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ICT Worksheet: Hardware, Software, OS, File Management

Grade 8
ICT Final Extra Practice Worksheet
ICT Department
Hardware and Software
A computer system consists of hardware and software.
1. Hardware: is a general term of physical components that make up computer
2. Software: is a general term for programs that controls the computer system.
Give Examples of system software.
Compiler-linkers-device driver-operating system-utilities
Give examples of Application Software.
Word processor-spreadsheet-database-control and measurement software-appsphoto editing-video editing software-graphics manipulation software
Give examples of internal hardware.
Motherboard-random access memory (Ram)-read only memory (Rom)-video cardssound cards.
Give examples of external hardware.
Keyboard-mouse-printer-camera-microphone-flash memory-external hdd
Write the full form of RAM and ROM, and compare and contrast between them.
RAM: - Random access memory is an internal chip where data is temporary stored, it's often
referred to as a volatile that lost its contents when power of computer turned off.
ROM: - Read only memory is a memory used to store information that need to be permanent, its
often referred to non-volatile.
List the types of the hard disk, the main storage of the computer.
1. HDD (internal hard disk drive)
2. SDD (solid state drive)
Define the Operating system.
To enable computer systems function and allow user to communicate with computer systems,
special software known as operating system (OS)
List four tasks of the operating system.
1. Control of the operation of the input, output, and storage devices.
2. Dealing with errors that occur in application programs.
3. Maintaining security of the whole computer system.
4. Allowing communication between the user and the computer system.
What does CLI and GUI stand for?
CLI: Command line interface
GUI: Graphical user interface
Explain the WIMP technology which the GUI use.
WIMP (windows icon menu and pointing device), it's one of the most common
technology which was developed for use on personal computers. Here a mouse is
used to control a cursor and icons are selected to open/run windows.
List the advantages and disadvantages for CLI and GUI interfaces.
 The user is in direct
communication with the
 The user is not restricted to a
number of options.
 It's possible to alert computer
configuration system.
 The user needs to learn a number of
commands to carry out basic
 All commands needs to typed in,
which takes time.
 Each command must be typed in
using the correct format.
 It's more difficult to edit once
commands are entered.
The user doesn’t need to
learn any command.
It's more user friendly.
A pointing device(mouse)
is used to click on an icon
to launch the application
It uses up more computer memory
than a CLI interface.
The user is limited to the icon
provided on the screen.
It needs an operating system such as
windows to operate, which uses up
considerable memory.
Types of computers.
Select the most appropriate computer type for the following.
Desktop Computers (PC) - Laptops-Tablets-Smartphones- Smart watches -Mainframe
Not easily carried around since they are made up of separate components.
Have limited battery life. laptop
The keyboard and pointing devices can sometimes be awkward to use. laptop
Have sensors like touch screen, and voice recognition like Siri. Tablets
Fully portable. Tablets
Fixed in one location so less likelihood of them being damaged. desktop
Allows normal phone calls to be made. smartphones
The small screen makes pages difficult to read. smartphones
Allow users to wear mini-computers on their wrists. Smart watches
Fitness and health monitoring capabilities. Smart watches
Used to run commercial applications like banking and insurance. smartphones
Can have Several CPUs. Mainframe
List four main features of mainframe computers.
1. They can have several CPUs.
2. They have very fast processor speed.
3. They can support multiple operating systems.
4. They have huge internal memories.
File Management
 State what the following file extensions are short for.
1. .csv: comma separated value
2. .txt: text
3. .rtf: rich text format
4. .gif: graphics interchange format
5. .jpg: joint photographic expert group
6. Pdf: portable document format
7. .png: portable network graphics
8. .mp4: moving picture expert group layer 4
9. .css: cascading style sheet
10. Html: hypertext markup language
Mention two reasons (or advantages) for reducing the file size.
1. It is important when sending files as email attachments, the larger the size the more
time it takes to transmit.
2. Because all computer systems have a limited storage.
Explain the text wrapping options used with an image.
1. In line with text: place the image as a line graphic and is treated as a text character with
in a line of text.
2. Square: place image on the page and the text wrap around it.
3. Tight: place image on the page and the text wrap around it like a square.
4. Through: place image on the page and the text wrap around the image.
5. Top and bottom: place image on the page and the text wrap above and below the
6. In front of text: this places an image over the top of the text.
7. Behind text: this places an image behind the text.