Olesya Target language: Chinese Available materials: textbooks Задоенко (“начальный курс, часть 2, часть 3), Boya Chinese 2; apps – trainchinese, pleco; youtube: Easy Mandarin series Wants: to watch TV shows, play Genshin Impact, read contemporary novels Needs: pass the exams Learning experience: writing a2 speaking a1 listening a1 reading a2 goals: writing: learn HSK 4 hieroglyphs speaking: to be able to talk to native speakers when travelling (survival Chinese, finding a way, shopping, immediate surroundings) listening: to understand spoken speech on the topics of the course reading: to be able to read light novels, simple articles about culture, history Curriculum Date Topics December Revision before the exam Main topics: Shopping, My House, Travelling, Chinese Cuisine Grammar points: Qualitative adjectives and their comparative forms, Nouns and counting words, Prepositions, Subjectless Sentences; Numbers; Interrogative and Imperative Sentences February Writing: HSK 2 hieroglyphs Road to B1 Main topics: Feelings and People’s Personalities; expressing emotions Grammar points: Compound Verbs, Motion verbs; Function words; Adverbs March April Main topics: sports and active lifestyle; industrialization in China Grammar points: Object (direction of movement; final destination, general distance); Negation in sentences Main topics: Family and traditional values in China; Grammar points: Compound sentences (reasoning); Verbs of motion; Directions; Modal verbs May Main topics: Health and Body; Going to the Hospital Grammar points: Expressing future; passive voice; features of colloquial vs written speech