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Computer Science Project: Design Rationale & Collaboration

ID Number
1. TADESSE YILHAL ----------- ------BDU 070815US
2. SIMACHEW ALEMU----------------BDU 07 0513 US
3. NESREDIN KENZU------------------BDU070540US
5. AMARE MELAK ………………….BDU070419US
6. ADANE KELEB………………..… BDU 070433US
7. LIGABAW ADIMAS-----------------BDU 070487US
8. TEWACHEW AGUMAS------------BDU 070521US
9. BELET AYALNEH------------------ BDU 070451US
10.ALEMNESH NEGASH--------------BDU 070429US
2013 E.C
July, 2021
Bahirdar, Ethiopia
1. Discuss design rationale types and benefits and discuss Issue- based information
system (IBIS).
 The design rationale types and benefits are the following:
Design verification: - The design rationale can be used to verify if the design decisions and
the product itself are the reflection of what the designers and the users actually wanted.
Design evaluation:-The design rationale is used to evaluate the various design alternatives
discussed during the design process.
Design maintenance:-The design rationale helps to determine the changes that are necessary
to modify the design.
Design reuse:-The design rationale is used to determine how the existing design could be
reused for a new requirement with or without any changes in it. If there is a need to modify
the design, then the DR also suggests what needs to be modified in the design.
Design teaching:- The design rationale could be used as a resource to teach people who are
unfamiliar with the design and the system.
Design communication:-The design rationale facilitates better communication among
people who are involved in the design process and thus helps to come up with a better
Design assistance:-The design rationale could be used to verify the design decisions made
during the design process.
Design documentation:-The design rationale is used to document the entire design process
which involves the meeting room deliberations, alternatives discussed, reasons behind the
design decisions and the product overview.
Issue-Based Information System or IBIS: Is a Structured Conversation Platform with its roots in Urban Planning.
 IBIS was invented by Werner Kunz and Horst Rittel as an argumentation-based approach
to tackling wicked problems – complex, ill-defined problems that involve multiple
stakeholders  To quote from their original paper, "Issue-Based Information Systems (IBIS) are meant
to support coordination and planning of political decision processes. IBIS guides the
identification, structuring, and settling of issues raised by problem-solving groups, and
provides information pertinent to the discourse.
 Subsequently, the understanding of planning and design as a process of argumentation (of
the designer with himself or with others) has led to the use of IBIS as a design rationale.
 The basic structure of IBIS is a graph. It is therefore quite suitable to be manipulated by
2. Discuss group ware and crowd sourcing and social computing.
 Groupware is In contrast to traditional computer systems that are primarily designed for
a single user; the major goal of Groupware is to assist a group of users in communicating,
in collaborating, and in coordinating their activities (Ellis et al. 1991). Ellis, Jacobson und
Horvitz state that the term Groupware stands for “computer-based systems that support
groups of people engaged in a common task (or goal) and that provide an interface to a
shared environment” Groupware can include software, hardware, services or group
process support. Groupware classes structured by the main mode of interaction supported
 crowd sourcing represents the act of a company or institution taking a function once
performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network
of people in the form of an open call..
 Crowd sourcing is a sourcing model in which individuals or organizations obtain goods
or services including ideas, voting, micro-tasks and finances, from a large, relatively open
and often rapidly evolving group of participants. Crowd sourcing typically involves
using the internet to attract and divide work between participants to achieve a cumulative
Social computing is an area of computer sciences that is concerned with the intersection
of social behavior and computational systems. It is based on creating or recreating social
conventions and social contexts through the use of software and technology.
Thus, blots, email, instants, social network serves, wikis, social bookmark and other
instances of what is often called social software illustrate ideas from social computing.
3. Discuss CSCW and collaborative models.
 Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is a community of
behavioral researchers and system builders at the intersection of collaborative
behaviors and technology. The collaboration can involve a few individuals or a
team, it can be within or between organizations, or it can involve an online
community that spans the globe. CSCW addresses how different technologies
facilitate, impair, or simply change collaborative activities.
 Computer-supported cooperative work is a groundbreaking interdisciplinary
research area of growing interest which relates workstations to digitally advanced
networking systems. The first technologies were economically feasible, but their
interoperability is lacking which makes understanding a well-tailored supporting
system difficult. Due to global markets, more organizations are being pushed to
decentralize their corporate systems. When faced with the complexities of today's
business issues, a significant effort must be made to improve manufacturing
systems' efficiency, improve product quality, and reduce time to market.
 In general CSCW removes bias of single user/single computer system. E.G
CSCW system is electronic mail email yet another metaphor.
 Collaborative model (or conversational model) is a theory for explaining how speaking
and understanding work in conversation, specifically how people in conversation
coordinate to determine definite.
 The collaborative model finds its roots in Grice cooperative principle and
four Grecian maxims theories which prominently established the idea that
conversation is a collaborative process between speaker and listener.
 The model was initially proposed in 1986 by psycholinguists’ herb Clark and
Wilkes-Gibbs. It
asserts that
conversation partners must
collaboratively to reach a mutual understanding.