues, furthered increase extreme
poverty. Dramatic fell in foreign direct investment, trade and economic
growth devastated livelihoods, raised prices, disrupt essential services
such as education and health care, and severely damage the broader
macroeconomic environment.
Negative effects of covid-19 on Kurdistan
Covid-19 had many negative effects to KRG economy specially on
these sectors:
• Tourism
• Small business
• Oil sector
How covid-19 had an impact on tourism?
Following the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns,
tourism sites in the Kurdistan Region have taken a huge hit to their
"The greatest damage has occurred to the tourism sector," says Nadhif
Ali, the tourism director of Amedi district in Dohuk province.
covid-19 had an impact on the small business
More than 99% of all businesses are small businesses, and they employ
about half the Iraq workforce. Most small businesses lack the cash
reserves to weather a month-long interruption, more than 2 million
workers lost their jobs in just one week as a result of the coronavirus
The oil sector and covid-19
Covid-19 means hard times for Kurdistan and Iraq. Covid suddenly
slashed demand for oil on which the Kurds are heavily reliant and
reduced trade has also cut their revenues. Iraq's Kurdish oil output hit by
coronavirus, spending cuts as oil dips below $30/b.
Because of the Corona virus and the collapse of the Kurdistan Region's
economy, The Kurdish government has suffered a lot of debt and has
not paid its employees' salaries. The people of Kurdistan and
government employees have faced a particularly difficult financial
As a result, the covid-19 had many negative effects on Kurdistan region
economy. The lockdown during 2020 Kurdistan's economy, the private
sector and the government sector have been mostly disabled. The failure
had a major impact on tourism and small and large private sector
businesses, and had a negative impact on the oil sector. The effects of
this situation have not faded yet.
• Aziz, b., 2020. Kurdistan Region of Iraq and the Coronavirus Response–Lessons Learned. [online] The Washington Institute.
Available at: <https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/fikraforum/view/Kurdistan-Iraq-COVID-KRG-KRI-Coronavirus-Middle-East>
[Accessed 22 February 2021].
• Wahab, b., 2020. Divisions in Iraqi Kurdistan Are Costing the United States a Reliable Partner. [online] The Washington Institute.
Available at: <https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/divisions-in-iraqi-kurdistan-are-costing-the-united-statesa-reliable-partn> [Accessed 22 February 2021].
• Data.worldbank.org. n.d. Iraq | Data. [online] Available at: <https://data.worldbank.org/country/Iraq> [Accessed 23 February 2021].
• Elbaldawi, l., 2020. Iraqi government calls on civil society to fight COVID-19. [online] Al-Monitor. Available at: <https://www.almonitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/iraq-covid19-coronavirus-civil-society.html> [Accessed 23 February 2021].
Thanks for attention