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English Test for 9th Grade

Олимпиада по английскому языку
Задания для 9 класса
1. Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка?
Вопрос № 1 The capital of Great Britain is
1. New York
2. Washington
3. London
Вопрос № 2 Who climbs the chimney and puts presents into the stockings on the eve of
1. Father Frost
2. Santa Claus
3. Snowman
Вопрос № 3 At what age do students go to a secondary school in Britain
1. at the age of 12-13
2. at the age of 9-10
3. at the age of 11-12
Вопрос № 4 The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in
1. The Tower of London
2. in Westminster Abbey
3. in the Houses of Parliament
Вопрос № 5 Speaker’s Corner is in
1. Hyde Park
2. Kensington Gardens
3. Regent’s Park
Вопрос № 6 “Lollipop ladies” are
1. heroes of fairy -tales
2. sweets on sticks
3. women patrols
Вопрос № 7 Daniel Defoe wrote
1. “The Life And Strange Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe “
2. “Peter Pan”
3. “The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer”
Вопрос № 8 London stands on
1. the Volga
2. the Thames
3. the Nile
Вопрос № 9 What is the name of Santa Claus’s deer
1. Jack
2. Rudolf
3. Pete
1. Usually I _________the violin but now I_____ the piano.
A play, am playing
B am playing, play
2. He________ in the garden when Tom _________.
A sat, was coming
B was sitting, came
3. _________you___________the article yet?
A Haven’t, read
B Haven’t, been reading
4. I________ a message from Kelly last Saturday.
A have got
B got
5. The book wasn’t so heavy as he __________.
A has thought
B had thought
6. My mother wasn’t at the shop when I________.
A had come
B came
7. We________ when it started to rain.
A were playing
B had played
8. If we ________the 10.30 train, we _________too early.
A catch, will arrive
B will catch, arrive
3. Reading
One day Mary and Bob went shopping. They wanted to buy some ice cream. Then they saw a
little man selling balloons. “Mister, we want a balloon”, said Mary to the man. “Here is our
money”. “What balloon do you want?”, said the balloon man. Mary and Bob wanted a bright green
balloon. So they gave the man some money. The little man began to blow the balloon. He blew
and blew. He blew up a big green cat. It was beautiful. Mary and Bob were happy to have a green
cat balloon. Now they didn’t want any ice cream.
I. Верно (+) или неверно (-) утверждение.
___ 1.One day Mary and Bob went to the park.
___ 2.They saw a little man selling balloons.
___ 3.They gave the man a big apple.
___ 4.The balloon was beautiful.
II.Выбери утверждения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста.
1.Mary and Bob went shopping because:
a) they wanted some oranges; b) they wanted ice cream; c) they liked shopping.
2.The children wanted:
a) a red ball; b) a green balloon; c) a bright green balloon.
3.So they gave the man:
a) some sweets; b) some money; c) some oranges.
4.They didn’t want any ice cream because:
a) they had no money; b) they were happy to have balloon; c) it was cold.