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beer n wine

Helen ogunlade david. may 6 1993
Brewing is the production of beer by steeping a starch source (commonly cereal grains, the most popular of which
is barley) in water and fermenting the resulting sweet liquid with yeast.
The basic ingredients of beer are water and a fermentable starch source such as malted barley. Most beer is
fermented with a brewer's yeast and flavoured with hops.Less widely used starch sources include millet, sorghum
and cassava.Secondary sources (adjuncts), such as maize (corn), rice, or sugar, may also be used, sometimes to
reduce cost, or to add a feature, such as adding wheat to aid in retaining the foamy head of the beer.The
proportion of each starch source in a beer recipe is collectively called the grain bill.
Water-Beer is composed mostly of water. Regions have water with different mineral components; as a result,
different regions were originally better suited to making certain types of beer, thus giving them a regional
character. e.g Dublin has hard water well suited to making stout, such as Guinness. The waters of Burton in
England contain gypsum, which benefits making pale ale to such a degree that brewers of pale ales will add
gypsum to the local water in a process known as Burtonisation.
Starch source-The carbohydrate source is an essential part of the beer because unicellular yeast organisms convert
carbohydrates into energy to live. Yeast metabolize the carbohydrate source to form a number of compounds
including ethanol.The most common starch source used in beer is malted grain. Grain is malted by soaking it in
water, allowing it to begin germination, and then drying the partially germinated grain in a kiln. Malting grain
produces enzymes that will allow conversion from starches in the grain into fermentable sugars during the mash
Hops-Hops are the female flower clusters or seed cones of the hop vine Humulus lupulus, which are used as a
flavouring and preservative agent in nearly all beer made today. These flowers contain over 250 essential oils,
which contribute to the aroma and non-bitter flavors of beer.However, the distinct bitterness especially
characteristic of pale ales comes from a family of compounds called alpha-acids (also called humulones) and betaacids (also called lupulones).
Yeast- Yeast is the microorganism that is responsible for fermentation in beer. Yeast metabolises the sugars
extracted from grains, which produces alcohol and carbon dioxide, and thereby turns wort into beer. In addition to
fermenting the beer, yeast influences the character and flavour.The dominant types of yeast used to make beer
are Saccharomyces cerevisiae, known as ale yeast, and Saccharomyces pastorianus, known as lager yeast.
Clarifying agent - Some brewers add one or more clarifying agents to beer, which typically precipitate (collect as a
solid) out of the beer along with protein solids and are found only in trace amounts in the finished product. This
process makes the beer appear bright and clean, rather than the cloudy appearance of ethnic and older styles of
beer such as wheat beers.Examples of clarifying agents include isinglass and Irish moss.
Brewing process
There are several steps in the brewing process, which may include - MALTING, MASHING, LAUTERING, BOILING,
MALTING PHASE- Malting modifies barley to green malt, which can then be preserved by drying. The process
involves steeping and aerating the barley, allowing it to germinate, and drying and curing the malt, In order to be
fermented by yeast, the food reserve of barley, starch, must be converted by enzymes into simple sugars. Two
enzymes, α- and β-amylases, carry out the conversion. The latter is present in barley, but the former is made only
during germination of the grain. Specially bred strains of barley (generally low in nitrogen content) are used for
malting. Other important characteristics are yield, even germination, ability to produce enzymes, and a highly
extractable malt.Malting phase consist of 3 step
Steeping- Malting begins by immersing barley, harvested at less than 12 percent moisture, in water at 12 to 15 °C
(55 to 60 °F) for 40 to 50 hours. During this steeping period, the barley may be drained and given air rests, or the
steep may be forcibly aerated. As the grain imbibes water, its volume increases by about 25 percent, and its
moisture content reaches about 45 percent. A white root sheath, called a chit, breaks through the husk, and the
chitted barley is then removed from the steep for germination
Germination- During germination, the grain is spread out on the floor of the germination room for around 5
days,Activated by water and oxygen, the root embryo of the barleycorn secretes a plant hormone called gibberellic
acid, which initiates the synthesis of α-amylase. The α- and β-amylases then convert the starch molecules of the
corn into sugars that the embryo can use as food. Other enzymes, such as the proteases and β-glucanases, attack
the cell walls around the starch grains, converting insoluble proteins and complex sugars (called glucans) into
soluble amino acids and glucose. These enzymatic reactions are called modification. The more germination
proceeds, the greater the modification. Overmodification leads to malting loss, in which rootlet growth and plant
respiration reduce the weight of the grain.
Kilning- Green malt is dried to remove most of the moisture, leaving 5 percent in lager and 2 percent in traditional
ale malts. This process arrests enzyme activity but leaves 40 to 60 percent in an active state. Curing at higher
temperatures promotes a reaction between amino acids and sugars to form melanoidins, which give both colour
and flavour to malt.In the first stage of kilning, a high flow of dry air at 50 °C (120 °F) for lager malt and 65 °C (150
°F) for ale malt is maintained through a bed of green malt. This lowers the moisture content from 45 to 25 percent.
A second stage of drying removes more firmly bound water, the temperature rising to 70–75 °C (160–170 °F) and
the moisture content falling to 12 percent. In the final curing stage, the temperature is raised to 75–90 °C (170–
195 °F) for lager and 90–105 °C (195–220 °F) for ale. The finished malt is then cooled and screened to remove
MASHING PHASE- Mashing converts the starches released during the malting stage into sugars that can be
Milling- After kilning, the malt is mixed with water at 62 to 72 °C (144 to 162 °F) and then mill with roller mills or
hammer mills ,The object is to retain the husk relatively intact while breaking up the brittle, modified starch into
Mash mixing- The milled grain is mixed with hot water in a large vessel known as a mash tun. In this vessel, the
grain and water are mixed together to create a cereal mash. During the mash, naturally occurring enzymes present
in the malt convert the starches (long chain carbohydrates) in the grain into smaller molecules or simple sugars
(mono-, di-, and tri-saccharides). This "conversion" is called saccharification which occurs between the
temperatures 140 - 158 degrees F.The result of the mashing process is a sugar-rich liquid known as Wort, which is
then strained through the bottom of the mash tun in a process known as lautering.
Lautering- Lautering is a process in which the mash is separated into the clear liquid wort and the residual grain.
Lautering usually consists of 3 steps: mashout, recirculation, and sparging. the mash temperature may be raised to
about 75–78 °C (167–172 °F) (known as a mashout) to free up more starch and reduce mash viscosity. Additional
water may be sprinkled on the grains to extract additional sugars.
Boiling and coling.
After separation, the wort is transferred to a vessel called the kettle or copper for boiling,where hop is added,
which is necessary to arrest enzyme activity and to obtain the bitterness value of added hops, Hops add flavour,
aroma and bitterness to the beer The kettle boil lasts 60 to 90 minutes, sterilizing the wort, evaporating
undesirable aromas, and precipitating insoluble proteins (known as hot break, or trub). Trub and spent hops are
then removed in a separator where the hop cones form the filter bed. the wort is drawn away from the compacted
hop trub, and rapidly cooled via a heat exchanger to a temperature where yeast can be added
Fermentation- After the wort is cooled and aerated – usually with sterile air – yeast is added to it, and it begins to
ferment. It is during this stage that sugars won from the malt are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and
the product can be called beer
There are three main fermentation methods, warm, cool and wild or spontaneous
Warm fermentation-warm-fermented beers, which are usually termed ale. yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae
are fermented at warm temperatures between 15 and 20 °C (59 and 68 °F), occasionally as high as 24 °C (75 °F),
They generally form a foam on the surface of the fermenting beer, which is called barm, as during the
fermentation process its hydrophobic surface causes the flocs to adhere to CO2 and rise; because of this, they are
often referred to as "top-cropping" or "top-fermenting. Ale are ready to drink within three weeks after the
beginningof fermentation, although some brewers will condition them for several months.
Cool fermentation-When a beer has been brewed using a cool fermentation of around 10 °C (50 °F). Though it is
the slow, cool fermentation and cold conditioning (or lagering) that defines the character of lager Beer, the main
technical difference is with the yeast generally used, which is Saccharomyces pastorianus.Technical differences
include the ability of lager yeast to metabolize melibiose,and the tendency to settle at the bottom of the
Spontaneous Fermantation- it is use in production of Lambic beers,beer produced not by the deliberate addition
of brewer's yeasts, but by spontaneous fermentation with wild yeasts and bacteria.
Conditioning-After an initial or primary fermentation, beer is conditioned, matured or aged,[126] in one of several
ways,which can take from 2 to 4 weeks, several months, or several years, depending on the brewer's intention for
the beer. The beer is usually transferred into a second container, so that it is no longer exposed to the dead yeast
and other debris (also known as "trub") that have settled to the bottom of the primary fermenter. This prevents
the formation of unwanted flavours and harmful compounds such as acetylaldehyde.
Conditioning methods.
Lagers are stored at cellar temperature or below for 1–6 months while still on the yeast.The process of storing, or
conditioning, or maturing, or aging a beer at a low temperature for a long period is called "lagering", and while it is
associated with lagers, the process may also be done with ales, with the same result – that of cleaning up various
chemicals, acids and compounds
Bottle fermentation-Some beers undergo an additional fermentation in the bottle giving natural carbonation,This
may be a second or third fermentation. They are bottled with a viable yeast population in suspension. If there is no
residual fermentable sugar left, sugar or wort or both may be added in a process known as priming. The resulting
fermentation generates CO2 that is trapped in the bottle, remaining in solution and providing natural carbonation.
Bottle-conditioned beers may be either filled unfiltered direct from the fermentation or conditioning tank, or
filtered and then reseeded with yeast
Kräusening-Kräusening is a conditioning method in which fermenting wort is added to the finished beer.The active
yeast will restart fermentation in the finished beer, and so introduce fresh carbon dioxide; the conditioning tank
will be then sealed so that the carbon dioxide is dissolved into the beer producing a lively "condition" or level of
carbonation.The kräusening method may also be used to condition bottled beer.
Filtering the beer stabilizes the flavour, and gives beer its polished shine and brilliance.whick finally make it
ready for packaging.
Let us see some of the most known differences between BEER and WINE in the comparison chart below.
Beer - is actually very bitter in taste
Wine – is actually sweet in taste
Alcohol Content
Beer has Alcohol content ranging from 4%-6% Alcohol by
volume (ABV)
Wine has Alcohol content ranging from 9%-16%
Alcohol by volume (ABV)
Made using
Traditionally barley is used in making beer, other grains such
Wine is made using mostly Tinta Barroca, Tinta
as rice, maize, rye, and wheat have also been experimented
Cão,Touriga Francesa, Tinta Roriz and Touriga
with. And when it comes to experimentation with the flavors,
Nacional varieties of grapes
the sky is the limit.
Different flavors are produced via mixing different cereals and
Different fruits, including different types of wine
by different treatment of the cereals beforehand.
grapes will give different flavors to the drink, which
result in different types of wines, white wine,rose
wine, red wine.
Main ingredient is malt (Barley, wheat ). Beer making process Main ingredients are fruits (mainly grapes). The
is known as brewing and the most common process involves making process involves the fermentation in fruit
fermentation of malted Barley.
juices (Crushing of grapes)
Beer is made from barley and hops and it undergoes a
thorough fermentation and carbonation process to taste the
way it does.
Red wine is red because the skin is left on the
grapes, while white wine has the grapes whose
skins taken off.
Other Products
Wine is fermented from fruit, mostly grapes. If you
Beer and whiskey are made from fermented grains. Whiskey id
distil it, you get brandy. If wine is given a second
distilled to concentrate the alcohol; beer is not.
fermentation in the bottle, you get sparkling wine.
Both beer and wine are naturally fermented beverages. Yeast produces the primary fermentation process
in both. Yeasts eat the sugars in the sweet liquid wort produced by brewing process like they eat the
sugar in grape juice.
The primary type of sugar in grape juice is fructose, while the primary sugar in brewing wort is maltose.
it is the action of the yeast in the fermentation process that gives both wine and beer their alcohol
content. During fermentation, yeast eat sugar and give off alcohol and carbon dioxide. If this carbon
dioxide is captured, it can be used to carbonate beer and sparking wine.
Vintners may use the natural yeast occurring on the grape skin, or they may add a specific winemaking
yeast. Brewers almost always add a specific brewer’s yeast. Yeast used for fermentation comes in many
different strains and varieties—some better for wine; some better for beers. While they are essentially
similar organisms, in that they all eat sugar and produce alcohol, different strains of yeast can have quite
different effects on the beer and wine produced. Differences will occur in fermentation speed, alcohol
content, aroma and taste characteristics. Both brewers and vintners may add specific yeasts to control
the characteristics of the resulting beverage
A clear, bright translucent beer or wine has had the yeast removed from the liquid. An intentionally cloudy beer, or
less commonly a cloudy wine, contains residual yeast. Both brewers and vintners may use racking, filtering and
other techniques to separate the yeast from the beer or wine before it is bottled.
Both wine and beer need a bit of aging following fermentation to allow their characteristic tastes to develop.
Wines typically benefit from considerably longer aging than do beers. Some ales need only a few days of aging or
conditioning, while other beers, such as lagers, typically take several weeks. Other beers are aged more like white
wine, meaning they may be aged for several months, sometimes in barrels. Only a few beers, most notably the
Belgian Lambics used in Gueuze, are aged for multiple years that would put them in a similar aging category as
better red wines. Bottled beer is more similar to a white wine in that it is ready to drink when it is distributed to
the market. Red wines typically improve with more bottle aging. Very few beers improve with bottle aging. Once
they are released to market, they change with aging, but do not likely improve
Taste and Aroma Sources
Both beer and wine may have aroma and flavor components derived from (a) ingredients, (b) fermentation and (c)
(a)The ingredients of wine are simply the grape varieties that are in it and the yeast. Beer, on the other
hand, has four primary flavor-determining ingredients:
• the amount and types of grains,
• the amounts and types of hops,
• the type of yeast
• to a lesser extent, the water in beer used may also affect the final flavor.
6. Additionally, if any supplemental ingredients are added, such as herbs, spices or fruits, these will also
affect aroma and flavor of the resulting beer or wine.
(b)The type of yeast and the temperature and techniques of fermentation will add flavors and aromas to
both wine and beer. For example, if you smell something like apricot, melon or tobacco in a wine or beer,
this is a most likely created by the fermentation. A hot fermentation temperature produces more deeply
fruity and spicy aromas and tastes. A cool or cold fermentation produces cleaner and lighter flavors. The
bottle conditioning process used in some specialty ales to add carbonation to the bottle, somewhat like
the Champagne process, will also affect the taste of the finished product. While yeast handles the primary
fermentation, sometimes brewers and vintners encourage secondary bacterial fermentations to add
additional aromas and modify flavors. The malolactic (non-yeast) secondary fermentation that wines
often undergo definitely changes their tastes.
(c)Aging techniques add both flavor and aroma components. Certainly the most noted aging technique is
aging in wood and it adds distinctive notes to both wine and beer. French oak produces the signature
vanilla extract aroma. Other complex flavors are derived from the slower chemical changes that take
place in the aging process. More prevalent in wine, certain aromatic compounds evolve over time to
provide a less fruity, more mature bouquet. Flavors of oxidation, also a product of aging, can be noticed in
both beer and wine. When an ale is aged in a fresh whiskey barrel, it certainly picks up spiritous notes in
the finished beverage.
Both beer and wine are naturally fermented beverages. Yeast produces the primary fermentation
process in both. Yeasts eat the sugars in the sweet liquid wort produced by brewing process like they eat
the sugar in grape juice.
The primary type of sugar in grape juice is fructose, while the primary sugar in brewing wort is
It is the action of the yeast in the fermentation process that gives both wine and beer their alcohol
content. During fermentation, yeast eat sugar and give off alcohol and carbon dioxide. If this carbon
dioxide is captured, it can be used to carbonate beer and sparking wine.
Vintners may use the natural yeast occurring on the grape skin, or they may add a specific
winemaking yeast. Brewers almost always add a specific brewer’s yeast. Yeast used for fermentation
comes in many different strains and varieties—some better for wine; some better for beers. While they
are essentially similar organisms, in that they all eat sugar and produce alcohol, different strains of yeast
can have quite different effects on the beer and wine produced. Differences will occur in fermentation
speed, alcohol content, aroma and taste characteristics. Both brewers and vintners may add specific
yeasts to control the characteristics of the resulting beverage.
A clear, bright translucent beer or wine has had the yeast removed from the liquid. An intentionally cloudy beer, or
less commonly a cloudy wine, contains residual yeast. Both brewers and vintners may use racking, filtering and
other techniques to separate the yeast from the beer or wine before it is bottled.
Both wine and beer need a bit of aging following fermentation to allow their characteristic tastes to develop.
Wines typically benefit from considerably longer aging than do beers. Some ales need only a few days of aging or
conditioning, while other beers, such as lagers, typically take several weeks. Other beers are aged more like white
wine, meaning they may be aged for several months, sometimes in barrels. Only a few beers, most notably the
Belgian Lambics used in Gueuze, are aged for multiple years that would put them in a similar aging category as
better red wines. Bottled beer is more similar to a white wine in that it is ready to drink when it is distributed to
the market. Red wines typically improve with more bottle aging. Very few beers improve with bottle aging. Once
they are released to market, they change with aging, but do not likely improve.
Taste and Aroma Sources
Both beer and wine may have aroma and flavor components derived from (a) ingredients, (b) fermentation and (c)
(a)The ingredients of wine are simply the grape varieties that are in it and the yeast. Beer, on the other
hand, has four primary flavor-determining ingredients:
• the amount and types of grains,
• the amounts and types of hops,
• the type of yeast
• to a lesser extent, the water in beer used may also affect the final flavor.
6. Additionally, if any supplemental ingredients are added, such as herbs, spices or fruits, these will also
affect aroma and flavor of the resulting beer or wine.
(b)The type of yeast and the temperature and techniques of fermentation will add flavors and aromas to
both wine and beer. For example, if you smell something like apricot, melon or tobacco in a wine or beer,
this is a most likely created by the fermentation. A hot fermentation temperature produces more deeply
fruity and spicy aromas and tastes. A cool or cold fermentation produces cleaner and lighter flavors. The
bottle conditioning process used in some specialty ales to add carbonation to the bottle, somewhat like
the Champagne process, will also affect the taste of the finished product. While yeast handles the primary
fermentation, sometimes brewers and vintners encourage secondary bacterial fermentations to add
additional aromas and modify flavors. The malolactic (non-yeast) secondary fermentation that wines
often undergo definitely changes their tastes.
(c)Aging techniques add both flavor and aroma components. Certainly the most noted aging technique is
aging in wood and it adds distinctive notes to both wine and beer. French oak produces the signature
vanilla extract aroma. Other complex flavors are derived from the slower chemical changes that take
place in the aging process. More prevalent in wine, certain aromatic compounds evolve over time to
provide a less fruity, more mature bouquet. Flavors of oxidation, also a product of aging, can be noticed in
both beer and wine. When an ale is aged in a fresh whiskey barrel, it certainly picks up spiritous notes in
the finished beverage.
Brewers and vintners often choose to not ferment out all the sugars in their beer or wine. Residual sugar in both
wine and beer makes the beverage have a softer or sweet taste. Beers are more likely to have a bit of sweetness as
a flavor component than are table wines, in part because beer often contains extra sugars, not found in grape
juice, that are largely unfermentable by the brewing yeast used. Softer styles of wine are typically produced by
stopping the fermentation process (removing the yeast) before all the sugar has been converted.
Fruity, Floral, Herbal/Spicy and just plain Nuttiness
1. 1.The apple, pear, apricot, cherry, and banana fruity aromas and tastes characteristic of some beer styles
(many ales) are byproducts of fermentation and not from added fruit. The pungent citrus-grapefruit
aroma in many American IPAs, however, comes from the hops and not fermentation. In wine, the fruity or
even jammy aromas (esters) can come from both the fermentation process and the grape varieties
themselves. In both beer and wine, aging tends to lessen the fresh fruit-like aromas.
2. 2.Grassy, herbal aromas and flavors in beer mostly comes from the hops. Certain hop varieties are known
for that. In wine, these flavors are mostly associated with certain grape varieties (like a grassy Sauvignon
Blanc) and are also somewhat dependent on fermentation techniques.
3. 3.Floral aromas in beer come most often from the hops, namely a group of hop varieties known as noble
hops, traditionally used in better European lagers. In wine, floral aromas are most often associated with a
particular grape variety, such as Riesling.
4. 4.Spiciness is another byproduct of fermentation. Depending on the combination of the specific yeast and
ingredients, a number of spice-like aromas may occur. The characteristic clove aroma of a good
Hefeweizen is produced by the fermentation process, as are the black pepper and anise notes often
detected in dark red wines. A clove or cinnamon aroma in white wines is most often associated with aging
in oak barrels.
5. 5.Chocolate is a great aroma to find in wine and beer. If it appears in your Porter or Stout, it has come
from the dark roasting of the malts used to make it (unless the label actually says it has chocolate or
cocoa nibs added). If it’s in your Cabernet Sauvignon, chocolate it’s comes from a combination of
fermentation and barrel aging.
6. 6.Butter is often a tell-tale characteristic of a Chardonnay that has purposely undergone a secondary,
malolactic fermentation. But If you taste butter in beer, and you are not drinking an English Pale Ale,
chances are it’s a flaw. In both wine and beer the butter is a byproduct of a fermentation process.
7. 7.Nutty aromas are more common in beer than in table wine. In beer the nuttiness is most often
associated with ales made from well-toasted malt. Brown Ales may be particularly nutty. In wines,
nuttiness is mostly associated with fortified, barrel-aged dessert wines such as sherries and ports, but may
also be found in an occasional red table wine.
Bitterness in beer is mostly attributed to the hops, though some can also come from dark roasted malts. Bitterness
in wine is associated with a high tannin content and and is more common in certain red wines. Tannins (or
phenolics) in wine come from fermenting the juice with the grape skins, stems, and seeds and from aging in wood.
Wines often have an acidic tartness as a major flavor component. Most beers do not. Grapes have good quantities
of naturally occurring fruit acids (most importantly, tartaric acid) that add a tart flavor to wine. Beers typically
don’t have that tart component because malt and hops are not acidic. However, certain traditional beer styles do
get a lactic acid tartness from special secondary fermentation techniques. Good examples include Guinness Stout,
Belgian Lambics, Flemish Red and Flemish Brown Ales, and Berliner Weisse. Today, craft brewers are also
experimenting with souring many other types of beer.
Beer gets its most of its color from the grain used to produce it. Beer malts are toasted to different degrees,
ranging from pale, to caramel, to reddish, to brown and black. Depending on the ratios of the different malts
added to the mash, beers pick up a corresponding color. Some color may also added during the boiling of the wort.
A longer boil can cause some caramelization of the malt sugars and darken the beer a bit, especially one that starts
with pale malts. In winemaking, if the juice is fermented with the grape skins in the tank, wine picks up color from
the skins. For juice that is fermented without the skins, the resulting wine is typically white, whether the grapes
were white, red or black.
Lighter-styled beers, usually golden in color, are more like lighter-styled white wines in that their flavors are more
subtle and they have less immediate flavor impact in the mouth. Many darker beers are more similar to big red
wines in that they have big, rich, full flavors.