character Name class & level BackgrouNd Player Name race aligNmeNt exPerieNce PoiNts inspiratiOn strEngth armOr class prOficiEncy bOnus initiativE spEEd PersoNality traits hit Point maximum strength dExtErity dexterity constitution intelligence currEnt hit pOints ideals tEmpOrary hit pOints BoNds Wisdom charisma cOnstitutiOn saving thrOws total acrobatics (dex) successes animal handling (Wis) Failures arcana (int) intElligEncE hit dice death saves FlaWs athletics (str) deception (cha) Name history (int) atk BoNus damage/tyPe insight (Wis) intimidation (cha) wisdOm investigation (int) medicine (Wis) Nature (int) Perception (Wis) Performance (cha) charisma Persuasion (cha) religion (int) sleight of hand (dex) stealth (dex) survival (Wis) skills attacks & spEllcasting Passive Wisdom (PercePtioN) cP sP eP gP PP OthEr prOficiEnciEs & languagEs EquipmEnt TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use. fEaturEs & traits character name aGe heIGht WeIGht eYeS SKIn haIr name symbol character appearance allies & organizations additional features & traits character backstory treasure TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use. spellcasting ability spellcasting class 0 spell level cantrips slots total 3 ed pr 6 slots expended 1 epar spell save dc 7 spell name spells known 4 8 2 5 9 TM & © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Permission is granted to photocopy this document for personal use. spell attack bonus