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MPIO User's Guide for Windows Server 2012

Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) User’s Guide for Windows Server
Bruce Langworthy
Microsoft Corporation
Published: July 2012
Microsoft® Multipath I/O (MPIO) provides hardware and software vendors with a means of
creating MPIO solutions that work effectively with the Windows Server® operating system to
provide organizations with reliable multiple path support on Windows Server 2012. The MPIO
solution provides support for Fibre Channel, Serial Attached SCSI, and Internet SCSI (iSCSI)
storage, and also ensures that MPIO-based storage solutions from different storage partners can
coexist on the same Windows Server host.
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What’s new in MPIO in Windows Server 2012 ............................................................................... 5
PowerShell management and configuration ............................................................................... 5
Heterogeneous HBA usage with MPIO ........................................................................................ 5
Support for MPIO with multiport-SAS enclosures ....................................................................... 5
Understanding MPIO Features and Components ........................................................................... 6
About MPIO.................................................................................................................................. 6
Multipath solutions in Windows Server 2012 .......................................................................... 6
High availability solutions ............................................................................................................ 6
Application availability through Failover Clustering ................................................................. 6
High availability through MPIO................................................................................................. 7
Considerations for using MPIO in Windows Server 2012 ............................................................ 7
Upgrade and Deployment Requirements ................................................................................. 7
Making MPIO-based solutions work ............................................................................................ 8
Device discovery and enumeration .......................................................................................... 9
Unique storage device identifier ............................................................................................ 10
Dynamic load balancing .......................................................................................................... 10
Error handling, failover, and recovery .................................................................................... 10
Differences in load-balancing technologies ........................................................................ 11
Differences in failover technologies.................................................................................... 11
Scenario 1: Using MPIO without Failover Clustering ....................................................... 12
Scenario 2: Combining the use of MPIO in fault tolerant mode with Failover Clustering12
Scenario 3: Combining the use of MPIO in load-balancing mode with Failover Clustering
...................................................................................................................................... 12
About the Windows storage stack and drivers .......................................................................... 12
Storage stack and device drivers ............................................................................................ 12
Device drivers ...................................................................................................................... 13
Port drivers .......................................................................................................................... 13
Miniport drivers .................................................................................................................. 13
Class drivers......................................................................................................................... 14
Multipath bus drivers (mpio.sys) ........................................................................................ 14
DSM management............................................................................................................... 14
MPIO DSM .............................................................................................................................. 14
Device initialization ............................................................................................................. 14
MPIO device discovery ........................................................................................................... 15
Request handling .................................................................................................................... 16
Error handling ......................................................................................................................... 17
Details about the Microsoft DSM in Windows Server 2012 ................................................... 17
Determining whether to use the Microsoft DSM vs. a Vendor’s DSM ................................... 18
Installing and Configuring MPIO using the GUI ............................................................................. 19
Install MPIO on Windows Server 2012 ...................................................................................... 19
MPIO configuration and DSM installation ................................................................................. 19
Open the MPIO control panel .................................................................................................... 19
MPIO Properties dialog box ....................................................................................................... 20
Claim iSCSI-attached devices for use with MPIO ....................................................................... 21
Configure the load-balancing policy setting for a Virtual Disk (Aka LUN).................................. 22
Configure the MPIO Failback policy setting ............................................................................... 22
Installing and Managing MPIO using PowerShell: ......................................................................... 24
Query the installation state of MPIO: ........................................................................................ 24
Enable or Disable the MPIO Feature: ......................................................................................... 24
Listing commands available in the MPIO module:..................................................................... 24
Obtaining additional PowerShell help and examples ................................................................ 25
Obtaining and updating help for PowerShell cmdlets ............................................................... 26
Script Example: Configuring MPIO using PowerShell: ............................................................... 27
Scripting the Configuration of MPIO Timer Values .................................................................... 28
Configuring MPIO Timers........................................................................................................ 28
Appendix A: MPCLAIM.EXE Usage examples ................................................................................ 32
List the disks that are currently claimed by MPIO ..................................................................... 32
Change the load-balancing policy settings................................................................................. 32
Examples of common MPCLAIM.exe commands used to configure MPIO ............................... 33
Capture the MPIO configuration with MPCLAIM.exe ................................................................ 35
Adding a Hardware ID for Use with MPIO and Viewing Hidden Devices ................................... 36
Determining the Hardware ID to Be Managed by MPIO ........................................................... 37
Appendix B: Path configuration requirements for MPIO .............................................................. 38
Appendix C: Enabling Software Tracing for MPIO ......................................................................... 39
Create a GUID file to enable tracing .......................................................................................... 40
Start tracing................................................................................................................................ 40
Stop tracing ................................................................................................................................ 40
Query the trace status ............................................................................................................... 40
Appendix D: Glossary of Terms ..................................................................................................... 42
Additional References: .................................................................................................................. 44
What’s new in MPIO in Windows Server 2012
The following changes to MPIO are available in Windows Server 2012:
PowerShell management and configuration
Utilizing the MPIO module in PowerShell, MPIO can be configured using PowerShell as an
alternative to MPCLAIM.exe. See the section Installing and Managing MPIO using PowerShell:
section of this document.
Heterogeneous HBA usage with MPIO
Heterogeneous, (That is different) HBA types can now be used together with non-boot Virtual
Disks only. In prior releases of Windows Server, it was mandatory to use HBA’s of the same
Support for MPIO with multiport-SAS enclosures
The use of MPIO with Data volumes on a multiport-SAS enclosure is now supported.
Understanding MPIO Features and Components
About MPIO
Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) is a Microsoft-provided framework that allows storage providers
to develop multipath solutions that contain the hardware-specific information needed to
optimize connectivity with their storage arrays. These modules are called device-specific
modules (DSMs). The concepts around DSMs are discussed later in this document.
MPIO is protocol-independent and can be used with Fibre Channel, Internet SCSI (iSCSI), and
Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) interfaces in Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Server 2012.
Multipath solutions in Windows Server 2012
When running on Windows Server 2012, an MPIO solution can be deployed in the following
 By using a DSM provided by a storage array manufacturer for Windows Server 2012 in a
Fibre Channel, iSCSI, or SAS shared storage configuration.
 By using the Microsoft DSM, which is a generic DSM provided for Windows Server 2012 in a
Fibre Channel, iSCSI, or SAS shared storage configuration.
To work with the Microsoft DSM, storage must be SCSI Primary Commands-3 (SPC3) compliant.
High availability solutions
Keeping mission-critical data continuously available has become a requirement over a wide
range of customer segments from small business to datacenter environments. Enterprise
environments that use Windows Server require no downtime for key workloads, including file
server, database, messaging, and other line of business applications. This level of availability can
be difficult and very costly to achieve, and it requires that redundancy be built in at multiple
levels: storage redundancy, backups to separate recovery servers, server clustering, and
redundancy of the physical path components.
Application availability through Failover Clustering
Clustering is the use of multiple servers, host bus adapters (HBAs), and storage devices that
work together to provide users with high application availability. If a server experiences a
hardware failure or is temporarily unavailable, end users are still able to transparently access
data or applications on a redundant cluster node. In addition to providing redundancy at the
server level, clustering can also be used as a tool to minimize the downtime required for patch
management and hardware maintenance. Clustering solutions require software that enables
transparent failover between systems. Failover Clustering [formerly known as Microsoft Cluster
Server (MSCS)] is one such solution that is included with the Windows Server 2012 Enterprise
and Windows Server 2012 Datacenter operating systems.
High availability through MPIO
MPIO allows Windows® to manage and efficiently use up to 32 paths between storage devices
and the Windows host operating system. Although both MPIO and Failover Clustering result in
high availability and improved performance, they are not equivalent concepts. While Failover
Clustering provides high application availability and tolerance of server failure, MPIO provides
fault tolerant connectivity to storage. By employing MPIO and Failover Clustering together as
complimentary technologies, users are able to mitigate the risk of a system outage at both the
hardware and application levels.
When using the Microsoft Internet SCSI (iSCSI) Software Initiator Boot, a maximum of 32
paths to the boot volume is supported.
MPIO provides the logical facility for routing I/O over redundant hardware paths connecting
server to storage. These redundant hardware paths are made up of components such as cabling,
host bus adapters (HBAs), switches, storage controllers, and possibly even power. MPIO
solutions logically manage these redundant connections so that I/O requests can be rerouted if
a component along one path fails.
As more and more data is consolidated on storage area networks (SANs), the potential loss of
access to storage resources is unacceptable. To mitigate this risk, high availability solutions, such
as MPIO, have now become a requirement.
Considerations for using MPIO in Windows Server 2012
Consider the following when using MPIO in Windows Server 2012:
Upgrade and Deployment Requirements
It is important to note that during Windows Upgrades with systems that are using MPIO, it is
necessary to disconnect all but one data path during the upgrade, as MPIO is not available
during Windows Setup.
The recommenced steps for an upgrade are as follows:
Disconnect all but one data path to the SAN that you are booting from.
Perform the Windows upgrade.
Install the Multipath I/O feature
Reconnect the additional paths
Verify MPIO settings, or reconfigure MPIO failover polices as desired.
 When using the Microsoft DSM, storage that implements an Active/Active storage scheme
but does not support ALUA will default to use the Round Robin load-balancing policy setting,
although a different policy setting may be chosen later. Additionally, you can pre-configure
MPIO so that when it detects a certain hardware ID, it defaults to a specific load-balancing
policy setting.
For more information about load-balancing policy settings, see Referencing MPCLAIM
 Windows multipathing solutions are required if you want to utilize the MPIO framework to
be eligible to receive logo qualification for Windows Server. For additional information
about Windows logo requirements, see Windows Quality Online Services (Winqual)
This joint solution allows storage partners to design hardware solutions that are integrated
with the Windows operating system. Compatibility with both the operating system and
other partner provided storage devices is ensured through the Windows Logo program tests
to help ensure proper storage device functionality. This ensures a highly available multipath
solution by using MPIO, which offers supportability across Windows operating system
To determine which DSM to use with your storage, refer to information from your hardware
storage array manufacturer. Multipath solutions are supported as long as a DSM is
implemented in line with logo requirements for MPIO. Most multipath solutions for
Windows today use the MPIO architecture and a DSM provided by the storage array
manufacturer. You can use the Microsoft DSM provided by Microsoft in Windows Server
2012 if it is also supported by the storage array manufacturer. Refer to your storage array
manufacturer for information about which DSM to use with a given storage array, as well as
the optimal configuration of it.
Multipath software suites available from storage array manufacturers may provide an
additional value-add beyond the implementation of the Microsoft DSM because the
software typically provides auto-configuration, heuristics for specific storage arrays,
statistical analysis, and integrated management. We recommend using the DSM provided by
the hardware storage array manufacturer to achieve optimal performance because the
storage array manufacturer can make more advanced path decisions in their DSM that are
specific to their array, which may result in quicker path failover times.
Making MPIO-based solutions work
The Windows operating system relies on the Plug and Play (PnP) Manager to dynamically detect
and configure hardware (such as adapters or disks); including hardware used for high
availability/high performance multipath solutions.
You might be prompted to restart the computer after the MPIO feature is first installed.
Device discovery and enumeration
An MPIO/Multipath driver cannot work effectively or efficiently until it discovers, enumerates,
and configures different devices that the operating system sees through redundant adapters
into a logical group. We will briefly outline in this section how MPIO works with DSM in
discovering and configuring the devices.
Without any multipath driver, the same devices through different physical paths would appear
as totally different devices, thereby leaving room for data corruption. Figure 1 depicts this
Figure 1 Multipathing software and storage unit distinction
Following is the sequence of steps that the device driver stack walks through in discovering,
enumerating, and grouping the physical devices and device paths into a logical set. (This
assumes a scenario where a new device is presented to the server.)
1. A new device arrives.
2. The PnP manager detects the device’s arrival.
3. The MPIO driver stack is notified of the device’s arrival (it takes further action if it is a
supported MPIO device).
4. The MPIO driver stack creates a pseudo device for the physical device.
5. The MPIO driver walks through all the available DSMs to determine which vendor-specific
DSM can claim the device. After a DSM claims a device, it is associated only with the DSM
that claimed it.
6. The MPIO driver, along with the DSM, verifies that the path to the device is connected,
active, and ready for I/O.
If a new path for this same device arrives, MPIO then works with the DSM to determine whether
this device is the same as any other claimed device. It then groups this physical path for the
same device into a logical set for the multipath group that is called a pseudo-Logical Unit
Number (pseudo-LUN).
Unique storage device identifier
For dynamic discovery to work correctly, some form of identifier must be identified and
obtainable regardless of the path from the host to the storage device. Each logical unit must
have a unique hardware identifier. The MPIO driver package does not use disk signatures placed
in the data area of a disk for identification purposes by software. Instead, the Microsoftprovided generic DSM generates a unique identifier from the data that is provided by the
storage hardware. MPIO also provides for optionally using a unique hardware identifier assigned
by the device manufacturer.
Dynamic load balancing
Load balancing, the redistribution of read/write requests for the purpose of maximizing
throughput between server and storage device, is especially important in high workload settings
or other settings where consistent service levels are critical. Without MPIO software, a server
sending I/O requests down several paths may operate with very heavy workloads on some paths
while others are underutilized.
The MPIO software supports the ability to balance I/O workload without administrator
intervention. MPIO determines which paths to a device are in an active state and can be used
for load balancing. Each vendor’s load-balancing policy setting (which may use any of several
algorithms, such as Round Robin, the path with the fewest outstanding commands, or a vendor
unique algorithm) is set in the DSM. This policy setting determines how the I/O requests are
actually routed.
In addition to the support for load balancing provided by MPIO, the hardware used must
support the ability to use multiple paths at the same time, rather than just fault
Error handling, failover, and recovery
The MPIO driver, in combination with the DSM, supports end-to-end path failover. The process
of detecting failed paths and recovering from the failure is automatic, usually fast, and
completely transparent to the IT organization. The data ideally remains available at all times.
Not all errors result in failover to a new path. Some errors are temporary and can be recovered
by using a recovery routine in the DSM; if recovery is successful, MPIO is notified and path
validity is checked to verify that it can be used again to transmit I/O requests.
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When a fatal error occurs, the path is invalidated and a new path is selected. The I/O is
resubmitted on this new path without requiring the application layer to resubmit the data.
Differences in load-balancing technologies
There are two primary types of load-balancing technologies referred to within Windows. This
document discusses only MPIO Load Balancing.
 MPIO Load Balancing is a type of load balancing supported by MPIO that uses multiple data
paths between server and storage to provide greater throughput of data than could be
achieved with only one connection.
 Network Load Balancing (NLB) is a failover cluster technology (formerly known as WLBS)
that provides load balancing of network interfaces to provide greater throughput across a
network to the server, and is most typically used with Internet Information Services (IIS).
Differences in failover technologies
When addressing data path failover, such as the failover of host bus adapter (HBA) or iSCSI
connections to storage, the following main types of failover are available:
 MPIO-based fault tolerant failover in this scenario, multiple data paths to the storage are
configured, and in the event that one path fails, HBA or the network adapter is able to fail
over to the other path and resend any outstanding I/O.
For a server that has one or more HBAs or network adapters, MPIO provides the following:
 Support for redundant switch fabrics or connections from the switch to the storage
 Protection against the failure of one of the adapters within the server directly
 MPIO-based load balancing in this scenario, multiple paths to storage are also defined;
however, the DSM is able to balance the data load to maximize throughput. This
configuration can also employ Fault Tolerant behavior so that if one path fails, all data
would follow an alternate path.
In some hardware configurations you may have the ability to perform dynamic firmware
updates on the storage controller, such that a complete outage is not required for firmware
updates. This capability is hardware dependent and requires (at a minimum) that more than
one storage controller be present on the storage so that data paths can be moved off of a
storage controller for upgrades.
 Failover Clustering This type of configuration offers resource failover at the application level
from one cluster server node to another. This type of failover is more invasive than storage
path failover because it requires client applications to reconnect after failover, and then
resend data from the application layer. This method can be combined with MPIO-based
fault tolerant failover and MPIO-based load balancing to further mitigate the risk of
exposure to different types of hardware failures.
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Different behaviors are available depending on the type of failover technology used, and
whether it is combined with a different type of failover or redundancy. Consider the following
Scenario 1: Using MPIO without Failover Clustering
This scenario provides for either a fault tolerant connection to data, or a load-balanced
connection to storage. Since this layer of fault tolerant operation protects only the connectivity
between the server and storage, it does not provide protection against server failure.
Scenario 2: Combining the use of MPIO in fault tolerant mode with Failover Clustering
This configuration provides the following advantages:
 If a path to the storage fails, MPIO can use an alternate path without requiring client
application reconnection.
 If an individual server experiences a critical event such as hardware failure, the application
managed by Failover Clustering is failed over to another cluster node. While this scenario
requires client reconnection, the time to restore the service may be much shorter than that
required for replacing the failed hardware.
Scenario 3: Combining the use of MPIO in load-balancing mode with Failover Clustering
This scenario provides the same benefits as listed in Scenario 2, plus the following benefit:
 During normal operation, multiple data paths may be employed to provide greater
aggregate throughput than one path can provide.
About the Windows storage stack and drivers
For the operating system to correctly perform operations that relate to hardware, such as
addition or removal of devices or transferring I/O requests from an application to a storage
device, the correct device drivers must be associated with the device. All device-related
functionality is initiated by the operating system, but under direct control of subroutines
contained within each driver. These processes are considerably complicated when there are
multiple paths to a device. The MPIO software prevents data corruption by ensuring correct
handling of the driver associated with a single device that is visible to the operating system
through multiple paths. Data corruption is likely to occur because when an operating system
believes two separate paths lead to two separate storage volumes, it does not enforce any
serialization or prevent any cache conflicts. Consider what would happen if a new NTFS file
system tries to initialize its journal log twice on a single volume.
Storage stack and device drivers
Storage architecture in Windows consists of a series of layered drivers, as shown in Figure 2.
(Note that the application and the disk subsystem are not part of the storage layers.) When a
device such as a storage disk is first added in, each layer of the hierarchy is responsible for
making the disk functional (such as by adding partitions, volumes, and the file system). The stack
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layers below the broken line are collectively known as the device stack and deal directly with
managing storage devices.
Figure 2 Layered drivers in Windows storage architecture
Device drivers
Device drivers manage specific hardware devices, such as a disks or tapes, on behalf of the
operating system.
Port drivers
Port drivers manage different types of transport, depending on the type of adapter (for
example, USB, iSCSI, or Fibre Channel) in use. Historically, one of the most common port drivers
in the Windows system was the SCSIport driver. In conjunction with the class driver, the port
driver handles Plug and Play (PnP) and power functionality. Port drivers manage the connection
between the device and the bus. Windows Server 2003 introduced a new port driver, StorPort,
which is better suited to high-performance, high-reliability environments, and is typically more
commonly used today than SCSIport.
Miniport drivers
Each storage adapter has an associated device driver, known as a miniport. This driver
implements only those routines necessary to interface with the storage adapter’s hardware. A
miniport partners with a port driver to implement a complete layer in the storage stack, as
shown in Figure 2.
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Class drivers
Class drivers manage a specific device type. They are responsible for presenting a unified disk
interface to the layers above (for example, to control read/write behavior for a disk). The class
driver manages the functionality of the device. Class drivers (like port and miniport drivers) are
not a part of the MPIO driver package per se; however, the PnP disk class driver, disk.sys, is used
as part of the multipathing solution because the class driver controls the disk add/removal
process, and I/O requests pass through this driver to the MPIO bus driver. For more information,
see the MPIO drivers sections that follow.
The MPIO driver is implemented in the kernel mode of the operating system. It works in
combination with the PnP Manager, the disk class driver, the port driver, the miniport driver,
and a device-specific module (DSM) to provide full multipath functionality.
Multipath bus drivers (mpio.sys)
Bus drivers are responsible for managing the connection between the device and the host
computer. The multipath bus driver provides a “software bus (also technically termed a “root
bus”)”—the conceptual analog to an actual bus slot into which a device plugs. It acts as the
parent bus for the multipath children (disk PDOs). As a root bus, mpio.sys can create new device
objects that are not created by new hardware being added into the configuration. The MPIO bus
driver also communicates with the rest of the operating system, and manages the PnP
connection and power control between the hardware devices and the host computer, and uses
WMI classes to allow storage array manufacturers to monitor and manage their storage and
associated DSMs. For more information about WMI, see MPIO WMI Classes
DSM management
Management and monitoring of the DSM can be done through the Windows Management
Instrumentation (WMI) interface. In Windows Server 2012, MPIO can be configured by using the
mpclaim.exe tool, and additionally includes the needed WMI code within the MPIO drivers.
Note: The PowerShell module and MPIO UI can only be used for configuring the Microsoft DSM.
When using a vendor-provided DSM, please refer to the vendor instructions for configuration
steps with MPIO.
As explained previously in this document, a storage array manufacturer’s device-specific module
(DSM) incorporates knowledge of the manufacturer’s hardware. A DSM interacts with the MPIO
driver. The DSM plays a crucial role in device initialization and I/O request handling, including
I/O request error handling. These DSM actions are described further in the following sections.
Device initialization
MPIO allows for devices from different storage vendors to coexist, and be connected to the
same Windows Server 2012-based system. This means that a single server running Windows
Server can have multiple DSMs installed on it. When a new eligible device is detected via PnP,
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MPIO attempts to determine which DSM is appropriate to handle the device. MPIO contacts
each DSM one at a time. The first DSM to claim ownership of the device is associated with that
device and the remaining DSMs are not allowed a chance to press claims for that already
claimed device. There is no particular order in which the DSMs are contacted, although the
Microsoft DSM is always contacted last. If the DSM does support the device, it then indicates
whether the device is a new installation, or is the same device previously installed but is now
visible through a new path.
MPIO device discovery
Figure 3 illustrates how devices and path discovery work with MPIO.
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Figure 3 Devices and path discovery with MPIO
Request handling
When an application makes an I/O request to a specific device, the DSM that claimed the device
makes a determination, based on its internal load-balancing algorithms, as to which path the
request should be sent.
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Error handling
If the I/O request fails, the DSM is responsible for analyzing the failure to determine whether to
retry the I/O, to cause a failover to a new path, or to return the error to the requesting
application. In case of a failover, the DSM determines what new path should be used. The actual
rebuild of the I/O and resubmission of the I/O is done by MPIO, and is not the responsibility of
the DSM. The details of the DSM/MPIO interaction to make all of this happen are beyond the
scope of this document, and are provided in the MPIO Driver Development Kit (DDK) available
from Microsoft.
Details about the Microsoft DSM in Windows Server 2012
The Microsoft device-specific module (DSM) provided as part of the complete solution in
Windows Server 2012 includes support for the following policy settings:
 Failover Only Policy setting that does not perform load balancing. This policy setting uses a
single active path, and the rest of the paths are standby paths. The active path is used for
sending all I/O. If the active path fails, one of the standby paths is used. When the path that
failed is reactivated or reconnected, the standby path can optionally return to standby if
failback is turned on. For more information about how to configure MPIO path automatic
failback, see the section later in this document titled, “Configure the MPIO Failback Policy.”
 Round Robin Load-balancing policy setting that allows the DSM to use all available paths
for MPIO in a balanced way. This is the default policy that is chosen when the storage
controller follows the active-active model and the management application does not
specifically choose a load-balancing policy setting.
 Round Robin with Subset Load-balancing policy setting that allows the application to
specify a set of paths to be used in a round robin fashion, and with a set of standby paths.
The DSM uses paths from active paths for processing requests as long as at least one of the
paths is available. The DSM uses a standby path only when all of the active paths fail. For
example, given 4 paths: A, B, C, and D, paths A, B, and C are listed as active paths and D is
the standby path. The DSM chooses a path from A, B, and C in round robin fashion as long as
at least one of them is available. If all three paths fail, the DSM uses D, the standby path. If
paths A, B, or C become available, the DSM stops using path D and switches to the available
paths among A, B, and C.
 Least Queue Depth Load-balancing policy setting that sends I/O down the path with the
fewest currently outstanding I/O requests. For example, consider that there is one I/O that
is sent to LUN 1 on Path 1, and the other I/O is sent to LUN 2 on Path 1. The cumulative
outstanding I/O on Path 1 is 2, and on Path 2, it is 0. Therefore, the next I/O for either LUN
will process on Path 2.
 Weighted Paths Load-balancing policy setting that assigns a weight to each path. The
weight indicates the relative priority of a given path. The larger the number, the lower
ranked the priority. The DSM chooses the least-weighted path from among the available
 Least Blocks Load-balancing policy setting that sends I/O down the path with the least
number of data blocks currently being processed. For example, consider that there are two
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I/O(s): one is 10 bytes and the other is 20 bytes. Both are in process on Path 1, and there are
no outstanding I/Os on Path 2. The cumulative outstanding amount of I/O on Path 1 is 30
bytes. On Path 2, it is 0. Therefore, the next I/O will process on Path 2.
Determining whether to use the Microsoft DSM vs. a Vendor’s DSM
To determine which DSM to use with your storage, refer to information from your hardware
storage array manufacturer. Multipath solutions are supported as long as a DSM is implemented
in line with logo requirements for MPIO. Most multipath solutions for Windows today use the
MPIO architecture and a DSM provided by the storage array manufacturer. You can use the
Microsoft DSM provided by Microsoft in Windows Server 2012 if it is also supported by the
storage array manufacturer. Refer to your storage array manufacturer for information about
which DSM to use with a given storage array, as well as the optimal configuration of it.
Multipath software suites available from storage array manufacturers may provide an additional
value-add beyond the implementation of the Microsoft DSM because the software typically
provides auto-configuration, heuristics for specific storage arrays, statistical analysis, and
integrated management. We recommend using the DSM provided by the hardware storage
array manufacturer to achieve optimal performance because the storage array manufacturer
can make more advanced path decisions in their DSM that are specific to their array, which may
result in quicker path failover times.
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Installing and Configuring MPIO using the GUI
This section explains how to install and configure Microsoft Multipath I/O (MPIO) on Windows
Server 2012.
Install MPIO on Windows Server 2012
MPIO is an optional feature in Windows Server 2012, and is not installed by default. To install
MPIO on your server running Windows Server 2012, perform the following steps.
To add MPIO on a server running Windows Server 2012
1. Open Server Manager. To open Server Manager, click Start, point to Administrative
Tools, and then click Server Manager.
2. In the Server Manager tree, click Features.
3. In the Features area, click Add Features.
4. In the Add Features Wizard, on the Select Features page, select the Multipath I/O check
box, and then click Next.
5. On the Confirm Installation Selections page, click Install.
6. When the installation has completed, on the Installation Results page, click Close.
When prompted to restart the computer, click Yes.
7. After restarting the computer, the computer finalizes the MPIO installation.
8. Click Close.
MPIO configuration and DSM installation
When MPIO is installed, the Microsoft device-specific module (DSM) is also installed, as well as
an MPIO control panel. The control panel can be used to do the following:
 Configure MPIO functionality
 Install additional storage DSMs
 Create MPIO configuration reports
Open the MPIO control panel
Open the MPIO control panel either by using the Windows Server 2012 Control Panel or by using
Administrative Tools.
To open the MPIO control panel by using the Windows Server 2012 Control Panel
1. On the Windows Server 2012 desktop, click Start, click Control Panel, and then in the
Page 19
Views list, click Large Icons.
2. Click MPIO.
3. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.
To open the MPIO control panel by using Administrative Tools
1. On the Windows Server 2012 desktop, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and
then click MPIO.
2. On the User Account Control page, click Continue.
The MPIO control panel opens to the Properties dialog box.
To access the MPIO control panel on Server Core installations, open a command prompt
and type MPIOCPL.EXE.
MPIO Properties dialog box
The MPIO Properties dialog box has four tabs:
 MPIO Devices By default, this tab is selected. This tab displays the hardware IDs of the
devices that are managed by MPIO whenever they are present. It is based on a hardware ID
(for example, a vendor plus product string) that matches an ID that is maintained by MPIO in
the MPIOSupportedDeviceList, which every DSM specifies in its Information File (INF) at the
time of installation.
To specify another MPIO device, on the MPIO Devices tab, click Add.
In the Add MPIO Support dialog box, the vendor ID (VID) and product ID (PID) that
are needed are provided by the storage provider, and are specific to each type of
hardware. You can list the VID and PID for storage that is already connected to the
server by using the mpclaim tool at the command prompt. The hardware ID is an 8character VID plus a 16-character PID. This combination is sometimes referred to as
a VID/PID. For more information about the mpclaim tool, see Referencing MPCLAIM
 Discover Multi-Paths Use this tab to run an algorithm for every device instance that is
present on the system and determines if multiple instances actually represent the same
Logical Unit Number (LUN) through different paths. For such devices found, their hardware
IDs are presented to the administrator for use with MPIO (which includes Microsoft DSM
support). You can also use this tab to add Device IDs for Fibre Channel devices that use the
Microsoft DSM.
Page 20
Devices that are connected by using Microsoft Internet SCSI (iSCSI) are not displayed
on the Discover Multi-Paths tab.
 DSM Install This tab can be used for installing DSMs that are provided by the storage
independent hardware vendor (IHV).
Many storage arrays that are SPC-3 compliant will work by using the MPIO Microsoft DSM.
Some storage array partners also provide their own DSMs to use with the MPIO
We recommend using vendor installation software to install the vendor’s DSM. If
the vendor does not have a DSM setup tool, you can alternatively install the
vendor’s DSM by using the DSM Install tab on the MPIO control panel.
 Configuration Snapshot This tab allows you to save the current Microsoft Multipath I/O
(MPIO) configuration to a text file that you can review for troubleshooting or comparison
purposes at a later time.
The report includes information on the device-specific module (DSM) that is being used, the
number of paths, and the path state.
You can also save this configuration at a command prompt by using the mpclaim command.
For information about how to use mpclaim, in an elevated command prompt, type run
mpcliam /?. For more information, see
Page 21
Appendix A: MPCLAIM.EXE Usage examples.
Claim iSCSI-attached devices for use with MPIO
This process causes the Microsoft DSM to claim all iSCSI-attached devices regardless of
their vendor ID and product ID settings. For information about how to control this
behavior on an individual VID/PID basis, see Installing and Managing MPIO using
To claim an iSCSI-attached device for use with MPIO
1. Open the MPIO control panel, and then click the Discover Multi-Paths tab.
2. Select the Add support for iSCSI devices check box, and then click Add. When prompted
to restart the computer, click Yes.
3. When the computer restarts, the MPIO Devices tab lists the additional hardware ID
“MSFT2005iSCSIBusType_0x9.” When this hardware ID is listed, all iSCSI bus attached
devices will be claimed by the Microsoft DSM.
Configure the load-balancing policy setting for a Virtual Disk (Aka LUN)
MPIO LUN load balancing is integrated with Disk Management. To configure MPIO LUN load
balancing, open the Disk Management graphical user interface.
Before you can configure the load-balancing policy setting by using Disk Management,
the device must first be claimed by MPIO. If you need to preselect a policy setting for
disks that are not yet present, see Installing and Managing MPIO using PowerShell:
To configure the load-balancing policy setting for a LUN
1. Open Disk Management. To open Disk Management, on the Windows desktop, click
Start; in the Start Search field, type diskmgmt.msc; and then, in the Programs list, click
2. Right-click the disk for which you want to change the policy setting, and then click
3. On the MPIO tab, in the Select the MPIO policy list, click the load-balancing policy
setting that you want.
4. If desired, click Details to view additional information about the currently configured
Page 22
When using a DSM other than a Microsoft DSM, the DSM vendor may use a
separate interface to manage these policies.
For information about DSM timer counters, see Configuring MPIO Timers.
Configure the MPIO Failback policy setting
If you use the Failover Only load-balancing policy setting, MPIO failback allows the configuration
of a preferred I/O path to the storage, and allows automatic failback to be the preferred path if
Consider the following scenario:
 The computer that is running Windows Server 2012 is configured by using MPIO and has
two connections to storage, Path A and Path B.
 Path A is configured as the active/optimized path, and is set as the preferred path.
 Path B is configured as a standby path.
If Path A fails, Path B is used. If Path A recovers thereafter, Path A becomes the active path
again, and Path B is set to standby again.
To configure the preferred path setting
1. Open Disk Management. To open Disk Management, on the Windows desktop, click
Start; in the Start Search field, type diskmgmt.msc; and then, in the Programs list, click
2. Right-click the disk for which you want to change the policy setting, and then click
3. On the MPIO tab, double-click the path that you want to designate as a preferred path.
The setting only works with the Failover Only MPIO policy setting.
4. Select the Preferred check box, and then click OK.
Page 23
Installing and Managing MPIO using PowerShell:
Note: The PowerShell module for management of MPIO is available on Windows Server 2012
Use of the MPIO module in PowerShell requires an “elevated” PowerShell window, opened with
Administrator privileges.
Query the installation state of MPIO:
To determine if MPIO is currently installed, use the following command:
Enable or Disable the MPIO Feature:
Listing commands available in the MPIO module:
The commands available in the MPIO module can be listed using get-command as shown below
Page 24
Full help and example content for the MPIO module is available via the following two methods:
1. In PowerShell, after importing the MPIO module, updated help can be downloaded from
the internet by running the following command:
a. Update-Help
2. This same content is available online on TechNet at the following location:
a. http://technet.microsoft.com/library/hh826113.aspx
Obtaining additional PowerShell help and examples
For a complete list of available PowerShell cmdlets in the Storage module, including usage and
examples, please refer to the following TechNet site:
a. MPIO Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell
You can also obtain help for individual commands by specifying the cmdlet with Get-Help, such
as shown below:
Get-Help Get-MPIOAvailableHW
Page 25
Obtaining and updating help for PowerShell cmdlets
In Windows 8, PowerShell modules which ship with Windows do not include help content “inbox” instead this content is provided on the Internet, and may be updated via PowerShell from a
computer which has Internet access.
Once a PowerShell module has been imported into the current PowerShell session, the help
content may be downloaded and updated via the following command:
Note: the –Force parameter must be used if attempting to update more than once per 24 hour
The get-help cmdlet offers multiple levels of verbosity, which include
No switch specified, only basic help is returned.
-Detailed provides detailed help
-Example provides examples of the cmdlet in use.
-Full provides all available help content for the specified cmdlet.
For example, in order to obtain script examples for the Get-Disk cmdlet, the following command
is utilized:
Get-Help Get-MPIOAvailableHW –Examples
Page 26
Script Example: Configuring MPIO using PowerShell:
In this example, I wish to perform the following tasks:
Tip: If these steps are performed prior to connecting devices of the desired BusType, you can
typically avoid the need for a restart.
Install the MPIO feature on a new Windows Server 2012 installation.
Configure MPIO to automatically claim all iSCSI devices.
Configure the default Load Balance policy for Round Robin.
Set the Windows Disk timeout to 60 seconds.
Here is what this script would look like:
# Enable the MPIO Feature
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName MultipathIO
# Enable automatic claiming of iSCSI devices for MPIO
Enable-MSDSMAutomaticClaim -BusType iSCSI
# Set the default load balance policy of all newly claimed devices to
Round Robin
Set-MSDSMGlobalDefaultLoadBalancePolicy -Policy RR
# Set the Windows Disk timeout to 60 seconds.
Set-MPIOSetting -NewDiskTimeout 60
Page 27
Scripting the Configuration of MPIO Timer Values
Timers for MPIO can be managed using the Get-MPIOSetting and Set-MPIOSetting PowerShell
Example: Viewing the current MPIO settings.
Configuring MPIO Timers
The following MPIO timer values can be configured to tune the behavior of MPIO to meet
operational requirements. In most cases, the default values may be adequate; however, it may
be necessary to adjust these settings to obtain optimal performance for your environment.
Consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1 A two-node Windows Server failover cluster is configured with multiple connections
to storage for each node by using MPIO, and employs multiple active paths to maximize
throughput. Due to application Service Level Agreement (SLA) requirements, in the event of
path failures, short timeout values are required by the customer so that the resources will
failover to the other cluster node more quickly. In this case, timer values such as the
PDORemovePeriod are set to a low value and then tested to ensure compliance with customer
Scenario 2 A single server that is not configured as a failover cluster is configured with MPIO
and multiple connections to storage to provide both increased throughput and fault tolerance of
path failures. In this case, timers such as PDORemovePeriod are increased to allow additional
time for path recovery to occur. Additionally, testing is performed to ensure that if the
maximum timer values are experienced, it would balance, allowing ample time for path recovery
under realistic production load with the need to minimize the amount of time allowed before
the disk objects are removed and I/O failures are exposed to upper-level applications to alert
support personnel of the issue.
Page 28
For any customer scenario, determining the best timer values to use depends on a number of
different variables, such as any of the following, which could all potentially impact whether the
current settings would meet SLA or Operating Level Agreement (OLA) requirements:
 The number of paths that exist at the time a problem is encountered
 The number of paths that are failed
 The number of paths that are already attempting to recover
 The amount of in-flight I/Os, and so forth
 The CPU load on the system at the time an issue occurs
Settings 1 through 5 in the following table can be set through the user interface. The
information provided on these settings is specific to the use of Microsoft DSMs. When
using a vendor-provided DSM, refer to vendor documentation for information about the
recommended timer values.
Although it is possible to set the following values to a very large number, we
recommend that you use caution when doing so, and that you test the values for
applicability prior to using them in a production environment.
For example, the value MAXULONG is 0xFFFFFFFF. If this value were applied to a setting
such as PDORemovePeriod (where it represents seconds), the value would equate to
approximately 49,000 days of delay before an error would be reported.
Flag that enables path verification by MPIO on
all paths every N seconds (where N depends on
the value set in PathVerificationPeriod).
Type is Boolean and must be filled with either
0 (disable) or 1 (enable). By default, it is
This setting is used to indicate the time period
(in seconds) with which MPIO has been
requested to perform path verification. This
field is only honored if PathVerifyEnabled is
This timer is specified in seconds. The default is
Page 29
30 seconds. The maximum allowed is
This setting controls the amount of time (in
seconds) that the multipath pseudo-LUN will
continue to remain in system memory, even
after losing all paths to the device.
When this timer value is exceeded, pending
I/O operations will be failed, and the failure is
exposed to the application rather than
attempting to continue to recover active paths.
This timer is specified in seconds. The default is
20 seconds. The max allowed is MAXULONG.
This setting specifies the number of times a
failed I/O if the DSM determines that a failing
request must be retried. This is invoked when
DsmInterpretError() returns Retry = TRUE. The
default setting is 3.
This setting specifies the interval of time (in
seconds) after which a failed request is retried
(after the DSM has decided so, and assuming
that the I/O has been retried a fewer number
of times than RetryCount).
This value is specified in seconds. The default is
1 second.
If this key exists and is set to 1, it allows the
use of PathRecoveryInterval.
Represents the period after which
PathRecovery is attempted. This setting is only
used if it is not set to 0 and
UseCustomPathRecoveryInterval is set to 1.
The two new settings were introduced to account for the following scenario:
Page 30
 A transient error somewhere causes a path to briefly fail and recover.
 MPIO detects that the path has failed and thus performs a failover.
 The failed path was the last path for a particular pseudo-LUN, so its PDO Remove Timer
started ticking down.
 The error was brief enough and PnP was busy enough that PnP missed the fact that the path
went away and came back. Thus, there are no PnP events generated to indicate that the
path is back online.
 The pseudo-LUN never sees the path come back online and it gets removed after its PDO
Remove Timer runs out.
The end result is that the system now has at least one path and one device online, but no
pseudo-LUN to represent that device.
MPIO has a path recovery mechanism that can be used to avoid this issue. However, by default,
the period at which path recovery is attempted is set to twice in the PDORemovePeriod. In the
majority of cases, the default is acceptable, but it does not solve the problem in this particular
scenario. This is where the settings listed in the previous tables come into play. They allow you
to configure the timer that determines the period at which path recovery attempts are done.
Thus, by setting the PathRecoveryInterval to less than the PDORemovePeriod, the path recovery
attempt happens before the pseudo-LUN gets removed, the path is detected as back online, and
the pseudo-LUN is saved from removal.
We recommend that you test the use of this value before widespread deployment in production
to ensure that path recovery attempts are not happening so frequently that it has a significant
impact on regular I/O.
For example, if the PDORemovePeriod is set to 60 seconds, a good starting point for the
PathRecoveryInterval may be 30 seconds. This interval causes path recovery to be attempted
every 30 seconds.
Caution is advised when setting the PathRecoveryInterval to small values. By decreasing
this value, larger amounts of path verification traffic are generated. This traffic increases
with the number of LUNs available on the host, and the smaller the value.
Page 31
Appendix A: MPCLAIM.EXE Usage examples
It is recommended that the MPIO module in PowerShell be used for the configuration of
MPIO where applicable.
List the disks that are currently claimed by MPIO
The following command, mpclaim.exe –s –d, returns the following additional information:
 The MPIO disk number that is used with mpclaim commands
 The system disk number as it corresponds to the number that is used in Disk Management
 The current load-balancing policy setting
 The device-specific module (DSM) that is managing the device
Change the load-balancing policy settings
To change the load-balancing policy setting to Least Blocks for all disks that are claimed by
Microsoft DSM, use the following command:
mpclaim.exe –L –M 6
To clear the load-balancing policy settings for all disks claimed by Microsoft DSM and reset to
the default, use the following command:
mpclaim.exe –L –M 0
Valid load-balancing policy settings for the –L switch are as follows:
Clear the Policy
Failover Only
Round Robin
Round Robin with Subset
Least Queue Depth
Weighted Paths
Least Blocks
Page 32
Vendor Specific
Examples of common MPCLAIM.exe commands used to configure MPIO
support for
Fibre Channel
mpclaim.exe -r -i -d <
_VendorID> < _ProductID>
For example, to add
support for a device
with Vendor="Vendor8
" and
", use the following
Note that the
vendor string
length is 8
characters, the
product string
length is 16
characters, and
both fields are
padded with
spaces as
mpclaim -r -i -d
"Vendor8 Product16
support for all
iSCSI devices
mpclaim -r -i -d
mpclaim.exe -r -i -a ""
support for all
devices that
are enterprise
storage devices
To claim only
specific iSCSI
devices, see the
section, “Add
MPIO support
for Fibre
The tool
analyzes all
devices that are
seen by the
determines if
there are
multiple paths
to the device,
and if there are,
adds MPIO
support for
Page 33
them. If any
iSCSI disk
devices are
found, MPIO
support is added
for them.
Remove MPIO
support for
Fibre Channel
mpclaim.exe -r -u -d <
_VendorID> < _ProductID>
For example, to add
support for a device
with Vendor="Vendor8
", use the following
Note that the
vendor string
length is 8
characters, and
the product
string length is
16 characters.
mpclaim -r -u -d
"Vendor8 Product16
"mpclaim -r -u -d "ABC
mpclaim -r -u -d "ABC
" "DE
Remove MPIO
support for all
iSCSI devices
mpclaim.exe -r -u -d
To remove only
specific iSCSI
devices, see the
“Remove MPIO
support for
Fibre Channel
Remove MPIO
support for all
devices on the
mpclaim.exe -r -u -a ""
The tool
removes MPIO
support for all
devices on the
system, even if
multiple paths
do not exist to
Page 34
the array.
To view all
Mpclaim -e
To view all
storage that is
claimed by the
Microsoft DSM
Mpclaim -r
This command
also displays the
Vendor ID and
Product ID
required to add
or remove
support for the
given device.
Capture the MPIO configuration with MPCLAIM.exe
To use mpclaim, you must be running cmd.exe with administrator privileges.
mpclaim.exe –v C:\Config.txt
Using this command results in a report saved to the current command path, such as the
MPIO Storage Snapshot on Tuesday, 05 May 2009, at 14:51:45.023
Registered DSMs: 1
|DSM Name
|PRP | RC | RI
|Microsoft DSM
Microsoft DSM
MPIO Disk1: 02 Paths, Round Robin, ALUA Not Supported
Page 35
SN: 600D310010B00000000011
Supported Load-Balancing Policy Settings: FOO RR RRWS LQD WP LB
Path ID
SCSI Address
-------------------------------------------------------------------------0000000077030002 Active/Optimized
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator...
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
0000000077030001 Active/Optimized
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator...
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
MPIO Disk0: 01 Paths, Round Robin, ALUA Not Supported
SN: 600EB37614EBCE8000000044
Supported Load-Balancing Policy Settings: FOO RR RRWS LQD WP LB
Path ID
SCSI Address
-------------------------------------------------------------------------0000000077030000 Active/Optimized
Adapter: Microsoft iSCSI Initiator...
Controller: 46616B65436F6E74726F6C6C6572 (State: Active)
Microsoft DSM-wide default load-balancing policy settings: Round Robin
No target-level default load-balancing policy settings have been set.
Adding a Hardware ID for Use with MPIO and Viewing Hidden Devices
To add a hardware ID to be used with MPIO
1. Open the MPIO control panel.
2. On the MPIO Devices tab, click Add.
3. In the Add MPIO Support dialog box, type the hardware ID for the device that you want
to be managed by MPIO, and then click OK.
For a list of all hardware IDs for all currently attached devices, open a command
prompt, and then type mpclaim –E. You can copy and paste the ID that you
want to be used with MPIO in Step 3 of this procedure, but do not include the
beginning or ending quotes around the hardware ID.
After the device is claimed by MPIO, it is hidden in Device Manager and a pseudo-LUN device is
shown in Device Manager.
Page 36
For example, the single path disk device listed in Device Manager that is named “emBoot sanFly
SCSI Disk device” becomes a hidden device, and is replaced with a new device named “emBoot
sanFly Multi-Path Disk Device.” The exact name depends on several factors, including the type of
device and the DSM being used.
To view a hidden device
 To view the original disk device, in Device Manager, on the Action menu, click Show
Hidden Devices.
Determining the Hardware ID to Be Managed by MPIO
To determine the hardware IDs that are already managed by MPIO, open a command prompt,
and then type MPCLAIM.EXE –H.
The hardware ID Vendor 8Product
16 is a placeholder value only to show the correct
Vendor ID/Product ID format. This ID is not used to control the management of any disk
To list the currently attached Vendor ID/Product ID for all disks on the system that can be
claimed, open a command prompt, and then type MPCLAIM –E.
If the value in the MPIO-ed field is YES, the device is already claimed.
Page 37
Appendix B: Path configuration requirements for MPIO
MPIO with MSDSM (Microsoft Device Specific Module) requires symmetric presentation of disks
across logical paths.
If a disk is presented on a given logical path, all disks presented on that path need to also be
presented on all logical paths that contain any subset of those disks.
Logical paths correspond to LUN-path pairs which are managed by the DSM. Physical
paths correspond to the actual physical hardware over which the logical paths are
hosted. There may be more logical paths than physical paths, for example, with multiple logins
in iSCSI scenarios, or in switched fibre channel infrastructure scenarios.
Invalid configurations may result in performance issues and spurious disk or path failures during
failover scenarios.
For example:
Consider the following configuration:
- Disks A, B, and C
- Paths 1, 2, 3, and 4
If disks A and B are both presented on paths 1, 2, and 3, and disk C is presented to only path 4,
this is a valid configuration as it meets the above requirement of symmetrical presentation.
Path 1: A, B
Path 2: A, B
Path 3: A, B
Path 4: C
By contrast, if disk A and B are both presented on path 1, disk B is presented on path 2, disk A is
presented on path 3, and disk C is presented on path 4, this is an invalid configuration because
paths 2 and 3 are not symmetric with path 1.
Path 1: A, B
Path 2: B
Path 3: A
Path 4: C
To confirm symmetric disk presentation, use Device Manager to compare the Path ID assigned
Page 38
to each disk (LUN or Logical Unit Number presented by the SAN) as described in the following
1. Open Control Panel and launch Device Manager.
2. Select View, Devices by Connection.
3. Select each disk device under the Microsoft Multi-Path Bus Driver and select Properties from
right click menu.
4. In the Properties window, select the General tab and record the LUN number indicated by the
Location. Then go to the MPIO tab and record each Path ID for each disk device in step 3.
For example, you may find the following:
LUN1 is presented on Path ID 77030000 and 77030001.
LUN2 is presented on Path ID 77030000 and 77030001.
LUN3 is presented on Path ID 77030000 and 77030001.
LUN4 is presented on Path ID 77030002.
Because each LUN that is presented to Path ID 77030000 is also presented to Path ID 77030001
this is a symmetric presentation. Although LUN4 is only presented to Path ID 77030002 it is
symmetric because there are no other LUNs presented to that Path ID.
However if you were to find the following:
LUN1 is presented on Path ID 77030000 and 77030001.
LUN2 is presented on Path ID 77030000.
LUN3 is presented on Path ID 77030001.
LUN4 is presented on Path ID 77030002.
It would be considered an asymmetric presentation because LUN1 was presented to both Path
ID's but LUN2 was only presented to path 77030000 and LUN3 was only presented to 77030001.
To correct this invalid configuration, modify the LUN2 to add Path ID 77030001 and modify
LUN3 to add Path ID 77030000. No change is required to the LUN4 presentation since no other
LUNs are presented to that Path ID.
Appendix C: Enabling Software Tracing for MPIO
This section discusses how to enable software trace logging for troubleshooting MPIO issues.
Page 39
Software trace logs are binary files that are typically only used by Microsoft Technical
Support for troubleshooting an issue, and are not directly viewable.
Create a GUID file to enable tracing
You must first create a GUID file by using Notepad. The file must contain the GUID of the
provider that corresponds to the driver that you want to trace. For this example the file name is
MPIOGUID.CTL. The first line is required for tracing MPIO and the second line is required for
tracing the Microsoft DSM, as follows:
{8E9AC05F-13FD-4507-85CD-B47ADC105FF6} 0x0000FFFF 0xF
{DEDADFF5-F99F-4600-B8C9-2D4D9B806B5B} 0x0000FFFF 0xF
The format of the files is as follows:
<GUID of provider to trace> <Trace Flag> <Trace Level>
The Trace Flag and Trace Level values are typically specified by Microsoft Technical
Support, depending on the type of troubleshooting being performed.
Start tracing
To start tracing, type the following at the command prompt:
logman.exe create trace <Name> -ets -nb 16 256 -bs 64 –o <LogFile> -pf
<GUID File>
Logman.exe is present in the %windir%\system32 directory. The name <Name> is assigned to
that trace session. The trace level is controlled by the value of the flag in the GUID File. <Guid
File> contains the trace GUID and the trace flag. The trace messages are written to <Log File>.
For example, to start a trace session named MPIOTrace and create a log file named
MPIOTrace.Log, type the following command:
logman.exe create trace MPIOTrace -ets -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o
Stop tracing
To stop tracing, type the following at the command prompt:
logman.exe stop <Name> -ets
For example, to stop the trace session with the name MPIOTrace, type the following command:
logman.exe stop MPIOTrace -ets
The log file is a binary file. If you are troubleshooting an MPIO issue with Microsoft Technical
Support, send the log file to your support representative, who can then use it to analyze the
Query the trace status
To verify that tracing is running properly, type the following at a command prompt:
Page 40
logman.exe query -ets
To return extended information about the tracing status, type the following at a command
logman query MPIOTrace -ets
Page 41
Appendix D: Glossary of Terms
Asymmetric Logical Unit Access
Driver Development Kit
device-specific module
graphical user interface
host bus adapter
independent hardware vendor
Internet Information Services
Internet SCSI
independent software vendor
information technology
Logical Unit Number
Multipath I/O
Microsoft Cluster Server
Network Load Balancing
physical device object
redundant array of independent disks
storage area network
Serial Attached SCSI
SCSI Primary Commands - 3
universal serial bus
Windows Management Instrumentation
Page 42
Page 43
Additional References:
Introduction to Storage Management in Windows Server 2012:
Managing storage spaces whitepaper
Boot from SAN whitepaper:
Storage Team Blog:
Page 44