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Difference Between Personality and Character

Difference Between Personality and Character
While personality shows what you are outside or what you are to the world, character reveals what
you are inside. As these are directly related to a person’s attitude and behaviour, most people get
confused between these two easily.
We all are same in many ways like we all have got the same human body, nature, feelings, mind and
so on. But if you observe deeply you will find that every human being has certain different traits and
habits that make him/her unique. It is a fact that two persons can never be exactly identical to each
other, even if you talk about twins, they also differ more or less in their perception, hobbies, mood,
nature, etc.
Take a read of this article in which we’ve simplified the difference between personality and
Content: Personality Vs Character
1. Comparison Chart
2. Definition
3. Key Differences
4. Conclusion
Comparison Chart
Personality refers to the range of
distinctive personal qualities and traits
of an individual.
A character refers to a set of morals
and beliefs that defines how we treat or
behave with others and ourselves.
Who we seem to be?
Who we actually are?
Personal and physical
Mental and moral
It is the identity
It is a learned behavior
Outer appearance and behavior of
Traits of a person that are abstract.
May change over time.
Remains same.
Not required
What is it?
Validation of
Definition of Personality
Personality can be defined as a combination of mental behaviour and traits or qualities like thinking
pattern, feeling and acting. It is a range of enduring tendencies of an individual to think, feel and
behave in a specific manner in diverse situations. It refers to the systematic arrangement of all your
dispositions like attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc.
Definition of Character
By the term character, we mean an enduring and distinguishing mental and moral characteristics in
an individual. It is the only factor which determines our reaction or response to the given event or
situation. It defines a person’s behaviour pattern, thinking style, controls feelings. It is based on
the environment that surrounds us, mental ability, moral principles and similar other factors. It is the
most precious thing possessed by a person, evidenced by the limits he/she never crossed.
Key Differences Between Personality and Character
The significant differences between personality and character are discussed in the following points:
 Personality refers to the combination of qualities, attitude and behaviour, that makes a person
distinct from others. Character refers to a set of moral and mental qualities and beliefs, that
makes a person different from others.
 Personality implies Who we seem to be? On the other hand, the character represents Who we
actually are?
 Personality is a set of personal qualities whereas character is a collection of mental and moral
characteristics of an individual.
 The personality is the mask or the identity of a person. Conversely, the character is the
learned behaviour.
 Personality is subjective, but the character is objective.
Personality is the outer appearance and behaviour of a person. At the same time, character
indicates the traits of a person which are hidden from sight.
 The personality of an individual may change with time. However, the character lasts longer.
 Character requires validation and support of society. In contrast, the personality, does not
need validation and support of the society.
After reviewing the above points, it is clear that personality is different from a character in a sense
that personality reflects the outer shell, whereas the character, shows the inner self. If you combine
your personality and your character, the result will be who you are in reality.