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Level 2 Gym Instructor Course Details | Origym

gym instructor (level 2)
6-8 weeks part time 2 weeks full time
part time - in person tuition and online study full time - monday-friday 9am-5:30pm in their training centre
cost - £599 - no registration, certification or examination fees - unlimited free exam resits
qualify with - 20 REPS points - 10 CIMSPA points - level 2 certificate in fitness instruction
topics - motivating groups and individuals
- tailoring training sessions
- human anatomy and physiology
- principles of exercise and fitness
- health, safety and welfare
- learning the business
course assessments
- multiple choice open book online exam on anatomy and physiology - 70% pass required
- multiple choice open book online paper on principles of exercise and health - 70% pass required
- practical assessment on delivering a gym-based induction - pass required
(practical to be taken in an origym location - nearest is nottingham)