Uploaded by Estelle Marie Urbanozo

Psychological Test Experience: A Student's Narrative

This assignment describes your past personal experiences in taking psychological tests.
Be able to narrate in at least 300 words the scenario or purpose why you took these tests.
1. What specific test did you take? What led you to take that test?
Way back 2019, I was a first year HM student in the university. Students are
mandated to take the subject Group Guidance. We had a test that pertains to
ourselves, and I think it’s Psychological test. We are asked to answer the
questionnaire based on what we think is the correct and purely based on what our
personality says as I remember. After filling out the needed data and answers, we
removed the front page of the paper, and you can see circles and numbers. I
remember, we added all the numbers until we come up to a total number of scores
and it has its own equivalent. Also, there are descriptions and explanations based on
what total number you got. After that, we are asked to plot the circles and connect it
all, I guess. If I remember correctly, I was satisfied and not dismay with what my result
2. Based on our lesson, what specific function/s of psychological tests does it pertain
The function of the test applies for Guidance and counseling. It is for educational
purposes and to assess students that needs to be supported.
3. What can you say about your testing experience/s in general?
It was fun knowing that I will discover more of my self. If I have a chance to take it
again, I will surely take it for the second time.
4. If you are to be an examiner who will administer psychological tests in the future,
how will you prepare yourself for it?
First, I will prepare myself for all the things to be done. Prepare myself of all the
responsibilities as an examiner and ask questions prior to testing if there are things
that confuses me. On the day of the test, I will make sure I dress professionally
and make my self presentable. I will arrive from the venue of the test an hour before
to prepare the place and arrange things that are not anticipated, if there are any.