HANDBOOK FOR CONSTRUCTIONAL ENGINEERS . CONTAINING TABLES RELATING TO • STEEL AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE PRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURES OF DORMAN, LONG &CC?, L~~? MIDDLESBROUGH, ENGLAND IRON ' & STEEL MANUFACTURERS CONSTRUCTIONAL EtGINEERS BRIDGE BUILDERS .... '''' -..r. . . COLLIERY AND MINE OWNERS ' BRICK AND ARTIFICIAL STONE MANUFACTURERS CONTRACTORS TO H.M. GOVERN 'M ENT, THE INDIA, DOMINION AND C6-LONIAL OFFICES AND TO THE CROWN AGENTS FOR THE COLONIES. I9 2 4 (SECOND IMPRINT, ', .. 1930), - 3 DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. ": " Registered Office : I I ZETLAND ROAD, MIDDLESBROUGH, ENGLAND. TELEGRAMS :-" DORMAN , M I DDLESBROUGH." TELEPHONE :-M I DDLESBROUGH 2241. Cable Codes used: · LIEBER'S TELEGRAPHIC CODE. (Five Letter Edition). (6th Edition). WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPHIC CODE A .B.C. TELEGRAPHIC CODE BENTLEY'S .COMPLETE PHRASE CODE. MARCONI INTERNATIONAL . • WORKS AND · DEPARTMENTS: BRITANNIA STEELWORKS, Mlddlesbrough. T elegrams Telephone - "DORMAN, MIDDLESBROUGH." - MlDDLESBROUGH 2061. CLEVELAND STEELWORKS, So.uth Bank. . Telegrams Telephone - "DORMAN, MIDDLESBROUGH ." - 58471 SOUTH BANK. BRIDqE AND CONSTRUCTIONAL WORKS, Mlddlesbrough. Telegrams T elephone - "DORSTRUC, MIDDLESBROUGH." - MIDDLES BROUGH 3821. REDCAR IRON AND STEEL WORKS, Redear. Telegrams Telephone - "REDCOAT, MlDDLESBROUGH . " REDCAR 171.. 4 DORMAN, LONG & , to. , , LIMITED. WORKS AND DEPARTMENTS' Continued. , CLARENCE IRON AND STEELWORKS, Middlesbrough. Telegrams, , Telephone ACKLAM IRO~ Telegrams Telephone -' "DORMAN , PORT CLARENCE," MIDDLESBROtrGH AND 3878. STEELWORK~, Mlddlesbrough. "DoRMACK, MIDDLESBROUGH." - MIDDLESBROUGH 2054, ,NEWPORT IRONWORKS, Mlddlesbrough. Telegrams, Telephoi;i - ' " DORNEW, MIDDLESIlROtrGH." - MIDDLESBROUGH 2035; ..,. AYRTON SHEET MILLS, Mlddlesbrough. Telegrams Telephone - ," NAMROD, MIDDLESBROUGH':' MIDDLESBROUGH 3803, CLEVELAND WIRE MILLS, Middlesbrough. Telegrams Telephone " -, RODS, MIDDLESBROUGH." MIDDLESBROUGH 3837. COKE & BY-PRODUCTS DEPARTMENT, Middlesbrough. Telegrams ,,' By- PRODUCTS, MIDDLESBRO'OGH," Telephone - MUlDLESBROUGH -!2402. MINERALS DEPARTMENT, Middlesbrough. T elegrams Telephon r. - "DORCOAJ" MIDDLESBROUGH. " - M1DDLESf;lROUGH 3402. PIG IRON DEPARTMENT, MiddJesbrough. ' Telegr(m~s - "DORIRON, l\1IDDLESBROUGH." Telephone - MIDDLESBROUGH 3402, " BRIOK WORKS AND CONCRETE WORKS. Telegrams Telephone - "DORDOCK, MIDDLESJJROUGH," MIDDLESBROUGH -S001 . .. .. 5 DORMAN, LONG & CO" LIMITED . . • " LONDON OFFICES: 55 .. BROApWAY, WESTMINSTER, S ,W,I. Telegrams "Pugilism, Sowest, London.''' TeZei,hone' . ', VictorilO. 9600, London Oonstructional Yard, Stockyard and Wharf. .. NINE ELMS, BATTERSEA, S,W,S, . . ' \ Telephone - , Brixton ,1595, London Office for Sheet and Wire Departments. i' 110 CANNON STREET, TeZegram,s T elephone I - E,CA', "Trefi.leur, Cannon,' London ," City 2213, MANCHESTER OFFICE: 9 , II ALBER'!' SQUARE, Telegrams Telephone "Dorlong, Manchester." . ·Blackfriars 2231/2. I , NOTTINGHAM: LLOYDS BANK CHAMBERS, MARKET PLACE, Telegram s Telephone - "Dormanlong, Nottingham," 41123 Nottingham, . INDIA: DORMAN, LONG Telegrams 1;.elepMne Stockyard & Co" Lv" S CLIVE STRb~ET, CALCUTTA, "Dormlong, Calcutta," CalCntta 2659, Kidderpore, CalCutta, , " 6 . DORMAN, LONG ~'. CO. LIMITED. • ASSOC1ATED COMPANIES. SOUTH AFRICA: WADE & DO~AN, LD. , . UNION OONSTRUCTION COMPANY, LD. jOHANNESBVRG-BARSDORF BUILDING, MARSHALL STREET. . . ~ ' \NORKS ;.-GERMISTON, '" . , SOUTH AMERICA: . " , CIA. BRITANICA DlJ: CONSrRUOOIONES DE ACERO LTDA., r· .. CALLE ,BALCI>.RC;e: 278, B[JIl:N'OS AIRES, ARGENTINE H.EPUBLIC. VVORKS :-CAI.LE ,FERRi 1900, NVERA P OM PEYA, BlIENOS AIRES. ., 'T elegraPhic Address . i - ' " Britanica, Buenos Aires." .. .' 7 ,, " f DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. : AGENTS IN THE UNITE:D KINGDOM. NEWCASTLE-ON·TYNE. Alexander Leith & Co., Sun Insurance Buildings, Collingwood Street. Telegrams Telephone - "Echalaz, Newcastle." 24095 i~" ewcastle. BIRMINGHAM AND SOUTH WALES. Hesketh Wright & Co." Ne'wton Chambers, Cannon Street Birmingham. Telegrams Telephone - "Steelyard, Birmingham." Central 5425, Birmlngham. : SCOTLAND. Reid & Rennie, 156 st. Vincent Street., Glasgow. ' . Telegram s Telephone, - " Renato, Glasgow." Central 14,5, Glasgow. SOUTH WALES :. (Ferro.Manganese and Spiegelelsen only). • Arthur O'Brae & Son, Commercial Buildings, Port Talbot. Teleg'r ams , Telephone - "Probe, Port Talbot ." Port Talbot 319. AGENTS FOR THE SA;LE OF TRAMRAILS; , ALEX . ' M c BEAN & SON , LrCHFIELD ' STREE'f, \VOLVERHAM1?TON. T elegl'ums Telephone - "McBean, \iVolver~lampton." Wolverhampton 609.· , ' Az , 8 ., DORMAN, LONG &. CO·;' LIMITEr>. .. ." ', . .. AGENTS ·ABROAD. • AUSTRALIA. AustraUan Iron & Steel, Ld., Kembla Building, G.P.O. Box, 7940.; 58 Margaret street, Sydney. Telegrams . "Ironsteel, Sydney." Australian Iron & Steel, Ld., Constructional Department, 203 Grant Street, South Melbourne. " lronsteel, Melbourne." Telegrams NEW ZEALAND. .. John Duthie & Co., Ld., Wellington, New Zealand. LONDON OFFICE-23 Lime Stre.e t, E.C.3. N. W. INDIA. . . B. R. Herman & Mohatta, Ld., McLeod Road, Karachi. Stockycwd Karachi.. UGANDA AND KENYA COLONY. Isherwoods, Ltd;, Nairobi, Kenya Colony, British East Africa. Telegrams :!' "Balimar, Nairobi." . CHINA. ,. For Cinstructional Worl~ : .. A. Cameron & Co. (China), Ld. . '. 2L JINK.b:E ROAD, SHANGHAI. "Ingots, For Plain Materjals:- .. Samuel Ot;Qorn & Co., Ld., Telegrains - Cay BANK Tele¥rams NATION Al. Shangha~." Bun.DIN G. 2A KlUKIANG HOAD, SHANGHAI. "Handheart, Shanghai ." EGYPT. Associated British Manufacturers (Egypt), Ld. CAIR.o-l(hedi\'ial Buildings, Sharia Emad el Din. SUDAN· Khartoum. · ALEXANDRIA- 13 # bis,. Ru e Fouad Ier. FRANCE. La Grande Union des Industries et des Transports de L'Entente. 36 LIEGE, PARIS. T elegrams - "G1.!ite. Paris." Telep hone - Central 93-96. R UE DE . - AGENTS FOR 1HE SALE OF FERRO-MANGANESE AND SPIEGEI,EISEN : . . . ~ . .... CANADA. A. C. LESLIE & Co .. LD .• MONTREAL. SOUTH AFRICA. W A DE & DORMAN, LD .• DURBAN. AGENT FOR SALE OF Sl'lEGELEISEN : . U .S.A. C. W. · LEAVITT & Co., 30 6lUR.CH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. . • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. PRODUCTS. STEEL BY THE BASIC OPEN HEARTH PROCESS. BRITANNIA STEELWORKS. Rolled beams, channels, angles, bulb angles, tees, troughing, bridge and flat bottom rails and other sections for Engineering, Shipbuilding and Constructional Work. BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTIONAL WORKS. Steel Frame Bu~ldings, Workshops, Bridges, Storage Tanks, Pipe Lines and Structural Steelwork of ·· all descriptions. REDCAR AND CLEVELAND IRON AND STEELWORKS. Steel Plates for Shipbuilding, Engineerirlg and Constructional wtlrk, including Universa,L Plates with rolled edges, passing the British Standard Tests, Board of Trade, Admiralty and Lloyds. CLARENCE IRON AND STEELWORKS. Blooms, Slabs and Billets of steel, in carbon content ranging from dead soft to 1'25% carbon, for the manufacture of .wire, springs, files, saws, forgings, stainpings, agricultural implemeI!ts and motor vehicle parts. Conductivity steel to stand General Post Office, India Office and British Railway Tests .. . Railway rails to British Standard Sections,, or to buyers own section and specification. Speciality-High carbon rails, high silicon rails, and electric conductor rails. " '. ,. . 'i . .., 10 , '. ,----------------------------,~. '.: DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . ,- I, .. , ACKLAM IRON AND STEEL WORKS. Railway rails-both flange and bull head-fishplates, soleplates and sleeper plates-to any section. , Grooved girder tram rails and accessories, to British Standard Sections or to buyers own section and specification. NEWPORT IRONWORKS. , In addition to manufacturing pig iron, details of which .. will be found unper « Pig Iron D,epartment," these works • have an extensive slag crushing plant, and ' the following •• grades can be suppl~ed :Dry anfi ' tarred slag Dry slag'to any gauge Rolled pea slag Special qne slag .. -' for roadmaking . for concreting. for drives and footpaths. for concreting . • . A YRTON SHEET MILLS . ... Black shee,ts, clos~ annealed and patent 0attened. Galvanized,steel sheets, flat or corrugated, curved or plain. Galvanized Scandinavian tiles; also ridging, ra.inwater goods and galvanized fittings. CLEVELAND WIRE MILLS. .. Wire rods and: bars for ferro· concrete ; galvanized ' telegr.:aph wire ; fencinr;; wire (galvanized, varnished, barbed ' and strand) ; signa,l strand; subl'N\9,rine cable wire; galvanized steel hawser wire; and bright patent and plough steel wire for Colliery and Lift ropes. • '. :'. ; . ' :' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . • . = -- .. tOKE AND BY -PRODUCTS. Coke, tar, creosote, benzol, sulphate of ammonia;' and , all the chemical by-products of c<lal. Note.- There is a large tank instalJation for the storage of creosote in close proximity to the Company's wharf, with faciJities for shipment in bulk. MINES AND COLLIERIES. Coal for steam raising, bunkers, coke making, gas producing and household purposes, from : ~Mainsforth Colliery Ferryhill. Sherburn Collieries .. Nr. Durham. , Browney Colliery Nr. Durham. Tursdale Colliery Ferryhill. Bowburn Colliery Nt. Durham. South Brancepeth Colliery Spennymoor. Dean and Chapter Colliery , Ferryhil1. , Auckland Park Colliery Bishop Auckland. Newfield Colliery .. Newfield, Willihgton, Co. Durham. Leasingthorne Colliery Bishop Auckland. Westerton Colliery . . Bishop Auckland. Cleveland Iroristone Mines are as follows :. Park Pit Skelton. Lumpsey and Carlin How Brotton. Kilton . 't.. Brotton. Spawood ." • Guisborough. Skelton-inNorth Skelton , Cleveland. South Skelton Boosbeck, Skeltonin-Cleveland. Eston Eston. .. ', . Northampton Ironstone:Burley Quarry , " .' , I , , . . ' Limestone :~ Parson Byers Quarry Newlandside Quarry .. • Nr. Oakham. Nr. Stanhope. Stanhope, Co. Durham. 12 .~ . ,. DORMAN, LONG & ;,CO . . LIMITED. \ SILICA BRICKS~ For Coke Ovens and Gas Retorts. GANISTER BRICKSFor Open Hearth Checkers, Flue Uptakes, etc . • FIREBRICKSLumps, Quarls, Ladle Bricks, and to customers own designs. Brick Works, Hunwick, near Willington, and South Brancepeth Colliery, near Spennymoor . • • PRESSED P LATE BRICKSE;ngineering and Building. . Works, Leasipgthorne, Bishop Auckland. . . CONCRETE GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTIONIncluding Flags, Kerbs, Fence and Gate Posts, Steps, Sills, Heads, Mullions, Coping, Cornice, Corbels, Gate Pillars and Caps, Sundials, Bird Baths, Vases. ARCHITECTURAL DRESSINGS. CRUSHED ANNEALED SLAG. ARTIFICIAL STONEFor Public Buildings, Churches, liospitals, Schools" Picture Halls, etc. ,. CONCRETE WORKS: SOUTH • . BANK.~ .. ' ". DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ~'~~.--',-~..= = =-========== = == = = = = 1 PREFACE . • T HIS reprint of th~ Handboo~ is necessary on ac.coUJ.t of the recent mcorporatlOn of the properties <f Bolckow, Vaughan & Co., Ld., with those of Dorman, Long & Co.) Ld. , The whole of the products and manufactures of the Company are dealt with. The rolled sections conform to the requirements of the New British Standard Sections determined by the British Engineering Standards Associa. tion in 1924. The computations of the data have been carried out by our own' staff and will be found to be in accordance with the best modern practice. Tne accuracy attained m the calculations enables us confidently to recommend the use of the, book to Architects, Engineers, and all those engaged in Bridge '- Building, ' Constructional Engineering, Shipbuilding and Allied Industrles, for which our \products are suitable.' . , • -, 14 , ,- • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. !I=_==~~=-~---~---~---~---~--~ - --=----=- =-=-=-= - ""T='~=~~=~-~=~~~~==""= .--' Our Bridge and Constructional Works-Middlesbrough, having installed a po\yerfulhydraulic press can now supply • a large variety of pressed flooring. Full particulars of the ,- , present range of standard sections are given on pages 209A -, to Z09D and particulars of other sections of flooring and , - kerbs on pages 2Q9FJ and 209]'. Arrangements can, how- ever, be made to supply other sections when the tonnage required warrants the purchase of the necessary tools. We take the opportunity of acknowledging the kind , ,- permission .of the British Engineering Standards -Associa~ tion to include in 'the Handbook a copy of the" British , Standard Specification of Structural Steel for Bridges, &c., and General Building Construction, No. IS-revised May, 1930, " and their sanction to make use of the tables of properties of British Standard Sections published by the' ... Association . DORMAN, LONG & CpMPANY, LIMITEb. /' , , '. Ib DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED . . GENERAL NOTES. STEEL. All. Dorman, Long & Co.'s steel is manufactured by the BASIC OPEN HEARTH Process, which ensures a reliable and uniform product. TESTS . The Company's standard product will give the followmgresults under test : 28/33 tons tensile stress per square inch. 20% elongation in eight inches. . 40% reduction of area at point of fracture. • The Steel meets the requirements. of His Majesty's Government, British Standard Specifications, The London County Council, Lloyd's and other surveys, 'and Railways at home and abroad. STRESS . . There has been in recent times a tendency towards a somewhat increased tensile strength of steel; the British Engineering Standards Association . has already raised its upper limit to 33 tons per ' square inch. • I Under these circumstances, the tables given in this Handbook are based on a safe extreme fibre stress of 8 tons per square inch) this bei~g, in the Company's experience, a perfectly.safe limit. SPECIAL STEEL. Such as Copper Bearing Steel, Admiralty liD" and i, D.' 1," and oth~r High Tensile Steels, can be supplied to meet Customers' requirement~.· • . . ~ 16 . • .. , - " DORI'vlAN, LONG . & CO. LIMITED . . .- " ROLLING MARGINS.' The usual Trade margin is claimed in rolling sectional material, namely 2~% above or'below the dimensions and weights listed. Sections, whether from rolls or stock, are cut to a margin of 1in. over or under specified lengths. An extra is charged for cutting to within Mn. of exact length, and for machining square.' BRITISH STANDARD SECTIONS. Full information as to the dimensions and properties of the New British Standard Sections is given, and a wider range of tables will be found in this Handbook than in the , Company's previous publicq.tions. Some time will, of course, elapse before the New British, Standard Sections are adopted generally, and some of the Old British Standard Sections will be on the market untif the rolls for these sections ate out of use. It is, therefore, necessary in the prynt issue to give particulars of, the old as well a,s the new sections.' Particulars of the olet sections are printed on PINK PAPER to enable them readily to be found and distinguished from those of the New British Standards. Other sections, which have on occ.a sions been " ' rolled by the Company to meet a special demand, will also be found on the pink paper. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . . . PLATES. The Plate Mills manufacture ordinary plates up to 108in. wide, a~d, in addition, plates from a Universal Mill, with RoUed Edges, up to 45in. wide. Universal Plates are suitable for all classes of constructional steelwork and structures or plant of any kind in which Plates are used . . The rolled edges being parallel eliminate shearing and edge • in planing, thereby affording to the user a great reduction labour and waste. ·Full particulars are given as to sizes of ordinary and Universal Plates. BRIDGE & CONSTRUCTIONAL WORKS. The Bridge and General Constructional Works at Middlesbrough are well equipped with thoroughly modern plant for the rapid fabrication of aU classes of structural work, including Bridges, Steel Frame Buildings, Workshops, Storage. Tanks and Steel Pipes of all sizes. The Company . also maintains Constructional Shops with up-to-date equipmel1t at Nine Elms, London, and at Calcutta, India. ' . The Company is associated for structural work with Wade & Dorman; Ld., who have shops at Durban and Johannesburg, and with The 8ritish Structural Steel Co., Ld., who have shops at Buenos Aires . .1- All these establishments are well equipped for the execution of orders for all classes of structural work, and maintain extensive stocks of material. . I • . r , " . • 18 DORMAN, LONG & , CO. LIMITED. " Whilst every Steel ' Frame Building or Structure demands individual tr~atmeht in, design, it has been found ?ossible to standardizeJhe details of Constructio~al Work 111 order to secure economy to the Customer. It wlll enable the Company to ensure quicker delivery of material if , standard details and workmanship are specified whenever possible. Large technical Staffs are empl~yed, and the Company is prepared to submit designs and estimates. PIG IRON. In addition' to the Company's output Elf basic pig iron for their own steel furnC1.ces, they manofactu{efor the . . ,' market the following well-known brands of pig iron : Brand. Iron. " Clarence " Special, Cleveland and Basic. " Redcar " Cleveland and BC1.sic. " AckLam " Do. do. Do. do. " B.S. Newport" " B.S. Hematite ~' " Cleveland " ClevelC1.nd. " B. V." Sandless and Sand Cast Basio. " COAL SHIPPING PLANT. In order to save the necessity of vessels thC1.t 'bring cargoes of raw materials to Middlesbrough having to proceed to other ports to load return cargoes of Coal ' or Coke, the Company has just completed a modern Coaling Plant capable of bunkering and loading steamers up to 6,000 tons capacity with four holds, :~ without movement. This Plant is situated at the Company's Port Clarence Wharf on the North Bank of the River Tees. '. , , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. The Plant is of latest design and effici~ncy, and 15 capable of Shipping at the rate of 500 tons of Coal or 300 tons of Coke per hour; thus immensely improving upon the facilities which have hitherto existed in the river, and offering vessels the quickest possible despatch. SHIPPING FACILITIES. The Company's wharves on the River Tees ar.e as follows ;Steum or Rlc(:tric F1' . . FT. C LARENCE 6 J 4 Eledric Upper Wharf 1037 900 LowerWharf 800 800 500 RED CAR FT. FT. FT. IN, 420 26 30 0 0 8 4 Electric 420 56 56 3 Electric 400 50 [ 24 \ 2 Steam 410 I I NEWPORT Upper Wharf 490 490 L owe.r Wharf 400 400 BRITANNIA 4 4 Steam Electric 300 400 38 I 21 53 23 0 0 41 5 450 23 20 3 E1 ectric 360 55 23 0 958 947 31 26 9 Electric 380 52 31 0 ' 619 608 24 [ 19 380 52 24· 0 SoU1'l~ BANK ·WHARF-,,· ~ep Water Berth' Shallow Water Berth There are also adequate railway conne.ctions with Middlesbrough Docks, from which regular and frequent sailings take place to all parts of the World. The wharf at the Company's Nine Elms Constructional ,Works on the Thames at Battersea, is 350 feet long and provided with ample facilities for discharging the steel which comes by sea from Middlesbrough, and for barging fabricated steelwork to customers' wharves on the Thames . . • .' . 21 , - DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. REDCAR & CLEVELAND ·. . . IRON & STEEL WORKS IRON & STEELWORKS. ROLLING MILLS STEEL PLATES · ./ .. ~ . 23 .• DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . • REDCAR & CLEVELAND IRON AN]) STEEL WORKS BASIC OPEN HEARTH STEEL i STEEL PLATES for Shipbuilding, Engineering ahd Constructional Work, Pipe Lines, etc. UN IVERSAL PLATES with PARALLEL ROLLED Edges suitable for Constructional Steelwork and Structures or Plant of any kind in which plates are used. BRANDS: "DORMAN'S REDCAR STEEL" "DORMAN'S CLEVELAND STEEL;" STAMPED ON ALL STEEL PLATES. . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. DIMENSIONS OF STEEL PLATES ROLLED. CONSTRUCTIONAL TH"\CKN ESS.ES, . _Thickness Incbes Sixteenths Decimals 1\ ,, , lle- 'lS75 '25 '3125 '375 '4375 2 I ' ,, '5.0 ,, Ilf '5625 '625 '6S75_ , ,, i i 1~ , ~ , , , 5 ' , 6 , . -Ii , " , " " 3 ' 4' , ' -g U ., 1 .. , ... 1~ , " 7 , .. , +& '75 '8125 'S75 '9375 1'.0.0 Ii 1'125 1'25 1'375 1~ ... .. 1'5.0 .. , Ii I! .. , .. , 1~ 1'625 1'75 l'S75 l.t .. ? Length : Feet .. , . 2 ... '" 2'.0.0 2!- 2 ' 25 , 2'5.0 2-1 2'75 .. , 3 Max, Area Square Feet. 3D 72 35 9.0 4.0 96 65 65 1'.00 2SD 335 1.05 36.0 DIameter Inches 72 12.0 26.0 90 96 1.0.0 1.05 , ,. .6 5 IDS IDS 36.0 I J • 65 IDS 3!3D IDS 65 6.5 65 65 IDS IDS IDS IDS 36.0 3.0.0 1.08 2S.o 1.08 25.0 1.oS 6.0 6.0 6.0 5.0 IDS IDS IDS IDS 23.0 21.0 2.0.0' IDS IDS , IDS ~OS lS.o , ... .. 2! ' Max, Width Incbes 3'.0.0· 5.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 . IDS IDS lSD IDS · 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 16.0 14.0 13.0 12.0 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 The widths are the maxima, but ·t he lengths arid areas may b e increased for Plates below the maximum width, subject to approved Specification, ' I .",. . \ ' \ I ' LONG .& CO. LIMITED. , DORMAN, , . - , ,. , UNIVERSAL MILL PLATES-M'AXIMUM SIZES. THIOKN,ESS IN INOHES WJdth in Inches ~ I 1\ % .ft % I I !rr I % % % 1 lYe 117~ 1 1)~ '" > gXTREME LENGTH IN FEET --- - · 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 80 90 . 80 90 80 72 72 72 65 65 65 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 72 72 '72 72 ' 72 65 65 65 65 65 . 95 95 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 72 72 '72 72 72 - 90 90 90 90 15 16 17 18 19 85 85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 9'0 90 90 90 9Q 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 20 21 22 23 24 85 85 85 85 85 90 90 90 90 90 95 95 95 95 95. 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 95 , 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 25 26 27 28 29 85 90 90 90 80 80 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 72 72 72 72 '72 65 65 65 65 65 65' 65 65 65 65 30 · 31 .. .. 34 · , 80 80 80· 80 80 95 95 80 80 80 95 95 85 85 85 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 ,95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95, 95 95 95 95 95 95 90 90 90' 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 72 72 72 72 72 65 65 65 65 65 ' , 80 80 .. 80 ' 85 Q5 80. 85 95 80 8if 95 80 8 ' 95 80 85 95. 95 95 95 95 95 , 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 90 90 90 90 90 90 80 80 80 80 80 75 75 75 72 72 65 60 60 65 65 60 60 60 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 95 80' 80 80 80 80 80 75 75 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 65 65 65 60 55 60 55 60 " 55 55 50 55 50 55 50 12 13 ·, 14 rs 35 36 " " ' , ' . " " ..... .. 37- " 38 39 · 40 41 42 43 44 45 , " ·, " . " .. .. .. .. .. , , .. · , · , .. , . .. , 80 85 80 85 80 85 80 . 85 80 85 80 85 95 · 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 - r Intermediate widths Can b~ supplied, For any intermediate size, use length giVe!l for next larger size, , I 27 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -- UNIVERSAL MILL PLATES-MAXIMUM SIZES, THICKNESS IN INCHES 1~ 1% 11% , 1){; ' 2 214 12 % , ..-- . .,._-.. .. 2 % 2% 2 % 2~ 1/ Width In Inches 3 ., ; EXTREME LENGTH IN FEET '": , 55 55 55 50 50 50 48 • 45 48 45 48 45 40' 40 40 60 55 60 I 55 60 I 55 60 55 60 55 50 50 50 50 50 48 48 48 48 48 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 55 55 55 50 413 48 50 50 . 48 50 48 48 50 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 60 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 60 60 60 60 60 55 55 " 55 55 55 48 ,45. 45 48 45 48 45 48 45 48 60 60 55 55 55 55 55 50 50 45 48 48 48 46 40 .38 50 50 50 45 45 45 45 45 45 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 38 38 35 38 35 38 II 35 38 35 35 35 35 30 60 60 60 55 [,·5 48 48 4S 48 48 45 45 45 43 38 38 38 32 32 32 28 28 28 26 26 26 25 ... 24 25 24 24 25 12 13 14 38 38 38 .38 3'8 32 32 32 32 32 28 28 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 26. 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24 24 15 . 16 17 18 19 38 32 38 38 38 32 32 32 28 28 28 28 28 26 26 28 28 26 25 25 25 25 25 24; 20 24 . ' ,.21 24 22 23 24 24 24 40 40 40 40 40 38 38 38 38 38 32 32 32 32 32 28 28 28 28 28 26 26 26 26 26 25, 24 24 25 25 '24 24 25 24 25 42 42 42 42 40. 35 35 35 35 35 ' 34 34 34 34 3.4 32 32 32 32 32 28 28 28 28 ·28 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 25 24 24 24 24. 24 30 31 32 33 34 40 40 40· 40 35 35 35 30 30 30 34 34 30 30 80 32 32 30 30 $0 26 26 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 . 23 23 35 30 80 30 $0 80 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 : 28 28 26 26 2.6 26 26 26 26 26 26 38 . 32 . " R.olling allowances on width specified 1" 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ' 24 24 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 36 ' 37 '38 39 ·23 2.3 23 23 23 23 40 .41 42 43 44 .45 over and 1" und~r. .. , , '~ . 28 CO. DORMAN, LONG & LIMITED. ' ,. • ., " , SLABS FOR . STANCHION BASES. . I , ;, Slabs suitable for Stanchion Bases can be supplied up , to 12 inches thick. An illustration of such a Base is shewn on Page 161. I Slabs ,up to about 8 inches thick can be s.upplied with I' I " tWo ' rolled edges from the Universal Mill, provided a ' sufficient number of the same width and thickness are , • . : ... ordered at one time . • , " " .. , , I" , r , I I DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BRITANNIA & CLEVELAND . STEEL WORKS AND ROLLING MILLS , .1 .• .: ' BASIC OPEN HEARTH STEEL ROLLED BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, BUL13- ANGLES, TEES, FLATS, TROUGH lNG, BRIDGE RAILS, FLAT - BOTTOM RAILS AND OTHER SECTI6NS. .• BRIDGE AND CONSTRUCTIONAL WORKS M I DDLESBROUGH ' " ,STEEL FRAME BUILDINGS, WORKSHOPS, 0 ', . . , .. " " BRIDGE~, SIORt!GE' TANKS, PIPE LINES, . ' AND ALL CLASSES OF STRUCTURAL WORK . . , . ' , .. , ... 61 II' . DORMAN; LONG & CO. LIMITED. I NOTES ON SECTIONS. REFERENCE MA~KS.' The ref~rence marks determined by the British Engineeririg Stan4ards Association for the neW British Standard Sections have been generally adopted 'tl1roughout this work as a ready means of identification, but other sections for which rolls are still . available and those to meet special demand, which are tabulated on the pink pages, retain the reference marks given in our, previous issues of the « Pocket Companion." WEIGHT OF STEEL-All calculations fot weights are based on a piece of steel one square inch sectional area and one foot long, weighing 3·4 lbs., or one ,cubic foot of steel weighing 489'6 lbs. MODE OF ORDERING MATERIAL.' Beams, Channels arid Bulb Angles should, be specified according to the weights per foot given in the -diagrams and tables, Rails to the published weights per yard, but Angles, Tees, Flats, etc., to the thicknesses required. VARIA nONS F~OM PUBLISHED WEIGHTS OR THICKNESSES.-The minimum weights' or thicknesses given on the diagrams and tables cannot be decreased, but may be exceeded if the tonnage ordered is sufficient to warrant a change being made; the effect upon the profile being as indicated on page 55. ' It should be observed, however, that such change is ,only of limited extent. • " • 'B ." • 32 DORMAN, LONG .&. C<t. LIMITED. . ,. •• B.EAMS ( GIRDER SECTIONS) , ,f(- - - - - - - -7 1V2 "- - - "- - - - '?',' :<--- -- -- -- 7 I II I -- - ----- -~ . , , '. ' "'\'II," ~' , \'II \'II • ,, . I .' N.B . S . B. 18. 1J "4 ,. x, .,.1/ , 72 11 x 90 lb. pe r foot. N.B.S , B. 17. 22" x 7)) X 7 ~ Ibs; per foot. '. FOR t:'ROPE.R T IES Ii<. SAF'E LOADS SEE PAGES S6, 69 , 72 AND 73 . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BEAMS. (GIRDER SECTIONS) I 6 1' " ----,--)< ""-------r2 . . ,' , I ,~.----- 6"··-----~ I 1 1 1 ~I o t\I I· I· I I· 1 I· 1 ,, - ~ <XI I ~' 1 ....to I 1 1 1 1 I I · ,. t 1 , I , • N.B.S.B. 16. 20" X 6 Xlii ~ x 651b. per foot. N.B.S.B. 15. N.B.S.B. 14. II 18" x 6 '· x 55 Ibe per foo·l il' 16 x 8 x 50 lb. per foot. FOR PROPERTIES & SAFE LOADS SEE PA·GES 68, Q9. 72 AND 73 . • 34 DORMAN, LOI'JG & CO. LIMITED.. BEAMS .(GIRDER SECTIONS): , :<------ 6 '"·- --- --~i 'f • , , ,:1 "I.: " ,I: " "., , 0(- - - - - I 1 .. .p ··5 V2- - - - - c -)<, 'I , , ,' ... , ,. " ' 37 " .' 35" ,, ..,, , N . B.S.B. 13 . '5")c 6 N )'; -. ,, .,, 45 Ibs per foot~ I " I ,' .. N. B. S . B .. N.B.S.B.12. l1.~ '13"x .s "x 351bs porfoot. 14")( 5 ,l-2/t x 40 Ibe per foot.1 11 F'OR PROPERTIES & SAF'E LOADS SEE pAGES 68;. 159,72 AND 73. " 35 'DORMAN, LONG & BEAMS ... , 1./. :<--- -4/2 ,! CO. LIMITED. , . (GI RDER SECTIONS) f -----)-. r -<- ---·-4 ----,., I ~ " " . '. I ,'. ,. :<-- --- -- 5 I n ~ -.--- ,' , i O'l • " N,B,S.B g, . I' 10", 4 )i2" · 251bs per fool. N.B.S.B , 8. /I II 9 " 4 x 21 1bs p., foot... • I\I.B , S .B. 10. ·2 • 'N 12 X· 5 x 30 lb. per foot. N , B .S .B. 7 . N.B .S . B. 6 . 7 "" 3 )'2" x 15 Ibs per fool. FOR l"A.9 l"E,ATIES & e h x 4 '" 16 Ibs per foot SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 68,69.72 AND 73, . 36 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . • BEAMS (GIRDER SE<;:TIONS) \ ,,! ,,~-- 2 - -)-',, '19", >< N.B.S,B. 4.' ,' ,~ <:t, , ·N,B.S,B. 3 . . 5"x 2J.li"x 91b. per foot. 472" x 211:K 7 Ibs. 'per foot. • N.B.S.B. 5. H " ' 6 x 3 x '12 lb. per foot . .' ',<-1 1'1'" Y2 0>' " ~ , -I: '16" .> ~, , < C'?, '249"~. i N.B.S.B. 1. 3" x lJ.li" x 4 lb. per foot. 4'/:K N.B.S.B. 2. 134 '/ X 5 Ibs' per foot. FOR PROPERTIES &. SAFE -LOADS SEE PAGES 58,59, 72 A.ND 73. 37 - CO. LIMITED. LONG & DORMAN, - -=================~=== I BEAMS (HEAVY BEAMS AND PIL L ARS) • '<i---- c-- -- . S' "- - - - ..-- - - - -p.t : I' • , "tD 0) ) ,. ) , )' " I N,B , S _H . B. 11. N'.B . S.H.B . 10. 18" x 8" x 80 lb. per foot. 16h x 8 " x 1S'lbs per foot. FOR PROPERTIES &. SAFE LOADS ' SEE PAGES ES8, ES9, 12 AND 13. 38 DORMAN, LONG & CO .. LIMITED. BEAMS' (HEAVV BEAMS AND PILLARS) " ------- --- - -- 8"-· : -c~ - ---,--- · .. • :~ - - --- ------I 8"-------------»i' .... I I : ' •• - •••• ., 8" ---~ - ------->;: ~ --I ,, I, . , ... .,, " o ..... N,B.S.H.B,9 . I, ,, , 14")( Sf" x' 70 Ibs per foot. , N.B.S . H.B. 7. N,B.S.H .B. 8. 12 x H a x 651bs ,per " 1/ fool 10 x ' a 17 0" x 55 lb. per foot. FOR PROPERTIES &. S'AFE LOADS SEE PAGES 58,59, 72 AND 73. ' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. . BEAMS <HEAVY BEAMS .AND PILLARS) !"<- . -- ----- 6 ---- ____ _.0>: I I 1/ I -- .- ----- - 7 If----- ---- .>:' , "o .... ·3 N. B.S.H . B. 1 H 4 x. N a x 10 lb. por foot : N.B.S . H.B : 6 . 10"" X 6 J'1 ')t 40 Ibs per foot. 9 N N.B.S . H.B. 5. x 1 x 50 lb. por foot . H . k, ----~- 4V2 ---- -?'' /I I ,,., , I • fI , ,~ - " ------- 6 IJ -------. , ,~- ------ 5 -------», " NB.S .H.B. 3. 6 x 5 x 25 Ibs par fool. " J'I ,. N,B,S,H,B. 4. elf x e")( 3 5 Ibe per foot. FOR PROPERTIES &. SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 58.59.12 AND 13_ --------------~~~.~ . ~--~-----=----~----------_ ' .r Bz ) 40 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITEQ. .' . .. CHANNELS .. • • ,, I ~: -", ,, r I I I , I ,, . .,,, '41" ~: tn '\"" , I ,,, '. ,, , .' N ~ ,,, N, B.S.C. 18.· . -'" 4". 4-4'$4Ib.pe r ft. N. B.S,C. 16. N,B.S.C. 17. 1.2". !5"x 4" x 36 '. 37 lb. per fl. FOR TABLE OF PROPERTIES SEE 4'. 3 ,1'33 lb. per ft, PAGES' 6 '0 AND 61. , , 4.1. DORMAN, LONG & , 1'" :<- -- - -3\1! --- ->: CO. LIMITED. CHANNELS ' ". - .. . 3>;' , 11. " :<-----372 -- -i>:, , I ,I < .::: I t;\J ...., " " (IJ .... , ~'I 4" (j) N,B,S.C. 15 , N.B.S.C. 11. N. B.S,C . 14. 12"" 3)1;"x 29·23Ib. per rt. g"" 3~"" 22'2 71b. per rt. 12"" 3)1;"x 25 ' 25 lb. per ft. • I ~. -- u · I 3 -_.)( : 1"· ,;<;.- - . - 3 Yz- --. i>,. ,:<.. -- 3 "'--i>:,' ,, ~, 0 2" .., ,, , ,N ,B. S.C . 12 . 10"" 3 "" 19 '28 Ibe per rt. FOA " •en N.B~S.C. 10. g ", 3 "" 17'4~lbe perrt TABLE OF PROPERTIES SEE .' 0 ..- N.B.S.C. 13., 10"" 3)1;"" 24'45Ib. per ft.. PAGES 50 AND 61. 42 . ... ' CO. LIMITED . . DORMAN, LONG & J" '. CHANNELS ' • 00, . , 8" •IX) ~ 2·" ... •r-.: , , N.B.S.C. 9. N.B.S.C. 8. N . B.S .C. 7. a Cx 3%"x 20·21Ib. per 'n. a "x 3"x 15,961bs pedl, 7 "x 3Y2''x lS ' 28Ibspern, " - - -3'~ - --~, ,, , • >. , , , ,, (() ,, ., , ., ' N.B.S.C. 6. 7". 3"x 14·22Ib. p.... ft. N.B.S.C. 4. N.B.S.C. 5 .. 6"x 3).2"x 16'4albs per n. I 6"x 3 "X 12 ·411bs por ft. ;,. :<--2--:>: , , , 11 " ,:<:- )2->:, , ' , \ , .: I • ,, \, , ,,:t' ; '2 ,, , ~, N.B.S.C. 3. N...S.S.C. 2. 5.", 2}!(, 10·22Ib. por n. 4 ", :f'x 7 ' 091bs por n. C'") N.B.S.C .. " 3< lY:z"x 4'61bs per n I FOR TABLE OF PROPERTIES SEE PAGES 60 AND 61. i I 43 PORMAN, LONG Be CO. LIMITED. ~~~~=============================== UNEQUAL, ANGLES N.B.S.U.A. 20: ·rhlckne.... 7L H 9/" 11.!n /1 6, 7'16 I 716. N.B.S.U.A. 19. Thicknesses J-io~ W '~6~ N.B.S.U.A. 18. Thlckne ..... " lL" 5/- n 3 /- n l ,n '/2 . / 9. /4. . N.B.S.U .A. 17. Thicknesses Vis': %~: %'~ N.B.S.U.A. 16. ·Thlc.knesses 3LH ]/" 5/" 3 F' /0 • 7 2. /8. 74. N.B.S .U.A. 15. Thicknesses S,, " 3/. H 1/" 5/ · /8, / 2, ( 3. ( 4. N.B.S.U.A. 14. Thicl(O e8~6S 3/ H l LH 5/." 3/" /8. / ". ( 8. /4. , FOR .. TABI.E OF PROPERT~ES SEE"'"PAGES 62 AND 63 • • 44 DORMAN, LONG & ~O; LIMITED. UNEQUAL ANGLES , N.B.S.U .A. 13. "... / If!) Thiokneaies 5, " 91" I/. n 5,1 " 116 , 78, 12 , 76. • I ,,1' , / . . r:; N,B,S.U.A, 7. " ""y... Thioknesses ~ ~ 11" 51 n Y" 1,IN 51 n " , / 4 . 716. 78 . 72. 78 . I , ' ,~ , ::I, ' ,N.B,S:U,A, 6, " "y N.B ,S.U,A, 12, ~ . ~,-.. Thiokneesea. 5/ " 3' " 11 " 51 N 716 , .16 , 12, 16 , , ;1', . S L,,'lI J1 .II 716 . . 18, 12. N,B,S.uA 5, \1" " " r!)\'!- Th iokn esses Thiokne •••• 1/. .11 "51 '\ ~ ~4 . . N.B.S.U .A, 11, . Thjckne.ss~s ' .II 3 / " 11' 11 :J,. ' (4, l IS . 78 , 12, 1/11 51. !il " 31." V "/I 5/ '" t' 71 e. l 'B. 12 . 7.8 . " l!. ... , I ~\ . . ";1' " . . . . i-: rv . . " ' )1.' N.B,S,U.A. 4, ~;... T hicknesses -=1I" ~ 1I . -=- "":J,. ' 116. (4, 71S, 7B,12 , 3f- 1f N.B.S,U .A. 10. 31."1 ) " T hIcknesses 51" 3 / " 11 " 5,1 " l IS. 7S. 12, 18. , , ~ N.B.S .U.A. 3. 'i' ,rv,,,,,.--"-- ~1> ~ , N,B.S.U,A, g, ",' Th icknesses 3,1 " 11 " 5/ " ~/ " 716, 78 , 12 , 78 ." l.i'- . ' ~ " " ~\'v~~~~' ~\ ~" ~, " - --=-- . . ,,; ~ , f). ' ,~- " ,/ • .~- -~:~ I' , Thicknesses ~ N ~ " ~ /I 16 . " ' "u. , £~~ 6. . N.B.S.U,A . 1. T hicknesses :y,6~ F'OR 16. t;/' Thicknesses 51 H 3/" II " ~/" 3/ " 7.16 , ./8, 12 j lB. %4. r,16". %". f116". W 'I. N.B.S.U.A. 2. .- ~~ - N.B.S.U.A. 8. Th icknesa8S '", . TABf.E OF' PROPERTIES SEE PAGES 62 AND 14:' Y16:' W 63. ..I ·45 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. EQUAL ANGLES N.B.S.E.A. ' 16. Thicknesses ,I" ~. Th lckness.s • / 51" 31N 71N I!!I " , "/// ~ 76. 74. 18. 116. 'J:::, N.B.S.E.A.14. Thioknesses Thlckn ••••• / 3L.... UII8L"3 1." 7/" 1" ;IS, /2, 76, ;/4. 1 B. " ' ,I;: /1" , "" "" "",/ . '~ " ~ ff 4, " ,:-:r '" """'"" " 3/'" 1/'11 7 6. 12. "" " /t?! ftN'"eS.EA .n=o -~,' " Thlo~no88e8 B. '~ N.B.:;.E.A.13. _ Thio.knes~e~ 61" 3 / "1 / " 5/ "3/" / 716. 78, / 2. 78. 1'4. ,/ ,¥ " ',.i.f. ~= / " N.B.S.E.A. 12. ~ rv _ - _ " \I,~" , ~, ~. = , ~~ ' .>,l -=--,/ .$'" ,.~" ,,0,~ _. - .__~ .,. " _" N.B.S.E.A. 10. 1/"5/" 3 J~/ 7J" 716,/4,716. 78,716. N.B.S.E.A.6. Thickness•• r," 16. II " 14. 3{" 16. %" S. / ' r-, _. -~ ., , "-=:=-' . 4.~ ' Thicknesses N.B.S.E.A. 5. Thickn ••• e. 31" lL U 51 " 116. 14. 716. o/,'H . 8. N.B.S.E.A. 4. Thiokne •••• ". " 11" 716~ 14. 51 716.". .., N.B.S.E.A.3. Thicknesses FOR = ~~ W~ 51" 3/" 1L" 5/" 3/." 7·16. 78. 12. 18 . 74. 1/" 5/" 3/" 11" 51" 3 .;" 74. 716. 7B.I2. 18. (4. " \~",, 'A'r~ N.B.S,E.A. 11. . ,. ~ '3/" ~ " -::;~. 0/," 1/" %"%,,,,1;: B.. 12 . . 8 • .4. ' ... ' .' .. " ;t , /r-~ NBS E A 7 rz".~ _~... Thlokn ••••• \\)t. 'J<.' Thioknesses 51 " 71 6. . :. . - ', '." _. 7' 3/'~ lI"fj/11 3..:::"11" _ '.". 716. /4 . 71 5, / 8,12. ',~ Thicknesses 7'1~~ ~~ TABLE OF • PRO ·PERTIES SEE PA~ES 64 AND 6~, • 46 DORMAN, LONG & • • CO. LIMITED . BULB ANGLES N.B.S.B.A. 18. 15" x 4" 45·4 Ibe per ft. ~ ,..: ..~ N.B.S.B.A. 17 .. 13Y21f x 4" I 3'8 '98 lb. peril :' ~~.~ I~ N.B.S.B.A.16. 12"X , 4/~ 32'62 lb. per ft. ," .~ N.B.S.B.A. 15. r ''j,: ~~ -~~.'<2'~. ~. tII.B.S.B.A. 13.. FOR TABLE OF PROPERTIES SEE PAGES 66 AND 67. 47 DORMAN, , LONG & CO. LIMITED. BULB ANGLES ' , " I I ~it .' N.B.S.B.A. 11. ,f}) t'J"x 3 %"x 17·951bs per ft. I 'J.': NB.S.B.A. 10. e"· 3",· 17 ·241bs per ft. N.B.S.B .A, 9. N.B.S.B.A. 8: 7 "x 3 "X 14 ' 62 Ibs per ft. N.B.S •.B.A . 5. 5~" x · 3~/ N.B:S.B.A. N.B.S ..B.A. 3 . . . S~ N. B.S.B.A. 5 " X 2Y2/( . 6'49 lb. per ft. :- _ I'>" "I .... ~ \ , '3"-1 "'- . ! N.B.S.. BA 1. . 4 " X. 2~'1 .. 6 '291bs per ft. ji FOR t • • TA.BLE OF PROPEFITIES SEe: PAGES 66 AND 67. 48 c,o. · .LIMiTED . DORMAN, LONG & • TEES • • , , ,<-"----- :<- ",- ...... 6 " ------0>'', , -~ - • •" • ,. N.B.S.T. 10 . N.B.S.T.9. Thlokn ••• e. Thicknesses ' lL N SiN 12. 18. ,, , ~, '¢ 1/> .5 /" 72'. 18. , , , , . , --- .. ---- ...~- ,, . 1 ~~- ',' .. ---- .. -, ':<- _...... -""- ,i , ,, N.B.S.T. 8. N.B.S.T,' 7, Thioknene, Thlckn ••••• U" 6/" 12 . 78 . 31N UN 18. /2. , _ ...... ,, .. ...... ~- 1 -y-------- " H. • t -J,..- , - 3 "---">0 :<-- .,.,-, - - 4 -- --)<, -1'- , .. , ~' (I') N.B.S.T. 6. N.El.S.T. 5. , Thloko~.se8 Thickne...s 3/" 1/ N 51 H 31 " 71 " 716. Ie.. 116. , -~------ "/8. 12 .. ,<- - 2 jl.12 -,.3>II I I ' -~-T' ~ " ~, ~- ~ ,0<:- 2 -;", I "I T -.';. ,C\l, 'V' ------ - -- .', (I') v• .... ----~- 41Vi'~ , , l -; ,- ~ ' ~ .. , '- - ~ - '¥- ( , N.B.S.T. 4. N.B.S.T. 3. N.B.S.T. 2. Thicknesses Thickn ••••• Thlckn •••• s I )"N 51 T4. N 71&. 8/" 78. W o/,6~ %~ F,O ,R TABLE OF' PROPERTIES SEE ..... 31 " UN 716. /4. PAGE 68 . • ,. 49 . DORMAN, LONG, & CO. UMITED . STEEL TROUGHING o MAX. o MED. o MIN, ,. , .' '<to FOR FLOORING COMPOSED OF THE ABOVE SECTIONS • SEEPAGES lB9 TO 20B , 50 • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. I====·~=-·· ~=-====='=="=========-=====I • STEEL TROU'GHING • • ~-~-- '" 6~'-- - --;>i : .' -~~- - -' ~ I ~ ~ .....~ ' .....-:-..'....-..:::..,.;:: 55°59' .' , I ,/ ~ \ '~"" "" 438" ,. C \ MIN , " ~, / • • i , k~--- • oA , 4 ~-~.>~ ___ " ·,V.:_ ~':-l'" 60 15~ .' '370" ·193~ . , 0 MAX , - A FOR I ~ !,../,\: \j) ~i$: ~/ -- MIN. F"LO'ORING COIVIPOSE:O OF THE ABOVE SECTIONS SEE PAGES 189 TO 208. 01 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BRIDGE RAILS -- -.. --- --. ~- I I ~ ('I') ,,<. ----- --- - -- 6 I IL" 72 - - - - - - - - - - .. ->, I B.R. 5. 70 lb. per yard . . - - - - - - - - - - -AI ~ C\II , I _'l!_ :« -- - - -- - - - . - 6 '~ - -- - - - - - - -). , ·1 ,. B.R. 1. 56 lb. per yard. ..... -----c£,' -- --- - ~­ ' '", - ~ ~ , .'f_ , . . 51," .. ,<, --. - --3 78- - ,- - ) ,, ~ . ---- 3~'~----yi • I B.R . 6. B.R.2. 26 lb. per yard. 24 lb. per yard. -----~- ~ ",",=~-y' '''' -. - - 3 78• - - - -?'I " :.:- ~ - --31lt --- I " - ~---3%"--. I B.R.4. B.R.3. B.R. 7. 2.0 lb. per 31/' '' 16 lb. per y~rd. y~rd 16 lb. per ...... • l'.r~ 52 DORMAiN, LONG: &. CO. "LIMITED. 4 · FLAT BOTTOM RAILS ,, .. ----,-A--, , ,, , •'¢ , 'V. :~-- .. --------63~~- .c. -------~ F.B.R 9. 112!bs per yard. , ., ~ ~ t, ,, ~ b 25 lb. per yard . 26 lb. per yard . . • ' , . ~ F.B.R . 25. , ~ - -Z'63 fc ~ ' i.,.'2·57- F.B.R. 7. ! . 'lr, . 1', :<- - --2 3)( ---:.: ~(\J N, <}J , . F.B.R.8. 27% Ibe p"r yard: -- ---J,..- -~- , " ~ (IJ :<- -- 2 J.2~ - ->: ;.( - -2·4~ -.:;.: .~ - 2'38-->: " ' F.B.R. 1. F.B.A. 6. F.B.R.2. 24 Ib§ per yard 22 lb. per yard. 20 Ib;, per yord. .. , ,• :f'. - 'j( - --2~6~~, F.B.R.3. F.B.R.5. 18 lb. per yard. 1S lb. per yard. 53 ' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , SQUARES. ~ SIDES. Hfi %fI ftfl II, ,. 2 " % 11 II I %." 1%/1 1%" 1" l:tii II l y!;" ' 1n' l Y2" 111/' 1%" % 8 1%/1 2% /1 a" t.r" 'f 11VI 2" 1 ru 7 " 2%." FLATS. I§;'~~~~~ ~ ~'\~~~~~ Width Inohes ' Thicknesses In Inohes -- -Minimum Maximum Width Inches - I 11 10 9 8 7~-2 7 6Yz 6 " 5% 5 4)12 4 % ~ "" Tn ,)4 ~'l. 1 3}:y J. 3 12 1 1 1 1 1 1% 1 1 1 1112 ~ ~ ~ :4 ').:j4 Minimum Maximum Xl4, 'y,. 1 1% 1% 1% 1 1 1 1 1 ,. . oX; 3 2% 2Yz I % *. VI Thicknesses in inches 74. y,. %. Y4 2%, %. 2 1% lYz %. " %. Y1 Ij{ %. % 112 N oTE.-J<lats of greater thicknesses than those above will have Slightly rounded edges. • SOLID HALF ROUNDS. HOLLOW HALF ROU NOS. . ., 0" x I Y2/1 x 12' 02 Ibs. per foot. .n 2%" x 1 Xi, " x 1f2" 3/1. x 1% " xYz" CONVEX BARS, I 3(1 X 1/1 , ~~ X 8' 06 Ibs. per foot. - , . , 54 • ., DORMAN, LONG &', CO. LIMITED. , ROUNDS A.ND MISCELLANEOUS SEC1"IONS . • RIVET BARS. ROUNDS. DIAMETERS, §" 1/1 9 /I r6 1 1 ru -1&" "1" 1/ 18 I §/1 I ru 9 " 1~/1 2" 28lY 21/1 5 /I 1<1I" I Hl Il" I U" Lf' ~.'1 H/I 'B 8 DI.,,)I1'ETERS . • p'" i/l 5/1 '1 17 1~1l /I ~.I! ~91f 2],/1 25/1 g2~1/ -:l9 ttl " 3 5/1 UI! '2 32 1"'S' 1HI/··Ii" 32 29 11 ~~ " 84 4 au LB ::«----- 2 Y2 .. ,-----':>:, "' ,,. I 55 /1 Sil TEES, .... , , :,<--- ---- 2 ""---- -~J, " ,, ,,, • ~9" 1; :,) ::! ~C\I -", 01, , ·,,· • , ,, ,I _'::V__ , D . L. a, T , -v 1A. D,LB.T. 1e. 2Yz"X 2Y"II x,,6 '98 Ib, per ft, BOBBIN 2" X 2 "X 3'76 lbs rer ft. SECTIONS. FENCING, STAN DARD. " ,j(" ,, , ,,I , , , \. ~ .. r ~ : ••~ ' C\I , ~ ,, , ,,, --f-"Y-_ , --): , ,a lb. per ft. J. 6'661hs per ft. 2 "XY2"X%" ' " , \ 55 DORMAN, LONG & DIAGRAMS SHEWING SECT I ONS ARE ,THAN PROFILES ROLLED THOSE ,GIVEN CO. LIMITED. TO OBTAiNED WHEN THICKNESSES OTHER ON THE PRE,CEDING PAGES. The hatched portions indicate co rrld ct profiles, the blank portions the added materia l, • • ... • • u. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. 01 M ENSIONS, PROPERTI ES, &.c., OF" BEAMS, CHANNELS, UNEQUAL AND EQUAL . ANGLES, BULB ANGLES AND TEES. PIlVIENSIONS AND PROPERTIES.- Cornplete tables are given of dimensions and properties ' of the various sections illustrated, dimensions being in inches and properties in inch units. The areas and properties have been carefully calculated on correct profiles, and full sections without holing; • all fillets, rounded corners,' taper of flanges, '&c., being taken into consideration . LEAST RADII OF GYRATION.- The least radii of ,gyration have peen determined for all sections, and will be found in the tables, the values being given in inches. In sections such' as beams, channels, tees and equal angles, which . have an axis of symmetry, this radius is either to it. abou~ that axis or one at right angles In the case of unequal angles and bulb angles, having no axis 'of symmetry, the 'position of the axis, about which -the radius is least, has been calculated and is given in the tables; this axis being -marked in the diagram "minor axis.)) • ad • - ' 58 '. DORMAN, LONG & , CO. 'LIMITED. ~ ... , - , D,IM ENSIONS I • BEAMS. . 0 AND t PROPERT IES IN UNITS. ' INCH ' " For sale distributed loads see pages 72 and 73, 0 Relerence Mark Standard Weight , Thicknesses p,er roQt Web Flange lbs, I, i. Size Inches Centres of Badl! Roo,t r, Holes Toe r" C NBSB 18 " 17 e ' ~ ~ 1 ; ;98" ' , :'~ 1-- U ; .~ 16 " "II 14 " " H " t~ f<. ' v. " " " /I' H H. , ~Q,¥!,~ i ' .- , '0 i~, ." " '1 ~~ " H " , , '45 '42 '40 :65 '3S '820 '757 '72 6 '6,55 '61 ' 61 '61 "32 '30 130 'SO 25 '37 "'3 5 '33 '30 ' 627 '604 '507 '505 '57 '53 '53 '49 '28 '26 '26 '24 3 '25 2'75 2'75 2'0 '45 '45 '22 '22 '20 '18 2'25 2'25 2'0 I.' 5 '16 .. 75 65 13 20 x 6Yo 18 :< 6 16 x 6 15 x 6 12 11 10 9 14 x 5 Y. 13 x 5 J ?o x 5, , 1.0 x 4% 8 9x4 8x4 7 x 3% ' 6x3 21 18 15 12 ' SO '28 '25 '23 '457 '3 98 '398 '377 . 'S7 5 x 2Y. 9 7 5 '20 '19 '17 ' 16 '347 '322 '239 '249 ' '33 '29 '27 ' 2,5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 55 50 , 45 40 ' 35 4\1,x2 4 x 1')4 3 x 1% '36 1' 0 '34 , 4 ~0 '984 ' 73 . 8S,L.L . ,' 69 '" , i·' I '5 2 '50 90 , 15 , 24 x 7 % 22 >: 7 SO , 4 '41- 3'75 3'5' . S'p ' 3'5 '14 '13 '12 ' , .. HEAVY BEAMS AND , PILLARS, I, ,~ .. . , "8" . ." ' - • NBSHB 11 " .109 " ) H H " H H " " " " 8 7 6 5 4. 3 2 1 4'75 4'75 4'75 '77 70 '950 '938 '920 65 55 4Q 50 '48 '40 '36 '40 '904 '783 '709. '825 '77, '38 4'75 '77 ' '38 4'75 '61 'SO 3'5 'eg '3 4 . 4'0 35 '35 '33 '29 ' 24 '648 -561 '513 ' 347 '6,1 "53 '49 'T5 12 x 8 10 x 8 10 x 6, 9x7 8 x6 6x5 5 x 4% 4x 3 'S8 '38 'S8 '50 '48 ' 46 18 x 8 16 x 8 14 x 8 80 25 20 10 '77 , ' 77 '37 k Inclles "A" GiRDER SEC"nONS, " I ':,30 '28 ' 24 '18 S'5 2'75 2'5 1'5 CO. LIMITED, DORMAN, LONG & ._", ,.;:; • BEAMS. DIMENSIONS AND IN PROPERTIES UNITS , INCH For safe dIstrIbuted loads see pages 72 IIl1d 73. RadII of Gyration Moments of Iliertia Area Square About Inches x-x HAil GIRDER 1'36 8'01 7'21 6'4fl 6'10 1'31 1'21 1 ' 24 1'23 122' 6 93 ' 53 7'7'26 65'59 10'02 7'878 7'489 6'624 20 18 16 15 x 6 ~~ 14'79 10'82 8'770 6"486 5'66 5'25 4'84 4 '08 1'12 1'03 '997 '939 53'87 43 ' 62 34'49 24'47 5'377 4'326 3'508 2'883 14 13 12, 10 x 5 Y. x5 x5 x 4)1. 4'148 3 ' 506 2'408 1'461 3'62 3'24 2'85 2'44 '820 '814 '738 '643 18' 03 13 '91 10 '26 6'996 2'074 1'753 1 '376 '974 8 7 6 '789 ' 383 '186 '125 2'03 1'80 1 '58 1'19 '546 '43 1 '356 '326 4'364 2'957 1'832 1 ' 107 '631 '383 '213 '167 32'56 23'64 22'47 19 '87 10'91 , 6'652 " 3'664 1'660 HEAVY I' 51. I BEAMS AND 1292 973'9 705'6 69'43 68'SO 66'67 7'41 6'64 5'85 1'72 1 ' 76 1 '80 19'12 16'18 11 ' 77 , 14'71 487'8 288'7 204'8 ~08'1 65'18 54'74 21'76 40'17 5'05 4 '22 4'17 3'76 1'85 1'84 1' 36 1 ' 65 81'30 57'74 40' ,9 6 46'25 115'1 45'16 25'03 7 ' 786 19'54 9:876 6 ' 590 1 ' 326 3',34 2'48 2'06 1:63 1'38 1'16 1'06 ' 672 28'76 15'05 10'01 .3'893 • - x7 x6 x6 x6 9 x4 x4 x 3% x3 5 x 2V. 4V. x 2 4 x 1% 3 x I V. PILLARS, 23'5 3 22'06 20'59 10'30 7'351 5'882 2'940 , , - SECTIONS, )<..1 % 1226 841'8 618' 1 491 ' 9 2'647 2'060 1'470 1'177 About V-V 24 22 19'12 16'18 14'71 13 '24 81 ' 13 55'63 35'90 20'99 x-x 16" 12 11'73 9'61 8'72 i3'i'77 5'296 4 '416 3'533, About ' Inches 203'6 152'4 60'44 41'07 377'1 283'5 206'9 122'3 SIze About V-V x-x 2448 1677 "B ,., , About About V-V , 26'47 22'06 11'77 10'30 8'827 7 ' 354 Sectioll Moduli Inches 143'6 121'7 100'8 17'36 17 '08 16' 67 18 16 14 x8 x8 x8 16' SO 13: 69 7'253 11'48, 12 10 10 9 x8 x8 x6 x7 6'513 3'95.1 2'929 '884 8 6 5 4 x6 x5 x 4% x3 60 DORMAN, LONG , & CO. LIMITED: l ~ CHANNELS. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTI ES IN INCH UNITS, Standard Weight Size Inches Reference Mark Thicknesses RadU ~er , oot lbs, Wob t, Flange Root "t2 rj Toe r2 , ... Dimensien • p ,, ,- . IY .J 1"1 ,}95· ./ ~I '48 '68 '60 ' 30 '920 36'37 '41 '62 '60 '30 '96'7 31'33 '40 ' 60 '60 'SO 1'055 15 12 x 3'hH 29 ' 23 '40 '60 '54 '27 '901 " 14 12 x 3 ?1, L 2p'25 '35 '50 '54 '27 '849 " " 13 10 x 3 'h 24'46 '36 ' 56 '54 '27 '965 12 10 x S 19'28 ' 32 '45 '48 '24 '742 17 x 4 " 17 15 >< 4 "' 16 12 x 4 , ", , "'(elllr;OrGI3*t¥ • , EQUAL 4J~>I' I I ,i,. i 1~2 ~ Y ' " " 11 10 9 x 3 'h 22'27 ' 34 '54 '54 '27 1 '003 9 x3 17 '46 'SO '44 ' 48 '24 '781 " 9 8 x 31;4 20'21 'S2 '52 ' 54 '27 1'045 8 8xS 15'06 :28 '44 '48 ' 24 '834 7 7 x SYz 18"28 'SO ' 50 ' 54 ' 2'7 1'092 " 6 7x3 14'22 '26 '42 '48 '24 '875 " 5 6 x SY:, , 16'48 '28 '48 '54 '27 1'1'43 4 6x3 12' 41 '25 'S8 '48- '24 '890 3 5 >< 2 % 10'22 '25 '38 '42 '21 ''77S " 2 4x2 '7'09 '24 'SI '36 '18 '599 " 1 3 x 1¥. 4'60 '20 '28 'SO '15 '476 • "I" • "' , " • • , ' p x- 44'34 BBSC 18 "' 11 , l. r ,.. ; 10- • OJ. DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. CHANNELS, DIME";NSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS, Moments of Inertia Area' square Inches Radii of Gyration Inches Section Moduli Size , , About' x-x About v-v About x-x About v-v About X~x About v-v Inohes . 13'04 520'2 15'2~ 6'32 1'08 61'20 4'955 17 x 4 10' 70 349 ' 1 13 ' 34 5'71 1'12 46'55 4 ' 398 15 x 4 9 ' 214 200 ' 1 12 ' 12 4 ' 66 1 ' 15 33 ' 35 4'116 12 x 4 8'596 180'3 8'436 4'58 ' 991 30 ' 05 3 ' 245 12 x 3 y,. H 7'426 15fr" 4 7'066 4'59 '975 . 26'07 2'665 12 x 3 ¥.t 7'193 109'5 7'420 3'90 21'90 2'927 10 x 3 Y. 16'53 1'764 10 x 3 18'36 2'763 9 x S% 13'89 1'691 9x3 15'14 2' 595 8 x 3% 11 ' 68 1'652 8xS 12'24 2 ' 423 7 x 3 ¥. 9 ' 857 1'531 7 x3 9 ' 627 2'246 6 x 3 ¥. 6x3 1'02 5'672' 82'66 3 ' 983 3'82 6'549 82'62 6 ' 899 3'55 5'136 , 62'52 3 ' 752 3 ' 49 5 ' 944 60'57 6 ' 370 3'19 4'694 46'72 3'578 3'16 5 ' 376 4 : 182 42 ' 83 5'834 2'82 32'75 3 ' 255 2 ' 80 ,4'848 28'88 5'293 2'44. 3'650 21 ' 27 2' 8 25 2 ' 41 '880 7'090 1 ' 339 3'006 13: 87 1' 641 1'99 '739 4'749 '900 5 x 2 y" '838 1'03 '855 1'04 '873 1 ' 04 ' 882. 1 ' 05 2'085 5'063 '703 1'56 ' ,'581 2'53 2 '502 4x2 1'352 1 ' 823 '261 1'16 '439 1 ' 215 '255 3x1¥. 62 DORMAN, · LONG & DIMENSIONS AND CO. LIMITED. PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. • ,. Referenco M.Brk Size and Thickness .. .,'" ,d .,-.," "" <§ .,. fIl .. +> ,dO ",,0 ._'" ..... ~~ lbs • RadiJ 0 0 ~ Dimenshins ., 0 r,.. J NBSUA20 10 >< 4 20 " 20 " " x · 18 '54 ·38 3:70 ·70 '54 ·38 3·76 · 12 -54 '38 3 ·8.1' 19 9 >< 4 19 19 " " x '51 ·36 3 ·24 ·51 ·36 3'33 ·51 ·36 3·41 " ";, " " " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "" " " " " " !I " " " " ~)( :8 I , «:x ..::J>0, "'>«: Minimum Seotlon Moduli - 'S"X c>00 ,go "'x ..: <>- 6'00 9·81 1 ·83 7'50 12·50 2 ·33 8 ·90 15 ·12 2·81 ·84 ·83 ·83 :54 ·54 ·54 '54 18 8><6 18 18 " . 18 " P Moments oJ Inertia " " " " 17 8x4 >< 17 17 "". " " '48 ·34 2·80 '4S ·34 2·88 ·48 ·34 2'93 • 16 7 ><3%X 18 16 " "" 18 " ·75 ·74 ·74 ·73 " " 15 6 x 4 x 15 15 " " 15 " " " " 14 6 x 3)'2 x , 14 14 " " 14 " " " " 13 6 x. 3 13 13 " " 13 " " x 12 5><4 >< ·73 ·63 " " " " " " " " ·64 ·64 ·63 ·27 '27 ·27 '27 ·85 ·85 ·84 ·84 - - - DORMAN, LONG & CO. _LIMITED. UNEQUAL ANGLES. DI' MENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS CONTINUED . . Reference Mark . " " " " " " " " "•• " " " "•• " " "" " " "" .," " " " II o 5 6 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 4 Ij, "" " " " " " " " l) " " " " " " 8 8 8 8 Size and Thickness - x 3% " " 4 x3 " " " " " " " " 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 Xl~e x~ 2·091 2·485 ~ * 3'251 3·985 4·688 ~ )I )I ~ \ Radii - ., 0 Ibs. . ~ 0 ~ Dlmens10n5 J P --- - - -- - 8' 71 10'37 13 -61 16 -74 8-17 9-72 12·75 15'67 7-64 9·09 11 ·91 14·61 7- \1 8·45 11 ·05 13·55 15 -94 5·32 -6'58 7·81 10·20 12'49 4-89 6·05 7-17 x'4 1·564 \I 11 I'. 1'935 % 2·298 " " % 3·001 " " 3'673 " " % 1·438 312 x2%x y. 1-778 r. 2·110 " •• " " 2'750 9'35 " " 3 x 27(.xY. 1·313 4'46 f. 1 ·622 5'51 " " % 1·923 6-54 "" " Yo 2·501 8'50 " 3 x2 x fs ·903 3·07 4·04 " " -tY.'\! 1'188 1' 465 4'9<'1 " " % 1'735 5·90 "" " % 2'250 7·65 " 271" x2 xi\, ·809 2·75 '4. 1·063 3' 61 "It " 'n, 1·309 4·45 % I·M7 5'26 " " 2Y. x 1Y. x1\ '715 2-43 1·152 3·92 " .,"" 1'359 4'62 % " " 2 x l71" x ,o. '621 2· 11 - ·813 2·76 "" "" '996 3'39 1 '172 3' 98 % " " 7 3%x3 7 - ~~ :z 2'561 3'049. % " " % 4 ·002 " " % 4·924 " " 5 x3 xl'. 2 ·403 % 2·860 " " 7(. 3-751 "" "" % 4-610 4 x 37(. X-I'. 2-248 2·673 " " % 3·502 % " " % 4·298 NBSUA 11 5 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 -- '" .cg ~ ~".:I "''' e::~ Moments of Inertia - "X 0, .ex « ~- '36 ·35 ·35 ·35 ·35 ·33 ·33 -33 -33 ' 33 ·32 ·32 ·32 ·32 '32 '30 '30 ·30 '30 ·29 '29 ·29 -29 ·27 ·_27 '27 ·27 -27 ·26 -26 ·26 '26 ·24 ·24 ·24 ·23 ·23 ' 23 -23 .- 8111 ~~ ,,>0, -~x 0,X 0;0>- ""~ ~>- « «>- ~ -.,Q ,Q' . iO ~&:1 'I:l =:f! ]~ -~ -38 -26 '38 -26 -38 '26 -38 -26 -36 -25 -36 ·25 ·36 Minimum Seotion ModuIJ 1' 56 ·82 6· 46 - 2-62 j·88 1 '59 --85 7 -63 3-09 2-24 1-_64 -90 9·84 3-95 2-93 1-69 ·94 11-89 4-74 3 ·59 1'66 -67 6·14 1 -68 1 ·83 1-6& '69 7-.25 1 -97 2·18 -25 1 -73 . '74 9'33 _2-51 2'86 ·25 1' 78 ·79 11 -25 3·00 3-50 ·24 1 ·16 '92 3 ·47 2'47 1-22 ·24 1 . 19 . -94 4·09 2·91 1·45 ·24 1 ·24 '99 5·24 3·72 1-90 ·24 1 ·29 1 '04 "' ·28 4-45 2'3\ '23 1·24 ·75 3·30 1'59 1·20 ·23 1-27 ·77 3·89 1-87 1·42 ·23 1· 32 -82 4·97 2·37 1·85 ·23 1'36 -87 5·96 2-83 2'26 ·23 1 '41 -91 -6'86 3'24 2·65 -22 -I ·01 ·77 1-86 1·26 '75 ·22 1 ·04 '79 2 '27 1·54 '92 -22 1·07 ·82 2·67 j·80 1 ·10 ·22 1 · 12 ·87 3-40 2·28 1·43 ·22 1 ·16 '91 4-06 2-72 1-73 -21 1·09 ·60 1-75 ·745 ·73 ·21 1 ·12 ·63 2·14 -96~ ·90 ·21 1 '.\5 -65 2'51 1'06 1-07 -21 \·1 9 ·70 3-19 1 -33 1·39 ·20 '89 ·65 1·14 '71t ·54 ·20 ·92 -67 1 ·39 ·871 '67 '20 ·94 ·70 1'62 1·02 ·79 ·20 '99 ·74 2-05 1 ·28 1·02 -19 ·95 '46 ·815 ·289 ·40 ·19 ·98 ·48 1·06 ·375 ·52 -19 1· 00 '51 1 ·29 '45~ '65 · 19 Hi3 ·53 1'50 ·527 '76 ·19 1'08 ·58 1·90 ·65~ -98 ·18 ·75 -50 '490 '2?! ·28 · 18 -77 '53 ·635 ·358 ·37 ·18 ·80 '55 ·770 -4~ ·45 ·18 :82 ·57 '894 ·501 ·53 ·17 -83 ·34 ·446 · 12C ·27 '17 ·89 ·39 '697 -1~~ ·43 ·1 7 -91 ·42 -808 ·2 2 ' 51 ·16 ·63 ·38 ·239 . 11 ~ ·17 ·16 '65 ·41 ·307 '23 -28 -16 '68 ·43 '368 ·16 ·70 _ '45 ·425 '200 '33 ::~ -98 1 . 16 I-52 1-86 26 -76 25~ -75 257(. _ -75 -74 25 '65 '72 20 -85 19~ ,65 1 -n 19Y. -64 ·64 1'30 19 ·96 37 '72 ·72 1 ·14 37 '71 1'48 37 1'81 36% '71 ·71 28% ·64 ·84 28Y. '64 1·09 28% ·63 -63 1'32 28 1'55 27% ·63 ·62 ·56 36 ·70 35~ '62 -83 35~ ·62 1-07 35Yo ' 61 ·61 1·30 35 ·39 ·48 ·57 ·74 ' 39 ·48 ·56 ·73 -19 '25 '30 '36 ·46 . 18 26% 267(. 26 26 34 34 34 33Y. ·54 '53 ·53 ·53 ' 52 '52 ·52 '52 23% ·43 2371" -43 23 ·43 23 ·42 22Y. ·42 32 '42 ·42 '24 32 ·30 31 Y. '42 ·35 31 Yo ·41 ·10 19% '32 '_32 '17 19 '20 19 ' '.31 ·10 28% '32 '13 28 '31 · 16 28 '31 ·19 28 '31 . \ 64 DORMAN, LONG & -CO. LIMITED . .- EQUAL ·ANGLES. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITs. , - ' 4t ~ ~IX- MlnorAxls ,/T ,< : " x- ;s: - ~I " 1\.1 -y_ • ~------ NBIilEA.. 16 9 Square Inches xft: 18 · 286 14·128 15 -002 46·00 48·02 61·01 x6 x% 4 · 869 6 ' 750 7 ' 109 14 "82 19 · 66 24'17 8·487 9·734 11 ' 000 28·69 88 ·10 37 -40 " " 11 . 15 - 11 " 15 \I II ' 16 II 14 6 " 14 14 II 11 Yo II II % " 14 II " x.*- 14 14 " " 13 5 13 13 13 13 " " " " " II II 124 12 II 12 -II 12 12 " " iH2 " -X% +ti " -1 15 " " J % II " " Toe ·42 "42 · 42_ P " slon · 60 · 60 -60 15 II per Foot Ills. Root 26'86' 32·68 38 ,S9• \1 11 Moment RadU of Weight 1____,----___ IDlmen- Inertia 7 · 752 9 ·6H 11 · 439 158 " " -x ", -46 · 46 · 46 " " IX ·66 ·66 ' 66 II II " 33 -36 40 ·48 47 ' 49 )< 9 16 16 " I Area Size and Thickness Mark " 1 k~>i - - -. - .. -)----~---~-----.-----.------~----.---~.---.-~- Reference \I I , I""Centre of Gravity " - hi " ' H x8 xYo t'i,4 " \I 18 " 1 x5 x,; II I, " " % Yo % % x4 x I'g " " " II % Y. % * 9 -8U 11·905 13-968 About X- X 76 · 10 91 -64 106 · 35 11·67 14·08 16 -42 1-78 1 ·77 1 · 76 47·45 68·26 68 ' 68 8·11 10·06 11·94 1·58 . 1 ' {)7 1 ' 67 78·44 88·1W '87'85 18- 77 14 ' 66 15 · 66 1 · 56 1·66 1·56 1·61 14 · 96 1·66 . 19 ·48 1'71 _ 28·78 8·40 4·49 · 6 · 64 1 ' 18 1 ·18 1 ·17 6 -64 7 -51 8·46 1-17 1 · 16 1 · 16 7·20 1·97 · 99 8,53 2 ' 35 -98 11·04 3 · 08 8 -78 18 ·37 15 -54 - 4·46 \98 -'9:7 · 97 2 · 47 20· 52 ~ 8·029 8 ·611 4 · 762 6·861 6'98!! 2 ' 40$ 2 · 860 3 -751 4·610 6 ' 488 · 60 _ ·60 '60 ·42 '42 · 42 2 ·30 2 · 88 2 -35 . ·48 · 48 ·48 · 84 · 84 ·34 1 · 76 1 · 81 i·86 10·30 · 42 12·28 · 42 16 -i6 • · 42 19 ' 98 '42 23- 59 ·42 · 29 -29 ·29 ·29 -29 1 ·84 1 · 87 1 · 42 1 ·47 1 -51 · 36 ·86 · 86 ·25 · 25 · 26 · 25 -25 . 1 ,10 1 · 12 1·17 1'22_ 1·26 8'17 9·72 12 ' 76 15-67 . 18 ' 49 .M' ·86 8·61 4·26 : 5 · 46 6 ·56 7·57 , 1 · 24 1 ' 48 1 · 98 2·86 2·77 '78 '78 · 78 ,77- ·77 ,. - , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMiTED. -- EQUAL ANGLES. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS CO NTI N U E:D. - - !'l",{g RadII SIze and Thlokness Reference Mark Area Square Inches ---- ·30 ·30 ·30 ·30 ,80 ' 30 ·21 -21 ·21 ·21 ·21 ·21 ·88 ·85 '88 ·92 ·97 1·01 1 ·20 1·47 1·72 2·18 2 ·59 2·95 '55 ·68 '81 1·05 1 ·27 1 '49 -59 1-818 1,923 2·501 4·46 6·54 8·60 · 29 · 29 '29 ·20 ·20 ·20 ·76 ·81 ,86 ·902 1·188 1'466 1 ·785 2·260 8·07 4·04· 4·98 5·90 7'65 '27 ·27 ·27 ·27 ·27 -19 ·19 -19 -19 ·19 '68 ·70 ·73 ·75 ,80 -809 1-068 1-309 1'647 1 -778 2·75 8·61 4·45 5·26 '6·05 ·26 ·26 ·716 % - ·987 f'. 1·152 % 1·359 2'43 3·19 3 ·92 4·62 ·621 ,818 -996 1·172 2·11 2·76 3·39 3 ·98 % ·527 -687 It -840 1,79 2-84 2·85 1'4 x 1'4 x -rt. '434-568 1 -48 1·91 " " 8 " -78 -78 -78 -77 " " " " " " -F " " " " , , " " ~ % * 8 " -97 -97 " " " 99 98 98 " " " " 17 16 16 " 1!. % 2y. X2)i,x? 'A. " " 18 17 * XS xl,{ 8 8 II ,8 " " :y" % 2}4 x 2* x \4, " 6 6 S " " 9 9 9 " " 1 1. " " " " ", " " " " " " " " J~ :y" ,'\, % 8 8 " 7 7 2%, ,x 2% x "" 'A 7 7 7 to 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 ~- 4'89 6·05 7·17 9·36 11·42 18'39 "" " " 10 " " ' 10 " 10 " 10 " 10 " " " " 3-0 ·33 '-33 11 11 11 " " " " " " " " " y. % " 10 2 x2 x,,,<: " " " " " " l %x l% xf'. % " " " " " " ill % 1y' x l %x,... " I' " " " " l4 1·438 1·778 2·110 2·760 3·86.0 3-988 ' - - x-x ~ ·68 ·68 ·68 ·68 -68 " 7,11 8·45 11·06 13·56 15 ·94 x-x J ~o ·94 1·12 1·46 1·77 2·08 % 2-091 2·485 3'251 3'985 4·688 Toe ' 2·38 2·80 3'57 4'27 4·90 BY. x 3y' x,'\, 11 10 ~-- Root 1Il~ ·97 1-00 1'05 1 '09 1,14 ., " lbs. - -28 ·28 ·28 ·28 ·23 NBSEA 11 " WeIght per Foot ;'" I~= :a,g .... Moment of - 'Q) .., '"0 Dimen- Inertia sion is"');:! About Ahout -88 ·33 ·83 I '58 '68 ·58 ·58 ·58 ·917 1'30 1 ·64 ·46 ·67 '87 '54 ·58 · 58 ·628 -680 -826 ·962 1 ·21 ·29 ·88 ·47 ·56 ·71 -49 ·48 ·4·8 ·48 -377 -488 -591 ' 685 ·778 '23 ·80 -37 ·50 ·44 ,43 -4·8 -48 ·18 ·24 ·29 ·84 ·89 ·89 ·88 ·88 ·14 ·18 -49 -44 ' 26 ' '18 :26 ·18 . '26 ·18 'JS ·18 ·62 ·64 ·67 ·69 ·71 ·24 ·24 ·24 ·24 ·17 "56 ·17 -17 ·17 ·68 ·61 ·68 '260 ·336 ·406 ·468 ·23 ·28 -16 ·16 ·16 ·16 -49 ·52 ·54 ·57 ·171 -219 ·268 ·308 ·26 ·34 ·84 ,84 ,84 ·43 · 21 ·15 ·15 ·15 ·48 . ·105 ·184 ·159 ·10 ·18 -16 ·29 -29 -20 ·20 ·14 -14 '37 ·40 , -059 ·074 · 07 -09 ·24 ·24 -28 ·28 ·21 ·21 '46 -44 ·22 '29 ( 66 DORMA~, LONG. & CU. LIMITED. BULB ANGLES. DIMENSIONS AND PROPER-TIES IN INCH UNITS , " Area Square Inches Size Inches Reference Mark A x B T ' D1 Radii Weight per loot - Ibs, r, r" r ,, 0 ~, 1--------I-------I-~-r----~---~~--I!---I ---lt ' . NBSBA 18 15 x4 '57 13'352 45'40 '60 '30 '60 " 17 13y" x 4 '54 11'466 38'98 '60 '30 '54 " " 16 12 x4 '50 9 ' 593 32'62 '60 '30 '48 1.5 12 x 3y" '50 9'332 31'73 '54 "27 '48 14 11 x 3Yo '48 8'276 28'14 '54 '27 ~' ~ 1'95 ,, 1'75 t I , 1'56 , 1'56 ( . '44· , " 13 10 x 3 7:\ '45 7'159 24'34 '54 '27 '40 " 12 9 x S~ '43 6'241 21'22 '54 '27 ' 36 " 11 8 x SYo '40 5'280 17'95 'S4 '27 '32 " 10 8 xS '40 5 '070 17,' 24. '48 ' 24 " 9 7 x 3%, '38 4'500 IS'30 '54 '27 '28 ;1 8 7 x3 '38 " 7 6 x SYo " 6 6 " I'~ ; f'f' '32 1'43 E 1'30 ~ 1'17 ~ 1'04 ~ 1'04 ~ ~ ~ '91 S 4'SOO 14'62 '48 '24 '2~ , , I' '91 ,~ '33 3'5Hl 11'96 '54 '27 '24 I' '78 2 x3 '33 3'344 11'37 ' 48 '24 '24 5 5,% x 3 '31 2 ' 947 10'02 1 '48, . '22 ' " " 4 5 x3 'so 2'657 9'03 '48 '24 '20 " 3 5 x 2% '30 2'498 8'49 '42 '21 ' 2'0 " 2 4Yz x 2Y. '28 2'158 7'34 '42 '21 ';1:8 " 1 4 '26 1'849 6'29 '42 '21 '16 ' x 2Yz • r. '78 2 '71 2 '65 2 '65 2 '58 1 '52 1 DORMAN, LONG & ' CO. LIMITED. = BULB ANGLES. i DIMENSIONS I A~D PROPERTIES IN INCH " U.NITS, - • Radii Moments 01 Dimensions Inertia Section Moduli ex r, i, D r" J P - 30 , '00 ', About About x-x V-V About x-x -" ..,0 Angle About degrees V-y ~Hj~ ~:a" .. !;', =CI Reference Mark I!1obes • 1'95 7'807 '812 388'085 10 '289 53'949 3'228 I ¥. '869 1'75 6'841 '795 272'631 8'947 40'941 2'792 2 NBSBA 18 I , 30 I' '54 ' ' '868 II 17 I 30 ' 48 1'56 5'911 '784 182'473 7'750 29'968 2 ' 410 3¥. '862 27 ' 48 1 '56 6'069 '7Q7 173 '935 5'570 29'326 1'994 2 '756 '44 1'43 5'437 '700 130 '469 5'054 23'453 1'805 3 '755 27 '40 1'30 4'825 '694 94'102 4'526 18 ' 185 1'613 4 '755 27 '36 1'17 4 '208 '697 66'703 4'147 13'919 1'480 5¥. '758 II' 12 2'7 '32 1'04 3'611 '704 44'819 3'729 10' 212 1'334 7 '763 II 11 24 '32 1 '04 3'752 '607 42'303 2'435 9'957 1'018 5 '649 II 10 27 '28 ' '9 1 3'017 '724 29'130 3'425 7'314 1'234 9Yz '770 24 ',28 '91 3'147 '6i6 27'480 2'213 7'133 7 ' 654 II 8 27 '24 '78 2'462 '740 16'819 2'903 4'754 1'052 13 '776 il 7 24 ' 24 '78 2'581 '622 15' ,8 65 1'866 4'640 '785 " 6 24 '22 ' 71 2'295 '631 II' 733 1'724 3'661 '728 11 i. '662 " 5 24 :20 '65 2'014 '650 8'669 1'635 2'904 '696 ,14 " 4 21 '20 '65 2'131 '529 8'094 '968. 2'821 '49 1 21 '18 ' ' 58. 1'848 '540 5'641 '886 2'127 '402 12 '552 21 '16 ' '52 1'577 ' 555 3'798 '805 1'568 '414 10 '554 27 " '928 9Yz ' 659 ' 665 9;1. ' 549 " " II " " 16 15 14 13 9 I, 3 II 2 " 1 r' lI. ___ t 68 DORMAN, ' LONG & ' CO. LIMITED. TEES. D.lMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. ~_ _ B_ ' _ -3>: , Centre of y : Gravity r---ri, 't ,' ~ 45 : X-;_ ' :rj~ .1 AI , -jf - -f" l ';..; ' - '4512° X ~ "' EQ'UAl I " -~'~" -- - " *- I' ' I' ir . ... _ __ , .. , 4512 " .. . . . _ . " .. • !t L I y I ~ I, Rererenoe Mark t i ! I • I ,i " ." II II I \ , •, • x,t: 6 x6 x " " G>o. ~~ Ibs. 0 0 ~ € f-< .13 Q " II " X-X y •.y x3, " " 1) 3 >1: 3 5 II II, 1'; " ·X " 3 2 x2 3 II '. " 3 ". " ' 23 -23 ·956 '863 ·875 ·298 ' 8;>2 ·892 21 ·21 ·21 · 444 ' 903 ' 611 '542 ·898 '~1 9 ·640 1892 ·627 ·945 3' 21 ·24 17 ,;. 1, 158 3· ·17 % 1·366 4' 64 ·24 17 ·579 I ·BI 21 · 15 ' 693 2' ·21 · 15 ·434 '459 X1l 2 I Y:, x l Y:, x r. .2 V. " " ,828 1,136 '8 17 ' 157 1·973 2·515 ' 25 ·25 ·1 9 ~' 697 ' 19, · 724 ·1 9 ' 749 " y.y ·1 63 ,085 · 152 ' 101 " " X-x ·27 ·27 " 6 4 6 " Radii of Gyration x4 8 5 8 " " Seotion ModulI , 128 '346" "364 " " '" .~ Moments of . Inertia ·29 ·29 t 5 x3 T ". " " . C' 0:1 ' 0 9 6: x4 II • 9. " " " "" El x A <~ RadII ·816 · 218 ·809 ·235 10 " 10 I ::!.:l ---- .J:l0 .,, 0 ·34 ' 34 ~BST , is Size and Thickness Incbes ·604 ·628 ;244 ·380 ·504 ·5 14 '.522 ,157 ' 201 ·246 ·408 ,417 ·425 · 100 ' 065 ,302 ·312 '311 , · 130 ·090 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. • INFORMATION RELATING TO THE CARRYING CAPACITY, &c. OF BEAMS ,out .y COMPOUND GIRDERS 218 235 'STANCHIONS AND STRUTS 346 364 PLATE GIRDERS 085 . '101 ROOF TRUSSES ,136 ·157 ·875 ·892 ·611 ·619 ·627 '504 ·514 '522 ·408 ·417 ·425 -302 -312 . AND, TROUGHING TOGETHER WITH STANDARD DETAILS Etc. 70 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED .. NOTES ON BEAMS AND COMPOUNDS. ,I I I 'DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES~-The dimensions and properties of beams will be found on pages 58 and 59. The dimensions and properties of compounds are , ; i given on the pages immediately preceding those containing the tabular loads. The moment of inertia and , section modulus have been calculated in inch units on the net section, that is both flanges holed for rivets, the size allowed in any particular case being shewn in the , several tables. WEIGHTS OF COMPOUND~. -The published weights per foot of compounds a.re inclusive of rivets. The pitch of rivets fQr spa.ns in general demand has been taken as the basis of calculation in all cases. TABULAR LOADS.-The loads given in the tables include the weights of the girders themselves, and are based on an extreme fibre stress of 8 tons per square inch. They are also calculated on the assumption that the girders receive the usual side support as in building work. For other cases, such as concentrated, eccentric, or live loads, special calculations are necessary. The resistance of the web to shear or buckle has been taken as the limiting factor in deciding the maximum load for each section. These loads should not be exceeded when sections are used at less spans than those for which such values are given. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. = It will be noted that, m many cases, several com- pounds of different c;lepths and widths will meet the requirements as to loading. It should, however, be borne in mind that, where the depth is not restricted, a deeper and frequently a lighter section, carrying even a greater load than that required, may often be found more economical. DEFLECTiON .-Care should be taken in selecting beams and compounds that the deflection is not too great for the purpose for which they are to be employed. zig-zag lines in ~he The tables indicate the generally ac- cepted limit of span to depth (20 to 1) for girders supporting plastered ceilings at full tabular loads. For beams and compounds, of unifoml section throughout their lengths, a table giving the deflections m inches for tabular loads will be found on page 110. If the a~tual load is less than the tabular load, the deflection will be less in exactly the same proportion. RIVETING OF COMPOUNDS.-In the tables of compounds, , particulars are given of the diameter of rivets for each 'section, together with the minimum spans, at, and above, which the varipus pitches may be used for uniformly distributed dead loads. In cases of spans shorter than those for which loads are given, as also for con- • centrated" eccentric, or live loads, special calculations ,are necessary. " 02 • d I SAFE LOADS IN TONS UN I FORM LV . or For dimensions and properties Reference Mark Size Inches rIb; " " " ,; " " " " " " " " " 16 20 x 6'; ' 65 15 18 x 6 14 16 x 6 13 15 x !3 55 50 45 12 11 10 9 14 x f.\Yo 13 x 5 12 x 5 lO x 4 Yo 40 35 30 25 8 ' 9x4 8 x4 7 6 7 x 3Y, 5 6x3 21 18 15 12 5 x 2Yo 9 7 5 4 4 3 2 1 ~ Yox 2 4 x 1% 3X1Yo l 2 A 4 ~ " .. .. .. .. , .. , , .. .. ' , , .. 80 75 70 8 12 x 8 7 10 x 8 6 10x6 5 9x7 65 55 40 50 8x6 6x5 85 25 20 10 tI \'\ " " " " 4 3 2 1 5 >< 4Yo 4 >< 3 - , .. 39'8 35'5 31'4 30 ' 7 26 ' 0 21'7 ' , .. , .. ' .. .. .. ,, , I GIR'DER I I .. 6 , 24 ' 3 24 ' 0 ~O ' 2 18'5 15' 8 13'7 12'4 9 ' 33 S I ~O I 12 I 14 I 16 I 18 SECTIONS, -- .. 50 ' 2 46'3 41 ' 9 75 ' 4 67'9 7 0' 1 67 ' 7 58'1 50'8 60'3 45'2 57 ' 3 49'9 41'2 35'0 54 ' 5 41 ' 6 34'3 29 ' 2 36'3 27'7 22,' 9 11:1: 4 -, 2S ' 7 23 ' 3 18' 4 13'0 23'9 20 ' 5 18'0 16'0 19'4 16'6 14'5 12'9" ' 16 ' 3 13 ' 1 11'5 10'2 10'9 9'32 8'16 7 "25 , , , . 35'9 29'1 23 ' 0 16'3 16'0 12'0 12'4 9'2'7 9'12 6,'84 6'22 4'66 9'61 7 ' 42 5 ' 47 3'73 ' , 8'01 6'18 4'56 3'11 46 ' 7 35 ' 6 2 9'4 25'0 6'87 5'30 3'91 2 ' 67 40'9 ' 31 ' 2 25'8 21',9 6'01 4'64 3'42 2'38 I," 5 ' 34 4'12 3'04 , 2 ' 07 "- NBSHB 11 lSxS " 10 16 x 8 9 14 x 8 II tI I 4 .. 9'90 7'70 4'89 2'95 ~I " I- DISTRIBUTED, SPANS)N FEET ~: NBSB IS, 24 x 7Yo 90 17 22 x 7 75 I, sections see pages 58 and 59, • .. 0 " , BEAMS, I '" - CO, LIMITED, DORMAN, LONG & " I • 72 .. .. ' , .. ' , .. .. .. .. 5 ' 82 3'88 2 '_9 1 2'33 1' 94 1'66 1'45 .. 3 '94 2'631 1 ' 97 1'58 1'31 1 '13 .. ' 81 .. 2'44 1'63 1'22 '98 .. .. '59 .. l'4Sj9'81 '74 B "j , HEAVY - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. - , .. - , .. BEAMS, .. 73 ' 8 63'S 54 ' 7 47'9 67'9 64'9 54'1 46 ' 4 40'6 58'0 53'8 44 ' 8 38'4 33'6 46'4 .. 36'0 32' 4 27'3 32'4 30'8 43'4 30'8 21 ' 8 24 ' 7 36'1 25'7 18 ' 2 20'6 31'0 22'0 15 ' 6 17'6 42'5 36'1' 29 ' 9 27 ' 1 24 'J,. , 19 ' 2 17:1 13'7 12' 1 15'4 13' 7 .. 9'59 25 ' 2 19'2 15'8 12'8 11 ' 0 17 ' 8 13'4 10'0 8'031 6 ' 69 5'73 5 ' 02 .. 13'1 8'90 6 ' 67\ 5'34 ' 4'45 3'81 3'34 8' ,6 4 5 ' 19 3 ' 46 2 ' 60 2'08 1 ' 73 1'48 ' , 8 ' 62 4 ' 46 .. " . " ... DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. - BEAMS. I IN TONS UNIFORMLY O'ISTRI BUTEO ; SAr:'E LOADS I For dimensions and properties or sectIons see pages 68 lind 59. SPANS IN FEET ,, 20 22 24 26 I 1 80 28 HA l) - 29 ' 7 24 ' 9 22 ' 7 20 ' 6 187 17: 5 15.'9' 27'2 20'8 17'2 14'6 13'1 10'6 8'36 5'93 14 ' 4 11 "6 9 ' 20 6 ' 52 .. .. I .. j .. I .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. , , 21 ' 8 16'6 18'7 11'7 9'58 12'0 11'0 10'3 ' , 9'69 8'95 8'31 7'66 7'07 6 ' 57 .. 5'44 5 ' 02 4 ' 81 4'37 4'01 3'71 3 ' 37 .. .. 2 ' 74 .. ,', 23 ' 4 17 ' 8 14 ' 7 12 ' 5 25'2 19 ' 2 15'8 13 ' 5 , I GIRDER 54 ' 8 494 45'2 41 ' 8 88 ' 8 86'2 40 ' 6 37'0 , 33 ' 9 31 ' 3 29'0 27 ' 1 3~7 82 .. .. .. .. .. . , I 44 24 x 7 Y:, 22 x 7 156 13'9 12 ' 5 11'3 98 ' 53 .. .. 77'26 12'9 11'4 .. 65'59 10'9 .. , 20 x 6 Y:, 18x6 16x6 15x6 20'4~ 168 14'9 122'6 ' .. .. .. .. , .. .. , - , , ' .. , , .. .. .. 53'S7 43'62 34'49 24'47 .. lS ' 03 13'91 10 ' 26 6 ' 996 .. .. .. - .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. , , .. .. ! 21 ' 7 hg ' 7 18 ' 1 16 ' 7 15 ' 5 15 ' 4 11:' 0 12 ' 8 11'8 .. 10'9 9 ' 98 9 ' 10 W40 12'8 ,11'2 10'3 .. ' , ' .. . I .. II , ' , I ' , 9 >< 4 Sx 4 7 x 3Y:, 6x3 4'364 5x2Ys 2'957 4Y:,x2 1'832 4xl% 1'107 3x1'/;, I HEAVY BEAMS. 3S ' 3 , 34 ' S 181 ',9 294 1'7 ' 3 ' 25 ' 5 23'9 21'3 19'1 17 ' 4 143 ' 6 .. .. 121 ' 7 82'5 29 ' 5 27'1 25'0 23 ' 2 21 ' 6 20 ' 3 18'0 , , .. 100 ' 8 .. 26'9 24 ' 4 22 ' 4 20 ' 7 19'2 17 ' 9 ' , ! 14 x5Y:, 13x5 12 x 5 ' 10 x 4 Y:, I " B 7'671 6'97 SI~e Inches 38: 9 30 ' 2 , 27 ' 1124 ' 7 203 ' 6 25'4 22 ' 6 20 ' 3 18 ' 5 152 ' 4 ,, , ' .. I 40 SECTIONS , .. .. .. .. .. , I 86 Section Modulus .. .. , , .. ' , .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. . , .. .. .. .. .. .. . ' ' • .. . ' , , .. .. , .. .. .. ' , .. .. .. .. .. , .. 81'30 57'74 40',96 46'25 18x S 16 x S 14 xB 12 x S 10 x 8 10 x 6 9x 7 28'76 , 8 x 6 6 x5 15'05 10 ' 01 5 x 4% 8'S93 4 x 3 ~ 74 • . J DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. DIMENSIONS OF COMPOUND GIRDERS. 'For safe distributed loads see following pages. - " . " . Reference Mark CD " " " 1 f T " I T I " " ., A I " 1 1, JI ~-!- B ~, ->I " ,, , I . : -@~.- . I I I I, II 1 . .:-~)-:.:- . I I j J I ' I I I A x B Ibs, Beam 1 :2 3 4 5 27%x12 27 x 12 28 ~"" x 12 26 x 12 25Kx 12 235'5 215 194'5, 174'5 164 24 x 7 '1" 6 7 8 9 10 25V,)d2 153 143 132'5 122 ' 5 " 12 13 14 15 " " "'P" II . ' ll'~ I II I 11' -+'" " I II " " 16 17 18 19 20 II II , " " " , II )i " ~ " ' " " ~ 'I " " " . 12 x ;{ 12>:% 12 x Yo 9 >< '/2 9x% 23%Xl2 23'/, X 12 23 , x 12 23 x 9 22% x 9 22x7 " " II " 138 128 117'5 107'5 100 12 x 1'% 12 x 1 '1" 12 x 1'1.. 12 x1 12,x% . , 12 x '4 12 x% 12 x Y2 9 x'f;, 9x % " II II " " " . " 22 23 24 25 23 ){,x l0 23 x l0 22 l1"x 10 22 x l0 21'% x 10 186'5 189'5 152'5 135'5 127 26 27 28 29 30 21\;,X10 21\{x10 21 x 10 21 x 8 20% x 8 118 109'5 101 94 87 CD 21 II 12 x 1 % 12 x l y, l2 x l 'l.', 12 xl 12 x Yij . 220'0 1 I -H I 11~ 200 179'5 159'5 149 +~-:: I .. , II ! 25';,x 12 . 25 x J.2 25 X 9 24'4 >< 9 " " , Eaob Flange.. • '. 25 x 12 241f. x 12 24 x 12 23,% x 12 II : . :\ I ller foot 25'.1; x 12 -1" :1<., II 'Weight Size Inches CD 11 " DIMENSIONS Inches 20 x 6\1, II II " . " " " " 11 " r-: lO x 1-li1. 10 x.l '/" lO x 1 ~ 10 x 1 10x% • 10 x% 10 x% 10 x'l" 8x% 8x% - " 75 " DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND IN INCH GIRDERS UNITS" For safe distributed loads see following pages, PROPERTIES OF SECTION , , I • Area sq, Inches Moment of Inertia 68"47 62 "47 58"47 50"47 47'47 8635 7608 6618 5665 5203 628'0 563"5 49.9 ' 5 435"8 404"1 44"47 41"47 38"47 35'47 33'22 4749 4303 3867 3417 3105 . 372"4 340"9 309"3 273"3 250"9 64'06 58'06 52"06 46"06 43'06 6975 6093 5246 4433 4039 547'0 487'5 428'2 369"4 340 "1 40"06 37'06 34"06 31'06 28'81 3653 3275 2£105 2526 2262 310 ' 9 281'7 252 ' 6 219'6 198' 8 54'12 49 ' 12 44 "12 " 39'12 36"62 484'7 4235 3648 3088 2816 412 ' 5 368'2 324'3 280 ' 7 259'0 2552 2293 2040 " 1830 1638 237"4 215"8 194"3 ' 174'3 157'8 <, ,. 34"12 31'62 29'12 27'12 25"12 Section Modulus • DIameter of Rivets Minimum Spans in feet for Pitches \ P ) Reference Mark. Inches 3" '4" (;U % .. " " " .. .. " " " " " .. 4'4 38 34 30 28 .. 26 28 24 20 IS' 16 , " " .. .. .. " .. , ' , , " .. .. % 40 " .. " " " " " " " " " " % " " " " " " " " " , " ' , .. .. 42 36 32 28 24 .. .. .. .. 22 20 18 .. " " , , .. .. .. .. , ; " " 38 ' 34 30 26 24 .. 22 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. .. .. .. " " .. 28 24 20 16 14 .. .. .. " . .. 24 20 18 16 14 CD " " " " " " " " " 1 2 3 4 5 . 6 7 8 9 10 CD 11 " 12 " 13 14 " 15 " " " " " " 16 17 18 J9 20 CD 21 . " 22 " 23 " 24 25 " " " " \I " 26 27 28 29 30 . , 76 ' • DORMAN, , LONG & CO. LIMITED. -_. ~ - COMPOUND I GIRDERS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY For dimensions and properties of sections ~ee T, D I STRIBUTED, preceding pages. ~ SPANS IN FEET Reference . Mark " 16 14 18 20 22 24 26 28 ~ -- - .. .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -- .. .. .. .. .. .. ' , " 2 .. .. 3 4 5 .. .. -- 6 II 7 " 8 ,,' 9 10 " - ' , .. .. , .. .. , .. .. .. .. , , .. .. 75,' 4 75 ' 4 74 ' 3 .. .. , , , , •. .. 1 .. [II - .. , .. .. CD " " " 30 " ' 3 2 .. " ,..- . 75'4 72-9 66 ' 9 , ' .;. .. , , . ' -- .. -- .. 75 ' 4 75'4 71'8 726 : 67'4 .. 75 ' 4 69 ' 9 63'4 56 ' \ 51'5 70 ' 9 64 ' 9 5,8 ' 9 52'1 47'8 66 ' 2 60 ' 6 55'0 48 ' 6 44 ' 6 62'1 5,6 ' 8 51 ',6 4 5'6 41'8 75 ' 4 75-0 68'7 60'3 60'7 60 ' 8 , 55 ' 8 " i CD 11 12 "II 13 " 14 " 15 16 " 17 18 " " ," " " " " " .. .. .. .. .. 20 70'1 " ., .. .. 19 CD 21 " 22 " 23 " 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. .. .. .. ,' .. .. .. .. "" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. , , " ' .. .. , , .. .. .. 70'1 69 ' 8 .. .. .. .. 70 ' 1 68'3 61'2 53 ' 2 48',2 69'1 62'6 56 ' 1 48 ' 8 44'2 63 ' 8 57 ' 8 51'8 45'0 40 ' 8 59'2 55 ' S 51 -8 53'7 50 ' 1 47'0 48 ' 1 "44'9 42 ' 1 41'8 39 ' 0 , 36'6., 37 ' 9 35 ' 3 3~1 ' .. .. , , .. .. 70'1 66'8 70 ' 1 65 ' 1 58 ' 9 70,' 1 67 ' 4 58'6 53'0 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 57'3 52'6 .. .. .. .. -- .. .. .. .. 65 ' 7 60 ' 5 - 70'1 64'8 ' .. I .. ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. 57 ' 3 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 53 ' 5 49 ' 8 573 49 ' 9 46'0 ,, ' , , , .. .. 57 ' 3 57 ' S 53 ' 1 .. .. - 57 ' 8 51'8 46'5 42'1 57 ',s 52 ' 3 47 ' 1 4 2' 3 38 ' 3 52'S 48 ' 0 48 ' 2 38 ' 7 35'1 48'7 45'2 44'3 41 ' 1 39 ' 9 ·37 ' 0 35 ' 8 33 ' 2 32 ' 4 30 ' 1 , 57 '3 51'6 46'8 , .. .. .. .. .. . ., ' , 70'1 61'6< 56'7 .. i .. .. . ' '1'.- 54 46 ' 8; 43 '2 42'2 39 ' 6 38 ' 4 3 6'0 34'S 32 ' 4 ' 31'0 , 29 ' 1 28 ' 1 26 ' 3 , I ( DORMAN, LONG & . "". CO. LIMITED. , COMPOUND GIRDERS. I SAFE LOADS IN TONS I UNIFORMLY DISTRI BUTEO, For dimensions and properties of sections see preceding pages. ! SPANS IN • 34 36 38 40 FEET 42 44 I 46 48 50 Reference Mark I " .. , , , , , , , , 75'1 66 ' 6 ' 58 ' 1 ,5 3'9 " 71'6 63'4 55'3 51'3 75 ' 4 68'3 60'5 52 ' 8 49'0 728 65'3 57'9 50'5 469 69'8 62'6 55 ' 5 48'4 44'9 67 ' 0 60'1 53'3 46'5 43 ' 1 , , , , 75 ' 4 68 ' 4 63'4 74'0 64 ' 6 59 ' 9 75'4 70 ' 1 61'2 56 ' 7 58 ' 4 53 ' 5 48 ' 5 42'9 39'4 55'2 50'5 45'8 40 ' 5 37'2 52 ' 3 47:8 43'4 38 ' 4 35'2 49'7 45'5 41 '2 36'4 33'5 " 47 ' 3 43'3 39'3 34'7 31'9 45' 1 41 ' 3 37 ' 5 33'1 30'4 43'2 39'5 35 ' 9 31' 7 29'1 41'4 37 ' 9 34'4 30'4 27'9 39'7 36'4 33'0 29 ' 2 .. .. , , .. 68'4 60 ' 1 51'8 47'7 70 ' 1 65 ' 0 57'1 49'3 45'3 69'5 61 ' 9 54'4 46'9 43'2 66'3 59'1 51'9 44 ' 8 41'2 63'4 56 ' 5 49 ' 6 42"8 39'4 60 ' 8 54'2 47'6 41 ' 0 58'3 52 ' 0 67'2 57'9 ,. 5,3'4 70 ' 1 63'4 54'7 50'4 .. .. 48'8 44'2 39'0 34'4 31'2 46 ' 1 41'7 37'4 32 '5 29 ' 5 43 ' 6 39 ' 5 35 ' 5 30'8 27'9 41'5 37'6 33'7 29'3 26 ' 5 39'5 35 ' 8 32'1 27'9 25 ' 2 37'7 34'1, 30 ' 0 20 ' 6 24'1 30'0 32'7 29'3 25 '5 .. .. .. .. , .. 57'3 50'9 44'0 40 ' 0 .. 54'5 48 ' 0 <1,1'0 38'4 57 ' 3 51'7 45 ' 5 39'4 36 ' 4 55'0 49'1 43'2 37'4 34'5 52'4 46'S 41 ' 2 35 ' 6 32'9 50 ' 0 446 39'3 34'0 37'2 33'9 30'5 27 ' 3 24'S 35 ' 2 32'0 28'8 25'S 28'4 33'3 30'3 27 ' 3 24'5 22'1 31'7 28'8 25'9 23 ' 2 210 30'1 27 ' 4 24'7 22'1 .. .. - I , ' " .. .. .. ' .. .. ,, .. .. 47'S 42'7 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' OD 1 " 2 " " " :3 4 5 6 7 " 8 " 9 " 10 " " CD 11 " 12 13 " " " 14 15 " 16 " " " " 17 18 19 20 .. .. .. .. .. .. CD 21 " 22 23 ," 24 ,i 25 .. .. .. ,, .. .. .. " 26 .. .. .. .. .. , , , .. .. .. ' , ,I, ' .. .. . " .," " 27 28 29 30 J ' ,~ 78 • CO; LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & _. , . .. DIMENSIONS OF COM~OUND I GI RDERS. For safe dIstrIbuted loads see · filllowing pages. - - , Referenoe Mark OD 81 " " 1 I " OD 35 " " I " " f J: .. . ,-6-·~ • ~T i , , " " " 1>i-""., lL' p IiIe ,. " I MH', .-1" .±., I " 11-4~, ft' ".. ' " " -'::: , 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 OD 44 " 'tH ii' . I: 45 46 47 48 Ibs. Beam Eaoh Flange 205 " '184: 5 164'5 1,43 18x8 12 x llt" 12x1 \<. 12 x 1 12x% 21 x 12 20Y,x 1~ , x 12 19Y. x 12 ' 20 " " . " I 21 xlO 20lt" x 10 20 x10 19% x 10 , 159'5 19Y.X1 0 142 ' 5 125'5 1'17 108 19\<. >< 10 19 xl0 19 x 8 18% x 8 99'5 91 84 77 18 x, 6 " " " 1'O X,% " " 10 x% 10 x),(, " " " II 10 x 1lt" 10 x 1\<. 10 x 1 10.x% ., 19 x 12 18Y.>< 12 18 x 12 17),(, x 12 17 x 12 , 201 179'5 159' 5 189 p7'5 16x8 ' . " " " .. 00 49 " 50 51 " 52 18lt"x lO 18 x10 l'7% x lO 17lt" x 10 137'5 120'5 112 103 16 x 6 53 54 55 56 17%.x 10 17 x l0 17 x 8 16%x 8 94'S 86 79 72 " " , A x B 8x Y. 8 «% - I , , "': I' 11 ! , , I II. 1 ' Weight per loot )' A J- .. I ches Site Inches ' T T 'j , 32 88 34 DIM~SIONS " " " " " " " " " " I ' 12 xlJ/' 12x1 ~ . 12 x 1 12 )(% l2 xy" - I I! '. 10 x 1 ~ 10 x 1 10 x% lO x% .. 10 x% 10 x),{, 8x Yo 8 x% I I, I ", DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED, PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND GIRDERS IN INCH UNITS, For safe distributed loads see lollowing pages PROPERTIES OF SECTION Area sq, inches Moment 01 Inertia 59'53 53'53 47'53 41'53 4328 3732 3165 2626 4.6'18 41'18 36'18 33',68 31'18 Diameter of Rivets Section ' Modulus Minimum Spans in feet for Pitches (P) Reference Mark Inches 3" 4" 6" 412'2 364'1 316'5 ,269'3 % 28 26 22 18 36 30 24 20 .. 3328 2841 2376 2152 1934 317'0 277'1 237'6 218'0 ' 198'4 % 28'68 25'18 24'18 22'18 1722 1514 1343 1186 178'9 159'4 141'4 126'5 " 58'06 52'06 " 46'06 '40'06 34'06 3425 2938 2478 2042 1631 360'5 317'7 275'3 233'4 191'8 % 39'71 34'71 32'21 29'71 2229 1852 1671 1495 241'0 205'8 188'3 170'8 % 27'21 24'71 22'71 20'71 1324 1158 1022 896 153'5 136'2 '120,'2 107'0 .. " " " " " ' , " .. " ' " " " Ii " " " " ~ ~ ' , " ' , , .. .. .. .. 28 24 20 18 36 30 24 20 14 , , ' , .. " ' " " ' , .. " " 18 , ' , " 32 28 24 22 20 ' ' , .. .. ,. , 26 22 20 18 16 14 .. , , CD 31 .. .. " " " 28 , .. .. .. .. I CD 35 " " " 24 " 20 16 14 12 " " ., .. ' , 28 20 .. ' ' . ' 24 20 16 12 12 32 33 34 " " 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 CD 44 " " " " 45 46 47 48 CD 49 " I' " " " " " 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 :;. ,80 D<?RMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. .-:. _ _z_ ' COMPOUND GIRDERS. I ' I BArE LOADS IN TONei UNIFORMLY ' DISTRIBUTED . , , For dlmenslons and propenies of sections see preceding pages. . SPANS IN ' FEET Referenoe Mark. 14 12 18 16 20 22 -- -- -, CD 31 " 32 33 !I !I 34 . ' ' , · ' , .. /I CD 35 " 36 !I 37 38 " 39 , i Ii " " II Ii " :1 [ " : I, " ," ,I I, 40 41 42 43 , , . , , ' , , , , 73,' S .. .. . .. .. .. .. ' .. ' .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 '2 47 ' 1 42 ' 2 , , . . 71 ' 8 , ., ' , ' , 50 ',2 48 ' 2 , , , , ' .. .. M'2 , ·. ·. .. .. . , , ' .. .. , , ' 26 24 , . . .. , , , .. .. ·7 0 'S 78 ' 8 65 'S , , 5j) ' 8 .. .. .. .. .. 50 ' 2 50 ' 2 48 ' 1 50'2 47 ' 2 41 ' 9 37 ' 5 47 ' 7 42'5 37'7 33 ' 7 43 ' 4 38 ' 6 34 ' 3 , 30 ' 7 , ~I ! ' , 73 ' S 64'9 55 '2 .. .. .. 50 '2 48 ' 4 44 ' 1 48, 7 44' 7 39 ' 8 35 '4 3 1' 4 28 '1 ' 36 ' 7 32 ' 7 29'0 26 '0 ' , 40 ' 7 ~ "J CD 44 " 45 ' " 46 47 !I ' !I 48 .. CD 49 " 50 " 51 " 62 , .. .. .. 67 ' 9 56 ' 8 67 ' 9 62 ' 2 51 ' 1 66 ' 7 56 ' 6 46 ' 5 - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 46 ' 3 41'1 ' 3 45 ' 5 46 ' 3 ' 45 ' 7 41'4 45 ' 7 ' 41 ' 8 38 ' 0 4,6 3 42'2 38'6 35 ' 0 46'3 45 ' 4 40 ' 1 3,5 '7 45'5 40'4 3 5' 6 31 ' 7 40 ' 9 36 ' 3 32 ' 1 2S'6 37 ' 2, 33 ' 0 29 ' 1 , 25 ' 9 34'1 30 ' 3 26 ' 7 23'8 31 ' 5 27 '9 24 ' 7 22 ' 0 .. .. .. , . .... .. .. ' , .. ' , .. ' , . , .. .. 67 '9 63 ' 9 .. .. , , .. .. .. !I 54 .. " 55 56 46'S 46 '3 46 '3 45' 8 40 ' S " .. .. 53 !I .. .. , .. ' , .. ' , 65 ' 2 67 ' 9 56" 5 , 6 1' 2 , ,51 ' 9 ,4 7 ' 9 39 ' 3 42 ' 6 , " ! , , tn DORMAN, LONG & I COMPOUND CO. LIMITED. ' GIRD'E RS,. I SAFE LOADS IN TONS UN I FORMI,.Y OISTR I BUTEO, For dimensIons and propertle, of sections see precedIng pages. SPANS IN FEET Reference Mark 28 30 32 34 86 38 40 42 78 ' S 69'4 60'3 51 ' 3 73 ' 3 64 ' 7 56 ' 3 47'9 6fh 64' 7 .....21.:.L 49'6 42'2 579 ,51' 1 44'4 ,37'8 55 ' 0 48 ' 5 42 ' 2 52 ' 3 eO ' 7 52 ' 8, 44 ' 9 61'1 53 '9 46 '9 39 ' 9 49 ' 7 43 ' 5 37'3 ' 34 ' 2 31 ' 1 47 ' 0 41 ' 1 35 ' 2 32'3 29'4 44 ' 5 38'9 33'3 30 ' 6 27 ' 8 42 ' 3 36 ' 9 31'7 26'5 23'6 20 '.9 1:8 ' 7 25'1 ,22'4 19'8 50 ' 2 45 ' 3 41'5 37 ' 8 49'3 42 ' 2 38 ' 8 35'3 5 0'2 4 6'2 39 ' 6 36"3 33 ' 1 34 ' 1 30'4 26'9 24 ' 1 31 ' 8 283 25'1 22'5 29'8 26'6 23 ' 6 21 ' 1 28 ' 1 25'0 ' 22'2 19 ' 8 67 ' 9 60'5 52'4 44' 5 36 ' 5 64'1 56 ' 5 48 ' 9 4 1 '5 34'1 60 "1 53 ' 0 45'9 38 ' 9 32 ' 0 56 ' 6 49 ' 8 43 ' 2 36 ' 6 30'1 53 '4 47 ' 1 40 ' 8 45'9 39'2 35 ' 9 32'5 42 ' 8 86 ' 6 33 ' 5 30'4 40'2 34'3 81 ' 4 28 '5 37 ' S 32 ' 3 29'5 26"8 29'2 25'9 22 ' 9 27 ' 3 24 ' 2 21 ' 4 19'0 25'6 22'7 20'0 17 ' 13 24 ' 1 21 ' 4 18 ' 9 , , ' , ' , ., , , , 40 ' 3 ' , ' , , , , , ' , , . , , ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 50'6 .. .. .. . ~ 2~ ' 4 , ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 35 ' 7 30 ' 5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CD 31 " 32 " 33 34 " OD 35 " 36 " 37 " 38 39 " " " " 40 41 42 " 43 CD 44 " 45 " 46 " 47 48 " OD 49 " 50 51 " 52 " " " " " 53 54 55 56 I , , 82 DORMAN, LONG & • CO. LIMITED. - - DIMENSIONS . OF' · - COMPOUND GIRDERS. For safe distributed loads see following pages, I • I DlMENSIONS lnrhes Relerenoe Mark , Weight per foot Size Inohes AX - Beam Jbs, B -- ... OD 57 " 58 " 59 80 •.. " 1 I i 14x8 16 x 10 15)-2x 10 15 x 10 CD 70 .' " 71 " 72 73 16% >< 9 16 ' x 9 15%x 9 15% >< 9 119 103 95 87 ' 5 14 x 5 % " 74 75 I5¥. x 9 15 x 9 14%x 9 14%x 7 80 71.'5 84 59 " 9 9 9 9 98 90 82'5 8~ 15 x 14%x 14)1" x 14% x " 82 83 84 x 9 13%x 9 13%x 7 66'5 59 54 " . Ii i..!' It I 1I ~' : 'J'..-}_w-1:... ±p . ~ 11 ' I ,iI I' ".-+.,.. n. , l.~_11 iI I I jj,J+ 1 ! JI' " " 76 , 77 " " CD 78 " 79 80 " I " " 174'5 157'5 140'5 123 ' 5 106 I , " ~ 17 x 10 16Y.x 10 " k- -B!-.J " CD 65 " 66 " 67 68 " 69 l' A i 15x6 89'5 81 74 67 " 1 x 18% x 10 16Y. x 10 132 ' 5 115'5 107 98 16Y<. x 19 16 x 10 16 x 8 15% x 8 T rr I i 17)-2X10 17 . 10 61 62 63 64 " Each · ' Flange " " , 14 " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " 13 x 5 II " 7q' II , , " " " lO x 1\4 10 x l 10 ><% )O x % ,. iO ><% lO x\{, 8 XY. 8 1<% , ' 10x1, Y, lO x 1'4 . 10 x l ' , 10 x%, 10 x.Y,' 9 1< 1\4 9x1 9 x% 9 x% 9 x% 9 ><% 9 x% 7 x% 9x1 . 9x Ya 9 x% 9 x% 9 x% 9 x% 7 x% , DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED . - PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND GIRDERS - IN INCH UNITS, For safe distributed loads see following pages. , PROPERTIES OF SECTION Area sq, inches . Moment of Inertia 38'24 33 ' 24 30'74 28 ' 24 1929 1592 1431 1274 25'74 23'24 21'24 19'24 Diameter of Rivets SectioD Modulus MInimum Spans in feet lor Pltcnes (P) I Reference Mark 61/ Inches 3" 4" 220 ' 5 187'3 170'8 154'6 % .. 28 22 20 18 24 1122 975 855 744 138'1 121'9 106'9 94'4 " 16 14 ,i 16 50'59 • 45'59 40'59 35'59 30'59 2272 1954 1655 1374 1111 267'3 236 ' 9 ' 206'9 17'7' 3 148'1 % 34'27 29'77/ / 27 ' 52 25'2'7 1526 1256 1126 1002 185'0 157'0 143'1 129'2 % 23 ' 02 20'77 18'52 17'02 881 763 650 573 115 ' 5 101'8 88'2 77'7 " 28'30 26'05 23 ' 80 21'55 1050 937 827 721 140 ' 0 127'0 114'1 101'2 % 19'5O 17'05 15'55 6i9 521 454 88 ' 5 75'7 66'0 " " " , .. " " " .. .. .. .. " " " ' " " " " " " , .. .. 24 20 18 30 24 20 16 12 .. " " " " " ., i I i 24 20 18 16 30 24 22 20 I 14 12 20 12 12 .. .. .. 24 16 .. .. .. OD 57 " " " " " " " " " " " ." . 1.1 24 .20 14 12 " .. 16 14 . 10 10 20 18 16 14 24 22 18 16 .. 12 14 10 , 8 .. .. .. ~~ 61 62 63 64 66 67 68 69 OD 70 " otI 58 59 60 OD 65 28 , .. 'f' .. .. ' .. " .. " " " 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 OD 78 " ." 24 " 20 14 12 " " " 79 80 81 82 83 84 84 DORMAN, LONG & Co., LIMITED, . GIRDERS. COMPOUND I •- I SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, - For dimensions and properties of seclions see precedJng pages, , . SPANS IN It FEET Reference Mark 8 14 12 10 16 18 20 .. , , .. .. .. . 41'9 41'9 41'2 O.D II II " " " " " OD " II " " OD " " " II. " " " OD " " " " " " 57 ' , 58 .. 59 60 ' , 61 62 63 64 , .. .. , .. .. .. , .. .. ., .. .. .. 41'9 40'7 36'0 ' 41'9 41'9 .. .. .. , . , , .- ' , 41'9 40'6 35'6 . 31'5 40'9 36'1 31'7 28'0 .. .. .. .. .. , , .. .. , .. .- .. .. , .- ' , .. .. 58'0 56'4 58'0 49'4 58'0 52'5 43'9 .- ,' .. .. .. .. .. ' " .. , .. .. .. , , .. , - , , , ' 39'8 39'8 go .. 81 .. 82 83 81 .. .. .. .. ' - 35'5 . . , , 36'8 32'5 28'0 25 ' 2 • , .- .. .. .. .. 78 79 , .. , '14 75 76 77 , .. .. 70 71 72 73 .. ',' , , 65 66 67 68 69 .- " , .. .. .. 39'8 39'2 34'5 . , • 58'0 , 65'2 47'3 39'5 ; , ,', ' , .. .. .. 39 '8 38'8 33'6 29'6 .. .- .. .. , , , 341'8 3~'2 39 ' S 39'8 38'3 38'5 33'9 29'4 25'9 34'2 30'2 26'1 23'0 30'8 2'7'1 23'5 20'7 .. .. .. 35'5 33'8 30'0 35'5 33'9 30'4 27'0 26'2 2.2'4 19'.6 23'6. 20'2 ' 17'6 . , .. .. , , .. 35'5 ,35'5 33'7 35 ' 5 33'6 29'3 33'7 28'8 25'1 29'5 25'2 , 22'0 , , , 34'5 • .; , 35 ' 5 35'2 !:lb DORMAN., LONG & COMPOUND I IN -1"0 N S SAFE LOADS -, I CO . LIMITED. - .-~,~ " GIRDERS. For dimensions and properties of sections se.e preceding pages. SPANS IN FEET Reference Mark , I 22 ! 21 26 28 .. .. 11 ' 9 41,'4 37 ' 5 41'6 38'0 31'3 38 ' 4 35'0 31'7 ~ 33'5 29 ' 6 , 25'9 22 '0 30'7 27'1 23'S 21 "0 28'3 25 ' 0 21'9 ,19'4 58'0 52'6 46'0 39 ' 4 32 ' 9 54'S , 30 32 34 I, .. , I UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, I I .. 57 ' 4 50'2 43 ' 0 ,3 5'9 35'7 32'5 29'4 2(3'3 23'2 20'4 18'0 . 3,9 '2 33 ' 3 SO'4 27'5 36'8 31'2 28'5 ' 25'S 24'6 23'0 20'3 17'8 .. .. .. .. 2r'7 I 1.9'0 16'8 34'6 29'4 .. ' 41'9 42'4 36'4 30'4 44 ' 6 39 ' 5 34'5 38'1 34'7 31'S 28'0 24 ' 7 21'1 18'8 I .. .. .. 39'8 34'9. 81'8 28'7 38'0 32'2 29'4 26'5 35 ' 2 29 ' 9 27'3 24'6 32'9 27'9 25'4 23'0 30'8 26'2 .. 25'7 22'6 19'6 17'3 23'7 20'9 , 18'1 15'9 22'0 19' 4 16 ' 8 14'8 20'5 18'1 : : 31'1 28'2 25 ' 4 22',5 28'7 26'1 23'4 20'8 26'7 24'2 ' 21'7 19'3 21'9 19'7 16'S 14, 7 18'2 15'5 13'5 16'9 .. .. .. , ' ; 33'9 30'S 27'7 24'5 21'5 18'4 16'0 I i ! : .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , , .. , , , .. .. .. , .. , .. .. " " " " O;D .. •1 .. " ' 47'6 42'1 36"8 31'5 26'3 ' J;lj " " .. 60'9 45'1 39 ' 4 33 'S 28 ' 2 .' OD - , .. .. .. .. .. " , " " " OD " " " " " " " CD " " " " " " 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 r , 86 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , DIMENSIONS OF' COMPOUND GIRDERS. For safe distributed loads see fol\owillg pages • .. DIMENSIONS , Reference Mark SIze IIIGbes ' A x B ; InGbe~ Weight ,per foot , I Eaoh Beam lbs. Filinge . I CD 85 14% x 10 152'5 " 86 14 x l0 135'5 87 lSY:. XlO 118'5 88 13 x l0 101, " 89 12~ x 10 I OD 90 14 x 9 ,93 I 91 " 13% x 9 85 " " 92 13% x 9 77'5 98 18y'>< 9 70 " 94 13 " " I I' i ! 12 x,8 10 x 1'A " lO x 1 " 10 x % - " 92'5 - " , ~T_B"':'~ J T;~"'f-' x 9 # " " 95 12% x 9 54 96 12%>< 7 49 ! CD 97 12 : I I' ", 98 11 Yz x 10 " 99 11 I , , II I, 1 '1 I P .;I4>-!+- ---{-.~. , I 'I ' , II I : I " ,.<il 12 x 5 , ' 9x 1' ; 9x% " " 9x% " " " I 10 x % ' J,l 9 x% ' , 61'5 , ' 10 x% A J.-l... I i , , ; 9 x y:.' 9 x% 7x% , I :: . " ! " I '.+-G,-~! ~ ' II ii~~, ' x 10 x 10 125'5 108'5 ' 91 10 x8 " " ' lO x l 10 x ')I; . I-Ox}" . , 9 »: 1 : ; , . " CD 100 . " " • , 101 x 9 11 \I.., x 9 102 11 • CD 103 12 x 9 103 : 5 87'5 72'5 10 x 6 " " i ! 9 >< % 9 x7O ; , I ", 104 x 7 II'!. x 7 " 105 11 12 x 7 74'5 62'5 50 10 x 4 7O 7 x1 " 7 x% " 7 xYo : I I ,I u. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND IN GIRDERS UNITS. INCH For sale distributed loads see fonowing pages. , , PROPERTIES OF SEOTION Area sq. Inches Moment of Inertia Se'ctlon Modulus 44'12 39'12 34'12 29'12 26'62 1435 1205 990 792 698 873 Diameter of Rivets Mlnlln urn Spans In leet for Pitches (p ) Reference Mark Inches 3" 4" 198'0 172'1 146'7 121'8 109 ' 4 % 22 18 .. 24 20 16 14 .. .. % 775 680 588 124'7 112'7 100"7 88'8 20 18 " 14 24 22 18 16 24 76'9 65'1 56'1 " " 12 IS ' 5? 14'08 500 415 3Sa 14 10 8 20 14 12 " " " 94 95 96 36'18 31'18 26'18 809 652 509 134'8 113 ' 4 92'5 % 18 .. OD " .. .. 20 16 12 22 16 " 97 98 99 29 ' 77 25'27 . 20"77 677 .536 406 112'9 93'2 73 ' 9 % 18 14 12 24 18 14 26'83 24'58 22',33 20'08 17'83 I " " " " " " " " " " .. 16 .. ' , 6" ' , 479 373 275 CD , .. ,". 22 16 12 " " OD "' .. " " " .. " .. 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 98 OD 100 \I 101 102 .. 20 • 21 "35 17 ' 85 14'35 , " . 79'9 64 ' 8 % 50'0 " " 16 12 , .. 18 .. 14 20 , 10 14 OD 103 " 104 " 105 • :88 LONG . & . CO, LIMITED, - . DORMAN, , • COMPOUND GIRDERS. I I SAFE LOADS IN TONS . U I'll I FORMLY DISTRIBUTED, For dlmeDsloDs aDd propepties of sectioDs see preceding pages, SPANS IN FEET , .,. Reference i Mark CD $5 " 86 87 88 89 " " . CD " " " " ,I " 94 95 96 14 16 18 ,. ·, .. . .. .. . .. , , .. 10 ., . ' 1 46'4 41'7 46'4 40'6· , 36'5 .. .. .. .. ·, .. .. .. .. ., .. . .. .. 46'4 .. .. .. , .. ,".... , 46'4 43'5 36'1 32'4 .. .. 90 91 92 93 12 8 .' , .. .. 31'4 2\1'6 31'4 29'8 26:3 ,, .. 29 ',3 .. 31'4 29'9 31'4 28'9 24'9 25'6 21'7' " 18'7 22'8 19'3 16'6 . .. ' 31'4 , , 31'4 . 24'8 21'4 , . CD " " . .... CD " " CD . " " 97 98 99. 100 101 102 103 104 105 .. .. .. .. .. ," .. .. . . .. . .. .. 36'0 35'2 36'0 30'8 , ' .. .. .. .. , , ·, ' .' .. 32'4 32'4 28 ' 2 31'1 24'6 ,, .. .. .. .. .. .. 26'0 26'0 22'2 24'7 ' 19'1 26'0 21'6 16'7 .. , , , I 36'0 33'6 27 ' 4 , , 32'4 27'6 21'9 23'7 1~'2 14 ' 8 DORMAN, LONG & COMPOUND I CO, LIMITED, GIRDERS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, I I'or dimensions and properties of sections see preceding pages, SPANS IN ." 20 22 FEET Refer.ence Mark 24 26 28 ,- I 46'4 41'7 35'6 29'5 26'5 44'0 38'2 32'6 27'1 40'6 35:3 30'1 25'0 37'7 32'8 24'3 .. .. " 31'4 SO'l 26'9 2S'7 30'2 27'S 24'4 ' 27'7 25'0 22'4 23'8 CD 21'5 19'7 20'5 17'4, 15'0 18'6 15'8 ' 25'6 23'1 20'7 18'2 , 15'8 .. .. .. .. S5'9 SO'2 24'7 32'7 27'5 22'4 30'0 .. .. .. .. , .. .. SO'l 24'9 19'7 27'4 22'6 17'9 25'1 21'S 19'4 15'7 12'1 17'8 , , 45'9 39'1 32'5 29'2 17'3 lS'S lS'6 17'1 14'5 ' 12'5 , , .. .. .. .. .. . CD " " " " II " " " " CD " " CD " " III.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CD 't ,; 85 ,86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 , 90 ]jORMAN, LONG & -, . ' CO., LIMITED. , DIM~NSIONS OF COMPOUND GIRDERS. For safe distributed loads see following pages - " Referenco Mark f 1 OD 106 " 107 " 108 ".11 109 110 I 'f rj", I' I A I +1 ). IJ--B-~ J i!:: ii :;! . lEi,!'l.t ' +'II - ~tJ"<il'I 'f I t I"II '1. I: I t I' 11'1 P IiII '" J, ·H;t)H-I· 1111 III-·LI.I, ,1111 I ) II )1 I'll II II I I I ' I 1+11n":::: ··rl®r :,'1: IIII ~ I " I ' II II I" r "1.1;) 'II: H-" I ~k®r II IP I L I I' I II II ! I ~:LiLHJ) Ullq JiILl, " _Ii 1 111 112 " " 113 " " 114 A x,a lbs. Beams Each Flange 28~ x 18 461 430 399'5 369 336'5 24 ,x 7 Yz 18 x 2\4 18 x 2 18x1 % 18 x t % 18 x v.. 28 x 18 27Yz x 18 27 x18 26% x 18 " " " 26 x18 25Yz x 18 25 x18 24% x 18 306 275'5 245 229'5 ~ Centres of Beams Inclies 9y" I" " " 18 x 1 18 x% 18 x'h 18 ><% " " " " , ," ' " " " " , '_ OD 115 " 116 " 117 118 " 119 " " 120 " 1.21 26Yz )< 16 26 x 16 25';. x 16 25 x16 24'hx16 24 x 16 23Yz x 16 400 373 346 317 289'5 16 >< 2',4 16 x2 16xl% 16x)7\o 16x 1;4 22 x 7 " " " " 262'5 235 208 194 ' 5 " " " " " 122 " 123 23 x 16 22% x 16 OD 124 " 125 126 " 127 " 24' x i6 23Yz x 16 23 x16 22Yz x 16 • 353 326 297 269'5 20x6% " 128 -·,1 129 ' 22 x 16 21% x 16 21 x 16 20% x 16 242 '5 215 188 174'5 " I 16 x 1 16 x% f6 xYz 16 x ,% 8 • ' " , " " . " " " " " I ' , • Inches Welght per foot Size " 11 ' 11 WI: DIMENSIONS Inches " " 130 131 " " " " " " 16x2 16x1% 16x1Y. 16x l?i 16 x 1 16 x% 16x% 16x% BYz " " " II' . " " " , 91 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND GIRDERS IN INCH UNITS, For safe distributed loads see following pages. PROPERT.IES OF SECTION Iiiame(er Mini.mum Spans In feet .lor Pltcbes ( Pi Reference of sq. Inches Moment of Inertia Modulus Incbes 3" 4" 6" 133' 93 124'93 115'93 106'93 97'93 16944 15335 13783 12286 10844 1189'0 Ya ., ' 42 38 34 32 28 .. 1095'4 1002'4 910 ' 1 818'4 .. 24 Area ,' .' Mark Rivets Seotlon " " " " 88'93 79'93 70'93 66'43 ' 9455 8118 6834 6210 727'3 636'7 546 ' 7 501'8 116'13 108' 13 100'13 , 92 ' 13 84'13 12381 1U65 9994 8868 7787 934'4 858 ' 8 783'8 709 ' 5 635'6 76 ' 13 68'13 60 ' 13 56'13 6748 5752 4798 '4336 562'4 489'6 417'2 381'2 102 ' 24 94 ' 24 86'24 ,78'24 9031 8035 708 0 6167 752'6 683 ' i3 615'7 548'1 'l'a 70'24 62 ' 24 54'24 50'24 5292 4457 3660 3275 481'.1 414'6 348'6 315.'7 " " " " " .. ' , .. , .. , . .. .. " .. .. Va .. .. 34 32 28 26 24 .. 20 " " " " " " " " " " " " " .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 34 30 28 24 22 .. .. .. .. .. 40 34 28 22 18 16 .. .. , . 36 30 24 18 14 14 .. .. 34 30 24 18 16 14 OD 106 " 107 " 108 109 110 " " " 111 "" . 112 113 " 114 CD 115 " " " " " " " " 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 CD 124 " 125 " 126 " 127 " 128 " 129 " ," 130 131 92 DORMAN, LONG & CO . LIMITED. • COMPOUND ' GIRDERS. II II SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORmLY DISTRIBUTED, For dimensions and properties of sec !ions see, preceding pages, , SPANS IN FEET Reference Mllrk , 16 14 18 20 22 24 "", 26 30 ' 28 , 32 . CD 106 " 107 " 108 109 " 110 . ' , , , .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. ' " ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,' .. .. .. .. , ,- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. 151 145 151 136 .. .. , -, - " , .. 111 " 112 113 " 114 " -- " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 151 149 146 134 151 133 122 .. , , .. 151 151 141 12 1 112 149 131 112 103 13R 129 121 121 113 106 972 91 -1 104 956 89 ' 2 8S ' 6 '!o " CD 115 " 116 " 117 118 " 119 .. .. , .. .. ' , .. .. .. .. ,' .. .. .. , , .. .. " .. .. .. , , ,,120 " 121 122 " 123 .. .. - .. -- 140 181 111 102 " , 140 139 140 ' 127 140 124 113 .. .. .. .. .. -- .. .. .. .. 140 140 130 .. .. .. .. 140 135 121 .. .. , , 140, 139 131 126 ' 118 113 106 115 125 100 107 136 109 100 93 ' 3 87 ' 0 119 92'7 86 ' 6 79'5 74 ' 2 101 84'7 78'2 72 ' 6 67'8 92'4 98'7 in :13 69'5 ' 6 3'p' . CD 124 125 " 126 " 127 .. " , , " 128 -- 129 " 130 1&1 " " .. -- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. -' .. 115 , , -- 115 105 .. .. .. .. .. .. -- .. .. .. .. .. .. -- -, 115 112 115 107 115 111 101 92'1 93 '0 103 84 '5 77 ' 5 93 '5 8 4 ' 2 765 70 ' 2 , - , 98'7 85'0 71'5 64 ' 8 .. - - 11 5 104 91'6 79'0 66 ' 4 60 ' 1 " .. " .. 115 114 109 103 97 ' 4 91 ' 4 85 ' 5 73 ' 7 62 '0 56 ' 1 80'2 69 -1 58'1 52 ' 6 CO. LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & - COMPOUND GIRDERS. II SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED. 'II For dimensions and properties of sections see precedlng pages. SPANS IN FEET - Reference Mark 36 34 38 40. 42 46 44 48 50. , " - 151 143 128 149 135 12 1 151 141 128 115 114 10.8 94 ' S 81'0. 74 ' S 10.2 89 ' 4 76 ' 7 70. ' 4 " , 99 ' 9 85 '8 78 ' 7 " 1 38 140. 135, 127 123 ,116 111 10.5 99 ' 7 94'2 " " -- 146 134 121 10.9 151 , 139 127 116 10.4 144 133 122 lID 99 ' 2 97-0. 84 ' 9 72 ' 9 66'9 92-4 80. '9 69 ' 4 63'7 88 -2 77'2 66 ' S 60. ' 8 99 ' 6 89'2 125 115 10.5 94 ' 6 84 ' 7 119 10.9 99 ' 5 90. ' 1 80.'7 113 10.4 95'0. 86 ' 0. 77'0. 131 121 lID ,- 138 OD 10.6 127 132 127 10.7 122 117 " 116 111 10.8 10.7 " 10.6 97-1 101 " 10.9 94 -9 90.'9 87 -3 lID " 84 ' S 73'8 63 ' 4 58 ' 2 108 10.4 99 ' 6 95 ' 4 90. ' 9 87'1 82'3 78 '8 7S ' 7 70.'6 88 ' 2 76'8 65 ' 4 59'8 83 ' 3 72 ' 5 61'8 565 78 ' 9 68 ' 7 58 '6 5S ' 5 75 ' 0. 65 ' 3 55'6 50.'8 71 ' 4 62 ' 2 ·.53 ' 0. 48 ' 4 68'2 59'3 50.'6 46 ' 2 65'2 56 '8 48'4 115 10.7 96 ' 6 86 -0. I II 10.1 9 1 '2 8 1'2 10.6 96 '0. 86'4 76'9 10.0. 91'2 82 ' 1 73 ' 1 95 ' 6 8 6' 8 78 ' 2 69 '6 91'2 82'9 74 ' 6 66 ' 4 87'S 79 ' 3 71 ' 4 75 ' 5 , 71 ' 3 65 ,' 0. 61 ' 4 54 ' 7 51 ' 6 49 '5 46 ' 8 67 '5 58'2 48'9 44 ' 3 64'1 55 ' 3 46 ' 5 42 ' 1 ' 61 ' 1' 52 ' 6 44:3 58'3 .. ,- 80'8 70.7 60. '7 55 ' 8 .. 62 ' 5 .. .. , , 88 ' 6 " " .. ,' .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. , - , .. .. 77'6 67 ' 9 58 ' 3 111 112 " 113 " 114 " " " 99'7 OD 1,15 91 ' 6 " 116 83 ' 6 " 117 75'7 " 118 119 , - " " .. -, .. " .. .. , , .. .. " .. 120. 121 " , 122 123 " " " Oll 124 "... 125 126 127 " 128 129 ' " 130. 131 " " " 94 1;>ORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. DIMENSIONS OF GOMPOlJND GIRDERS. For safe distributed loads Eee following pages. Referenoe Mark Size Inohes A X. Weight , per foot " e DIMENSIONS Inches of . Beams Each Beams Ihs, Oentres Flange' . 1-------I~------~-----_4,,-------- I------4_--~ !. rrll 1. ' '7 1" I T A I 1;1 ! kl,-B-~ I I I 'I II , 1: 1 ',itin!' iHIlt: Of -lW,:. , p' 'I ;:-t}-'I \ I' ' , ~'I I 'l I,' ,.\ . II I I II' t I· :: :: #\ 1' '. : ,I*T"I':I I I II II II t I l.tl II II' :: , ,:, n 1-,.,-11 II , 'I I' II 'I t " " 1 18 x 8 CD 136 " 137 II 138 21 y"x 16 21 x 16 20 )1. x 16 306 278 ' 5 249'5 i8 x 6 II ' 139 222'5 " i40 141 20 x 16 19'1.>< 16 19 )( 16 18%x 16 195 168 154'5 " " ~ 1 9 y" x 20 19 x 20 18 y" x 20 18 x 20 393 ' 5 359'5 32.5 '5 16 x 8 291'5 " " 19 x 16 18%X 16 268'5 16 x 6 241'5 212 ' 5 " 185 II OD 143 144 " 145 " " 146 " " " " 20 x l % 20 x 1 Yz 20')dYt, 20 x l , 10% 16 x 1% 16 x 1% 8% " 16 x l \4 " 16 x 1 16 x% 16 x y" " " CD 147 " " 148 149 18 " " 150 151 " 152 · OD 153 " 154 " 155 ;, 156 " 157 " 158 \L-____________L-______ x 16 17y" x 16 ' 17 x 16 16%x 16 18 x 16 17'1.x 16 17 x 16 16'(.x16 16 x 16 15)4X1 6 ~ ________ 158 144'5 , 202'5 " " 175 148 " 184'5 ~ ____ ~ " " " " " 10% " " " 8'1. " II. 16 ><'% 16 xy" " " 16 x% ., " 16 x l y" 16 x 1;;" . 16 x·l ~ ______ " " 16 x% 16 x¥. 16 x% ". " ________ " 16~iYz ' 16 x 1 '4 16 x 1 " 231'5 " , " 15x 6 " 20 x 1.% 20x 1 Y. 20 x 1%, '20 x l " 258'5 " 16 x% I I I I u"~' ,:I 'IIl'-iJ-. , I II I ,I "II ,[l tjj'! t l! 403'5 369 ' 5 335'5 299'5 ". 142 ~~ 'I'I I 21 '(.)< 20 21 x 20 20 y" x 20 20 x 20 II' 1' I ' . I ' \1 CD 132 " 133 " 134 II 185 . II " " ~ ____ ~ DORMAN, LONG & CO . LIMITED. . PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND G.IRDE.R S IN INCH .UNITS, For safe distributed loads see following pages, PROPERTIES OF SEOTION Area " sq, Inohes Moment of Inertia 117'05 107'05 97'05 87'05 8536 - 7513 6537 5608 88 ' 36 80 ' 36 72 ' 36 Section Modulus Diameter of Rivets Minimum Spans in feet for Pitohes (P) , Inches 8" 4" 6" 794'0 7.15'5 637'8 560' 8 % 28 24 34 30 26 20 ,, 6311 5514 4754 587'1 525'1 468'8 % 64'36 56'36 48'36 44'86 4029 3341 2686 2372 402'9 342'6 282'8 253'0 " " " " 114'13 104'13 94'13 84'13 . 6768 5928 5181 4377 694'1 624'0 -. 554'8 486'3 % 77'41 69'41 61'41 4334 3718 8125 456'2 401'4 847'2 % 2569 2943 1792 293'5 240'4 213'9 74'47 66'47 58'47 3753 3197 26'72 417'0 365 ' 4 314 ' 3 50'47 42'47 .38'47 2176 1710 1488 263'8 213'7 188' 9 53'41 45'41 41'41 I - " .. " .." " " " " " " " " % " " " ," " 2~ ' , ' . .. 30 28 24 " 20 " .. .. " " 26 24 20 18 ' " 38 30 I 34 30 24 18 14 12 . ,, 34 ·30 26 20 .. .. .. 34 30 24 .. .. 16 . 18 12 12 26 22 20 34 30 24 16 18 12 12 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. OD 136 " 137 138 " " " " " 139 140 141 142 OD 147 " 148 149 26 22 20 .. " 30 .. .. .. . OD 132 " 133 " 134 135 OD 143 " 144 " 145 146 .. .. Reference Mark " " " " " 150 151 152 OD 153 " 154 155 " " " " 156 157 158 D .. \ / 96 DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. COMPOUN'D -II GIRDERS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED , II For dimensions and properties of sections see preceding pages. SPANS IN FEET , Reference Mark 12 OD " " " 14 16 18 20 132 133 134 22 24 • 135 148 148 136 26 148 147 14~ 121 ·f15 125 • OD " 136 137 " 138 " 139 " " " 140 141 142 OD 143 " " 144 " CD " • 100 100 91 ·4 75·4 67·5 100 9.7 ·7.89·5 8S·1 76'1 136 136 130 82 ·6 ·68'6 62'8 70'3 58 ·0 61 ·3 562 51·9 ... 145 146 95'1 136 134 118 123 108 147 148 " 149 92'6 " 150 7W3 151 64·1 71 '2 58·3 152 57 ·0 51·9 . 4',t'5 43 ·9 83·8 75 ·0 64 ·5 " " OD " " " " " 153 154 155 156 157 158 83·8 S1'4 83'8 71'2 83'8 72·0 63·0 65 ' 2 · '60'2 53·4 49 ·3 83'8 76·2 81 : 2 83 ·8 70 ' 3 57 ·0 50'4 64 ·0 51·8 45 'S 58·6 47 ' 5 69 ' S 42'0 54'1 43·8 38 ·7 CO. LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & II COMPOUND GI RDERS. Ir SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED. For dimensions and properties ofse"ctions see preceding pages. SPANS , IN FEET Reference Mark I 28 148 136 121 107 141 127 113 99'7 .. 100 93'4 82'5 100 88"3 76'7 65"3 53'9 48 ' 2 "I 30 182 119 we 92'6 32 34 132 119 125 . 112 36 38 40 42 98 "5 111 100 89 "5 78'7 106 95"4 85 ' 0 74 ' 8 101 90 "9 100 88'0 118 106 94"5 83"1 97'9 87 ' 5 77'3 92 ' 1 82'4 72'8 87'0 77 "8 68'7 82'4 73'7 60'1 78 ' 3 70'0 61'8 74 ' 6 66'7 63 "2 53'7 44 "4 42 "2 " 39"7 59'7 50 ' 8 41 ' 9 37 "5 56"5 48'1 39 ' 7 53 ' 7 106 ;oaF 71"6 60"9 45 "0 123 111 98 ' 6 86 ' 5 67'2 57 "1 116 104 92'5 81'1 109 97'9 87 "0 76 ' 3 .. 103 97 ' 4 92 ' 4 87'6 1 82'2 " " " 72'0 I ' " " " .. I 81'1 71 "4 61 ' 7 76 ' 0 66 "9 57 ' 9 71 ' 6 63'0 54"5 55"9 45 "8 40 "7 52 ' 2 42 ' 7 38 ' 0 48"9 40"1 357 46'0 37 ' 7 79'4 69 ' 6 59"9 74" 1 65'0 55 "9 69 ' 5 60 "9 52 "4 6"5 "4 57"3 49"3 50"2 40'7 36"0 46"9 38'0 33"6 44"0 35"6 .. ' " 67"6 59'5 51'4 .. " .. 61'8 " " 64'0 .. CD " .. " .. .. , . " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " , "" " " CD " " " OD " " .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. .. " .. .. .. CD .. .. ' " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , " .. " " .. .. " " " " .. I 86 ' 9 76 "5 66'1 OD .. . , .. " .. , .. .. .. " " " " " " 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 98 DORMAN, LONG & CO; LIMITED. -, DIMENSIONS OF' COMPOUND GIRDERS. > For safe dIstributed loads see following pages. Referenoe Mark -, ., rr. I' A I 4~~~,i ki--B-~ ~r'-! I~" I " II II t I":t -f. ' I I I, ,I tI 01 II I I I 10 I'll " I I II I ' .1 . \ II \ I '1 1, l . ' II ! II IT I I I , II ., ' " • I '' .I I I II " 11 I 11' I 'I I' I I ., \ r : II : I: 1 Wb-' . 1'fl.,- tJ_ .1 I. 'I I I II . I ll:'ii \!~ JLlr 1 I Ibs, Beams x20 16Y. x 20 16 x20 15y' x 20 349-5 315-5 281'5 247'5 H x8 CD 163 " 164 16.5 17 x 14 1(5% x 14 16 x 14 226 202'5 178'5 14x5% 1tiY. x 14 15 x 1414%x14 153'5 130 118 " " 7f " " 166 167 168 17 " " " . " " I .I I Centres of Beams Each Flange Inches " " 20 x 1 Y. 2O x 1'i4 -20 x l 20 x% CD 174 " 175 " 176 .177 14 x18 lSy' X 18 13 :><18 12 x8 12 ~X1 8 258 225'5 195 179'5 " l8 x% CD 178 " 179 " 180 181 14 x 12 13Y.x 12 13 x 12 12'% X 12 145 123'5 103 93 12 >< 5 12 x 1 12x% 12 xY. 12x% " " .. " " " " " . " " " " 7 " " " " I, . 13 x ({ " , ·14x% 192'5 15%x 14 15 . x H • . 168'5 145 14%x 14 120 14 x 14 108 i3%,x14 I " " 14x 1 Y. 14 x 1;4 1.4x 1 OD 16$) " 170 171 " 172 " 173 " lOY. 14 x% - 14x y' " II , ' '4:: -!,:~:~ :'rtf' I·: ! :: : ~ I : I!:~~l 1:.~:-\" -lljr ~ A x B· OD 159 " 160 . " 161 162 " P j'f~I-,. l" "'- ' I'" , .!. I Weight per loot, -~--- 1 'i ! Size Inches DIMENSIONS Inches 14 x l% 14 x l 14 x % 14 x% 14x% • 7% ." " " ." 18 x 1 18 x% / ,9 18 * Y. " " " . - 6 " " " 99 DORMAN, LONG ' &. CO. LIMITED. PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND IN INCH GIRDERS UNITS, For safe distributed loads see following pRges, ., PROPERTIES OF SECTION Area sq, inabes Moment of Inertia Diameter of Rlvels Section Modulus InGh~s Minimum Spans in feet tor Pitches ( P ) Reference . Mark 3" 4 '( 6" ,- 101'lS 9 1'18 81'lS 71 ' 18 4545 3909 3311 274S 534'6 473'S 413'8 354 ' 6 65'53 58'53 . 51'53 2902 2469 2061 341'4 299'3 257'6 *" 44 ' 53 37'53 34'03 1676 1317 1145 216 ' 3 175 ' 5 155' 3 " " 2067 1707 1370 1056 907 266'7 227'6 189'0 150'9 132'0 .. OD 159 .. ." .. 30 24 20 16 22 20 16 28 24 18 28 " .. .. .. 14 10 10 22 14 12 " " " *" 20 16 .. o D .169 " .. .. 22 18 14 10 8 28 22 · 14 12 " 170 " 171 'VB " " " " " 24 20 18 , 30 24 " " .. , 160 161 162 CD 163 . " 164 165 166 167 168 , 55'60 48'60 41'60 34 ' 60 31'10 " " 74 ' 2 4 2 2 4 D 65'24 1859 56 ' 24 1505 51'74 1338 320 ' 0 275' 4 231'5 209 '9 % 41'65 35'65 29'65 26'65 176 ' 9 147 ' 1 117'8 103'* *" 1238 993 765 658 ". " " " " " .. I I " 172 173 " .. ... .. .. 14 .. .. .. 18 OD 174 .. 26 20 14 12 16 12 8 8 24 18 12 10 OD 178 14 12 I " ,j " 175 176 177 " 179 . " " 180 181 100 . DORMAN, LONG & LIMITED. CO. " COMPOUND GIRDERS. II . ' II SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLV DISTRIBUTED. For dimensions and properties 01 sections see preceding pages . • SPANS IN FEEl' ,. - Referenoe Mark 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ~ " OD " n .. OD " n " " " CD .. •• •• " 159 160 161 162 .. 163 164 165 .. 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 .. ' , .. .. .. .. .. , ' " .. " " " .. " , 71' 1 " ' . .. .. .. .. .. " .. " " " . , " 78'0 69'0 " " .. ' , 71 ' 1 70'4 67 ' 1 58'7 .. .. .. .. .. " 79'6 79'6 .. .. 79 ' 6 66'9 59'2 .. .. 71' 1 57'S 50 '3 " " 116 .. .. .. 116 110 116 105 tWe" " I I I " .. " " 79 ' 6 76'3 72'1 58'5 51'8 64'1 52'0 46'0 79'6 68'7 • 577 46'8 ' 41'4 t:--- , " 71' 1 63'0 50'3 44'0 .. 6'7 '4 56'0 44'7 39 ' 1 ' 71 ' 1 60 : 7 60 ' 4 40',2 35 "2 • CD n .." CD " " " 174 175 176 177 178 179 180' 181 ' , ' , .. .. " .. 62'9 62'9 .. .. " " " " 6,2 '8 65 ' 0 .. .. 92 ' 9 929 " 62'9 , 52,'4 45'9 92 ' 9 88'2 800 91'8 77'2 70 ' 0 92,'9 81'6 68 ' 6 62 ' 2 62 '9 56'0 44 ' 9 39 ' 3 5 9'0 49'0 393 34 ' 4 52'4 -$3 ' 6 34'9 30 ' 6 , , " .' 85'S 73'4 61'7 5.6 ' 0 47'2 39'2 31 ',4 27'S .1.V.1. DORMAN, LONG & COMPOUND II CO. LIMITED. GIRDERS. II sAFE LOADS IN TONS VNI FOR M LY D ISTR I eVTED, For dImensIons and properties of sections see precedIng' pages. SPANS IN FEET Reference Mark 24 22 28 26 30 32 34 95'0' 84 ' 2 73 '6 63'0 89 ' 1 79'0 69'0 83'9 I 116 105 92 ' 0 78'8 , , 115 100 86'0 110 97'2 84'9 72 ' 7 102 ~ 78'8 67 ' 5 .. CD .. II ' II . . ' 159 160 161 162 " 79 ' 6 72'6 62'4 75'9 66'5 57 ' 2 70 ' 0 61'4 52 ' 8 65'0 57 '0 49 ' 1 60'7 53'2 45 ' 8 56'9 49 ' 9 42 ' 9 53 '6 52'4 42'5 37'6 48'1 39'0 34'5 "1,4'4 36 ' 0 31'9 41 ' 2 33 ' 4 29'6 38'5 31'2 .. .. .. .. .. .. 50'8 43 ' 4 36'0 28 ' 7 47'4 40'5 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 61 ' 0 .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 163 164 i65 " II 166 1e7 168 " " II . . 59'3 50'6 42'0 33'5 29'3 64 ' 7 55 '2 45 ' 8 36'6 32'0 .. CD 54'7 46 ' 7 38'8 31'0 27'1 ' , ' , .. OD 169 170 171 172 173 " II .. .. .. . .. .. " II . ,, 77 ' 6 66 ' 8 5fl'1 50 '9 71 ' 1 61'2 51 ' 4 46'0 65'0 56'5 47'5 -42 ' 9 35 ' 7 28'6 25 ' 0 39'3 32'7 26'2 22 ' 9 36'3 30'2 24 ' 2 . .. .. • ' .. ' ' . . 33'7 .. .. .. .. .. .. , , - .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CD 174 175 176 177 " " II OD 178 179 180 181 ' II II II . " 102 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. DIMENSIONS . OF COMPOUND GIRDERS. , For safe distributed loads see following pages. Sl~e Reference Mark Inches Weight per foot A x B lbs. DIME~SIONS Inches Oenires of Beams Beams Each Flange 24 x 2 24 x 1% 24x1 24 x% Inches , OD 182 183 " 184 " 185 28 27 26 25 x x x x 24 24 24 24 604'5 520 438'5 357 24 x 7% OD 186 187 188 189 26 25 24 23 x x x x 24 24 24 . 24 559'5 475 393'5 312 22 x 7 OD 190 191 " 192 " 193 24 23 22 21 x x x x 22 22 22 22 502'5' 425 350 275 20 >< 6% t iUi!! iW,l l r :: il(l)~!, it OD 194 " 195 196 22 x 26 21 x 26 20 x 26 601 ' 5 513'5 422 18x8 1I !l---, 'Hi,1t .. , OD 197 198 " 199 II 21 x 20 20 x 20 19 x 20 374'5 366'5 238'5 18 x 6 OD 200 n 201 II 202 20 x 26 19 x 26 18 x 26 586'5 498'5 407 16 x 8 OD 203 " 204 205 19 x 20 18 x 20 17 x 20 859'5 2in'5 223'5 16 x 6 OD 206 207 208 18 x 20 17 x 20 16 .x 20 344'5 276'5 208'5 15 x 6 OD 209· 210 17 x 26 16 x 26 483'5 395 14 x 8 CD 211 " 212 213 17 x 18 16 x 18 15 x 18 308'5 246 184'5 14 x 5 J(, • " I i I 1 rr , 'f " A "" l' Ii i LlJ l~ ~~:.JflL- .2i ..1 ' f II I ji:'lr"I~1, ~:Jl-I i'.L ''f~'r ,f I, ,I" - 'I " : II I ,. ! I~~ • ~1,j+' , i ' , . r I~ , Hr' r~:'~ I I I" :rIH IIi rill ! I, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " II 7% " " " J 24 x 2 24 x 1 • 24 x 1 24x% 7% 22 x 2 22 x 1% 22 x 1 22 x% 7~ 26 x 2 26 x IJ(, 26 x 1 8J(, , " " " " " " , " II " " " " " " " 't ... " " ." 20x 11'. 20 x 1 20 x J(, 6J(, 26 x 2 26 x IJ(, 26x1 8% 20 x 1J(,. 20 x 1 20 x J(, 6% 20x1% 20 x 1 20 x% 6 Y:i 26.x I J(, 26 x 1 8% la x 1J(, 18 x l 18 xJ(, " " " ' " II " II '\ " 5% II II ' 103 DORMAN, LONG & PROPERTIES CO. LIMITED. OF' COMPOUND IN INCH GIRDERS UNITS, . For sa[e distributed loads see following pages. PROPERTIES OF SECT~ON Diameter 01 Mlnimum Spans in leet for Pitches (p ) Reference Mark Rivets Area sq, In.ehes Moment of Inertia Section ~odulus Inches . 1497 ' 9 1256-6 1018 ' 8 784'0 'Va 162'1.9 138'19 . 114'19 90'19 16747 13302 10123 7197 1288'2 l064'2 843 ' 5 625'8 % 145'36 123'36 101'36 79'36 12576 9926 7497 5280 1048 ' 0 863'1 681'6 502'8 % ' , " ' ' 174'58 -J 48'58 122'58 12806 10126 7689 1164'2 964 ' 4 . 768'9 . % 108'55 88'55 68'55 7128 5322 3687 67.8 ' 8 532 ' 2 388'1 % 170 ' 19 144'19 118'19 10176 7971 5987 1017-0 839'1 66.5 '2 104'12 84'12 64'12 5580 . 41,09 2792 587'3 456'5 328'5 4811 3495 2325 534 ' 5 411'1 290'6 % 139'77 113' 7.7. ' 60 9 4 4515 716'9 564'4 % " 89'30 7.1 'SO 53-SO • 3811 2753 1817 448'4 S44'l 242'3 % . 99' 7.1 79' 7.1 59 ' 7.1 'I 1 I I " " " " " 6" - .. 20971 16964 13244 9800 " 4" 3" 17.5 ' 40 151' 40 ' 127'40 . 103'40 " " .- 34 28 .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 26 20 .. .. .. I ' .. 32 26 20 ,- .. 32 22 14 .. .. .. .. 24 18 .. .. 28 20 12 26 20 16 32 26 18 313 26 % .. " " 22 16 .. .. .. 22 16 " " " % , II " " " " " 28 22 , 36 24 14 .. .. 36 24 18 32 26 18 " . , I 00 182 " 183 184 18 5 ., " CD 186 187 " 188 " ' " H i9 00 190 " 191 " 192 193 " 38 26 CD 194 195 " 196 00 197. 198 " 199 II .. 00200 "., 201 202 " 28 20 12 CD 203 OD 206 .. 28 20 12 22 16 26 18 26 00209 210 20 14 22 16 10 34 24 12 CD 211 212 II 21S .. ... .. .. I .. " " " II . 204 205 207 208 " " Dz i 104 - DORMAN, LONG' & . CO. LIMITED. III COMPOUND GIRDERS. III SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED, For dimensions and propertIes 01 sections see preceding pages, SPANS IN FEET .' Reference Mnrk CD II " " CD . , ,I " " CD " i " " CD " '" OD " " OD " " OD " " CD " " CD " OD " " , 182 183 184 185 190 191 192 193 14 .. ·. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18, 20 22 24 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 226 194 149 228 181 :La 9 .. .. .. .. .. .. 226 209 190 ·. .. ·. ·. .. , .. 226 ~09 174. 161 .. .. .. 210 30 .. .. 2"03 161 119 189 150 111 .. .. .. .. .. .. 210 209 185 210 167 · .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ·. .. 168 149 172 134 165 122 151 1-12 ·. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ·. 221 205 [221 186 214 171 .. 151 139 129 121 129 118 109 101 94'6 94'1 86'2 796 739 69 ' 0 ' .. , . .. · . 172 .. .. .. ·. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. e ·. 151 148 129 142 103 .. ·. ·. .. .. .. .. · . 204 203 161 186 148 .. .. .. .. 204 .. ·. .. .. .. 206 207 208 ·, 209 210 .. .. .. .. .. 151 115 .. .. .. 204 ' l.87 . 173 152 139 128 ·. ·. .. .. .. .. .. , 28 .. .. ' ' 26 16 .. .. .. 197 198 199 " .. .. 194 195 196 203 204 205 12 .. 186 18'7 188 189 200 201 202 10 .. .. 139 125 .. .. .. .. 126 111 ' " .. .. .. 139 110 197 177 172 140 103 164 153 130 121 95'8 89'4 198 158 221 184 146 204 ' 194 172 160 136 127 . 207 171 137 181 149 118 139 131 120 112 104 93'6 87\ftoO ~1'2 135 122 11111 101 97 ' 3 87'6 796 73'0 67'4 62'6 58 ' 4 ·. ·. .. .. 1 126 119 110 102 95'01 99'7 91'4 84'3 78 ' 3 73'1 126 122 110 96'9 86'1 77 ' 5 70'5 64'6 5961 55'4 .51 ' 7 .. .. .. .. 1'74 167 151 174 137 159 125 147 1137 116 1108 1127 100 .. .. .. .. ,', 99"6 92'0185'4 79'7 211 119 109 .. .. 119 115 102 91'8 83"4 76'5 70'61 65'5 61'2 212 213 119 108 92'3 80'8 71'8 64'6 58'7 53.81 49'71 46 '2 43-1 105 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. COMPOUND III GIRDERS. III SAFE LOADS IN TONS UN I FORMLV DISTRIBUTED. , For dimensions and properties SPANS IN of sections see preceding pages. FEET RefereD"C,e Mark 34 36 88 40 209 170 131 226 197 160 123 222 186 151 116 210 176 143 110 200 168 136 105 210 177 141 104 1.91 81 164 202 172 156 149 143 137 167 :- 158 149 142 135 129 123 118 114 118 112 132 125 1.07 97'8 93'7 .. 102 98 ' 2 92'7 87 ' 81 83 ' 4 1 79'5 75'9 72 ' 6 .. .. C,D 186 187 " 188 " 189 172, ' 144 1.14 83'8 147 ' 11401133 164 155 127 122 116" 121 115 110 135 ' 128 105 100 , " 90'9 95 ' 7 86 '6 107 101 8~'6 ' , , 78'9 74 ' 5 70'6 67'0 63 '8 .. .. " CD 190 191 " 192 " 193 , 32 , , 194 161 128 190 182 174 166 160 152 146 140 129 123 113 118 99 ' 6 95 ' 0 90'9 87'1 165 ' 148 163 172 143, 135 114 , 108 183 151 121 160 132 104' 129 103 95 '3 74'7 54'5 143 151 118 124 ' .. 98'5 97 '9 76'.1 54 ' 8 92'1 71 ' 6 51'5 87 ' 0 67'6 89 ' 1 68 ' 5 48 ' 4 83 'S 64'5 79,' 2 .. 905 71 :0 .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , ' .. , , .. 86'2 .. , 136 82'4 .. " 122 " .. .. .. .. . , .. .. .. .. 141 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , ' .. .. , '. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ~ ; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. ·· ' .. .. 70 '3 .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. . .. .. .. ' .. .. ' , , .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. , .. . .. .. .. " " " .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. , " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .' .. ' .. 112 119 94 ' 1 .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. 160 dD 182 134, 183 " 184 109 83'6 " 185 ' ' .. 74 ' 7 57'1' 50 48 · r III 46 44 " 101 ' 106 llS 88'7 88'5 78'8 €l4'7 60'9 57 '5 170 140 42 .. .. .. 00194 " 195 196 " CD 197 " 198 199 " CD 200 " 201 202 " CD 203 (, 204 205 " CD 206 207 , " 208 " CD 209 210 " CD 211 " 212 213 " , , • 106 DORMAN, LONG CO. LIMITED. & • ~" DIMENSIONS OF ,COMPOUND GIROERS. For sale distributed loads •1 following pages • ~ , I· ~ee ,i Reference Mark Size Inches A x B . DIMENSIONS Inches Weight per loot lbs. Distance 0 Each " Channels " "Inches Flange ; , i I , Ii CD 214 215 " 216 "II 21 19 x 14 18Y:, x 14. 18 >< 14 17% x 14 187:5 " 163"5 140 128 17 x 4 CD 218 II 219 " 220 221 II 17 x14 171"5 147"5 124 112 " 15"x 4 , 74 .L ti T I A I'" D, I "" I" kT_B_ W -ttI -+'i-: d ~ r : :r , , " " "14x % 14 x % " " , 12 x 3 Y:,H 224 225 13 x 12 12%. x 12 93'5 83"5 12 x 3 )1, L CD 226 " 227 228 " 229 · 12 x 10 11 %x 10 11 x lO 10%. X 10 109 92 75 66"5 OD 230 " 231 232 10 Yox 10 10 x 10 9 %x lO 88 71 . 62"5 9x3 CD 233 234 " 235 9'hx 10 9 x 10 8 %. x 10 85 68 59"5 8x3 OD 236 237 II 238 II 8~ x 10 73 64"5 . 56 7x3 8 x 10 7 %.>< 10 12 x 1 12 x %", " 12 xy,. 12 x K ". ,", 5% 14 x~ 143"5 122 " " " "14 x 1 " , 5 1/2 " " 4)1, " if II p ll'-":t,T I. I 1- ! . II 14 x12 13)1, x 12 II : "Iif iffBi 1'" ~ , CD 222 223 I I , . " I 1 ,, 16 x14 15%. X14 l..J", 1 )~ ; 16 Yz x 14 " " 14 x l 14 x%. 14 x% 14 x% : II · I 'I : 1 I 11 I 11 ~. l"fi , I'l -'tI, ,r 44: " ~ , l !iI I $' I I __+1_ H II II -1 " 10 x 3 10 >< 1 lOx%. 10 xy" 10 x % 3% lO x %. lOx;!" · 10 x% S'A: lO x%. 10 xy" 10 x % 3 Y:, lO x 0/" lO x Y. -iO x% 3%. " " " 11 " " , ! " " " II II u II " , l "" " " " " " lO{ COo , LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG: & " PROPERTIES OF COMPOUND GIRDERS IN # UNITS, INCH For safe distributed loads see folloWing pages. l'ROl'EllTiES OF SEOTION . Area sq. inches , Diameter of " MInimum s~ans In ,feet for Plto es (p) Reference Mark Rlvet~ , Moment of ,: Inertia Section Modnlns, Inches 3" % 12 " ' , 4" 6" . , 51'08 47'08 40'08 36"58 ' 2837 2304 1799, 1557 298'6 249:1 199'9 • 175'5 " II ' , """ 2 '5 1'0 \, , 207'0 163'4 14'1 17, % 41'19 35'19 1176 931 168'0 137'9 ' % 665 55.8 102'3 87'5 .. • 25'27 20 ' 27 17 ' 77 641 ' 496 363 302 398 288 237 20 16 12 8 • 2133 1707 1307 1116 31'34 26'34 21 ' 34 18 ' 84 " 24'39 19 : 39 • 16 ' 89 314 '225 184 66'2 50'0 42'0 20'86 18'36 15'86, 204 169 137 49'3 42'2 35'2 , S OD 218 " 219 " 220 221 II 10 8 16 12 24 18 , OD 222 223 II 6 ' , II ' " 8 % 8 6 4 " II *" " · · , ! ,I I 12 8 6 I 12 10 8 6 8 6 4 % • ' , " " " " • , , " % 75 ' 9 , 57'7 4'8 ' 7 " 20 16 12 II 106 ' 8 86 ' 3 66 ' 1 56 ' 1 12 OD 214 215 II II 216 217 14 10 8 6 II"" . , ' , 49'39 42'39 35'39 31'89 26 ' 85 23'85 , "• II 14 10 8 6 .. 10 .. 6 4 10 8 6 · . , " 224 225 OD 226 " 227 " 228 229 14 10 8 OD 230 231 " 232 - 8 6 4 " 18 14 10 8 10 8 6 " " " ,14 10' 8 OD 233 "II 234 235 ,12 10 8 OD 236 " 237 238 0 8 8 6 " \ • 108 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , , ; ] [ COMPOUND SAFE LOADS IN TONS GIRDERS. UN I FORM LV ',0 ISTRI BUTEO. For dimensions and properties of sections se~ l [, preceding pages. , SPANS IN FEET ,. Reference Mark 4 8 6 12 10 14 18 18 20 ~-- CD " " " 214 215 216 217 ' , , , .. .. 131 .. .. , , .. 131 107 93'6 III .. .. 181 " 131 117 88 ' 8 78 ' 0 88'5 73 'S 59'2 52'0 99'5 83'0 66'6 58'5 114 94'9 76'2 66 ' 9 79 : 6, 6~'4 53'3 46'8 . " CD " " " OD " " " 218 219 220 221 .. .. .. .. 222 223 .. 224 , 225 .. .. .. .. , " .. 96 ' 1 .. .. " .. .. 96'1 94'5 .. .. 96'1 87 ' 1 75'6 96'1 92 ' 0 72 ' 6 83'0 '96'6 78,'9 62 ' 2 54 ' 0 83'7 69'0 54'5 47 ' 2 74 ' 4 61'S 48'4 42 ' 0 66; 9 55 ' 2 43:8 37'8 , •" 86 ' 4 73 ' 5 74'7 61 ' 8 64'0 52'5 56'0 48 ' 0 49'8 40'9, 44 ' S 38'8 ' 70 ' 0 70 ' 0 68 ' 2 ' 54'6 58'3 46 '7 45'5 38'9 39'0 33 ' 3 34 ' 1 29 ' 2 30'3 25 ' 9 27 ' 3 ' 23'S . 57'3 57 ' e 57'3 ' 46'Q 44'1 35'3 37'4 29 ' 9 47 ' 5 ' 40'7 ~8 ' 4 32'9 29'4 25'2 24'9 21 ' 4 86'4 /1>' CD " " II 226 227 228 229 .. . ' .. 57'3 ' .. 57'3 49 ' 9 35'6 81:6 28 ' 8 , 25'6 22 ' 0 19'6 18',7 16'8 , CD " " OD II " aD " " 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 .. .. 48'8 .. .. 40 ' 3 .. .. 32'8 .. 48'6 43 ' 3 .. 40'3 37 ' 3 .. 82'8 31 ' 3 28'5 . 23 :,0 17:6 15 ' 0 . . , 48 ' 8 38'5 32'5 40'5 30 ' 8 28 ' 0 33'7 25'8 21'8 28'9 22 ' 0 18 ' 6 25'3 22'5 19 ' 2 17 ' 1 18 ' 2 ' 14 ' 4 40'3 33'S 28'0 35 ' 3 28'7 22 ' 4 29 ' 4 22 ' 2 18'7 25 ' 2 19'0 16 ' 0 22'1 16'7 1.'0 19 ' 6 14'8 32 ,' 8 28 ' 1 23'5 26'3 22'5 18 ' 8 21'9 18 ' 8 15 ' 6 18'S 16'1 13 ' 4 18'4 14 ' 1 .. .. .. .. , , .. .. , 20'2 15'4 .. .. .. .. .lIM . DORMAN, LONG & .. .. ;. CO . LIMITED. , COMPOUND GIRDERS. ] [ ] [ SAFE LOADS IN TONS 'uNIF9RMLY DISTRISUTED. For dlurensions and properties of seetlons see . preceding pages. I SPANS IN FEET Reference Mark 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 72'4 60'4 48'5 .42 ' 5 66'4 55'4 44'4 39 ' 0 61'3 51 ' 1 41 ' 0 36'0 56'9 47'4 38'1 53',1 44'3 35'5 31'2 49'8 41'5 33'3 29'3 46'8 39'1 31'4 27'5 60 ' 8 50'2 39'6 34'4 55 '8 46'0 36'3 31 ' 5 51 ' 5 42 ' 5 33 ' 5 29 ' 1 44'6 36'8 29'0 25'2 41'8 34'5 27 .' 2 39 ' 4 .. 40'7 33'4 37'3. 34,5 30'6 28'3 .. 24'8 21'2 :J 47'8 39 ' 4 31'1 27'0 32'.0 ' ' .. , ' 22'7 19 ' 4 21'0 .. , , 23'7 .. ,' ' . .. 36 .. 38 44'2 41'9 .. 36'9 29'6 . .. , ' .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. I ' .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , ' .. .. .. .. - .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. OD .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. CD .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' . , " .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ," .. .. , ', .. .. .. ' , .. '. " .. .. ' " .. '; , 25'9 20'9 16'0 CD .. .. " " " " " 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 " " 224 225 OD 226 227 228 229 " " " , .. .. .. OD ' " " CD " " CD " " 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 - . • ' 110 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . , , .. DEFLECTION. ' SYMMETRICAL GIRDERS UNDER UNIFORM CROSS SECTION THE TABULAR LOADS IN THE PRECEDING PAGES, , DEFLEOTIONS . ,SPANS IN Dopth Inches 10 - , 12 - 14 16 18 -- - - - - 30 29 28 27 26 04 '04. 05 '05 05 '0'7 '07 ' 07 '07 08 ' 10 '10 '10 11 '11 ' 13 '14 ' 14 ' 15 ' 15 25 24 23 22 21 '05 ' 05 ' 06 06 '06 '08 12 '08 12 ' 09 ' 13 ' 09 ' 13 ' 10 '14 20 19 18 17 l.6 '06 '07 '07 '08 '08 '10 '14 15 ' 17 18 '18 '20 '22 '22 '23 ' 24 '25 ' 16 ' 16 ' 17 ' 18 '19 ' 20 ' 21 '22 ' 23 '24 '12 ' 17 '13 ' 18 '20 ' 21 '22 '23 '25 12 11 ' 09 ' 18 '19 ' 09 ' 14 '2 1, ' 10 '15 '22 ' 11 ' 17 ' 24 '12 ' 18 ' 26 10 9 )1, 9 .. 8 ~ 8 13 ' 13 ' 14 15 16 INOHES FOR ., FEET , - ~I~ - - - - - - - - --" 20 '27 '28 32 36 40 44 ' 30 '31 '52 '68 ' 86 '54 "71 :89 '56 :73 93 ' 58 ' ' 76 '96 '60 '79 1 '00 1 ' 07 1 '10 1'1 4 l' 19 1. '23 ." , 129 :l' 54 1 ' 34 159 1'38 16$ J.'~3' 1 ' 71 149 1'77 '26 '27 '28 '29 '31 '32 '33 '35 '36 '38 '46 '48 '50 '52 '55 '63 '65 '68 '71 ' 75 1 ',04 ' 85 1 ' 08 '89 l' 1;3 '93 1 'H3 '98 1 '23 1 ' 28 1 ' 33 1'39 1 ' 45 1 ',,5 2 1 ',55 1 '61. 1 ' 68 1'76 1 ' 84 1'84 1 '92 2'00 2'OS 219 ' 26 '2'7 ' 28 ' 30 ' 32 '32 '34 '36 '38 '41 '40 '42 '47 ' 50 '58 '61 '64 '68 ' 72 '78 '8,3 '8 7 '92 98 1'02 1'08 1 '14 1'20 1 '28 1'30 1'60 1 '94 1 ' 36 1 ' 68 2 ' 04 1 ' 44 178 2'15 1'52 1 ' 88 2 ' 28 1 '6,2 200 242 2'30 2 ' 43 2'56 271 2 '88 ' 26 ' 28 30 ' 33 '36 '34 ' 37 '39 ' 43 ' 47 '43 '46 '50 ' 54 '59 '53 ' 77 ' 57 '82 ' 62 '89 '6'7 '96 ' 73 1 ' 05 1 '05 1 ' 12 1 '21 1 '31 1 ' 43 1'37 1 ' 46 1 '58 1 '71 1'86 1 ' 73 1 '85 1 ' 99 216 2'36 "20 '29 '2 1 ' 30 '22 ' 32 '24 34 '25 36 '39 ' 41 ' 44 '46' ' 49 ' 51 ' 54 '57 '60 ' 64 65 '80 ' 68 ' 84 '72 '89 ' 76 94 :81 1 ' 00 1'15 1'21 1'28 136 1 ' 44 1 '57 1 '65 1 ' 74 1'84 1 '96 2 ' 05 2'16 2'28 2'41 2;56 .. 7:4 ' 17 '27 '38 '52 56 '60 '65 '71 '.68 '86 ' 73 '93 ' 79 100 '85 11'08 ' 93 1 '1 8 , , .. .. .. 7 6 :10. 6 ,5 ',1, 'II '1,5 '11 '16 ' 18 '29 41 '20 '3 1 '44 '21 '33 '48 ' 23 36 ' 52 'H! 5 '2~ '40 ' 58 .. .. 4 :.f '28 ' 32 ' 37 '43 '44 ' 50' '57 ',6 7 .. , ~ 3Y, 3 '78 ' 64 '87 ' 72 '9 8 '82 l ' 12 '96 1'31 .. .. .. , " .. .. '29 '44 1'07 1 '14 123 1'33 1 '45 " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. • • .. .. .. " .. " " .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. " .. .. " .. Sec n'N es on. pagc 71, '8~ .. .. ' , , " , . 2'13 ~ ' 58 , 2',29 277 2'46 2 ' 98 2'67 3'23 2'91 3'52 .. ' , .. .. ' , ,, .. , , .. ," .. , .. , . . ., " " .. .. .. " .. .. , ' .. ,, .. , , , " .. .. .. ' , , ' I , ,. .. .. .. .. .. , ! , , .. .. .. fI 48 38 '40 '41 '43 '44 14 1.3 • IN I V . , 8 • OF .. .' . .. , , .. .. .. .. , , .. -- I (i III LONG & DORMAN, CO. LIMITED. COMPOUND CRANE GIRDERS. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES fN INCH UNITS. II-------------.--------~~----------------------~---------- Rlller- ence, Mark Weight per ' ______,--__________.:.,_ _ _ ' _ __---,._____ foot ,lbs.. If -,:.- ,"\.1 cn X-- ,-'-X " ", JI " IY " " " " , ,' ~ x-·- - " " " " Channel 2545 223'5 251'5 210 ' 5 24 >< 7 % 17 >< 4 24 x 7 % 17 x 4 24 x 7 )1, 15 x 4 24 x 7 Y" 15 x 4 5 6 7 8 195'5 142'5 165 ' 5 1405 22 x 7 20 x 6 :,{, 18 x 8 18 x 6 183 24 x 7 }{' 17 x 4 X-,J --,,-x I I 14S'5 ,24 x 7Y:, 12x3Y:,L IV Bottom About About Flange X- X V-V 12 x 2 12 x 1% 12 x 2 12 x l Y; 12x1't.454'2 .. ' 410:9 342'2 334'8 83'4 69'6 62'8 46'5 15 x 4 12xSY:,L 12xS%L 12x3Y:,L 12x3)!,L 12x% 12x% 9x% 9x% 9x% 331'0 275'7 234'1 238'3 195'0 65'9 44'6 37'2 41'0 36'2 18 129'5 16 x 8 19 104'5 16 x 6 20 99 ' 5 15 x 6 93'5 14, x 5 V, 21 12x3)!,L 12 x 3YoL 12x3YoL 12x 3%L 9x% 9x% 9x% 9x% 205'1 167'2 150'8 135'5 40'9 36'1 35'8 35'6 . .. 227'7 224'1 219'4 66'7 52'9 34'1 .. .. .. .. .. 25 112 ' 5 22 x 7 15 x 4 101 22 x 7 26 12 x 3 v" L " 27 91 20 x 6 !/, 12 x 3 'h.L .. .. .. " " " " 28 106 29 81, 30 101 " 31 " 32 " ' 86 ' 3 43'9 49'4 ' 45'4 12x 1 12x% 12x% " " 679',4 111'1 582'3 99 ' 2 676'1 105 ' 4 542 :8 875 22 x 7 22x7 20 x 6Y:, 18 x 8 18x6 ' I 12 x% 12 x Y. 12 x 1 12 x y, ,- 15 'x 4 12 xY. 12 x 1'ft 466' 4 12 x 3'hL 9x % 9 x 1'4291'9 12 x SY.L 9x V, 9 x 1% 306'1 12 x SY:,L ·9 x 7\, 9 X 1% .264'9 CG22 135 24 x 7 Y, 17 x 4 23 127'5 24 x 7 Y0 15 x 4 " 24 116 24 x 7!,," 12 x 3 v" L ~t=u Flat 170 24 x 7Y, 15 x 1 154'5 24 x 7Y2 15 x 4 " . ,1,3 150 " 14 128'5 " 1'5 119'5 " 16 134'5 " 17 1.09'5 ,-X Beam Top Flange ' 1 2 3 4 CG 9 " 1'0 " 11 " 12 Section Moduli Dimensions In Inches 83 76 71 66 " . , , .. .. 12 x 3 Y:, L 12 x 3 '4L 12 x 3 'h L .. .. .. .. 16 x 6 12 x 311"L 15 x 6 12 x S y" L 14 x 5 v" 12 x 3 Y. L .. .. .. 18 x 8 18 x 6 16 x 8 , , .. .. .. , , 170'5 50'8 166'6 81'4 134'31 30 ' 2 153 ' 3 1032 129'8 35 ' 4 28 ' 9 35'2 85'1 72 ' 5 60 ' i 28"8 28"4 278 J , 112 . . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. STANCHIONS AND STRUTS. . r CRIPPLING LOADS.-A table shewing.the crippling loads, in tons per square inch, on stanchions and struts with fixed ends, for various values of . ~ . up to 200, is. given on page 117. , " TABULAR LOADS.-The safe loads given in the tables - are based on the crippling values above referred to,. for the least radius of gyration for each section; the factor " . of safety adopted being· 4. They are for stanchions' or : . struts the ends of which"may be considered fi~ed, · and . only apply to static and concentric loading; . , ~ " ~ . In preparing the table of safe loads on latticed stanchions, it has been assumed that the component beams or channels are efficiently connected together by lattice bars, or batten plates, so that they act as a unit, thus eliminating all possibility of failure by local flexure of either beam or channel. . . , I . EFFECTIVE LENGTH.- In stanchions or struts having intermediate steelwork connections, so arranged as to' I .. prevent side flexure where these connections occur, the effect is such that the load transmitted .may be con .. . . . sidered as acting on the shortened length, and t~ " • section determined accordingly. ~ LIMITING LENGTHS FOR TABULAR LOADS.-The maximum . lengths for which loads 9-re given are bas·e d on the lesser of the two values : 1.- 160 times the least radius of gy~ation .. II .- 40 times the least width of· the section. 1 I ,--------~~~--------------------------------------~ DORMAN, LONG & CO" LIMITED . • TABULAR WEIGHTS OF STANCHIONS.-The weight given in the tables, for each section, is for the shaft, inclusive of rivets; the pitch of ri,,:ets for lengths in general demand, being taken as the basis of calculati.on in all cases. The weights of base, cap and fittings are not included, as they depend on the loads and type of structure. PROPERTIES OF SECTIONS.- The section moduli, radii ' of gyration and area are given for each section. The section moduli will be or service when calculating additional stresses' due to' wind-pressure, eccentric loading, or" other forces producing bending. CONDITION OF ENDS.- Under ' some conditions it is necessary to consider either one or both ends rounded. " The f~l1owing method be found sufficiently accurate for ascertaining the approximate safe loads. In the " case of one' end fixed and the ~ther rounded, the approxi, mate load may be found by referring.in the table of safe loads to a length of 1 t times the actual length; whilst with both ends rounded the reference length should be 1 i times the actual 'length. EXAMPLE.-For a stanchion or strut 12 feet long with .one end fixed and one end rounded, referen<;e should be made in the table of safe loads to a length of 16 feet, or, if both ends are rounded, to a length of 20 feet, when the respective safe loads will be found. will TYPES OF BASES, CAPS, JOINTS, AND GIRDER CONNECTIONS TO STANCHIONS;- , Various types of bases, caps, joints, and girder connections to stanchions are illustrated. In all of these, due consideration h~ beeri given to ensure efficiency' and simplicity of design. r 114 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BEAM GRILLAGES FOR STANCHIONS.-For stanchions . supporting heavy loads, the necessity for deep excava-', tions and large masses of masonry in foundations, may be considerably reduced by the adoption of sui~able grillages, combined with stanchion bases, carefully designed to transmit the load. . These are generally obtained by placing on a layer of concrete, one, two, or three tiers of beams, accordoing to the load to be distributed, and the bearing 'capacity, __ of the ground. The beams in each tier should he kept ' sufficiently far apart to allow of the iritervening spaces·, being thoroughly filled with concrete. In cases where two or three tiers are found necessary, they should be efficiently secured to each other, and the stanchion base to the whole. The following diagram illustrates a grillage, Gonsisting of two tiers of beams : - t I , ~_ ' d l I ' '< I I t--~: ' , :< ------------------ L· -. --- ----- ----- ---- >:, : , i 1.'--- -- - i- i- f- '", ~JL v ff- : - - L . " 115 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. The ·o'Verall dimensions of the lower tier are determined by the bearing capacity of. the ground, and to find the section of beams required in any tier :., Let W = totalload in tons supported by the stanchion. n = number of beams forming the tier. w = . load in tons supported by one beam W =~. n L = length in feet of each beam. l. = length in feet, at central portion of beam, over which t~e load above it is distributed. M = maximur(bending moment in foot tons, in one beam (this occurs at the c~ntre of length L). . Then M =. (W2 X"4L) -. (W l) Z X4 w 8 (L - 0· The above bending m9ment is .equivalent to that produced ina beam supported'at both ends, an~carrying a distributed 10C\.d w over a. span = L - t. Therefore, . on reference to this span in the tables of safe loads, given on pages 72 and 73,· the si~e of beam to carry the load 'w may be obtained direct. It should be observed, however, that for reasons given on page 70, under the heading « Tabular Loads," the load w should not exceed the maximum load, given In the table, for the section decided upon. grillage has to be provided for a stanchion, on ground having a bearing capacity of 2 tons per square foot, the total load to be supported being 120 tons; · assurned size of stanchion base, 2 , feet square. For above load and bearing capacity of ground, two tiers will suffice, and as the area required for the foundation is 60 square fee,t, the lower tier will require EXAMPLE,- A 116 DORMAN, LONG & ,,- CO. LIMITED. to be about 8 feet square j therefore, in this tier, ten bearris can be placed side by side at 10 inches centres, the load w on each being about ¥ff- or 12 tons. The bending moment in ,each beam is equivalent to that produced by this load uniformly distributed over a span of L - 1 = 8 - 2 = 6 feet, and referring to table of safe loads on page 72, it is found that N .B.S.B. 7 (8" X 4" X 18 Ibs. per foot) is a suitable ' section for the lower tier. The upper tier will be 2 ieet wide, i.e., the width of the stanchion base. In this width .three beams can. be ".. . placed side by side at 9 inches centres, the 10a4'won each being about 11.Q. = 40 tons , whichisto 'betaken as ' uniformly distributed over a span of L, ,-' t ,= 6 feet, arid on reference to the table of safe loads as t>efore, it will be found that N.B.S.B. 12 (14/1 x 5~" X 4:0.1bs. per foot) , IS a suitable section for this tier,. " ' . . The above analysis involves the usualJundamental assumptions pertaining to flexure, The exact conditions involved in these assumptions are not usually obtained in . grillage practice, so that results obtained by the above analysis should ,be care- : f,u lly interpreted. Our own practice 10 designing grillages lines of the above analysis. IS on • tpe Where the loads transmitted are vet; larg~, the grillage requires special designing, and in such 'cases" ' particular attention should be given to the 'sections of · ' the beams with reference to their ability . to carry the loads involved without crippling of the webs. . ' .Ll.l DO~MAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ill iI TABLE OF CRIPPLING LOADS IN TONS PER SQUARE INCH, +, For Stanchions or ~truts with nxed ends.* and vanous vallies of in which 1=lengtb in inches, and r=radius of gyration in inches. Cripp- I -r ling Load - I r Crlpp- ling Load I Cripp- -r ling Load - Orlpp- I r '. I Cripp- UDa ' nng Load - r Loa 13'99 13 ·87 13 ·75 13'63 13'51 165 9'93 9·85 9·77 9'69 9'61 45 46 , 47 48 49 22·45 22·39 22'33 22·26 22·19 85 86 87 88 89 18'92 18·81 18'70 18'59 18; 48 23·90 23·88 23·86 23·.84 23·82 5~ 51 52 90 91 92 93 94 18·37 18'26 18 · 15 18'03 17 ·9 1 130 131 132 133 134 13·40 ' 13 ·29 13 ' 18 13 ·07 12 ·96 170 171 54 22·12 22·05 21·98 21 ·91 21·83 173 174 9'53 9·45 9'37 9'29 9·21 23·80 18 19 23'77 23'74 23'71 23·68 55 56 57 58 59 21'75 21 '67 21'59 21·51 21·43 95 96 97 98 99 17 '79 17·67 17'55 17·43 17,31 135 136 137 138 139 12·85 12 '74 12 '63 12'52 12'41 175 176 177 178 179 9·13 9'05 8 '98 8'91 8·84 20 21 22 ,23 24 23'65 23'62 23'.59 23·56 23'52 60 61 62 63 64 21'35 2J·26 21'17 21 ,08 20·99 100 101 102 103 101 17 ·19 17'06 16·93 16,80 16'67 140 141 142 143 144 12· 30 12'19 12 ,09 11 ' 99 11·89 180 . 181 182 183 184 8'77 8'70 8'63 8'56 . 8'49 25 21) 27 23·48 ' 23'44 23·40 23·36 23'32 65 66 67 20'90 2,0·81 20'72 . 20,63 20'54 105 ,106 107 108 109 16'53 16'40 16·27 ' 16'14 16'0\ 145 146 147 148 149 , 11 '79 11· 69 11 ·59 11·49 11 ·39 185 186 187 188 189 8·42 8'35 8·28 8·21 8·14 23·28 23'23 23·\8 23·13 23·(l8 70 73 . 74 20'44 20·34 20'24 20·14 20·.04 110 111 112 113" . 114 1.5' 88 . 15'75 ' 15·62 15'49 15 '36 150 151 152 153 154 11'29 11 '19 11 '09 11 '00 10'91 190 191 192 193 194 35 23·03 22'98 22·93 . 22,87 ' 22·81 . 75 76 77 78 79 19'94 19· 84 19'74 ' 19·64 19 ,54 115 116 117 118 d 19 15·23 15 ·10 14·97 14·84 14 ·71 155 156 157 158 159 10·82 10,73 10·64 10'55 10·46 195 196 197 198 199 40 22·75 22'69 22'63 22'57 22·51 81 82 83 84 19'44 19·34 19 '24 19 · 14 19'03 120 121 122 12.1 124 14 '59 14·47 14·35 160 161 162 163. 164 10·37 10·28 10'19 10 ' 10 10 '01 200 7 8 -9 10 11 ·12 13 14 15 16 ' 17 5~ - . . 125 126 127 128. 129 I I - , . . 23'97 23·96 23·95 23'94 23'92 5 6 'i 166 167 168 169 172 I I I I . I 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 . 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 68 69 71 72 80 t4'23 14 · \.1 .. .. .... 8·07 8'00 7'93 7·87 7·81 I I 7'75 7·69 7·63 7·57 7·51 7·45 . " .. .. .. --, *The Crippling Loads for other c9uditlolls of ends will be sllfficienUy accurate if found as follows:For one end fixed and the', other rounded .-Multiply the actual by IVa. and the required Crippling Load will be tb at given in the table for this value. ! For both ends rounded.-Multiply the actual ir by 1%. and the required Crippling , Load wilJ be that given in , the table for tblS value. , •I , I I • 118 , I , , - DORMAN, LONG & , CO, LIMITED, BEAMS AS STANCH IONS, ' . . , , DIM ENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH , Reference Mark Size WeIght Inches per foot '" Radii of Gyration Inches Area Square Inches Seotlon Mo!\UIi,' , X,X V· V LIGHT .' , About' About About About lbs, ,. A " UNITS , , : 'X. X V,V SECTIONS, - NBSS .18 24 x 7 % 17 22 x 7 " " 16 20 x 6 Y. 15 18 x 6 " y I _. _)( ;X-,.- i 14 13 12 11 10 " " " II '{ " '" ~ . " " " " " II " II 9'61 8'72 8'01 7'21 50 45 40 35 30 25 21 18 15 14 ' 71 1.3' 24 11 '77 10'30 6'48 6'10 5:66 5'25 8 ' 827 4'84 7'~54 4'08 6 ' 177 3'62 5'296 3'24 4'416 2'85 l' 51 203'6 1e;X 1 ' 36 152'4 1 3 1'31 122'6 10'02 1'21 93Y;3 7'878 " "" 1'24 1;23 77'26 65'59 53'87 1'~2 1 ' 03 43'62 '997 34'49 '939 '8 2 0 '8 14 j738 7'489 6 't!.24 5 '3'77 ' " ~ 4 ' 32,6, 3 ' 508 , 10 9 8 7 18 x 8 16 x 8 14 x 8 12 x 8 10 x 8 80 75 70 65 55 23'53 22 ' 06 20'59 19'12 16'18 7'41 .6'64 5'85 5'05 4'22 24'47 2'883 ' 18'03 '2'074 13 ' 91 1'703 10'26 l' 3'76 1'72 143' 6 1'76 121 :7 1'80 100'8 1 ' 85 81'30 1'84 5"i"74 • 6 10 x 6 5 ' 9x7 4 8 x6 3 6x5 2 5 x 4 '!. 40 50 35 25 20 11'77 14'71 10'30 7'351 5' 882 4'17 3'76 3 ' 34 2'48 2'06 1'36 1'65 1 '?8 \1 6 1'06 . r, . "B" HEAVY SECTIONS , . ijBSHB 11 II 16 x 6 15 x 6 14 x 5Y. 13 x 5 . 12 x 5 9 10 x 4 ';10 , 9x4 8 8 X4 7 6 7, x 3 '!. ". " 'J 26'47 22'06 19'12 16'18 , " I 90 75 65 55 17'36. ,. 17'08 , , 16'67 16 : 30 1S'69 ," 4(')'96 , 7 ' 253 4cl'25 11'48 28 :76 6'513 15 ' 05 3'951 10'01 2 '929 , : DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -' BEAMS AS STANCH IONS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS. ENDS FIXED. For other. conditions of' ends see page 118. SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR Size LENGTHS IN FEET Inches - 6 1 8 10 1 12 I ~ • , I. , 14 I A 'I 1 16 18 1 20 1221 24 LIGHT SECTIONS. .. .. .. .. 24 X7% 22 x 7 .. 18 x 6 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16 x 6 15 x 6 .. .. .. .. " , .. .. , , 147 121 104 86 139 113 96 79 129 103 87 70 118 90 '7 6 60 104 78 65 50 91 67 55 42 ' 79 58 .. ,.. ... .. .. 79 71 62 53 45 72 65 55 46 39 '65 58 48 ,3 9 55 49 40 , 32 26 47 42 33 .. 40 35 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36 29 25 19. 31 ,23 20 15 20 .. .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. , ~2 25 18 i5 .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. US" .. HEAVY .. 69 .. - . .. ., - .. .. .. 20 x 6 Yz 14 x 5 Yz 13 x 5 12 x 5 lO x 4% 9 x4 8 x4 7 x 3Yz , SECTIONS. , 133 125 1.1 7 109 92 128 120 113 105 89 ' 120 114 107 100 85 64 60 79 53 35 27 55 74 48 31 23 83 57 3P 30 ~ 112 106 100 94 79 108 97 98 87 74; 92 88 84 80 67 82 79 75 72 61 72 70 67 64 54 64 62 60 57 48 .. .. 58 51 43 1I;l x 8 16 x 8 14 x 8 12 x 8 10 x 8 48 69 43 26 19 42 62 37 22 15 8.6 56 32 31 49 27 , .. .. 43 38 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 x 6 9 x7 8 x6 6 )( 5 5 x 4¥. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120 '" • I, DORMAN, LONG & , CO: LIMITED. ' . / -- CHANNELS AS STANCHIONS. DIMENSIQNS AND PROPERTIES ,IN INCH UNITS. t ~ Reference Mark Size Weight Area per foot ,Square 'Inches ' Ibs. Inches .. Radii of Gyration Inche$ About Section Moduli About x-x v-v About X About -.x ' v-v , , " NBSC 18 17 x 4 • . ' .. . Y ~ ~ x-'- ~,-x i ~p . 61'20 4 ' 955 , 46, ' 55 4'39_ S " 17 15 x 4 36 ' S7 10 ' 70 " 16 .12 y 1 31 ' 33 " 15 12 x 3YoH 29',23 " 14 12 x SYoL 25 ' 25 " " IS lO x SYo 24'46 7'193 S'90 1'02 12 lO x 3 19' 28 5 ' 672 S ' 82 r . I y . 44'34 lS'04 ' 6'32 1'0. 5 ' 71 1 ' 12 . 9 ' 214; 4 ' 66 1 ' 15 3S'35 " '4 '116 8 ' 596, 4 ' 58 ' '991 SO ' 05 ' 3 ' 245 • 7 ' 426 '4'59 '975 26'07 2'665 ' 21'90 2'927 '8S8 16'53 1'764 • . " 11 9 x 3 Yo 22 ' 27 6'549 3'55 1',08 " 10 9xS 17 ' 46 ' 5 ' lS6 S' 49 " 9 8 XSYo 20'21 5'944 8'19 1 ' 04 " 8 8 xS 15'96 4'694 S'16 ,, , 18'S6 2 ' 76S '855 lS ' 89 1'691 15 '"14 2 ' 59,5 'S7S 11 ' 68 1'65,2 , ~, - ~ " I' " " .. " 2,~ 42S 7 7 x SYo 18'28 5 ' S'16 2 ' 82 1'04 6 7xS 14'22 4 ' 182 2 ' 80 5 6 x S% 16 ' 48 4'1348 2'44 1 ' 05 4 6x3 12'41 S'650 2 ' 41 ' 880 ' 7 -090 1 ' 339 S 5 x 2 Yo 10' 22 3'006 1 ' 99 '739 '882 12 ' 24 " . 9 ' 357 1'581 9:627 2'246 - '" , " 4'749 '950 , l:dl DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. , ~ i , CHANNELS AS STANCHIONS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS. ENDS FIXED. For other conditions of ends see page 113. , ! SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR LENGTHS 3 4 5 6 ~N 7 Size Inches FEET 8' 9 10 11 12 75 73 71 68 64 60 56 , 51 47 ' 43 17 x 4 62 60 58 56 53 50 47 44, 40 36 15 x 4 r I 54 52 46 44 43 37 51 49 49 48 46 43 41 39 41 38 41 38 34 31 35 32 29 26 32 12 x 4 28 25 12 x 3 l1.i H 24 21 12 x 3 Y:i L 35 • I !J ,24 22 10 x 3l/.i " .. 10 x 3 41 40 39 37 34 32 29 27 32 31 29 27 24 22 19 17 38 37 35 33 32 29 27 25 22 29 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 .. 34 33 32 30 29 27 25 22 20 27 26 24 23 21 19 17 15 .. 31 ,3 0" 29 28 26 24 22 20 18 17 , 24 23 22 20 19 17 15 13 .. .. 28 27 26 25 ' 24 .. 22 ' 20 ' 18 17 15 6x3\4 21 20 19 -18 ' 16 15 13 12 .. .. 6x3 17 16 15 13 12 10 .. .. ., .. 5x2Y:i , , 9 x3Y-:; 20 , 9x3 , 8 x- 3 y:, 18 , , I 8 x3 , '7x3Y, , 7x3 . ~· dl . 122 ~-' ~~ B .&'"lo.,>V~" ~,,~ / ; L1MITED~ ~qwtl&.t. DORMAN, LONG 7' I t.o' ~, ,~ ~ .~ COMPOvtO STANCHION;. , DIMENSIONS/ PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. f Refer, ence Mark Size Inches Weight per foot 1- DIMtrSIONS j ches lbs. Section Moduli -7 -+---,-- - -1 Square Jr AXB Area RadII. of GyrnUon Inches Be1m Each , FJa ngo Inches About X-X About v-v About X-X About y,V I ---- I~~~---- I -----~~f~ 238 190'5 139'3 106'6 74'0 165 153 124 " " % 47 ' 47 10'92 2'92 443<9 % .43'97 1077 2'81 403'7 57'6 49'5 26'9 1 28 x 14 286 " " " " 2 3 27 26 x 14 x 14 4 5 6 25% x 14 25% x 14 21;> x 9 " s 7 " 89 26 25 24 " 23% X 14 23\4 x 14 23 x 9 " 10 " 11 " 12 S " " 13. 24 14 23 15 22 " " " 16 17 18 x 14 x14 )< 14 x 12 x 12 x 12 21% x 12 21 x12 20% x 9 20 21 " 22 l. # " f 150 138 109 14x % 4306 10 ' 10 2'99 374'0 14 x % 39'56 9'95 2'87 33§'9 9 x l{ 31'06 9'52 l'8i 244'9 " " " " 130 109'5 91'5 " " " 18><8 20 " x 14 " " " 25 26 27 " " " " 28 29 30 31 180'5 155 " 12x % 37'12 12x % 31'12 9 x % 25 ' 87 14 x 2 9'32 3'52 628'.2 140 ' 6 8'99 2'40 504'1 107'9 8'81 3'31 442'8 91'6 14 x 1 51'53 , 14x % 44'53 14 x % 41'03 8'61 3'2Q. 382'2 75'3 8'40 3'04 321'9 ' ,58'9 8'28 2'94 29,i ' 9 50'8 71'03 9'243'00 555'3 107'6 8'91 2'90 449'6 83'6 8'7& 2'S3 397'6 ' 71'6 8'53 8'32 8'OS 7'S4 " 22 ' x 12 21 x12 20';4 x 12 247 206 185'5 " " 12 x 1Y. 59'53. 12 x 1 '4 53'53 20 165 145 124'5 106'5 " 12x 1 12 x % 12 x ';4 9x % x 12 19 x 12 18% >< 9 " " " " 9 ' 23 2'59 294'4 41'4 8'94 2'38 236'9 ·29'4 8'63 1'74 185'7 . 17'4 79 53 14 x 1';4 65'53 14 x 1'4 58 ' 53 143 19~ x 12 54'9 46'7 22" 6 67'12 10'25 3'01 5f!7'5 233'5 20 X 6% 12 x 2 , 101'4 193 , 77'4 " ,, 12x1 % 55'12 9'89 2'90 469'0 43'12 9 ' 48 2'73 152 352'2 53'4 12 x 1 " " " 19y. x 14 19'4 x 14 y,. 35'47 10 ' 34 1'85 303'5 78'06 11 '18 3'50 750'7 136'5 14 x 2 14xl% 64'06 10'81 3'37 598'7 103'9 14 >< 1 ' 50 ' 06 10 ' 37' 3 ' 16 H8'5 71'2 21 x 14 228 20Y.x 14 204'5 " 23 " 24 14 x 14 x 9x 271 22x7 223 " 175'5 S 19 22 x14 276 " " i. % 14 x 2 24w<7 82 ' 47 12 ' 03 3'44 851'8 68'47 11'64 3 ' 30 687 ' 3 14 x 1% \" 54 ' 47 11 ' 19 308 524 ' 7 " ~ 14 x 1 S 12x2 47'58 41 ' 53 35'53 30'28 2'74 2'62 2'45 1'95 &1 34(3'0 294'9 244'1 19S'6 59'6 47'6 35'6 25'6 , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. COMPOUND STANCHIONS. 6AFE LOADS I N TO NS. ENDS FIXED. For other conditions of ends see page 118. IV :t----c:::c$T" tt _~-J:-, -X , --'1'-- , 1<- ,-6 !:!' -7i SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR Refer- LENGTHS iN FEET 1_---,_---,_---,_---,_---,---,--:-_-,-_-.-_,..-_.,-_,---,_ -;-_1 ence Mark 8 10 , 12 14 16 18 20 22 2426 28 32 36 40 1--1-- -1-- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -_ _ 1 482 476 467 ', 457 44'T 436 421 407 392 376 359 322 286 254 s 399 '393 385 377 368 3 58 345 333 320 307 290 258 227 202 " 316 311 304 297 288 278 267 256 246 232 218 1,9 0 167 146 " 274 269 2 6 3 255 247 238 228 21'7 205 193, 181 156 136 254 248 242 235 227217 207 197 185 178 160 139 120 195 18 5 174, 162 148 133 119 106 95 1 2 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 457 450 443 434 424 413 401 38,9 375 36t 345 310 278 246 S 7 874 368 361 354 346 338 326 315 808 289 275 246 218 194 " 8 291 286 280274 266 258 248 238 229 217205180158 189 " 9 250 245 210 238 226 218 209 20Q 190 179 167 145 127 229 224 21~ 213 205 197 189 180 170 158 148 128 112 170 162 151 140 127 114 102 91 , 81 .. .. .. .. " 10 " 11 " 12, 389 382 374 364 352 340 326 '312 296 ' 280 262 229 201 176 319 ' 318 , 305 296 287 276 264 252 239 224208 182 157 _, 248 248 236 228 220 211 200 189 177 166 1:53 131 114 .. S 18 ,,14 ,, 15 213 208 201 194 186 178 167 157 146 134 124 107 177 172 166 158 150 142 133 123 113 103 95 .. 141 133 124 114 103 91 81 72 " 16 " 17 " 18 465 459 451 443 432 428 410 396 383 367851 318 '2 83 258 S 19 383 377 371 364 354 344 ' 833 322 310 297284254225 200 ,,20 3 4 1 336 329 323 315 306 295 284 274 262,248 221 194 173 ,,21 300 295 2 8 9 282 275 266 257 247 237 225213 188 166 145 ,, 22 258 254 249 242 235 226 218 208 198 187 177 154 185 117 ,, 23 237 233 228 221 214 207 197 188 179 168 158 137 119 , _ ,,24 414 407 398 387 375 362 348 332 316 298279244213 185 844 3,3 8 829 320 310 298 285 272 258 240 225 196 170 __ 309 303 295 287 276 265 253 241227 212197 170 147 .. ,,25 ,, 26 ,, 27 274 238 203 168 " " " " 267 232 197 160 260 226 190 152 253 218 182 142 243 209 174 131 232 200 ],65 119 221 210 ' 196 182 169 146 125 188 177 165 153141 121 _, 155 143 132 122112 94 .. 108 97 87 78 ,.' .. " , , ,- , 28 29 80 31 ,' 124 ; LONG & DORMAN, CO. LIMITED. , 1--- I A I "'i-- , .. IV xl~-x .---'1'---- COMPOUND DIM ENSIONS &. ,I~'-B!Y", ->i Relerence Mark S 32 Weight per foot A X B Ibs, x 12 x 12 x 12 Beam " ,33 34 " 21 20 19 " 35 36 " 37 21 x 10 160'5 20 x l0 126 ' 5 92'5 19 x 10 " 18* x 9 " 38 39 18* x 7 " S 40 " " 41 ",2 20 19 x 14 x 14 18 Y~x 14 .. . • PROPERTIES IN INCH DIMENSIONS Inches Size Inches STANCHIONS. Each Flange Area Square Inches UNITS, •Section Radii of Gyration Inches , MO,d ull. About About About X-X Y·v -- About V-y X-X 18 x 6 12 x 1 y. 52 ' 18 9'05 2'~5 406 ' 7 12 d 40 ' 18 8'6,5 2'78 30:1,' 0 " ' 12 x % 28 ' 18 8'14 2'44 196 ' 7 " 183 142 99'5 " " " 81'5 76'5 ~3 lO x 1 Y. 46'18 8'95 54'7 352 ' 3 10xl 36'18 , 8'56 ' 29 !64'8' , 38 ' 1 lOx ~ 26'18 8'05 2'02 'i8'7 ' 21'4 , , " " 9 ,x % 22 ' 93 7 x % 21'43 16 x 8 14 x 2 78 ' 06 14 x 1 % 64'06 l4 x i'A 57'.116 8'42 3'55 552'9 140'4 8'09 3'43 441'8 107 '8 7'92 3'35 387'3 ' 91 ' 4 14 x 1 50 ' 06 14 x ~L 43 '06 14 x % 39' 56 '7 '74 3'24 3333 75 ' 1 7 ' 54 3 ' 09 279 '8 68'8 7 '43 2'9f) 253'2 ' 50'6 , 271 223 199'5 75'9 51'9 27'9 " " " 43 ,18 x 14 175 '5 " ' ,4 4 17 %>< 14 150 " 45 ' 17\4 x 14 138 " " " 46 " 47 " 7 ' 85 1'74 150 ' 6 ' 15 ' 4 7'74 1 ' 45 137" 1 12 '9 - • 48 20 x 12 19 x 12 18\12x12 242 201 180'5 " " " 12x2 ' 70'06 12 x 1 Yz 58'06 12 x 1i;. 52'06 8'34 487'8 107 ' 4 « 8'02 3 2 4 393 ' 4 ' 8S'4 '7 ' ~5 2:.87 347 '0 71'4 49 " 50 51 " 52 18 x 12 17% x 12 17 x 12 16 ')4 x 9 160 140 119 ' 5 101'5 " " " 12 x 1 12 x ')4 12 x 'h 9x % 7'67 7 ' 47 725 7 '04 S 5.3 19 x 12' 178 18 >< 12 137 17 x 12 94'5 " II " " 54 55 " 56 " 57 " " 58 " " 59 60 19 18 17 " 16 x 6 2'78 ,2'66 2' 50 1'99 301 ' 1 59 ' 4 , 255 ' 7 , 47'4 210,' 7 " ' 35 ' 4 170 ' 3 ' 25'3 " 12x1\12 50 ' 71. 8'17 2 ' 99 8559 12 x 1 38 ' 71 7 ' 80 2 ' 83 26-1'6 12 x \12 26'71 7 ' 33 2'50 168 ' 8 " " , " lO x I V. 44 : 71 lO x 1 34 ' 71 lO x \12 24 ' 71 76 '5 71 '5 .. " 9 x % 21 ' 46 7x % 19'96 " x 10 155 ' 5 x 10 121'5 x 10 87'5 16 ')45< 9 ~6 ')4x 7 46 ' 06 40'06 34'06 28'81 ' " , 75'7 51'7 27 ' 7 808 2'47 307'4 ' 54'5 7'7i 2 ' 33 229'4 37'8 7 '25 2'07 152 ' 8 , 21'2 7 ' 06 1'78 127:8 6'97 1'48 115'S 15 ' 1 12'5 , r PORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. I . IV 1--- / COMPOUND STANCH IONS. i t. SAFE LOADS IN TONS. ENDS FIXED. :L , For other conditions of ends see page 118. :<-··B!! ...."i . , x-- III-'-X SAFE LOADS iN TONS FOR 8 10 - -- - 12 14 -- -- 16 18 20 24 22 Referenoe Mark .. LENGTHS IN FEET 26 28 - 32 36 40 - .' 302 296 289 282 273 263 252 241" 229 214 200 175 158 232 227 ' 221 214 206 19 7 189 179 169 157 145 126 109 161 156 151 . 145 138 130 123 114 105 96 88 75 263 256 247 237 226 213 200 186 171 157 145 122 205 199 191 182 172 162 150 138 125 115 105 " 146 140 133 125 116 106 96 87 78 71 .. 1' '' , 125 118 110 101 111 103 93 81 ~, . 90 71 81 61 ,.. 72, 64 .. , " . .. " .. " " . " " " S 32 " 33 " 34 " .. " " " .. " 35 ,,' 36 " 37 " ·. " 38 " " " .3 9 457 450' 443 436 426 415 403 391 377 363 347 315 280 251 s 40 874 369 362 355 347 338 327 3 16 305 292 279 250 222 197 " 41 333 328 322 316 308 299 289 279 268 257 245 217 193 171 " 42 291 287 282 275 268 259 251 242 231 221 209 184 164 144 ,, 43 ·250 246 240 235 228 220 211 204 194 184 172 152 132 116 " 44 229 225 220 214 208 200 192 184 175 165 154 13 5 118 103 " 45 406 398 391 381 369 356 342 328 312 294 276 241 212 185 " 46 336 329 822 313 303 291 .27Sil 267 253 238 228 193 168 " " 47 . 301 295 288 279 270 260 248 236 224 208 195 169 146 " ,, 48 2B5 260 253 246 237 226 217 205 192 180 167 144 125 · . 230 225 219 211 203 194 184 173 162 . 150 139 119 195 190 183 176 168 159 150 140 130 119 109 93 160 154 146 136 126 115 104 94 85 . 77 " " " ·. " " " " " 49 " 50 " 51 11 52 294 288 282 275 266 257 246 236 224 211 198 173 1.5 1 131 S 53 223 219 213 207 200 192 183 174 164 154 14;2 123 106 " " 54 158 149 144 138 132 125 11$ 109 102 93 86 73 " .. ,,55 255 248 240 231 220 209 196 182 .167 , 155 142 120 " 197 19) 184 176 167 156 146· 134 123 1,12 .1 03 .. 138 133 126 119 111 103 93 84 77 69 .. .. . " • 117 111 104 104 . 96 88 96 77 87 67 78 58 69 62 .. " .. . " .' . " . .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. , " " .. ·. .. ·. " 56 1,57 " 58 " 59 ,,60 .. . " ,4 126 - DORMAN , · LONG " & CO. LIMITED. , i tI ll. . • IY 1'--- i ', x.-- ~I":'x COMPOUND STANCHIONS. .--- 'i '---. DIMENSIONS &. PROPERTI ES IN I I'tC H UNITS. • ~'-B~ ' -7>1 Referenee Mark .. . Size ' Inches, Ibs. AXB 173 132 89 ' 5 x 10 x 10 x l0 150'5 116 ' 5 825 " . " " 18 17 16 15x 6 " " " " " x-x v-v , About x-x About 'v - y 12x I V. 49 ' 24 12 x 1 37 ' 24 12 x ,)I, 25'24 7'74 3 ' 27 ' 7 7'38 2 ' 8 238 ' S 6'93 2'55 151 ' 6 75 ' 3 51'3 27 ' 3 10 x 1 )1, 43'24 10 X 1 33 ' 24 ' lOx % 23 ' 24 7'66 2 ' 50 2ni ',2 7; 31 2 ' 37 2087 6 ' 86 2 ' 11 136'6 54'0 37.'3 20 ' 6 9 x o/s 19'99 ,6 ' 68 1'81 113" 1 7'x o/s 18 ' 49 6'59 1'49 101'9 14 ' 5 11 ' 8 .. 15% x 9 15%x 7 S 69 70 18 x 14 17 )('14 16'/,,>< 14 14 x 8 2 66 218 " 194 ' 5 14 x 2 76 ' 59 14 x 1% 62 ' 59 14 x1 1< 55'59 16 x 14 15% x 14 15';.1, x 14 170'5 145 133 14 x 1 48'59 6'85 3 ' 28 285'4 '7,4 ' 9 14 x % 41'59,- 6 ' 67 3'14 2~'6 • 58'5 14 x 50 ' 4 3S'09 6 ' 57 q ' 04 215'3 75 18 x 12 " 7.13 17 x.12 77 ' 16%x 12 237 196 175'5 II " -" 71 ",, ' 72 73 " ,,74 11 " " 1/ " " ,, 78 79 80 81 S 82 16 >< 12 15%X 12 15 x 12 14% x I:) 71 ' 5 66 ' S Beam Each Flange cites ' Area Square It.~ • Inches About About Section Moduli 67 '68 II - RadII of G~atlon Weight per foot 18 x 12 62. 17 x 12 " 63 16 ' x 12 64 65 66 • PlM'ENSIONS Inches "S 61 " • 155 135 114 ' 5 96 ' 5 83 84 17 16 15 x 12 x 12 )( 12 166 125 83 " - 85 1/ 86 87 1/ 17 16 15 x 9 >< 9 x 9 134 103'5 73 " " 1/ II"" 88 89 1'4%x I:) 14%X 7 65 60 " " " " II ~ " " 1/ " 1/ " " " ' 12 x 2 6S ' 59 12 x 1 )1, 56 ' 59 12 x 1'A 50'59 7 ' 44 '3'06 421 ' 5 107 ' 1 83'1 7 ' 13 2'97 338 ' 2 6'96 2 ' 90 297 ' 4 71 ' 1 12 x 1 12 x % 12x y,; 9x % 6'79 6'61 6'40 6'21 44'59 38 ' 59 32'&9 27 ' 34 II II, 2 ' 82 2 ' 71 2 ' 54 2 ' 03 257'2 217'5 178 ' 2 143 ' 0 5g ' 1 47'1 35'1 ' 2~,9 74'5 50'5 26'5 9 x 1% 38'77 9x1 29'77 ' 9 x % 20 ' 77 7'30 3'06 299'5 6'95 2 ' 91 ~16'1 6 ' 51 2 ' 58 ,134 ' 4 • ,2 7'111, ' 25 235 ' 7 6'84 2'14 173' 9 6'40 1'91 113'4 9 x % 18'52 7 x o/s 17 ' 02 E!'26 1'81 ' 98'4 6 ' 17 1 ' 46 87'9 13'4 10'4 14 x 5 % 12 x 1'/11 47'77 , 12 x 1 35 ' 77 "II 12 x % 23'717 " " " 7 ' 50 3'S8 478'7 140' 2 7 ' 19 3 " 4'7 380 ' 7 107'5 91 ' 2 7 ' 03 '3 ' 39 332 ' 7 43 ' 8 30 ' 3 16'8 , , ' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ' ~ , COMPOUND STANCHIONS. I I ENQS FIXED . L For other conditions of ends see plge, 113 •SAFE . - 8 12 14 LOADS IN TONS FOR . '16 ----- !", Bly 4 !": . 1-._ ... " ,LENGTHS ' 10 x-« --x A SAFE LOADS IN TONS. - y 10--- 18 20 - -.-- IN , . Reterenee FEET Mark ~I~~ 28 40' 32 36 1 285 280 274 268 21?9 250 241 230 219 207 194 169 148 130 s 61 215 211 206 200 193 186 178 169' 160 149 139 121 105 " 62 , 144 141 136 131 126 119 113 105 98 91 83 71 63 ' , , ' , 247 241 ,233 224 213 203 191 177 165 151 139 118 189 183 177 169 161 152 142 i31 119 110 100 130 125 120 113 106 98 ?9 81 , 73 67 61 109 104 97 90 97 82 90 72 '82 63 73 55 . ' , , .. .. 65 58 52 .. .. .. " .. .. , , , ' . . , , ' , ' , , " . .. 11 " 64 " 65 " 66 " 67 " 68 " " 447 441 435 427 4'17 408 396 383 371 357 342 311 276 248 S 69 366 360 354 348 340 331 321 310 299 287 275 246 219 196 " 70 325 320 314 307 300 292 283 273 263 252 241 215 191 168 " 71 ~83 279 273 268 261 253 245 236 226 216 2061182 160 142 " 72 242 2;38 233 227 221 214 206 198 189 180 169 149 130 114 " 73 221 217 213 207 201 194 186 178 169 160 151 132 115 100 " 74 398 391 383 373 361 349 337 32,3 307 290 272 240 209 182 " 75 328 322 314 805 296 285 274 261 248 234 219 191 165 .. " 76 293 287 280 272 263 253 242 231 219 206 191 167 144 .. " 77 257 222 186 153 252 217 182 146 246 211 176 139 238 204 170 131 230 196 162 122 220 188 154 111 . 211 200 189 176 164 142 123 178 168 158 147 136 117 100 146 136 126 n6 107 91 101 92 83 75 .. " " , .. , ' , . " " 78, " 79 " '80 " 81 277 272 267 260 252 243 235 225 214 202 190 166 146 127' S 82 207 203 198 192 186 179 172 163 155 145 136 1i8 103 " 83 136 133 129 124 1,1 19 113 107 101 94 86 80 68 " " 84 . " " 219 212 203 193 183 In 159 145 132 121 110 167 161 154 145 137 127 116 106 96 87 79 115 109 103 97 89 80 72 65 58 " " 101 89 96 82 90 74 83 65 76 56 68 49 60 . , 54 48 .. " " " " .. " .. " " " " " " " " " , ' ' .. , , .. " 85 " .86 " 87 " 88 " 89 E .' " • 128 / DORMA~ IY ~.'- '--. I A I '<'I.. / LONG · '& CO. LIMITED. if"" x-- II ~ '-X ,--- i'--I C£. COMPOUND DIM ENSIONS & STANCHIONS. PROF'ERTI ES IN INCH UNITS.' . ' 1<-'·6~'~ Referenoli Mark ,• ~ " " DIMENSIONS Inches SIze Inches WeIght per foot A X B Ibs, Beam 90 ' 91 92 93 94 95 " " 140'5 106'0 71'0 13 x 5 14 x10 x10 x 10 16 15 14 x 9 x .9 x 9 129 98'5 68 " 16 15 96 13%x 9 • " " " " 97 13*x 7 60 00 98 99 100 16 x14 15 x 14 14%x 14 261 213 189' 0 " " " 101 102 lOS 14 x 14 13y" x 14 13'4 x 14 165'5 140 128 " " " 104 105 106 16 x12 15 x12 14'!.x 12 2,32 1.91 170'5 " " " " " 107 108 109 110 14 x 13¥. x 13 x 12'% x 150 180 109-5 91'5 s 111 112 113 114 " " S " " " " " . 115 " 116 " " 117 118 12 12 12 9 14)12 X 10 14 >< 10 13 y"x 10 18 x lO 118'5 101'5 83'5 66'5 14 Y.x 9 109 93 ' 5 14 x 9 l3V-x 9 ,: 78 13 x 9 63 12% x 9 " 119 120 12%>< 7 " SactiQn Moduli About About About X-X X-X v·v About. v-v ,,. " " " Each Flange Area Square Inches RadII or Gyr.atlon Inches· 55 50 " " 12 x S " " " " " " " Ii ", " 12 x 5 " " " " " " " " " 10x 1 % 40 ' 30 10 x·1 30'SO lO x '!. 20'30 6'80 2'54 233 ' 3 6'46 2 ' 42 168 ' 7 .6 '04 215 105'6 52'2 35 ' 0 18'8 9 x 1'!. 37'30 2S ' 30 9x1 9x '!. 19 ' 5O 6'77 2'28 213',5 6 ' 42 2-16 155'6 6'00 1'93 99'1 ~lt , 9x % 17' 00 7x % 10' 55 5'86 1'82 85-~ 5 ' 77 1'14 "'75:4 .• 1.5'9 ,.i2' 0 ·. 9'2 , 75'12 14 >< 2 14 x 1 ¥. 61'12 14 x H i 54'12 658 3'61 406 ' 3 140 ' 0 6'28 3'01 321'2 107 :3 6 ' 12 3'43 279'8 91 ' 0 47'12 14 x 1 14 x % 40'12 14x % 36'62 5 ' g6 3 ' SS 239.'0 , 74 ' 7 58 ' 3 ' 5'78 319 19S'S 5 ' 69 3'10 -179'0 ' 50'1 67'12 12x2 12 x 1% 55'12 12 x 1'1i 49'12 6'52 S'09 357'0 106 '9 6'22 3-00 284'6 82'9 ,6 ' 07 2'94 249'4 70'9 12 x 1 12 x % 12 x )/. 9x % 43'12 37',1_2 31 ' 12 25'87 " . , 5'91 5 ' 73 5 ' 54 5'S7 2'86 2 ' 75 2 '59 2'07 214 ' 8 180 ' 8 14'7' 2 117'1 58'9 46'9 34'9 24'6 , lO x 1 'Ii 10 x 1 lO X % lO x ¥. 33'83 6'22 2'1)3 180'3 28'83 6'05 2'47 150'5 23-83 "5'86 2'37 121'1 18-83 5'63 2'21 92'0 " • , 31'33 9 >< 1'4 9x1 26 ' 83 9 x % 22'33 9 x '!. 17'83 6-18 6'01 5'82 5'60 9 x % 15'58 7 x % 14'08 5'47 1'87 5'3,8 1 ' 47 2 ' 26 165 ' 2 2'20 138'4 2'12 1.12'0 , 1 ' 97 88'0 73'0 64'0 '43-4 3.5'1 26'8 18'4 35 ' 7 29 ' 0 22'2 15'5 12'1 . 8'6 - , DORMAN, LO~G & CO. LIMITED. I . ----.,1.-' t X-.,\--X , . SAFE LOADS IN TO,,!S . t __ . fiXED. ENDS IV >1'--- COMPOUND. STANCHIONS. I I t'.! · ' '~·'B- · ~i For other oondltions of ends see page 118. · . SAFE LOADS IN TON~ FOR LENGTHS IN FEET 8 10 12 14 16 18 -- - - - - - - - - - - • 22 . 24 26 - -- -- - 20 -28 32 36 40 ,~ 230 225 218 210 201 191 180 168 156 143 133 113 172 168 162. 156 148 140 1-31 121 111 102 94 79 Ii, 110 105 100 94 87 80 72 66 60 54 .. ·. ·. .. ·, .. 211 204 197 187 177 166 154 141 128 118 107 159 153 147 139 131 122 111 102 92 84 77 107 102 96 90 83 75 67 61 54 .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. 93 81 . ' 89 74 83 67 . 77 58 70 51 63 44 56 .. 50 .. 45 .. .. .. Reference Mark .. .. ., .. .. .. , .. .. , . .. .. .. - S 90 " 91 112 " " 93 " 94 " 95 " " 96 97 439 434 427 419 411 401 391 378 365 353 3.3 9 308 27.4 245 S 98 358 35,3 347 340 332 3.23 31-5 305 294 282 270 243 217 193 1)9 316 312 306 300 293 285 277 26.7 25'1 247 236 211 188 166 ",,100 275 271 266 261 253. 2.4!6 238 230 222 211 201 179 158 140 " 101 234 229 225 220 214 207 200 192 18.l± 175 166 146 129 113 ,,102 213 209 204 200 194 187 180 173 165 156 147 129 113 99 " 103 39'0 383 · 375 366 355 343 330 317 303 286 269 237 206 182 " 104 319 314 ' 307 299 289 279 268 256 244 230 215 188 164 143 ,,105 284 279 273 265 257 247 236 226 214 201 189 163 142 .. " 106 249 214 178 145 214 209 174 139 193 164 135 106 189 183 176 168 160 150 141 130 120 160 155 149 142 134 126 117 108 100 131 127 121 115 109 102 94 85 79 103 98 93 88 82 76 69 63 57 238 204 169 132 231 197 163 125 223 190 156 117 215 205 196 184 173 161 140 121 182 174 164 153 144 133 114 99 149 140 132 123 114 104 89 .. 108 98 88 80 72 .. .. .. . 111 94 92 77 72 .. 52 .. 177 172 164 157 148 139 128 U7 108 98 90 .. 151 146 140 133 125 117 107 98 89 81 74 .. 125 121 115 109 102 94 86 78 71 6.4 58 .. 99 95 90 84 78 71 . 64 58 52 47 .. .. 86 82 77 72 65 59 53 47 42 .. .. .. 73 68 61 54 47 41 .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ·. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " 107 " 108 ,, 109 ,, 110 S 111 ,,1 12 " 113 " 114 " 115 1,1 16 ,,11 7 " 118 ,,119 " 120 130 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , IV ~--- I , i A COMPOUND I x-'. I- '-x 1_ 0--+-: STANCH IONS. , " , i , ! - i Size Inahes AX ; DIMENSIONS & PROPERTIES IN IN 'C H ' UNITS. i ' 6....:.!Y-J 1<-.. Releronce Mark , i . B DIMENSIONS Inohes Weight per loot Beam Ibs. Each Flange Area Square Inches • Radii of Gyration Inches Seotion Moduli , About About About" About x-x v-v x-x 'V. V , , S 121 122 " " 123 " " " " " 12 4 125 126 14 l<12 13,' x i2 12Yo X12 222, 181 160'5 12 x 12 140 l1 %x 12 120 99 ' 5 11 x 12 127 13 ' >; 10 128 12%x 10 129 12' XlO 160'5 143'5 126'5 " 130 l1 %x lO 109' 5 " 181 11 x 10 92 ' 5 " " 182 S 133 " " " " . 134 135 136 137 198 " " 139 S 140 " ·141 142 10 %x 9 ~ 81'5 13 x 12 166 12 x 12 125 83 11 x 12 . t3 x ~O 12 x 10 11 ' x l0 10% x 9 144'5 110'5 76'5 65 12 x 10 154'5 ll Yox 10 137'5 11 )( 10 120'5 " lOY- x 10 103 ' 5 " 143 86 ' 5 144 10 x 10 " 145 9 % x 9 75 " 11 x· 9 147' 10% X 9 148 10 x 9 S 146 " " 149 " 150 " 151 " 9%x 9 9 x 9 8%x 7 " 12 x 2 64 ' 18 5'63 3'13 290'4 105 ' 1 12 x 1'1. 52'18 5 ' 34 3 '05 228 '6 81'1 12 x 1* 46 ' 18 5 ' 19 3'00 198 ' 7 6901'1 " 12x1 40 ' 18 5'03 2 '92 169'5 12 x % 34'18 4'87 2'82 140 ' 12 x 'h 28'18 4'69 2'66. 112 ' 7 ~7';'1 " 10 X1 % 46'18 5 ' 28 2 ' 57 ,197'9 lO x 1'.4 41'18 5 ' 13 2'53 173'3 lO x 1 36 '18 4'97 2 ' 47 149 ' 2 ,60'9 52'6 44'3 lO x % 31 '18 4'81 2'40 5 '7 lO x % 26'18 4'64 2'30 02 ' 6. 9 x % 22 ' 93 4'53 2 ' 09 ' 87'5 35'9 27 ' 6 22'3 12x1 Y. 47 '.7 7 5 ' 42 3 ' 08 12x1 35 ' 77 5 ' 11 2'94 12 x % 23'77 4 ' 75 2'64 lO x 1% 41'77 5'31' 2 ' 55 10 x l 31. ' 77 5 ' b5 2'44 lO x % 21 ' 77 4'70 2'20 9x % 18 ' 52 .4'57 1 '91 185'Q 185 ' 3 87'4 71 ' 9 54 ' 4 37'7 21 ' 0 15'0 44 ' 71 4'82 2 ' 55 173'1; 39'71 4'68 2 ',50 151 '0 34 ' 71 4'52 2'44 129 ' 1 58: 0 ' 4.9'7 41"4 lOx % 29'71 4'36 2 ' 36 107 ' 7 lO x % 24'71 4'19 2'24 86 ' 8 9 x % 21'46 4'08 2'00 73:1 , • 38 ' 0 '24'7 19'1 . 10 x 8 " l " " " " "..... " " " 10 x 6 " " " " " " 9 x7 " II " " " t29 114: 98'5 8x6 83 68 55 " " " " " .. .t 10 x H~ 10 x 1* 10 x 1 5 '1 -33 ' i I I 215 ' 7 ~5 ' 6 155 ' 5 51 "6 97 ' 4 , ,27 ' 6 9 x 1 % 37 ' 30 4 ' 42 2'33 132'6 9xP4 32 ' 80 4'28 2 ' 29 114'1 9 x 1 ' 28'30 4'12 2'23 96 ' 2 , 9 x % 23 '80 3'97 2'16 9 x % 19'30 3'79 2'04 7 ><. % 15'55 3'65 1 ' 62 i 78'8 61'7 47'4 • 44'8 38 ' 1 31'3 24 ' 6 17'8 11'7 . DORMAN, . LONG '& CO. LIMITED. COMPOUND STANCHIONS. SAFE LOADS I N TO NS. EN OS FIXED . . FO,r other conditions of ends see page 113. !L 81 , I,-,~ - .~J SAFE, LOADS IN TONS FOR LENGTHS IN FEET II·---.---.-~--~--~--~--~---.---,--,--.--~--.--~I 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 · 36 Mark 40 373 ,3 67 359 350 341 330 317 s 121 224 " 122 " 123 193 185 162 153 129 122 " 124 " 125 " 126 26,5 258 250 241 230 220 208 194 , 235 230 222 214 204 195 183 172 . 206 201 195 187 i78 169 159 147 177 172 166 159 152 143 134 124 148 144 138 132 125 117 108 100 128 124 118 111 104 96 87 79 " 127 " 128 " 129 I S03 298 291 284 275 265 255 268 263 21)7 250 242 234 232 228 223 216 209 !;l01 , 197 193 188 182 176 169 162 158 154 148 143 136 • Reference 277 272 267 260 253 244 235 , 207 203 198 193 187 180 172 137 133 129 125 120 114 109 ' 239 233 226 217 208 198 187 181 176 170 163 155 147 137 123 118 113 108 102 95 87 102 98 92 86 79 72 64 " 130 " 131 " 132 225 164 102' 175 128 79 58 85 65 .. " 136 " 137 " 138 " 1. 39 140 " 141 S .. .. , 212 205 197 189 178 168 157 144 186 180 173 165 156 147 136 125 160 154 148 141 133 124 115 105 94 72 45 133 " 134 " 135 .. 256 250 241 233 223 211 200 186 227 22i 214 206 196 187 175 16.3 198 193 186 178 170 161 151 140 169 164 158 151 144 135 126 116 107 189 135 130 123 116 108 101 92 83 119 115 109. 10~ 95 87 78 71 64 134 129 123 117 110 102 108 103 98 93 86 79 83 78 72 65 58 51 128 " 142 " 143 " 144 " 145 S 146 " 147 " 148 77 59 .' . " 149 " 150 " 151 'DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ; ~ 1Y i '-' ,I -' (- - - A I x- --,~- -,-X I L, ,..- '-! "'-:0 COMPOUND ' ~ NSIONS , «_'-BL'4l Rele~- ence Mark DIMENSIONS Incbes SIze Inobes Ax e s " 15 153 " 154 155 " 28 x 20 27x20 26 x 20 25x20 Welgbt lbs t Beams 455'5 24 x 7 V:, 387'5 " 319'5 " 251'5 " S 156 26x18 $98'5 22x7 15,7 25 x 18 337 '" 158 24 x 18 276 159 23 >< 18 215 " " " s " " " 160 161 162 163 24 x 16 23x16 22 x 16 21x16 - & PROPERTI ES tNI N: H UNITS, - ~El 1l::l ~~ par It. " " 20 x 6% 351 297 " .24,2 ',5 " 188 " Eacb Flange 20 x 2 20 x l y" 20 x 1 20 x % STANCH IONS. Q " Rad\l of Gyration Incbes , Area Square Iriobes Section ModUli About Abput x-x v-v Ins. About x-x About v.y .' lOy" 132'93 11 '78 5'65 1316'6 424'6 1 oV:, 112'93 11'39 5 '63 1085'3 358'0 lOy" 92 ' 93 10'95 5'60 856'9 291'3, lOY. 7293 10'40 5 ' 55 6310 224 ' 6 , " 18 x 2 18xl y" 18 x 1 18 x V:, 9y" 116'13 10 '88 9Y. 98'13 10'50 9y" 80 ' 13 10'07 9 V:, 62'13 952 16 x 2 16 x 1 Y. 16 x 1 16 x V:, 8y" 102'24 10'00 4'55 8y" 86'24 9'64 4'54 8% , 7024 9'23 4 ' 53 8y" 54'24 8'73 450 5'10 1057'4 335'8 5 ' 08 865'5 281 ' 8 5'06 676'5 227'8 5 ' 02 4897 fJ 8 851'5 696'4 '543'9 393'7 26 ' I 222'5 179'8 137'1 / " 410 ' 2 S 164 165 " 166 167 22x20 21 x 20 20 x 20 19 x 20 435'5 18x8 367'5 " 299'5 " 231 ' 5 20 x 2 lOy" 127'05 9'14 20x 1Y• .10y. 107'05 8'80 20 x 1 10% 87 ' 05 ' 8'44 20 x % lOY. 67'05 8'00 5'68 5'67 5'64 5'60 964 ' 6 790'4 619'8 , 452'2 843'6 276 ' 9 210'2 s 22 x 16 21 x 16 20x16 19x16 18 x 6 331 277 " 222'5 " 168 16 x 2 16x1 y" 16X! 16 x % ,4 '55 4'54 4'52 4:49 736'8 595'8 457'4 321'3 249'6 207'0 164'3 121 ' 6 8'20' 5'06 7'88 5 ' 047'54 5'00 7'15 4 ' 94 780' 4 64T3 p05'8 373'3 330 ' 5 2765 222'5 168'5 8'30 7'97 7 ' 60 7'16 644'2 517 ' 9 394'5 273 ' 6 242'7 200'0 157'4 1147 " " 168 169 " 170 " 171 " " " S 172 20 x 1.8 398'5 16x8 19 ,x 18 337 " 173 18 x 18 276 " 174 175 17 x 18, 215 " S 176 " 177 " 178 179 " 20 x 16 19 x 16 18 x 16 17 x 16 " , ." " 821 16 x 6 267 " 212 ' 5 " 158 " 8% S y' 8Y. 8 Y. 18 x 2 18 x 1Y. 18 x 1 18 x Yo 9 9 9 9 16 x 2 16x1y" 16 x 1 16 x% B% 96'36 80'36 64'36 48'36 9'17 8'82 8'43 7'94 " 116'13 98'13 80'13 62'13 ' , 8% 8% 8% 93'41 77'41 61'41 45'41 , ' 4'56 4'55 4'53 4'49 ... , • • 133 DORMAN, LONG & COMPOUND , CO. LIMITED. :t-- '--- STANCHIONS; SAFE LOADS IN . ENDS i 1 TONS_ JY I I ' X-"-r---X FIXED. L - For other conditions of ends see page 118_ i '- ~--B'! , ~ SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR Refel" LENGTHS IN FEET enCB Mark 1012 - - -- 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 80 32 36 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- . - 40 - - - --1:-----1-- -1 785 66:7 549 430 7130 662 545 427 774 657 541 424 767 652 536 420 760752 742 646 637 . 630, 530 524 519 416 412 406 783 623 512 401 683 5.77 ';171 ?65 678 573 468 362 672 567 463 359 664 561 458 355 657 648 555 548 452 447 851·346 638 ' 539 440 340 629 530 4.3 2 335 617 522 424 329 604591 5;t.l 499 417 407 322314 579549520 487 464 439 897 379,356 307 292 274 S " " " 156 157 158 159 599 505 411 317 592 500 401 314 586 494 403 .311 578 488 397 306 571 480 391 302 560 472 385 297 550 464 378 291 539 454 369 285 527 443 361 279 512499486455422 432 421 408384 354 352 341 332 312 288 2'70 264 257 240221 S " " " 160 161 162 163 750 . 632 514 396 746 628 510 393 739 623 507 390 733 618 502 387,. 726 612' .498 382 719 606 491 378 711 598 486 374 700 590 480 370 691 582 473 363 681 574 465 358 S " ;, " 164 165 166 167 565. 471 377 283 558' 466 3'73 280 552 ' 461 369 277 545 455 364 273 538 ' 447 358. 269 528 440 353 265 518 432 846 259 508 424 338 254 495 483 471 458429398 S 168 413403393380357329 " Hl9 331 322 313 304 284 264 " 170 247 241 235227' 214197 ,,171 683 577 471 365 678 572 467 862 671 567 462 358 6.6 4 561 458 854 655 554 452 350 648 546 446 345 638 539 489 340 627 530 481 334 615 519 424 .327 547 .4 54 359 266 541 .449 356 263 535 444 352 260 528 438 347 256 521 431 342 253 512 424 336 249 502 .416 330 243 4.92 408 322' 238 482 468 456 398 388378 315 308 298 233226 221 • 723712 698686 65B 629 S .152 614 603 593 582 55'] 534 " 153 503496 488477459437 " 154 395388381 374358343 " 155 1 604 508 415 320 670655630604 562 552 531 506 457 449 430 412 352 344 331 315 591576549516 S · 172 499487 461 436 " 178 405895 877 354 " 174 313305290273 I; 175 444 415 368 344 290 273 215201 886 S 176 317 ,,177 252 " 178 185 " 179 134 DORMAN , LONG , 1'----=- 1Y i I I f ~ X-':' , 'c-' -r --,-x ,!r COMPOUND Inches Weight por foot AXB Ibs. DIMENSIONS Inches - 0", ~E:l Beams Each, ~Iange ~~ Area Square Inches Radii of Glrratlon ncbes e, 16 x l y. 8 % 16 x 1 8 l1. 16x % 8 % 388'5 14 x 8 II 327 II 266 205 II 18 x 2 , ' 18 x 1'!. 18,x 1 18 x Yo 9 y- y , 12 >< 1% 6 , 12 >< 1 6 t2 >< Yo 6 S 193 194 II II 195 II 196 18 >< 2 18 x 1% 18 >< 1 18 >< % 9 9 9 9 S 19 7 15><12 184 ' 5 12 ><t;i II " 198 14 x 12 144 II 103 II 199 13 x 12 12 x 1-)1, 6 12 x 1 6 12 x % 6 S 200 14x18 3 585 10 x 8 II 201 13x18 297 " 202 12 x 18 236 II II II II 203 11 ><1 8 175 18 x 2 18x1% 18 x 1 ., 18 x / 0 9 9 9 9 " 14 x 1% 7 14x1 7 14 x % 7 y - 'Y " - , 7 ' 31 7'00 6 ' 68 6'31 5 '.07 5'05 5 ' 01 4 ' 96 671'5 ,548 ' S 429'9 814'3 ' , 823'5 269 ' 5, 215 ' 5 161'5 1( 56'60 6 ' 60 ~r36 808 ' 8 106'5 44'60 6'26, 8'33 232 ' 7 82'5, 32 ' 60 5' ,8 5 8'28 159'1 58 '5 110'21 9224 '74' 24 5 6' 24 6 ' 41 6 ' 11 5 ' 80 5'46 5 ' 08 5 ' 06 ,5 ' 03 4'97 565 ' 9 459 ' 5 357'1 258'3 316'5 262'5 208'5 154 ',5 ,5 3'65 6 ' 20 3 ' 37 274 '8 10~ ' 1 41'65 5 '86 834 204 ' 3 77'4 • 29 ' 6 5 5 ' 46 3'29 135 ' 8 53'it 104' 3 5 86'35 68'35 50 ' 35 5'53 5 ' 21 ,4 ' 94 462 " S 204 1'3 x 14 225 10 >< 6 II ' 205 12 x 14 177'5 II II 206 11 x 14 130 About 65'58 7 ' 08 8 ' 91 886 ' 4 14'3',4 51'53 6'78 8 ' 88 291 ' 4 110 ' 7 87 ' &3 6'80 8 ' 82 198'7 78 ' 1. ' S, 190 16 x 12 194'5 18 >< 5 191 15 x 12 154 II II 192 14 x 12 118 " " 878 ' 5 12 >< 8 317 II II 256 195 " x-x " 14 x 5 % 14 x 1% '7 S 187 17 x 14 225 14, >< 1 II 7 II 188 16 >< 14 177'5 14 x % 7 189 15 x 14 180 II II 16><18 15 >< 18 14 x,18 13 >< 18 , 74 ' 47 7'56 4'55 473 ' 3 192 ',7 58 ' 47 7'20 4'58 357'0 150'1 42'47 6'77 4'50 243 ' 1 107 ' 4 .. 11.3' 18 95'18 77 ' 18 59'18 9 9 9 Section Moduli About About About x-x Ins. , 18 x 18 17 x 18 16 x 18 15 x 18 • • Cl:! 15 x 6 S 180 18 x 16 257 181 17 x 16 202'5 II II 182 16 x 16 148 II II S 183 II 184 185 II 186 II - .. I :<- ,-B-,.-..-?1. Size STANCHIONS. DI M ENSIONS &. PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS - '- I ~ '--.. Referenee Mark CO. LIMITED. & . 5' 09 ' 5 ' 07 p'04 1 ' 98 466'2 365 ' 1 278 ' 2 195' 2 301 .0 247 ' 0 198.'0 189 ' 0 - 65' ,5 4 5'25 3 ' 94 277 ' 9 145 ' 1 51'54 4 ' 94 3'91 209 ' 8 1127 37'54 4 '60 3'86 141 ' 7 80'1 · .DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED .. IY COMPOUND STANCHIONS.. ~. SAFE .. LOADS IN TONS. ENDs F1XED. For other condltions of ends see page 113. I------------------~----------------~--.----SAFE LOADS IN 'IONS FOR Refer- LENGTHS IN FEET 10 - 12 .2 14 16 18 20 22 24 1- - - - - - .' 26 28 .30 12- ence Mark 36 _4-,0_ 1-_ _ _ 1 436 427 421 416 408 400 392382 373 364 354 331 308 S 180 343 339 335 331 325 320 314 307 300 293 286 277 260 240 " 181 248 246 243'240 236 233 228 223 21"8212 206 201 188 173 " 182 665 560 4$4 348 '6 61 '5i5 450 345. 654 550 445 341 647 544 441 337 639 537 435 383 632 530 429 329 622 523 423 324 s ·183 514 504 493 484. 4'72 448 423 " 184 417 408 ~OO 391 381 363 341 " 185 318 312 305 293 292 27'7 260 " 186 611 599 589 576 561 535 508 381 .8 76 370 364 356 348 339 328 318 308 297 286 260 233 s 187 188 :<99 295 291 2$6 2'19 273 266 258 250 241 232 223 203 182 " 2'18 215 211 208 203 198 193 187 181 174 168 180 145 130 189 " 325 319 313 305 297 288 276 266 255 243 230 217 191 170 s 190 256- 252 247 240 233 226 218 210 200 190 180 170 149 133 " 191 180 175 170 158 129 151 187 183 164 145 138 122 107 95 " 1.92 " 648 542 437 >331 644 539 433 328 637 533 429 325 630 527 424 321 624 ·520 419 317 615 515 413 313 606 507 407 B08 595 498 401 302 586 488 393 296 574 480 385 290 561 469 376 285 547 458 368 278 521 436 349 263 494 410 330 247 S 193 " 194 " 195 196 " 308 303 297 290 282 273 263 252 242 231 218 206 183 161 S 197 239 235 230 224 218 21) 203 196 188 178 168 159 141 124 " 198 1:70 167 163 159 154 149 144 138 132 126 119 111 99 87 " ~99 61.4 609 508 504 402 399 295. 292 603 499 394 289 597 590. 583 573 494 487 482 17.5 390 885379 3'74 285~81 '2 77 272 563 466 368 266 555 457 360 260 543 449 353 254 531 439 344 247 520 428 336 241 494 40.8 .3 26 225 467 384 300 210 S " " " 200 201 202 203 381 376 370361 356 348 340 830 320 310. 299 288 260. 235 S 204 299 295 291 286280.. 274 267258 250 242 234 225 20.5 183 " 20p 218 215 212 208 203 199 194 187 182 176 169 162 147 132 " 206 E2 t o d 136 DORMAN,' LONG & CO. LIMITED. - t'-1f-1-X 1 x-----: 'I' r ' LATTICED BEAM STANCHIONS. DIMENSIoNS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS, . I~ ' -B- ' -~: Roference Mark • Size Inches C,entreS 01 Beams ~eams Area Square Inches About About ,x-X . Section Moduli Radll of Gyration Inches Inches A x B , About X-X y-y About y-y # ICA" BEAMS .. SPACED ',AS COMPOUND S 207 " " " 24><:18 208 22 x 18 Yz 209 2(j,x 15 210 18 x 18 y" 211 .18 x 14% 5''106 4'04 4 ' 45 5'52 4'42 407'2 17;5'5 304'9 ' 130'6 245'2 100'S 287 ' 1 155'2 87'2 187 ' 1 6'64 6'48 8'10 5'85 5'86 4'83 4'43 4'42 4'85 3'8.8 243'5 121'2 154 '5 ' 79'5 71'4 131'2 201'6 113'8 ' 50'9 107'7 5'25 5'05 4'84 4'22 4'17 3'17 4 ' 88 3'16 4'86 S'75 87'2 162 '6 69 ' 0 115'5 81'9 9 7 S 2'17 " 218 " 219 220 " 221 18 x l l 12 x 17 12 x l l 10 x 17. lOx13 13 x 5 12 x 8 12 x 5 ' 10 x S 10 x 6 6 9 6 9 7 20'60 38'24 17'65 32'35 23'54 , 37'6 106'4 32'1 90'0 51'1 .' I I BEAMS SPACED SO GYRATION THAT THE IS ASOUT L.EAST RADIUS X-x, 24 x 7 % 22 x 7 20 x 6y., 18 x 8 18 x 6 20 18 16 16 16 52'98 44'13 88'24 47'05 32'36 9 ' 01 8'72 8'01 7'41 7'21 10'11 9: 10 8'11 8' 18 8'09 407'2 304'9 245 ' 2 287'1 187':1. 893'7 292'5 223 ' 3 202'5 192 ' 6 16x22 16 x 20 15 x 18 14 x 20 16 x a 18 x O 15 x 6 14 14 12 12 12 44 ' 18 2,9 '41 26'47 41 ' 18 23'53 6'64 6'48 6'10 5'85 5'86 7'22 7'11 6'12 6 ' 26 G 10 243'5 154'5 lSl'2 201'6 107'7 209'0 148'6 1l0' S 161'6 100'2 232 ,13 x 17 233 12 x .18 234 12x15 235 ],0 )( 18 236 10 x14 13 x S, 12 )( 8 12 x 5 10x8 10x6 12 20'60 88'24 17 ' 65 8285 2854 5'25 5'05 4'84 4'22 4'17 609 5 ' S3 5'10 5'33 4'2,2 8'1 ' 2 162'6 69'0 116' 5 -81'9 89'S 120'7 61'2 102'0 60'0 227 228 229 " 230 231 " " " 8Y2 24 x 27 Yz 22 x 25 20x22V2 18x24 , 18x22 S 222 " 223 "\I 224 225 2,26 " s " Sy, .. OF " - 9'61 8 ' 72 8'01 7 ' 41 7 ' 21 44'13 29'41 26'47 41'18 28'58 " . 52'98 44'13 38'24 47,'05 32'86 9 " s . 24 x 7 Yo lOYz 22 x 7 9Yz 20 x 6 Yz BY. 18 x 8 10% ' ' 8% H.l x 6 16 x8 16 x 6 15 x6, 14 x S 14 x 5% '( '8 , PRECEDING , 16x17 16x14'y., 15x14y., 14x17' 14 x 12% " FOR STANCl-iIONS, " 213 " 214 215 "" ,218 S 212 , , " " • 14 x B 14 >< 17Yz , 14 x 6 % 10 10 10 8 ~()I DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ". LATTICED BEAM SAFE LOADS ENDS STANCHIONS. IN TONS. ' f . L1--' ) FIXED. L.,' For other conditions of ends see page 113. I +c:: ~ 1~ .. ~,' ·6 -. - ')j SAFE LOADS III TONS FOR Reference Mark LENGTHS IN FEET 10 i ) 12114 1 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 24126 128 1301321361 40 '( A" BEAMS SPACED COMPOUND AS FO-R PRECEDING STANCHIONS. - 312 259 224 277 189 310 257 222 276 187 307 255 219 274 185 305 252 216 271 183 301 248 212 268 180 298 245 209 265 177 295 242 205 262 173 290 237 200 259 169 286 233 195 255 165 280 228 190 250 161 275 222 185 246 156 270 217 180 240 151 259 206 168 231 141 246 194 154 220 130 259 172 155 242 136 257 170 153 240 134 254 168 151 237 132 251 166 149 234 129 248 163 147 231 126 244 161 144 228 123 240 157 141 225 119 236 154 138 221 116 231 150 135 216 111 225 146 131 211 107 220 142 128 206 103 216 137 124 201 98 204 128 115 190 87 191 119 106 178 78 118 224 101 189 136 116 223 99 187, 135 1i3 220 97 184 132 109 218 94· 182 , 130 106 215 91 178 127 102 99 94 90 212 209 205 201 88 84 81 76 175 171 167 162 124 120 116 113 84 196 72 157 109 79 192 68 153 104 75 66 .. 187 177 166 64 56 .. . 148 . . .. 100 ' , •• S') aEAMS SPACED OF SO GYRATION ' THAT THE LEAST IS X-X. ABOUT S " " " " S " ,. " " 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 '2 15 216 s 217 " " " " 218 219 220 221 RADIUS 316 263 228 280 192 315 262 227 279 191 314 261 226 277 190 313 260 225 276 189 312 259 224 2'74 188 311 258 223 273 187 310 257 221 270 186 308 255 220 268 184 307 254 218 266 183 305 252 216 264 181 303 250 215 261 179 301 248 213 21)9 177 297 244 209 253 173 293 240 204 246 168 262 174 157 243 139 260 173 156 242 138 259 172 155 240 137 ,2 57 171 154 238 136 255 170 152 236 135 254 169 151 234 133 251 167 149 231 131 219 166 148 228 130 24,6 164 146 226 128 243 162 144 222 126 241 159 142 219 123 237 231 158 ' 152 140 135 214 206 121 117 223 S " " " " S 147 1\ 129 198 111 " " " 121 225 104 189 187 120 223 103 187 136 119 221 102 184 184 118 219 100 182 132 117 216 99 178 129 115 213 98 175 127 114 210 96 171 124 112 206 95 167 121 110 202 93 162 117 108 198 91 157 114 106 194 88 153 111 104 99 .94 190 180 170 86 82 76 .. 148 ' . .. ' 107 ' , S " " " " 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 f '; 138 ., bORMAN, LONG & . ... ~. . N. N ;r' '-. .-' _... -.- " . . - c· c~ ~ CO . LIMITED. --- • IY ' - Ir '-., '---- i X---i- jb' -} - J:::: ~ ! -=:.. IY I ) COMPOUND ' STANCH ~ONS, DIMENSIONS &. PROPERTIES IN INCH I UNITS, ~ ~-'-" B -,-,~I Refer- ence lilark Size Inches AXB Weight " DIMENSIONS rnches "'", ., 'SQ,l ~S ... ",/:1:1 per ft. Ibs. .... Each Beams Flange <> Ins. Area Square Inches RadII of Gyration Inches , Sectlon ModuU , " About Apout x-x v-v Ahou(, About v-v X-X S 237 27 >< 24 520 24 x 7 V! 24 x 1 y" 7 ~.~ 151 ' 40 11'22 ,676 1410'9 576'6 26 x 24 24 x 1 7 % 127 ' 40 10'79 6,' 73 1141' 1 480'6 438 ' 5 238 " " 239 25 x 24 357 24 x y, 7 % 103'40 10'28 668 874'5 384'6 " " .. S 240 25 x 24 475 II " 241 24 x 24 393 ' 5 242 23 x 24 312 24 x 1 y. 7 '1.< 13S-19 10'41 6'76 1198 '8 526-3 24 x 1 7 % 114 ' 19 9-98 672 ,948 ' 5 430'3 24 x % 7 % 90 ' 19 9 ' 46 6 ' 67 701'6 3343 22 x 7 , II II s 243 23x24 445 20 x 6% 24x1% 7% 129'36 9 ' 64 6'77 1044'6 493'8 22x24 24xl 363'5 7% 105'36 923 6'73 815'9 397'8 244 II " 245 21x24 282 24x % 7% 81'36 8'73 667 590'5 301'8 " " S 246 21 x 26 ,5 105 lS x S II 247 20 x 26 422 " 248 19 x 26 334 26x 1 y. 8Y:, 143' 58 8'72 7'34 1076'7 615'5 26x 1 81'" 122'58 8'36 7'30 857'4 502'9 26 x % 8 Y. 96-58 7 -95 7 ' 25 642'2 390'2 S 249 2 1 x 20 374 ' 5 18 x 6 250 20 x 20 " 251 19 x 2 0 3065 " 2385 20 x 1Y. 6 1'. 108 ' 55 8 ' 71 5-63 20 x 1 ' 6Y, 8$'55 8 ' 33 5 ' 59 20 xY. 6 Y. 68 ' 55 786 Q' 54 784 ' 8 3438 613'9 277'2 446'0 210 ' 5 26x1% 8 Y. 144 ' 19, 7 ' 86 7'35 26x1 8 Y. 118 ' 19 752 7'31 26x % 8% 92'19 713 7'26 937'7 599'0 742'6 486'3 552-0 373'7 S 255 19 x 20 359'5 16x6 256 18 x 20 291'5 " 257 17 x 20 223'5 " 20x 11'2 6% 104'12 7'88 5'64 20 x 1 6Y, 8'.1:'12 7'51 5'61 20x % 6y~ 64'12 7'08 5'55 679'9 331'0 527'5 264'3 378'3 197'7 S 258 17 x 26 480'5 14 )< 8 16 x 26 392 " " 259 260 15 x 26 304 26 x 1. y, 8 Y. 13977 6'98 7'36 26 x 1 8 Y, 113'77 6 ' 66 't'33 26 x % 8 % 87'77 6-30 7 ' 27 801"9 582 ' 2 630'8 469 ' 6 4645 356 -9 S 261 15 >< 26 465'5 12 x 8 262 14 x 26 S77 " " 263 13 x 26 289 26 x l % 8 Y. 135'S7 6' 10 7'3,7 26 x 1 8% 109'37 5'79 7'34 26 x % 8Y- 83'37 5'4,5 7'28 670 ' 9 565 ' 6 523'5 452 ' 9 381'4 340'3, " " " " , S 252 19 x 26 495'5 16x8 II II " " " 253 18 x 26 407 254 17 x 26 319 " " " " " .LO~ DORMAN, LONG& , CO.' LIMITED. IV COMPOUND -< SAFE ' LOADS IN TONS , ENDS r r= t x-- -'-1--'- STANCHIONS. FIXED_ l _I -' For other conditions of ends see page 113. -X ,...JI......., ~- '-. ry , ·'<- -- .. B-·---}ol ~ SAFE LOADS IN TON.S FOR Reference LENGTHS IN FEET Mark 10. 12 14 16 18 20. 22 -- - --- - -- - -- - - 24 26 -- - - - 28 80. 32 36. - - 40. - - - -- 897 894 889 884 877 872 868 854 847 837 829 817 794 770. s 237 . 755 752 748 743 738 '732 726 719 '713 70.4 698 688 669 648 " 238 613 610. 60.7 60.3 599 594 588 583 577 572 564 '5 58 540. 523 " 2:39 819 816 811 80.7 80.1 794 788 . 780. 774 764 757 746 725 70.3 S 240. 677 674 670. 666 662 656 651 644 639 631 623 616 599 581 ,,241 . 5.3 5 532 529 526 523 518 513 50.9 50.3 499 492 485 471 456 " 242 , 767 764 759 755 750. 745 738 730. 724 715 70.9 698 679 :658 S 243 . 625 622 618 614 611 60..') 60.1 594 590. 583 577 569 55 536 " 244 482 480. 478 474 471 467 463 459 454 450. 444 437 42 412 " 245 t 883 878 875 871 866 859 854 847 838 832 824 816 796 776 S 246 728 725 722 718 713 70.9 70.4 699 692 686 680. 671 657 838 " 247 573 571 589 566 562 558 555 549 545 541 534 529 515 50.2 ., 248 ' , 641 636 632 626 621 612 60.6 598 590. 57.9 570. 560. 536 513 S 249 523 519 515 511 50.5 50.0. 494 488 480. 473 465 466 437 416 " 250. 40.4 40.2 399 395 391 387 381 377 371 364 358 352 337 320. " 251 857 853 849 845 841 834 828 822 816 80.'1 80.0 792 772 753 S 252 70.2 699 696 693 688 683 679 674 667 662 647 633 615 " 253 547 .545 543 540. 537 533 530. 624 620. 516 6~~ 51 50.5 492 480. ,, 254 616 ·610. 60.6 60.1 695 587 581 674 ';;66 556 546 537 511 492 S 255 497 493 490. 485 480. 475 4'70. 464 466 449 441 434 415 396 " 256 . 378 376 3 73 369. 366 362 357 352 347 341 335 329 315 30.2 " 257 830. 826 ' 822 818 812 80.6 799 793 784 778 768 760. 740. 718 S 25'8 674 671 668 663. 659 654 647 642 635 629 621 612 594 576 " 259 520. 617 513 511 50.6 50.2 497 491 485 481 474 466 451 435 " 260. 800. 796 791 786 779 772 764 756 746 736 725 713 688 661 S 261 646 642 638 632 627 620 612 60.5 597 588 579 589 545 523 .. 262 492 489 484 480. 474 469 464 457 450. 441 434 426 407 387 .. 263 ' ,." .. .. .<ff .; " .... .. " , ..., . • . ." . 140 DORMAN, _ LONG ~ CO. LIMITED. -A -- I i A I = IY D ;::::- COMPOUND <-) x-" --!I --X ~L- i '--_ ; ,IY ' l STANCHIONS. DIMENSIONS &. PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. ~- '- B-'~: Referenca Mark Size Inches WeIght per foot A X B· lbs. DIMENSIONS Inohes Channels. Each Flange " "" SO "' ~ Ins. Radii of Gyration Inches Section ModuU Area Squal'e Inches About About About" x·x v-v x-x About V-Y -S 264 20 x 18 276 17 x 4 " 265 19 x 18 214 ' 5 " " 266 18 x 18 153 ' 5 " 18 >< 1'1. 9 % 80 ' 08 8'42 5 ' 39 567 ' 1 258 ' 6 18 x 1 . 9 % 6208 7'99 5'45 416 ' 8 204 ' 6 18 x 'Ai 9 y" 44 ' 08 7'41 5 ' 54 268'8 150'6 S 267 18 x 16 239 ' 5 15 x 4 17x 16 185 " " 268 269 16 x 16 130'5 16 x 1% 7 Y. 69 ' 39 7'57 4 ' 69 441 ' S 190 ' 8 16 x 1 7 % 53 '39 7'18 4'71 148 ' 2 16 x 'h 7 y" 37'39 6'66 4'75 ~tW : ~ 105 ' 5 s 270 15 x 14 207'5 12 x 4 271 14 x 14 180 " 272 " 13d4 112'5 14 X1% 5 ',1, 60'43 6'20 4'O~ 3096 139'6 14 x 1 5 % 4643 5'84 4'01 2 2 6 ' 5 106 ' 9 14 x ~ 5 \1. '3 243 5'40 4 ' 00 145'7 74~2 " " " " s 273 15 x 14 203 ' 5 12 x 3 %H 14 x I V. 6 y. 59 ' 19 6 ' 21 4 ' 11 304 ' 3 142 ' 7 14 x 1 14 x 14 156 6 % 45 ' 19 5'85 4'13 2208 110' 1 " " 274 14 x % 6 % 31'19 5'39 4 ' 17 139 '7 77 ' 4 275 13 x 14 108'5 " " s 12 x 3 %L 14 x 1 6 Y. 42'85 · 5'91 4'10 214'0 103 ' 0 276 14 x 14 148 14 x Y. 6y. 28 ' 85 5'46 4'13 132 ' 3 70'3 " 277 13 x 14 100 ' 5 " 10 X 3 y" S 278 12 x, 12 133 279 11 x 12 92 " " S 280 12 >< 12 122'5 10,x3 " 281 11 x 12 81'S " S 282 11 x 12 128 ' 5 " 283 lO x 12 87 ' 5 9 x 3% S 284 11 x lO 105 " '2 85 10 x l0 71 , 9x3 S 286 10 x 10 110 ' 5 9 x 10 76 ' S " 287 8 x 3% S 288 10 x 10 102 9 x 10 68 289 8x3 " .. S 290 II, 291 9 x 10 107 8 x 10 73 S 292 " 298 9 x 10 8 x l0 • 98 ' S 64 ' S " " " " 7 x 3% " 7x3 " 12 x 1 4 % 38 ' 39 4 ' 97 3'43 157 ' 8 12 x % 4% 26'39 4'57 3'41 100'0 :s' 12><1 5 % 35'34 5'Or 51 148'9 12 x Jig 5 y" 23'34 4'6 3'53 90 ' 2 75 ' 3 51 ' 3 72'4 48 ' 4 12 x 1 4'1. 37'10 4:55 3'45 139 ' 5 73'4 87 ' 2 . 49'4 12 x % 4 11' 25'10 4 ' 17 3 ' 44 lO x 1 3 % 30 ' 27 4 ' 55 2'82 113'9 lO x % 3 Y. 20 ' 2'1 4'16 2'78 70 ' 2 48 ' 0 31'3 10 x 1 2 ¥. 31'89 4 ' 07 2'75 105'6 lO x % 2 % 21 ' 89 3'71 2 ' 69 67'1 48 ' 4 81 ' 7 10 x 1 3 % 29'39 4 ' 18 2 ' 84 100'0 , 473 lO x Yo 8% 19'39 3'76 2 ' 81 60'9 30 ' 6 lO x 1 2% 30'75 3'64 2'78 lO X % 2 Y. 20'75 3'30 2 ' 72 90'5 566 47'.5 30'8 10 X 1 3 Y. 28'36 3 ' 69 2 ' 85 lO x y. 3 Y. 18 '36 3 ' 35 2 '83 86 ' 0 51 ' 6 46 ' 2 29 ' S DORMAN, LONG & COMPOUND SAFE CO. LIMITED. STANCHIONS. LOADS EN OS IN TONS . FIXED. For other conditions of ends see page 113 . . SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR . Referenoe LENGTHS IN FEET Mark ·----:----;--"-;----;---,----;-~_,_-_;____;-_;_-._____;_-_,_-- I _1_0. . _1_2_ ._1_4--\._1..:.61 ~ ~ -==- ~ ·26 28 30. 32 1 36 _ 40. _ 472468 465 460. 4€i5 H9 444 439 431 424415407 389 370. 366 364 · 361 357353 349 345 340. 335329323316 30.3i 289 260. 258 257 254 251 249 245 242 239234 230. 226 216 20.6 • 40.7 40.3 399 394 388 383 376 369 359351 342 3~4 315 294 31:3 310. 30.7 30.3 299 294 289. 284 278271 265258 242 226 219 218 215 21:3 210. 20.6 20.3 199 195190. 185 181 171 159 .--1 S 264 " 265 II 266 s 267 " 268 " 269 352 347 342 336 330. 323 314 30.6 297287278269 246 222 S 270. 270. 267 263 258 253 248 242 235 228221 213 20.51187i 169 " 271 189 186 183 180. 177 ·173 1.69 164 159154149143·131 118 " 272 345 341 336 330. 324 318 311 302 294285275267 245 222 S 273 263 260. 256 252 248 243 237 231 224219211 20.4 187 171 ,,274 182 180. 177175 171 168 164 160. 155 151 147 142 130. 119 " 275 250. 247 243 239 235 230. 225 219 21320.6199192177 160. 5 276 168 166 164 161 159 155 151 147 143 139 135 130. 119 10.9 " 277 221 217 2i3 20.8 20.2 196 189 183 175 167 159 150. 133 118 152 149146 143 139 135 130. 126 .120. 115 109 10.3 91 .. s 278 20.4 20.0. 197. 192 187 182 176 170. 163156 148 140. 126 112 135 132 130. 127 124 120. 116 112 10.8 10.4 99 93 83 .. S 280. 214 210. 20.6 20.1 196 190 183 176 169162155146 130. 145 142 139 i36 132 128 124 119 115 10.9 104 98 S 282 .. .. ,, 279 ,, 281 " 283 171 167 162 156 14.9 143 136 128 119111 103 96 114 111 10.8 10.4 10.0. 95 90. 84 79 73 68 63 .. .. S 284 179 175 169 163 157 149 141 132 12311410.6 99 123 120. 116 111 10.6 10.1 95 89 83 77 71.. .. .. S 286 " 287 166 162 157 152 146 139 132 124 117 10.9 10.1 94 109 10.7 103 10.0. 96 92 87 82 76 71 66.. .. .. S 288 " 285 " 289 174 169 164 158 151 145 137 128 120111 10.3 .. 117 .114 110. 10.6 101 96 91 85 79 .. .. S 290. 160. 157 152 ' 147 19411, 135 128 121 114105 98 .. 10.4 10.1 98 95 87 88 78 .7 3.. .. .. S 292 " 293 ., " 291 i], 142 , , <rt , , CO: . LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & • < - 0 ' I' ~-' I LATTICED tx--t-~ -x -~-': - --tv: '; DIMENSIONS AND , I~'- B -'-"->! Refercnce PROPE .R TIES IN INCH UNITS, Distance Chann'cls D Inches Area Square Inches A x B . I. A ' STANCH IONS. ' Size Inches Mark CHANNEL Radii of Gyration hches • About About v-v X-X CHANNELS I SPACED COMPOUND AS FOR Section Moduli " About About X-X V-V PRECEDING STA NCH IOI'jS. " • , , , S 294 '" 295 S 296 . 297 " 2$8 J.7 x l'7Yz 15 x 15'/" 17 x 4 15 x 4 12 x 13% 12 x 13% 12 x 13% 12 x 4 12 x 3 YzH 12 x 3YzL , 5Yz 6Yz 10 x 3 V:i 10 x 3 9 x 3% 9 x3 4% . S 299 300 801 302 10 x,11 % 10 >( 11% 9 x l l '/" 9 x 9];. S 303 8 x 9% 8 x 9 )1g 7 x 9Y. 7 x 91( ~. .. .. " " " " 304 305 306 U B p ' • 6'32 5'71 18 '43 17 ' 19 14 ' 85 4 '66 4 ' 58 4 ' 59 3'97, 427 4 ' 21 66'7 60 ' 1 31/~ ,. 14 ' 39 11 '34 13'10 10 27 3'gO 3 ' 82 3q5 3 ' 49 S'37 3'59 3'41 2' 67..11 '43 ' 8 33'1 36 ' 7 '2'1'8 2% 3 '10 2 Jh 3 y" 11 ' 89 9 ' 39 10 ' 75 8 ' 36 3'19 ' 2 ' 52 3'16 273 2'82 , 2.' 5~ 2 ,80 ' 2'77 CHANNELS 6 1. 5'10 4V:i 8 x 3% 8x3 7 x 3~~. 7x 3 ,O F 26 ' 08 21 ' 39 9 Yo' 7Yz SPACED GVRATION • 5 ' 'JoIi' 4'85 122 '4 93'1 ' 99'3 64 ' 9 , 43'1 46 ' 4 39 ' 1 ' 5~n '30 '3 ' 23'4 21:5 , i f:'i'7 ' 28 ' 4 -25 '4 265 15 ' 4 , 15' 9 11 :7 14 ' 9 ' 13 ' 5 SO THAT niE LEAST RADIUS , IS ABOUT X-X. .. s 307 " 3 08, 1'1 x 19 15 x 18 17 x 4 15 x 4 S 309 12 x 15 12 x 15 12 x 15 313 314 3,15 10 x 13 10 x 12 9 >< 12 9 x 12 316 317 31.8 319 8 x 11 - 8 x 11 7 x 11 7 x 10 .. I" 810 311 S 312 .." " s ." 'II 11 10 2608 21 ' 39 6 ' 32 5''71 6 ' 51 607 122'4 93'1 116 ' 4 87:6 12 x 4. 12 x 3 %H 12 x 3 YzL 7 8 8 18 ' 43 17 '19 14 ' 85 4'66 4'58 459 4'70 5 ' 00 4'95 66'7 60'1 52 ' 1 54'2 57 ' 3 48 '4 10 x.3 % 10 x 3 9 X3 Vs. 6 6 5 6 3'90 3 ' 82 3 ' 55 3 ' 49 4'09 3 ' 83 3 '65 , 3'88 43'S 33'1 3(h 27'8 ~37 ' 1 9 ><; ~ 14 ' 39 11'34 13 ' 10 10 ' 27 4 5 4 4 11 ' 89 939 10 ' 7 5 836 3'19 ,3 ',16 2'82 2'80 3'22 ~303 3'45 , 23 ' 4 3'26 24 ' 5 3 ' 01 18'7 22'4 2 0'3 20' S 15'1 ,- 8 X3Y. 8 x3 7 x 3Y. 7 x3 27'8 29'1 25'7 DORMAN, r CO. LIMITED. LONG & Iv CHANNEL . STAN~H IONS. LATTICED SAFE . LOADS ENDS IN F3* TONS:. --. -;:4---8-·-)1 --Iv' :' FIXED. For other conQ.itions of ends see page 118. I• , SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR Reference Mark LENGTHS IN FEET 10 I' 12 1 14 · ' A" 16 1 18 1 20 1 22 1 24 26 28 30.1 32 36 40 SPACED AS .. FOR PRECEDING , COMPOUND STANCHIONS. 15 4 153 152 151 150 i48 146 144 142 140. 138 135 130. 125 126 125 123 122 120 118 117 115 112 110.. 107 iC4 99 93 S 294 295 96 91 78 93 139 77 90. 87 84 81 74 87 84 82 · 79 73 74 '12 70. 68 62 67 6'7 57 S 296 71 57 65 44 68 55 62 41 65 53 60. 38 .. .. .. S 299 , 107 106 10.4 10.3 10.1 98 ' 100 99 98 96 9.5 : 93 8 7 86 84 83 82 : 80. J 83 66 75 .5 8 66 53 60. 47 $1 80 63 71 , 73 , 56 54 65 64 51 58 46 " B 't 62 50. 56 44 78 62 71 52 59 48 54 43 75 61 69 50 56 46 51 41 CHANNELS 73 59 67 47 53 44 48 39 49 41 45 37 SPACED OF GYRATION 46 38 .. .. SO IS 62 · 59 55 51 49 46 57 54 · . 36 33 · , 42 86 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. THAT THE ABOUT , .. ". ·, , . .. ' . .. .. .. .. .. .. LEAS T " 297 " 298 .. .. s 303 ... .. .. 30.4 " 30.5 " 306 " RADIUS x-x. 80. 98 91 78 95 93 91 89 83 89 87 84 82 '77 77 75 78 71 66 99 92 " " 30.0. " 30.1 " 30.2 155 154 Hi3 152 150 149 148 146 145 143 141 139 135 129 127 126 125 123 122 121 120 118 116 115 113 111 10.6 10.2 10.8 .10.7 106 105 103 101 101 100 99 97 96 94 87 86 85 84 83 82 S 307 " 808 77 71 61 S 30.9 " 310 311 .. S " 84 -66 76 59 82 65 74 58 81 64 73 57 80. 63 71 56 78 61 70. 54 76 60. 68 53 74 58 66 51 72 57 63 49 70 55 61 47 68 65 63 5.3 51 48 58 56 .. 45 43 .. ·. ·, .. " 314 " 315 68 54 61 47 67 53 59 46 65 51 57 45 63 50. 55 43 61 48 53 41 59 47 51 39 57 45 48 37 55 43 52 41 .. .. ·- .. .. .. .. S 816 , , .. -. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ' , .. .. .. I I , I :i I 1 CHANNELS , .. .. " 312 313 '.' 317 " 318 '" 319 144 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. IV I x-.- j----x ..'L ' lEE , "",1\-- k---BI!-~ Reference Mark COMPOUND STANCH IONS. , O,IMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN DIMENSIONS Inches Approxl-' mate Size Inches Weight per fO,o t A X a- fbs, Beam Channels Area Sqllare Inches INCH UNITS, Radii or Glratl on nches Seotlon Moduli About About About x-x v-v x-x About v-v 25 x 17 321 24% x 15 " " 322 , 24% x 12 823 24% x 12 182 24 x 7% 166'5 " 156 " 144 " 17 x 4 15 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 3Y:,L 52 -55 47 -86 44'89 41 '32 1065 10 ' 49 10'38 10 '35 4 ' 58 3'98 3 ' 20 3'01 477'5 129'5 424'7 ~01'2 390-3 76'8 358'0 62 ' 2 S 324 " 325 " 326 327 23 x 17 22% x 15 22% x 12 22%x 12 167 '5 22x7 151 ' 5 " 141'5 " 129 17 x 4 15 x 4 12 >< 4 12 x 3 \-1, L 48'15 43-46 40'49 36 ' 92 9'79 9'64 9 -52 9,'50 4'74 4'12 3 -30 3-10 402 ' 1 12'7' 2 353'8 98'6 322'2 73'5 293 ' 3 59 ' 0 S 828 " 329 " 830 331 21 x 17' 20%x 15 20%x 12 20% x 12 157 '5 20 x 6 v. 141 '5 " 131 " 119 17 x 4 15'x 4 12 x 4 12 x 3 V. L ,45 '20 40 ' 51 37'55 33'97 8'97 8'83 8'73 8'72 4 ' 87 341'4 126'2 4-25 30a-6 97'4 8 -89 275'0 72 ' 1 S -19 249'4 57 ' 6 19 x 17 172 18 x 8 " 333 18%x 15 156 '5 " " 334 , 18%x 12 146 " 335 18% x 12 134 17 x 4 15 >< 4 12 x 4 12 x 3 Y:, L ,49 ' 61 44 ' 92 41'95 38'38 8 '07 7-96 7-87 7-87 473 4'18 3'35 316 341'1 180' 6 302'2 102 ' 3 276 ' 6 78'3 254'5 63'7 i9 x 17 18%x 15 18%x 12 HH4 x 12 147 -5 18 x 6 131'5 " 121 ' 5 " 109 17 x 4 15 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 3 Y:, L 42-26 37'57 34'61 31 ' 03 8'12 7'98 788 788 5 -02 4 ' 38 3'50 3'29 293'6 125 '2 254'3 96 ' 2 228'6 70'6 206 ' 3 56 ' 1 17 x 17 16%x 15 16%x 12 16%x1 2 167'5 16 x 8 151'5 ";, 141 '5 129 17 x 4 15 x 4 12 x 4 12 x 3 Y, L 48'15 43 ' 46 40'49 36 -92 7 -20 7 ' 09 7 ' 01 7 ' 03 4 ' 80 4'20 3'40 3'21 294'2 130 '4 259--9 102: 2 237'2 '(8 ' 1 218-4 63 'S S 320 " " " " " S 332 " S 336 337 "" 338 " 339 S 340 " 341 342 " 343 " " " " S 344 16% x 15 126'5 16 x 6 " 345 " 346 16'\;1>< 12 104 16% )( 9 88'S S 347 " 348 849 15'\;1 x 12 15% x 9 15%x 9 " " " 15 x 6 99 93 " 88-5 " 36'10 15 x 4 12 x 3y'L 29-56 9x3 24 ' 98 7'12 4 ' 47 7'05 3 ' 37 6 ' 95 2'43 217'6 175'8 145'3 96'1 55 ' 9 32 ' 8 12 x 3 '/oL 28-09 9 x 3 % 26'33 23'51 9 x3 6'63 3 ' 44 6'52 2 ' 65 6'54 2'48 157 ' 2 H2'6 128' 9 55'4 41'1 32'2 ' - 145 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. t,-C'OMPOUND STANCHIONS. DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS, I" n '-1'-" =\J I tX---I-'-X , i J" 1'1 l<-'-B '- -~ Refer" ance Mark Approximate Size Inches Axa RadII of DIMENSIONS Section Gyration Inches. Moduli Inches Weight· Area per foot ---,----:--- Square' --~--I·--~-Web Flange Inches About About About About Ibs. . llcam Beams x-xy _y x-x y _y I----I~---I---I----I---~-~, I~---~-----I----I ---- I---- " 351 " 352 32 x24 2735- 24 x 7Y, 24x7% 79'40 II' 51 7'89 31¥" x22 243'5 22 x 7 7059 11'38 6"95 " 31 x20 223'5 20 x 8Y, 64'70 11'27 6 ' 23 s 353 " 354 " 355 80 S 356 27%x22 218'5 20 x 6% 22 x 7 83.'25 27 x20 198 ' 5 20 x 6¥" 57'S6 26Y~ x 18 178'5 ' 18x6 51'48 ,"" 9'69 7 '82 9 ' 60 6'58 9'50 5'77 432'3 307'8 392'5 248'5 351'8 190'7 S 359 " 360 " 361 25 Y. x 22 233'5 18x8 x 20 213'5 26Y. x 18 243'5 " 22x7 67'65 20 x 6Yz 61'76 18x8 ' '70'58 8'72 ,7'11 8'64 6'39 8'79. 6'13 403'9 311'2 369'6 252'2 411'8 294'8 ,,362 " 363 " 364 24Y2 x 18 193'5 26'/. x 16 233'5 24% x 16 183'5 " 18x6 16x8 16x6 55'89 67'65 52'94 8'55 '5'60 8:76 5'46 8 ' 50 4:'97 334'5 194'8 892'5 252'2 313'6 163'2 S 365 " 366 ,,367 25 x20 188'5 18x6 24% x 18 168' 5 " 24%x16 158'5 20x6% ,54'42 18 x 8 48'55 16 x 6 45-59 8'74 6'75 8-65 5-93 S'61 5-26 333 ' 5 247'6 297'6 189' 7 276'7 157'5 S 368 20 x 6Yo 60'30 " 369 ,,370 23 x20 2086 24\1" x 18 238 ' 5 22\1"x 18 188 ' 5 " 371 " 372 " ·373 24 V. x 16 228 ' 5 22Ys x 18 1'18' 5 22% x 15 168'5 S 374 " 375 " 376 23 x20 183'5 16 x 6 22Y:,x18 163'5 s 21Yox18 158-5 15 x 6 21Yox16 148-5 " S 350 " 357 " 358 , -r 377 " 378 " 379 ,I " x 24 258'5 22 x 7 29Y, x 22 228'5 29 x 20 208'5 25 " " " " " " 22Yox16 153'5 21%x15 138'5 16 x 8 II · " " " " " " " 24 x 7\4 74 ',99 10'65 8'11 22x7 66'19 10 ' 53 7'16 20 x 6 ¥" 80'SO 10'43 6 ' 43 657-1 412'2 580'8310'4 531'4 251'8 566'9 410'6 497'9 308'6 453'2 249'3 1a x 8 18 x 6 69'12 54'43 7'75 6 ' 47 7'90 6'19 7-6'7 5 ' 67 316'0 252'1 352'3 294:' 7 285 ' 7 194 ' 6 16x8 16x6 15x6 66'19 51'47 48'54 7'88 5 ' 52 7'63 5'03 7'58 4'66 335'5 252'0 267 -5 163'1 ~49'3 140'3 20><6% 52'94 18x6 47'07 16xO 44'12 7'86 6'84 7'78 6'02 7'74 5-.34 285'0 247'5 254'0 189'6 235'S 157-3 18x6 16 x 6 15 x 6 7'35 6'11 7'31 5'43 7'27 5'03 230'0 189'3 213'1 157'0 196-2 133'8 45'60 42:65 39'71 j . 146 DORMA.N, . LONG & CO. LIMITED . ...,..,.. ... t - ANGLES AS STRUTS. E~UAL SAFE LOADS I N ,"ONS FOR SINGLE ENDS FIXED. For other e~lldltions of ends see ANG.LES. - page '118. LEN.GTHS IN FEET Size and Thleknes~ 2 -~-X-'9~ x·"',, It" " 6 x6 11 11 II II Va • 4 5 ; 6 '58- ' -0 -58-'0- -57-"-4 1-1-'}6-'6- ' 55- ' 8- "" '"" ·t'~o 7088'2· 9 ~ x ~ x~ 3 70·4 69·6 68.7 1675 82-6 81·7 80·6 79 ,2 67 ,2 5fH; 55·8 55·0 ; 53 ·8 63·1 67 ,4 6(,.,) 65'4 64, 0 78·8 78·0 '/\3.g '15-7 74 ·1 x% 34·0 ' 33,4, 32 ,S 31 · 7 30·6 18'2 23,S 29 · 4 20,7 20,0 19,2 2'7·9 37·2 26,4 25,3 344. 88·6 82·5 81-0 x4 II II II II 54-8 8 ! 9 ~:H 1-52 - ' -1 !l6 ' S 65, 0 683 77,7 76·2 74'2 10 12 14' 16 50·8 47·4 43,9 39,6 61 , 4 57·6 72·0 67 ' 2 52'9 62·1 55,9 48'0 52 ,6 61·1 62 ' 4 60·8 72 , 2 70·1 49·4 47 ' 7 143'6 39·1 34'5 58·7 56 ·5 5j · 9 46'0 40 , 7 68·0 65·8 60·1 58'4 4,7' 1 2.9 ,2 27·7 26'1 24 ·3 17 ·1 22·3 27·6 15·7 20·7 25,4 14·3 18·7 23·1 13,0 10·5 16·9 13 ·(\ 20·7 16,8 20·6 1"1'2 'YB 4,2-0 41·3 40·3 39'2 876 36·0 84 ' 2 32·3 29 · 9 25'3 21,.1 % 49·8 49'047·9 465 44,7 42·1 40 ,6 8S'0 35·4 29·8 :'15',1 2'1,2 4 7 16·6 16,0 15'2 14,1 lS,O 11·5 10,2 21-:') 26,8 21'0 :l'!;·7 16 ,9 20,8 12·0 14,3 18·7 9·,/ 8·6 11,5 10·7 13,6 12,6 11,5 1 to'2 17'S 16'& 15·0 i18·8 8·2 10·1 12,0 15 ,6 7·6 6,9 9·4 3 ·6 11·2 10 ,'1 14'6 13,2 :19·9 ~14-'4 18,5 22,6 , 1 9,0 7'8 15,1 13,2 11,6 10'1 1S·0 16·8 14,2 12,5 7-4- 8,8 11·5 6,4 7,13 9·8 ~' .. .. .. . '. ,' • 5·5 (3,5 8·4 I 3 x3 It It.- 11 II \I II 2¥. x 2Y-, x ,, ' " " " " " 2 x2 II II "1'1 II ,>" 'Ii fi % '4 1 9·6 4·3 5·3 6,2 8,1 5'1 6·8 7-1, 6,8 6,0 '9,9 8 ·8 nln 5 -0 6·6 4·5 6 ·0 81 7 '3 3 ,9 '5 '1 6·3 7 ·5 3 ·2 4·2 1),2 6 ·1 3·2 2- 6 ; 3·8 • I ,i 8·6 4·4"' ,8 7 ·1 8"4 3 ,9 5,1 6 ,3 7 ·4 4 ..2 5,2 6'1 4 ,1 ._ 4·8 .. 3 8, 50 6, 1 3'2 2 ' 0 4,23'3 62 '4· 0 1'9 2·5 3·1 2·4 1·8 '2,4 1·g. 1 ,6 3·5 26 3 ·4 4,,2 4 ·9 9, 6 x 1';:; x it ,1 ,9 " 8'9 11,5 I 7 ,4 2,5 8·3 " 7t) to · 8 3 ·. 2 . 2 ' 5 1'9 4 :.1 8'8 . 2,4 0·0' 4·1 3·0 1':1 6, 1 : 5·1 .. I .. .. 1 .. .. __ .. ' . -. .'. " .. - . " .. • DORMAN, LONG & - CO. LIMITED. : ANGLES AS STRUTS; SAFE LOADS Size and .Thlckness J. x4 X .,1. ,'t " H: "'.' " 9 x 4 x .,z,; " " % " H 8 x6 x % 10 SINGLE UN EQUAL ANGL.ES. ENDS FIXED. For other condltlo!ls 01 ends see page 113. IN. TONS FOR LENGTHS IN FEET 2 3 4 5 6 34·6 44·1 53·4 32·1 45 ,1 57,7 40 ·0 49 ·6 58'8 29.'5 83·5 42·5 51·5 3t ·0 43 ,6 31'9 30'0 3S'1 46 · 1 27·9 39'1 50' 1 37·8 4,6,7 55·5 25 ·8 36 ' 2 42 ·9 29·8 35·2 24· ·3 30·0 21 ·9 268 18·9 23·1 21·6 26·5 19 ,4 23 ·8 168 . 206 16·7 20·3 9 ,4 11·1 14 ·5 8 ·5 ' 10·1 18 ·1 6·9 8·2 10·6 5 ·0 6'1 7 ·3 3·6 4·5 27·7 35·3 42·5 26 ' 0 36,4 46 ·3 36 ,6 46·3 53'8 ' 24,1 33'6 39·7 40·6 49,0 ' 29·7 41-13 55·9 533 \I 39·4 . 38 ·7 48·8 47 ·9 Y$ " " 58 ,0 56·8 % " " 28 ·6 27·4 8 x 4 xl,; ' 41 ,5 4-0 -1 38·4 ' I' % "\I 49·2 45·5 47·6 " % 35·7 34·2 32·2 7 X 3~ x% 42,$ 40·6 38 ·2 \I " "4 27·8 26 ·9 25·7 6 x 4. x Y. 33·2 34'2 .3 1'8 % " " 26 ·1 250 23·6 6 x 3Y. xy,. 30 ·9 29·1 32'1 % " " 2'1,1 24 ·3 22·9 6 x 3 xYz 26 ,0 29 '9 28·3 % " " xy,. 24 ' S 24·0 22·9 5 x4 30·5 . 29·5 28 ·8 % " " 28 ·2 210 22·3 5 x3 Y,x y,. 25 ·7 28·5 27'4 % " " 18,7 21' 4 20·3 5 x 3 x% 23 ·0 26·4 24·9 % "4 x 3y.,x% 20·2 19·4 18 , 1 28·7 222 24 ·8 " " y% ~ 11·8 104 120 4 x 3 , 1 ff 13 ·5 12·4 14·2 ." % " 16 ·'1 18 ·6 17 ·5 "3Y, x 3" x ';l!,i!, ·11'0 10·4 9,5 12,4 11·3 131 ' u I' % 14·7 16·1 17 '1 V, " "3V x 2Y 8·2 io·o 92 o J x .1, 10 9 9·7 JI ·S % " % 15·4 14·2 12·6 " " " 7,4 6·0 6 ·7 3 x 2y., x'4 7·4 IH 8 ·3 r. " " ,% 10·7 8'7 9'8 " " 4·6 5·7 3 ,, 2 x "J;,j'. 6'4 '{.g 6·9 5 ·7 -h " " 9,4 8'2 6 ·7 \I " % 5·7 4·0 2'1;:-< 2 x'4 5·0 7,0 . 5 ·0 6·1 h " " 8'3 7·2 %: 5'8 " " x,..\ 2,8 8·6 2%x l% 2·0 . ," 3,2 5·7 4 ·4 11 I' f'(s 3·1 2·4 '1 ·7 2 x l %If\; 3·8 . 4 ·9 2·7 Tr.. " II.! . " I " . --. ' 5·2 3·2 8'g, 1j,·6 ·. ·. '. ·. ·. 26~ 9 31 ·9 22·6 27-9 19 ,9 24·3 16,3 19·9 20·0 24 ·6 17· 7 21·6 14·5 17-9 14 · 9. 18·8 8 ·1 9·6 12·5 7·3 8·13 11·2 6·7 . 6·7 8·8 4·1 5·0 5·9 ·. .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 7 8 25·3 22 ·4 28·3 32 ·0 88 ·4 34,,3 · 21·1 33'0 29·4 42,2 37·4 35 ' 3 33·8 43·7 41 ·7 51·7 . 49,5 22·0 · 19·8 30·8 :,>,7'5 30 ·3 32·4 23·7 20·7 24·3 281 20·7 16 ·7 25·5 22·9 17'6 15 ·3 2i ·5 18'7 18·9 11 ·8 17·0 14'4 18·8 16 ·3 22·5 19 ·9 15·6 13·6 19 ' 1 16·6 12·5 10,6 15 ·2 12·9 13·1 11 ' 3 15·9 18 ·8 6'9 6 '9 8·2 7 -0 g·O 10 ·6 6·2 5·2 7·3 13· 2 9·6 8·1 4,7 .. 5·6 ·. 7 ·2 ·. 23 ' 6 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·· .. ·. . .' ·. ·. ·. 9 10 12 -- - --19, .9 25,1 30'~ 187 26,1 33,2 32,1 39·8 47,0 17·5 24·2 28 ·8 17,9 21 ·2 113·6 20·3 1R·4 16·3 ·· .. 145 17·,/ 175 22 ' 1 26·5 .16·6 23·0 29·2 30'4 37·7 44· 5 15 ·6 21·5 25·3 ·. ·. 14·7 18,0 11·7 ·. ·. ·, 12 ·'1 15·7 11·9 10 ·4 14·5 ·. ·. ·. 9 ·8 11·9 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·... ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. ·. ·. .. , I ' -: : ·. .. . , · . ·. ·. ·. · . ·. ·· .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. ·. ·, ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. · . ·. ·. 26·6 32,6 38,5 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·.. · ·, , . .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ,. . ·. , ·. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. , " .... - - • 148 • . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. . TEES AS STRUTS. - SAFE LOADS IN TONS F"OR TEES _ ENDS FIXED _ For other conditions of ends see page 113_ , SIze and Thickness 2 3 LENGTHS IN FEET 4 _5 6 7 8 9 10' 12 - --- - - - - - - --- - - €I x 6 ' x Yo 34-1 as -6 42-2 • 4H; 82 -9 82-0 80-9 29 -6 28 -2 26 -7 26-0 21 -4 40 -6 89-6 88 -8 36 -8 36 -0 38 ·3 31-8 26-7 26 -0 " -" % 6 x 4 x Y:. 28 -2 27 ·7 26_·9 26-1 23 -9 22 -6 21 -1 19 -6 16 ·3 " " % 84 -7 84-1 88 -2 32 · 1 80 -g - 29 -.3 27; -6 25 -8 "/<l8 ·9 19-9 5 x 4 x Y:. 26 ·2 24 -7 24'0 118 ·2 22-2 19 -8 18 -8 16 -8 13 -9 " " % 81·0 80 ·3 29 ·5 28 -6 27 · 4' 26-0 5 x 3 x % 16 -8 16 · 2 15-5 14-6 13 -5 " 12-3 10 -9 y. 22 :0 21 -2 20-2 19-0 17 -5 15 -8 , 21 -1 24 -5 22 ·9 • 21 -0 17 ' 4 9-6 8 -0 · 14 -0 12 -4 10 · 9 . .. 9· g 8·7 '1'~ .. 12·6 11-2 g .g " " 4 x 3 x % 14-6 14 -1 13 -6 12 -8 12 -0 11 -0 " '.' Y:. 19 -1 18 ·5 17 ·7 16 -7- 15 -4 14-1 3 x 3 'r~ 10 -2 9·6 8 ·7 7-8 6 ·6 6 -6 .. 4 -g " % 12 -1 11 · 4 10 ·4 9 ,8 B-O 6 -7 -5 ·7 ·. ·. " .?" 14 -0 13·2 12-0 10 -8 9- 3 7 -9 6'1 .. . -~ 2Y:._X_ 2 y.x '4 fo " " 6 ·7 6-1 5-8 4 -4 g·6 . 8 ·2 7 -6 6 -6 5-u 4 -6 .. .. .. ·. ·. .. .. •· - " % 9 -8 8·9 7·9 6 -6 5 -5 - - ·. .. .. ,. 2 x 2 x '4 6 -1 4,. 4 3 -5 2-7 . -- .. · .fo 5·4 4·4 8- 4 .. - - .% 6·5 6·8 4 ·2 - . .. .. ·. .. ·- 7-4 . ·. ·. ·- .. ·- 6 -2 1'1. x 1'1. x fu HI 2·0 1- 4 .. .. .. ·. .. .. '4 8 ·4 2· 6 1 -9 .. -- .- .. ·, .. .. " " " " " " " " " x - - - - - ·. - - .. ·. ·- ' ·- . ·- • .. - ,, \- DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ANGLES · AS STRUTS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR TWO EQUAL ANGLES. CONN.ECTED TOGETHER AT INTERVAL-S. ENDS· FIXED. For other conditions of ends see pag~ 113. Iv H< x---; I,I-~~----~--r-·------.-~~~~~------------------------~-- I • " " " x8 " ". " " " 8 6 >< 6 " " " " I 5 )(5 " " " 4 x4 " " " " " LENGTHS I.N FEET %. 2·79 3·90 % 2·77 3·93 115,7 140·4· 164·" 2·45 % "'VH 2·48 1·84 1·83 1·81 134·3 155 ·4 66·5 82'2 % 2·76 8·96 % 2 ·46 3·52 8·55 357 2·70 2·73 2·75 1·54 2·23 1·52 2·26 1· 51 2 '·29 1·22 1·84 1·21 1·86 1,19 1·89 1·07 1·58 1'06 1·59 1·05 1·62 · 91 137 ·91 1·38 ·90 1·40 ·89 1·42 ·84 1·27 '82 1·30 ·76 1,17 ·75 '1·18 .74- 1·2.0 ·68 1 ' 07 ·67 ·67 ·60 ·60 · 59 -52 ·52 '5t '45 '44 1% x 1%x,\ % ?i % 11,4 x l)ixf" % ·37 :1;4. % . ·86 11 \1 II' II 1·09 1'10 ·96 ·97 ·99 'B6 · 88 ·89 ·76 ·78 ·67 '69 113 ' 0 97·6 ~~:~ ~~:~ I 53·7 24'1 52·4 16·4 2.0 ·2 24 ·0 31·3 14·8 15 ·8 19·5 23·1 8.0 ' 0 23'5 ~n! ~~:~ 14<·2 20 .. 7 13·2 12·5 16'3 10·4 19·3 , 18·2 11' 5 l.o·S 14·3 13·3 18 ·9 15·7 7·6 6'9 9·1 10 ·.0 12·2 11 ·1 6"4 0·7 7-4 . 8·3 9'0 10 ·2 4,,3 6'1 5·5 !Hl 3,8 2·9 4,9 3·7 21·6 41'2 54·2 4,0,3 66·7 65·2 :n 51·0 22·7 26·8 35·1 < 15'0 18·5 22 ·0 28·5 13·3 19'4 11·6 14·2 16'8 9,8 12·1 14·2 6·2 8·1 9·8 4 ·8 6-2 7 ·6 3·4 4'4 53·1 30·6 40·0 49·2 21·7 25·6 33·4 14·0 17·4- 20·5 26·6 12·4 18·0 10·6 12·9 15·2 8·7 10·7 12·5 11·9 14·6 17 ·3 22·2 10·.0 14'4 , 8·2 10·0 11·7 6'4 .. 7·8, . , 9'2 ' .. .. I .• I :: 6·3 6·8 8·3 3·9 5-0 6 ·1 ., . I :: I .. .[ I .. ,I .. I .. " 1. .. I .. . - t , 150 DORMAN, I!ONG & CO. LIMITED. : ANGLES AS STRUTS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS _FOR TWO UNEQUAL ANGLES, ~ONG LI;:GS CONNECTED'TOGETHEA AT INTERVALS. • ENDS FIXED. or For other condltlons ~ , ends see page 118. ,Y .- >d( ~I " L. cent~ot_ ~ 1 : , , ~.ravltL. _~ ,,.i' 'I , , RadUof Size and Thickness LENGTHS' IN FEET Gyration d X·X Iv,v 4 r' lOx 4 " " x fa .,e.. " " +11 9x4 xn, % " " +i " " 8x6 xli. % " " " " ~ _8x4 x n, " " % % " " .7 x 3\1., x liz % " " % " " 6x4 x ')8 % % 'VA % % % 'I. '/:2 " " " " 5x4 " " " " " % )( r::~ % % t~~ 5x3 J/ ,x ," % " " ~ " " " " % " 'r., _ 5x3, xA, "" "/.. 'Y. x.3l1z X% " liz % % " " 6>: 3 x ,[;" % " " Yo " ~ 08 , 'h " " " % % % % " " 6 5/K % % " " " Yz ':Ie, % y~ 'h liz y" liz liz % 'l'2 % % 'I" Yz ~/~ 'Ii: )12 '1i: y~ 8,23 3·21 3,2.0 2,9.0 2,88 2-86 2,54 2·52 2·61 2 -58 2,65 1·45 1 ,4,6 1,51 1-5.0 1-54 1,59. 2-5.0 2·52 2·55 1-56 1'6.0 2,54 1,63 2,24 1,42 2,22 1·45 2'21 148 1-91 1-64 1·9.0 1'67 1-88 1-7.0 1-92 1 -41 1 -91 1,44 1 '89 1-47 'i'93 1·17 1,92 1,19 1,91 1,22 1'89 125 1,57 1''11 1·5"1 1 -56 1,'13 1-76 i· 54 1·79 'i'69 1-58 1 ' 57 1 -56 1-6.0 j-59 i-58 1- 56 1-47 1-49 1-52 155 1-24 1-26 1-29 1·32 6 8 -~ ~- 68,6 65·6 87,6 83,9 1'.06 '1 101,9 63-7 61-2 89-8 86,4 H5'S 111-2 79 ,9 78 -7 99 -.0 97 ,5 117'7 116 -9 58-'1 56·6 82 -7 79 ,8 98-4 95,.0 57-7 55,1 71-4 6S '3 84,8 81·1 42.- 1 40,6 55,4 53'6 68-5 66-3 39-5 37,7 52 -0 4,9'8 64, ·2 61,5 3.0,8 28,9 36,8 48,6 59-9 31-6 37'6 49-4 60 ·S 2!j -6 35 ,3 46,4 57,2 27 ,4, 32-7 43,.0 52-9 34 , 4. 46-5 56 -3 3.0-4 362 47 ' 6 58 -5 28 ,4 33'9 44-7 55-.0 ~5'S 3.0·9 4,.0'6 5.0 ' 1 10 - -I 12 14 51'.0 44,8 73,1 66·3 58'1 89,4 81·4 72'1 53-4 48'6 42·9 76 ,.0 69 -7 61-9 98-7 9.0,4 '81,2 75,1 72 ' 6 699 93·.0 90-2 86'6 11.06 1.07,3 1.03,.0 49'9 45-9. 4.0,8 7.0 ·9 65-3 58'8 84,5 7S'4 7.0'9 47-3 4,2-3 37,1 59 .,1 53-4 46,6 7.0,7 64 ' 2 56,6 36-4 33 ' 6 30,6 48 ·.1 44 -7 405 59·6 55 ' 4 5.0 ,'1 35'3 82·4 29-0 252 46,6 43 ' 1 38 -7 , 33,7 58-.0 53,4. 48 ,8 · 1,2,2 26,1 23,0 19,3 16-3 81,3 27-6 23-4- 19,7 41'5 37-.0 31-6 26·6 51·7 46-3 39-9 38,9 28,9 . 26-9 24-8 22-1 34,4, 32'1 29,4 26,3 45,.0 42 -0 38-3 34 -3 55 -4 51'4 472 41 ,9 26-8 24-8 22 · 3 19-7 32,0 29,5 26,8 23 -6 42,2 89·1 35-6 31-5 52,1 48-4 44,4 39-4 23 ,7 21 '1 18.-1 15,4 28,4 25-4 Jl1- 8 18-5 37 -4 33,S 29 ,3 24-9 4.6 4 42,1 36-6 31 , 4 61·7 79,.0 96,1 57,7 81'9 1.05-7 77·2 95 -6 113 ' 6 53 '5 75,9 SO'4 51:6 64,2 76-4 8S-7 51 -1 63·3 56,8 16 18 .' 38·8 5.0·6 62,9 37·5 54'6 71-6 66·6 82 -9 98-6 36-.0 51-9 62-6 32,1 40-7 49-.0 27'0 36'2 45-4 21,8 29-2 36,9 13-6 16·6 22,4. 28,6 19,5 23·2 3.0· 2 36-6 17'2 2.0'6 ' 27,5 84'7 13-0 15,7 21-4 26 -9 33 ,S 44,2 54 ,9 32,7 47,(\ 63 -1 63 ,'1 '18 -6 936 31,4 45 ,7 55,6 2'7,7 85, 1 42 ,7 23 ,S 32-1 4.0-3 18 ,8 26,4 82'1 --- .- -.--- - ----- -.. -' , .. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ANGLES AS STRUTS. SAFE LOADS LONG IN TONS LEGS FOR TWO CONNECTED UI'IIEQUAL ANGLES. TOGETHER ENDS AT INTERVALS. FIXED. For other oondltlons or ends see page 113•. . >g~ I L""'"~1r .. RadII of Gyration Size and " ". \I x-x v-v x 3 V. x. ~ II "- 8 "" % ><3 x &; .. ~ Yo % % % Yo 2 3 4 5 -- 6 8 -24·2 28·7 87·5 45·9 22 ·2 26 ·2 34·4 42·0 · 19·9 28·5 30·6 87·2 17·0 20 · 2 26 ·0 31·6 24 ·4 23·9 29 ' 0 28·4 87·9 87'1 46·6 45·4 23·3 27·7 36·1 4,4 ' 2 22 ·6 26 ·7 35·1) 42 . 7 20·7 18 ·6 24·5 22·0. 81 ·9 28 ·5. 89·1 34·7 15·9 18·9 24·5 29 ·6 % % % % % % 1·09 1·08 1'08 1 ·06 1 ' 31 1 ·33 ' 1-114 1·37 3 Y. x 2 Y. x 1,j. % 1 ·10 1·10 1·09 1·08 1·07 l'0g 1 ·10 1'18 16 ·8 2(H 23·8 81'0,.. 17 ·0 16·6 16·1 15·6 14'9. 21·0 20'6 20 ·0 19·8· 18·5 24·9 24·4 28·7 22 ·9 22·0 82·4 31 ·g 80·9 29:g 28·5 ~ ·98 ·93 ·92 '91, 1·11 1'18 1·14 1·17 16 ·4 19 ' 0 22 ·5 29·3 ~ ·94 ·94 ·98 ' 92 ' S7 ·89 ·91 ·94 ·77 ·77 ·76 ·92 12·3 ·94 15·2 ·95 .17'9 ·79 ·78 ·77 ·67 8 ' 2 7 ·8 ·70 18 ' 8 12·7 ·72 15·7 15'0 ·62 ·61 '61 ·71 7·1 6 ·7 g' 7 9·3 ·78 ' 75, 11·4 10 ·7 . " 3 %x 3 x~ " " " " " " " 3 " " " 3 " " " " " " " " ..11 " to % x2 YzX~ % " " " " x2 " .,;. % xv.. % % ti % % fo 2 x v.. Fe % 2% X 1%x ,\ " " " fo % 2 x 1% x -{l, " ';4 " 3· % ¥i " " 2Yox 2 " " " " " ~ i'. " " fe '. % % % '18 % % % ~ 12 25 ·0 29 ·7 38 · 9 47·5 1 ·32 24'8 1 ·84 29'4 1·87 38 ·5 1·40 · 47 ·1 " 10 25·6 80·6 39·9 48 ·9 1·24 1 ·57 26 ·6 26·2 1·24 1·68 31·6 31 ·2· 1·22 1·61 41·4 40·8 1'21 1·64 60 ·8 50·0 1·26 1·25 1 ·24 1· 22 % Y2 " l LENGTHS IN FEET % % % % ' Yz 4 , .~ d Thio~Dess 4 .. " 18·4 18 ' 1 17·6 22'8 22 ·4 21·8 27·1 26·6 25·8 35·4 -84,6 83·7 15·0 18'5 21·9 28·4 18·9 18 ·5 17·1 16 ·7 20·3 19 :7 26 ·4 25·7 17 ' 0 21·0 24·9 82 ·5 · 14 :4 is·· 8 17 :8 16·9 21 ·1 ' 20·1 27 ·4 26·0 14 ' 6 17·9 21 ·2 27·6 12·4 15·2 18·1 . 28·2 ·. ·. ·. 13·0 11·0 8·9 15 · 9 18,.6 10·9 18'9 16·0 12 ·8 24'4 20'5 16·5 .... ·. ·. ·... 9' 6 11·9 11 ·3 10·4 14·6 13 ' 8 12·9 11·7 17 ' 3 16·3 16 ' 1 18·8 6'1 g·O· 9·7 5'4 7·1 8 '6 .. 18·2 11·2 16·4 14'0 19·6 16 ' 8 ~5'4 21 ·7 12·9 12·2 11·4 9 ·4 7·5 16·0 15·2 14·2 11·8 9·4 19·0 18 ·1 17·0 14 ·2 11'4 24 ·7 23·5 22·1 18 ·6 15·0 7 ·2- 6·6 11·9 10·9 14 ·1 13·0 ·. ·. .. · . .. .. 7·5 9·2 10·7 ·. .... .. 4·3 ·. ·. ·. .. 5·8 9'8 11·7 7 ·8 8·9 ·. ·. ·. .. 4 ·7 6·1 7·4- .. .. .. .. .. ·. ·. . .. .. • .. 152 , DORMAN, LONG & CO. : LIMITED.' , , , ANGLES AS STRUTS. SAFE LOADS I TWO UNEQUAL ANGLES, IN ,,"ONS. FOR , SHORT LEGS CON N ECTED TOGETHER AT INTERVALS.' ... • ENDS FIXED . • For' other conditions of ends see page 113. • ., ~ '" . . '-,f& .. , , 5 6 7 8 9 , 10 r~ 1 ,07 1·04 68,4 82,0 97·2 66'8 79,6 94,5 64'8 76 ·7 90 ·7 52·4 78·8 86 ,7 49·4 69 ,1 81·6 46,5 48·1 64 ' 9 69 ·7 76 :6 . 70-·,3 89,5 54,6 64 ·3 ·92 ·91 ·90 57 ·0 70 ,4 88,2 55,0 67 ·6 8P'1 62 ·8 64,2 75'8 49,1 60,3 71 · 1 46 ·7 66·0 65 ,9 41,7 61,0 60,0 33'.5 40·7 47·8 40'. 9 68·8 . 66,1 89 ·7 52 :1 64,0 88 ' 1 60 ' 1 61·5 86·4 47'6 68·4 84 ·4 ' 3~'3 . 29'8 46 ,0 42 ' 3 39 ·0 55 ' 1 51 '8 47·7 X fe % 'Xi 7 x 3~ x ~ % % % 34 % 'Yo,: 76,1 78-7 71·8 69,6 98,0 90,9 88-5 86·2 110 ,(; . 108,1 106 ·2 102,1 37'4 45 ' 8 63·8 % %. ~ ~ ~ 1·16 1 ,13 1· 12 41'9 66·1 67,9 6 x 3 ~xo/s ~ ·97 ' ·96 ·95 39·2 87 ·8 51·5 . 49 ·8 68·4 61 ·2 36,2 47,4 68·5 34 ,8 44 ·9 66 ,0 82 ' 0 41,8 51,8 29 ' 6 38 ·7 47,0 26 ·9 34,9 42'6 24·1 31'5 38 ,1 80·5 36.,8 47 ·6 58 ·6 29,0 84·5 46 ·2 60'4 27,1 82 ·8 42 ,2 51,4 24·9 29,7 38,6 47 ·2 22 ,4 26·5 84'6 41'9 19 ,8 23 ·4 30,6 36'9 17·5 20·6 26 ' 6 82 ' 2 16t8 18 ·1 23,4 28,3 x i\; 81 ·6 87 ' 7 49·460 ·8 80,9 86 ·7 48·2 59·4 30·0 35 ·7 46·9 57'5 28,9 34,4 45'2 65,4 27'6 82 · 9 48 ·0 . 62 ·7 28·3 31·8 40·9 60'1 24 ' 8 29'6 38 ,6 47'2 28'2 27'6 86·0 48·6 5 X 8 YoX~ Yo 1·01 29.4 % 1·01 86,0 ·99 46,0 'h % ,98. 56 ·5 28 ' 6 88 ·9 44·5 64·6 27 ' 4 32·5 42·7 62·8 26'0 30,9 40 ·5 49,6 22'8 27 '1 30 ·1 .42·9 20'8 '18·8 24,8 22 ·4 82 ·0 29·0 39'1 86 ·3 6x4 ." " " " " " " " x % % % Yo x fls % " " % " " % " " 6x3 5x4 " " " " " " II II " " " " % % % % ,80 . ·80 ·78 ,77 % 1·19 % 1'18 ~ 'h 1·17 % % 1·16 38 ~ \ 12 • % % 1·05 8x4 % o/~ " 4 76 ' 6 94,8 112,7 " " " " ::3 77,9 96 ,5 114,7 o~ 'I ,I 79 ,0 97 ' 8 116 ' 1 f!l8 " ~~ je.x - LENGTHS IN FEET " os 1;I;t!l .. ·s x~ " ". " " ,~ .. 1 ,77 79-8 1,76 98 ,7 1·74 117,4 8x6 " " d X " 0" ~~ Size and Thickness - . ... " ,---- r,- , r . IV ;.:!!< 24,5 29,2 87 ' 9 ' 46,8 66 -8 80 ,4 96 -1 32 ,6 44 ·9 '52 ' 8 , . " .. 26,0 32·7 89 ·9 ·. ·. .· .. ·. " , . 19 ·7 2.3 ,2 80 ' 2 36·9 ·. , , . . . '. • 1 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED': ~ . ANGLES AS STRUTS. ' SAfE LOAps IN TONS FO~ , TWO UNEQUAL ANGLES . 1,1 SHORT LEGS CONN'ECTED TOGETHER 'AT INTERVALS. . II .. ENDS FIX ED. . ~ I I ' II For otber conditions of ends see page 118. Iv . I :>:~' <' ,, <: . X ., "'' '~~''''''~lt . X . Iy , J " ~ -= 00 SIze and Thlcknesss d ;;:;'" cot:. =. ~ Y:! " % " 4 x 3 x,o. " " % Y:! " " % " " Sy"x S x '4. ,0. " " % " " y. " " SYox 2'k,x'4 " " f. " "i. % % " " " S " " " ,.. x 2%x~ " " II , % ~ . S 4 5 6 7 27 ' 1 . 26 ' 9 82·8 80·8 42·2 40·2 61·8 49 ·4 24 ·3 28 · 9 87'8 4.6 ·2 22 ·6 26 ·7 84 ·9 42·6 20 ·6 24 ·4 81·6 88'4 18·8 21·6 28·1 33 ·9 16·'2 19·2 24·7 . 29·9 14·8 16·9 21·7 26 ·3 Yo 1 ·05 25 · 9 Yo 1 ·04 ,80·8 Y:! 1 ·03 % 1'02 40·3 49,5 26 ·2 29 ·9 89 ' 1 48'0 24·8 28·8 87 ·7 46 ' 1 23 ·1 27 ·5 86 ·8 48 ,7 21'9 26 · 9 88·7 41,1 20 ·5 24 ·8 81·6 38,5 18·9 22·8 28·9 86,2 17'8 20·4 26'4 81 ' 9 28·7 28,1 86 ,8 45·0 2~! ' 7 VY:! · 87 ·87 ·86 ·84 27 ,0 85 ,2 48,0 21 ,6 26,6 ,33 ·2 40'6 20 ,0 28·8 80 ·9 87,6 18'6 21·8 28'3, Si ·8 16 ,6 19 ,6 25,4 80,6 14·7 17 ·4 22·6 27'2 18,1 16,6 20·0 28'9 % % % % ,90 ·89 ,88 ·87 17,8 22,0 28 ·1 34 ·0 16 ,2 17'1 21,1 20 ;0 25·1 &28 ·7 80 ,8 82'6 15'2 18 ·7 22 ' 2 28 ·7 14·0 17·8 20·4 26 ·5 12,7 15,6 18 ·5 28 ,8 11·8 14 ' 0 16·5 21 ·2 10,1 12 ' 4 14,6 18·8 % ·72 % ' ·71 % ,71 % ·70 16·9 19·7 28·8 80·2 14 ·9 18 ',4 21 ·8 28;2 12 ·4 15 ' 2 17 ,9 28 ·1 10 ·8 18 ·2 16·6 19·9 9,4 11·6 is·6 17 ' 2 ·, , . ·. ·, ·. ·. , . ,% 14 ,6 18,0 21'8 27·7 18 ·7 ,1 2·7 1,6 '9 , 16'6 20 ' 0 ·18'4 25·9 28 ·8 11·4 14 ,1 16,6 21·3 10 ' 1 12·4 14'6 18 ·6 8 ·8 10 ·8 • 12 :7 16 ol~ ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. x-x 5 x3 x f\, " % " % " " % " " 4 · x3%x ,o. " % " . LENGTHS IN FEET e~ ·84- Y:! ·83 V% ·82 % , ·81 Y:! ~~ % % % ·74 ·78 ·78 ·71 8 9 10 - . 18 ·8 16 ·9 20 ·0 26'9 . .. , , .. · , • 154 DORMAN, LONG & .cO. :t.IMITED . , • . . ' ~NGLES AS STRUTS. SAFE, LOADS IN TONS FOR FOUR UNEQUAL ANGLES. ~ SHORT LEGS LACED IN PLANE V-V. FIXED. ENDS For other conditions of ends see page 118. 'y d;,;k , , , --'l~ +- ~ -1.-. __ --.X dL. _ . _. ~!~ !y • . I For the Sections give!1, the lea,t ,ac1ius of Gyration will be about V-V. as, for thi,s to be otherwise the distance A would have to be less than )1.,". -", 00 Size and Thickness d LENGTHS IN FEET ~~ :a" ~S 6 8 10 V-v 1, • 8x6 x)l., % " I' " " 8x4 x.,t.. % " " " " 7 xSy" x y" % " " 12 14 16 _.18 20 24 -- • 158·2 156·5 154·4 151·6 148·9 145·2 141·7 188,3 % 3·74 159·9 196·3 193·8 191·2 187,7 184·3 180'5 175·5 165·9 % 3·77 198·0 285·3 288·3 230'4 227·3 223·7 219·1 214·6 209·5 197·2 119·9 168'6 200'3 119·0 167,5 198·8 117·8 165·8 196·8 116'2 163·7 194·3 114'5 112·6 110'8 108·4, 102·9 161·8 158·7 155·8 152·4 145·3 ,191·4 188'4 185·5 181'5 172·5 118·3 117·0 146,0 144·7 1'{2' 9 171·4 115·7 142·8 169,1 113·8 140·4 166·8 111·7 109·6 106·8 103·6 97·2 138,2 135·2 131'8 128'4 120·6 163,7 160,2 156·7 152·2 142·9 83·5 109·9 135·6 81·7 107'8 133·0 '79·9 105·4 130'1 77·7 75·1 72·0 69·1 62·1 102'2 98,9 95·2 91·4, 82·3 126·5 122·5 118·0 113·4 102'2 79·3 104·3 128,'6 77,8 102·4 126·2 75·9 100·2 123,5 78·9 71·5 68·9 66'2 97·5 94·5 91·1 87·5 120·2 116'9 :H2'8 108'4 60'1 79·5 98,7 63·0 75'2 98'8 121·6 61·8 73,8 97,0 119·4 60·7 72·3 94·9 117·2 59·1 57·3 55·2 53·1 70·4 68·2 65·8 63·2 92·8 90·0 86·9 83·5 114·3 110·8 107·5 103·4 48·$ 58'0 76·7 95'0 57·5 55·0 52·3 49·3 45·6 59·9 2·34 63·1 61·6 5x4 xl\, 11 y,; 2·36 75·2 78·4 ' 71·8 68·8 65·8 62·3 58·7 54·8 % " " % 12 2·38 99·0 96·7 94·0 90,8 86·9 82·2 7'7'6 72·5 " " 2·41 121·9 11\)'1 115·8 111'8 107·0 101'8 96·2 90·6 " '" % '!z 56·6 54·7 52·3 49'8 47·0 44'0 59·6 58·3 6x8'!zX,'i< Yo 2·41 69·4 67·7 65·3 62·6 59·6 56·3 52·8 2·43 71·0 % Yz " " Yo 91·3 33·8 85'S 82'6 78·6 74·4 69,8 2·46 93·8 Yz " 38·7 46·4 61·5 77,0 * * " * 6x4 x% " '!z " . % 8·80 % 4·04 vA> 4·09 % 4·12 % 3·59 % 8·63 % 8·66 84,,8 2,89 2·92 111·6 " " '% % % 2·95 187'9 " " 6x3%x% % 2·96 80·5 % ~ 3·00 105'8 " " % % 3·03 130·5 " " 6x3 xl\, y, 3·03 .63·9 % Yz 3·05 76·1 " " Y2 y" 3·08 100'2 " " o/s y" 3·11 128·4 " " " " " '!z % % 2·49 114·8 112·3 109·6 105·9 101·6 97·2 92·1 86·4 87·4 44·8 59·9 74,4 BORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. " ANGLES AS ·STRUTS. · . SAFE LOA[)S IN TONS FOR FOUR - UNEQUAL ANGLES, SHORT LEGS LACED ! N ' PLANE v-v. ENDS ~ FIXED_ For other Bondltfons ot: ends see page 113. di'.. .' • -,: ~ \ --- ----.+. X . ~A_ ---.3 ~~ ,"'~'''''. ~ I~ - • ,y •, . I , " , For t he Sections given, t he least radius of Gyration will be about V-v, as for this t o be otherwise the dis tance A would have to be less than ~".' ~ Slz~ and Thickness d 5 x3 . " " 4 " " " • l 8 10 12 14 16 -- - - 18 20 24 -- 54 · 8 65 ·4 85·8 105 · 7 53 ·5 63·7 83 ·8 102- 9 51·7 61· 5 81 ·0 99 ·9 49 ·6 59 ·3 78 · 1 95·9 47 ·4 56 ·5 74 ' 4 91 ·9 44·9 53 ·8 71 ·0 87 ·7 42 ' 2 50 ' 0 66·7 82 ·6 36·3 43'6 57 ·6 72 ' 0 y, 1·88 51 ·4 '% % 1·90 · 61·1 Yo Yo 1 ·98 SO'8 % Y. 1,9.5 98·6 49 ·6 58 · 9 77 ·5 95 ·4 47 ·2 66·4 74·1 91·4 44· 4 58 ·0 69 ·8 86·1 41 ·5 49 ·4 65·5 80 ·9 38 ·1 45·6 60·2 74·9 34·2 41 ·1 54 ·7 67 ·7 30 ' 6 36'8 49 ·0 61·2 24 ·7 29 ·6 89·5 49·.8 ~ 2 ·49 ' % Yo 2·50 '/. % 1 ·95 1 ·97 2 ·00 2 ·02 47 ·9 57·0 74·7 91·6 46 ·4 55 ·1 72 ·4 89·0 44 · 3 52 ' S 69 ·4 85 ·4 41 ·9· 50 ·0 6& ' 8 81 ' 1 39 ·3 47 ·0 .61 ' 9 76 ·3 36 ·'" 43 '8 57 ·4 70 ' 9 . 32·9 39 ·5 52 ' 5 64 ·8 29 ·7 30 ·7 47 ·4 58·6 24 ' 0 29·1 ·38 ·7 48 ·2 1·62 1·64 1 ·65 1·68 85·2 43·6 51 ·7 67·7 88 ' 5 41 ·5 49 ·4 64 ·8 31·g 39 ·0 46 ·8 6t · O 28·9 86'0 43 ·0 56 ·5 26 ·1 82 ' 5 38 ·9 51 ·6 23·2 29·0 34·7 46 ·1 20·4 25·5 30 ' 5 40 ·9 18 ' 0 22 ·6 27·1 36·0 ·. .. .. ·. 1 ·69 1 ·71 1 ·72 1 ' 75 32·5 40 ·2 47 · 7 62·4 31 ' 0 38 ·5 45 ·7 59 ,S 29·2 86·3 43 ·1 66·7 27 ·.2 33'8 40 ·1 52 ·9 24·9 31·0 37 ·0 48·6 22·1 27·8 33 ·2 4·8·7 19.,6 24 ·7 29 ·5 39·1 17· 4 21 ·7 26 ·2 84 ·7 ·. x 27'. xv... % 1·43 29·1 35·9 42·7 55 ·7 27 ,2 83 ' 6 40 ' 0 52 ·8 25 ·0 31·0 37 ·0 48 ·4 22 ·4 27·9 88·-8 43 ·9 19 ·5 24 ,5 29·8 38 ·7 16·9 21·2 25·3 33·g 14·7 Hi , 3 22 ·1 29'0 .. .. .. .. .. ·... ·. II · " " " 6 56 ·0 66 ·7 % 2·(;3 87 ·6 % 2 ·56 107 ·7 X l~ " " " 4 )( 3 x /'6- ~ Yz " " Yo% % " " ~Ig Yo " " 3'!.x 3 xv... % ,';, % " % " "01 % % % " SYox 2 Yoxv... % r'I! %. " " % % " " Yo % " 3 LENGTHS IN FEET x3'/. x '-A; " " " " ... :ae ~t!I "'''' v-v " " .. en .•S:: " " " -i\: % 1·44 % % 1 ·46 Yo % . 1·49 • ·. ·. ·. . ' - CO. LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & - i , i t , , CHANNELS AS STRUTS. SAFE LOADS. IN TONS POR TWO CHANNELS, . CONNECTED TOGETHER AT INTERVALS • ENDS FIXED. , . Forotber cond,ltlons o.t ends see page 118. rr <'- ~,, ,I,~ , 1, I , I . 1 " ' I' . . i i , Obannels d . = '. ,I I i LENGTHS IN FEET '" 0 ~_';:l 0" IXI ~ 0 y-y ;1 ~~iY- . About , I , 4 ' 17 x 4 15 x· 4 % .1·64 152,1 % 1·70 12 x 4 12 x 3y"H % 1·78 107·8 10 12 16 20 131-8 121'2 97·6 76 ·2 121·0 115·5 108·8 101 ·2 82-8 66·2 104'8 100·6 5 .6 8 149·5 146·8 139·7 124 ' 9 128·2 106'3 - 95·5 89·1 74·4 59·7 % 12 x 3'/"L - % 1 ·57 99·8 98·8 96·2 _9 1'4 84 ·8 78 ·0 61·2 47 ' 8 1·52 86 ·1 84·5 82·9 78·3 72 ·6 66·1 51 ·1 39'2 ·10 x 3'/2 tis 1·63 83·9 83·5 81·0 77 ·1 72·1 66·9 58·4 .. 10 x S y" 1·30 65·0 63·5 61'7 56·8 51·6 44'7 33·6 '. Yo y" 1·62 76·2 75 ·1 73·7 70 ' 2 65·6 60'5 48 ·2 1 ' 84 59·0 57·7 66·1 52 ' () 47·2 41·4 30·8 .. .. % 1·66 69·3 68·8 67·1 63·9 . 60'2 55·6 44·9 . ·. y" 1·39 54·2 53 ' Q 51·6 48·2 44·1 39 ·4 29·4 ·. % 1·70 62·8 61·9 60·8 58 -0 54'7 50·9 41·6 ·. ,% 1·88 48·2 47·2 46 ·0 42·7; 39·1· 34 ·9 25·9 ·. 6 x 3'y" % i'69 56·6 55·8 5.4 ,7 52·8 49·8 45·9 87·6 .. 6 x 3 % 1·89 42·0 41·2 40'1' 37'5 34·3 80-4 22 ' 8 ·, ,% .1·21 3.4'2 88 · 2 32·2 29·4 '. 26·0 ' 22·1 .15'9 22'2 . 20 ·9 18·2 14 ' 8 12·1 ·. ·. 9 ·8 7·6 .. i 9 x 3y" : , , 9 x 3- 8 x 3% 8 i 3 , 7 x 3% r , , 7 .x '3 , 5 x 2y" '. 4 x 2 3 x l % ·98 23·1 1'4 . % .. ·80 14·4 _ 13·6 12·4 • ; ", .',~ .. .. .. ·. , , ' 158 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LlMITED. , TYPES OF BASES & CAPS FOR STANCHIONS ' ., \' ,0 :0: '00: Ii " ij ,- 0 0 I I: r , ~:': ~ ' • , :., , _. J I ,f!i I ,, ~, I 'I" , ' _d O_<D. o I~ . 't' ". ;; . , FOR ,SMALL BEAMS i FOR MEDiUM BEAMS ,-,- . ), , 1· , 'j q P ° IF' 0 , 0,0 Q 0 I I, • r I , ,# , . , 'II,': I • I ~' t " ( ~ tloo °0°1 ~ " O '-"'. FOR LARGE BEAMS ( , " r DORMAN, LONG & ,CQ. LIMITED. \. TYPES OF' BASES &. CAF»S FOR STANCHIONS I I. , I tI r FOR SINGLE BEAMS WITH FLATS ,, .' :0:. :: :: 0: ! 'I _, .' , : :; " ,; I I I' " "" f :; .0' :: ::0', I' " . :.0 ,'", ~~.,' :'',',0:, , I . , 'I ' .. I :: ;;0: ;, ' I' o :;0: I , " 4 I •" Fo' DOUBLE ·BEAMS WITH FLATS o o· • F 160 • I • r---"----------'----------~--------------,- DORMAN, LONG & , CO; LIMITED, , TYPES OF' BASES FOR STANCH!ONS WiTH GnlllAGE;S , " MEDiUM TYPE o,=======Cl LARGE TYPE • ~----~----------------------------------.--------------~ DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ----=. ====~====.~======= TYPE or STEEL SLAS BASE rOR STANCHIONS : • :0 \. ~ ,, " " " " .'" " ;0 .: , • " ,, ., " " " " :0 , ." " , .l • • 0' " " " " " " :0 " ~ 'O :; ·,, , . "01 ,, , 0 .a:,, :0 , 0 • , " o~ :0 ::0 "'. 0: ,0 ":,0 .." 0: :0 ' :0 ,, ,", '' ,1 . ). \, ,, ., :": ., • ·0:, " " :0 , , , "" 0. ·;, " .,., ,• 0: " 0 0 ,': '. 0" " , :, ·h ·""' ., ·: , . .,, :,,- :. ..... II FOR , PARTICULARS OF SLABS SEE PAGE 28 : ,. " 162 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. c , TYPE CONNECTIONS or BEAMS TO STANCHIONS SIMPLE ANGLE STOOLS , <tJ' , I I @'I • , : $1 , I l ®\ , " o 0 o 0 ... BU ILT ST OOLS A ND SIDE. CLEA1'S "1"1 - - " ·l (j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " BUILT STOOLS AND T OP CLEAT S 163 DORMAN, LONG , &: CO. LIMITED. TYPE CONNECTIONS OF OOMPOUNDS TO STANCH IONS I t,' " I : , I : : ~ ' ", ': 2 I' A~ ~ E \l,;,. J~ ::;"., ': _' __Go.... : ,I f"'C ;-<>' " 1:5 I I~ lu ' " i~ i V , 1 ~' I I "" ~ ; ,! -': ) I I I I , I I , I 1 ", I , , I I I I I I I 'I ro:, ;'I! , I I I I I , , . I I, I I I N ~r BUILT STOOLS AND TOP' CLEATS L ~ I ~ ( ~ == t I ; m I " I"" ~ ") '" ·1 t-, I ,, h "~ ,~ • ,"r p (~ ,j ~ f' ? I' I I 1, y I. GUSSETED STOOLS AND TOP 'CLEATS -. ,. , . ' , I , : , , 164 ,, I I DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. TYPES Of JOINTS fOR STANCHIONS - ~ t " ±Oi"» o 0 " '''' ~? o 0 0 c;: ~ o :;:0 o 0 '-- --"- ~ ., " " " " " " FOR SMALL BEAMS " ~ ,FoR MEDIUM BEAMS " , -'.- 1- :; -1 - , , "o :o! , 0:0 :':0:0 o: d::~b:O 00 0 O :d::~:O 'c;:'Ci;~:o': 0' 000 000 0:0::::0: 0 aoo < 0.:0';:'9 : 0 :, ,, " " :o~ o: o 0 10 :-':0 ~ ~~~~;: ""01 '~:j~ ~' 2....2J , " 0 '::' 0 (i O " " , "," : FOR SINGLE BEAMS WITH FLATS : o " "," f'OR BEAMS OF DIFFERENT ,SIZES, • , : :: ' I' 'T c '"':! ~ 0 " 0: " I' :: '0 ;: 0:: I ' I, ( 'I 0 " 'I , I ~: 0 ,' " ,I :,0 \ °:4 . :: 0"'::;:',0:: I.;", I ' ,I '£:..~9?~·;.9~.:).; 00 000 :~~~(;; ~ o,;';I&~ "O:"O "~:'O ' :O~:O::O /O: I C O, , .:" I." ," ;: : " " " ~ ' , ' FOR DOUBLE BEAMS WITH FLATS 00 " Bolted Connections '" may be adopted to iacilitate erection, if found advisable, . . DORMAN, LONG & , CO. LIMITED. STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR STANDARD· ANGLE BEAMS. CLEATS.-The· standard angle cleats, illustrated on pages 166 to 169, have been designed C·, for bolted site connections. . They have als.o been calculated to withstand reactions equivalent to those produced by the tabular loads on the beams at the minimum spans given with each standard connection. Where the reactio~s are greater than the above, additional support, necessary; or special connection, will be on the other hand, modification may be ' qeemed desirable when the spans exceed the minimum, I or where the beams rest on brackets capable of transmitting the reactions. SEPARATORS.-When two or more beams are required to be holted together, side by side, to form a girder, cast iron or pressed steel separators are frequently used. They should be placed at intervals of about five or six feet, and where concentrated loads occur. -I - ' ~i ' .. . ~ 166 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. = ' . STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR BEAMS r - For N ....Jill N.B.S.B. 24 x ..., x 90 lb. . , Min. Span 20'- 0 " N.B.S . B. 22"x 7 "x ,(Sib. " . " ~ ~ Min. SPill' 16' - 0" ANGLE CLEATS 4 ")( 4" x ~" x 1'-6" LONG. :2)(' ,-<->, I : ! '<C-)l:",->I / I, I --t-----·~~~$1 . : (''',,*.L .' . ,:::::.r! . . .. ,t:W -~" :~~~~C_ :.-"" \ I - c\ . .\{)' ""- ('t"'): ----f -~, I ('t1 , t :..,.... t \" , -- :-$ - --:-J--I - - -@- ---;--1"-\ r ,("') 1 - ' -$- ".___y!:}--.- .:st___ , ~ ~- 2W'2 ~' Rivets 'i"8"di d. t ' ,i ... 0 (\J "-$_ -Q-( : 'Y,V, : ': O{ ., IJD~_ I , I 'e6 -6·( ~ ~-Ef- CO -<0-< ::. ' )0 I ' I ~-t:p.. : -9{ REF No. A' Holes for ?'a'dia. bolts . I ' ..- - For II 1L/) , N.B.S.B_ 20 x 612 x 65 lb. Mi"n, Sp·a n 17' · 0 '" N.B.S .B. 18" x 6 "x 55 lb. Min. Span 14).. 0" I , .~~- ___ L ___ 6%§~>% . ANGLE CLEATS 4"x 4" x ~"x 1'·3" LONG.REF. No. A2 '1 J.OI DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. STANDARD CONNECTI,ONS FOR BEAMS 2li1" 214" 1<-»::<- ,,1 i Holes fof ~"dia. bolt~ ~ 0.-..;,...i~ I , " I I , I \- '!3f!::f i-,' -$ - -,=-'1,-' : 1 t- \~':;1- -G> - For ' (1) : -9- Mill , Span NBS H B 18"", a "x BO Ibs 20' -0" -; ·· t--N,B.S H.B 16"x a 'i x 751b. ('f) I .... ~3)I <\lc 17.'- 0" I t- ~--"-W-_J- -'"" "'. ~"x ANGLE CLEATS 6"x 4"x Rivets ~8"dla ,2)( i(-~ ,2)4'2~' :~ ~Y:~~~ '" ~ ~I::::"t.'==='==i'-,~- --- / r~i-'" __ ,., _#,/ __ :-.:-_"'___ ., -f.~~~-.+..... ~.1' ~1 .-- ;' -0~ -~- -x:--- I"(r,: -- . -$- --,--J--:. ' .. ,(V)i ---i -$- _~J_-_-_ I I '. I . . . (,() . 1 , , v l' - -O-E . .$"-I cO: < ' -~-E )-0l!),: : T -$-( ' )-0- For N,B,S.B . 16"x 6"x 50lbe Min . Span 15'. ON N,B,s,B. 15"x 6"x 451bs 14' .. 0 '/ =,~~ ANGLE CLEATS 4"x 4"x )j;"x 1'- 0'; 2~',2~' 2J4'2).4' Rivets ;Ye'dia. '.:->r<-Y I " I : ~~~'~ ,- ": --~--- . . -~~-A--: 1 >~¢-: l-"¥- ;~~- --~ . ;r: -- '. W-i~ . , ";;'%i~-- 1·4 -f~-X- -@--~- -'fl.-'/..- I 0.: V ~I ~ ..~:,L :",_>:'<-C>' I i ~: <::t II I '" I ' I ~ I., .~ . . ".. I : I I ., Holes for ?t3' dia. bolts . .-~i'\ - ~t'r~*~~~ N' For Min. Span 14"x a" x 70 lb. 15"0" , . ,~*- ti;;:-_e.i'_- ~~~ ' ~~_...f REF. NO .. A4 LONG, _-+-_ . _.1- ___0!-y__,N,B.S.t1.B, ., Y' 'i7 1--$-- , -<'f : No, A3 . ' [\_J\?_ r __i__ ~~~~---,,~~,-_ / . _AL' REF, LONG Holes tor 1'8' dia. bolts ' 'p . .: 1'- 0" ANGLE CLEATS 6"x 4"x W'x lOW LONG .. REF, No. AS F2 • ,'i' ." 168' DORM!cN, LONG &. CO.l.IMITED . ... STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR BEAMS Holes for~' dlj).. bolts -- , , '",, ,~ -.j>-, ( ~-~. ,, , 4-, ,, -'G!' ,, .(}J. ";'-E , , / For Min. Span N.B.S.S, 14"< 5~ " x 40 lb. N.B. e : B, 13"' 5 " N 8 ,S.B. 12 -,- ANGLE CLEATS 6" x 3)f'x %"x g" '1 'I x 5 ,>., 14' .0" x 351bs . 12'·0" 'x 30 lb. 10' - 0 I' REF. No,.A6 LONG. I ____ ~~ •. ~====l. _1-- ,ANGLE CLEATS 6"x 4 " x Wx 8 " . ANGLE CLEATS 6" x 3~" x %" .x 7" REF. No. A7 LONG. For Min. Span N.B.S.H,B , 10" , ~", 40 lb. 11'·0' For ". /I 1/" N,B.S .B. 10 x 4/2 , . 2 5 Ibs (without holes *) 10' .. 0 " A8forl0'" LONG, REF. No. { A9 for 6 " Beam 10" x 4~" Beam . Rivets ~8'dia·. 2J4'2!(,2~'2Ui' Holes for r's'dla. bolts ~i===rw " _~-I,<-):<;~~-)7(-y, ~ I ~' I , I !, o ;:;S' H : I y' . • · For Min. Span ' N.B .S.H . B. 10", .£3'··x 551bs 13'·0" N. B.S.H.B. 11 ' ·0," ANGLE CLEATS 6" x 6 x Wx 5%" LONG, 9"" 7 "x 50 Ibs REF. No. Al0 DORMAN, LONG ' & CO. LIMITED. • .. . STANDARD CONNEC1'IONS FOR BEAMS , ZY,{2Y.{' :(- ~,)j Rivets :V4"dla. 2" 2': y ~ :>::0: ' " , \ I : I / .: I I - ~, ,CO: r--:: Mi~. Span '1 '·0 " For N.B.S.B. 9 "x 4 "x 211bs N.B.S.H.B.a "x 6 "~ 35 lb. 11 ' · 0 " I -~ ___ _'t' ____ " -.~ ANGLE CLEATS . f :::: .. . Holes for 3/4'dla.bo/ts !' --:-'-P~" _~l_ .. j' ---x--- - ., '" """' _ '(n ': ' , ' ·'-®",{l3-~t ~: -er ~ ~I I ., " , 6'·0" N.B.S.B. a "x 4"x 1a lb. 3J,fl:" N.B.S.B. 7"> "\ 6 "x 3~"x 'Va"x 5" LONG. 5'· 0 " 15 lb. REF No. All ' " t' ' .~l<;>; , For 6 "x' S" B"drn, •• - Rivets 'l'a"'dia .and holes tor ~e"dia.oolts . 3 '" ""n '1. 3" " 11" 5"2'''':' 6 or x , 5 X4 72 8. x '''' Beams,,, r4 " , .,""-4.. ., 2~' l4" <-~->- I , : . :' :2':" -~ " .J.'.- ---~" ~~ N.B .?H.B . <.0 : , . . '~ . N 8 S B 6 " 1"/ .. .~ , W·.til ,~: -"{$i-¢!4 _li?i_:_~ iSl"" ANGLE CLEATS 6"x 3!1,"x 2 Y4'2 !4' Rivets 5/s"dia. I I . I , ' 2" 2" 't 3~" x % HX 5" e'. 5 ", 251b 4~" 2~" 9 %"x 3"·LONG. . ,..:..s\J :-<-;>: :<:),1 / , ''' r~tl''"~ -il ANGLE CLEATS 6 H x X NB .S.B. 5 "x D' I' .~t~->o<S* _ ~. :<-~->:/ N.B S.H Min. Span , x)( S 12 ' · 0 " 3 # x 12 Ibs 7" 0" For ' 6" REF 20 lb. lb. 10'·0" 5 ' · 0" No. A12 Holes 'for S/a"dia.bolts Min, Span For ,~"x ~'" N.B.S.B. 4V2'x 2 "x 7 lb. N. BS ..H. B. 10 lb. N.B .S.B. 4 x j3,~ x Sib. 5"~ 6," ,6'·'0" 3'· 0" REF.·No. A13 2J{( LONG . \, g~'2~' Rivets 5/a"did. 12'~ 2': 1 ;.<:>,:«;.; / 11'«*'~¥r i .. I i'$!tjC I II Holes for ~--A---2~' For J~* ~ N . B,S.B. 3"x ll-{'x 41bs __ ANGLE CLEATS 6"x 3){(x %"x 2" ·4 5/B' dia. bolts I LONG. REF. No. A14 Min. Span 2 • 0" 170 ., . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR BEAMS 1~~-3-i," q'!-~3-~'}" • i<E-------13!!.-----i>: k~--)'1-!!:-)'<- -*~I , I I :1~" 3". 4". 3~')Ii' ~; ........--""<:---->!<-...T I I ->i I , I I . 1;1 ..,k __ .Q__ :{_~ __ Y, Rivets I II I ~--'" ~_ ~ N : I ~ I ~ I ~, t: I I :, I I I I I I I : . , .... I' :I ::' II :I "I -Ep---~--:~-+--¢I I ,; , I I I',' I ~, J 0:> , .. I Rivets or Bol'ts I I:. I I I I I' I I I t.n I i :::: 'I I I . I II I I:: I : I ~ II I , I l .'T~ , II : : -::.; l' '.., --<il- _'V : ' I I,' I,' : ..J.. I I I I I I ': I', I I I :. : I: : :t. I 11 I ~l ,if\. ' . ' -1'- ~N I I I :' ,' '" -$--~-~--i(--<il- I y, 'i'~ ... I . r8 dla._ .m--A-li~ 't' II I I II It:: I , : 7/'" ,*. '7' : ' . : I) : . : I '"11 I \ -~---.~-;:--O--~- I I I:! I I' '1' N -¢---~--:r-4---If-~' I or Bolts l : :l : : ~~ : 7/''' ril' , 1.0 ' ~8 d ia. 6. 1 :~: : _~. lI ...... :'o/--~-'I-..(l)'---G- A I I v l{) I ... 1'::1\' Y -.;f I : (_...(_,:!~ _y. -t;r--$+-e---~-;<;, I _y_~_* I I: I v -Il', FISH·PLATE REF: No .' F 2 FISH PLATE REF. No. F1 1L I'_, 90 lb. per ft. For N. S.S,.S . :2 4 ·11 , 7/2 per It. For N.i3.S'.S. 22"x7"x 761b. :<-"-----13~~----»1 i!Y~?:~K-~:)k}~~' , I " I I Ii' I , I I -(ll--4--~-~--G- Rivets .: o.r Bolt s . I I , ', " , I I 1. ' I : :.:-:----~ 13'~----- ·"1 -A I);'· I :~ I I ~ I I :er--$--'-$---G- X-:t: .'V ri'dia. ~~: ,:: I I I ,I I I I I I 'I I 1 : I 'I I!I I I I : ::: : , ::: I :;q-: '~--~+~--4>,:~ '- -J- : ~---¢--i:--~---<r~ -..:t • 1:, : '.1'____ C\l ~ _ T I 3" lH!" ~l,.'j(- - -)-!<- .. --):<-- ~fl A- ,' N 1, I 4" : U"3" " ---;,-~ _U,,-+,---;,---rA-.:::' - --~ r-'T, .~---~-+:--~---<l>- Rivets, or Bolts 71." 7:1'8 dia. I :" 'I :I ::: I, I I I J.:: , i-N : I... : :I _ :I ~ t:: :I y_ . N I :t:to -"'7' I ' ~~~-,?",,--$--4>' -;<;" ,. : I,: , : :,~:;:" : .: I I .e--.-6>"~~~$--~I" . I ., I : , 1. v( "I ~ ~ __Y, _lL . FISHPLATE REF. No. F3 For 'rU1.5.B. 20"x 6'y:!"x '65 lb. per ft. :<- --- ----13 -- - ---->' :tVi' 3" 4" 3 -- fUr :'(-)1« -.. 0>«: - - - ,.'<\ --)'( ~ f . ". I I Rivets oi Bolts :<------· 1 3'c------ ~ ~1J,~ A~N-~- , I I' I I I I '. I I I 1'1' I f, ' I I I..l. 1'\1 I I I I I I ,I ' "";" I I I, I 1 I I I I -~·--4-8--e,--4- FISHPLATE REF. No . F4 For N.S. S.H.S. 16"" 8 "x a,O-lb. per ft . For N.S,S.B. iEt x 6 " x 55 lb. per ft. -;t- : ,::: 3" ~" ." lUi' :<-~--)k-!! ->:~-:->l(~ 'Jl I I I ~I 0 - .~ . 16x8'I -~--~-iL-~---Ei> I ~ i" 'i I I I......' 3J)'~ia·1or I 'I \V 16x6 I -~, -"-<!l"1 .. -:, --$---~-~. : & fo r ~ :I ' , .:k~.w 15'S( 6--I ;7S'Oiafor ~I . FISHPLATE REF. No . F5 For N.,B.~j . H.B. 16".x a " x 75 lb. per ft. · IJ h For N.S .. S B. 16 " 6 x !!i 0 lb. per ft. For N.B.S.S. ISHx.6 H x 4Slb. per fl. I FISHPLATE REF. No. F6 For N.El.S. H.S. 14"x e "x'70 lb. pcr fl. 11" x 4() Ib s por 'I\. For N.S.S.B. 14" x ,5/2 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. STANDARD CONNECTIONS FOR BEAMS I · tS RIve, I I I ' " , A 1"iI!."A--0----:--1T--L.---SJ"X~- ~ or Bolts;r:-I'h--fc-$--' : ';()~8"dla/ ..Q.--.:t-,:!------$-?l!'-ro '1' • I: J w~ V ··1 FISf-'lPLATE REF. No. F1 ,. ~I i FISHPLATE REF. No. F8 or :F N.B.S. H. B. 10" x 8" x 5.5 Ibe per fl. FO'r N.B,S.H.B. 9"x 7"x 50 lb. per ft. For'N.e"s.B. '13"" 5"x 351bs per ft For N.B.S.li.B. 12"x 8"x 651bs per ft. For N.B.S.B. 12"x 5"x 30 lb. per ft. \ 1'1 -0~ I . . r}- Rivets -~-~-+--H--~---_<P- -)("'-,: I I, I I 1-::: I . or 801t/5 7T :I ___ @_lL_P> __ ,,'<t!-.. Ii Y 3J. lId 1 J.. Rivets 0,: I 1'4 a. I) I, I II I I FISHPLATE REF. : I ~~~y:::: No. 11/1 I I \ I II For N.B.S,H.B. For N.B. S.H.B. 10 x 6 x 40 Ibs per ft. . ':: FISHP L ATE REF. No. FlO af! ~ 5/1 x at:;, [be per Flo F9 /1/1' 1/ : or Bolts -$---~-~-+---{a-~J." II I 374 dia./ ';;r, ~ I I -6r---~--:~----w-lY- *~ .. . . II . For N.B.S,B. a/'x 41'X 18 lbs per ft. For N.B.S.B. lOx 4/2 x 25 lb. per ft. For N.B.S.B. 9"x 4"x 2{lbs per fl. For N.B.S.B. 7", 3}6" x 151be perf!. Ba1ts -"'---.6 ---:+--"'---),- -A,'-N · RIV5?~,9r .,.., 10 d la.·-- ~'I' " _" -,:':.£\1 FISHPLATE REF. No, F}2 FISHPLATE REF. No. Fll For N.B.S.B. For N.B.S.+I.B. 6" x 5" x 25 lb. per ft. For N.B.S.B. 6"x 3"x 121bs per ft. 4}6" x 2" X 71bs per ft. For N.B.S.H.B. 4"" 3"x 10 Ibs.perf!. For N.B.S.B. 4"x 1 %," x 51bs per fl. For N.B.S.H.B. S"x 4,Y2"x 20 lb. per ft. For N.B,S.S, 5"X·2Y2"x9Ib. per ft. R'v~;i,,~~:.o~!~;;;;;;;;;;-~~;;;~~--~-~E~-J-IiE;--;:;E@,;,--=-,; ;-<l>=-kl~ *~~~d FISH P L ATE R'EF. No. F13 For N,B.S. B, 3" x 1%"x 4 lb. per f!. • • I 172 DORMAN, LONG & , CO. LIMITED . • BEAMS ,WITH SEPARATORS. - I·· 0.,,,, =03... ~Sll t '" -"= ~ b"" ~81 ~~ "'.<; ","= -"'", ,,1"1 .... S" ~~~ 0 .. = ~~ ." Reference Mark Size of Beam · is'"' Bolts .<;~ NBSB. 18 24 x 7Y.x90 NSSB 17 22 x 7 ~ NBSB 16 20x6y, x 65 3 7 . ;)0 " % % NRSHB 11 18 x 8 x 80 4 8 Y, NBSS 15 18 x 6 x55 " " 5 16x8 x 75 16 x 6 x 50 " 15 x 6 x 45 14 x 8 x70 '-- ,--' '-..:., .... (' ..-. '.=1 ~ .... ~ f .- ---"'- '--, . '14 x 5 Yzx 40 NBSB 12 NBSB 11 13 x 5 x[j5 8 12 x8 x 65 10 12x5 x 30 NRSR ~. '" NBSRl! .10 NBSR 14. • NRSB 13 : NBSHR ' 9 NRSHB • x 75 1 • "'.2 ~o-l ,,'" "'" -'1 .... 2 Bolts ~ , - .<; bD'<; - 9* 9 )4 4'78 8 %, 4 ' 44 % 10)4 4'95 6 Y, % 8~ 4 ' 27 6 8 Y, 3'4'8 7 6Y, %.. 10 8 * ". 7 " 8 6% * 8 2.' 98 8% * 10 ~'48 6 % ; 7 Yo 2'85 5Y, % 7. 2 ' 7.3 11 8Y. * 10 5 \10 % SP 8 2 , 7 Y, " " 9 " " 10 " " % 4'61 2'98 , ,J~7 3'48 ,. 2'73 1 Bolt x5i;i NBSRB 7 NRSRB .6 '10x6, x 40 9 10 x 4 Y, x 25 NRSB lO x 8 SP 12 8Y. % 13 6)4 .% 14 :5 " " 10 % 1'74 8. 1'49 ,,6Y. 1'30 1 ' 61 , ~ NlIs~l! ~ ,.. .... 'NBSB , - 5 "8 9 X,;7 x50 9x4 x 21 " II ~5 'i% % 9 16 4% % 5% 1'21 , NlISRB 4 8x6 ><:'35 " 17 6 Yz % 8 1'49 'NBSB 7 8x4 x 18 , " 16 4 Yz ~ 5% 1 '21 NBSR 6 7 x 3 Yzx 15 " 18 4 % 5;4 1 ' 14 , , B~ams less. than 7 inches de~p , , gas-tube Distance , I Pieces are used. NOTE.-' FDI' , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. - .... STANDARD SEPARATORS . ' B --"'.I Ill;" >1-~I.<e ------. 1K ~' .' 1I : I I '~ ' '~---' -R---1'--) . : ! . ' ~~ , A:, > <G , ~ ,' F : r:: .~ ., i: -., ~,,--- --'~ :" __ ----Y-, . PRESSED STE·EI. FOR USE WITH BEAMS FROM < : ,, :C . '~ " . ;j ... . > .(E , CAST IRON TO 12"x 5" 24"x 7 Y." . DIMENSIONS IN INCHES Referen'ce Mark .. B 20 18 7-(" 7 E F G d Pressed Steel '% 1Y. 1% ' .S 1% ~ I X, % l Yo % % % % 1 1 1 1 1 21'25 18 '15 16 12'25 26'75 23 19 ' 5 20 ' 75 16'25 0 C A Weights In Ibs. -. . - SP' 1 d '! I , "" " " " " '. 2 ' 3 g 14 12 10 . ' 9 9 6Y. 16 14 14 8 .6 7 8 12 12 10 8 6n. 8 8' 6 9 10 9 5% 6 5 4 " 10 " 11 " 6rk 8 ' 5~ sn. 8 ~ >Jd< I 7\- I , l l1 ' IV. V. 1Y. - 1 Y. 1Y. 1% 1% , E ' I % % % Y. % % '% 13'75 10 ' 5 11 ' 5 14:25 11'25 12'25 V. Y. % % ,% % % 8'25 6'75 9'25 9 '7'75 10'25 ' Y. Y. %. % % .k----~-- -'>I. . F 1-:>f* iI I --A- I I I --_ . --- - - J , ./ I ,I > <,E k..._ ' 0' >-< Y. % 0/.' __ _e____>1 ! I Ai ~ ~,- ---m-, I % % . 0/, % % % % , Yo ~ ~- " PRESSED ST!:!:L PO 'R USE WITH BEAMS FROM IRON CAST iO"xS/I TO 7 " x 3%" Weigjlts in Ibs. DIMENSIONS 1N INCHES Reference Mark A SP 12 " " 13 14 15 " 16 " 17 " 18 " J Cast Iron B 0 E F d Pressed Steel Cast Iron 8~ ~ % % % % 7'5 5 ' 75 4'5 S'5 6'5 5 n ~ Va r~ Va 5'75 3'5 4'5 2'75 6'5 4 . 5 ' 25 3'25 6% 6% 6% 6% 4ti 1% 1% 1% V. 5% 5% 5 5 " 7-.'.< 4,.. 6~ 1% l Y. 1% 1 Y. % Y. % 3}.'. % Y. V. % , , . • . -, , ' 174 I .... LONG & • CO., LIMITED. DORMA~, , 'j , SPAGING OF HOLES !3EAMS, TEES, AND - IN DEPTHS CHANNELS ANGLES • ROOT =- =:::: I«- B-~ l:,_U~-' i _ -. ~~]a-i __~J b ILeg tc ~.J... -.L. , l ei , I - _.. ,y . FI LLETS. , - -- 7A:: . ~ --- -~- I I o DI _ ,~ -- ~- .- I - -- .. ,_ . - ,~~-, : WEBS CLE:AR OF • '--- OF I - i , ~~~-y I""'B-~ BEAMS, CHANNELS • -.------- ~----------~----I -----~~-- . B Dla. of DlineJ;lslons in In.c h~s RIvet I---~-~----,--"":"' I C inches _inohes or Bolt Leg a .b SIZE inches- 0 o inohes SIZE inches , 0 Inches .. I-----I--..:.- f----~-----I--+--I--'--!-------· ~---I,----- I---- I 7h :~ 4 " 6% 3%, II 6 3\{ 5% ~n 8 7 5. I I , ,' II 3% 2 3 1'1. Llii9 ,I 1\4- . %" *-" "" 1% ' - :% % . 'i[-'1f' ,, , . , I I ' I <"':'>~ _ ___B nc es .. ' 8 • 3% 3 2Y. :2 , IV, .. I I~ B->1 5% . -- - - -:..'__ I' .. 5 . 4'1. _, c I cb n es 2'4 2 . I o/'!" 1% 1'/0 % - -- -- -- 3 3 3 Rivet or Bolt W' II " 10 2'h 2'4 2'1. 8 2 ', L e 4% 2% 2Y,,2 l~ x6% x6 x.6 . x6 x 5% x5 x '5 x 4%, -- - 9 ' x 4 .. 2% 7 x4 x 3Y2 6 x3 5 )( 27!. 4).'. x2 4 x I %, 3 )( 1Yo 20 ' 27 18"-68 lH~ 9'i'4 9x.3 7-00 8 )( 3).'. 5-69 8 >,: 3 6-00 7 x3.Yo 4-73 7 x3 5 -04 6 x 3).'. 3-77 6x3 4 - 12 5x 2Y<. 3 -27 4X2 2-57 3x 1% 1 -78 2-94 1-97 ~_-L_ _~_ _ I Heavy Beams 3'1. 3 14-23 12--26 10-29. 1% 1% 1% 12 :>< 8 I Ox8 IOx6 - 8-32 6 -56 7- 13 5 -69 8 x6 6x 5 '5-25 3 -63 . 2-83 2 -47 2 . _, I%, , , - .. 1% I'!. _, I~ 1.% 1 % %, 5 x 4Y<. 4 x 3- ' 6-65 3 -57' . 3 -22 3 2'1. " -7 -99 4- 41. 3')4 3% 9x 7 . " , 9 >< 3% 2\4 2% .. 2% - .; ,- 7 ,04 6-16 5-26 \--_._ --1....___ 2 . "" 7-84 ' 10 )< 3 4 3% ,_ 12 -35 15 -03 13-09 1,2 -23 4 2% 15 x 4 1(>-81- 18 x 8 16 x 8 14 x 8 DIll. of ~ I---I---~:----,---I 4 9 6% __ ..6 , I - .--- --~ - -a b 7 ' , . 14 13 12 .' 1.b" .. • . .. ,:.. '- 1~ DImensions In Inches Leg I ·, , .. - - - -Y. - 1-- -- 20 -18 :16 - -- ---JI.-- I t bLeg - 14 -23 2 '-- --I>a--l' '1 ' ,I , 1 h I·C,I ~-·71 II 2~ . 2 ~ - '9L I , 0/8" %/1 %" 1% ;w. 2'1. _ 2'1. Girder S0ctions i'7 x 4 2 2 I_ __-'-~__--I 24 X7% 22 · x 7 " , 1% 1% .. ', ' II 2% 2 8 3 3 9 : 2y. 4 '. .. " 21'. 4% 10 DORMAN, . LONG & NOTES ON CO. LIMITED. PLATE GIRDERS. GENERAL NOTE.- On the preceding pages, tables of beams and compounds are given, shewing the loads carried by each for various spans; but under some conditions, as for instance .where the deflection allowed is very small, it will sometimes be found that the plate girders, given ii1 the following pages, may be used with advantage . . TABULAR L"O ADS.-The loads giv~n in the . tables' inc1~de the weights of the girders themselves, and are,' in each case., calculated from the modulus of the net section, i.e., both flanges holed. They are based on an extreme fibre stress of 8 tons per square inch . . When it is considered advisable to adopt any o):her extreme fibre stress, say f tons per square inch, the tabul~r loads should be altered . in the ratio -{. ,The loads are also based on the assumption that the girders receive efficient lateral support, and the webs are adequately stiffened. , . STIFFENERS.-The stiffening of plate girders may be effected by means of vertical angles fitting between the . inner surfaces of the flange angles, and properly riveted to the web. In the case of girders having double webs, diaphragms may be adopted, which ensure greater unity than that obtained by using outer stiffeners alone. The spacing of the stiffeners depends on the depth 'of the girder, the thicknesses of web plates, and the purposes_ for which the girders are required. , j ' 176 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. CURTAILMENT OF PLATES.-Where it is nQt desirable ~ . ..' to ·~ allQw Hie flan~e plates to. extend the full length Qf the girder, the limit to. which they can be curtailed, fQr. . girders supPQrted at bQth ends and. having an unifQrmly . . distributed IQad, may be fQund as fQllQWS : - . ., -Y" ' r:--t- ---l--' - i A 1 I ' ._ I _ --__ . I~- - -,-;- k, ---'""-d . ! ~'f'v.-:::: - ----+,<;---~",:,~ . 1. . / · " ! jji- . _ - - - ·- --+k)(-· - .-. - .. ~.1 .,.."I___"!.JJ i· _ _ _--:--_~ _LILV ____ . - ',," , .j.- ._ ._._ ._ ._." .__I - K . l , ..' . - -~-'--. ---~.~~ •• ' '. I . , '. • . j - " Let A = • ' a1 = a2 ax = K = tQtal areaQf flange, in square ~n¢hes .. area of tQP plate, in square inches . area of two. top plates in square inches. area Qf number x tQP plates, in square inches. span Qf girder, in feet. k 1 = length Qf top plate, in feet. -' .. k2 = length o.f seco.nd plate, in feet. ",. kx = length 6f xth plate, in feet. • Then : - • It is custQmary to. make the plates lQnger than the lengths found by the abo.ve fo.rmulre to. the extent <If abo.ut three pitches Qf rivets at each end, and the plate next ' to. the flange angles is usual1y the full length . Qf the girder:. , • ' DORMAN, LONG &. LPVL11 b..LJ. I,;U. ~ - ; . PLATE GI RDERS. ~ H .. "" • I< 6 x 6 Angles F-6x 3),2"Angfes ,.--311l;I,.-.We b Vo/8"Web 1iI 6 ><6' Angfe~ -'= I Flange Angles SIze Inches .. 871 608 ·, 736 ·. 522 ·. 652 411 186 186 186 146 46 ·45 35 ·45 40·20 31·70 33·94 3y,,·x 3Y.x% 27 ·94 665 ·. 447 ·. .. 556 388 14·9' 410 149 2\)9 149 149 149 138 146 106 42 x 121" 6 x 6 XGA 44 ' 20 42 x 12% 6 >< 6 X% 33'20 42 X 12~ . 6 x 3Yzx% 37 ·95 42 x 12'8 6 X3Y2 X % , 29 ·45 42 x 7¥" 3,y., x 3Y:, x% SI·69 42 x 7% 8'4 x 8Y.x % 20 ·69 552 ·. 374 ·. 472 " . 326 180 344 130 248 130 ' 180 130 116 122 88 ' 3 . 10 15 .. 20 .. 25 30 40 50 60 ---- 165 116 92 ·9 107 80·6 64 ·4 181 98·1 78 ' 5 92·9 69 ·7 55'7 98·2 73'6 58·9 tiS 87,7 78 ·1 54 ·8 43 ' 8 77 ·4 63·6 66 ·4 4,6,4 49·1 ' 36 ' 6 119 148 103 109 79 ' 8 140 95 ·4 119 82 ·8 87·5 63·8 116 79 ·6 98 ' 9 69 ' 0 72'9 53 ·2 87 · 3 59·6 74·2 51 ·7 64·7 39 ',9 69 ·8 4,7,7 59 ·3 41 ,4 43 ·7 31 ' 9 58·2 39'8 49·4 34·5 86 ',4 26·6 ·. 130 99 ,8 126 86 ,9 910 · 8 66 ·2 118 79 ·9 101 69·5 73 ·4 53 ·0 98·1 66 ,6 83 · 8 57·9 61 · 2 44 ·2 13 ·6 49·9 62·9 43 ·5 45·9 33 ·1 5,8 ,9 39·9 50·3 84·8 86 ' 7 26 ,5 49·1 33 ' 3, 41-1) 29'0 30·6 22·1 ·. 111 81·4 104 71 ·3 75·1 63 ·6 96'7 65·1 83 ,3 57 ·0 60·1 42 ·9 80 ' 6 54,,2 69 ·4 47·5 50 ·1 35·7 60·4 40 ·7 62 ·0 35·6 37 · 5 26 ·8 48 ·3 40 ·8 32 ·5 27 ·1 41 · 6 34 ,7 28 ,6 28 ·8 30 ·0 25 ·0 21,4 17·9 92 ' 8 63·9 83·3 56·5 59·3 41 ,9 '/6 ·4 63·7 42·6 55 ·5 37 ·7 89·6 27 ·9 47·7 31 ·9 41 ·7 28 'S 29 ·7 20·9 38'2 25 ·5 186 ·. 161 186 139 147 110 186 129 157 111 , 48 x 12% 48 x 12% 48 x 12% 48>< 12% 48 :>< 7% 48 x 7% I' 3Yix 3}Z'Ang 1e s?i 2~ SPANS IN FEET x 6" x % 60·95 x 6 , x% ' 39 ,95 x 3Y. x % 44'70 6 x 3\1, x% 86·20 3Y2 X 8 Y2 ' X'~ , 38·44 3%X 3Y.x % 82 ·44 , t· _ 6 6 6 , 3 ""V8 Web SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIF9RMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR rIl)el 60 x ~Z% , = I,t) Area Square .-0= 'Ei Inches 'E"" ,,0 . " 60 x .12% 60 x 12% 60>< 12%' 60 x 7% ,60 x 7% .. 'I 6 x 3J.zAhgl es ":>lj s 1if312X3YiAngles' 6 .x 6 x% 6 >< 6 x% 6 x 3 y., x % 6 xaY2 x % 3y" x·3'! . X'% x6 x i! x Sv" x 3Y, x% 41 ,95 453 ·. 36 x 12'% 36 x 12% 36 ><1 2% 36 x 12% 36 x 7% 36 x 7·W 6 6 6 6 3Y. 8y" x% x% x% x 3Y. x % X8Y, .x ~ 30,95 35 ·70 27 ·20 29 ·44 28 ·44 805 111 890 267 111 282 111 201 107 80 X12% 30 x 12% SO x 12% 30 x 12% 30 x 7% 80 x 7% 6 x 6 x 0/,. 6 x 6 x% 6 x ,3Y. x % 6 x 3Y.x% 3y.x S )lzx% 3Y. X8Y2 X% 89·70 28·70 33 ' 46 24·95 27·19 21'19 358 239 812 212 223 167 · . 149 108 111 95 ·0 100 71 · 5 ·. 92 '8 85·2 · . 92·8 92 ·8 75 ·4' 92 ·8 79 ·1 88·7 55'8 51 ' 1 66 ·7 45 ' 2 47 ·5 33 ,5 .. 38 ·8 22 ' 6 23·7 16 ·7 " .. .. .. \ .. .. I 178 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ... PLATE GIRDERS . k-14:...;,! '---1 f:6x6X%,'AngleS" vl-Z"Web 6X6x~8Angles:J l F'" . c-:o ~14'->i . - .... SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR' .' .. .. Depth Flange Size Inches of Thick- Web ness ,~~ • . SP;NS irfFEET - ' , . -;; j~ l---~--~--~~~--~~~-~'--~~--~--~-?~'~"'l , '" 20 25 30 35 40 45 .59 '. 55 60..( ~~ Inches Inches I I, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --":-,- 1- - - - -- 1- - - - -- 64 >< 14 63 x 14r 62 x 14 611'ox14 61 x 14 60 60 60 x 14 xU x 14 49;/£ x)4 49 x.14 48 48 4,8 52 51 50 46 % Yo 60 48 48 2 1Yo 1 2 45 x 14 44 ><14 43\1., x 14 43 'X 14 42 42 .42 42 40 39 38 371'2 37 x 14, x 14 36 36 38 36 36 34 33 32 31Y2 31 x14 x 14 , x 14 x 14' >< 14 30 30 30 30 30 1909 1558 1383 1208 1053 914 % % 1507 1261 1017 896 774 1v", 1266 1056 1)f, i " 2 1 1v" 1 198 198 198 187 195 162 .' 237 . 211 184 .. 173 173 165 149 855 682' 124. i82 160 139 248 208 184 161 248 226 '185 164 143 196 159 140 122 198 175"' 141 . 125 . 108~ . .! 173 159 138 149 132 173 155 136 118 168 136 .. 14-9 .. 141 n9 103 241 20' 166 148 129 219' . 185 151 134" 117 201 170 13.9 123 107. 187 170· 156 157 143 131 127 HI) 106 112102 93·6 ~7'5 88·6 81·,2 173 ' 161 '146 134 135' 12.2 112 150 121 109 98'~ 90·4106 95·5 86,8 79·6 91 . 8 82 ' 6 7p ·1 68, 8 149 135 123 112 125 113 102- ' 93·8 129 113 10090-3 82·1 75,3 113 99'1 88-0 79·2 72'0 66·0 97-4, 85-2 75·8 ~8-2 62'0 56-8 149 186 114 .. 124 124 109 ·99-9 124 122 110 .. '124 114 101 91· 2 82-9 121 ,104 90-9 80-S 72·7 106 90,7 79,4 70·6 63·5 90-6 77-6 67,9 60·4 54·3 1030 595. 509 248 246 215 198 84,1 743 639 2 .. 248 248 1753 1473 . 1.193 % % ' . 2261 1% 1 !'io x 14 x14 x 14 x14 2 ·r---:- I---- --'- , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , ' PLATE GIRDERS. . i«- -18"- , l ->: [F6'x el'xl'a'Ang le~ F"1'a"Web 6"1< 6'x *AngleS.:j . .= . L :«'-18' - -:>' SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED FOR Size. Inches Depth Flange ",1!i 'of Thick, ~'3 Web ness al'g Inches Inches "'~ 'SPANs IN FEET 20 25 30 35 - - - - -- - - - - 18 03 , x 18 62 x 18 61 ~ x.18 61 x 18 60 60 ,60 60 60 2 1% 1 62 x 18 , 48 48 51 'x 18 511 X 18 48 49 . .~, >$ 18 ' 48 49 x 18 4·8 2 1Yc, 1 64 )< % * %, x18 x 18 44 x 18 43 v.., x 18 43 x 18 42 42 42 42 42 x 18 x lS, x 18 37 Y" x 18 37 x 18 36 36 36 · 38 36 2 34 83 82 80 80 30 80 80 3 46 45 , * 4·0 39 38 31~ 31 x lS x 18 x 18 x 18 x 18 2 1'1, 1 0/,\ ~4 2795 ' , 2323 ·, 2172 1795 1419 1232 1045 1869 1540 1212 104,8 886 % 1573 12,91 1010 870 731 1 v.., 1 1284 1048 815 ty" 1 1<\. · 1853 . 161B " 1383 ' ,809 % 699 Yo, 583 · ·. , " 309 295 ·. " ·. ·. , · . · . 248 " 248 ·. ·. ·. ·217 ·. ··. · , 188 ' . ··. 155 156 , . " , , " 309 288 246 282 247 211 ·. '" , . 248 216 188 159 248 219 ' 223 : 186 ·,. ". 217 217 189 ··. 186 lB6 156 " . 166 149 124 40 271 225 180 157 134 248 207 165 144 128 248 213 239 i89 \ 168 164 146 139 124 232 191 151 131 111 211 174 138 119 101 19& 199 1M 129 112 94-4 1CC 137 149 118 108 93'2 102 85 ·8 78·7 186 168 153 172 138 135' 120 108 ' 92 :8 116 103 97·5 86·6 78·0 140 153 125 115 98·0 89 ,8 84,4 77·4 70 ·09 - 65-0 . , 206 162 140 118 •- . · " 186 180 . 154 155 133 130 111 " ·. ·- 14:5 124 104 ·. . I 60 298 248 19B 173 148 217 216 185 136 160 157 , 136 -- 55 809 275 220 192 164 " 309 247 216 184 .. ·. 50 . ·. " 45 " 155 140 217 182 144 124 105 H!O 126 110 92·9 181 152 137 124 124 « 155 112 102 96,6 86 ·9 -, 124 109 93-2 82-8 74-5 .. 106 88·9 77-7 ' 69·1 62-2 - , .. .. .. .. .. , 180 • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BOX PLAT.E ~ -1 8 '':' ""! ~- '- 24"-->' ,...-'6x6:" 0/8" 4 ')( 4 'xYZ" . I<....Angles ''-- Angles I <- ~~8"WebS - Size loches GI RDERS. ~iK%"webs I'" SAFE LOADS IN "j:ONS UNIFORM·LV DISTRIBUTE\FO;R Depth Flange I'l gj !--- - -'---- - - - - - - - - - . .. ---~-of Thick- .S"P SPANS -IN FOOT Web ness OS'g I---:---,---,------,------,---r--.---,-~-I 1----I.I-n-c-he~sI--I_n-ch-e-sl-"'-.,-)l;I-I--l-0- 15 ~. ~~l:,.,-3_0_·!._3_5__:_4_0~_· _50_._1 ·~·? 64 x 24 6.2 >< 24 61 x 24 60 52 x 24 SO x 24 (9 )( 24 48 48 . 48 2 '1 46 x 24· 44 x 2448 x 24 42 42 42 II 1 40 x 24 38 x 24 37 x 24 36 2 36' · t 36 · % 1889 34 x .24 32 x 24 81 x 24 30 30 1545 51 x 18 49 x 18 . 45 x 18 60 60 2 1. 3348 % 2155 1562 .. I.. : : . .' % % I . : .. 87'1 333 I. ~~~ , .. 297 297 252 294' 210 25'i :i80 :: luo .. 251 21'S 11~~ .. 2242 141i 999 178 ~62 .. 209 1147 179 126 260 1218 I 1178 825 371 287 208 :: 2602 16~~ - .. .. 297 192 .,. 167 . .)1'39230 'v2a1 278 · 176 1..147 126 ." 1':1.0~ .. ~~~ .. ~tr· ~~ 133 10'7, :..t,:'.as "S 145 1100 228 202·':, 168 157 126 .....106 110 88"0'1 '73 ·8 186 165 · I , . 127 l02· ..·,.1 . . 87 ·8 7~"3 ~. , . 249 , 133 218 ·117 223 .. 220 176 jf" 962 .. 186 659 186 ·. .. 176 48 48 1'12 % 1682 875 297 233 187 1 156 42 1% 42 'h 1399 788 260 · .260 197 167 249 131 213 187 149 !· t)!4 11298 ·4 7S ' 7 ~ '65·6 39 x 18 37 x 18 36 1 '12 .. 162 223 130 209 108 1179 16S 12~ " t04 ·. 92 · 681 ' 0 64 · 8 · 54 ' 0 33 x 18 31 x 18 30 .. 186 129 108 170 146 127 102 86·0 73·7 64 · 6 6.1 · 6 51 x 16 49 x 16 48 . 1 y,. 4S . 45 x 16 48 x 16 42 % l Y:. 39 x 16 87 x 16 83 x 16 31 x 16 4? K18 30 36 2 1 y. 1178 607 955 48'1- 30 ·. 223 . ·. . 186 . 172 1487 .. 827 . 297 ·. y. 1273 696 260 36 , 36 1% ;I,: 1065 571 223 80 1y' . 865 80 % 42 ~ .. 216 ·. ·. 186 .. 223 297. 220 157 86.7 . Hi 297 ·. I 169 117 290 1 294 221 177 2.97 · 264 147 227 126 .. ·. 1S6 '260 148 226 · 124 194 110 136 113.· 10692' 8 7,4: 2 61 : 9 228 189 162 142 114 · 94·7 87·1 76 · 2 ' 60 : 9 50 ·8 247 . ·. 198 110 174' J ,45 98 ''4-.' 77 ' 8 208 152 122 .. 186 121 184 154 132 115 96'S SO·7 69· 1 60·5 161 10~ 159 .. 132 ~8'3 · 78 · 5 92 -2 48 · 4 .. .. i , - DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. - NOTES ON ROOFS . APPROXI MATE WEIGHTS, PER SQUARE' FOOT OF GROUNO AREA COVERED. FOR STr::EL ROOF PRI N'C,IPALS. WITH THE VARIOUS fORMS OF COVERING ENUMERATED BELOW :. Roof covered with corrugated sheets and steel purlins . slates and ,steel pUr,Jill~ " " slates, boards alld steel purlins - " " 'F or lilrge spans special calculations should be made, .. , I , .. 7 to 9 Ibs , 12 16 is " 20 .. " " PRESSURE OF WIND ON ROOFS (PER DUCHEMIN ' S F'ORMULA), , I -- a 1 ' Angle of surface of roof with bodzon t,al. F= Forco of wind in Ibs, per square foot of vertical surface, N= Corre"'pimdiog, normal pressure per square loot of roof surface ,= F 2Sil1.a X 1+ :;10 , "" V= Vertical Component of N ~ N x cos: a, H,= Horizbnt"j Component of N = N x sin, a, I I , PRESSURE OF WIND ON ROOFS WHERE THE PROPORTION OF HEIGHT TO HALF SPA N = 1 : ,2 (l!ased on the above formul~ ). , I F.ln Ills, per sq. ft. 5 I 10 15 20 25 30 . 35 40 45 50 55 60 - -22 ' 4 26"1 29'8 33'5 87'S 41'0 44'7 -- 3'73 7'45 11'2 14'9' 18'6 3'a3 6'67 10'0 13'3 16'7 20'0 23'S 26'7 30'0 33'3 '36'7 40'0 1'67 3'33 5'00 667 8'33 10'0 1 i '7 13'3 15 '0 16 '7 18 ' 3 200 N' i * .. V H , OF' WINO ON PRESSURES . Angie ~f Rool . 5" a N = F V = F I H = F -X X X ROOF8 (based on the above formulre) . "~-"'- * 10" I in 3 20" 1 in 2! 1 in 2 -- - - 30' / ';" ,800 ,848 '745 '667 ,693 '706 '333 ,400 ,471 ,173 '337 '575 '612 '6(16 ·172 ,332 '545 '575 ,606 '015 ,059 ,182 ,209 ,242 60" 75. 0 90" ,9.10 ,943 '990 '999 1,00 ,697 ,667 ,495 ,259 ,00 '585 ,667 ,857 , 965 1,00 I PROPORT I ONS OF' ROOF'S. - Angle , Proportion of height to hall span Deg. Min. 1/) 1/ 1% 1/ .v3' ' 45 ,33 30 0 41 0 Proportion of Length of Ratter ' to height 1'41421 1,80277 , 2, 00000 to bal! span 1,41421 1, 20185 1 ,15470 pro~ortion Angle of eight to half ' span Deg: Min. *1/2 1/2% 1/ 3 26 21 18, 34 48 26 Proportion of l.ength of Rafter to height to hall span 2'23607 2,69258 3'16228 l'1180S 1,07703 1,05409 -, *Tbe proportion, 1 : 2 of height to half span, bas been ado pted as meeting ordinary requirements fpr sheeted roofs, • " r8~ DORMAN, LONG & ROOF" CO. ' LIMITED. TFtUSSES. ~ Table of Coefficients for the determination of StressM, and Lengths of Members,.In Rool Trusses, for any span, the proportion 01 height to half the span Iielng i : 2'_ . To find the Stress in any MembcI::~ Let S=Span between the points of intersection of the Rafter and Tie_ L=Total Dead Load carried by the Tr uss, including its own weight. W ='T(ltaJ Wind Pressure resisted by tbl< 'Truss, acting on one s~e of roof,. and . normal to its surlace, f=Total Stress re~uired _ .' . Then f= (L multiplied by Coefficient for Dead Load) + (W multiplied by Coefficientfor Wind Pressure) _ * In Trusses of larger spallS it h sometimes advisable to provide for expansion, in which case the co;otlicient fQ.r wind pressure corresponding' to "one end free" sholl)el be used. To find the length of any Member betwf,en points of jntersection:Multiply S by tbe lengtb coefficient f()r that member. . N o.T&,-The following Stress Coefficients hav.e been calculated on tbe n,"umptioll that the roof pllrlins occu):' OVer the points 6f intersection of the v arious rnembers with the rafter; when such is not the case, bending is produced ill the rafter which necess.itates further calculation, or allo wan(:e being m ade when rle.ciding its.section. I, - ---....,----" STRESS OOEFFIOlENTS ,0 of' Dead Load Both ends One end fixed free t. Cl L;: ac l~d a.b bel ~ ci -- .... ( de'. ~ 'b c Ida ce c.f \Ce ci"\ ab bd elf fh bc fg de ac ce ej cd l el(( gh cg ·838 ·727 '223 " -750 -500 ·250 -932 '758 '783 ·179 ·179 ·833 ' 500 ·333 ·978 ·922 -866 ,811 ·112 ·112 ,224 ,(j75 -750 -500 -125 -125 -375 . -250 -875 -875 '500 -978 -419 -559 1-042 -820 1 ' 042 · 401 ·401 1· 165 ·419 ·746 , - -- -- --, - . -- -. ·- .·. · ·. -. . -250 1·125 1 -125 1 '125 1, 125 ·250 • '500 '5OJ 1·125 1, 125 1 , 125 I ' 1?-S -250 1'258 '9'18 -419 '279 '279 -838 .' '559 ' 250 1'397 1, 116 '559 '279 ·279 ·838 '559 -27950 ' 27950 -13975 -31250 -18750 -31250 a · d ' A FIG I_ ....:f~~ _ be - Normal Wind Pressure Member Truss " ~A- ,I., i. , . ' : I." ',' :0,;1... · . b , , ,, . . ', . :.~. •. c c. Ie ,<: .. -.-----,-."'-.. -.. .. " .;>1 ' . 2 : , . ·18634 -18634 -18634 ·16797 ·16797 ·31250 ·18750 ·31250 ' 13975 -13975 ·13975 ' J3975 ,0698" '06987 ·13975 -15625 ' 15625 ' 18750 ·15625 ' 15625 ·15625 ·15625 h..h, FIG3. /d f d . ' 3/\1\/ 9 T ~ S ...... e i< _. -----... --.-- . --.;.iJ I , 2 NOTE.-Heavy lines indicate Compres.ion and light lilles Tension Merribers. ' , . , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. . , ROOf TRUSSES.- . Table .01 Coemcj(mis lor the determination of S't resses, &c • STRESS COEFFICIENTS , Member ·of 1rUSS r bd ab .de r - . ..; . ~ - 4, · eg gj J j k db cG g II j h ef ac ' cf 11' ee ell 11k \,fh / " b tid df f h , hk lim nlO oq be fg kl op III de mil . h j ac ce -d '\ e II.. j ir cd dg 1m TOp gh hI eg In lpq np jn DeRd Load 1·025 ·938 ,950 .·913 '826 ·838 '090 ·090 ·090 -090 '224· ·917 '750. ·500 '167 ·167 ' 417' ·25C . b.o.~ 5 alS "", ~ 0 Botllends One end fixed free 1 ·208 1 ·097 1 '208 1 ·.2tl8 1 ·097 1· 208 '206 ·200 ·200 ·200 '500 1 '35 \ . '978 · 419 1,04.8 1' 0.20 ·992 ·964 '936 ·908 · 800. ·85'2 '056 . ·056 ·056 '056 -373 ' 373 ·932 -559 1 '~50 1 -250 1 ·250 \·250 1· 250' 1 ·25C 1 ·250 1 ·250 " 125 · 125 · 125 '125 ·250 'Hi '11.2, ·250 ·224 ·500 1 <)97 937 ·875 \ -258 '750 '978 ·419 'SOO ·0.62 '140 ·140 ' 062 ·140 ' 062 · 062 ·140 .. ·419 '1.87 ' 187 :419 · 125 . · 219 ·125 . '279 · 978 '437 ·838 '375 '559 '250 NOTIl.~Heavy J 12 -",= Normal WInd Pressure 1' 268 1 '097 1·208 1 ·208 1 ·097 1·208 ·200 ·200 ·200 "200 ·500 I '49 1 . 1'118 '559 "3'l3 ·373 ·932 '559 1·250 1 ·250 1'250 1 ' 250 1 '250 1' 250 1 ·250 1 ·250 ·125 '125 ·125 · 125 ·250 ·250 ·500 1'53'1 1"397 l ' 11 8 '559 '140 ·140 · 1'(0 ·140 ·419 ·419 ·2 79 · 27\l ·976 ·838 ' 559 • '09317 '093 17 ·09317 ·09317 ·09:3 17 ·09317 ' 082.98 '08398 '08398 '08398 ·13975 ' 15625 '1'5625 '1 8750 d 1\Y/~ - FIG 4. 9 :, e b a I Vl!<t h , : ' ! C f - -'r*·· K J • ; ---- ----- --- ·2"----------'i>j C . 15b26 , ·15625 ·15625 '1 5625 ·06987 ·06987 '06987 ·06987 '06987 ·06987 ·06987 ·06987 ·03494.. '03494 ·00494 '· 03494 , '06987 '06987 ·1 3975 '07812 ·07812 , 15625 ' ··18750 · 07812 , ·078:1 2 ·07812 '07812 ·078 12 ·07812 . ' O78l2 ,07812 ·078 12 ·078 12 ;)5625 , q . FIG S. f ~-A' m : n)t7\/ P VlI<t I.~\/n ~c .:~g. ., -L" S J ,<.. --- ------2'" ----. "'--X I Ir ~ I , !lnes indicate CompressioG and ligbt lioes ~reu sioG Members . 184 • ., . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -··========~=~~=-~~-==========~"""""=l, • TYPE CONNECTIONS FOR ROOF" TRUSSES , .... Detail at ." k," Fig. 4. P~tall at "d:~ Fig. I. Detail at ." ~.' .. F!g, 3. '. Detal! at " a," Fig. 4. Detail at ,. d." Fig. 3. 185 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. TYPE CONNECTIONS FOR ROOF TRUSSES 0: © , '- J . ~o,~ '--;©,...., ~ ©'J ~©~ :~ J Detail at "a." Fig. 1. \ : Detail at " a." F'ig, 3. Detail at "c." Figs. 1 & 3, ®©o 0', ', ' <. . \ • ~o 0 ',' ,. c;::, C) ~© ,"~ " .ms ©r.. , O~ .. • Petail at ... ;.' Fig. 6. ... Detail at "'t," Fig. 4. , ; 186 DORMAN, .'. ;. " . LOl'W . & 'I .cc>.. LIMITED. TYPE CONNECTIONS fOR ROOF TRUSSES " Detail at "b," Figs, 1 & .3, Dota;! at "G," Fig. 3. , oet.1I al "p," Figs. 2 & 4, Datail at •• c," Fig, 2 , I [ , Detail .t "j," Fig. 5. '. Detail .t " r," Fig, 5. ",,' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. TYPE DETAilS FOR PURllNS PURLIN . CLEAT CONNEOTIONS . , :I I j , ~.. . , I, ' J"f PURLINS FOR TIMBER .. ~------------~-------- - • , 188 • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. - ,T YPE DE~TAILS FOR PURLINS ,, , : " I I. "..~.,. , 'Glaz . \ ' , .-.:) . G ".,.", ..·,";: ...... , .\ . . .... . ' \; .........··::·'>.'t ,, ' .r).;:::::\\ .) Sh .; .. I ., Glazi , .' , ~, , ........ J J \\ .. : '. .... . '. , r ." PURLINS FOR CORRUGATED SHEETS AND GLAZING , 'I ,' ," ',' . , DORMAN, NOTES ON LONG & CO. LIMITED. ROLLED TROUGH ING. TROUGH lNG, as illustrated on the following pages, can be .• recommended for a varfety a f purposes. '" v v hen used for road' bridges, it not only affords a watertight superstructure for carrying the road metalling, but, in most cases, dispenses with the use of cross girders and frequently with the main girders also . In railway bddgesit frequently takes the place of cross girders, railbearers and tiinber planking i at the same time forming a safer floor in case of derailment. A maximum amou.n t of headway under the bridge is attained, and a . saving in cost effected. The. smaller sections will be • found especially .useful for the decking of piers, floors 0,£ warehouses, ceilings pf subways, strong rooms, etc. The t~'oughing is usually riveted, before dispatch, in !?ections of three, thus ;-. The site . connecti'o11s are generally made with rivets, butbQlted connections may b~ adopted wherifound . . . advisable i r ei'i:her method affdrdihg easy f'means of erection. Single troughs, as illustrated on pg.ges 49 and ' 50, are frequently used as roof gutters, aTid permit of the supports being placed at long distances apart . • • • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. DIMENSIONS, PROPERTIES, SAFE LOADS, &c. gra~ls I' . I I ., Dia- of the various sections of rolled trough fiooriilg . . are shown on pages 191 to 199;. and . tables, giving . dimensions and properties in inch units, also safe loads, will be found on pages 200 to 2Q2. The properties have I, - , been carefully calcUlated on correct profiles, fillets and rounded corners being taken into C'ol1sid~ration . .. the trough- : ... . 'f' , The tabular loads include the ing itself, and are calculated from t~e ., section modulus, . . of the width "C" shewn on diagr.amg-; They ~r~ based ' I II I: on an extreme fibre stress of 6~ t~n's pe~:,squareinch. . ' .. : " \ From these pa rticulars the section 're-quir~d to safely support any specified lqad may be easily 'determined. I i IiI I , ! I I :· IIt , ' , I : ,I I we~ght ' of I, . , . - EXAMPLEs,-The application of the' .various sizes of troughing to bridge work, together with the necessary calculations, are given on pages 203 to 208. _ ._ _ ...a"... !~_ - -.:. .- . • ' DORMAN, LONG --& CO. LIMITED. .---- - - - - - - - _. ~ STEEL TROUGHING :"'-4~'-": . t!Qj:.= %,'dia. rivets,4"pitch 1". ~!~ ' ' v : ' 156 ) , :::1 '297 ~ ",:,~ ...I U II --.e? ' I :"_, -297": i :'; ;.! . t' I.... C ' .. _ ~/ O):.....J U' ..... / " " c1'56": , I . 6~-t---y.--t--6'~- · · -~: -y--; - - -- - ___ c __ ;:;: _ ~::J ii===7,---'---'''' I I 2 '"~ ~2 ~ ," * . !<---·-.. - --1'-O. (~--- -' -- ): o MINIMUM ' W"i'ght per sq. ft. of cove'red area = 15' 32 Ib3 Section Moduh,s = 5 ' 27 ~-- 4~'- ~: ! . ...-,' /\-Y : .....~:QJ :c Vi' ~ia , ri'\i ets,.<f' pltch "'19Y·,l ~i~ c".J 0)·1. +-"C L.." I" 3'70'" . ~, u: . , , ":.~,..J ._ . ,'-. u: ": ,,' ' " -q: / (193": , I I . 6'/' 370 '~-6-i->:<--'-- ..-- >, . , . I A, .... "E I . : ~ . II .' ... .. .. .... .. _ .. 2~' l .",I ::v.. ... ~ _ --'!.~.----' '/ 2 '\.., '" ""I J. ' I :<--------1-0------- >, . .... ' I 0 MAXIMUM I I' of Weighi pe r SQ . ft . co vered area = 18 '841bG , Section Modulu. = ~ ' 48 •• ~--4V2-" ~, " v " 18 A. OJ: I 7' ~iqJ c:'_ ~IC , ':;i~ ·336" ~ :'Q.i,...J .,' I' 1- : lC) ' : " 'Q.lI~ u' ).t /' - I ~, u' ·33 Yi'dia rlvets,4"pltch I' : -' - ': 1.: '0: 188 : I, 7u' ;.(--- -7 I --->:<--,-', ---,):, -~ -C'::;t:::J :-(2V4): : :«2~)\ ,-(---'-- ----1-2 - ---...,---' --+, ' ----------*--,"----.. . . . --- ", I I , ' " ) . A MINIMUM -, = Weight per sq. ft , of covered 8'<.8 17 ·61 Ibs Sootion Mod.~lu. = 8 "4 ~- 4!t2 ':-->i ' Q,ll 4 I L1Q1 : aJ'·.... : c::c V .- . W'dla.rlvets,4'pitch "24:1" ~1Q) "".1:.. ,453 7 - 'CIt: ~ QJ:::i v: ul~ }'247°: "II " ' fI'. -45 :-(---,-7-----+-»1-(---7- ---0.;.: 11'\ I : I II ..... '. j _ I =:::;;/__ . _~ . _~ __y._~J~ ______ ___ ___ _. ~2~4~ ____ ~_r_:2"---_-cL(2~~. q~'l:' , I A MAXIMUM . Weight per sq, ft . of covered area = '23 :1 Ibs Ssction Modulus = 11'05 FOR PROPERTIES 8. SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 200 AND 201. G 192 ", • ( DORMAN, . LONG & . CO. UMITED. , S"EEL TROUGHING ", , . .. :' :<-· ~ 5Y8~· -.".i : ,~ ~ x- ; ._~". I '375" : 1 . ~ : OIl ~'I' C> +-'t: . 7 .~.2' .' '. 5/8 "dia. rivets. 4'pltch (l!1 . '-I Q) +-ie ~I'::::l ~"" \D : . '24" ~p L . "L. (J, .,,' .- .- .... - 8'~ " · ~·-·-·8"2 · ~· -, +1 '375 I : . _ ' (' . U vI I ______ • . __ .'X' . __ l. 1\h'29116~:. ___________" _____ . .. ~2'o/I6'71- : "",,_ .__ ._. __ ._.-. l'- 4" '. 1 I I \ · - ·-·-~~:-.,j.1 - B MINIMUM ~ ~ Weight par sq, ft. of covered ar •• ,21 -8 '. . 1 Ib~ ' Section Modulus" 13 ' 5 ., - ,j •• -. .. :«~ · -5Y8 '':''~; : -~ r ; Oil !:;I' ~ ~i~ ' 503" ' "'. I ,503" I ' ,I : j H 1 <l' 5 • 0> ,d ..... .. . .. k, fl.Go 9/16">: I , J ,. / . l: 304"~jJ --v---i------ ------- .. :I ,: .. f-Is:: .', . ' 1""·--- /--- 8"-}.. ;8 - - 8<7. - - .~ ..~ ! , ' 7 o/idla,rivet5'4"pitCh' ~.--' ' 30 J.L ~1:! " i .....\_... :< 2,o/I6>f -'.: -.1 . , '" l<f-' --._.--_. -1-4 -- -:- ·- - - - ->1 B MAXIMUM Weight per 'q. ft, of cOl'ered ore. ~:lS lb. Section Modulu." 17 , is , • FOR PROPERTIES & . ',. . I .-~ SAFE LOADS SEE F:'AGES 200 AND 201. " . -' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -=~-=-~==~======~====-===~============= I STEEL TROUGHING ,, ~ . - 6 -" , . ! I I. cl·:: , - -0), v ' ' ~ i-J ': , ' " ~I ',, ( OJ ... '" 5/. " . . II , , 8 dla, rivet s. 4 pitch ,3" , : ~ ' 3 "" Q) U' :J '-- -- >1 -- 1 O '!...- l~- ->( i\ ;,4"38" ~'I Q) c: c: ..-- -:'t_ -_. , ; - - - , -. - ,, __ ____ ____ , _~=+=::l c:+~--- - -- - " k~~ ~~ + - -- -'- - - -- --- - ~ - 3 ~ )1 r-8 '~ - - -- - -'---'-- - -' ~J C MIN IMUM ' We igh! per -sq. ft , of cov.red are. =24 ' 52 lb. , Section Modulu. = 21 '62_ !< --- 6'!-- ----'->' I " V '. I 'I I I , L'4'" Sja"dia ,riilets ..4'pitch " '61 ,6 " ~ I()I . . . . . ' ,- 'Ii : :1.. , ~I::i ~ ~ f'. I V I /' . I - - '4" .' L , +>1 r: c: .Q) ' ~ , ..J ' . '---'0'" - - ----~I -1 0 "- "I- -->:<- I<-:616;;"-I QlI . I I (?).... . W, '~"../ - - - - - ~ • ~ - - - - - - ~ .: V , I I . - - • - - ~ - - - -: - ~ - - -'-:'" - - - - - - - - - - ", ><':.-3~-> ,<- -3':: ->' i<- - -· '- - --- , ---- -r-8 '~-- -.- - ---':- - ->i, We ight per C MAXIMUM sq , it. of cove red .r.' = 32 '91 Ib,. ' Section Modulus = 30 '6 FOR PROPERTIES &. SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES 200 AND 201 • • G2 /7'1 ", J / I , 194 f1 'I., ' . DORMAN I LONG & CO. LIMITED . STEEL TROUGHING ·,43 S"A 1• I. ",I \ : .' , . 3 1. ". 1'4 d la. ' . rivet s, II' " ~-,," . 4" P itch '-I' COJ ~ ,- u"'I ....J Ol1 . c ,'_ I. v ' 4"'8" J 1 C ~ i:J '301" u·. _ L. I' { Q) . '- I 0. - I *-. - . - . - - ·-1'-0 "-· - , --*-- -~ '307" L. 1 I ~ -1" 0 '~-· . -- . ~ ,, : --- ~------- ' " '~ . - 3~~ I >l f'- ' ~ - -' -· - -- - - -- -- -2 '-0" .---.-.- -.--.-' '-' -"71 k- .~ 3 I %" ;, ----, ..---- ----- .. .... ------ -- ---- --- - Cl MINIMUM Weight pet sq. ft. of covef~q ar •• ~ 26 '261bs . Section Mod ulus . = 36 ' 57 II! , ' \325'" !: I: ' ,I i ~ . <l> ~I.~ ~( '# OJ t<-"62 5"\. ,,, I '40\" L '3/4'd ia. r ive ts.l 1 f/ 4 "pitch Il> i '- 'OJ c iE ' !. - - -1'0~ ' -1 ' \ ' , . - · - · -1,0 y( , , (401" " , .1 - --~ . - - - - ~ .•. . . _________ _____'t'. ____ . : ... __________ ________ ___ ~ . I ,I " ' ' , 311 " _ I k:·- 3 "14- · ~: ' :~" 3 14';>! . , , j<--'-:-'---'"- -- ' - 2'- 0"--- - -- .-------- .--1 I I - . A Cl MAXIMUM Weight per sq . ft. of covered area ~ 35 ·02 lb. ~ect i on Modulu. = 51 '45 • FOR PROPERTIES' &. SAFE LOADS SEE PAGES. 200 A.ND 201. • "'I 0 :u J "0 :u .... 0 "0 '"~ : - ~-- - - -- '" III V I ll' . Centre Line l'. .. ~ i , ~ "'I '" ·0 » 3: r0 c Z fIJ 3: c (IJ '"'" 3: -I ' ~""""-A'5# i, I Centre .Line , , 367" I .I I I . III ' . , I '- %"dia, rivets. 4'pitCh . / l!;/ . , ~ ,;) '5" I . . : : m '" Z 0 I\) 0 ~ r i 0 -f i I fI"I. fI"I I t-< Z (;") lJ 0' . l~ • ~-- - ---~ - - --.- , ---_------ 2'-8"'------·- - - -· -----.-'---------'>1 .... (J) ) _Z 1'-0" : II) ~ ~i ~ -f ~:~ 4~~ _+ ----------~---------- -- --,--*--- L -,----------- --------------------~ -~==--4=Y.?="~ -~ -U 0 0 I ·l---------- -- - r-4':...:- ----.L --l- -,----- 1'-4"- ~ -_ - ------J. I t:I 0 , 9 - --v -+; N c: ":z:2 Q , - II go 118 II t:~ ..... ...., tTl o MINIMUM Weignt per sq. ft, Df cDvered .rea = '28·78 Ibs Section Modulus: 72' 67 t:1 -... - ._ -- -= m -~- -- -- ..., o D 11 D o iI ,~. - -- PI :JI 9 d- __ . -I m. f ~ PI r o :> 'S: III PI PI ' 508"~! ' C - 1'-4" I <7> l'-O W': ! ! -I 0 ~ G') (") . : • -- '-1- --8- - -- - :D C -.--- -~! . .' i rw1 I ! -7 ,___________ .. _.. _. _... __ . ___ J------- --~- -c- --------- -- --- ----- --~_ __+........I , A4W ' . . 4J2 lt~- -.::.:..~- - - -·- · ---·- - - :.....,,~·-8~ . -.- --- - -__ - - -.-::~ - - ~·t1 t;) : ! *- - - :I: Z - C> N ~ o D MEDIUM :> II) o ~ ~ .0 t""" ..... ....>-Is: tTl o 2 C z : / .. 4 "PitCh I :> s: ~ t""" 3,..1.4"d la. - rivets. - :s: ~. en -I r 1 <E----- - - - - ~ PI ! o . ! j . I IT! 11 1'1 IJI Centre Line I: "'II o ' -I :> IJI V 1 m o 0 0 ::tl 1' 756 '. / Centre Line I!I . . ~ Wei ght .. per sq. ft. ot cov.e,.-e.d area = 40 -5 Ibs 0 • Seclion Mooulus : 103· :>4 ( .' - ' -. '. II " "l 0 :Ii "::u0 . ~--- ." '"-I ~t - ---~ 1:1 0 ::u 1I ·IPi V . III go » "l PI 0 ,... ~ 0 ~ J> 1/1 ' PI '" 11 » '"" 1/1 I\) . . -X ~ C .~ ~! . )4"d ia. rivets. II , ! 1/1 0 1/1 Centre Line Centre Line ,'- . u/ r ! !I " . . 4"pitch I I 1'-1 : ./ i' '636" i. I f ~.--------- ~- 1'-4"---:--'1---+-------.:1'-4"...:.. --'-- - ------- ~ , i '--.. .k---4~~--": . _~__...(.- ------------ -- - r---'---------.--'• I . o· ' I ______*. --__ -___ : -___________________--____ --------"-k----4W':--.i . ~ ~_ - ' ~-- ' » II 2-8 - - - - . I ~ -t z JTI JTI ~ r -t r' 0 R> 0 z Q lJ c . C) :r ("') 0 -Z r' ...... C) ~ ...... ' -----'------- ~i ~ tIl o 0 I --.,----"---1 ~ (J) -'1:1 MAXIMUM Weight per sq: fl. of covered area = 51 -83 Ibs 2 C Section Modulus ~ 135 '8 II) 0 :-" .I • -- - -- - -~ -- -- -- .;-- -.- -::. , - -.. -~ .- , ...G :~ . - -9 ~' -· - '. v '5" !II 'lI II ~, -t 1'1 ~-- . 01 \I" IT! 01 s: "'l 1'1 ...0 'j> Centre LIne --........, . , ~ Y's"dia, rivets, i.. 375 ; 4 " pitch , f-3 Y4' Z S ~/ I c s· 67" L '-> ~ 01 01 ., 'lI . J> I r I I i -"':.4_Y2_'C.._->_: . __ _.__ ._._. __ .__ : _3'_QH_ .-_ . _ . _._,.. _. _ 1'1 III 0 III ~-·-4~~· ._' _._. » Z r 0 -t 0 1"1 J'Tl I, C ............ J .. " ... .. ......._.. ...... __.. _...... __ .__ ........ _~==±:::,\ ~ ~ -I CJ) :0 I -5" ::tJ I ._._ ...j " PI PI " t1 0 :!> .. I II ;1> L'·367" ' 0, - 1'1 ~ ---')' Ic---'" Centre Une " 0 'lI - 0 r' z ~ C) (") :t 2 .0 C>' t'"' t--< ~. ...... >--:l ttl .t1 E MINIMUM . Weighl ..p' pr .Sq~\.ft .. o~- ~overed area:; 3 ~bS ' . '" ." - :, ' . .. :- .- ,,' S~ti9n Modu,us =104 .61 ... L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----"--_....!!...-,.-" - .., I " 1 ,0 , ' A ~ I 0 PI II -I (J) ..,» 1'1 r 0 » , a 111 III 1'1 1'1 "0 » Gl 1'1 I, I rn ~ ~ X :;: c ~ I , I 1 _ /; ,1<____ __ _ _-"- I 0 : !, , 1'-514" , I , 1 . "'---.7'8" dia rivets. L I J/ - -r-6"- - --- --+- -- ->:<-- -,- - --- - -f-6~ -- 4 "pitch ~ ;J> Z I fT1 ! I' i -f I i -------->1 U!~->I 1<- ------' -- - -------- --------3'-O~ --- - ---~--------, --'------.;.1 E MAXIMUM Section Modulus = 203-87 en :;d is: , (TI i "', 0 -i I I Weight per sq, fl, of covered area = 56 , 7 6 Ibs • "~I Centre Line , I\) I\) 0 ,636" : I i ! I ' _ _-+----1. --- ----- ---- -- ----- ---- ----. ---: --.. --- - .... --_.. ------- ------. ----. ---- --- -------'>-,,_':"::'-. -4 ;I..-.-+_"';'V:::"":"_--.J I, 1'\" i<-4~~ -~ ~/' / /" L .~ ! ! I 1'1 '" i ~ Centre Line 1/ , "0 I' I, "0 II 1 • II (J) I 1<C-----9 - - - - - ')1 ::0 0 C G') J: 2 0 Z Q ~ l") - .' G) I' 0 .... is: ..... t-l tTl .0 200 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , STEEL TROUGHING. I K-----6-----"-, I - I 1I .i I ~i -' ...JI , , , , ') ci OJ , iI .' C1 Min. C. Max. O. Min. B. Max. B. Min. A. Max. A. Min. 0 _ Max. O. Min. .~I c' > (l! __________t ______.__ _____________ __ _ AND PROPERTI ES. Thickness of Flange Thickness of Web ' Centres Depths WI<lth of Flange C 0 t3 T t I I I , I i"-----,-- - - - - - - - -C--- - - - - - - - - - -·->j ft. in. C1Max. 0) ' I Ibs. D_ Min. - -- -, , -- ! Weight per sq. ft. Reference of covered Mark area In . D. Med_ c' :Ji ~ DIMENSIONS D. Max. Q)I ~,L.t D I UI, ~ , I - -- , , , ~, ( <:T { , Rivets Dia. 1Pltoh . Section Modulus for width .4' C" H. in. im:i, ins. ins. ins. ins . I 1 9 1 ·000 ·756 ·500 ·636 ·508 ·367 % % 4 4 4 135·80 103·54 72·67 ·401 ·307 % 4 4 51 ·45 36·57 51, 83 40·50 28·78 2 2 2 8 8 8 1 O~ 1 0 35'02 26·26 2 0 2 0 9% 9 7~ ·625 ·438 32'97 24·52 1 8 1 8 7% 7 6 6 ·616 ·438 '400 '300 % % 4 4 30 ·60 21 ·62 28·00 21·80 1 4 674, 6 5% 5% ·503 '375 ·304 '240 % 4 % 4 17·50 13·50 23 ·10 17·61 1 2 1 2 5~ 4% 4 4~ ·247 ·188 Yz 5 ·453 ·336 % 4 11 ·05 8·40 18·84 15·32 1 0 4%, 4Ys 4 4 '370 '297 ·193 ·156 Yz 4 % 4 1 4 1 0 9 9 7~ • % % 6·48 5·27 LONG & DORMAN, LIMITED. CO. '. STEEL TROUGH lNG, SAFE LOADS IN CWTS. PER SQUARE FOOT. I SPANS IN FEET' Reference Mark 6 .. - 12 10 ;J.4 16 118 .---- 20 22 ~- I 24 ----- 26 28 - -- .. .. O. Max. O. Min. B. Max. B. Min. 31·6 1"'8 11 ·4 24·4 13'7 8·8 7'9 6 ·1 5·8 4'5 4'4 3·4 ·. ·. ·. .. .. .. . .. .. A. Max. A.Min. 22'8 12·8 8·2 17 '3 9 ·7 6·2 5· 7 4·3 4·2 3·2 ·. ·. ·. .. ·. .. ·. O.Max. O.Mln. 15'6 8·8 12 '7 7·2 ·. .. ·. ·. .. ·, ·. .. .. 5·6 3'9 4·6 3'2 -,- - ·. .. .. ·. .. .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. .. .. .. ·, .. .. ·. .'. ·. .. ·... .. .. .. ·. .. .' -. SAFE DISl'RIBUTED LOADS IN TONS FOR WIDTH 1Fe.'1 SPANS IN FEET , 6 8 ·. ·. D. Max. D.Med. D. Min. .. Cl Max. C1 Min. ·. ·. C. Max. C. Min. ·... B. Max. B. Min. 32 .. 0 1 Max. O' Mln. Reference Mark 30 · . 44 -1 30·6 22'5 17'2 13-6 11-0 9·1 7·7 6'5 5'6 4·9 4·3 · . 33·7 23-4 17·2 13 ·1 10·4 8·4 7·0 5' 8 5·0 4'3 3·7 3·3 · . .. 23'0 16·4 12·0 9·2 7·3 5'9 4·9 4'1 3'5 3'0 2·6 · . .. .. 22·3 15'5 11'4 8"7 6 '9 5·6 4'6 3'9 · . · . · . .. · . ·. ·. 15 ·8 j I '0 8· 1 6·2 4'9 4·0 3'3 .. .. · . 24·8 15·9 11'0 8·1 6·2 4·9 · . · . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. · . · . 17 ·6 11 ·2 7,,8 5·7 4·4 3'5 · . · . · . .. D. Max. D.Med. D.Mln. ;.:~ . 8 .. 10 12 14 16 18 20 I~ 24 26 28 30 32 58·8 49·0 42·0 36·8 32'7 29·4 26'7 24'5 22'0 21 ·1 19'6 18 ·4 . 44·9 37'4 32·1 28·0 24·9 22'4 20'4 18 ·7 17·2 16 ·0 . 14'9 140 · . 31·5 26·2 22'5 19·7 17'5 15 ' 7 14·3 13'1 12·1 11·2 10 '5 .. .. .. ·. 22·3 18 '6 15'9 13'9 12·4 11'1 10' 1 9 ·3 15 '8 13·2 11 ·3 9·9 8·8 7·9 7·2 · . 16·6 13'3 11 '0 9'5 11'7 9·4 7· 8 0·7 12·6 9'5 9·7 'l'3 A. Max. A. Min. 8'0 6·1 O. Max. O. Min. 4-7 3-5 3·8 2·9 7'6 5·8 6·0 4·8 4 '5 3'6 2·8 2·3 6'3 4'9 5·4 4 '7 4·2 3·6 4'0 3·4 3'0 2-6 2·3 . 1'9 8·3 5·8 .. ·. .. ·. ·. · . .. .. .. .. ·. 7'4 5·2 ·. .. .. .. .. .. ·- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. · . .. .. ·. .... ·. .. .. .. .. .. ·. -. ·. ·- .. .. .. .. .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·- .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ·. .. .. · . · . .. -. -. ·. .. ·. .. .. .. .. .... ,, 202 DORMAN. - . CO. LIMITED. LONG & ---- . ,.. , . .. ,S TEEL TROUGHING. f ~.- .. I " I I w! ~! I I ~I .. 5i / , , I A I ,, .., L t ~I CI) , , , :§I LE I , !i. , .. \: ~I .> , I I i - . - , - . - , -.- . ~ ~ . - , -,- , -,- , - , DIMENSIONS . 11 Reference ' Mark I I WeIght per It. 0 covered Oentrcs Depths area in Ibs. C 0 51' ,';'I1' ,I ""r ............... __. . . i. "..c. """ ..................... _. i ,II ,I . ", 0 .7 I .~ ,, '~I v->: B- 56;76 32'6 3 0 3 0 o~ :Eli< ~ PROPERTI ES. "'~ '" .e~ ~- ~fJ ~~ ,..0 B 1 Section Modulus for Pitcb width ThjcllWidth ness Dia. -t - - ,A- T RIvets Flats :!j"" in.s . ins. ins. in~ . 15~ 9 13'):1 9 1'000 ·500 ·636 ·367 7 7 It. in. It. in. E. Max. E. Min. --""=.. AND -E- "e" - ius. ins. % % % % ins, 4 203'87 104· 61 4 :' , , I , , SAFE j , Reference Mark LOADS IN CWTS. PER SQUARE SPANS IN FEET '~ 14 18 18 20 22 24 • 28 1 28 30 32 ---- - - . E. Max. E. Mih'. FOOT, 30'9 23 '0 18'2 14'7 12 ' 2 10·2 8·7 15 ·4 11·8 9·3 7'5 6·2 5'2 4·4 7·6 ' 6',5 3·8 3'3 5'7 2·9 34 36 38, 1 40 -,, -- -- I ~ 5'I 4'5 2' 3 4'1 '/3' 7 2·1 1· 9 2·6 I I SAFE DISTRIBUTED LOADS IN TONS FOR WIDTH ( I C." SPANS IN FEET Beference Mark 14 E. Max. E.Min. _ _"!l:'..- ' 18 ~ 20 22 24 26 28 30 3Q 3,4 36 38 140 - ' -' - '- 63,1 55'2 49'1 44 ·2 40·2 36 '8 34·0 31·8 29·4 27 '6 26·() 24'5 23'2 22·1 32.4 28 '3 25 ·2 22·7 20·6 18·9 17-4 16' 2 15 ·1 14·2 13'3 12'6 11 '9 11" 3 ROAD CONSTRUCTE.D "E MAX." . - - C---->\<---- I BRIDGE OF TROUGHING. • t""' I ' C--~ ->I<---- o z o C---->i CROSS SECTION .pp STRENGTB: . OF TROUGHING AS SHEViN FOR 30' - 0" SPAN. Ministry' of Transport Loading. including Impact, as shewn on page 254, the loads from 2 passing whe€ls being taken as distributed over 2. Widths "C" = 6' - 0". DEAD LOAD, ' Inclusive load per square ioot = 2 cwts. . 2T . Total Dead Loa(l = 30' x 6' x20 = 18 tons. MAXIJI'!U1YI BENDING MOMENT. Live Load 360" 2412 inch ·tons. S- 81 0 Total Bending Mome.nt. 3222 T Dead Load=18 . X II If " " "E MAX." TROUGHING. Section Modulus of 2 Widths "C" =2 X 203·87= 407'74. Stress. 3222 407. 74 7·9 tons per square inch. ' NOTE. The al:>ove type of bridge floor is adaptable t.o 'any width of roadway, allowance having been made foc more than one line of traffic with the p<)ssibility of 2 wheels passing within a 6 foot width of floor. \-Vhere the' width of roadway will pennit onlvone line of traffic, the wheel load may · be taken as distributed. over a greater. '.vidth of ~u~n ~ . r c c BRIDGE ROAD CONSTRUCTED "c OF COMPOUND MAX." TROUGH I GIRDERS AND DECKI NG. " If-C - ~!~C - ~- - C ! . j --'>: PART LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH DECKING (j ~~------------ - - - , I' ---12-0 .o J --~-.----------------~ CROSS SECTION . STRENGTH OF ' TROUGHING AS SHEWN (MAIN GIRDERS 12' - 0" CENTRES). LIVE LOAD. MAXIMUM BEND1NG MOMENT. . Li.ve Load ,. i),finistry of .Transport Loading, including ImpaCt, as' shewn on page 254, distributed over 2 Widths "C" = 3' -4". ..... - d T '-~d 3~ X ~ 144" ., .u~a ""'" = . DEAD LOAD. Inclusive load' per square foot . - Total Dead Load = 12" Total Bendiiig Moment' .. = 1'1., cwts. 10' 1% L X"'3 x '~ = 3 toos_ = = = 399incb-wos. 54 " " 450 " " "C MAX .' TROVGH1NG . Section Modulus.of 2 Widths" C" = 2 X 30·6 = 61·2. Stress == = 7·4 tons per ;;quare inch. i(D2 . ." 1 .' " ROADBR I DGE -CONSTRUCTED - OF" "B PLATE GIRDERS AND MAX:." TRQUGHDECKI NG. I I I .. I 0 0 .~ 1<- C -¥- C"*- C4I ~ PART LONGITUDINAL SECTION ' THROUGH OESKING ~Z t""' 0 Z .c;') pP n 0 , '" ---,--- 8-0 ------ t""' ..... :;: ...... ..., CROSS SECTION STRENGTH OF -TROUGHING AS SJlEWN (MAIN GIRDERS'8': O" CENTRES). LIVE LOAD . . Ministry of Transport Loading, including Impact, as shewn on page 254, distdbqted over 3 Widths " C " = 4 ' - 0". DEAD LOAD. Inclusive load per square foot = 2 cwts. 2 T. Total Dead Load=8 ' x 4' X 20 = '3-2 tons. • tTl MAXIMUM BENDING MOMENT. .= 349inch -tons. Live Load DeadLoad = 3 · 2 T • X 9f:I' '8 Total Bending Moment = 38 " = 387 " "B MAX." TROUGHlNG. Section Modulus of 3 Widths "C" =3 x 17-5 =52'5 . ~ = ;;:5 = 7 · 4 tons per square inch. II .0 . ROAD CON-STRUCTED OF LATTIC·E . "Cl MIN." GIRDERS, . TROUGH 1+ - - - - - __ - _________________ I BRIDGE CROSS . ~ GIRDERS AND FLOORING. 24'- 0" ______ .________ ______ ___. __>i I CROSS SECTION STRENGTH OF TROUGHINGAS SHE\\'N (CROSS GIRDERS 12'-0" CENTRES). LivE LOAD. JvLAXIMU]v[ BENDll'lG JlfOMENT. ... . 144" Ministry of Trans port Loading, including Impact, as she""Il on Live Load = 22 T . X ---:;rpage 254, the loads from 2 passing wheels being taken as 144.'1. Dead Load ·= 4·S T . x distributed Over 3 Widths" C " = 6' - 0". 792 inch-tons, --:s- . DEAD LOAD_ Inclusive load per sguare foot Total Dead Load = 12' X 6' . Total Bending ",loment = 1~ cwts. l~T. X 20 = 4-5 tons. "C\ MIN.H 'TROUGHrnc'. .... 81 - " " 873!, " - - Section Modulus of 3 Widths" C" = 3 x 36-57 Stress = ;~~ = 8 tons per squ are inch_ = 109·71 .. BRIDGE FOR SINGLE CONSTRUCTED "D MIN." OF PLATE TROUGH L1NE GIRDER S RAILWAY AND FLOORING. " j(cc--C -- c4<-,,--c--PART LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH 'F LOORING -II, . . _ 10 o ::tl ~ ;x:. ...Z t""' o Z '" pP r. o , 4------ ·- -----c.- ... --- IZ'-'·O·:,- -------- - -- -'--------J>\· CROSS SECTION STRENGTH OF TROUGHING AS SHEWN (MAIN GIRDERS 12'- O' CENTRES).. LIVE LOAD_ IvlAXll1iUM BENDING MOMENT. Il'laximum axle load, including Jmp"ct allqwancei" accordance 1008 inch-tons. Live Load=24 T . X 42" Wfth British Standard Specificat ion No. 153. = 48 tons, 144" 90 Dead Load=sT. X -8. 16' " " di sthbuted over two \Nidths. "C 5' - 411 : - - . . " 3 1098 Total Bending Momen t DEAD LOAD. " " "D :ltIIN." TROUGliING. Inclusive load per square ' foot = 1% ~wts. Section Modulus of 2 · Widtbs "C" = 2 x 72'67 = 145·34. f6: pJ"T. 1098 Total Dead Load J 12' x = 5 tons. ~ = Jli5.34 7·6 tons per squ nre inch. H T xio' :::::;:: .-... - . -.-.- --=~ ~ l------~c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_,---------------------------------~------~__r BRIDGE FOR DOUBLE LINE RAILWAY CO-NSTRUCTED "0 OF MAIN· GIRDERS\. CROSS GIRDERS AND MEO."TROUGH FLOORING. r' o zc;J' -- ~ - ~ - - - - - - . - . .. - . - . , . . - . . . - - - - - 25' - 0", - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - .- - - - - - - - - -or: CROSS SECTION STRENGTH OF TROUGHlNG AS SHEWN (CROSS GIRDERS 13' -0" CENTRES). LIVE LOAD. MAXIMUM BENDL''[G MOMENT. Equivalent uniformly distributed live load, including' Impact T Live Load=108 2106 inch-tons. , , • X 156" 8 allowance in accordance with British Standard Specification No. 153, = 108 ton&, supported by 3 Widths "C" Dead Load= 12T• X 156" 234 11 Ii 8 =8'-0". Total Bending Moment " " DEAD LOAD. "D MED." TROUGHING. , ,Inclusive load per square foot = 2~ ewts. Section Modulus of 3 Widths "C'-' = 3 X 103'54~ 310'62. 21!T. Total Dead Load ~ 13' X 8' X:w ~ 12 tOilS. Stress = , 2340'6° , = 7· 6 tOllS per square inch. - 31- 2 Gut:] DORMAN; LONG & CO. LIMITED. .. NOTES ON " , PRESSED AND BU IL T- UPtFLOORI NG. , The flooring' shewn on the preceding pages is composed of ,Rolled Troughing. ' , , ' Alternative forms of constructio'n may . be obtain~cl by the use of either;. (Al ,'P ressed Floo:ring as shewll on the. next six pages. (B) Built-up Flooring ,'as iUu stra,t ed below , (el' 'Cambered or Bu ckled Plates 'as illus,t rated below, , , , , ', Va riations of (~) and (e) c'art be a.,rranged to suit the 'rcquiremenls' of pa.rticular cases, .., 9 9 I>"" , if ~ , t;.. 4 TY·PES OF ~ 8UI~T-UP F"LOORING . • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 0 ~ ..... ..;z;;t;' CAMBERED P"LATES. BUCKLED PLATES. , On pages 209E and 2091" pa rticulars are gi ven of Pressed Steel Kerb Plates;. other sections c"n be supplied where the tonnage required is sufficient to warrant the ,preparatJOn of suitable tools, r~' i '1 I'--------,'-'-- .--------------~----<" -'- DORMAN, LONG & CO,,,, LIMITEp . • PRESSED STEEL TROUGH TI~ I D " r t Ne utral Axis ; 'rt T - ,- I' ! i Y ---.li , ~+= _' : ,- ,- - SECTIONS. , ." _ ._, ,I" I~- ' -~C- - - ' -+I , , , SINGLE TRO UGH WITH LAP JqlNI I SINGLE TROUGH WIT H BUT,T JOI NT , , ' ~T:iLI I- · --C -·-~ I ~- · -C- - -~I • . DOUBLE TR OUGH WITH LAP JOINT , Seotipn , 0 C t ins.' ft. Ins. ins. 1 2 3 15 3 0 " " " " ~ ,/:, 4 12 2 8 B " " " " " " " " 'I"., I 5 7 " 8 10 10 11 " 9 " " " 2 4 % % % % % " " " " " " 2 4 :~4 Single Lap " 16 17 18 9 2 0 r;{t . "" "" % " 19 9 2 0 II "" "" " " " " " " " " 15 20 21 " " " " " " " '. 1 :2 " ," " " " " " " " " " Butt " 2 4143 Single " " " " " " 10 " ;1 " " % .:.% v.; '~~ % Y2 % --_ - -- - - % ¥Z :% " MinI~um Modulus'ol Area' of Weight Section ( In~ludtDg ' Dim6ll- Complete Slope (inelu,ding: Rivets) sion ' - Seott'on (Including of cover for /-' per ,o;q. ft. eover for Webs Huited V covered ,Butted Trough) Trough Joint Trough) lbs . ins. ' ins." ...!9~ ..._--Type Ref. Mark I , 1[ , " " " " " Sin gle Butt " " " " " " Single Lap II II " " I[ " " " " " "" " " " 44 ,35 36 ,96 2957 50,86 42 , 4,8 34, 10 8'68 8 ,61 8 ,53 180S9 161 ,08 , 121 ' 24 38 ,57 49 ,85 41 ,65 33 ·45 7 -13 7,06 6 ' 98 6 ,90 . 129, 17 107 , 9486 '62 65 , 19 32' 14 25 ,71 19 ,28 2(j ' 26 33 ,71 28" 09 22 ·48 16 '86 49 ,61 41 ,42 33 ,23 25'05 31 ,30 2613 20 ,95 15 -74 .. 6 -11 94' 40 6 ,04 5,96 5,88 78 ' 84 63 ,24 47 ' 58 45 ,85 88,82 30 ,76 28 ·17 5 ,58 5,54 5'50 5, 47 84,02 71 ,23 57 ,99 44 -,28 24 ,59 42 ;37 19 ' 67 14- ,75 .8'4 ' 01 25 ,65 5 ,50 5 ' 42 5·34 60,85 48,78 36 ,69 22 ,94 18 ,39 18 ,82 39 ,28 31,55 23,78 5 ,05 5'0,1 4,97 54'45 44,41 33,97 PRESSED STEEL T R OUGHING , The tabular loads are based on an extrerne' n br,e stress of 8 tons per square inch and include the. weight of the troughing itself . The (lI eaS and. Section Moclllii tabula ted are for one complete unit as pressed, in which case t hese prop.e rties for double troughs are for the cori1ple te ~,ec ti on . In the case of t.rOllghs with " butt" join ts tb e iabulated properties incl ude for tb e covers. ' I.J.van • DORMAN, LONG' & . CO. LIMITED. PR·ESSED STEEL TROUGH ' SECTIONS. or-J · I o ·' .I y . ~h _..L. . t '- ' -' . ,I . Tok· -1- - JJ~l . I . ._ 1 '-+--'j ' I I N.e utral Ax i s T ·- . '- I' :D I .'f~ utr".!. AXIS , _t_ . 1 ' 1 ,_ I~ -·-.:, -' C -'· .- j'<- ',- ' - ' C - -~ . , " 9T~N.~!~.~ AXi~~~.tI ~" , - '-" l~-· -C- ·-). I~·DOUBLE TROUGH WITH ' ! - C- ->-1 LAPJOI~T . ." , .IIISTRPBUTED DEAD LOADS IN ·O-WTS. PER SQUARE FOOT ' .,' ·-,>-i SIN'GLE TROUGH WITH LAP JOINT SINGLE TROUGH WITH BUll JO INT , 1_ _ I • Ref. Mark SPANS IN FEET 1 8 ,19 2 3 5 -60 6 ',SIS 4 ' - - 61-67 81S ' 88- 26 ·86 20 '"18 15,95 12 -92 10 -68 8·97 7 ' 64 6'69 22 -08 1687 13 -88 10 -79 8 ·92 7-49 6 -89 6 -51 - - 43 -18 29'98 - - . 34 ' 6!) 24 ,06 17-6S 18 '. 68 10 -69 8 ,66 7-16 6 -02 6,13 4·42 5 6 7 .. 26 ·08 18 ' 11 18 -80 10 , 19 9-05 6·62 5 -39 4-58 3-86 8·88 8 9 . .. 10 -. 11 ' ,- 43-1.6 86 ·04 2S :91 21 -76 29-97 25 -03 20 ·08 16-10 22 -02 18 -39 14-75 11-10 16-S618-32 14-0811 -12 11 ·29 8·92 8 ,60 6-71 10·79 9-01 7 ·23 ,(;.44 8 :92 7-46 5 -97 4-49 .. · ·. 88 -41 32-56 26 ·51 20 ·24 26 -67 22 -61 is'41 14 ' (,)6 19 -60 16-61 13·68 10·38 15, 00 ·11--85 12·72 '10 ' 06 10:86 I S' 18 791 6 ' 25 9-60 8·14 6·63 6,06 7·94 6 -78 5 ' 48 4 ' 18 12 13 14 , ·. 15 1 50 ·71 82·45 22 ·54 16'66 12 ·68 '10·01 811 16 1-7 40 ,6626 ' 02 lS .. 07 18·27 10 ' 16 S' 08 6 ,50 18 30 ·57: 19·57 18 ·59 9,, 98 7 ' 64 !.'j 6" 04 4'S9 · .. , ·. 19 45 ·37:29'0420'17 14 ' S2 11·34· 8·96 7·26 · . 20 87 ' 00128 ' 6S /16 ' 45 12 ' 08 1 9'26 : 7·81 6·92 · . 21 28 ·3118·1212·58 9 ·24 7 ' 08 1 5 ' 59 .4 ' 53 · . . I · - - ·- -. , - , . .. ·. ·. ·· . , ·. ·. .. - - ·. - - -- ,, , , .. -, ,, , .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. - - . -' - ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·, .. ..- -·.. ·. . ·. , ·..·. , .... -- ..- .. -. -, .. ,,. .. --- ·. -.. . ·· .. ·. ·. ·. , -. .. ·. ·. , -. - , ·. ·. ·. ·. . ·. , . , I , (I ,. ·· .- .... -. PRESSED STEEL TROUGHlNG. The tabulnr loads are based on a n ext reme fIbre stress of 8 ton s pe.r sql1ltre inch and inclu de .the weight of tbe , troughing itself. The areas and Section Moduli tnbuln ted are for one cample.te unit a" pre,,~ed , in IVhich case t bese properties for d()llble trough, "<Ire for thy comple te 'seetion'. In the case· of troughs with" butt" joints · t~e tabu lated prDper ti~ inclucie for the cove's " I . , , r. . , ' ' , , II ! ! I .t r l J , .,- ' 209c .', .::'. .'..:. . ' :, . , ~ : I STEEL TROUGH.' SE~T'lO~S. ,PRESSED I 1 1 II I, I • I ' _;-. Neutrall Ax~.J -.: .. !' . Y ...il.4 . I : I~i ~~~tr~1 Ax~ _'=t!. JJ~l~ ,_I I . , 1 i~---. · ' C-'---4 SINGLE TROLIGH WIT~ LAP JOINT I , SINGLE'TROllGH WITH BUTT JOINT I . 1 T'- Neutr7f r~\~~iSb ' -,il f- ·--· c'- - ~I.(- · -c ' ~i 1 1 1 1 - , . 1- -·.-·_' c- · - .>1 Ir I 'i ' . 12 ' r--h 1 II ... -,- ..:.i~ I·"" . I DOUBLE TROUGH WITH LA'p JOINT .. ., Section Ref. ra:.ark ... _ ., , '-: I I •, I I '_I I ' tl , ,: , ,\' • I f , 1 ! 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 38 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 0 ',c ins. tt. Ins. 7% 2 0 ';4 " ".. ".. % 7'li, 2 0 " " " "2 "0 , II " 7% ". . 6 " " 6 " " 4 I I' 1 ' i i: ~ i! ~ " " " " 1 8 " " " " 1 8 " " -~ Yo % }:;t';: '1"0' Single }? " 1t6" % ·i~G· " " " " y. 5 " " " " " " " % " "1 6" " " 2 6 " " " % "6 'J " " " Double 1'), ';4 " Single 7& ';4 1 '4 .) _._ - " " ."' I Minimum ~OdUlusot Area 01 Weight . Section (includingDlmen- Complete Section Slope (including Rivets) sian (including of cover for ft. cover ·for Webs Butted persq_ Y covered Butted • Trough) t . Trough Joint Trough) Ibs. Ins. ins. 2,'1: Ins_ -_Ins." ... Type ~'Ia % 1:. I r. . %: .'1< y. " Double ... . 1 ;2 " " Butt Lap ,"" " " .',' " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ." " " " Single " " " . Butt 1:2 " " " " " " " " " " 60° " " " 18 -74 14,06 11 -72 17'47 13 .13 10 ,95 33,58 25,22 21'03 10 -98 9-16 7-34 20,92 17' .45 13,97 16,98 18-88 10 ,67 18 ,55 10 ,47 12-39 10,8.4 12-78 10-22 32-43 24·46 20 ,69 29,97 22'60 18 ,96 28 ,69 21,58 18,04 22-74 19 ,10 16,48 21,61 18 ' 00 14·50 20·60 17-111, 13-79 21 -13 17 -66 14 -20 21 ,i2 17-69 14-30 4 ,60 '4- 52 4-48 4,,21 4'18 4,16 4-11 4,06 4 -04 3,41 3-39, 3'38 3 -80 8'28 3 -26 2 -26 2,23 2'21 2,79 2 ,.77 2,76 8 -09 3-05 3-01 40-76 30'67 26 ,60 36 ,81 28 -26 28 ,83 78,88 66,09 47-20 18,61 16 ,73 12,77 36,95 31,16 25-24 19 ,09 ,16-18 18 -17 27 ,88 28-14 18-78 26,68 21 -48 17,26 , PRESSED STEEL TROUGHING, The tab~la r I()t,ds are ba",d on an extreme 1ibr~ ,tress of 8 tons per ,qt)are inch and inc\nile the weight 0/ the troughing itself. , Tbe areas and Section Modul.i I.abulated are for one complete uni t as presse,d, in ,yhich case these properties for double troughs are for the complete section , In the case of troughs with" butt" joints the tabulated properties in~lud~ for the COver~. " DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. PRESSED : ':J~I STEEL \\ Neutral Axis .1 I t I~-' ,-_. _' - ' LI II ',_,__ I , , ~ . _Neutral' ~ _n , ' ' f- ._1 I+--- -, -' c -. ---,--;.j c-· - -+I ,~ I 1~;~IA~ ~ t 'I SINGLE TROUGH WITH BUTT JOINT , SECTIONS. L .r-h oi'T'- '- - !. y I. _I ,_ ~ __ L --4.-. TROUGH I ,J. i1 n SINGLE TROUGH WITH LAP JOINT , I ilx;st~rLr 0 i I ' I-l --r- " '="= I ,'t- -c-· - ;.I.;......,·-C - ·->j 1 , DOUBLE TRO,UGH WITH LAP JOINT --~--.---------------- -- ------------ I I 1 ~I , I ,I i" I i PRESSED STEEL. TROUGHING. The tabular load, are bu,ed on all extreme fibre ~tre'5 of 8 tons per , quare inch and include the weight of the troughing ibell. " ' . The areas and S:e ction lVlocluli tabulated are lor 'one complete 'u nit a~ pressed, in which ca,e these proper tie, for double trough, ar,e ,for tile coinpJete ,ectioo, In the case of tro,ughs with" butt " jO!J\t, tlie ·tabula,ted ,Properties in,e lude lOr the covers, HI i I ,l J, 209E DORMAN, LORG & CO . . LIMITED . .. PRESSED STEEL TROUGH Tr~T ,I I 1 SECTIONS. I - '- 1 i-·--·-·-C ~· -·~ Weight Section Ref. Mark p 1 -+i Area of of Dimension Section Section per sq. foot Covered y Minimum Section Modulus lbs. Ins. Ins.' 12 ·7 C t .Ins. ft. ins. ins. sq. ins. 60 61 6 1 6 9 ·2 . 20'8 8·5 8 ·4 10'6 5 ~1.~ '7'6 6 ·1 17·3 62 % 1'1: 'A 13'9 3 ·4 8'0 5j~ " " " " .- -', - - 9 -......Y._ f t-· . '-- '- ~ '--'-'- y . I _,,_ I ;<- . - - . - - C - - . --'--;0.1 63 3 64 2Hi I 1 II -t'l, 6-'1 14·6 . 1 ·8 I " " \4 4,,9 11·6 1 ·8 NOTE. The tabular loads shewn in above tables ~re ba'ied all an extreme fibre stress of 8 tons per square inch and incl'lde the weight of the Troll glling itseU. PRESSED STEEL KERB -f~( t e 3 [" PLATES . S.t J1 /8 ' / '16 1/.1' , or /4 .I...I'~~~~c--.:' t -;1 ~~ II ~~ 1+-!-'--'--'--'-~- '~·.......i I r-~'-'--'-1'9"- ' -- '-' lJV!'llVlrtr'l, I LV1'i\.r \-U. <X LllVllll!.U.· .. .. . -. ======~~-~ -~.. ~~~========= PRESSED STEEL TROUGH ----,c- . - . - - SECTIONS. :::,==::::::: 1F~T I I (- --·---c-·_-_· ->i DISTRIBUTED DEAD LOADS IN CWTS. PER SQUARE FOOT. ReI. SPANS IN FEET Mark 60 61 82 6 8 10 12 14 16 25 ' 1 209 16 ·8 14 ·1 11,8 9·4 9 ·0 7 ·5 6, 0 6·8 5·2 4·2 4·6 8·8 8·1 3·5 2 ·9 2·4 . ·T-..ff·~"~-.~ f - ' - ' ~--y ....Y· _ I- v, - 1 ....-- .- ---c - . __ .,.. . ."..I 83 8,2 4·6 2,9 2'0 Hi 1 ·1 64 6 ·5 3·6 2·3 1 -6 1 -2 0-9 NOTE. The t;1bulalC 1011<1$ ,hown in nbo\-'\' table, (ire based on an extreme libte , tre,s of 8 tons pet square inch alHI inclui1e the. weight of the 'I'roughing itself. PRESSED STEEL . t c 5/ " / ,. 0 I" r /, t . KERB PLATES. · DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , ' . :... OLD BRITISH . STANDARD , AND OTHER SECTIONS. I ' H~ . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMItED. DIMENSIONS; . PROPERTIES, &c. OF • OLD BRITISH· STANDARD AND OTHER BEAMS, 'CHANNELS, BULB ANGLES, UNEQUAL & EQUAL ANGLES AND TEES" " , . 2101> " DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. < J ,, , . EAMS. DIM E'NSI ONS AND PROPERTIES . . For sate distribUted lo~ IN see PagQa 210M and :l10N. " Reference ..ark ~ Weight Ske l:t llis. holies S$andard Thlcknediles F1allle t, Web t, . ~. Bil SO " r.i , INCH UNITS. " " JlMIl Oeltr.. 0( Boo. I, Holes ¢ To. r. IJtcb", .- 24 x 7~ 100 '60 1'070 '70 '85' 4'5 2Q ' 2Ox7Yu 89 ' 60 1'010 '70 ' 85 4'5 18x7 75 '55 '92:8 '65 '825 4'0 27 ', 16 x 6' 62 '55 '847 '6.5 " 825 g '5 2$ C I' ~ , I v .- ' ~ *,Aa o , BS!! '26 15 x 6 59 ' 50 '880 ' 60 ' SO 8'5 " 25 15 x 5 42 '42 '647 ' 52 ' 26 2'75 " 24 14 x 6H 57 '50 '873 '60 'SO 3',5 " 23 14x6L 46 '40 '698 ' 50 '25 g'5 , v BSB 22 12 x 6H 54 '50 '883 '60 '30 3'5 21 12 x 6J. 44 ' 40 '717 ' 50 '25 g'5 20 ];2 x 5 32 '35 ' 550 '45 '225 2'75 KSB 19 l.Ox8 70 ' '60 ' 970 '70 '85 4'75 18 10 >< 6 42 '40 '736 '50 '2() 3'5 17 10 x 5 80 ' 36 ' 552 '46 '23 2'75 16 9x7 58 ' 55 ' 924 '65 ' 325 4'0 BSB 18 " 11 9 8x5 28 '35 '575 '45 '225 2'75 "{ x4 16 '25 '387 '35 '175' 2'25 6 x 4'h 20 '37 '431 '47 '235 2'5 2 '5 " ,~~Ii~~ ; " , i " " " , " " 7 5 .x 4'h 18 '29 '448 '39 '195 BSB 6 5 x3 11 ' 22 '876 '32 ' 16 1'5 " 5 4% x 1 % 6'5 '18 '325 ' 28 '14 .. 4 4x3 9 '5 '22 '3$6 '3'2 '16 1'5 2 3 x3 8'5 ' 20 ' 382 ' 30 '15 1'5, " " " , 210E DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. " BEAMS . . DIMENSIONS AND PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. For safe dlstrlbute4 loads see pages 210M lind ,210N . Area Square Inehes About About About About x-x v-v x~x " • Radii of Gyration Inches Moments ot Inertia SectIon Moduli About v-v x-x About Size loehes v-v 29'40 2654 66'92 9 '50 1 ' 50 221 ' 1 J. 7 '84 24 x 7 Y. 26'17 1670 62 ' 63 7 ' 99 1 ' 54 167'0 16,'70 20 x 7V. 22'06 1149 47'04 7'21 i 127'6 13'44 18 x7 ' 46 18'23 725'7 27'P8 6'81 1 '21 17'35 628'9 28'22 6'02 1'27 12'35 428'0 11'81 5'88 16'76 532'9 27'96 5'68 13'53 140'5 21'60 15'88 .375'5 12'94 315'3 9'41 220'0 90 ' 71 9'026 16 x6 83 ' 85 9'406 15 x6 57'06 4'724 15 x5 1'29 76,'12 9'320 5'70 1'26 62'92 7'200 14 x6H 14 x6L ' 28'30 4'86 1'33 62 ' 53 9'433 12 x6H 22'27 4'93 1'31 52 ' 55 7'428 12 x 6L 4'88 1'01 36 ' 66 3'901 12 x5 • 9'753 '978 . 20'60 344'9 71'67 4,' 09 1 ' 86 68'98 12 ' 85 211'5 2:l95 : 4 ' 13 l'S6 42 ' 80 7'650 10 x6 8 ' 82 145'6 4 ' 06 1'05 29'12 3 ' 916 10 x5 17 ' 06 229 ' 6 3 ' 66 1'64 51 '00 9 x7 9 ' 790 46 ' 30 17'91 18'22 10 x 8 - 9'240 '8 9'32 4'706 89'21 5'880 5'290 10'26 8'29 I ' ll 22'38 4'lOio 8 x5 8'414 2'88 , '851 11'20 1 ' 707 7 x4 34'62 5 '415 2'42 '959 11'54 2'406 6 x 4% 22'69 5 ' 664 2'07 ' 1'03 9'0'76 2 ' 517 5 x4% 5'444 '974 5 x3 2'883 ' SOO ' 4~ x 3'760 '854 4 x3 '841 ' 3 x3 . , 3'285 1'912 2'794 2'500 13'61 ., 6'780 1'462, 2'05 '2,6 8 I 1'87 7'520 ; 1'281 1'64 8'787 1'262 1'28 '672 '370 I .. '710 '677 I . 2'52io I%, ., . , , 210F , DORMtW, , LONG & CO. LIMITED., =a: CHANNELS. DIM ENSIO,NS AND Rererence Mark PROPERTIES Size Inches Welgbt tl l' ; J Web 1 , I, Boot r, l Toe ro ~ p X '680 ' 625 '575 ' 630 ' 625 ' 575 'HO '935 ''l25 1'031 ' 'lOO 'S96 '575 ' 312 ' 575 ' 5,75 ' 600 ' 575 ' 'lOO 1 ' 102 ' 200 ' 929 ' 400 ' 983 19'30 '375 X2 7'_ 9 ' 75 ' 280 x 8 1.4 '49 '812 '500 '825 '487 ' 500 ' 350 ' 325 ' 280 ' 437 ,' SOO , .. '\entrlOIGtayfiy - ~»,< I I l' v1: 8 xS " 12 - »! I '844 '547 '988 DLC SSC 9A 6 7 6 DLC 5A SA Sa 5 'Is x 2% 16' OS '437 4 x 3H 14'20 '375 4 x 3L 11'89 '375 'SOO '500 '375 ' 500 '350 '922 '500 'S50 1'081 ' 375 ' ' 260 ' 935 8 2 2A 4 x2 3%x 2 7'9.6 '250 6'75 '250 4 ' 14 ' 312 ' 375 '312 ' 312 '375 ' 312 -250 Ji.c "j2 /y " " BSC , Flange t. 30 ' 16 ' 'l75 x 'lH . x 'lL lS ' S6 ' 312 X8 Y. 28 ' 21 ' 475 " 21 10 DLO 21A 10 BSC 20 10 EQUAL I a 0 pet foo& 15 x 'l 41'9'l '525 12 -x 'l 36''l7 '525 11 x 3 % 29'S2 ' 'l75 " 192" >- < I Q Ba41l ' . BBC 27 " 26 22 P x- - UNITS. , IY / INCH ,Standard Tblcknesses Ibs. 4-1'1 IN ,, " DLO ,,: ,I) 2Yz x 1 '260 ' 220 ' 200 '656 ' 645 ' 325 - BULB ANGLES. DIMENSIONS AND Reference 'Mark PROPERTIES . Size Inches Standard ThIckness IN INCH UNITS. Radii Area Square Inches WeIght pel' faa: 1- - ----;---1 r' r' Ibs, _ ___ _ I--_ _ ,_'---I--- I----lil ----I~--' A X B DLBA BS.8A " " 18A 10%x 8 Yz 17 9 % X8 Yz 14 S% x 3 Yz 13 SY.x 3 BSBA 10 7 %x 3 % 9 6 5 7 Yzx 3 6Yz x 3Yz "" " 614 x 3 T ' 525 '500 '475 ' 450 8'167 27 ' 77 7 '277 · 24 '74 21 ' 55 :6 ' 389 .5 ' 887 19'5.5 '575 '550 ' 525 ' 525 ' 400 ' 375 ' 350 ' S50 ' 425 ' 425 400 '375 5 ' 286 5'023 4'420 4'002 ' '475 '475 '425 '425 '325 ' 825 ' 275 ' 275 17'SO 17'OS 15'03 13'61 ~.1VG DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ....... , CHANNELS. DIMENSIONS AND Momenis Square Inches x-x I 12 ' 334 10'727 8'771 8'871 5 ' 648 8 ' 296 INCH UNITS , , Section Moduli Size Inches ,- . About RadII 01 Gyration Inches ot Inertia Mea PROPERTIES IN About About v-v x-x Abont V-y About About x-x v-v 3770 218'2 148'6 14'5,5 13 ' 65 8'421 5'58 4'51 4'12 1'09 1'13 '980 50'27 36'36 27 ' 02 4 ' 748 4'599 3'234 15 12 11 x4 130'7 82'58 117'9 12'02 7'136 8'194 3'84 3'86 3 ' 77 1'16 1'13 '994 26 ' 14 16'52 23'59 4'147 3'192 10 10 10 x4H x 4L ;< 3'(,; x3 x2Ys x3 ~ ' 324 x4 x 3'(,; 5'675 2'863 4'261 53'4:;3 20'48 24 ' 01 , 4 ' 329· 1'069 3 ' 508 3'07 2'67 2 ' 37 ' 873 '611 '907 13 ' 36 5 ' 852 8'003 2'008 '677 1'699 8 7 6 4 ' 728 4'17-5 3'498 18'13 10 ' 15 8'543 3'$85 3'432 2 ' 839 1 ' 96 1'56 1'56 '84,6 '907 ' 901 7'075 5'076 4'271 1'733 1 ' 788 1'409 5 %>< 2% 4 x 3H 4 x3L 2'841 1'986 1 ' 218 5 ' 709 8 ' 70.1 '927 '843 '713 '085 1'56 1'3'7 '872 '600 '599 '264 2'855 2'115 '742 '627 '526 '126 , - - .. '.' 4 x2 3 %x 2 2¥Zx 1 I -I BULB A~GLES. DIMENSIONS AND , Dimensions Radii !'" r' r" --- - - _._.- '975 '950 1'850 1'850 ' 575 '550 '525 '525 '800 '800 '700 '700 '475 ' 400 ' 475 ' 400 '425 ' 350 '425'350 , ' 500 '475 '425 '425 I About x-x p J PROPERTIES IN Moments of loartlil A.bout x,-X v-v I 4'866 ' 679 111'120 4'8.8519'723 4'361 ' 6~4 ' 82'4184 ' 585 16'038 3 ' 798 '706 , 57' 725 f4' 265 12'277 ~ ' 956, '598 52 ' 68512' 603 11'594 , ' I 3'7'824 3'77 ' 35'725 2 ' 405 1 23'943 3'494 21'677 2'098 ', UNITS, = :!:I 'o Angle ;g ex:: "'..~l, ,!j"O t:u DeAbout grees v-v rl!!~' 1---.- r - 3 ' 290 '717 3'419 '612 2'723 ' 747 '2'865 '619 INCH Se9t10n Moduli, About I. 1 ' 732 1 ' 634 1 ' 526 1 1'084 4% 5% 7 5 8 ' 984 1,'355 9 8'754 1 ' 007 6 6'339 } ' 269 llVo 5'963 ' S81 8Y. Size Inches Ax e '785 10% x 3% 9;.t x 3 Vo ' 729 8%x3% '740 SYs x 3 '621 '750 '632 '764 '644 7Ys x SYs 7Vo x 3 6Vox3Yo 6YoxS , 210H DORMAN, LONG & - CO. LIMITED. - UNEQUAL ANGLES . • D.IMENSI'ONS ANti PROPERTIES UNITS . • ',f!$-~y MlnorAxls \ I \ IN .INCH I \ 1 I x- U i'fcentreofGrivTt~ -~-~p \. >'~k IY \ \ \ -----.-----~--"--~--~----.------,----;,,-I,,- I In , 1 D1 voments Minimum ., ~ .. ... .. Radll ,I men. I ... SIIotloJl U '" ~ _ __ .. _ . ~ il:;..2 I. e s : ~. < ; ... ... 1 !lIze and ThloknelS · Ro[ereJ1oe. Mark g OJ ______ I _ _ ~ _~~s~~~ 7 x4 " " " " B.£ UA24 d 24 6Y:, x 4Y. x ¥a 3·982 V. '5 ·248 " " $~ 16'482 " " 7·686 24 * " " * " " 13·54 17·84 22·04 26'13 6'1;x3%d's 3'610, 12·27 ... 22 ;, " 'h. 4·750 16.,15 22 " " % 5'860 19·92 .. . 22 . 6·938 23 '59 · BSUA22 II nSUA19 .. .. " 19 19 19 BSUA 18 18 ]8 18 .. . 5% x 3Y. x -A, 2·717 :;"" 'Ys 3 '236 " " Y. 4'252 " " % 5 '236 5%x3 . u H 9-24 11'00 14·46 17'8Q '45 ·45 ·45 ·45 - nSUA 13 " " u . 1, 13 13 13 13 , · BSUA 10 -10 " 10 " ., 1. " 10 4%X3 x l\, 2·246 . :t 3·089 Yo 3·499 " 4 "n " " . " " ~ ~~I ~o ·40 ' 40 '40 ·40 3·82 1·95 25Y. ·98 '97 ~ ·96 6'~ 3·15 25 7';33 3·72 25 ·96 5·02 2'57 . 2·22 2·28 2·33 2'38 ·74 15 ' 7 '7920-4 ·8424·83 ·89 ~8 '9.6 3 ·27 4'20 5 '06 5 ' 84 ·2751'77 ·275 1 ·80 '2751·85 '2751'90 -78 8 ·39 '81 ' 9'93 '8612 ·80 ·9115 ' 6 2·68 2'25 ·98 22 3·15 2'681·1722 4 '05 3'511 ' 5322 4 ' 864'331 ' 87 21V. 3 ' 671 d8 4'831 ' 55 5:951'90 !·()3Z·' 24 16'1. 16% 16 16 ' '75 '75 '74·74 ·76 '76 ·75 .75 '65 % 3'050. 10 '31 ·375 '25 1·90 -66 9·45 2'02 2 ' 62 '86 17 ·64 l}2 4·003 13 -61 ·375 ' 25 1·95 ·71 '12·2 2 ' 58 3'44 1 ~13 16~ 'M ;~ 4 '925 16·74 '375 ·25 2·00 ·76 14·7 3·08 4·20 1'~7 16% ·63 / . "u " ,3:25. 2-03 1·04 17 -08 P'76 '325 2'08 1·09 22·2 8'75 ·325 2'13 1'14 27·09 10'60 '325 2·18 1 ·19 31'66 12'32 '425'30 .~~ '3.0 .~~ ·30 ·425 '30 '25 '25 '25 ·25 1'36 1·39 1 ·44 1·48 ·87 ·89 ·94 ·99 4·82 5·69 7·31 8·81 2'55 3'00 3·84 4·61 I-54 ·97 JOy. ·741-83 1-,15 30% ·74 2'39 1'5 30 ·74 2·92 1·83 30 '74 '35 '25 } ·44 ·47 1'50 1'52 1'57 -7.0 ·73 ·75 ·78 -82 4'58 5 ' 40 6· is 6·93 8·34 1·63 1-92 2·19 2·44 2'91 1'50 ·71 23% '65 1·78. ·84 23% '64 BSUA14 4.% x3'1z x ~ 2'402 8·17 ·35 '')Is 2 ' 859 9'72 '35 14 ~tI . " 14 'f, 3·749 12'75 ·35 "H q 14 · u % 4·609 15·67 ·35 .... x-x v-v x ii< 2'562 8'71 '375 '25 1·87 -M 8-00 1 ' 72 2 '20 ' 73 17 " " H p Ia * .I 24 J Moduli X% 15'248 '17'84 :, 45 :;3252'39 ·9026 ·24 6·32 e ' 692~04 lay' -86 % 6 ' 482 22'04'45 '325. 2'44 ·9531 ' 99 7·64 7'02@'51 18 : ~ 7'686 26'13·45 ·325 2·491·00 37-41 8 ·86 8'302-95 18 .S!J!l BSUA26 .. 2$ .. 26 . . ~ I ~~ ~ to II: ~ ... - 1 =,!! -(!J ~bou Aboutg ~ g:>; <:3 _ 51,ons . . .of Inertia . 'J;l 2·671 % 4-296 '1·63 9 ·08 10 -50 11 ·90 14·61 '35 '25 ·35 '25 ·35 '25 '3.5 -25 x 2Y. x '4 1'563 5·31 -325 ·225 1·30 '56 -& 1-934- 6'58 '325 ·225 1·33 '59 "u 2-298 7 ·81 ·325 ·225 1·35 ·61 ,3'001 10·20 ·325 ·225 1·40 '66 " ~ .; '- 2'06 ·97 23;1" ·64 2·33 1 ·10 23 '64 ' 2·85 1 -34 23 ·64 2·54 '76. ·94 ·40 3 ' 11 '9~f 1·16 '49 3'65 1-09 1,38 '58 4·6t 1'38 \·79 '75 21 21 21 '54 ·54 ' 53 20'1:> '53 I DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. .-.. - - ' -,:"~ =='- I I ' - ,;; ~~ " I, Ii EQUAL ANGLES. AND DIIVI ENS! 0 N S . PROPERTIES IN INCH UNITS. r "- 4r9- ~IxI :>:; Minor Axls.A ' \ , x-f.- ~ , , I I " I/<:Centre of Gravity -~- I , • ;<4~ , r ------x , "- 'X "- -- II .. <l~ 'P ... Radii Reference Area Square Inches Si2<l and Tbickness Mark Wel'ght per foot RQQ.t .- ... - DLflA 20 " .. Lbs. ,- Toe 0" Dimen- Moment of slon Inenla , - - - -~ "0 c15s x-x - ,= 1i ,~ I ~'E - , !;; ~ c.? x-x - - - --- - 12 x 12)< % 20'23'6 8.880 '84 '59 3'29 277'71 lsI' 87 2'36 23'002 78'21 '84 '59 ' 3'34 813'36 88'17 19,'36 r f' 1 ~l~ 28'440 98'89 '84 ' 59 3'43 881 '43 44'53 2'34 20 " " .. .' 20 1 , BSEA 12 4l{, x 4~. >; 3/8 , 3'238 11'00 '400 '275 1'22 6'14 1'8:7 '88 % '4'252 14'48 '400 '275 1'29 7'92 2'47 '87 % 5'236 17'80 '400 '275 i'34 '4 6'189 21-04 '400 '275 1'39 9-56 3'08 " .. " 12 .',. ". . .' 12 12 I , I '87 3 ' 57 ' '87 11'1 .... -, ". , • , . .' " . • ') ,210K - .' , , . DORMAN, LONG' &. CO. LIMITED. . . ,.. _. ,I~ - TEES.' I . DIMENSIONS AND PROPER'TI ES IN, INCH UNITS. ;<-.-~-.~ , umtre of y : Gravity" 0 ~ , : :S>,4S"T , r-"riltP . , t¢ X ' .. : ' : r( ~-'-(uA EUl 1'j1'-'if" ·:.:-LX !~ '45l1lo .--')f ......... ! ,/ ~ - f- • t ...... _._,_.~ ~_ ~~~. _,._ ~ " _r , . " y Size and Tblokness Inches Reference Mark BXA x t .. !.:l ~ ~ <:1' Ul ..... C;' "'0 be_, ';;) ,.. ~8. 100. - - Radii ~ 0 0 = ~ ., . a., 0 Moments of inertia Section MooluH - ijadli of , , GyrlltlOIl . ._-- .- 0 .§ e:I About AbO\! About Abou About About f, J --- r. ' x-x v-v - -, x-x - v-v x-x v-v ~- -.- --- ·425 ·300 ·915 ' 400 ·275 ' 633 -400 ·275 ,684 ·400 '275 ·998 4,700 6'344 2'062 6'389 2,635 8'649 4'471 3'691 1'52 2,11 1·137 1·321 ' 871 2'13 '795 1',400 1 ·14 2·88 ·785 1'423 1 '49 ~'48 1·172 1 '065 15 15 " 13 " 13 x% 2·872 9,77 '350' ' 250 1, 11 00 11" 3'758 12'78 ·350 '250 \·16 " 311"X3l!. x % 2'496 8,49 ·325 ,225 '988 00 00 Yz 3,259 11-08 '325 ·225 1'04 4'189 1 ,901 5,402 2'590 2,'768 1 ,284 3·543 1,.-752 ,95 1',208 ' 814 1'45 1·90 1'29 i :199 ' ·830 1·10 ·Ts t'053 '717 1 ,44 1·00 1'043 -733 " 11 10 00 10 3 3 BST 21 20 , " 20 " 19 00 . " 00 " " 00 , DLT " llST " 00 " " 6 -6 " 5 4 x4 x3 " x4 x% 3'634 12'36 x % 3'260 11 ,08 }Io 4·272 14,53 x% 3·257 11 ,07 x4 . " x 3 x Yz 2'760 9'38 '300 '200 '918 2·165 1, liS 1,04 x 211" x, % 1'929 6-56 ·275 '2oQ ' 695 I '015 ·814 '56 Yz 2'506 8,52 ·275 ·200 '742 1 ,275 1, 109 ·73 214 x 2 \4 y\4 1'071 3 ,64 00 % 1 '554 5 ,28 " 6A 2 x 1\4 x \4 '820 2·79 6A 00 % 1 ·180 4'01 " 1Yz x 2 ·820 00 00 -fII 1·003 I%XI% x fG '629 ' ,~ ·820 " " fi '999 " '886 , "636 '725 " 650 '713 - '665 ,224 ,30 ,349 -44 ' 159 ' 14 -246 ·19 ·20 '31 ' 16 ' 25 ,457 '664, '·474 ·425 ·441 ' 414 ,457 ,23 ,28 · 14 ·18 ·09 ·12 ·09 ·12 ·16 ·612 ·(Jj7 '524 '520 '515 " 7 7 5 5 4 4 4 ·74 '54 '74 " x\4 2 ·79 3 ·41 2, 14 2'79 3'40 ,250 '250 '225 ,225 · 175 ·175 '150 ·150 '638 ,689 ·408 ' 455 ·488 ·685 ' 148 -202 ,225 ·225 ' 225 ,225 ·225 ·150 ·150 ·150 ·150 '150 '643 '674 ·492 '519 '307 ·063 '369 '088 ·173 '077 ,221 , ·107 '265 ·137 '544 '22 ' 6~5 ·288 ·296 '350 ·361 ·370 210L DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ,', • INFORMATION RELATING TO THE , CARRYING CAPACITY; :&c. OF BEAMS AND STANCHIONS COMPOSED OF OLD BRITISH STANDARD , AND OTHER SECTIONS. , ,. • ,' '- • • 210M DORMAN, LONG, & CO. LIMITED. ·it , I , , BEAMS. SAFE LOADS IN TONS UNIFORMLY , • I DISTRIBUTED. For dimensions and properties 01 sections see pages 2,10D and IHOE . ., Referenee Mark . • .. ~i SIze Inches , ' Ibs. -- 2 4 6 8 10 ---, .. ·. 28 18 x 7 75 , , 27 16 x 6 62 ·, DSB 26 15 x 6 59 ·. " " FEET SPANS IN ,~ DSB 80 24 X7 Yo 100 20 20x 7 '>10 89, " - :gg..... " .. , ·. ., .. · . , . 12 . ," ,~ " IS 108 103 86'9 85 ' 1 98'S 84' 2 78'7 65'5 89 ' 1 74'2 63'6 55 ' 7 49'5 68 ' 1 56 ' 7 48 ' 6 42'5 3'7'8 48'4 40'3 84'6 30 ' 2 28 ' 9 . .;- . 792 60'5 67 ' 5 55'9 50 ' 4 38 ' 0 63 ' 0 46'7 41i)o' 6 38'S 29 ' 0 25'4 22'6 50'7 , 41'0 ' 3S·6. 28'0 24'0 21 ' 0 18'6 25 15 x 5 42 24 . !4: >: 6H 57 ·. ·. ·. ·. 28 l4y 6L 46 ·, .. '. 44 ' 7 87 "8 31:9 28'0 24'8 3.0'4 25 ' 4 21'7 19 ' 0 16'9 . .' , .. 43"2 , 41 ' 7 35"0 83"4 27 "l:j 23"8 20 ' 9 18"5 28"0 2S'4 20 ' 0 17"5 15'6 , 35'8 32"6 24"4 19 ' 6 16"S FloO' 12 ' 2 10' 9 BSB 22 12 x 6H 54 .. " " 54 "0 "" 2! 12 x 6L " 20 12 x 5 44 .. .. 8,2 .. • 18 .-- • \I 14' • ·RSB 19 10 x 8 70 .. 18 10 >< 6 42 " 17 10 x 5 18 9 ,x 7 30 .. 58 .. " " " 54"0 46 "0 .. 86 ' 0 28'2 36"8 80 "7 26 ' 8 23'0 120"4 22'.6 18"8 16't 14"1 12'5 32"4 2f>"9 19'4 15'5 12'9 11 ' 1 44"6 34'0 27 "2 22'7 19"4 1'7'0 15"1 , , , • " 7 11"9 ' 9'9~ 25"2 19"5 28 14'9 7x4 16 15"8 14"9 9'96 5'9"7 4 "98 7"47 6x4Y. 20 1200 15 ' 4 10"3 7'6,9 6'15 5'13 5 x 4~ , 18 18 ' 1 12"1 8'07 6 "05 4 ' 84 4"03 BSB 6 5x8 DSB 18 " 11 " • " " " " " 9 8x5 9: 71 8"63 8 "51 7'44: 6 ' 62 4 ' 27 3 ' 73 3'32 4 ' 40 S ' 85 8 "42 3'46 8"03 .. 11 9 "90 7'26 4 ' 84 8"6~ 54* x U 4 6'5 7'55 3 "78 2'52 4 4x8 9 ' 5 7 "92 5'01 8"S4 l ' S9 2'90 2"42 2 "07 1"81 , 1." 51 1'26 1 "08 .. 2"51 2 ' 01 1'67 .. .. 2 1'68 1'35 .. .. .. 3x3 8"5 5"40 8'S7 2"24 .. " , .. .. .. ,. CO, LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & I B~AMS. LOADS SAFE - TONS IN For dImensions and propel'UeS of DISTRIBUTED, UNIFORMLY s~etlons see p~es I 210D D.m! :UO.:, SPANS IN FEET 20 22 24: 28 26 5Q'O 58 ' 6 ~Q ' 1 45 ' 4 42'1 44'6 40 ' 5 ~7 ' 1 ~14'3 1s1'8 84'0 180'9 ~S'4 26'2 24 ' 8 30 . 86 32 -~ 44 S.eeUon Modulus - . 39 ' 3 86'9 82 ' 8 29'5 126 ' 8 221 ' 1 29'7 27'S 12~1:'7 22'3 20'2 167'0 22''1 \21 ' 3 18 ' 9 17 ' 0 15'5 127 ' 6 .. , 9'0'71 24'2 22 ' 0 20'2 18'6 17'8 16'1 15'1 18 ' 4 ' .. , ' 57'06 15 x 5 .. , , 76 ' 12 14 x 6H ,' , ' , , 62'92 14 x 6L. .. .. .. , . 62 ' 58 12 x 6H .. .. .. .. 52 ' 55 12 x 6L .. 36'66 12 x 5 , 68'98 10 x S 42'80 10 x 6 .. 29 ' 12 . 51 ' 00 10 x 5 9 x7 , 10'1 9 ' 51 .. 18 ' 5 .. ,, 16'8 15'3 14'0 12'9 12 ''0 11 ' 2 .. 16''7 15'2 13 ' 9 12" S 119 14 ' 0 12 ' 7 11'7 10'8 10'0 .. .. .. .. .. .. 7'77 7'06 6'47 5.'97 lS' 6 12 ' 4 11'8 ' , .. .. ·. .. , , , 16 ~ 6 15 x 6· .. .. .. 20 x 7 Yo 18 x 7 8S ' S5 14 ' 9 14'0 18' 4 16'7 15 ' 8 14'1 9'40 8'68 11 ' 8 10 ' 8 24 x 7 Y:i ' .. 22'4 20 ' 3 18'6 17 ' 2 16 ' 0 15 ' 2 18,'8 12 ' 7 11'7 10 ' 9 20'S 18' 5 16'9 15'6 14'5 9 ' 78 8'89 , 8'15 7'52 6 ' 98 Size Inches . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , .. ' , ' , .. ' , .. .. ·. ·. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' . 5 ' 95 5'41 2'99 .. . ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , , ·, .. .. .. ' , .. .. .. , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , . ·. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. 3'760 .. .. .. ... , .. .. 2'524 '; ' ·. ·. I . .(." .:. ' .. ' . , .. 22'33 x 8 5 7 x4 6 x 4Yo 11 ' 54 9''076 ' 5 x 4Yo 11 ' 2'0 5xg .. 5 ' 444 .. 2 ' 838 4 %X a 4 x3 8 x3 I " "'I " 210P , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , , BEAMS'A'NO CHANNELS 'AS. STANCHIONS. , I • II OIMENSIO ... S A'''' 0 PROPER-TIES .IN INCH U,NITS, • , ' , ,", , Reference Mark Size Inches Weight per root Area Square Inches MOduli Abou1 Abo.ut X-x .. . ,y-y • .- BEAMS. " x--, I-,-X ! I Y . • " 9'50 1'5'0 ' 221'1 : 7~99 1'54 ' 167 "0 7'21. 1'46 127'6 90 ' 71 ,'6'Sl 1 '21 " " " 29 28 27 20" 7Yo 18 x 7 H!x6 89 75 62 29 ' 4'8 26'17 22'06 18'23 " " 26 26 24 23 15 x 6 1.5 x 5 14 x 6H 14 x 6L 59 42 57 46 17 ' 86 12'86 16'76 1q- 53 . 6 ' 02 1 '27 5'.88 '978 6'63 1'29 5"70 1'26 83 ' 86 57 ' 06' 76'12 62'92 9'406 4'724 9'320 7 '200 " " 22 21 20 12x6H 12 x 6L 12 x 5 54 44 32 15'88' 12'94 9 ' 41 4 ' 86 1'38 4'93 1',31 4 ' 83 1 ' 01 62 ' 58 52'55 3.6 '66 9'433 7'423 3'901 " " " 19 18 17 16 10 x 8 lO x 6 10 x 5 70 42 30 58 20'60 12 ' 85 8'82 17 ' 06 4 ' 09 1'.86 " 4' 13 l'S6 4 ' 06 1,' 05 3 ' 66, 1'64 68'98 17'91 42'SO 7 ' 650 29 ' 12 3'916 51'00 13 ' 22 " 13 11 ,8 x 5 7x4 8'29 I ' l l 2'88 ' 861 2'42 "9,59 2'07 1 '03 22'33 11'20 11'54 9 ' 076 " J I " " " " " " 9 7 9x7 6 x 4% 5 x 4~ . 28 16 20 18 8 ' 240 4'706 5 ' 880 5 ' 290 , . CHA"'NELS, Y != I x-~'-x - 'y-y ." DSD 30 24 x 7% 100 Y l~ I Y x "- x, , . I..:..: About .1 About . ~ " I I - Section > • 'RadII or Gy,ration Inches Ib~ : . , I . , B SO 27 " 26 22 " " " " " DLO " 15x4 41'94 12'.3 3 5 '53 1 ' 09 12 x 4 36 ' 47 10'73 4'5.1 l ' lS, 11 x 3 % 29 ' 82 8 ' 771 4:12 '980 17'84 16'70 13'44 9'026 4'104 1'707 2 ' 406 2'517 .. , - 50'27 86'S6 27'02 4" 748 4'599 S ' 234 26'14 23'5"9 18 ' 36 4 ' 147 3'192 2'008 , 21 20 12 6 10 X 4H SO ' 16 10 x 3lt. 28'21 8 x 3 19'30 6x 3 14 ' 49 5A 5 ~x 2% 16'0& SA 4 x 3H 14'20 8 ' 871 3'84 1'16 8'296 S'77 '994 5'675 8 ' 07 ' 87$ • 4 ' 261 2'S7 '907 10'728 1'1~6 '846 4 ' 175 1'56 '907 8'003 1'69.9 7 ' 075 1 '733 5'07,6 1 '788 , -,.- . , DORMAN, LONG & . . CO. LIMITED. iii BEAMS AND CHANNELS AS STANCHIONS. .- SAFE LOADS IN TONS • ENDS FIXED. o. .. . F.or other conditions of ends see page 118 • SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR 4 LENGTHS IN FEET - I ·fi I 8 ~ . I 10 I 12 I 14 Sl~e Incbes I 16 I 18 I 20 76 70 BEAMS • 170 15.2 128 104 164 146 122 98 154 138 115 89 99 94 143 129 106 79 .. 130 118 96 67 115 105 84 57 100 92 73 48 87 80 68 ·. ·. 77 44 76 60 67 36 66 52 57 48 56 44 48 37 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. -- 15x6 15x5 14x6H 14x6L . ·. - ·. 12x6a 12x6L 12x5 70 7'7 73 86 54 84 67 91 74 52 .87 70 48 80 65 42 73 59 35 64 51 28 55 44 47 38 ·. ·. ·. 121 71 49 99 11.8 108 57 34 86 101 51 28 79 94 44 23 72 86 38 78 32 96' 113 63 40 92 46 - . 43 -22 25c 29 3S 30 27 39 18 25 24 33 14 21 20 28 23 I 62 ~.~ 91 • 68 45 I .. 17 16 ·. ·. -- 64 .. ·. ..--- 8x5 7x4 6x4Y. 5x4Y. . .. 15x4 12x4 11x3Y. .. .. lOx4H 10x3Y. 8x3 .. .. 5v"x2% ·. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ·.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ·· . 10x8 10x6 10x5 9x7 ·. - - ·. ·. 50 ·. -- ·. 18x7 16x6 56 ·. ·. -- 24)(7% 20x7)1. ·- CHANNELS. I 69 61 49 64 57 44 57 51 38 49 44 31 ~25 50 46 31 47 42 27 43 36 23 37 30 18 31 24 .. 23 26 28 21 22 21 18 18 17 14 .. .. .. L-,......-.I .. 14 41 37 ., ·... .. .. -- -- .. , .. .. .. 6x3 4x8H I I ! , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , ." . S'HEET WORKS AYRTON ROLLING MILLS ', ' MIDDLESBROUGH ROLLI NG MILLS, GALVANIZING CLOSE ANNEALI NG# FURNACES AN D CORRUGATING SHOPS , BLACK STEIC'L SHEETS ORDINARY AND CLOSE GALVANIZED ANyALED SHEETS ,PLAIN OR CORRUGATED SCANDINAVIAN TILES FITTINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS II ,I . '." ' . ,. ) 213 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. " REGISTERED BRANDS ON SHEETS . . ', '" . . INDIA 'AND . , SOUTH AMERICA . • o· L· SOUTH AFRICA. DIAMOND '\ . . , - ) . 214 • . LONG ' & CO: , ~ " " DORMA.N, , , ~ LlMIT,E D. ,', ~ " NUIVIBER OF GALVAN I,ZE D APPROX I MATE " PER TON. CORRUGATED SHEE'TS , . Thickness Corrugn- (ions . 16 B'; 'G, "' " " 6/ 5" ." , ' 10/ 3" " 18 B~ G, . " " .. " " . ,5 / 5" 8/3" i 6/4" f 7 / 4" " 5/ 5" 8/ 3" '\ 6/ 4" J 7 / 4" 6 / 5" 10/3" 5 5* , .LENGTHS , IN FEET 6* 6 . 7 7~ ,C . 68 62 56 52 48 45 70 64 58 54 60 47 61 57 59 56 52 54 5f 47 49 47 43 45 , 44 40 .. 42 41 37 39 86 78 72 66 · 62 57 68 64 59 59 54 ' 51 53 51 48 50 .. ,,74 89 81 76 72 74 '64 ' 70 " 65 , • 60 -' 6,2 61 " . 54 56 ., " , 75 5/5" 8/3" \ 6 / 4" J 7 / 4" 6/5"1 10/ 3" j 113 103. 94 87 80 114 104 95 88 81 76 97 89 81 \ 75 , 70 65 95 86 79 .. 73 68 , 64 8/ 3" 10/ 3 " 139 1H3 127 105 11;6 .. 97 - 107 90 99 83 93 78 8/ 3" 9/3" 10/3" 168 154 140 153 140 128 140 128 117 130 119 108 120 110 100 112 B, G. 8/ 3" ,9/3" " 10/ 3 " 223 204 186 203 186 169 , .186 170 165 1'72 157 143 159 146 ' 133 149 136 124 28 ' B. G. 8/ 3" 9/ 3" 10/ 3" 240 220 200 219 200 182 200 183 167 185 172 168 ' 143 161 14''7 133 liIO B. G. " ." , ," " " 22 B. G. " 2t B. C. .. " " 26 . ," " " " - ,", ~ : .~ . , , , ~ .. 16~ 154 103 94 , Flat Sbeets 30' wide count tbe same as 8/3' corruga tions, and 36' wid'e the same a!i , " ,10/3' corrug ations. , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. " APPROXI MATE NUMBER OF GALVANIZED CORRUGATED SHEETS PER TON. LENGTHS IN FEET 8. 9 8% 9Y2 - 10 Corruga!ions 12 11 Tbickness I [I 42 .. 44 .. , 38 35 37 .. .. .. .. .. . , .. .. .. , .. · .. ·- .. .. .. .. 5/ 5" rS/ 3 " l6/4" ,7 / 4" .. 615" ·, .. .. , ' , .. .. , . .. .. - 10/ 3 " 16 B. G. " " " " " 54 51 . 48 45 43 .. 56 52 49 46 44 ·, 48 45 46 45 · 42 43 42 40 41 40 38 • 39 38 36 37 .. .. .. , .. 5/ 5 " (8/ 3 " ' \ 6/ 4" 7/ 4" 6/5" "10/ 3 " ·, .. .. , 70 66 62 59 56 ·, -, '71 67 63 60 57 ·, 61 57 54 51 49 ·, .. , 59 5.,6 53 50 47 ·, .. 87 73 82 68 77 65 73 61 69 58 63 105 96 88 98 90 '83 93 85 78 88 81 74 84 77 70 . 76 70 64 139 127 116 131 120 109 124 113 103 117 107 . 98 . ., .. .. - .. .. .. .. '. 111 101 93 .. . . " t " I \ " " " [ , 1 .. 22 B, G, -7 0 64 58 8/ 3" 9/ 3" 10/ 3 " 24 B. G. ·1 " " " 1 ! " ! " -" " ". 101 93 84 93 85 77 8 / 3" 9/ 3 " 10/ 3 " , 26 B. G. . ·, .. .. .. 8/ 3" 9/ 3 " 10/ S'" . 28 B. G. .. ·, ·. .. ,. , '[.- ,. J' 8/ 3 " 10/ 3" ·. ·, 18 B. G. 20 B. G. , , I I) 5/ 5" {8/ 3 " 6/ 4" 7/ 4" 6/ 5" { 10/ 3 " . I' I' -. 150 137 125 il " " " " 'Flat Sheets '30· wide count the ·same its 8/3' corrugation s, and 3b" wide the same as . . 10/3" corru Ru tions, ,. . . . J ./ " 216 .DORMAN ,' LON9&: CO. LIMITED. Ii • .., CORRUGATED SHEET$. , • , . • • .~, k- ···:-· · -' ······----- , , 2'- 1 "--- - -· - - ; -- --- - - .-: - -~ : . \' .'. --->--:.'-- _. -~- --.. : ~~. 2 ' - 4'~ · -_.- -- -'~-; .. . , - -- .. --.:.>; . ' ', ' ;. I '. . --.----.---.- . . _.-- --.-. 2'- 6 :'. _- - ." '--,---' , .----, - .... , . I. 1<----, , ------------... -: ,-- -----. i . • 2 '- 9" . -- ----- . .. " - ----.- ----- -,, ~ --)i :, L !.. ( GAUGES 16, '18 AND 20 B .G . . " "'.11 DORMAN, LONG &, CO. LIMITED. . ' CORRUGATED SHEETS. 6/4" --.:.-----------':--2'- o:~'" .. - ~~ . . -...... -... I 1 " '---,-,--------------2 , -2M! --------------------r' ' , , 7/4" ____ :. . ________________ 2'_4n __ .. ~ _______________ ~ : -->-.- .>-- -.- -- --'. -----·2'- 6 Y2'~ "".- ------ -- ----- -"~ GAUGES . -" 16, 18 AND 20 B.G. ) ." DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. = ~ '--- CRAMPEfD CORRUGATED SHEETS . • Radius i " ,I •. 8 / 3 " OR ,, 5 / 5 " . " 10/ 3 ", 6 / 5 "' , I"RO'M ., . 16 TO 26 16 20 ., GAUGE , 12" RADIUS, " " • CURVED CORRUGATj:D SHEETS . • 8 / 3" 5/ 5 " 1. O.R' 10/ 3 " . .. 6 / 5". FROM , 16 TO " , 16 " 26 GAUGE, 20 " DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED., .- CRAMPED CORRUGATED SHEETS . • Radius 6 / 3" 0 R 1,0 / 3", 6 / 5" " FROM 6/ 5", " 16 TO 26 GAUGE. 12" 16 ." 20 " 18" RADIUS. " CURVED CORRUGATED SHEETS. 8 / 3 " 0 R 10/ 3 ", 6/ 6". 5/5" " FROM 16 TO 26 GAUGE. 16 20 " " ( , " 220 DORMAN, LONG & , CO. LIMITED. " GALVANIZED, SCANDINAVIAN TILES. DI 'M ENS10NS ,, I IN M ILLI METRES. ' I ," I k!~--::----~--------------------.·.·:.·-·.--~·.·.·. ~ ~ g::::::: :::~ ..::::: :~:: " . ::::::: ,,, I '' . ~:;>;, T his form of sh eet is lnade in a st andard widt h of 8 10 mm . with four equally spaced , corrugations as shown above, ' and in the follow iIlglengths:- •• 1 . 00, l' 25, l' 50, l' 75, 2 ' 00, 2' 25 aJ;ld 2 ' 50 m etres . . GAUGES 20 TO 26 . B . G. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. 'BLACK SHEETS. .1 Close Annealed and Patent Flattened Black Sheets are made in the , Jol.lowing sizes ; Maxinlnm GfI).l'ge 8 to Width Length 22" to 30 /' 9 10 " 1"' 18 " 26 27 " 28 29 30 " II 10' 0" " II 14' " II 10' II II 8' 0" 0" 0" over 30" to 36" 10 to 13 over 36" to 40" 10 18 23 28 " 14 23 27 II II II " II II 22 26 30 ,10 ·to 16 ., .. ... 0" 'I 9 17 22 27 30 8 to .... 8' II II ' " II 1'1 II " II II " " " " II " " ,,' " " " " .. .. over 40" to 48" 10' 12' 10' 0" 0" 0" 0" 8' 0" 10' . 0" 8' ): , '8' 0" 0'1'" ' 7' 0" 12' ON 10 1 ,", ROLLING MARGIN of' 5% over and 2i % ,under calculated weigh ts to be allowed. FLATTE~ING either' by Mangling or by Stretching (Patent FJatten- " ing) ; the iatter proce~s.Jeaves an indentation at each end of the sheet. If these marks are required to be 'eliminated, they can be sheared . off.' I ' , The length of Patent Flattened Sheets naturally varies; if exact , lengths are required,: .reshearing is necessary. RESHEARING. The mill shearing' margin is f' in length and t" width" . '; " '" in ~22 DORMAN, · Lb,MG & . CO. LIMITED. GALVANIZED GU"rTERS AND DOWN PIPES. ANGLE. SOCKET. ,I , I I, HALF - GIRTH 10" GIRTH 10 ROUND , TO 3&" , o G 11 TO STOP ,. ENO . ~Er<'GHI ASOUT 6 a'l , . GUTTER . 3 a": SECTION. L.ENGTH ABOUT S' 0" . STOP ANGLE , , SOCKET. ENO : DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. - - '-- ' - ' ---~ GALVANIZED GUTTERS BEADED GIRTH 10". TO 36/1, GAUGE MOULDED 0 AND DOWN PIPES. GUTTER. 24. LENGTH ABOUT 0". 6 Go ANGLE. '. ST,AMPED 0 GIATH 10" FOUNT'A IN Go GI,ITTER, WITI1 SLIP JOINTS. TO 1 38 / , 9AU .GE-' 24. LE·NGTH 6' ABOUT ''"" ,0 ,,.. HEAP, '" II. II. Z :: 0 0 0 ", 11/ l: ,.. "z 0 (\I SECTION, !:::,' 0 w -" SH 0 E. '" a:... :> , ,.. "" :>,..'" a:0 0 rIJ X -',.." ",.. ~ Ql 0 X ".., 2 z "... "'" :> '" " " . .. '" - a: ,.. ...'" ::. - oil 0 J2 , " 224 DORMA-N, 'LONG & . . , ~ GALVAN IZED CO. RI DGI NG AN 0 LIMITED. LOUVRE BLADES . • Girth 1f(~ t o' 36" . Gauge 16 to 26. Length about 6' 0" . Gauge 16 t o. 26; Length about 6' 0". " Girth 12" to 36". " . 'J':,.' - - ~ :. , ·V ___ , ,f. 16 Gauge up to 18" thick, maximum lin gth 6'0". Under 16 Gauge, II ~' 8' 0". ~ Girth [[ ".- 16 Gau.ge up to Under 16 Gauge, " 18 " thick, maximum length 6' 0". "" 8' 0". Girth 11 ". ' 16 Gauge up to 18" thick, maximum length 6 ' 0". Under 16 Gauge, 8' 0", II II DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. GALVANIZED FITTINGS . Weight of Rivets. %" >( %" - 57 Gross to 1 cwt." Yz X %, 52 " " 61' " X 11 " 48 . 78 74 · n', 1/ /I - Weight of Bolts and Nuts. 1%" X~" -20 Cross to I cwt. 22 1 11" 74 A" 11 "14 " lf ll l "v ""'Ili "24 :~I/ x "%, 27 . " • I I " II II 1/ 1 1 %" X' %" - 2Y2" 3" -, 22 Gross to I cwt. 19 " " ~- 4" 4:y," 5 11 X X .- . !'i // 16 f 'fl fj il Tro" X %" 8 4W' X %" 5" x %" . . - . . _. . - - - - . " 2~ 24 Gross to 21 3" 16 , - - - - - - - diameter II X 4" ' 28 .- - " " " cwt. " " - - - - - . . ..... .. ~ 51h Gross to 1 cwt. 5 " " " ' - 4~ 4 '- I I" . 3% 3 " " " " " " " " " " " • 18 Gross to 1 cwt, For ') 4" Rivets and Nails: 57 Gross to 1 cwt. 11 Gross to 1 cwt . I II I ! DORMAN, LONG &- CO. LIMITED. WIRE AND ROD WORKS CLEVELAND WIRE MILLS M i DDLESBROUGH ROLLING MILLS WIRE DRAWING AND GALVANIZING SHOPS bORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. · THE .! CLEVELAND WIRE MILLS WIRE RODS rolled in 3 cwt. pieces from -lu" to No. 6 S. W. G , Rods cut to straight lengths for Ferro-Concrete purposes. These Rods are not classed as Sectional Material, and cannot be rolled within the same limits of rollmg marsin. ALL KINDS OF STEEL WIRE. SPECIALITIES: GALVANIZED OR BRIGHT FENCING WIRE. G·ALVANIZED HIGH STRAIN OVAL WIRE. GALVANIZED TELEGRAPH (HIGH CONDUCTIVITY) WIRE. GALVANIZED TELEPHONE WIRE. SIGNAL STRAND, . Etc. GALVANIZED PATENT STEEL HAWSER WIRE To Lloyd 's Speci !itation. Bright Patent and Plough Steel Rope Wire oJ all grades and of Highest Tensile Strength and Ductility. DRAWN AND ANNEALED PIT GUIDE RODS, WELDS GUARANTEED. p 230 DORMA~) LONG .. ~ CO. LIMITED . • GALVANIZED STEEL BARB FENCING WIRE.. ---------- ,--------------, ---------- ,--------1 Weight of , I----'.--~ I·· Description Style 100 yds. " - - -- - -1 - - - - -- - - - -1- - Mile ---,.- 1---- - ,1- - - -- Ips. 19 335 589 yards 539 m etres 21 370 533 yards 487 metres 2 Point Thickset Barbs r o und One Wire only, 2 Y2 in. a part --1 ,Ibs. 2 Point Ordinary Ba l·bs round One W ire only, 5in. a pa rt. Length of 1121bs. or 51' Kilos ..., ' .. . 4 Point Ordinary Ba rbs I'o llnd One Wire o nl y , 6:0. apa r t 4 Point Thickset Ba rbs r Ollnd O he Wil:e onl y, 3in. a part '352. 560 yards 512 metres 25 44b ' 448 yards 4-10 metres 20 352 20 , \ 4 Point Ordinary Ba rbs r ou nd B oth Wires, 6i n. apart 560 yards 512 metres - -------- ------ I·- ----f- - - - f---------- \. 4 Point Thickset Barbs r ound Both Wires, 3il1. apart ;, 25 440 448 yards 410,rnetres I DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. FENCING STRAN D. GALVANIZED THREE -Gauge 0 1 2 ·3 Size of Siogle Wire ·FIVE.PLY. PLY. - Metres per Lbs. 'per Mile Kilos ~er ~or 1100 8Y. 994 9 v" 800 704 10 499 451 363 319 179 198 246 280 164 181 225 256 0 1 2 3 10% 1070 11 Y. 12 13 263 211 188 ' ., 154 340 423 476 580 31'1 4 13 y" 387 435 530 5 6 7 125 717 6 56 101 . : 884 808 80 1120 1024 8 9 10 8 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 ~ 580 466 414 340 8 9 10 14 15 16 275 223 176 12 Y. FOUR .-. ile Yards wt.. Owt. 1063 855 773 620 9~ 2 lO Y. 11 3 12 Gauge _._- Kllos Yards pel' Mile Owt. gar1Y.t. 870 778 607 485 184 395 226 353 . 253 275 324 168 207 231 296 14 15 16 . 530 460 372 294 240 209 169 133 372 428 530 670 340 391 485 613 16% 17 18 250 225 165 113 788 720 102 876 801 75 1194 1092 pLy. 482 388 351 281 per Metres ! I. SEVEN' pLY , . 0 1 Size .of Single Wire Lbs. per Mile 185 231 255 318 ' 169 211 233 .. 291 a ll y" ' 1211 1 2 3 12% 13 13 y" 549 963 437 850 386 741 ' 336 162 205 232 266 148 ' 187 212 243 610 520 410 351 277 236 186 159 323 379 481 560 295 440 512 132 675 104 853 88 1011 617 780 924 . 4 12Y" 5 13~ 6 • 14 14 Yo, 7 8 9 10 15% 16'4 17· 552 454 367 330 250 ..356 206 434 166 537 150 593 325 397 491 542 4 5 6 7 265 220 180 120 743 679 100 896 819 82 1095 1001 8 9 10 17';.1 18 % 292 230 .195 i1 12 19 20 160 130 14'.4 15 16 16y" Hi 346 . II 73 12.3 0 1124 59 · 1520 1390 , I .. Th e sizes 'in most general use are N os . 4, .5 & 6 in 7-ply \Vire. " - I, 1 i . .. . . . . ; . 232 CO. LIMITED. - • DORMAN, LONG & -- ~ , SiRENGTH LOAD IN ..., , 0 .. ,-sf:!: Inches ,3 ·299 '298 \ 297 . 1 ·296 i 158'3 157'3 156·2 155·2 1;;4'2 . ._~f:!: Load In Lbs. QO - OF' WIRE. LaS. ON WIR,E TO _PRODUCE A TENSION OF 1 TON ,PER SQUARE INCH. , .eo.. "" .,.- Q)'~ ~ Load In Lbs. .Qo Inches -.- 1---,265 ·264 ·263 '262 '261 . -.= "" sf:!: Load In Lbs. .!!QO Inches - - -- ,_ '23 '.229 '228 "227 226 , I ~~ EI ...... 6 Loa,d In Lbs. 0 93, I 92·3 91'5 90·7 89 ·9 ' 195 ·194 '193 ·192 ' 191 !if: ,,'Elf:!: .~ ..... QO Load in Lbs. Inches Inches _ ..i", 123'6 122'6 121,7 120·8 119·8 ,,\ ._- I -~-- 67· 66·2 65'6 64·8 64·2 '16 ·159 '158 '157 ·156 45' " 44'5 43'9 43 ,4 42:8 .. ,- 153-1 152 ·1 151' 150' i49 - '26 '259 '258 ,257 ,256 118'9 11'8 . 117' 1 116'2 115 -3 '225 ,224 '223 ,222 ,221 , 89 '01 88,2 87'51 86 ' 7 85 ,'9 ' 19 ,189 ' 188 ' 187 '186 63.'6 62·9 62,2 61'5 60'9 ' 155 ·154 ,'153 ·152 ' 151 4;2,3 41 ·7 41·2 40 ' 6 40' 1 ,29 -289 ,288 ·287 ,286 147,9 146,9 145'9 144·9 143'9 '255 ,254 ,253 ,252 ·251 114·4 113,5 !.l2'6 III '7 110,8 ,22 219 '218 '217 ,216 ,85, I 84 ,3 8.3 '6 82 ,84 82, 1 ' 185 ' 184 .' 183 ' 182 ' 181 60·2 59'5 58,3 57 ,7 ' 15 ' 149 '148 ·147 ·146 39'6 39, 38'5 38, 37'05 ,285 ·284 ,283 ,282 ·281 142'9 141, 9 140'9 139'9 138,9 '25 -249 '248 · 247 --246 110' . 109-1 108,2 107,3 106, 4 ,215 ·214 ' ·213 ,212 ·211 81 ,3 80'6 79,8 78'3 ' 18 ' 179 ' 178 '177 ·176 57' 56·4 55' 7 55'2 54'5 ·145 ' 144·143 ' 142 '141 37, 36'5 36' , 35'5 35 ' 137, 9 136- 9 ' 135,9 135· 134 -1 ·245 '244 .: 243 -242 '241 105 '6 104·7 103 ' 9 \03, 102 - ,21 ,209 ,208 -207 ·206 77'6 76'9 7.6·2 75,4 74'7 '175 ' 174 -173 -172 ,171 53,8 53 '3 52-7 52 , 51 ,5 ,14 ' 139 ' 138 , 137 ' 136 34 ·5 34, 33'S 33· 325 101 -I 100, 51 99' 71 98 '8 98 , -205 ,204 ,203 73,9 73,2 72-5 71-8 71 ' -17 ·169 -168 ' 167 , 166 . 50,9 50 -2 49'6 ,271 -24 133' ,239 132·1 -238 131 -1 130,2 . ",-237 129,2 ' 236 ' 135 ' 134 ,1 :lJ ' 132 -131 32, 31 ,6 31 , 1 30,1 30,2' ,27 ,269 '268 '267 -266 128,2 . ,235 '234 127-3 -233 )26' 3 -232 125-4 124,4 ·231 97, 96,3 95'5 94'7 93 '9 '2 ' 199 ' 198 -197 ' 196 70-4 69.'7 69 - ' 165 ' 164 , 163 ·162 ' 161 47,9 47, 3 46-7 46,2 -[3 29'7 29 ' 3 28,8 :295 ' 294 -293 ' 292 ·291 I , -28 ,279 ,278 '.277 ·'P6 ,275 -274 ,273 ,272 . 79 , 59· I . I I '202 '201 68'3 67 '6 49' 48-5 45 ' 0 ' 129 ' 128 ' 127 ' 126 28 ' 4 28- DORMAN, ¥LONG & CO. LIMITED. STRENGTH OF WIRE . • LOAD IN LBS . ON WIRE TO PRODUCE A TENSION • OF , 1 TON PER SQUARE INCH ~" CONTINUED. -,- - - - - + , -----,--- .~.~ ~~ .Bf!1 G) '- _~~ A ~-~ is ° Inches I -~~ AQ ~~ ' Load in Load In ' Lbs. . Q --;----,-- Lbs_ - - . , - - -:--- ~.~ ~&: ._"" AO Load in Lbs. ,.. Inohes Inches -.------;-----1 Load in Lbs_ Load In Lbs. Inches r---I-~-'- - - - 1 - - - - 1- - - ,-- -'-" - -1---1-----:---1 - - -- -125 : · 124 · 123 · 122 -121 I 27-5 2726-2 25,8 · 12 · 11 9 · 118 · 11 7 · 116 25-3 ·115 · 114 · 113 ·112 -111 23J 22-9 22-5 22-1 -11 21 -3 2.0,9· 2.0-5 -' 09.5 24-9 24-5 24-,1 23-7 21'7 -109 · 108 ' 094 -(192! -09 1 : -09 1 I -.089 I -.088 . \ ,.087 ,.086 , -085 :1 -084 . ,083 -1\)7 - ;ro- l ,082 - - 1.06 19-7 -.08 1 -lOS 19-4 ,- --08 -.079 , -.078 ,077 • .07 -.069 ·068 -:1 -.065 i .064 , , -.063 -.062 -.061 143 ' 13-9 13-6 13 ,3 13- ' 9,-9" ,.05' -0741 9 -6 -.073 1 9·4 -.07, 2' , .9'\ '.071 89' I 15 '9 IS -55 15 -2 14-9 14-6 I' -093 ! " -.075 I 17'6 17-24 16-9 16-6 16·2 :099 :098 -097 -096 , 26-6 I 127 - -.06 12'4 12, 1 11 ,8 ' 11 '5 -.059 -.058 ·.049 " 048 ·047 :.046 4'4 4-2, 4-.0 3 ·8 - 3 '7 -.025 -.024 '.023 ,.022 -.021 1 -1 1 -.0 14 ·93 ·85 -775 -7 -635 -045 -044 3-55 ,.02 3\4 -.043_ -042 3·25 3, 12 .01 9 ,.01 8 ' .017 -.041 2 :95 -.016 7-4 -04 2,8 7-2 -.039 -.038 -.037 '.015 -.0 14 '.0 13 '-036 ! 2 -7 2 -56 2 -4 2 ,3 -.035 2:ib :034 2-.04 -.033 ·.032 -031 1'93 -03 • ' -029 -.051 6-33 6-1 5-9 ' 5-7 -056 ' 5:5 -055 -.0.,54 '.053 : -.05'2 5 -3 , -57 -508 -45 '912 -396 -3448 , ,297 -253 ' -.o Il '2128 ,176 -1425 1 -8' 1 ,7 -.01 -009 -008 -007 -006 1 '58 1-48 1-38 -005 -004 -003 ,04398 -02815 ·.01583 1-28 -002 -001 ·00176 -1126 - 104 19- -1.03 · 102 I - 1.01 I 18 -7 18"3 1'1-9 I 11 -26 11 1.0-7 • 10 -4 1.0-16 '.076 i -051 5-1 4-9 4'8 4-6 -028 ·027 ·.026 1 '188 '" -.0862 -.0633 I I 1 , 8-6 " 8_- 4, 8- 1 7 -9 _ 7-7 76,8 6-5, - , , , ·007 I) , Tak~ a wire oj ,tny d i ~rnete l',say ,084 inches ; according ttl the table a load of 12-4 Ibs_ on tbis wire would b" cquivalimt to a tension of 1 ton per sq_ inch, If sl1ch a wire on testing broke uncler a load 01 62.0 lbs" the corr'espondin g tension would he , 5.0 to ns per sq_ i'lCh_ ,- .h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ __ ~ __ ~ __ ~ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ __ . . ~, -t':J-04 = II 234 ( " CO'. ',LIMITED. bORMAN, LONG & . ~ IMPERIAL STAN DARD WIRE .. GAUGE. STEEL WIRE • TABLE OF SIZES, WEIGHTS, LENGTHS. AND BREAKING LOADS. As adopted by tbe Iron and Steel Wire Manufacture,!'s' Association-January, 1904. '" §'"$", ~ ~ ~. ,s '"o 1l., ",Q §i .- " [!l" ",.!:l '~ ...: • 1/2 ' 15/32 7tl6 13 /32 3/8 11/32 " 1/8 " " 3132 I,• ' ·, " I I i.lJ6 • " 3/64 · " " 1/32 " 3/128 " " " 1/64 " " , ':3 - ~~ ., = J:l · ~~~ /l 100 Yards 1 Kllo- 1 Mile - . m~tre · 12568 128 '07 · 10869 110·80 ·09510 96'93 '08244 84·03 2188 1885 1634 I 2 3 4 5 .300 ·276 ·252 ·232 ,212 7,6 7·0 6·4 5·9 5·4, ,07069 72·04 1268 ' , ·05982 60·97 lon,04987 , 50 ,85 895' '04227 43.. 07 7Se '03530 35'97 63.3 78.8 667 556 471 393, 6 7 8 9 10 ·192 ,176 ·ICC ,144 ,128 4'9 4,5 4'1 3·7 3 ·3 '02896 '02432 -02011 '01628 ,01287 :29·43 24'7'7 20·45 16·59 13·12 518 446 360 292 231 323 271 224 182 143, 11 :' 12' 13 14 15 ·116 ' 104 -092 ,080 ,072 3·0 2 ' 6' 2-3 2-0 1 ·8 ·01057 ,00850 ,00665 ·00503 190 152 119 90 118 95 74 56 ' 00407 10·80 8·63 6-76 5 'II 4 -15 73 45 ·00322 ·00246 ·00 181 '00126 1'00 102 3·29 2·50 1 ·83 1'27 1'03 " - 2254 .' ' 1400 1950 1211 1706, _ lObO 1479 ' 9,19 1 Cwl. 56 65 75 9851 8521 7457 6463 155 183 220 305 360 433 .312 61>1 3958 3350: 2792 236.6 1977 5542 4690 748 1621 380 890, ', 1362 452 10'15 1125 546 ,1329 675 911 854 " lbI~1 720 2269 1908 1576 1276 '1008 26Q 311 r040 2047 1293, 2545 1653 345,4 2186 " 4303,' 2699 ' • 5.113, 094 , 1·6 ·056 1,4 '048 1·2 ·040 1'0 . <X) 6 0'9 21 22 23, 24 25 ,032 0:8', '00080 ·028 0·7 -00062 '024 0'6 '00045 '022 0"55 '00038 ·020 0'5 '00031 '819 ' 14'42: " '628 II ·04 8, 11 ·461 , ·387 6·82 ·320 I 5·63 8'96 6:86 5·04 4·24 3-5 17846 24290 28908 34978 26 27 ,018 ·0164 ·0148 ·01 36 ·0124 '259; ·215 ·175 ' ·148 ·123 2'84 2-35 1,92 1 -62 1'35 43184 52021 ' 63877 75646 90996 29 30 - 110 10995 15393 128' 9469 1325,7 147 ,8208 " t1490 172 7035 198,. ~6 226 5326 261 4616 ;' 0'45 '00025 0-4 ,00021 0'37 ·00017 I 0'3l00014 0'32 '00012 / Tons 100 25 Tonsl, 3; _per per Kilos. Sq. Inch Sq. Inch 87'5 101 115 133 ,6 17 18 19 20 28 Approximate Breaking Load lbs. 0",'" :3 10·2 9·4 8·8 8'2 ·. " " Approximate Lengtb yarri,s_ _ '400 '372 '348 '324 1/4 , =.9 ~ ' Approximate Weight Ibs. 4/ 0 3/0 2/0 1/0 " " ";I '"a> J:l 7/ 0 '500 12'7 · 199:lS 200'11 ~22 6/ 0 -464 1l·8 ·16910 172·33 3033 5/ 0 ·432 II ·0 ·14657 149 '37 12629 ·. 3'116 DIameter 58 36 .. 3416 '6724. ' 27·5 44 4462 8783' 32·5 20-2 , 6073 11954 22-54 14 ·0 8745 j1~14 18,;Z5 11'34 1D79q , 2125:1 4-56 3'79' 3, 09 2,61 2' 17 1 1~ 26$94 35128 47813 56903 , 68851 85003 102498 125735 148903 179118 592 475 373 281 227 180 138 , 101 70 57 45 3.4'4 2.')·2 21·2 17·6 14·2 Il'S 9'6 8-1 6-8 3910 3313 2767 828 666 521 394 ' 318 25:6192 141 98 79 63 48·2 35,'3 29,'8 24'0 19·9 16'6 13·5 11· 4 9'5 235 .DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ~ \ COMPARISON OF WIRE r GAUGES. .U I I Diameter In Inches Diameter In Millimetres , Size Size I American on on Imperla)'Blrmlng- AmerIcan imperial BlrmlngWire or Wire or Wire Wire Standard ham Paris Standard ham Paris & Browne & Gauge Gauge Wire Wire Wire Browne WIre GauW Gau~ Sharpe's Sharpe's (J.de Gauge, Gauge (J.de .) Gauge Gauge .) Gauge (S.W.G ;) (B.W.G.) (B.& (S.W.G.) (B.W.G.) Gauge S.) (B.& S.) •I ... .. '500 '5800 '5165 ·400 '372 ·348 ·324 ·454 '4'25 ·380 ·340 ·4600 ·4096 '3648 ·3249 ·300 ·276 '252 ·232 ·212 ·300 , ·284 , ·259 ·238 '220 ·2893 ·0236 '2576 -2294 7/0 6/0 5/0 '500 ·464 ·432 4/0 3/0 2/0 0 1 2 3 ". 4 5 11' 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 . 26 27 28 29 30 '1819 -0276 '0315 ·0354 '0394 7·620 7·010 6'400 5·892 ' 5 -384 7·620 7'213 6'578 6·045 5'588 ·1620 '1443 '1285 ·1144 ·101 ~ ·0433 ·0472 ·0512 ·0551 '0:i91 4·876 4·470, 4:064 3'657 ' 3·251 5 ·156 4 '5'71 4·191 3'759· 3·403 '0007 '0630 '0709 '.0787 ·.0866 ·0945 :P4 6 ' '0808 ·0720 . 0641 ·0571 '.0508 ·0453 ,0403 "03.59 -0320 ·1063 -1181 ; 1339 ··15~5 , ,1732 ·028 ,-025 4 .022 ·020 ,,'0285 '0253 ·0226 ·0201 '0179 -1929 ,2126 -2323' '25i20 -2756 '018 -016 -014 ·013 ·012 ·.01.59 '0142 '0126 ·0113 ·0100 ·2992 ·3228 .-3465 -3701 -3937 ·203 )80 ·165 , . 148 ' ·n!- ·116 '104 ·092 ·080 ·072 . ·120 ·109 ·095 ·083 '(172 'OQij -065 ·058 '049, '042 ) ·032 -028 , '.024 '022 ·020 '018 ·0164 '()148 ·0136 '0124 , ·2C43 , ·. .. ' ' ·035 '032 I I 11'68 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. 7/0 6/0 5/0 .. ·. 4/0 3/0 2/0 0 7·34i.\ 6·543 5·827 5: 189 4·620 ·6 ·7 ·8 ·9 1 ·0 1 2 3 4 5 '4·115 3·:164 2·906 2·588 j •1 1· 2 1 ·3 1·4 1 '5 6 7 8 9 10 .3 ·647 2·768 2·412 2'108 .1·828 2·304 2·052' 1 ·829 1·628 1-450 1 .6 1 ·8 2·0 2·2 2·4- 11 12 13 14 15 1'625 1 ·421 ' I· il8 ,1 -016 '914 1 -650 1·472 1'244, 1·066 ·889 1·290 1 ·151 1'024,912 ·813 2'7 :1-0 3-4 3'9 4·4 . 16 17 18 19 20 ·812 '711 ·609 '559 '508 ·812 ·711 49 .,559 '508 ·724 ·643 -574 . 511 -455 21 22 23 24 25 ·457 ·417 , ·376 ·345 '315 ·457 ·406 ·356 ·330 ·305 " ~. '0(\6 ·048 ·040 ·036 '18 14'73 13 ·12 11'531 10·794 9·651 8'635 , 16 ' 17· .. .. 10 '15'') 9·448 8·839 8'229 .. ·144 .·12tJ , ." .. 12'700 ',160 " ·. ·. ·. .. ·.. ·12·699 H ·785 10·972 -·192 .. 1'16 6 7 8 9 ·10 '", 2'"641 2'336 2-032 1-828 , '635 10'40 9·266 8·255 3·665 ,5·4 5'9 6'4 7·0 ·4047·6 . ·361 8"2 ·320 8·8 '287 " 9·4 '254 10·0 26 27 28 29· 30 236 -' • D0RMAN, LONG & , ( " , , , - CO. LIMITED. " I EQU IVALE;NTS OF TONS 'I N KILOGRAMMES KIlogrammes per Ultre Mil imetre Ton~ per . Square Inch ' s'1 ,. ' PER SQUARE M 1LLI PER SQUARE KIlogrammes per Square Millimetre .INCH IV! ETRE. Kllogrammes per ' Square Millimetre Tons per SqUare Inch Kilogrammes per ' Square Millimetre as 59·85 61·42 63'00 64'57 66,' 15 76 77 78 , 79 80' , 119- 69 121 ,27 122,84 124-42 125'99 67'-72 69,30 81 ' 82 83 84 ' 85 127 -57 129 -14130,72 132-29 133,87 ' 119 , 120 121 122 123 187 ,42 188 -99 190 -57 192 -14 193·72 86 135'44 137'02 138-59 140,17 141'74 124 . 125 121;> • 127 128 195-29 19(,'87 198-44 ' 200'02 201 '59 143 -32 144,89 146,47 14,8 ,04 149 -62 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 1:36 137 · 138 Tons per Squllre Inch Tons per Square 'Inch ' -- , . I , -1 0 -- 2 3 4 1 '57 - 3' 15 4'72 6-30 5 6 7 8 9 7,87 9'45 11 '02 12,60 14' 17 43 44 45 46 47 70-87 10 11 12 13 14 15-75 17-32 18,90 • ,20-47 22,05 48 49 50 5.1 52 75,60 77-17 78''75 80-32 81 '90 15 16 17 18 19 23-62 25-20 26-77 28,35 29-92 53 54 55 56 57 83 -47 85,05 86 ,62 88,20, 89'77 ' 20 21 ' 22 23 24 31-50 33,07 34-65 36'22 37,80 58 ,59 60 ' 61 \ ' 62 25 26 27 28 29 39-37 40-95 42-52 44·10 45-67 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3'/ -! . I 39 40 41 42 72-4-5 74'02 87 - 88 ' 89 90 91 92 93 94 .... 95 - 114 115 116 , 117 118 " .179 -54 181' 12 182-69 l84'27 185,84 ' 203,17 ' 204·74 206'32 207-89 209-47 211 ,04 212·62 214, 19 215-77 217'34 91-35 92-92 94,50 96'07 97,65 96 97 98 99 1<Xl 151 '~ 1.52 -77 154-34155-92 157,49 63 64 65 66 67 99,22 100,80 102- 37 103-95' 105 '52 101 102 '103 104 lOS 159-07 160 -64162'22 163'79 165-37 139 140 141 142 ' 143 218-92 220'49 222 -07 223·64225 ,22 47-25 48,82 50-40 51-97 68 107 , 10 108'67 110,25 111 ,82 106 107 108 109 166-94 168,52 170·09 171 '67 144 145 146 147 226·79 228-37 229'94 231-52 53 ' 55 55-12 56-70 58,27 72 113,40 114,97 116-55 118-12 110 111 112 113 173·24 174-82 176-39 177'97 148 149 150 233 ·09 234'67 236-24 69 ' 70 71 73 74- 75 -- f - " 237 • DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ., . , ' . . EQU IVALE'NTS . OF M1LUMETRE . IN KI LOGRAM M ES TONS PER PER SQUARE SQUARE INCH . • • KiloKiloKilo, grammes Tons grammes Tons grammes per ,per. per per per Square,' Square' Square Square Square MlIIlInoh NlIlliInch" MIIIImetre metre metre Tons per Square Inch' Kllogrammes per s~uare 1111- m,etre Kllo·Tons grammes Tons per . per per Square Squal'e Square Inch MiIliInch metre - - _. 0 1 2 3 4 28'57 ?9·21 'f?9 ·84 30'48 :31- 11 .,.'9290 ,2'54- 45 46 47 48 49 93 94- 57·15 57"18 58'42 59,05 59,69 135 136 137 138 , 139 • 5 6 7 8 9 3- 17 3-81 4'44 5-08 5'71 50 51 52 53 54 31 '75 32-38 33-02 3:3 -65 34,29 95 96 97 98 99 60,32 60,95 61 '59 62-22 62-86 -, 10 11 12 13 14 6·35 6-98 7-62 , 8-25 8-89 "55 34,92 35-5t" 36- 19 36-83 37-46 100 101 102 103 '1'04 63-49 15· 16 17 18 . 19 9-52 )0'16 10-79 II ·43 12-0(, 60 61 62 63 M 38'- 10 38-73 39-37 20, 21 12-70 13'33 13,97 65 ... 66 67 68 69 41 -27 41 '91 42'54 4-3 -18 43:81 , 1.14 70 ,71 72 73 74 44'45 45-08 45-72 46-35 46-99 75 76 n23 24 ·63 1 '27 1 -90 " " 14-60 15-24 25 " . 15 -87 56 57 58 59 - 4O-ilO 40-64- 85:72 86,35 _ 86.-99 87,62 88-26 180 181 182 )83 184 114 ·29 114·93 115-56 116' 20 116·83 140 141 142 143 144 88-89 89-53 90, 16 90-80 91 '43 185 186 187 188 189 117-47 118 -10 118-74 119·37 120 ,01 64 -\3 64-76 65-40 66:03 14,5 146 147 148 14-9 92'0'7 92-70 93'34 93'97 94-61 190 191 192 193 194 120,64121-27 12191 122'54123, 18 105 66-67 106 . 67-30 107 67-94 lOll 68-57 109 69-21 150 151 152 153 154 95-24 95·88 96'51 97- 15 97,78 195 196 197 198 199 123,81 124-45 125-08 125·72 126-35 110 111 112 113 69-84 70-48 . 71 -11 ' 71 -75 72-38 155 156 157 158 159 98-42 99-05 99-69 100-32 100-96 200 201 202 203 204 126-99 127-62 128-26 128-89 129-53 116 117 118 119 115 78-02 73'65 74:29 74-92 75-56 160 161 162 163 1M 101'59 102-23 102,86 103'50 104, 13 205 206 207 208 209 130'16 130-80 13.1 -43 132-07 132-70 120 121 122 123 124 '76·19 76-83 77-46 78- 10 78-73 165 166 167 168 169 104-77 105'40 106-04 106-67 107-31 210 211 212 213 214 133-34 133·97 134-61 135 -24 135-88 -' 26' 27 . 28. 29 16-51 17 ·14 17-78 18-41 30 31 32 33 :J4 19-05 19·68 .20-32 .20'95 21-59 78 79 47-62 48-26 48-89 49'53 50-16 35 36 37 38 39 22-22 22-86 23-49 24 -13 24-76 80 81 82 83 84 50-80 51 -43 52-07 52-70 53-34 125 126 127 128 129 79-37 80-00 80-M 81 -27 81 -91 170 171 172 173 174 107-94 108-58 109-21 109-85 110-48 215 . -136,51 216 137 -15 137-7.8 217 138-42 218 139'05 219 40 41 42 25-40 26-03' 26-67 27-30 27-94 85 86 87 88 89 53'97 54'61 55-24 55-88 56-51 130 131 132 133 134 82'54, 83 -18 83-81 84-45 . 85.-08 175 176 177 178 119 111 -12 111 -75 112' 39 113 ·02 113.-66 220 221 222 223 224 225 43 44 77.. 139·69 140-32 140-96 141-59 142·23 .142'86 I I, l ,l I Ii ' .. ~, .,-' ~ I ~: I ' ,I :-I f i' 'I ii ,, - ,I I , 238 " DORMA.N, 'LOj\{G, & CO, LIMITED, ' , ' " , " GALVANIZED WIRE STRAND FOR GUYS, STAYS, SIGNALS AND FENCING, -" I Size of Strand Inches Exact Diameter Size of each Wire Approximate Weight per 100 yards Inc,hes S,W,G, Pounds -480 '456 '432 '408 '384 '366 '348' '330 '312 '294 '276 '258 ' 21~0 '228 ' 216 '204 '192 '180 '168 '156 , 141\ ' 132 '120 '114 '108 8 148 133 122 108 96 88, 80 72 64 57 50, 43' 38 34 31 ' 28 24 21 18Yz I 16 ' 14 11% 9Yz 8Yz 7% I :-II 'n H l~ HII .j if,. I % I I' 1 1 TI H -A H i\r ~ -/\11r 2.}", '3'!;; T H " TI 2. Tll""rr " 6'4 ' "~'I .J) tI-T 17 Tn Ii . SEVEN PLY, Y8 M., 0" a~ 9 ,9% 10 10% , 11 ' ll~' 12 12% 13 13% 14 14~ 15 15Yz 16 16% 17 17% ., 18 18Yz 19 19% 20 .. .. " I Approximate breaking strain in Galvanlsed' MUd Steel Pounds ApPl'oxhnate Length , per owt" Yard's - " , ' 75 84 90 104 117 127 , 140 155 175 196 224 260 294 330 362 , I~OO 466 533 610 700 800 . 975 1,180 1,320 1,445 " 11,347 10,257 9,186 8,209 7,264 6,603 5,960 5,355 4,795 4,247 3,755 3,,276 2;835 , 2,558 2,29.4 2042 ' , 1,815 1,600 1,386 1,197 1,015 857 : , 706 643 574 . I • IRON OR , STEEL GALVANIZED STAY SrR!\NO: APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS AND a-ply N:o. 8 Wire (4'06 m/ m) Yards per cwt. Met res " " Lbs, per mile .. , . Kilos " " , .. .. . , , ,, , , .. .. 4-ply LENGTHS, • , 7-piy 5-ply " 180 164 1,095 497 130 119 1,517 688 i 108 99 1,825 828 76 ,70 ' 2,594 , '1,177 " " , ' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. CLARENCE IRON & STEEL WORKS I , 1, PORT CLARENCE . IRON & STEEL WORKS ." ROLLING MILLS , 1 . RAILWAY & CONDUCTOR RAILS . , AND ACCESSORIES , " fI//I HIGH -,CLASS STEEL "CLARENCE " . QUALITY Bill e,t s, Blooms, Slabs, etc. ' , I • - " • • 240 .~ DORMAN, LONG & CO. ' ,LIMITED. ~ F====-=========================-=================== I t . CLARENCE STEEL WORKS AND ROLLING MILLS PORT CLARENCE BASIC OPEN HEARTH STEEL SPECIALITIES: .' HIGH CARBON WEAR-RESISTING RAILS. ELECTRIC CONDUCTOR RAILS and accessories of High Conductivity Steel, rolled to any . desired section. HIGH-CLASS STEEL in all qualities ranging from Dead Soft to I' ~ 5%Carbon, sold in blooms or billet$ for the man ufacture of Wire, Springs, Files, Saws, Tools, Forgings, Stanlpiilgs, Agricultural Implements, Motor Vehicle Parts, etc. : CONDUCT.IVITY STEEL to stand Geljleral Post Office, India Office and British Railway Tests. ALLOY STEELS including NICKEL, CHROME, SILICa - MANGANESE, etc. TUBE ' STEEL. BILLETS from 2 ins. square to s! ins. square. SLABS from 4 ins. by I i ins~ to Zi ins. by 2 ins. 241 ... , DORMAN, LONG & , CO. LIMITED. ~. I , ACKLAM ,. d., IRON & STEEL WORKS ,. MIDDLESBROUGH .,, .j I IRON & STEEL . WORKS. , ; "', ROLLING MJLLS , ~ i ~ , I ~l ',1 ,I , ., ~ , " ~, Railway and Tramway Rails and Accessories, Sheet Bars, Billets, etc. .. ,I Jl , , !1 I 1 t l J : " ,J -242 ~ • DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. . ACKLAM IRON & STEEL WORKS M I DDLESBROUGH , , • BASIC OPEN HEARTH STEEL I RAILWAY RAILS. .j Flange ancr bull bead, together with fish plates, to British Standard Sections and specifications, or to burer's own section and specification; also soJeplates and sleeper plates. I j GROOVED GIRDER TRAMWAY RAILS ., . I and accessories, to British Standard Sections and specification, or to buyer'S own section and specification . , l These works are sllppliers to mo st of the Tra)1l w ~)! Undertakings· In t'he' United Kingdorn and the Coloni es . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. CLEVELAND IRON & STEEL WORKS SOUTH BANK IRON & STEEL WORKS ; ,. ROLLING MILLS Railway and Tramway Rails and Accessories. Steel Sleepers. I· Steel Plates, Joists, Sections and Bars. ... . , . ..... " . ' '':~' ' .... r-~---'-'--'---------'.\·'----~---~-------, DORMAN, LONG' & . CO. LIMITED . ., CLEVEL·A 'N "D IRONWORKS ~,- PRODUCTION: CLEVELAND FOUNDRY FlO . IRON, All grades. .... SPECIAL SANDLESS BASIC PIG' IRON. ORDINARY BASIC PIG IRON. ' FERRO MANGANESE AND SPIEGELEISEN. · , . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. • .. C" , ; CLEVELAND STEELWORKS I' "\ 1I, . BASIC . OP~N HEARTH STEEL , I' Flange alfd . Bull Head . Accessories. , . Railway t Rails ' and ; ~ 1 I r .' Steel Girder Tramway Rails and Accessories. . Ste~l '. , . . .. - .",. . .. "_ .. .-. I Sleepers for Home, Foreign and Colonial Railways. . ', , . ' : . ,j , .\ l ,. I COLONIAL TYPE. , Sted Piates for Shipbuilding, Boiler, Constructional Engineering purposes, etc. , Steel Joists, Angles, Channels and other Sectional Material. Steel Arches for ' Collieries. " .. .. - -_ _ _~_-~' ......t! '.246 DORMAN, LONG ' & CO. LIMITED. CLEVELAND CONCRETE WORKS KERBS. POSTS. FLAGS. ARCHITECTURAL DRESSINGS of highest quality .. BRICKS for puilding purposes. .. :I , I . I . CRUSHED AND CONCRETE RQAD SLAG direct f'l'om Blas tf~l:naces (Basic ' Ir.on). ..... II . I . . I . I I I , ,'" NEWFIELD BRICKWORKS' ,.. Co. DURHAM. '. REFRACTORY MATERIAL .. .. ... SILICA, FUl\NACE AND 'COKE OVF;N BRICKS. '" . LADLE BRICKS. -- GANISTER BRICKS . •'. . SILICA CEMENT. FIREBRICKS. GROUND GANISTER AND FIRECLAY. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. :., , ;I ! I j I, ! GENERAL INFORMATION, i , .~ I FORMULJE, TABl:ES, ETC. I -,I , • K I I 248 '. DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMlTED. GENERAL FORMUUE FOR THE OF BEAMS. FLEXURE A = area of section in square inches. 1. = length of span in feet. l = length of span in inches. W = total distributed load in tons. / = s~fe stress, in tons per square inch, in extreme fibres of beam. d = .total depth of cross section In inches. y '- di~tance in inches of outermost fibre from neutral axis. (in a symmetrical section y = %) . M = maximum bending moment in inch tons. D = maXInlUm deflection in lllches. I = greatest moment of Inertia about the neutral axis. (passing through the centre of gravity of section) Ip = moment of Inertia abollt an axis parallel to above" but not passing through the centre of gravity. v = dIstance 1n inches between these axes,' Z = section modulus.' r ,. = radius of gyration in inches. E = modulus of elasticity. (assumed at 12,000 tons per square inch for steel) Z =1. y Ip I = .+ A.v" r =,ji M.)I 1\01' Stress = - 1 - = Z f.l /Z M =-y-= For. a beam supported at both enclsand uniformly loaded, w 8x/xZ l - 8x/xI l XY 5Wl" . . for bca.ms of uniform section, supported at both 384 E.I ends andllniformly loaded P.l" fOl' beams of uniJorm section, supported at both (II) .D _ 48 E.I ends and loaded with a single load, P, at centre of span (IIJ) D _ W.l" for beams of uniform section fixed at one end: and 8 E.! unsupported at the other, and uniformly loaded P.l" . (IV) D ·=-"":";';"",- for beams of uniform section fixed at one end and 3 E.l unsupported at the other, and loaded with a single load, P, at the latter end . For girders with. equal flanges and / taken at 8 tons per square inch, the deflection is follows ; ·02 L' (III) D = '04~ V (1) D -:d (1) D = as (II) D '~ = 'Ol~ L" ; (IV) D = '064 L2 d _____________________________________ ~~J DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BENDI.NG MOMENT, SHEAR AND DEFLECTION OF" BEAMS UNDER VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF LOADING. (t).-BEAM SUPPORTED AT BOTH . ENDS AND UNIF'ORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOAD. I HAVING AN Maximum bending momeut, in inch tons at middle 3W.L. of Span = W.I . 8 2 Maximum shear at points of support ~ -~. ~ ~_l,. _________ ~ MaximlUn deflection in in ouos = ;8~ii~i Maximum dellection in inches, wbere flanges are . equal and extreme ilbre stress taken at 8 .tons · ·02V. . per square inch cl Safe load = that given in the tables. (2).-BEAM SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS AND HAVING CONCENTRATED LOAD IN THE MIDDLE. 'P":""~'" . . ..* Safe load = half that given In the tables lor case (I). I I L = soan in feet. l = span in incbes. A = distance in feet. a = Same distance in inches. B = distance in feet. b <== same distance in inches. W = t(Jtal load in tons. I =momeI\t of inertia. E =modulus of elasticity, assluned at 12,000 tons per square inch for steel. d =depth of beam in inches. A Maximum bonding monlcnt, in inch tons, at middle W.! 3 W .L. . of span=~= Maximum ,bear between load and points of supp(Jrt =i' I, Maximum deflection in. inches = 4':: ~~ . MaxirilUll deflection in inches, where flanges are equal and extreme fibre str~ss ta~en a t 8 tons '016V pOl' square inch = d . - (3).-BEAM SUPPORTED AT BOTH ENDS CONCENTRATED LOAD AT ANY ,~:~::t:,.~.:~~::, SMe 10;l.d = that given in the tables for case (1) x 8 ~~B' AND HAVING POINT. A MalCillum bending moment, in inch tOllS\xJt poInt of , 12 .A.B. appIica ti on 0f 1oa d = W.a.b - 1 - = --L-Maximum-shear between load and the nearer sup· port;'" '!!.j~ and between load and the other .t W.B. suppor = --c- ;j Maximum dellec· } W.a.b(21- a) ~ (2/- ) 9 R.I I 3 ' a. tion, i~ inches Maximum deflection, iII inches, where · flange.~ are equaJancl extreme fibre stress taken at 8 tons per square inch = 2 ;~i5 -dA) ~48 A (2 L - A). ' NOTF:.-Care Should be taken that the maximum shear, in the abOVecfl£PS, does not exceed half the maximum .load given in the tables. - 250 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BENDING MOMENT, SHEAR AND DEFLE 'C TION OF BEAMS UNDER VARIOUS SYSTEMS OF LOADING. L = span iI) ieet. I = span in inches, A ~ distance in feet. a = some distance' in inches, B = <1istance in feet, b = same distance in inches , W= total load in tons, I = moment of inertia, E = modulus 'of elasticity, assumed at 12,000 tons per square inch for steel. d = depth . of beam in inches, (4}.-BEA,M SUPPORTED EQUAL AT LOADS,~, DISTANCES BOTH ENDS AND CONCENTRATED FROM CENTRE AT OF HAVING TWO EQUAL BEAM. Maximum bending moment., in inch tons, between loads = w n = 6 W.A, 2 Maximum s\lear 'b etween load an'c;l nearer support W '. ,. = -T Maximum deflection, In } = ~ (3/"-4a'). Inches 48 E.I ' Maximtlm defleetion in; inches, where flan ges "re equal and extreme fibre stress taken at 8 tons 8 (3 L' - 4 A'). per square inch = Safe load = that given in tbe tables for Case (1) x " (6).-BEAM ·lA 'c:i F"IXED AT CONCENTRATED t r ~- ___ cl-l, -___ -~---~ Safe load = lis that given in the tables for case (I). (6).-BEAM . F"IXED AT UNIF'ORMLY ~ ~ Safe load = '4 that given in the tables for case (1). ONE L·O AD END AT AND THE HAVING F"REE A END. Maximllm bending nloment , in inch tons, a t point of support = W.l = 12 w.L, Maximum sbear between load and point of support =W . . , ", ' W,I" Maxltnum deflectlOll , III lllcb ~.s = "3 b.1 Ma'i!iP'um neflection, in inches, where flanges are e~uaJ Hnd extreme fibre stress taken at 8 tons '064 L2 per square inch = d o'NE END AND DISTRIBUTED HAVING 'AN LOAD. Maximum 'bending moment, in inch tons, at point of support = Yi:.~ = 6 W,L. 2 Maximum shear at point of support = W. , , MaXlmum defiectlOn, in in cbes = W /" 1iE'-:l ,Maximum deflection, in inches, where .flanges are equal a nd extremetibre stress taken at 8 tons p~ square inch = '048 L' . r1 N oTE.-Care sbould be t.aken that the maximum shear in the ij hove cases, does not exceed hal·f the maximum load given in the tahles: 251 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BENDING OF MOMENT, SHEAR, BEAMS UNDER OF VARIOUS = span in feet. I = span 41 inches. y = length in feet over which load is E = modulus of elastici ty, assumed distributed. at 12,000 tons per sqnare inch for ~teel. C = point· at which maximllm bend lng moment occurs. d = depth of beam ill inches. LOAD FROM , x = distance in feet of C from support S. - SUPPORTED DISTRIBUTED ONE _____ )(__ c - i:.' • ;I()j( o. c BOTH SUPPO'RT x,r,m .~~ ' i(----------------.-- . • --- - --,. Safe bad = '9766 X that given 'in the tables for cas~ (I). x ~'5773 L. (a).-BEAM AT SUPijORTED TO UNIFORM A INCREMENT, THE' OTHER. Maximum shear at support T = ~ Maximum deflection, in inches = w. ·Ol~.'7.l' Maximum deflection, in inches, where flanges are equal aIld extreme fipre stress taken at 8 tons '01946 L' per 'squ"t,e inch = . . d G AT EXTENDING ~, A AND ' HAVING Maximum bending inch tons, at point C = '1283 W.l mom01it', = 1'5396inW.L. BOTH LOAD , UNIFORMLY 'DISTRIBUTED LENGTH, ENDS INCREASING, BY ~",,~j!~~g2~~~~l ,1n'.I J¥ ,Y .oGl\ SYSTEMS L I = moment of inertia. (7).-aEAM &'C., LOADING. W = total load in tans. D = distance in leet. DEFLECTI .O N, ENDS OVER FFiollil A ONE AND HAVING PORTION' OF A ITS SUPPORT. Formula for finding the position of the point C. at which the roaximum bending moment occurs. , . _________ ._k _____ ._~,.~ (9).-BEAM LOAD SUPPORTED UNIFORMLY LENGTH, NOT BOTH DISTRIBUTED ENDS OVER EXTENDING TO A AND, HAVING A PORTION ITS EITHER OF SUPPORT. , I f ~-:.~;~~-~:-:~ :C -- , AT L --~ i "1' ' k----- -- - - ------------~ FormlllR for finding the position of tbe point C, at whicb the maximum bending moment occUrs. x= D +y ( 1 _ 2 D + Y) 21. /Jj - 252 DORMAN, LONG & CO . . LIMITED. BEAMS UN.SYMMETRICALLY LOADED. Example shewing ho,w t~ find \he size of a beam nece::;::;ary to carry a lqaa unitons formly distribu'ted over a portion , of its length, and extending from one support, as shewn in diagram; the ' beam Qeing supported at both B,nds , • - . • X -~ • ">1 ' and of unifurm 'section throughout, ,". - ->I~ Z4'· ,- , I:< . . -y = 16'0 Assume that Wis 10 t ons, span 20' 0" ' "- - - . - " ,< I - -- . - - L = 20,0 and distance that load extends from one support is . 16' 0''', . zLet Rl = reaction at end, S, where load commences. R z = reaction at other end, T. e = point where maximum bend.ing moment occurs. x = distance in feet of e from end S, P = d istributec110ad on length x. WE = equivalent distribu~ed lQad, ove;"the whole beam .. whIch . would produce the same maXlmum bendmg· moment as that caused by load W. ,. R2 i ~ I Then R, = W ({- + z ) , L 10 (8 + 20 4) = 6 tons. R z = 10 - 6 =Atons , .- . From formula on previous page x =y ( 1 .:. 2YL) = 16 ( 1 - _ 16) 2 x 20 . = 9·6 feet. = W.x = 9·.6 x 10 ~_ 6 't,on:t.. y . 16 p The, ttlaximum bending moment = (Rl X x) - (p x ~ ) = 6 x 9·6 ":"6x4'S=28·8 ft. tons, The maximum bending ·moment in ft . tons on a beam supported at both ends and having an ·uniformly distributed load, W is Wi; L. 1, Therefore the equivalent} _Maximum bending moment i.ll ft. tons x 8. distributed load WE L Hence WE in this case = 2S'~OX 8 = 11·52 tons. ~eference to the table of safe distributed loads on· beams wiil shew that N. B.S~B. 11 (13" x 5" x 35 lbs,) is capable of carrying 11 ' 6 tons at 20 feet span; and, as half the maximum load giVen in the ta.ble for this beam ' e~'5 = 17'75 tons) is greater than the maximum (6 tons), this beam will ,meet the requiremelltS. r~action Rl ) 253 DORMAN, LONG & BEAMS UNSYMMETRiCAllY .lOADED. R2 t --- - ~14~6~- - -- . 8'-0': - ->~- - -Is'-o"- ->1 , ' "' - --1<,I 5-0->, ''' I .<- - - -·11-0 1 1<- - . - - - L =16'- 0', , -, - - >1 1 -- Then R, "-' R1 = (12 >< 5) 12 CO. LIl\HTED. Example shewing how to find the size of a beam necessary to carry three loads concentrated at different points in its Jength, as shewn ill diagram; the beam being supported at both ends, and 'of uniform Cross section throughout. Let Wi' W 2 and W u be 3 concentrated loads of 2,3 and 12 tons respectively, R, = reaction at end S. R" = reaction at end T. W];; = ' equivalent distributed load over . the whole beam which would produce the saine maximum bending moment as that caused by (W 1 + W 2 +W 3)' + (3 16 X 8) + (2 + 3 +2 X 14) _ 7 t . · ons. - 7 = 10 tons. The maximum b~mding moment occurs at the point of applic?-tion of one of the loads, a,nd may be found as follows :' - • The bending moment at C = R, X 2 = 7 X 2 = 14 ·ft. tons. "' ,, ,, ' D = R, X 8- 2 x 6= 56 - 12=44 " " " ." E = ,R" X 5 = 10 X 5=50 " Hence the maximum bending moment is a.t E, and = 50 ft, tons. The maximum bending moment, in ft. tons, on a beam supported at 'both ends and having an uniformly dist.ributed load, W, is WaL. 'Therefore the equivalent t _ Maximum bending moment in ft, tons X 8, . distributed load WE} L .. , . Hence WE In thlS case = I . ,r 50 x 8 16 = 25 tons. Reference to the table of safe distributed 10ll-ds on beams will shew that N.B.S.B. 14 (16/1 x6" x 50 Ibs.) is capable of carrying 25 '8 tons at 16 feet span; and, as half the maximum load given in the table for this beam (4~'3 = 23'15 tons) is gr.~ater than the maximum reaction R.i (10 tons), this beam will meet the requirements, I II I~ ~ STANDARD MINISTRY LOAD OF FOR HIGHWAY TRANSPORT, JUNE, ROADS BRIDGES. ::.tl 11 T. for Impact s', o 1922. 5 ~'//I/I.'j,: Actual Loads plus 50% o DEPARTM J?:NT. :s: » -z T. 7//:j.z .lI g' t""' o z -y- C) . T. Actual Loads { «C------- En gin e -----> (20 T.l {---- Traii er- ---- --) (13 T) {--- -Trai I er - --- ") (13 T) «-- --T r ai I e r- --. --.> (J 3 T.) T.= Tons NOTE. The Bridge shall be assume~ to be carrying such·standard loads or parts of standard loads as will produce the maximum stress in any bridge member or material under consideration , provided that in any train of loads there shill not be more than oue engine per 70' 0" 01 the span of the bridge .ancl that the clis tan¢ between the centre lineS: oi two adjacent trains of \oads.shall be taken as 10' 0" in normal case.s where the widih of the .carriageway is a multiple of 1Q' 0". Where a smaller multiple is adopted (but not less in any case than 8' on) it shall b e<l>ssurned that the distance between the centre line.s of two adjacent trains of loads is reduced to the dimension of the lesser muitiple so -adopted. The "' Overill Width .. of 9' 0" ·shown on the diagram m.u st then be assumed to be reduced:s·o ·as to leave l' .O'·clearance .between the wheels of h1o'O adjacent trains. The ahove·\oadiDg is the M1.NlMUM recognised by' the Mlnistry of Transport, Roam; Department. Pi' 8 t""' .... is: ....>-l tI1 o u ~ ~--------.------------------------------------------~ DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. APPROXIMATE SUPERIMPOSED ON FLOORS. LBS. ~ER . LOADS FOOT. SQUARE . ·. . ·. ·. ·. ·. · Crowd of People . ·. · Dwellings and Offices ·. ·. Public Halh,. "'Jheafrc~, &c. · . · Retail Shops, .Work Rooms, &c. · . ·. Heavy Machin'e Shops and Warehouses .. ·. ·, .. . .. , APPROX I MATE WEIGHTS .. .. .. .. ,. 84 to 112 56 to 112 112 to 168 ·. , ,. .. 112 Not less than 224 .. ' , .. OF' VARIOUS SUBSTANCES. LBS . PER · Iron . ,, Wrougbt IrOD · Rolled nnd Cas,t Steel ,, 'Lead .. s.pelter Or Zinc ·. ' Ca~t . ·. Cleveland lron sl(me Iron Ore, Spani,s h Swedisb .. " " Coal-loose ·. AS,hes and Coke'-loose ·. . . Pitch and Tar · Asphalt · . Ballast ·. ·. Siag-Brqken, 111-211 . " · · ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. ·. ·, ·. ·. ',' · , ' . ·. ·. ·. CUBIC Portland Cement-loose Breeze Concrete '. .. Brick Conciete .. Stone or Thames, Ballast ReinfOl'ced Concrete 450 480 489 ' 6 712 440 135 ISO ·. ·. ·. 230 50·56 30·46 Common Brickwork Pressed Brickwork in Cement T" rra'coita .. Frees tone Ma~onry Granit~ Masonry ·. ·. ·. 75·80 144 ' 120 90 Plaster . .. .. Sheet and Plate Glass SI.te . . .. .. Constrnctional Timber ·. · ·. ft./f lIs/f -- ~" .. 180 42 WIRED OR "LAIN. ApPROXIMATE WfOIGH'ts PEt, SQ(JARE 1'001'. N' W' STEAM },ermanetlt way (or single trae\, exclusive ,o f l)allast Expansion oj ,Steel per degree Fahrenhdt 96 155·175 . ROLLEO PLATE'" ROUGH CAST GLASS, AOPROXIMA'rE Tt·ilCIOir;SSES. - 112 140 11 2 140 160 Petrol 42 Fuel; Lubricating and Linseed Oils 56 Snow, newly fallen .. .. 6 Fresh Wat,e r .. .. . . 62'5 Sea' Water ., .. .. .. 64 SHEET GLASS. 21oZ': 2602. 320 •. 90 90 112 140 150 " Macadam 150 ·. . Limestone · . 160 ·. Granite, Whir~stone& Basalt ,Sett~ 160·170 . York&tone Setls 140 ·. Wooel Block Paying .. 42·56 .'. ~ .. ., .. .. .. Concre'te .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. . ·. ·. .. . ·. .. FOOT. = RAILWAYS. = 180 Ibs. per foot run. 1 Gallon ,o f Wa ter 150,000 2%lbs. _ . 3%lb§,. lOlbs. :-1. .- 256 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ~w .. 1\ N€utrali Axis - -,-. - , MOM ENTS OF I NERTIA OF FLANGES, . 1 ~ --~ PER INCH OF TWO WIDTH. ~:G _ THICKNESS OF EACH FLANGE IN INCHES ~c~ ----~------,_----._----~----~----~----~----~-----I is - .:l )f '. I- ~ % % --- 1----- 1 I % I 1 I 1% 1~ I 1% 6 7 8 9 10 '7 '63 10'21 13 '16 16'49 20·19 10'58 14 ·08 18'08 22'58 27'58 13·76 18'21 23'29 28 -99 35-32 ·1·7· 16 22'59 2$-78 35'72 43'41 20 ' 79 27'24 34'57 42·77 51·85 24·67 32 · 17 40'67 50'17 60'67 28'79 37-37 41'07 57'90 69·86 33 ·18 42'86 53'80 65'99 79'43 37-83 48·65 60 ·86. 74·44 89'39 11 42-27 49-85 58-05 66·88 51·84 61 '03 70'97 81 ·66 72 ' 63 14 33' 08 39·08 45·58 52'58 61 ' 81 13 24'27 28.,72 33'55 38 ' 75 72 ·17 84 -67 98 ' 17 112 -67 82'93 97· 14 1~2'46 128·92 94 -II 110-05 127'24 145'68 105-72 123-42 ' 142 · 50 162-95 15 16 17 18 44'33 50'29 56 ·61 63·32 60·08 68'08 70'58 85 '5.8 76·33 86·41 97· 12 108·44- 93'09· 110 ·37 105'28 124-70 11 8 -22 139'90 131·91 . I~G'98 128-17 144' 67 162 ' 17 180-67 ' 146 ~50 ' 165 '36 165'20 186-30 185'03 208'49 205 -98 231 -93 184'78 207'98 232'56 258 ' 51 19 70 ·39 77·85 . 85·68 93'88 95'08 105 ·08 115 '58 126 '58 120'40 132 ·98 146'\8 160'01 146 -34 161 53 177·47 194· 16 172'93 190'76 209 ' 46 229·04 200-17 220'67 242 ' 17 264'67 228 ·06 256·61 25 1 ' 26 · 282-55 275 '59 309'74 301·04 338'18 285'84 314 ' 55 344·62 376 -08 24 25 26 102,4·6 III . 41 120 ·74 130 '44 138'08 150 ' 08 16258 175'58 174·46 189-54 205 ' 24 221 · 57 211 . 59 229'78 248·72 208-41 249 '49 270 ·82 293-02 316 ' \0 288·17 327·62 312 · 67355·32 338-17384'15 364 ·67 . 414 - 11 367'86 1 408·90 398-80 I 443-11 430 ·99 478-69 464·43 515'64 27 28 29 30 140 ' 52 150·97 161 ·80 17300 189 ' 08 203·08 217'58 232'58 2::\8 ' 52 256 · iO 274-30 29313 288 -84 310·03 331 ' 97 354·66 34 0 '06 364 ·88 390'59 ·417'17 392 - 17 420'67 450'17 480-1:,7 445- 18 477'39 510·71 545-17 499' 11 535'05 572:24 6.10·68 55397 593·67 634-75 677'20 31 248 ' 08 264·08 280'58 297 ,5.8 312 '58 332 ' 66 353 ' 37 374-69 378 ·09 402·28 427 -22 452·91 444 ·62 472-95 502 '15 532-23 512 -17 544·67 578-17 612-67 - SilO· 75 33 34 184'58 196 ' 54 208 ·80 221 ·57 017 '45 . 655'28 694-23 650 -36 691 ·30 733'49 776·93 721'03 766·23 812 '81 860·70 35 36 37 38 234'64 . 248· 10 261 ·93 276· 13 315 '.08 333·08 351'58 370'58 39665 419'23 442·43 466'26 479-34 506'53 534·47 563·16 563 ,18. 595-01 62771 661-29 648·17 684'67 722'17 760-67 734 ·31 775-5 1 817 ·84 .861·29 821'61 - 910-09 867 -55 960 ·80 9 1-4' 74 1012'9 963 ·18 1066·3 39 40 41 290·71 305'66 32<;i-99 336 ' 69 390 ·08 410'08 430 ·58 451' 58 490'71 515·79 541 ' 49 567·82 592-59 622'78 653'72 685'41 695'74 731 -01 767-27 804-35 800'17 905-87 840-67 951'57 882 '17 998·40 924-67 1046 -4 12 2Q 21 22 23 32. 42 48 .64 . 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 438 '79 588'08 738-91 891 ·28 554·38 742 ·58 932-5 1 1124'2 683'47 915' 08 1148'6 1384 ·0 826'07 1105' 6 1387 '2 1670-9 982 ' 16 1151 ·8 1334·8 1531·4 1741 '5 1314·1 1540'6 1785-1 2047-6 2328 ·1 1648:3 1931 -9 2238 ' 0 2566·6 2917 ·7 1984'8 2325 '7 2693·5 3088·4 3510 '3 84 -34 96'92 101 2-9 · 1063-8 1116'0 1169-4 1121 ·2 1177·4 1234 ' 9 1293-9 1045-2 1317 '5 1621 ' 4 1956-7 1200-7 - 1357 · 7 151 2'7 1709'5 1860·7 2101-9 2244-7 2534'7 151 6'3 1908·2 2345-1 2826'9 1 1~bn 2323-6 2721 -9 315 1- 8 3613 ·1 41 05-9 2664'7 3120-7 3612- 7 4140-7 4704 -7 3008 -1 3521 -9 4076-3 4671 -I 5306-4 3353'8 3925 ·7 4542-6 .5204 -4 59 11 -3 3701·9 4332-0 5011 -5 5740 ·6 6519-2 2590'2 3121 -3 257 DORMAN, LONG & MOMENTS OF INERTIA F'lAN GES, f:>ER INCH CO. LIMITED. OF ~.m~ TWO . ~~---~ OF WIDTH. THICKNESS OF EACH FLANGE IN INCHES 112 1% 1% '2 2)4 2Yz 2%, 3 ~ .'" Q ' ~ Q"§ .!!l oS I 42'75 54'75 68·25 83·25 99 '75 47·95 61'16 75'99 92'44 110'52 53'45 67'89 84'07 102·01 121 '70 59'24 74·94 92'52 1)1'97 133'30 I 65·33 78-47 82'33 98 ·16 101'33 120·09 122'33. 144·28 145'33 170 '.72 92'92 ! 115·42 140'42 167 ·92 197'92 108·74 134·18 162'36 193·30 226·99 154'50 186·00 220·50 258'00 9 10 117' 75 158'2.5 180·75 130·22 151 '55 174'50 199'08 143'14 166'32 191 ,26 217' 95 156'50 181 ·'58 208·54 237'36 170'33 197'33 226'33 257'33 199·41 230'34 263 ·53 298·97 230·42 263·43 26.5,42 302 ' 61 302'92 ·344'55 342'92 389·24 298'50 342'00 388'50 438 '00 11 12 18 14 204''75 230'25 257'25 285·75 225,28 253· 11 282 '56 313'64 246 -:39 276'57 308 '5'1 342'20 268'07 300'64 335'10 371'43 290'33 325'33 362'33 401·33 336'66 376 '59 418'78 463'22 3.85·42 . .436'68 430'42 ·486·86 477·92 539·80 527 '92 595'49 490'50 546'00 604'50 666'00 15 16 17 18 315'75 347'25 380'25 414'75 346'35 380'67 416'63 454 ' 20 377·64 414·.82 453'76 49 4'45 409 ' 63 449'71 491·66 535·49 442'33 485'33 530 '33 577'33 509'91 558·84 610 '03 663'47 580·42 635 ' 42 692'92 752 ' 92 730'50 798'00 808'50 942 ·00 19 20 21 22 450'75 488'25 52725 567 ' 75 493'4 1· .536'89 534·24 581 ·07 576 ·69 627'01 620'77 674'70 581' 19 628'77 678·22 729 ' 55 626'33 677 ' 33 719· 16 815·42 915 ' 18 777'09 880'42 987'36 837'28 . 947'92 1062'3 899'72 1017'9 1140 '0 6!:Yi'75 666'47 713 "80 76275 .813'33 : 137'25 , I 1% I N.eu~rall Ax.!3.- D . \1 653 ' 25 698 ' 25 744'75 ! 724 ' 14 775 ' 32 828'26 882 '95 792 ' 75 865 ' 53 939'39 842·'25 919 '30 997 '57 893'25 974'81 1057·5 945 ' 75 1031 '9 1119'2 730<~3. 78.5'33 782'75 8.42'33 964·41 837·83 901'33 1031'3 .894'79 962'33 1100'5 953'61 1025 ' 33 11 7'2:'0 10 14 '.3 1090'3 1076'9 , 1157' 3 1141 <i . 1226'3 1207'7 11297'3 1245'7 1321.' 6 1399·8 1480'2 I 653'93 715 · 11 779'05 845'74 126·Gb 6 7 8 1018'5 1098·0 1180'5 1266'0 23 24 25 26 27 28 1090'4 1165·4 1242'9 1322'9 1220'4 1303:6 1389 ' 6 1478'2 1354'5 1446 '0 1540'5· 16:.18 · 0 29 30 1405'4 1490·4 1517'9 1667 ' 9 1569'7 1663'9 1760'8 1860'5 1738'5 1842·0 1948 '5 2058'0 31 82 88 84 999 ' 75 1055 ' 3 1112 '3 1170·8 1090'6 1150 '9 1212 ,9 1276 ·5 1182·6 . 1275'9 1247'8 134$'0 1314'8 1417·9 1383 '4 1491 ·7 1370 ' 3 1445'3 1.522 '3 1601 '3 1562'9 17CO '4 1647·8 1855'4 1735·0 . 1952'9 1824 '5 2052'9 1962·9 2068'1 2176·1 2286'7 2170'5 2286'0 2404'5 2526·0 35 36 37 38 1230'8 1292·3 1355·3 141 9·.8 1341' 7 1408'5 1476"9 154'7'0 1453·9 1526 · 1 1600 ' 0 1675 '7 . 1567'4 1645'0 1724 '5 1805'8 1082'3 1765'3 1850'3 1937,3 1916'2 2010 ·1 2106'3 2204'7 2155 '4 2260'4 2367'9 2477'9 2400·2 2516'4· 2635 ·3 2757'0 2650'5 2778·0 2908·5 3042'0 89 40 41 1838'3 23 10'8 2837'3 3417'8 2001 ·6 2514 ' 7 3086·3 3716·4 2166 '6 2720-4 3337·3 40 17 ·2 2333 '1 2928'0 3590 '3 4320,2 2501'3 3137'3 2842'6 3561 '5 4361 ·3 5242 '2 3190 '4 3992'9 4885·4 5867'9 354.4'9 44~1 ,7 5417'6 6502 '5 3906·0 4878·0 5958'0 7146·0 4'60'1 511 7'5 5565·9 5982'4 6434·8 69 14 ']7366'7 7914·0 8361 ·6 ,8981·9 5477,.3 6401·3 4052'3 4405'0 4740'8 5152·1 5483·3 5957'7 6279'8 6821 '8 7130'3 1 7744·4 ~45'3 4625 '3 6204· 1 6940·4 7247·0 8102'9 p397'3 18370.8 9355 . 4 8465 -:3 9575'7 \0697·9. 9605'3 )1086 1. 6 .1 2130'4 .. 7686·4 8442·0 8969·2 9846·0 10351 ·1 11358·0 11832 '0 12978·0 13411·9 114706'0 4~ 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 258 - I DORMAN,. LONG & CO. LIlVIITED. , I MOM E NTS OF INERTIA OF RECTAN GLES. Nou!,,!, • I Depth· In Inches 1 2 3 4 WID.TH OF REC'l'ANGl.E IN INCHES ~ lIS Ys -021 ·17 , ·56 1 '33 -026 ·21 ·70 1 ·67 -031 '25 -84 2· I 7 Tl\" I ·036 '29 '98 2'33 5 6 7 8 9 2'60 4'50 7 ·15 10'67 15 ·19 3·26 5'63 8·93 13:33 18'98 3'91 6'75 10,72 16· 22·78 4'56 7·88 12·51 18'67 26'58 10 11 12 13 14 20'83 27'73 36 ' 45·77 57·17 26·04 34'66 45 57·21 71 ·46 31'25 41 ·59 54· 68 ·66 85·75 36·46 48·53 63· 80 '10 10'0 ·04 15 16 17 18 19 70'31 85'33 102'35 121 ·50 142·90 87 ·89 106'67 127'94 151 ·88 178·62 105 ·47 128 . 153·53 182'25 214'34 2'0 21 22 23 24 166'67 192 '94 221 ·83 253 ·48 288· 208·33 241 ·17 277·29 316·85 36'0· 25 2.6 27 28 29 325'52 366 ·17 410''06 457 '33 ',5'08'10 30 32 34 36 38 4'0 42 112 -& % ·042 ·33 H3 2'67 ·047 '38 1 ·27 3· ''052 ·42 1 ·41 3·33 5·21 5'86 10 ·13 16·08' 34·17 6·51 11 .;:>..5 17·86 ,26'67 37'9'7 41 ·67 55·46 72· 91 ·54 114 ·33 46·87 62<l9 81 : 102·98 128'63 52 ''08 69·32 90 . 114 ·43 142 ·92 123·05 149'33 179·12 212·63 25'0''07 140·63 170·67 204·71 243 . 285,79 158 '20 . 192· 23'0,3'0 273'38 321 '52 175 ·78 213'33 255 ·89 3'03,75 357'24 25'0' 289·41 332·75 380'22 432· 291 '67 337 ·64 . 388 ·21 443'59 504· 333·33 385·88 443·67 506·%. 576· ' 375" 434 ·11 499 ·13 57'0 '33 648· 416'67 482 '34· 554. '58 633'70 __ 72'0' 406·9'0 457·71 512·58 571 ·67 635 ·13 488·28 549·25 615·00 686' 762 ·16 569'66 640·79 717·61 800·33 889 '18 651 ''04 732·33 82'0 ·13 914'67 1016·21 732·42 823·88 922 -64 1'029 . 1143 ·23 813'8'0 915·42 .lO25 ·16 1143'33 127'0,26 562'50 682'67 818'83 972· 1143·17 703 '13 853·33 1023·54 , 1215' 1428·96 843·75 1024· 1228 ·25 1458· 1714·75 984'38 1194 '67 1432 '96 1701 . 2000 -54 1125 . 1365·33 1637·67 1944· 2286·33 1265·63 1536' 1842'38 2187· 2572;'13 14'06'25 17'06,67 2047''08 243'0' 2857 ·92 44 1333'33 1543'5'0 1774·67 2027'83 2304· 1666·67 1929·38' 2218·33 2534·79 2880· 2000· 2315'25 2662· 3041 ·75 3456 . 2333'33 2701 ·13 3105 '67 3548'71 4032· 2666·67 3087· 3549·33 4'055'67 4608· 30'00' 3472 ·88 3993· 4562'63 5184 . 3333 ·33 3858 ·75 4436·67 5069'58 5760 . 50 52 54 56 58 260H7 2929·33 3280·50 3658 '67 4'064'83 4500· 3255 ·21 3661 ·67 4100 ·63 4573 ·33 508L ·04 5625 . 3906'25 4394· 4920·75 5488· 6097 ·25 6750· 4557·29 5126 ·33 5740'88 6402 ·67 7113 -46 7875· 5208 ·3a 5858'67 6561· 7317:33 8129·67 5859'38 6591· 7381 ·13 8232· 9145·87 10125· 6510 ·42 7323'33 82'01 ·25 9146·67 18162·'08 1125'0 . 46 48 ~ ., Axl. 60 9· i 14·29 21'33 30·38 - 9'O'Ob· 24· 259 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF Neutr.1 A~i. RECTANGLES. , 1,; ----.,... _ _ _W ;.:..::: lD:.:T7=H::.......:O-=-F---=R=E-=-CT::..:A~N::..:G::..:L=E=---=IN::......::I:::N.:,CH=ES=----_ _--,-__ __ ( % 3 ·67 ·062 ·50 1 ·69 4' 7 ·16 12·38 19·65 29·33 41 ·77 7 ·81 . 13 ·50 21 ·44 32· 45 ·56 ·057 ·46 1 ·55 1 ·068 -54 1 ·83 4·33 8·46 14·63 23·22 34'67 49<16 '073 ·58 1 ·97 4 ·67 9 ·11 15·75 25 ·01 37-33 53 ·16 ·07.8 ·63 2 ·11 5' 9·77 16'8.8 · 26·80 40· 56·95 Depth In Inches 1 2 ·083 ·67 2·25 5'33 3 4 10·42 18· 28·58 42·67 60·75 9 10 11 12 13 14 125'87 157-21 99 - 62'50 83 ·19 108· 137'31 171 -50 67·71 90 ·12 117 . 148 ·75 185'79 72'92 9" '05 126· 160·20 200·08 78 ·13 103 ·98 135· 171 ·64 214·38 144 . 183·08 228-67 193'36 234·67 281 '47 334 ·13 392'96 210'94 256 ; 307·06 364·50 428 ·69 228-52 277·33 332·65 394 ·88 464·41 246·09 298·67 358 ·24 425·25 500 ·14 263 ·67 320· 383·83 455 ·63 535·86 " 281-25 341 ·33 409 ·42 486· 571 '58 15 16 17 18 19 458·33 530'58 610'04 697 ·07 792· 5005'78·81 665 '50 760·.44 864: ,541 ·67 ' 627 ·05 720'96 823·81 936· 583·33 675·28 776-42 887 ·18 1008· 625 . 723'52 831 ·87 950"55 1080 . 666'67 771 ·75 887'33 1013- ·92 1152 . 20 21 895 -18 1006 '96 1127 ·67 1257·67 1397 ·29 '9'16 ·56 1098:50 1230 ·19 137.2· 1524'31 1057·94 1190 ·04 1332 '70 1486 '33 16s1 '34 1139 '32 1281 '58 1435 ·22 1600 ·67 1778 ·36 . 1220 '70 1373·13 1537·73 1715· 1905'39 1302·08 ,1464 ·67 1640 '25 1829·33 2032-42 1546-88 1877·33 2251 ·79 2673· 3143 ·71 1687 ·50 2048· ' 24,5 6 '50 2916· 3429·50 1828 '13 2218 '67 2661 '21 3159· 3715·'E 1968 '75 2389 '33 2865'92 3402· 4001 ·08 2109 ·38 2560· 3070,(:3 3645· 4286 ·88 2250· 2730·67 3275 ·33 3888· 4572·67 3666 -67' 4244 ·63 4880 ·33 5576 '54 6:l36· 4000· 4333·33 5016'38 5767·67 ' 4666'67 5402 ·25 6211 '33 7097·42 5000· 4630'50 5324 6083'50 6912· 5788 -13 6655· 7604·38 8640 . 5333 ·33 6174· 7098 ',67 8111·33 9216' 7161 ·46 8055 ·67 9021 ·38 10061 ·33 11178'29 12375 . 7812 '50 8788· , 9841 '50 10976· 12194·50 13500· 9765 ·63 10985· 12301 '88 13720· 15243·12 16875 . 10416'67 11717 ·33 13122· 14634 ·67 16259-33 18000 . 57·29 76·26 83·33 5 6 7 8 110 '92 -- 6590·46 7488 - 8463-54 9520·33 10661 ·63 11890'67 13210-71 14625 . 8064· 9114 ·58 10252·67 11481 '75 12805 ·33 14226·92 15750 . 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 , 34 36 38 , 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 260 DORMAN, LONG & CO, ' LIMITED. MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF RECTANGLES. WIDTHS IN INOllES D~ptbB In Inobes 8 9 10 12 13 1.4 16 "- .. -070 -104 ·084 -125 -133 -1 83 ·244 -316 -148 -178 -244 -325 -422 -193 -264 -352 -45-' -402 -502 -618 -750 -447 -558 -687 '833 .. 1 ~ - . 1",. .. .. .. 1* ,- -900 -800 -949 1- 068 1 -11 6 1 -256 1-302 1-465 1-000 1 -187 1-395 1-628 1.'0 .. .. .. 1% - . 1n. .. .. .. .. l Yz 1-S07 1-133 1·980 2 -250 -& .. % ti .. .. .. +1 .. - -- Yo .. % ..- - % te .. .. 1 .. hI! -094 -119 -163 -217 -281 -358 -447 -549 -667 I,'.·1% .. Hi .. 2-543 2-861 3-204 .. .. 1 % 3-573 -, -271 -352 -581 -536 -726 -670 -824 -893 1-000 1-083 -062 -09~ -146 '070 / -1 12 -167 -07l -12 -187 - .- -105 -1-67 -250 -088 -140 -208 -208 -267 -237 -297, -285 .. -326 ·407 -366 -379 -433 . -487 -542 -492 -562 -,7Q3 -633 ,. .' -626 '. -715 -805 -894 '782 -893 1- 005 1' 117 -961 1-099 1-236 1 -373 1-1 67 1-333 1-500 1-667 1-199 1-299 1-399 1-599 1'-799 1-999 1 -424 1-542 1'661 1-898 2-136 2 -373 1 -675 1 -814 1-954 2-233 2-512 2·791 1-953 2'-116 2-279 2-604 2-930 · 3-255 -356 -488 -650 -844 1'073 1-340 1-648 2-000 2 -399 2-848 3-349 3-906 1-696 1-884 1-950 2 -166 2-228 2-475 2-531 2 -812 2 -261 2'600 2-970 3-375 2·449 2-.816 3-218 3-656 2 -638 3-033 3-466 3-937 3-015 3-466 · 3-961 4-500 2\861 3-218 3-604 4'020 3-179 3-576 4-005 4-466 3-815 4-291 4-805 S-359 4-133 . 4-649 5-2(')6 5·806 4'450 5-006 5-606 6-253 5-086 5-721 6-407 7-146 6-451 7 -141 7-879 8-667 6-947 7-090 8-485 9-333 7-939 8-789 9-698 10-667 8-932 9-888 10-910 12-000 9- 924 10-986 .12-122 ·13 -333 11 -909 13-184 14-540 16-000 3-391 3-899 4-456 5-062 3-7684-333 4-951 5-625 4-522 5-199 5-941 6-750 5-722 6-358 7-629 6 -437 .7-1$2 8-582 7-208 8-009 9-611 8 -039 8-9.32 10·719 .3-970 4-395. 4-849 5-333 4-466 4-944 5-455 6-000 4-962 5'493 6-061 6-667 5-954 6-592 7·273 8-000 .. 5-849 6-397 6-978 7-594 6-580 7-197 7-851 8-543 7 '311 7-996 8-723 9-492 8-774 9 -596 10-468 11'391 9·505 10- 2361 1-698 10-395 11-195 12-794 11 -340 12-212 13-957 12-34013-289 15·187 13- 1S1 14-3 4 15-701 17-086 14-623 15-993 \7-446 18-984 17-547 19·191 20'935 22-781 8-244 8-931 9-655 10-417 9'275 10-047 10·862 11-719 10 -305 11-164 12- 068 13-021 12 -366 13 -396 14-482 15-625 13 -397 14 '513 15 -689 16 -927 14-428 15-629 16-89.6 18-229 16-489 17-862 19- 310 20-833 18-550 20 -095 21- 723 23 -437 20-611 22-327 24 -137 26-042 24-733 . 26-793 28-964 31-250 11 -218 12-059 12-941 13 -865 12-620 13-566 14 -558 15-598 14-022 15-073 16-176 17 -331 16 -826 18 -229 19-631 18-088 19-5952\-103 19-411 21·028 22-646 20'79722-53024-263 22-435 24-117 25-881 27-729 25-240 27 -132 29 "116 31-195 28-044 30- 146 32-351 34·661 33-653 36-176 38-822 41 -594 14-832 15-842 16-898 18-000 16-685 17 -823 19 ,011 20-250 18-539 19-803 21-123 22 -500 22-247 23 -764 25-347 27'ClCO 29-663 31 -685 33·797 36-000 33-371 3$-646 38 -021 40 ·500 37-079 44'495 39-606 47-527 42-246 SO-695 45-000. 54-000 2-ts .. 2% .. 2& .. .. .. .. 2,\ .. 2~ .. .. 2% .. 2,7~ .. 2-/1, - -203 -053 24 20 .. .. 1% .. 1 ~ .. .. .. 2 lJi , -040 -063 -044 -057 -Cl91 -1 35 % n .. -035 -056 -083 ~ .. .. 2'1. .. .. 2% .. 2* .. . '_ .. .. 2 % 2+i .. .. 2 l1a .. 2tg .. .. 3 24-101 25--'44 27·460 29-250 25-955 27'721 29-572 31·500 ~. ~Ol ' . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. MOMENTS OF INERTIA OF VARIOUS SECTIONS. Moments of Illertia about xx Secilons ~O "-'D . ~, , , , " 7r(D<-d<) I ~ B,D ' 12 ·- ·x Moments of Inertia about x x sections x- ~ -·-· -x . 64 '0491(1)4 - d') .4- d·~ D3 36 B, -x J • •• . " ._. -x B, B(DS-d S) - x 12 12 -x x D3 x 7r·,D4 64 ._ - = x B .D' 4 '0491 D' I ;=...._-- AREAS. OF SMALL CIRCLES, ADVANCING BY 32NDS OF AN INCH. Diameter in Inclies -sl.;.' -h ' ., 3 ~ .. , *.. -t.. , it%. Tlv Area In s~are Inc es '0008 '0031 '0069 '0123 >'0192 '0276 '0376 '0491 Diameter In Inches " , to -.h " , 11 'IT % H ~ 10 'IT .~ Area In s~are Ino es Diameter in Inches '0621 '0767 ' 0928 '1104 ",N '1296 '1503 '1726 '1963 1« ,', H % H N ... H % .. , . Area Siliuare Inc es In . '2217 '2485 ,'2769 '3068 '3382 '3712 ' 4057 '4418 Diameter In Inches ~r, n H H % H fit .., i.4 1 Area In square inches '4794 '5185 '5091 '6013 '6450 '6903 '7371 '7854 . .. ' , . , ., ,, 0.,·' . ',. 262 . CO. LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & IN ANGLES SAfE " TENSION. LOADS IN TONS , Stress 8 Tons per Square Inch of Net Sectional Area. ONE: ~ , , (. ! (, DEDUCTED, HOLE •, I • ~I PI SAFE LOADS Deduction Sum of from Flanges Gross Mea Inches 4Yo 5 5Yo One Hole 1~ " . 1- Diameter 6 6 y;, 7 H" Diameter It. « r I It~ TONS. FOR • TIDCKNESSES IN INCHES ~ f. 69 7'9 8 '9 99 10'9 .. Vi2 · % .. .. 18 ' 1 14 ' 9 14'8 16'8 .. .. .. 16 ' 6 18'4 20'1 18'8 20'8 22'8 22'8 25'3 27'8 % ill 8'4 07 10'9 9'9 11'4 12'0 12'2 184 14 '7 14'4 15'9 17'4 I I( I • I * .Mlnhrt,um Pitch for Tabulated Sale Loads Inches P, , p. .. 2% 2'4 , , 2'.4 2'4 2'.4 2% 2% 2% .. .. 2'.4 2 '4 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 2 2 2 0 0 ·· .. 10'0 20'5 22'0 21 ' 9 23 ' 6 25'4 24'8 26"8 28'8 80'3 32 ' 8 35'3 .. .. 9 9% 10 .. .. .. 19'7 20'9 22'2 23'5 24'9 26'5 27'1 28'9 SO'6 308 32'S 34'8 37'8 1,0'3 428 H'6 47 '6 50'6 2'4 2'.4 2'4 2% 3 3 .. .. 9'4 10 '6 11 '9 11'1 12 ' 7 14 ' 4 16 '2 14 '2 .. 12'6 14'1 163 .. .. .. 2% 2% 2% .. .. 18 '3 .. 22'2 13'1 14'4 15'6 15'6 17'1 18'6 17'0 19 ' 7 21'5 20'3 22'3 24'3 24'7 27'2 29'7 16'9 18' 1 19 '4 20'1 21 ' 6 23 ' 1 23'2 25'0 26'7 263 28'3 30'S 32'2 34'7 37 '2 20'6 21'0 24'6 26'1 27'6 28'4 302 31 '9 32'2 34'3 36'3 30 ' 7 42 ' 2 44 ' 7 6% 7 7% 8 8% 9 9% 10 lO Y. ' , .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. 2~ 16'0 17 ' 2 18'5 .. p" 2'4 2'4 " .. .. .. .. .. I ,,, 2 1/ ' ' , .. .. .. .. .. 2% .. .. 2% 2% 2% 2% 43'0 2% 2% 2% 3 3 3Ys 2 2 2'4 469 40'9 52'9 2% 2% 2% 3'4 3',4 3% 2'4 2'4 2Y." ' , .. .- , , .. .. 2% 2'% " ---- 7% 8 8% 5 5% 6 One Hole ) • '!' ' , The above pitches are based on the" Table of spacing 0'1 holes," from the backs of angles, as given on page 174, ' 263 DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. , ANGLES - ' IN TENSION. SAFE: LOADS IN TONS, Stress 8 Tons per Square Inoh 01 Net Sectional Area, i ,. ~ TWO I\ ,. ,. <) .. . • • I«->J PI) 1 HOLES DEDUCTED, -• • -- < tdd < o .. i 'f ~ ~I 6 6 'h 7 Two Holes un 18 Diameter 7'h 8 Sy' ,. }{t" " Diameter " .. " " ' " "'f'g' % % 1 13 '8 15"5 17"3 15·5 17"5 19'5 18'8 21"3 23 "S 16"5 18"0 19 ' 5 19"0 20'8 22"5 21"5 23'5 25"5 26"3 28'8 313 21"0 22'5 24"0 24'3 26"0 27 ' 8 27"5 29'5 31 '5 25 "5 27'0 30'0 29'5 31"3 34"8 9 "5 10"8 12"0 2';4 2 '4 2';4 .. ,, IV. " " 2'4 2'4 2';4 1'1. 33"8 36 "S 3S "8 39 "8 42'S 45"S 2'4 2';4 2';4 1% 1% 1% 33"5 35 "5 S9'5 41 '3 43'7 4S"8 48'8 51"7 57 ' 8 2';4 2';4 2';4 1% I%. " , 11."3 1 12"9 12"S' 14"'1 14"3 16'4 14'5 16"5 18 ' 5 17 "5 20'(} 22'5 2% 2% 2% .. " " " , 13 ' 3 14'5 15"8 15"8 17'3 18'8 18"2 19 '9 21 '7 20'5 22"5 24"5 25"0 27"5 30 ' 0 " " " " 17 "0 18'3 19'5 20"3 21"8 23 "3 23 "4 25"2 26'9 26 "5 28'5 30"5 24'8 26'3 29'3 28'7 30 ' 4 33'9 32'5 34'5 3S'5 10 ' 2 11'4 12 "7 J.2'0 13'5 15'0 13'9 15'2 16"4 10% , .. .. 11 ' " " 12 ' " " " 9 9'1. 10 10'1. . 11 12 , ' " ' " .. ' ' " " .. " ' " .. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " I " " " " " , " " " " , " " " " " " 1% " , " Hi " 2 , " " " " " " " 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 32'5 35"0 37'5 38'3 41'2 44'3 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 1% 40"0 42 ' 5 47'5 47 "3 50'2 56'2 2% 2% 2% 1% 1% 2 ' " " " " " " , " ' " " " " " " " 2 ' " ' " 2';4 10e 'lbove pitches are based on the "Table of spacing of holes;" from the backs of angles, as g.iven on page 174, } , " " .; "" " P1 P, .. " ,, % Minimum Pitch for Tabulated Safe Loads Inches P, % , 17"7 189 20"2 7V. 8 8% - I h .9 9'/. . 10 6 6 Y:, 7 Two Holes 8 '3 93 0 ~ THICl{NESSES IN INCHES ~ I • I SAFE LOADS IN TONS FOR . Deduction Sum 01 from Flanges Gross Area Inches . < • .. p • ,. 264 ', ' , , " , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITEp. RIVET HO~ES IN TENSION ' MEMBERS. AREA IN SQUARE INCHES TO BE DEDUCTED FOR EACH RIVET HOLE. , DIAMETER OF RIVET HOLE IN INCHES Thickness of Material passed through N % ti % - - - - - - - ,Inehes ~ .. .. .. 'Is .. '4 ,.. .. i~6 .. % .. ~ .. Yo ,\ .. .. % +II .. .. * fa .. t8 .. % .. .. 1 .. 1%' .. 1 ':4. His .. .. 1Y:. ·039 ·078 ·11 7 ·156 ·043 '086 '129 ·172 ·195 , ·215 ·234 ·258 ·273 ·301 '313 ·344 '352 ';391 '430 '469 "387 ·508 '547 ·586 '625 '559 'f:I)2 '645 ·688 ' 430 '473 '516 ,047 ·094 . 141 ·188 % * -- l-;:lo 1 - ---- 1% 1~ ·078 · 156 ·234 '313 '082 ·164 ·246 ·326 ' 391 ·469 '547 ' 625 ·410 '492 ·574 '656 --- -- -- , ·055 '109 ' 164 ·219 '059 ,117 ' 176 ·234 ·063 ·125 ·1 88 ·250 ·070 ·141 ' 211 ·281 ·074 '148 ·223 ·297 '234 ' 254 ·281 , '305 ' 328 ·355 ' 375 '406 '273 '328 '383 '438 ·293 ·352 ·410 '469 ·313 ,·332 '·352 '375 '398 ' ·422 ·438 ·465 ·492 .SOC '531 ·563 ·371 ·445 '520 '594 ' 422 '469 ·516 '563 '457 ·492 ' 508 ·547 '559 ' ' f:I)2 'f:I)9 ' 656 '527 '586 ·645 '703 ·563 ' 625 ·688 '750 ·609 ·660 ·711 ·711 , '766 ·762 ·820 ·813 ' 875 ' 762 '813 ·863 ·914 '965 ·820 ·875 ·930 ·984 i ·b39 ·879 '938 '996 1' 055, 1 · 113 '938 1'000 1·063 1 ·1 25 I ,1 ' 1.88 '656 ·703 '750 '703 ·773 ·844 ·914 '984 1'055 1'125 ·781 '859 ' 938 1 '016 1·094 1·172 1·250 '859 '945 1·031 1· 117 1·203 1·289 1'375 '938 1'031 1·125 1' 219 1 ·313 1·406 1·500 11% l/s- ,051 ·102 '152 ·203 ·066 ' 133 ·1-99 ·266 , " '598 ' 63,3 ·668 ' ·703 ' ·738 ;664 ·703 ·742 ·781 ·820 ·730 ·773 ' .816 '859 ·902 ·797 ···.844 ,.89 1' ·938 '984 1 · 195 1' 328 1· 461 1'594 1·266 1 ·4t)6 1·547 1·688 1'336 1 ·484 1·633 1 '7.81 1' 0 16 1· 094 1' 172 \-250 1'066 1 ·148 1'230 1·313 1'406 1'563 1 ·719 1' 875 1'477 1 '641 1'805 1·969 .. 1·016 1 ·117 1.·219 1' 320 1'422 1·523 1· 625 1·727 1·828 1' 930 2'031 2·133 .. Bii 1'094 1 '203 1 '313 1 ·422 1·531 1 ·641 1'750 1'859 1'969 2·078 2· 188 2·297 1% .. 1 ·172 1·289 1'406 1'523 1 '641 1'758 1· 875 1'992 2 ·109 2·227 2 ' 344 2'461 2,' 1·250 1'375 1 ·,500 1'625 1·750 1' 875 2 -000 2·125 ~'250 2'375 ~OO 2·625 1% .. , 2'4 .. 2% .. .. 1'406 2y" 1·563 . , 1 ,7 ) 9 3 1·875 1'547 1·688 1·719 ) '875 1'891 ' 2 ·063 2 ' 063 2·250 1· 828 2 ' 031 2'234 2'438 - I 1 ·969 2 ' 188 2'406 2 ·625 2·109 2·344 2'578 2·813 I I 2·250 12 ·391 2 ·500 2'6.56 2·750 2,922 3,000 3· 188 2'53 1 2·813 3,094 3,375 2 ·672 2 ·969 3 ·266 3'563 2·813 3 ·125 3'438 3'750 2·953 3'281 3·609 3 '938 I I • I I .~ 265 DORMAN, LONG & SHEARING AND BEARING CO. LIMITED. ' , VALUES OF RIVETS. Shearing 8_ TONS PER SQ, INCE Dla, Area Value at 4 ton5 ,_ _ _BEARING _ _ _ _VALUES _ __ _AT_ __ __ __ ____ of ,Rivet In per sq, Inch Thickness In Inches of plate passed throug):! in Sqqare ~::;::T~;;-;:;:I--,_-.;.:=:;.::::..:~=;=_=;..:::=~==--:=::_~____;_--I I :1 '.':M "::: ~:: ~:::' ~5 Y. % % % 1 lYe 1'4 "I * " " % H • % ., '1963 '3068 '4418 '79 1'20 1-77 1'57 1'00 1'25 1'50 1'75 ........" 2'45 1'25 1'56 1',88 2'19 2'50 - , .. .. .. .. .. 3'53 1'50 l.J& 2'25 2'63' 3'()() 3,381~.. .. .. " '5010 '7854 '9940 1'2272 2'41 3'14 3'98 4'91. 4'81. 6'28 7'95 9'82 1'75 2'()() 2'25 2'50 2'19 2'50 2',81 3'13 2'633'06 3'()() 3'50 :\'38 r.:-13'~94 3 "15 4'38 0'50 4'00 4'50 5'00 3'94 4'50 5'06 5'63 4'38 4'81 5'00 5-50 5'63 6'19 6'25 ,6'88 .. ' 6'00 6'75 7'50 I ,I I 1 .. .. .. 7'8819'00 8'75 10'00 i 7'()() BEARING VALUES AT 10 TONS PEn SQ. INCH Shearing Dia. Area Valne at 5 tons l ----~------~-----------1 of In per sq, inch RIvet Square Thickness In inches of plate passed through 1- - - - , - - lil Inches SIngle Donblel----,,..--;-----.-----,---.-'T'---i-----,--.------.,..--1- 1 inches Shear Shear '4 fs % fg Yo ,. o/s hi ')4 % I---I--- I ----I----I ---I---I------ ---~--+---I~--I--I --+--~ % % % % y.~ 1 lYe 11,4, '55 '1104 '1963 '3068 '4418 I-53 2'21 '6013 -7854 '9940 1'2272 1 3-01 3'93 4'97 6'14 '98 1'10 '94 1' 17 .. '" .. .. .. .. .. .. 1'96 1'25 l'SS 2'19 .. ......,' 3'07 1'56 1'95 2'34 3'13 ........ 4'42 1'88 ~ 2'81 3'28 0'75 4'22 4'69 .. .. .. J:':56 6'01 7'85 9'94 12'27 2'1.9 2'50 2'81 3'13 Shellrlhg Dla. Arell • Value lit 6 tens of In per sq,lnch RiVet Square In Double inches inches SIngle Shear Shear '4 % Yz % % % 1 lYe 1'4 '110.4 '1963 '3068 '4418 '66 1'18 1 '84 2'65 1'33 2'36 3'68 5'3q a.73 2'73 ~ 3'83 4"38 3'13 3'75 4'38 5'00 3'52 4'22 4'92 5'63 3'91 4'69 5'47 6'25 4'92 5'63 6'33 7'031 .. .. .. .. 5'47 6'02 .. .. .. 6'256-88 7'50 8'75 .. 7'03 7'73 8'44 9ii4111-25 7'in 8'59 9'38 10'94 12'50 Thickness in Inches of plate passed through , I % ~ ~ -- -- H % % % - - - - -- - - - -.. .. .. .. .. ,J\, 1 , .. l'13u.;: ," .. , 1'50 1'88 2'25 1-=-= 2'63 .. .. .. 1'88 2'34 2'81 3'28 3'75 2'25 ~ 3'38 3'94 5'06 5'63 '6010 3'61 7'22 2'63 3'28 9'43 3'0.0 3'75 ''7854 4'71 ,n'83 3'38 4'22 '9940. 5'96 1'?272 ' 7'36 14'73 3'75 4'69 ' , t:5O 3'94 4'59 5'25 4'5015'25 6'0.0. 5'0615'9116'75 5'63 6'56 7'50 .. .. " , ,' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 I BEARING VALUES AT 12 TONS PER SQ. INOH ,fi, , .. .. .. .. 0'91 ~17'2,2 6'75 7'50. .8'25 9'00 10.'50. .. 7'59 8'44 9'28 10'13 11' 81 113'50 8'44 9'38 10'31 11'25 13'13 15'0.0 Iu the above tables double shear is calculated at twice single shear; and the beo.ring stress per square inch at twice the 'shearin'g stress, The bearing values above and to the right of the upper zig-zag bnes ill the tables are greater tban ,double shear for the corresponding diameters, so that in these cases the sbearing values are the 'determining factors , , The beating values between the ,lower arid upper zig,zag lines are greater than single and leS$ than double shear for t.he c()rresponding diameters, so tbat in ' the case of single shear the, sheaJlng value is the determining, factor, and in the case of double shear tbe bearin,g value is the determii)ing factor, The bearing values below and to the left of the,lower zig,zag lines are less than single , s)leal', so that in t.heS,e cases the bearing va.lllesare tbe determining factors, 26.6 DO~MAN, . · 0 LONG & ·to~ LIMITED. I SHEARING &. BEARING VALUES OF o· - FOR GROUPS UP TO 10 IN No. of Rivets 1 2 3 4 5 e 7 8 \) 10 No, 01 RIvets 1 2 3 4 5. 6 ·7 B \) 10 No_ of Rivets 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 \) to Shearing Value at 4 tons per square Inch SIngle Sbear Double Shear 1'77 5'30 7'0.7 8'84 3'53 7'07 10.'60 14'14 17'67 10.'60 12'37 14'14 15-90 17-67 21-20 24-74 28-27 D1'81 35-34 3"53 Sbearing Value at 5 tons per square Incb Single Shear Double Sbear ~ f. % 1:50 3'00 4'50. 6-00 7'50. 1'88 3'75 5'63 7'50. 9'38 2'25 4'50. 6-75 9-00 9'00 ll ' 25 10.'50 13-13 12-00 15'00 13-50. · 16'88 15-00 18-75 Y;, ,." 11'25 2'63 5'25 7'88 10.'50 13'13 3'00 6'00 9'00 12'00 15-00 3'38 6'75 10. -13 13'50. 16-88 3'75 7'50 ll-25 15'00 18'75 13'50. 15-75 18-00 20'25 22'50. 15'75 18'38 21'00 23'63 26-25 18'00 21'00. 24 '00 27'00 30.-00 20.'25 23-63 27'00 30.'38· 33'75 22'50 26'25 30.'00 33-75 37·50. % ThickneSs In Incbes 01 plate passed throUgh :y, n, 11'0.4 13-25 15'46 17-67 19-88 22-0.9 25-51 30.'93 31; -34 39'76 44'18 11'25 13-13 15 '00 16'88 18-75 14'0.6 16'41 18'75 21-0.9 23'44 % t. ,\ Y;, , o/s $'44 11'25 14'0.6 3-.28 6'56 9'84 13-)3 16·41 3-75 7-50 11'25 15'00 18-75 4'22 8'44 12-66 16'88 21'09 14'0.6 18-75 23-44 16'88 19'69 22-50 25"31 28'13 19'69 22'97 25'25 29'53 32 -81 22'50. 25'25 30 -00 33-75 37-50 25'31 29'53 33'75 37-97 42'19 28'13 32'81 37'50 42-19 46'88 2'81. 5'63 4-69 9'38 BEARING VALUES AT 12 TONS PER SQ. INCH Thlckncss In Inches of plate passed tbrougb ; Single Sbear Double Shear ,;(, ,." 2'65 5':10. 7'95 10 '60 13'25 5'30 10'60 15-00 . 21'21 26'51 2'25 4'60 0'75 9.'00 ll'25 5-.63 8'44 11'25 31'81 37'11 42 -41 47' 71. 63-0.2 13'50. 15'75 15-00 18-56 21'21 23 '86 20'51 · -? BEARING VALUES AT 10 TONS PER SQ. INCH 2'34 4'69 7-03 9-38 ll'n Shearing Value at 6 tons per ~quare Inch , NUMBER. Thickness in incbes of plate passed tbrough 1' 88 3-75 5-63 7-50. 9'38 8'84 RIVETS, BEARING VALUES AT 8 . TONS PER SQ. INCH 4·42 8'84 13'25 17'67 22-0.9 2'21 4'42 6'63 i" Hi'oo 20-25 22-50 % -? Yo ' ,\ o/s 3'94 7'88 4-50 9'00 5'0.6 10.-13 15'19 20.-25 25 ':11 5-63 11' 25 16-88 22'50 30.'38 33'75 39-38 45 '00 50 -63 56-25 14'06 3'38 6'75 10.'13 13'50 10-88 lih9 10'50. 18'00 22'60 16-88 19'69 22-60. 25'31 28'13 20'25 23'63 23-63 2,7'56 27'00. . 31'50. 30'3.8 35'44 33·75 39-38 27'00 31'50 30-00 40.'50 45'0.0. 2'81 11'81 15'75 3.~'44 40.-50. 45'56 50'63 28'13 , 267 DORMAN, LONG & CO. ,L IMITED. SHEARING & BEARING VALUES OF" FOR GROUPS UP TO 10 IN Shearing Value at 4 tons per square Inch No. of Rivets Single Shear 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 RIVETS, NUMBER. BEARING VALUES !T 8 TONS PER SQ.INOH ThIckness In Inohes of plate passed through Double Shear ,0. % -t. Yo fe % -Ii 2'41 4'81 7'22 9'62 12'03 4'81 9'62 14'43 19'24 24'05 2'19 4'38 6'56 8'75 10<34 2'63 5'25 7'88 10'50 13'13 3'06 6'13 9'19 12'25 15'31 3'50 7'00 10'50 14'00 l7'50 3'94 7'88 11: 81 15'75 19'69 4'38 8'75 13'13 17'50 21'88 4'81 9,'63 14'44 19'25 24'06 14'43 16'84 19'24 21'65 24'05 28'86 33'67 38'48 43'29 48'10 13'13 15'31 17'50 19'69 21'88 15'75 18'38 21'00 23'63 26'25 18'38 21'44 24'50 27'56 30'63 21'00 24'50 28'00 31'50 35'00 2,3'63 27',56 31'50 35'44 39'38 26'25 30'63 35'00 39'38 43'75 33 ' 69 3S'5o 43'31 48'13 I Shearing Value at 5 tons per square Inoh No. of Rivets t" Single Shear Double Shear 28'88 BEARING VALUES AT 10 TONS PER SQ. INCH Thickness in inohes of plate paSsed through ,i, % -rn y. ,f. ~ % -H: 1 2 3 4 5 3'01 6'01 9'02 12'03, 15'03 6'01 12'03 18'04 24'05 30'07 2'73 5'47 8'20 10'94 13'67 3'28 6'56 9'84 13'13 16 '41 3'83 7'fh 11 ' 48 15 '31 19'14 4'38 8'71; 13'13 17'50 21'88 4'92 9'84 14'77 19'69 24'61 5'47 10 '94 16'41 21'88 27'34 6'02 12'03 18'05 24'06 30'08 6 1S'04 21'05 24'05 27'06 36'08 42'09 48'10 54'12 60'13 16'41 19'69 18 '14 22'97 21'88 : 26'25 24'61 29'53 '27'34 32'S1 22'97 26'80 30 '63 3H5 38'28 26'25 30'63 35'00 39'38 43'75 29'53 34'45 39'38 44'30 49'22 32'Sl 38'28 43'7-5 49'22 54'69 36'09 42'11 4S'13 54'14 60'16 7 8 9 10 No_ of Rivets 30'07 - - Shearing Value at 6 tons per square inch BEARING VALUES AT 12 TONS PER SQ. INCH ' Thickness in inches of plate passed through % 11. Yo .,.. % -H: 9'84 13'13 16' 41' 3'94 '/'88 11'81 15'75 19'69 4'59 9'19 13'78 18'38 22'97 5'25 10'50 15'75 21'00 26'25 5-91 11'81 1'I' '12 23'63 29'53 6'56 13'13 19'69 26'25 32'81 7'22 14'44 21'66 28'S8 36'09 19'69 22'97 26:25 29'53 32'81 23:63 27'56 31'50 35'44 39'38 27'56 32'16 36'75 41'34 45'94 31'50 36'75 42'00 ij7'25 52'50 35'44 41'34 47'25 53'16 59'06 ' 39'38 45'94 52-50 59'06 65'63 43'31 50'53 57'75 64'97 72'19 Single Shear Double Shear 1 2 3 4 5 3'61 7'22 10 '82 J.4' 43 18'04 7'22 14'43 3'28 21'65 28'S6 .. 36'0.8 6 21'65 25'25 28'86 32'47 36'08 43'30 50'51 57'73 64'94 72'16 7 8 9 10 , f. 6'56 • 268 " CO. LIMITED. ,DORMAN, LONG & OF WEIGHTS i's .. 2 Y., 2·34 2·86 · ~8 . ·. ·. ·. .. .. i. .. l/'t ' , ,, ·. .. H .. ·. ., '4 H .. .. 'l'$ .. fh .. · , ta .. ... % ' ·'. 1 2·76 8.. 39 3·98 ·. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. · . , .. ·. i · . , .. .. >j, 2'1. , 434 ·568 .. % is .. .. % · '" f« .. -Ii .. o/s .. ·. % H .. .. 7'. Ii .. .. 1 .. ·. ·. .. .. ·. ·. ·. ·. .. .. ·. ' '" · .. ·. ·. .. .. ·. ·. .. ·. .. ·. ·. .. · . ,! · . IN 8 .. ·. - - -- . ' 8·50 9 ·35 10·20 11 ·05 9 ·45 10 ·40 11 ·36 12 ·31 · . 11 ·42 12 ' 49 18 '56 ... · . . 14 :76 . .. 7 '1. 6 ·32 · . .. ·. 6 ·68 7·11 7 ·64 8 ,17 7 ·81 8 ',45 1 9,09 9·72 9·02 . 9 ·76 10 ·51 11·25 ··.. ·. .. SQUAR~ 11 ·91 13 ' 27 14 ·61 15·93 ·· .. .. ·. ·. ·. I ANGLES OF 4 ',89 6·05 7 ·17 8 ·28 7 BY. ---- I 12 ·75 14 ·23 15 ·67 ,17 ,10 .. ,18 ·49 ·. ·. .. .. .. ·. ·. ·. INCH ES. SUM OF FLANGES IN INCHES ·684 ·. ·. .. 7'65 .. .. .. Thickness 01 Angle 1\ 6 4 ' 04 4d6 4·98 5·51 5·90 6 ·64 6 ' 79 7 ·53 .. ·. .t .. . 3 ·61 4·45 5 ,26 6·05 ,, ·. ·. AREAS In IIlches 5Y. 5 - - - - .. ·. . 1 .. .. .. I 3:19 3·92 4 ·62 .. · ·. ·. ·. . 4 Yo, - - -1 ,48 1'79 2·11 2·48 2·75 3·07 ·. ·. - - - - -- 1 ·91 2 ,38 . 4 3'/2 3 % , . , " SUM OF FLANGES IN INCHES . ,\ , PER FOOT. LI NEAL Thickness of Angle in inche,s LBS. IN ANGLES ' ·. ·. · ·. .. ' ·. ·. _ 3_ 13'1" 527 ·687 ·840 ' .' ·. .. ·. ' ·. ·. .. ," . .. ·. ·. ·. .. . 4,/, ·621 ·71 5 ·809 ·813 ·937 1 ·063 ,996 1·152 1·309 1 ·172 1,359 1 ·647 ·. · . 1 ' 778 .. ·. ' 4 I 5 · 902 1, 188 1 ,465 1 ·735 1·996 .. .. .. .. ·. .. ·. .. ·... .. ·. .. .. .. ·. · . , , ·. ·. ·. .. .. .. .. 5 .1'1.. • ·. 0 , I B j ·. I I 6 Y:, - 1 ,313 1·438 1 ,622 1·778 1' 923 ,2·110 2·216 2 ·434 7 - I I,-7 Yo,-1! 8 . ·. ·. ·. , · 1' 564 ·. I ·. 1 . 935 ,I 2 '-0'91 2,248 2'403 2·298 ' 2,485 2·673 2.'860 2·654- 2·872 3 ' 091 '( 310 2 ' 250 2·501 2·750 3·001 3 ,251 3·502 ' 3 ·751 · 2 ·778 3 ·059 3 ·341 3 ,622 8 ' 904 1 4 '185 .. . !8 '360 3 ·673 3 ' 985 4,298 4· 610 .. · . · . · 1 4 '341 4 ' 685 6 ·028 . ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ·. ·. ·. .. .. ' .. ·. .. .. .. .. ... 5·438 .. .. .. .. .. ·. ·. · .. ·. .. .. DORMAN, LONG & WEIGHTS 8 'h - - IN ANGLES OF' LI NEAL , CO. LIMITED. LBS. PER FOOT. SUM OF FLANGES IN INCHES I' -9-' 9Yz 10 1 0% 11 12 13 .. " ,; .. .. .. .. .. -- -.. .. .. · .. ·. ·. 9 ·23 9 ·76 10 ·80 . . ·. , , 8 ·71 , 10 ·87 11 -00 11·68 12 ·28 12·91 12 :°0 12 .74 13·48 14 ·23 14 ·97 1 .. 18 ·66 16,71 .. .. 18 ·... .. ·... .. .. .. ·. ·. .. .. 22'95 '25 ·70 28 '42 31 ·12 26 '86 · 29·53 33 ·36 32 ,68 36 ·93 85"80 40 ·48 33 ·79' 36 ,48 89 ·05 41'64 44·20 38 ·89 41 ·96 45' OP 48 ·02 51·01 22 -)l4 17 ,85 19·55 21 ·25 19 ·96 .21 ·87 ', 23 ' 79 24 ·17 26·30 ~2'05 24·10 26 ·44 28 ·78 1977 121-04 22 ·31 23 ·69 21 ·24 ,22 ·62 24 ·00 25'39 25 ·66 27·15 · . 124'18 .. , · . 27 ·29 28 ·89 · . 1I · . · . 30 ·61 1 24 ·86 26 ·76 28 ·63 80·48 32·30 26·14 28 ·14 30·12 32·07 84 ·00 1 16 20 ·18 17 ·00 19 ·01 20 ·98 1 14 140 ·82 .. 17·20 18 ·69 16 ·16 18 ·05 19.,93 21 ' 77 16 ·80 17 ·09 18 ·86 20 ·60 18 ·61 114 ·45 15 ' 19 ! 16 ' 14 16 ' 74 17 ' 80 , 18 ' 27 19 ' 43 I 28·69 31 ·24 30 ·91 88'67 83·10 36·07 85 ·26 38·46 37 ' 40 40 ,80 .. Thickness alAngle In Inches .. ,... l;4 .. ·- -n. % .. .. 1," .. . OF ANGLES IN · SQUARE ,% .. ·. t/; 44 ·00 '% .. 47"49 . Po 50 ' 96 % ·. 54.:40 .. +a 57 ·81 1 .. ', ' I 9 , .. .. .. . .. gv, 10 lO y,; 11 12 ·. .. ..... .. <• - .. .. , 4 ;500 5·027 6 ,547 6·059 4 ·752 5·310 5 ·861 6·404 5,' 814! 6·189 6 ·562 6 ·989 6 ·248 6 ·654 7 ·059 7 ·467 · . 7 ·111 7,547 7·986 8'027 8·498 .. .. .. . 9·002 .. I 14 16 18 .. .. .. .. ·. ·. Thickness 01 Angle in inches ' .. 2'561 2' 716 2' 871 3·029 3 ' 049 3·236 3 ·422 3·611 8·797 3· 629' 3·747 .3 ,965 4_'185 4·403 4 ·002 4 ..261 1 4' 467 4-'747 4 ·924 6 ·236 5 ' 373 5·716 13 I INCHES. SUM OF FLANGES IN INCHES 8 Y" · 5 ' 000 5 ·590 6 ·172 6 ·746 .. .. 8·984 4·621 .. .. .. .. .. 4 ·359 5·058, 5·496 5·260 5·750 5·871 6· 433 6·484 -7,109 7·089 7'777 6 ·250 6 ·996 7·736 8· 465 .. 5·934 .. .. .. .. ) .. .. .. 6·751 7·762 ·. 7 ·559 8·686 9:811 8·360 9·611 10·862 9·163 10 ' 629 11·905 7·818 7'687 8·487 9·188 9 ·938 11·439 7" 871 8·277 9· 090 9·903 10·716 12·841 8 ·422 8·859 9·784 10 ·610 11·485 18 ' 286 8·965 . 9·433 10·871 11·309 12 ·247 14·123 9 ·500 10 ·000 :i1·000 12·000 1~·001 15·002 I Yo .. .. 1\ . AREAS , -- 12·940 13·968 14·987 15 ·999 17'008 .. ,... ':4 .. .. t\ Ys · . .. Ta ~ .. .. ,-". % .. · - -hi % ·. .. H % .. .. 1 l~ .. 270 DORMAN, ,LONG & CO. LIMITED. WEIGHT OF" FLAT PER ROLLED STEEL IN LBS. LINEAL FOOT. THICKNESS IN INCHES WIdth In Inches " ~ Ys :fa- ~ '213 '266 "319 "372 '425 "531 '638 "744 "638 "797 "956 1"12 "850 1"06 1"28 1"49 1'06 1 "33 1"59, 1'86 1"28 1"59 1'91 2"23 1"49 1"B6 2"23 ~"60 1"70 2'13 2'55 2"98 "425 "478 "531 "584 "850 '956 1"06 1"17 1"28 1"43 1"59 1"75 1"70 1"91 2'13 2"34 2"13 2"39 2"66 2"92 2'55 2"98 2"87 , 3:35 3"19 3'72 3 ' 51 4"09 3"40 3 '83 4"25 4"68 "638 '691 "744 '797 1"28 1'38 1"49 1"59 1"91 2"07 2"23 2"39 2"55 2"76 2"98 3"19 3"19 3"45 3"72 3"98 3'88 ' 4"46 4"14 4"83 4'46 5"21 4"78 5"58 5"10 5"53 5'95 6'38 "850 :903 '956 1"01 1"70 1"81 1"91 2"02 2"5e; 2"71 2"87 3'03 3'40 3"61 3"83 4"04 4'25 4'02 4"78 5"05 5'10 5"42 5"74 6"06 5"95 6"32 6"69 7"07 6"80 7'23 7'65 B'08 1"06 1"12 1'17 1"22 2"13 2"23 2 "34 2"44 3"19 3"35 3'51 3"67 ' 4'25 4"46 4"68 4'89 5"31 5'58 5"84 6"11 6"38 6"eg 7"01 7'3::) 7"44 7"81 8'18 8'5,5 8'50 8'93 9'35 9'78 1'28 1'33 1"38 1"43 2'55 2"66 2'76 2'87 3"83 3'98 4"14 4 "80 5"10 5'31 5"53 5"74 6'38 6"64 6'91 7"17 7'65 8'93 7"97, 9'30 8 "29 9'67 8'61 10"04 10"20 10"63 11"05 11'48 1"49 1"54 1"59 1'65 2"98 3"08 S'19 ' 3'29 4"46 4'62 4'78 4"94 5"95 6 ' 16 6'38 6'59 7 ' 44 7"70 7'07 8'23 8'93 9'24 ' 0'56 9"88 10"41 10'78 11'16 11'53 11"90 12'33 12'75 13'18 , 1"70 1'75 1'81 1'86 3'40 S'51 3'61 3"72 5"10 5"26 5'42 5"58 6'80 7'01 7"23 7"44 8'50 8"77 9"03 9"30 10"20 10"52 10'84 11"16" 12'27 12,"64 13"02 11"~lO 13'60 14'03 14"45 14"88 1"91 1'97 2"02 2'07 3'83 3"93 4"04 4'14 5"74 5"90 6'06 , 6'22 7"65 7'86 8'08 8"2,0 9'56 9"83 10'09 10'36 11'48 11"80 12'11 12"43 13"39 13"76 14'13 14"50 15'30 15'73 16"15 16'58 2 ' 13 2'18 2'23 2'28 4'25 4"36 4'46 4'57 6'38 6"53 6"70 6'85 8'50 8'71 8 ' 93 9'14 10"63 10"89 11'16 11'42 12'75 13"07 13'S9 13'71 14"88 15"25 15'62 15"99 17"00 17'43 17"85 18'28 .. .. .. 2'34 2"39 2"44 2"50 4'68 4,'78. 4'89 5"00 7'01 7"17 7",33 7'49 9"35 9"56 9'78 , 9'99 11'69 11'95 12"22 12',48 14"03 14"34 1.4"66 14'98 16"36 16"73 17'11 17'48 18'70 ' 19'13 19'55 19"98 12 2"55 5'10 7"65 12'75 15"30 17'85 20'40 ' .. 1 .. 1% .. .. .. .. .. 2 IV. 2V. .114 .. 2'4 ' .. , .. 2% .. 3y' .. .. 4% , , 3 .. 3'4 .. .. 3% .. 4 .. 4\4 .. .. 4% .. , , 5Y. .. .. 6Y. .. 5 .. 514 , .. .. 5% .. .. .. 6 614 .. 6,% ," 7\4 .. 7~ .. ,8~ .. .. .. 7% .. 7 8 , , .. 8Y. , , .. 8% .. 914 ' 9 , , 9'1. .. .. 10'1. .. .. 11 V. .. .. g% .. 1014 , 10 .. .. 10% .. .. 11 11\4 ' .. 11% .. .. 10'20 -& I % ft % 271 DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. " WEIGHT OF FLAT ROLLED PER LINEAL Las, STEEL ,I N FOOT. THIOKNESS IN INOHES WIdth In , 1\ % * H % M Incnes 1 , I 1' 91 2'39 2'87 3'35 2'13 2'66 3'19 3 ' 72 2',34 2 ' 92 3'51 4'09 2'55 3'10 3'83 4'46 2'76 3'4Q 4'14 4'83 2'98 3'72 4'46 5'21 8'19 3'98 4'78 5'58 3'40 4'25 5 ' 10 5'95 S ' 83 4'30 4 ' 78 5 ' 26 4 ' 25 4 ' 78 5 '31 5'84 4'68 5'26 5 ' 84 6'43 , 5 ' 10 5'74 6'38 7'01 5'53 6'22 ' 6'91 7'60 5'95 6'69 7'44 S'18 6'38 7'17 7'97 8'77 6'SO 2 7 ' 65 ' " 8'50 .. .. 9'35 5 ' 74 6'38 6'22 , 6'91 6'70 7'44 7'17 7'97 7'01 7'60 8'18 8'77 , 7'65 8 '29 8'93 9 ' 56 8'29, 8'98 8 ' 98 9'67 9'67 10'41 10'36 11'16 9'56 10'20 10'36 11'05 11'16 11'90 11'95 12'75 .. .. 3% ....4 414 7' ,6 5 8 ' 13 8 ' 61 9'08 8'50 9'03 9'56 10'09 9'35 9 ' 93 10'52 11'10 10'20 10'84 11'48 12'11 11'05 11'74 12'48 13'12 11'90 12'64 13'39 14'13 12'75 13'55 14'34 15'14 18'00 14'45 15'30 16'15 9'56 10'04 10'52 11'00 10'63 11'16 11'69 12'22 11'69 12'27 12 ' 86 13'44 12'75 13'81 13'39 14'50 14'08 15'19 14'66 15'88 14'88 15'62 16'3.6 17'11 15'94 16'. 73 17'53 18'33 17'00 17'85 18'70 19'55 11'48 11'95 12'43 12'91 ' 12''75 13'28 18 ' 81 14'84 14'03 14'61 15'19 15'78 15'30 15'94 16'58 17'21 16'58 17'27 17'06 18'65 17'85 18'59 19'34 20'08 19'13 20 ' 40 19'92 21"25 20 ' 72 ' 22'10 21'52 22'95 18'39 . 13 ' 87 , 14'34 14'82 14'88 15'41 15'94 16'47 16'86 16'95 17'53 18'12 17'85 19'34 18'49 20'03 19'13 20'72 19 ' 76 21'41 20'83 21 '51 22 '3 23 ' 06 22'31 23'11 23'91 24'70 28'80 ' 24'65 25'50 26'35 22 ' 10 22 '79 ~~:~~ 23 ' 48 25 ' 29 24'17 26 ' 03 25 ' 50, 26'30 27 ' 10 27'89 27'20 28'05 28'90 29'75 15 ' 30 17'00 1.8'70 15'78 17'58 19'28 16'26 18 ' 06 19 '87 16 '73 18'59 20'45 II %, 20'40 ,21 ' 04 21 ' 68 22'81 1 .,.. .. 3 .. , 5 .. .. .. 6 .. ' 1% 2~ 2% .. 3~ .. 7 .. , 4% 5% 6~ , .. 21'04 22'95 21 ' 62 23'59 22 ' 21 24 ' 23 22'79 24 ' 86 24 '86 25 ' 55 26 ' 24 26 ' 93 26'78 27 ' 52 28 '26 29'01 28 ' 69 29 ' 48 80 ' 28 31 '08 30 ' 60 31'45 32 '30 33 ' 15 19'13 19'60 20'08 20'56 21'25 21'78 22'31 22'84 23'38. 23'96 24'54 25 ' 13 27 ' 68 28 ' 32 29'01 29 ' 70 29'75 30 ' 49 81'24 31 ' 98 31 ' 88 32 ' 67 38'47 34 ' 27 34 ' 00 84'85 35'70 3655 10 21'04 21 ' 52 22'00 22'47 23'38 23'91 24 ' 44 24 ' 97 25'71 28 ' 05 26 ' 30 28'69 26'88 29 ' 83 27'47 29 ' 96 30'39 82 '73 31 '08 38 ' 47 31 ' 77 34'21 82'46 34'96 85'06 35 ' 86 36'66 37 ' 45 37'40 38' 25 39'10 39 ' 95 11 22'95 25'5,0 28 '05 3S'15 35 ' 70 88 ' 25 40 ' 80 12 9 .. .. .. .. .. 2'/. .. .. 8% .. 4'/. .. 5'/. .. .. 6 y" 6% .. 7~ .. .. 7% , 7 '/. .. .. 8 .. .. I '/. .. 5 14 ' .. I .. .. , 19'13 19 ' 66 20'19 20'72 80 ' 60 114 ,', 17'21 , 17 ' 69 18'17 18 ' 66 25'50 26'14 26 ' 78 27'41 , 814 8% ~~ .. 9% 8y" .. .. 9'/. .. .. .. 1014 .. 10'/. , 10% .. , .. .. 11 34 .. " , ll Y. .. 11 % .. .. .. , l )~' \" 272 DORMAN, LONG & WEIGHT OF' FLAT PER ,I ROLLED STEEL IN , , CO. LIMITED. Las. LI NEAL FOOT. . THIOKNESS IN INCHES Width In inches , Ys -fa- I Ys I------+------I------I------I ------" ------ --- ---------- ~-----I 13 14 15 16 2 ' 76 2'98 3 ' 19 3 ' 40 5 ' 53 5 ' 95 6'38 6'80 8'29 8'93 9'56 10 ' 20 11 ' 05 11 ' 90 12 ' 75 13 ' 60 13 ' 81 14 ' 88 15'94 17 ' 00 16 ' 58 17 ' 85 19 ' 13 20'40 19 ' 34 22 ' 10 20'88 ,23'80 22 ' Sl 25 ' 50 23'80 , 27 ' 20 17 18 19 20 3 ' 61 3 ' 83 4'04 4'25 7 ' 23 7 ' 65 8 '08 8'50 10 ' 84 11 '48 12'11 1275 14'45 15 ' 30 16 ' 15 17 ' 00 1.8'06 19'13 20'19 21'25 ' 21 ' 68 22 ' 95 24 ' 23 2(\ ' 50 25'29 26 ' 78 28'26 29 ' 75 28 ',9 0 30'60 32 ' 30 34'00 21 22 23 24 4 ' 46, 4 ' 68 4 ' 89 5 ' 10 8 ' 93 9 ' 35 978 10 ' 20 13 ' 39 14 ' 03 14 ' 66 15'30 17 ' 85 18'70 10'55 20 ' 40 22'31 23 ' 38 24 ' 44 25 ' 50 26'78 3124 28 ' 05 , 32 ' 72 29'33 3l!'21 30 ' 60 35',70 35 "70 37 ' 40 39 ' 10 ',l.O ' SO 25 26 27 28 5'31 5'53 5 ' 74 5'95 10 ' 63 11'05 1148 11 ' 90 15 ' 94 16'58 17 ' 21 17 ' 85 21'25 22 ' 10 22'95 '23 ' 80 26 ' 56 ' 3'1'88 , 37;19 27 ' 63 33 ' 15 38 ' 68 28 ' 69 34"43 40'16 29 ' 75 35',' 70 " 41'65 29 30 31 32 6'16 6 ' 38 6'59 6'80 12'33 12 ' 75 13 ' 18 13 ' 60 18 ' 49 19 ' 13 19'76 20'40 24'65 25 ' 50 26 ' 35 27 ' 20 30 ' 8136 ' 98 31'88 38'25 32 ' 94 39 ' 53 34'0'0 40 ' 80 -43 ' 14 44 ' 63 46'11 47 ' 60 49 ' 30 51 'i)O 52 ''70 54 ' 40 33 34 7 ' 01 7 ' 23 21 ' 04 21 ' 68 22 ' 31 22 ' 95 28 ' 05 28 ' 90 29'75 30 ' 60 35'06 36'13 37'19 38 ' 25 ,4 2'08 43 ' 35 44 ' 68 45 ' 90 49 ' 09 50'58 52 ' 06 53'55 56 ' 10 57 ' 8 0 59 ' 50 61 ' 20 ' • ; : 42 ' 50 , 44 ' 20 ' 45 ' 90 47 ' 60 I 3(5 7 ' 44 7 ' 65 14 ' 03 14 ' 45 14 ' 88 15 ' 30 37 38 39 40 7 ' 86 8 ' 08 8'29 8'50 15'73 16'15 16 ' 58 17 ' 00 23 ' 59 24'23 24'86 25 ' 50 31'45 32 ',30 33'15 34 ' 00 39'31 40'38 41'44 42'50 47'18 48'45 49'73 51 ' 00 55'04 56 ' 5,3 58'01 59 ' 50 62 ' 90 64'60 66 ' 30 68 ' 00 , 41 42 43 44 8'71 8 ' 93 9 ' 14 9 ' 35 17 ' 43 1785 18 ' 28 18 ' 70 26 ' 14 26'78 27 ' 41 28'05 34'85 35 ' 70 36 ' 55 37'40 43 ' 56 44'63 45 ' 69 46 ' 75 52 ' 28 53 ' 55 54 ' 83 56 ' 10 60'99 62 ' 48 63 ' 96 1 65 ' 45 , 69'70 71 ' 40 7 3 ' 10 74 ' 80 45 46 47 48 49 9 ' 56 9'78 9'99 10'20 10'41 19 ' 13 19'55 19'98 20'40 20'83 28'69 29 ' 33 29'96 3060 31 ' 24 38'25 31:nO 39'95 4 0 ' 80 41 ' 65 47 ' 81 48'88 49 ' 94 51 ' 00 5 2' 06 57'38 58'65 59 ' 93 61 ' 20 62 ' 48 69'91 ' 79 ' 90 71 ' 40 ! 81 ' 60 72'89 j,83 ' 30 ,50 , 51 52 53 54 10'63 2.1 ' 25 1084 21 ' 68 11 ' 05 22 ' 10 11'26, 22,' 53 11'48 2295 31'88 32'51 33 ' 15 33'79 34'43 42'50 43 ' 35 44 ' 20 45'05 45'90 53 ' 13 54 'J. 9 55'25 56 ' Sl 5'7'38 63 ' 75 65 ' 03 6 6 ' 30 6 7' 58 68'85 74'38 8500 75 ' S6 , 8 6'70 77 ' 35 ' 88 ' 40 , i 78'84 1 90'10 ' 80'33 91'80 36 VA~UES FOR ADDITIONAL WIDTHS OF % .... .. ~ .. .. % '053 ' 106 ' 159 ' 106 ' 213 - ' 319 ' 159 ' 319 '478 '213 ' 425 '638 %" , Y2 '" ' 266 ' 531 '797 '319 '638 ' 956 g~ :,~§ ' I J1~ : ~g , I ! ' i AND %", ' 372 ' 744 1'116 '425 ' 850 1 ' 275 , 273 DORMAN, LONG & WEIGHT OF FLAT PER CO. LIMITED. Las. ROLLED STEEL IN LI NEAL FOOT. THICKNESS IN INOHES % 24'86 26'78 28 ' 69 30'60 2rr63 '2 9 ' 75 31 ' 8 8 34 ' 00 30 ' 39 32 ' 73 35 ' 06 37'40 I 33 ' 15 35 ' 70 38 ' 25 40 ' 80 Ii 35 ' 91 38 ' 66 41 ' 44 44 ' 20 I H 38 ' 68 41 ' 65 44 ' 63 47 ' 60 41 ' 44 44 '6 3 47 ' 8.1 51 ' 00 1 44 ' 20 47 ' 60 5100 54 ' 40 13 14 15 16 ~~:~g 54 ' 19 57'38 60'56 63'75 5780 61 ' 20 64'60 6 8'00 17 18 19 20 58'01 60 ' 78 ,6354 66"30 62 ' 48 6 5' 45 68 ' 43 71 ' 40 66 ' 94 70 ' 13 · 73 '3 1 76'50 71'40 74 ' 80 78 ' 20 81 ' 60 21 22 23 63'75 66'30 68'85 71 ' 40 69'06 71'83 74'59 77'35 74'38 '77' 35 80 ' 33 83 ' 30 79'69 82'88 86'06 89'2 5 85 ' 00 88'40 91'80 95 ' 20 25 26 2'7 28 61 ' 63 67'79 63 ' 75 70 ' 13 65 '88 ,72'46 68 ' 00 , 74'80 73 ' 95 76'50 79 ' 05 81'60. 80'11 82 ' 88 85 ' 64 88'40 89; 25 , 95 ' 63 102 ' 00 86 ' 28 92 ' 44 98 ' 60 29 30 31 32 63'11 65'03 66"94 68'85 70 ' 13 7,2 ' 25 74'38 76 ' 50 77'14 79'-48 81'81 84 ' 15 84'15 80'70 8925 91'80 91'16 98'18 105'19 93'93 101' 15 108'38 96'69 104 ' 13 111' 56 99'45 107 ' 10 114'75 70'76 72'68 74'59 76'50 78 ' 63 80 ' 75 82',88 85,: 00 94'35 ' 86'49 88 ' 8 3 96 ' 90 91 ' 16 99 ' 45 93'50 102 ' 00 78'41 80'S3 82'24 84'15 87'13 95'84 89 ' 25 98'18 91'38 100.'51 93'50 102'85 86 ' 06 87 ' 98 89'89 95 ',6 3 97 ' 75 99 ' 88 91'SO 1.02 ' 00 93'71 104 ' 13 95'63 106 ' 25 97'54108 ' $8 99 ' 45 110'50 101 ' 36 112'63, :103,' 28 114 ' 75 32'51 34'43 36'34 38'25 3'6 ' 13 38 ' 25 40 ' 38 42 ' 50 39'74 , 42'08 44'41 46'75 43 ' 35 45 ' 90 48'45 51'00 46"96 49'73 52'49 55'25 50 ' 58 ,53'55 40'16 42'08 43'99 45'90 44 ' 63 46 ' 75 48 ' 88 51 ' 00 49 ' 09 51'43 53'7 6 56 ' 10 53'55 56 ' ] 0 58'65 61 ' 20 47'81 49'73 51'64 53'55 53'13 55 ' 25 57'38 59 ' 50 58'44 60'78 63'11 65'45 55'46 57 ' 38 59'29 61'20 '478 '956 1 ' 434 ' 531 1 '063 1',5'94 35 117'94 121 ' 13 124'31 127'50 125 ' 80 12 9 ' 20 132 ' 60 136'00 37 38 39 40 104'55 107'10 109 ' 65 112'20 113'26 116'03 118'79 121'55 121'98 124'95 127 ' 93 '130 ' 90 130'69 133'88 137 ' 06 140 ' 25 139'40 142'80 146 ' 20 149 ' 60 41 42 43 44 105 ' 19 107 ' 53 109'86 112'20 114'54 114 ' 75 117 ' 30 119 ' 85 122 ' 40 124'95 124 ' 31 127'08 129'84 132'60 135',36 133'88 136 ' 85 139 ' 83 142 ' 80 145 ' 78 143 ' 4 4 146 ' 63 149 ' 81 153'00 156"19 153'00 15 6'40 159 ' 80 16820 166"60 45 46 47 48 49 116'88 119'21 121'55 123 ' 89 126'23 127'50 130 ' 05 132'60 135 ' 15 137 ' 70 138'13 148 ' 75 159'38 170.'00 140.' 89 151'73 162'56 173'40 143'65 146'41 ~~r~~ ~~~ : ~~ 'i~g : ~g 149 ' 18 160 ' 65 172'13 183 ' 60 50 51 52 53 54 '584 1 '169 1'753 ' 638 ' I' 2'75 1'913 '691 .1 '381 2 ' 072 '744 1 ' 488 2 ' 231 '797 1'594 2'391 % 1/. t 1 '850 ' 700 2'5,5 0 Ii " I( '11 J 36 110 ' 08 113 ' 05 116'03 119 ' 00 AND , 33 34 112'20 115'60 119'00 122'40 102'21 104 ' 98 107'74 110 ' 50 %.", '12 " r , ,Jj 24 92 ' 23 98'81 105' 40 , 95 ' 20 102'00 108'80 VA.LUES FOR ADDITlONAL WIDTHS OF i I Width in inches " " '4 " '!, " *"" " I ! 274 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. WEIGHT OF ROU N D AN D SQUARE STEEL BARS IN LBS. PER LINEAL FOOT. . Diameter or Side In Inches Round ~ .. ' % 1% I Square • ·213 ·332 ·478 1% ·511 '651 1% ·849 ·845 1·076 1·043 1 ·262 1·502 1'328 1 ·607 1 '912 • 4 '172 5·049 6· 008 I'%, 2 2'>8 7'051 1)'178 9·388 5',312 6·428 7·650 3'4 8·978 3%, 11'95 10·68 12'06 15 ' 35 13·52 17 '21 2'245 2'603 15'06 16 '-69 19 '18 21 ·25 2-347 2'988 18·40 23·43 2'670 3-3130 3·400 20'19 25·71 22·07 28'10 2% 4'4 13'60 1·763 2% 4 10'41 2-044 4·303 Diameter or Side In inches BO,und Square • • i------·------~------~ ---,--- I ------- ·167 ·261 ·376 '668 Square Diameter [I Round 01' Sido ~ In Inohes 5 6 24·03 28'21 32'71 30'60 ,35'91 41'65 37'55 42 ·73 48'23 54·40 61 ·41 54'07 60'25 68·85 76'71 6"'76 85 '00 73 ,60 80·78 88·29 9:.1;71 102·85 96'13 122'40 47'81 112'41 WHITWORTH'S STANDARD SIZES OF BOLTS, SOL T-H EADS AN 0 NUTS. DIame/er of Bolt in Inches Hex. Diameter I Head & Nut I Thicknesses -I In Inches No. of m Dlsta,nce Distance -: - ----,-------I Threads B over o 0 , over per Bolt Nut Inch of ~hread Flats in Oorners In Inches Inches inlnohes Head f: Seotlonal Area at Bottom of Thread in square inohes, Diameter of ' Bolt In Inches 1-----1-------- - 20 16 % 12 11 10 9 1 lYa 1% 2% .1 .. i '1 .. I 1·06 '509 1 '10 1·27 ·44 ·55 '622 1·30 1'50.. ·66 ·733 '7'7 8 7 '840 '942 1·86 1·71 1·93 2·15 7 5 1·067 1'161 1 ·287 1'494 2·05 2'22 , 2·41 2·76 2·37 2'56 2'78 3·19 4'5 4 4 1 '715 1·930 2·180 3·15 3'5 3'5 2·384 2'634 4'18 3·64 4· 10 4·49 4·83 4" 53 5,23 6 2 ·92 ·53 1·48 1'67 6 1Y. ·61 ·82 ·22 ·71 . ·186 '295 ·393 3'55 3,89 ·33 I ·88 '98 1·09 1·20 1'31 ·25 ·38 ·50 ·63 '027 '068 ·121 '203 ·75 ·88 1·00 1 ·13 ·304 1·25 1 ·38 '894 1'060 1·300 1'753 1'53 1'50 1·75 1·75 2·00 1·97 2·19 2·41 2·25 2·50 2·63 '422 % % 1 '554 ·697 1'4. 1% 2 2·75 2·311 2'925 3'732 4 ·464 3·00 5·450 3 Z75 . .DORMAN, LONG & CALCULATED WEIGHTS CO . LIMITED. POUNDS IN WH ITWORTH'S STANDARD BOLTS - OF" NUTS. & Hexagonal Head and Nut. k---A---~ o DIg; Length A In Inches '4 1 lYa ·042 '044 '045 ·047 '049 '050 '106 ·110 ·114 . 118 · 122 '126 ·222 '052 ·054 '056 ·059 '063 '065 ·130 '134 ,138 '145 ·153 '161 '069 ·071 '075 '079 ·082 '085 '089. '169 '177 ·185 ·192 '092 ·096 '099 '103 '106 '224 '232 ·240 '247 '255 '110 '117 · 124 ·130 ' '138 1\4 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 2 2\4 2Yl . 2*' 3 3Y., 3Ya 3% 4 4¥" 4% 4% 5 5\4 5% . 5% , 6 6V- 7 7% 8 Sy. 9 gy. 10 IOYz 11 11';1: . 12 1 I DIAMETER OF nOLT IN INCHES Yz % % % Va 1 lY. -612 ·628 , .. .... .. -- - - .. " ." .. .. .. .... '376 ,387 '398 , 229 , ., 1'(... 1% -- 1Yz . ·, -- , .- ..- .. .- , .. .. , ·419 '430 ·944 '659 '965 '675 '986 1'394 '690 1·008 1 ·421 '264 '271 ·278 ·292 '305 ·319 '441 '452 '463 '484 -506 '528 '706 '722 ·737 '769 ·800 '831 1'029 1'050 1'072 1 . 114 1 ·157 1·199 1'449 1·477 1·505 1'561 1· 616 1'672 1'966 2'001 2'036 2·107 2·177 2·247 2'671 .. 2·758 2·845 3:&72 2·932 3·678 .. ·· .. .... ·333 '347 '361 '375 '3.89 -403 '417 '549 '862 '571 '894 '593 ·925 '615 '956 '637 '988 '658 1 '019 '680 1'050 1'242 1'284 1·327 1'369 J '412 1'455 1'497 1'727 1'783 1·838 1·893 1'950 2'005 ·2-()61 2'318 2·388 2'459 2'529 2·600 2'670 2'740 3·019 3'783 3'106 3·888 3 '193 3'993 3'280 4·098 3-367.4'204 3·454 4·309 3'541 4'414 4'766 4·891 5'016 5'142 5·267 5 '392 5'517 '431 '702 1'081 ·724- I '113 . '74511'144 '767 1 '175 ·789 1'207 1'540 1-583 1'625 1 ;667 1 '.710 2'116 2'172 2·228 2'283 2'339 2·810 2'881 2'952 3'022 3'092 3'627 3'714 3'801 3'888 3'975 .4'519 5'642 4'624.5·767 4'730 . 5,893 4 ·835 6'01e 4'940 6·143 ·263 '500 '279 . '528 ·294 '556 ·310 '584 '326 '612 '341 '639 ·810 '854 '897 ·941 '984 1'028 1'238 1'300 1'363 1'425 .1'488 1 '550 1 ·753 1'838 1'923 2'008 2'094 2'179 2'394 2·506 2'617 2:728 2'839 2·950 3'163 3-303 3·444 3·585 3'7% 3· 867 4'062 4'236 4·410 4:584 4'757 4'931 5'045 5'256 5'466 5'676 5·887 6'097 6'268 6'518 6'769 7'019 7 '270 7'520 ·357 " 667 .. '695 '723 .. 1'071 1 ·115 1 ·158 1'202 1·245 .. .. 1·613 1'676 1·739 1 ·801 1·863 1·926 1'989 2'2042'349 2·434 2 '519 2'605 2·689 2·77.5 3·062 3·173 3·284 3-396 3·507 3·618 3'729 4'008 4·149 4·290 4'430 4'571 4'712 4'853 5'105 5'279 5'453 5'627 5'800 5 '9746'148 6·308 6-518 6'728 6'939 7'149 7'360 7'570 7'770 8'021 .8'271 8 '521 8 ' 772 9·022 9:272 '200 '208 ·216 '236 '243 '250 '257 '445 ·459 ·472 '486 .... .... " .. .. '408 .. '643 .... .- .. .. : ., . .- .. .. .. '.' " .- .- .. " .. - - - - - - -- -- ----- Weight In Ibs.. of one Nut '0134 '0345 '0757 ·1394 ·2164 '3203 '4611 '6379 ·8511 1'075 1 '391 W ~Ight In Ibs. . of Shank per 1 inch of length ·013.9 '0313 '0557 '0869 '1252 ·1703 ·2225 ·2817 ·3477 ·4208 '5007 Weight In Ibs. of Sh'link per 1 foot 01 , length --- ·167 '376 - ------- '668 I I - -- -- ---- I I 1'043 (502 2'044 12'670 3'380 4·172 5'049 6-008 . _ " 276 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. LEWIS BOLTS, WASHERS AND GAS TUBING. APPROXI MATE 1-, I ,,, ,I ,, p> -- LEWIS A' L , , , , , ,, A , , , I I ' AND SIZES. Atll D BOLTS NUTS. Weight in Ibs. Dimensions in inches " - WEIGHTS Diameter Length 0 L .. ·. % ·. ,, %. ·. _'Y..- ~_ ,< --8·-!>I ·. 1% ·. - .~- 5 6 *1· . 1% I[]I: - · -?~C 7 ·. 1~ ·. 1% 'Iz % % C Each 2% 1~ 3- 1% 1% 2 .. ·77 .. % 1 '31 2'06 % ... .. I .' 3·05 1% 8 3% 4 9 4% 21,/., 10 11 5 5% 12 2% 2% 6 3 ORDINARY Diameter of Bolt '\ in inches I ~ A ROUND % r 1% .- %' .. 5·91 7· 81 10'13 , 1% 1% 1% 2 I~ -ill Weight In Ibs. per 100 .. - I .., 1~ .. 1'1z .' .. ., ' 1% .. . SOl fa [17% 21 Y, ~ ,,\; '1"h :1,4 26 30Y. 48% 64 21.4 2% 2% 3 : 472 5 ,fll!i n I 5 Yz 6 % % 102 126 183 219 I External DIameter in inches .. 1r. % I -},! I I l~ 5% 7% 14 2% 4 APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS &. SIZES OF GAS TU 81 NG. 'Nominal Bore In inches Va '348 ·421 WASHERS. Tblckness In Inobes % VB ·282 - . '4·33 .. l?{ 1% . . .. 1Y2, 2'1B 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 4 % '. '087 ·125 ·170 ' 223 ' Outside,l?lameter } , of Washer in , 1% 1% 1% 1% Inches ' } } I One Inch of Shank .. 1& ' , '''.'S~' I • , per lineal toot , -i -~--i ~~] I 1·176 1'6$0 2'464 BEVELLED & BEAMS Weight In ibs. 1% 3· 136 3'463 2* .. SQUARE I I I , Diam. 01 Bolt in Inches --'* I Side. "s" Mean of thickness Square "t" in In inches inches , .. 1% Ifs .. i\1 Weight In Ibs. per 100 6 lila % -'- - -~t FOR CHANNELS . , :, I. :' WASHERS % .. . 1% .. 2% .. .. 8Y. .. 10% .. ,f\; •• 15'.4 .~ .. 20 ., " " DORMAN, LONG & ;1 , CO. LIMITED. , . ApPROXIMATE WEIGHT IN STEEL CUP-HEADED Les. OF 100 RIVETS . " cJ " A :=J "~ DIAMETER Length A In Inabes , , " 1 :?~ , " 1'h 1% .. .. " 1% , , 1% " 1. " 1% ~ ~/s .. .. .. 2 " , " 2 \4 ' " , " 2% " " 3~4 , " 2% 2% S 'h 3% 3% , 3% 4 '4 4% .. .. , " .. 5 \4 ' " 2 Y:. ' , .. ' , 3 ' , .. .. " ' " " .. " " , " 6% ' " " 7\4 ' 7% , " ' " " , 4 4% .. 5 " 6'/,. , , 5% , 5% , . 8% ""' " .. S y, " , 2% .. , " 2'h " .. 6 6% , , '7 , .. .. , " .. 8 Approximate weight In Ibs. 01 100 Heads Variation In welgbt of 100 Rivets Pel Inch of iengtb " % % " ,. , , 1 % ~ 4'89 5 "28 5'67 6 ' 06 9'7 10'4 11'1 11'8 .. 6 ' 45 6 ' 85 7'24 7 ' 63 12'5 13 ' 2 1:3 ' 9 14 ' 6 21"2 22'3 23 ' 4 24'4 329 34 ' 4 36 ·0 37 '6 8'02 8' 41 8 '80 9 ' 19 15 ' 3 16 ' 7 174 25 ' 5 26 ' 6 27 ' 7 28 ' 8 39 ' 1 40 ' 7 42 ' 2 43 ' 8 56 ' 4 58 ' 6 60 '7 62'8 7'7 ' 9 80 ' 7 83 ' 4 86' 2 9 ' 58 9'97 10 ' 4 108 18'1 IS ' S 19'5 20 ' 2 29'9 31'0 32'1 33'1 45'4 46 ' 9 48'5 501 65 ' 0 67'1 69'2 71 "3 9Br'S 94 ' 6 97 ' 4 111 11 ' 5 11 ' 9 12 ' S ' 20 ' 9 21'6 2 2'S ' 22'9 34'2 S5'S 36'4 37'5 516 5S·2 54'8 56'S 78'5 75 ' 6 77'7 79 ' 9 23'6 24 'S 25 ' 0 25 ' 7 38"6 39'7 40 ' 7 41 ' 8 57'9 59'5 ' 61 '0 62'6 42' 9 4 "5 ' 1 47 ' 3 49 ' 4 ~6 ' 0 " " .. .. ·. ·... , .. ·.. , .. , . , . ·, ·. '" .. .. .. .. ·, ·, · · " .. ·. , , .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. .. . .. ' . . , . ' O i " .. ·. I . ·. \ .. .. .. . ' ·.. , . , . · " , , , , , " - , 100 103 106 108 132 136 139 143 169 174 178 lS3 82 "0 84 ' 1 86'2 88 ' 4 111 114 117 12 0 14 6 150 153 157 187 191 196 200 64"2 8 7' 3 70 ' 4 73 ' 5 90 ' 5 94 '8 99 '0 103 122 128 13 4 139 160 167 174 1B1 204 213 222 230 lOB .. 76 ' 7 79'S 8 2'9 86 ' 1 112 116 120 145 150 156 161 ISS 195 202 209 239 248 256 265 .. .. ... .. .. .. .. 125 129 133 13'1 167 172 178 184 217 224 231 238 274 282 ,2 91 300 .'.. .. ··· ' " 189 195 200 206 211 245 252 259 266 273 309 317 326 335 343 " .. .- .. .. , .. .. ' , .. .. .. . " .. 1·76 4'17 8 ' 15 14 · 1 22'4 33 :4 475 65 · 2 3 . 13 5 ·56 8 ' 69 12 ' 5 17'0 22 ' S 28 "2 34 "8 , 1 , , . :1 ]:, \ . , . .. II.i , , 152 156 161 165 , II .. , .. .. ·11 IJ;i, 118 121 125 12 9 , : , , .. .. " ' 118 " ' ' .. " .. .. .. ", 7% % OF RIVET IN INCHES ! I' 'I; iI • 278 DORMAN, LONG & CO. L_IMITED: LBS, RISI NG QRS. & BY EXPRESSED 7, LBS. AND IN CWTS., IN DECIMALS OF A TON. ~- Lbs. c. q. lbs. Ton o. q. Ibs. o. q. lbs. Ton 357 0 3 0 3 0 7 3 0 14 3 0 21 -1$ · 153125 ' 15625 '159375 . 672 679 686 693 6 6 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 7 14 21 '3 -303125 -30625 -309.375 I 0 1 7 1 14 I 21 -3125 -315625 '31875 -321875 Lbs. Lbs. Ton 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 ., .. 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'146875 644 651 658 665 5 3 0 7 5 3 5 3 14 5 3 21 -2875 -290625 '29375 '296875 980 987 994 1001 8 3 8 .., 8 3 8 3 .. 2 .. ·. 600 5 5 .5 ~ 7 14 21 0 7 14 21 -3375 '340625 '34375 '346875 - -4375 -440625 -44·375 -446875 279 DORMAN, LONG & LBS. RISING QRS. &. BY LBS. AND 7, EXPRESSED c. _q. lbs. ·45 -453125 -45625 -459375 1344 135.1 1358 1365 12 12 12 12 9 1 1 1 1 0 7 1421 -4625 -465625 -46875 -471875 1372 1379 1386 1393 9 9 9 9 2 0 2 7 2 14 2 21 -475 -478125 -48125 -484375 1092 . '9 9 1099 1106 9 9' 1113 3 0 3 7 3 14 3 21 0 7 14 21 c. <to lbs. Ton 1008 1015 1022 1029 0 9 0 7 9 0 9 0 14 9 0 21 1036 1043 1050 1057 1064 1071 1078 1085 9 9 9 0 0 0 '0 I IN CWTS., IN DECIMALS OF A T.ON. Lbs. Lbs. CO. LIMITED. 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LIMITED. AREAS .... I' - EIGHTHS. , - -' OF CIRCLES ADVANCI NG BY DllIm~t6r 0 78 ~ % % % % "iG .·8 51 52 53 54 55 2042-8 2123'7 2206 -2 2290 -2 2375 ,8 2052-8 2133·9 2216'6 2300-8 2386'6 2062 ,9 2144'2 2227·0 2311 '5 2397-5 2073'0 2154·5 2237·5 2322 ·1 2408'3 2083 ·1 2164·8 2248·0 2332,8 2419·2 2093 -1 2175 ·1 2258 -5 2343'5 2430 ·1 2103·3 2185'4 2269 -I 2354'3 2441 ,1 2113 '5 2195-8 2279,6 2365-0 2452·0 56 57 58 59 60 2463,0 2551 -8 2642 ·1 2734-0 2827-4 . 2474'0 2563 '0 2653 '5 2745-6 2839 ·2 2485-0 2574-2 2664 '9 2757,2 2851 '0 2496 -I 2085-4 2676 -4 2768,8 2862'9 2507 ·2 2596 -7 2687·8 2780'5 2874,8 2518-3 2608-0 2699 ·3 2792'2 2886,6 2529,4 2619,4 2710'9 2803 ·9 2898'6 2540-6 2630 ,7 2722'4 2815'7 2910 ,5 61 62 63 64 65 2922 '5 3019 ·1 3117 ·2 3117-0 3318 '3 2934'5 3031 ,3 3129 '6 3229 ·6 3331 ·1 2946 '5 3043'5 3141-0 3242-2 3343 '9 2958'5 2970'6 3055'7 ' 3068 ,0 3154,5 3166'9 3254,8 3267'5 3356-7 3369'6 2982-7 2994'8 3080·3 3092;6 3179-4 3191 '9 j280'1 . 3292'8 3;382-4 3395 -3 3006 '9 3104·9 3204,4 3305-6 3408'2 66 67 68 69 70 3421 ,2 3525 ,7 3631 -7 3739 '3 3848 '5 34;>4'2 35.38 ·8 3645 '0 3752,8 3862 '2 3447,2 3552-0 3658 ·4 3766'4 3876,0 3460-2 3565 '2 3671 ·8 3780'0 3889·8 3473 '2 3578-5 3685 '3 3793'7 3903 -6 3486 ·3 3499'4 3591 ·7 3605 -0 3698 ·7 3712'2 3807 ,3 . 3821 '0 3917 -5 3931 ·4 3512'5 3618·3 3725 ;7 3834'7 3945 ,3 71 72 73 74 75 3959'2 4071 ·5 4185'4 ,4300-8 . 4417 '9 3973 ,1 4085'7 4199'7 4315·4 4432·6 3987 ,1 4099'8 4214 -I 4329'9 4447·4 4001 -I 4114 -0 4228'5 4:344 ·5 4462-2 4015-2 4128'2 4242 ·9 4359 ·2 .4477 ,0 4029,'2 ' 4142'5 4257-4 4373'8 4491 -8 4043'3 4156 ,8 4271 ,8 4388'5 4506 '7 4057'4 4171 ,1 4286'3 4403 ,2 4521 ·5 4536 '5 4656 '6 4778·4 ' 4901 ·7 5026 ·5 . · 4551 ·4 4671 ·8 4793 '7 4917·2 5042 '3 4566'4 4686 -9 4809'0 4932-7 5058 ·0 : 4581 ,3 4702 ·1 4824·4 4948'3 5073·8 4596'3 4717·3 4839·8 4963 ·9 5089'6 4626,4 4611 ·4 4732 '5 ' 4747-8 4855 -2 4870'7 4979'5 4995 -2 5105 ,4 5121 ,2 4641 '5 4763 ,1 4886'2 5010'9 5137, 1 81 82 83 84 ,85 515;3'0 5281 '0 5410'6 5541 -8 5674;5 5168'9 :;297·1 ' 5426 '9 5558-3 5691 ,2 5184-9 5313-3 5443'3 5574:8 5707 '9 . 5200-8 5329'4 5459 '6 5591 -4, 5]24'7 . 5216·8 5345·6 5476'0 51:iJ7 -9 5741 '5 5232 ·8 5361 ·8 5492·4 5624·5 5758·3 5264'9 5394'3 5525 .j 5657 ,8 5791 '9 86 87 88 89 90 5808'8 5944 -7 6082 ,1 6221 ,1 6361 '7 5825-7 5961 -8' 6099 ,4 6238,6 6379-4 584,2 -6 5859 '6 5978-9 '5996 -0 6116-7 .. 6134 '1 6256 -I 6273'7 6414,9 6397 -I 5876'5 6013·2 615.1 '4 6291 ,2 6432'6 5893'5 6030,4 6168·8 6308 ·8 6450 ,4 91 92 93 134 95 6503 '9 6647·6 6792'9 6939 ,8 7008 ,2 6521 -8 6665'7 6811 ,2 6958'2 7106 '9 6539 ·7 . 6557·6 6683'8 6701 -9 6829 '5 . 6847 ,8 6976 ·7 6995 ·3 7125·6 . 7144·3 6575 ·5 6720 -I 6866 ,1 7013'8 7163·0 5910·6 5917 '6, 6047·6 6064'9 6186·2 6203 '7 6326 ·4 6344 ,1 .6468 :2 6486'0 ., 6593'5 6611 ·5 6629 ·6 6738-2 675~ ·4 6774 ,7 6884 '5 ' 6902'9 .. 6921 ·3 7032 ·4 7051 '0 7069 '6 71.81 ,8 7200 ·6 '2219,4 7238'2 . 7257-1 7389 -8 7408'9 7543 -0 7562 ,2 7697 '7 7717 '1 7854'0 7873·6 .7276'0 '. 7294 '9 7428'Q 7447 ,1 7581 ·5 7600·8 7736·6 7756 -I 7893-3 7913,0 7313 -8 7466'2 7620 ,1 7775·6 7932-7 7332 ·8 7485'3 7639'5 7195'2 7952'5· 76 77 78 79 . 80 96 97 98 99 100 .\ I 5248·9 5378 ·1 5508-8 5641 ·2 5775 -I · 7351 '8 7504'5 7658 '9 7814-8 7972 -2 7370 -8 7523·7 7678·3 7834·4 7992'0 ·286 .' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. CIRCUMFERENCES OF CI RCLES ADVANCING BY EIGHTHS. Diameter 0 Ys 1'4, % , % 3·142 6'283 9'425 12'566 15'708 .. ·393 3'534 6'676 9'817 12-959 16'101 ·785 3-927 7'069 10 ·210 13'352 16 '493 .\ ·\78 4-320 7'461 10·603 13·144 1(;> ·886 1 '571 4.'712 7·854 10 '996 14'137 17-279 1 '963 5 '105 8'247 11 '388 14'530 17-671 2·356 5'498 8 '639 11 '781 14'923 18-064 2'749 5·890 9·032 12 ·174 15 '315 !tl ·457 8 18 -850 21 -991 25 -133 28-274 31 '416 19-242 22-384 25'525 28'667 31 '809 19'635 22-777 25'918 29 '060 32 '201 20'028 23 -169 26-311 29 '452 32'594 20·420 23 -562 26-704 29-845 32 '987 20'813 23-955 27'096 30·238 33'379 21 '206 24'347 27 '489 30'631 33''172 21 '598 24·740 27 ·882 31 '023 34 ·165 34'558 37'699 40'841 43'982 47 '124 34'950 38 -.092 41 ·233 44-375 47 '517 35-343 38'485 41 '626 44 -768 47-909 35 -736 38 -877 42-019 45 ·160 48'302 36 ·128 39·270 42'412 45'553 48-695 36 '521 39 '663 42 '804 45'946 49'087 36 '914 40'055 43 -i97· 46 '338 49-480 37'306 40-448 43'590 46·731 49·873 18 19 20 50-265 53'407 56 '549 59'690 62 -.832 SO-658 53'800 56-941 60-083 63'225 51 ·051 54 ·192 57 -334· 60'476 63'617 51 '444 54 '.585 57 ·727 60 ·868 64 '010 51 '836 52 -229 54 -978 55 ·37.1 58 '119 . 58 '512 61 ·261 61 '654 64 ·403 64'795 52'622 55 ·763 58 ·905 62 -046 65 '188 56 '156 59'298 62·439 - 65 -581 21 22 28 24 25 65'973 69 ·1l5 72'257 75-398 78'540 66'366 69'508 72 -649 75-791 78'933 66 -759 69 -900 73 ·042 76 -184 79 '325. 67 ·152 70 '293 73 '435 76-576 79'718 67'544 . 67 -937 70'686 71 ·079 73'827 74·220 76 -969 77'362 80-503 80111 68'330 71 '471 74 -613 77 '754 80896. 68'722 71 -864 75 "006 · 78 ,147 81 -289 26 28 29 30 81 '681 84-823 87 '965 91 -106 94'248 82'074 85'216 88'357 91 -499 94 -640 82'467 82'860 85'608 . 86 '001 88'750 89 '143 91 ·892 92'284 95'033 95'426 83'252 86 ·394 89'535 92·677 95'819 83-645 86 '786 89'928 93'070 96211 84'038 87'179 90-321 93462 96'604 84'430 87·572 90'713 93-855 96'997 31 32 33 34 35 _. 97 '389 100'53 103 '67 106 -$1 109'90 97-782 100'92 104 '07 107 -21 110 -35 98 ·175 101 -32 104·46 107 -60 110 '74 98'567 101 ·71 104 -85. 107'99 111 '13 98 '960 ;02 -10 105 -24 108 '38 111'53 99·353 102'49 105'64 108-78 111 ·92 99·746 102'89 106'03 109 -17 112 '31 38 37 38 39 40 113 -10 116'24 119 ·38 122-52 125 '66 113 -49 116 -63 119 '77 122'91 126'06 113 -88 117 ·02 120'17 123'31 126'45 114 '28 117 ·42 120'56 123 '70 126-84 114 -67 'l17'81 120'95' 124-09 127'23 115 '06 118 ·20 121 '34 124·49 127'63 115,;85 _ 115 ·45 118-60 .. 118·99 122 ,1 3 121 '74 125 '2'7 124 ·88 128·41 128 '02 · 41 42 43 128-81 131 '95 135 '09 138 ·23 141 ·37 129'20 1.32·34 135-48 -138 '62 141 '76 129'59 132-73 135-87 139'02 142 '16 129-98 133 '12 136'27 139'41 142 '5.5 130'38 133'52 136-66 139 '80 142'94 130 ·77 133'91 137·05 140 '19 143'34 131 ·16 134'30. 137 ·44 140'59 143'73 131 '55 134 '70 137·84 140'98 144'12 144 -51 .1'47-65 150 ·80 153,94 157·08 144'91 148'05 151 '19 154 -:33 157·47 145'30 148·44 151 ·58 15'4'72 157 ·86 145'69 148'83 151 ,97 155-12 158·26 146 ·08 149'23 152-37 155'51 158 -65 . 146 '48 149 -62 152-76 155 ·90 159 ·04 146'87 150 -01 '15.3 -15156·29 159·44 147'26 150 '40 153 '5.5 156 -69 159 -83 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 , * % 1 0 , .*" % 27 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ( _. 53~014 }gg ·14 03,28 106·!!-2 109"56 112 :70 - DORMAN, - LONG & CIRCUMFERENCES BY LIMITED . OF CIRCLES ADVANCING EIGHTHS. DIameter 0 Ys -~ 51 53 54 55 160-22 16;3 '36 166'50 169·65 172'79 160 ·61 16;3·76 166 '90 170'04 173 '18 161·0\ 164'15 167'29 170'43 173'57 56 57 58 59 60 175'93 179'07 182·21 185'35 188'50 176'32 179 '46 182-61 185-75 188 ·89 176·71 179-86 183'00 186 ·14 189·28 61 62 63 64 65 191 ·64 194 ·78 197 '92 201·06 204·20 192'03 195 '17 .198'31 201 ·45 204·60 192'42 . 195'56 198 ·71 201 ·85 204'99 . 66 67 68 69 70 207·35 210 ·49 213'6;3 216'77 219-91 207'74 210 ·88 214·02 217'16 220-30 71 72 73 74 75 223-05 226 '19 229-34 232'48 235-62 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 ~ % % % 161 '40 161 ·79 164·54 . 164 '93 167-68 168'08 170·82 171 ·22 173·97 174'36 162'18 165'33 168'47 171 ·61 174'75 162'58 165 ·72 168·86 172·00 175 '14 162 ·97 166 ·11 169'25 172·39 175 ·54 177-11 180'25 183'39 186'53 189 '67 177·89 181 '03 184'18 187'32 190 '46 178 ·29 181 '43 184'57 187·71 190·85 178-68 181 ·82 184·96 188 ·10 191 ·24 192·82 _ 193·21 195'96 196 '35 199-10 199·49 202·6;3 .202 '24 205 '38 205'77 193·60 196'74 199-88 203 -03 206'17 193·99 197 '13 200·28 203·42 206,56 194· '39 197 '53 200·67 203·81 206-95 208 ·13 211 '27 214'41 217'56 220-70 208'52 20e'92 211 '66 212·06 214·81 215'20 217 '95 - 218 -34 221 -09 221 ·48 209'31 212·45 215 '59 218-73 221 ·87 209·70 212'84 215'98 219 ·13 222 ·27 210 '09 213-24 21&'38 219-52 222·66 223'45 226'59 229'73 232·87 236-01 223 ·84 226·98 230 '12 233'26 236 '40 224,23 227-37 230'51 . 233 ·66 236 '80 · 224'62 227m 230'91 . 234 -05 237 '19 225'02 228 ·16 231 '30 234-44 237'58 225-41 228-55 231 '69 7.34 -83. 237-98 225 -80 228·94 232'09 235-23 238-37 238-76 '241 -90 245·04 248 :19 251 '33 239 '15 242'30 245-44 248-58 251 -72 239'55 239'94 242-69 • 243-08 245 -83 246 -22 248-97 249-36 252 -II 252-51 240'33 243-47 246-62 249-76 252 ·90 240-72 243-87 247-01 250 -15 253-29 241 '12 244'26 247·40 250-54 253 '68 241 -51 244 '65 247'79 250-93 254-08 ~4-47 57 ·61 260-75 26;3 ·89 267-04 254 ·86 258 ·00 2(;,1 ·14 264'29 267'43 255 '25 258 ·40 261 ·54 264'68 267'82 255 ·65 258'79 261 ,93 265 '07 268-21 256 -04 259 -18 262 ·32 265 ·46 268'61 256·43 259'57 262 ·72 265 '86 269·00 256·83 259-97 26;3 '11 266·25 257 -22 260'36 26;3'50 266-64 269·78 86 87 88 '. 89 90 270 -18 273 -32 276'46 279-60 282,74 , 270'57 273·71 276·85 279'99 283 ·14 270'96 274 '10 277'25 280-39 283'53 271 -36 274-50 277-64 280'78 283-92 271 ·75 274'89 278-03 281 ·17 284-31 272 -14 275-28 278 -42 281 '57 284-71 - 272 '53 275·67 281 ·96 285 -10 272'93 276'07 279'21 282'35 285'49 91 92 93 94 95 285-88 289-03 292 -17 295'31 298 ·45 286-28 289 ·42 292 '56 295·70 298:84 286-67 289·81 292 '95 296 -10 299,.24 287'06 290'20 293-35 296 -49 299·6;3 287'46 290'60 293'74 296'88 300'02 287-85 290-99 294 '13 297'27 300'41 288-24 291 -38 294'52 297-67 300-81 288-63 291 -78 294·92 298'06 301 -20 96 91 98 99 100 301 ·59 304·73 307'88 311 -02 314'16 301 ·99 305'13 308·27 311 '41 314 '55 . 302 -38 302·77 305'52 . 005 ·91 308'66 309 '05 311 ·80 312·20 314'94 315-34 303 -16 306 -31 309'45 312'59 315·73 303·56 306 '70 309·84 312'98 316-12 303-95 307-09 310-23 313'37 316'52 304-34 307'48 310 ,62 . 313'77 316·91 52 , CO. SO % 177-50 180·64 183 ·78 186 ·92 190'07 , 2!:E -39 2'18-82 ¢ L2 - 28'S DORMAN , LONG & CO. LlMITED. SQUARES OF NUMBERS AND FRACTIONAL PARTS. No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 ' .' 14<) 16 25 9 36 49 64 81 10 100 % 74 '0156 ·0625 1'2656 4-·5156 1-5625 5·0625 9·7656 10'5625 17'0156 26·2656 37'5156 50·7656 66·0156 83'2656 102'5156 -% Yz % ' 1406 1-8906 5-64-06 '2500 2-2500 . 6-2500 121 144 169 196 -225 123'7656 147·0156 172'2656 199'5156 228-7656 . 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LIMITED. ~ SQUARES OF NUMBERS AND FRACTIONAL PARTS. " No, 0 Ys ~ % - 7f % %. % " 961 1024 1089 1156 1225 976'5625 984'3906 1032 '0156 1040,0625 1048 ·1406 1097·2656 1105'5625 1113·8.906 1164'5156 1173- 062:; 118.1 ,6406 1233·7656 \242 '5625 1251 ,3906 992'2500 1056'2500 1122 · 2500 1190,2500 1260,2500 1000, 1406 1008'0625 lq64'3906 1072'5625 1130,6406 1139'0625 1198.,8.906 1207'5625 1269' 1406 1278.,0625 1016·0156 1080,7656 1147 '5156 12,16'2656 128.7 ,0156 37 38 39 40 1296 1369 1444 1521 1600 1305'0156 1378,2656 1453'5156 1530,7656 1610,0156 1314'0625 1387'5625 1463'0625 1540'5625 1620'0625 1323, 1406 1396,8906 1472' 6406 1550'3906 1630, 1406 1332·2500 i406 ' 25oo 1482'2500 1560·2500 1640,2500 1341,3906 1415,6406 1491 :8906 1570' 1406 1650·3906 1350'5625 ' 1425 ,0625 1501·5625 1580'0625 1660'5625 1359,7656 1434'5156 1511'2656 1590'0156 1670'7656 41 42 43 , 44 45 1681 1764 184-9 1936 2025 1691·2656 1774',5156 1859·7656 1947'0156 2036'2656 1701 ,5625 1785'0625 1870'5625 1958'0625 2047'5625 1711 ,8906 1795,6406 1881'3906 1969·1406 2058,8906 1722'2500 1806'2500 1892'2500' 1980·2500 2070,2500 1732'6406 1816'890.6 1903'1406 1991 '3906 2081 '6406 1743,0625 1827'5625 1914·0625 2002'5625 2093,0625 1753 ·5156 1838 ,2656 1925'0156 2013'7656 2104'5156 2116 2209 2304 2401 2500 2127'5156 2220'7656 2316'0156 2413'2656 2512'5156 2139'0625 2232'5625 2328'0625 24,2 5'5625 , 2525 ',0625 2150'6406 2162,2500 2244'3906 2256,2500 2340' 1406 2352'2500 2437'8906 . 2450'2500 2537'6406 2550,2500 2173,8906 2268, 1406 2364,3906 2462'6406 2562,8906 2185'5625 2280,0625 2376,5625 2475,0625 2575,5625 2197,2656 2292,0156 2388,7656 2487'5156 2588'2656 .2601 2704 2a09 2916 3025 2613,7656 2717'0156 2822'2656 2929'5156 30:38'7656 2626'5625 2730'0625 28.35·5625 2943'0625. 3052'5625 2639-,3906 2743' 1406 2848'8906 2956 , 6406 2652'2500 2756,2500 2862·2500 2970,2500 3066'3900 ;3080'2S00 2665' 1406 2769'3906 2875,6406 2983,8906 3094, 1406 2678,0625 2782'5625 2889·0625 2997 ,5625 3108'0625 2691 '0156 2795'7656 2902'5156 3011,2656 3122'0156 3136 3249 3364 3481 3600 3150'0156 3263'2656 3378'5156 3495·7656 3615'0156 3164'0625 3178'1406 3277 ' 5625 32.91 ,8906 3393·0625 , 3407'6406 3510'5625 3525,3906 3630 ,0625 3645' 1406 3192'2500 3306'2500 3422'2500 3540'2500 3660,2500 3206'3906 3320'6406. 3436,8906 3555·1406 3675'3906 3220'5625 3335'0625 3451 '5625 3570 ,0625 31 32 33 34 35, 3.6 968,7656 " 4.6 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 .. 57 58 59 .60 3234'7656 3349'5156 3'466'2656 3585'0156 3690'5625 3705'7656 .. -) '-- 290 DOR.MAN, LONG & CO .. .LIMITED. CUBES OF NUMBERS AND FRACTIONAL PARTS. . Ys 0 No. 74 % % 1f2 " % Ys :\ '. .. 0 1. 2' . 1 8 27 3 4 5 6 7 8 19 10 64 125 *' , . \25 ' 3'375 15'625· 42:875 91 '125 166·375 . ·422 5'359 '244 ' 4·291 18·088 47'635 98·932 177-979 ~20'797 52·734 107·172 190'109 1000 259'084 401·131 587'428 823'975 1116·771 274'625 421 '875 614-125 857'375 1157·625 290·775 443'322 641'619 891· 666 1199·463 307',547 324'951 465·484 488'373 669'922 ,699'045 926'859 962967 1242'297 . 1286· 139 1331 1728 2197 2744 3375 1376'893 1782'564 2260,986 2818, 158 3460,080 1423'828 1471'818 1838'266 1.895 ·115 2326'203 2392·662 2893'641 2970'459 3546'578 3634'506 1520'875 1953·125 2460'375 3048·625 3723.'8'15 1571·010, v 2012·307 2529'354 3128'150 3814'697 1622'234 1674'561 2072'672 2134·232 2599,609 2671, 154 3209,04'7 3291 <126 .3906'984 4000,748 4096 4192'752 4913 5022'174 5832 5954'346 6859 6995'268 ' 8000 8150·939 4291 '016 4390·803 5132953 ' 5245·350 6078'391 6204, 146 7133'328 7273·193 8303·766 8458,490 4492' 125 4594'994 5359'375 5475'041 6331 '625 6460·838 7414·875 7558'385 8615·125 8773'682 4699 ,422 5592'359 6591 '797 7703·734 8934'172 15 , 24 25 9161 10648 12167 13824 15625 9427·361 9595,'703 9766'037 10830'533 11015,141 11201·834 12366'455 12568'078 12711 ,881 14q41·127 14260'516 14482 ·178 15860'549 16098'453 16338'725 9938·375 11390'625 12977-875 14706·125 16581'375 10112·729 11581'525 13i86'072 14932'369 16826·416 10289·109 11774'547 13396'484 15160·922 17073,859 26 27 28 29 30 17576 19683. 21952 24389 27000 17830·721 19957·643 22247·315 24705'736 27338'908 18609'625 20796·875 23149'125 25672- 375 28372'625 18874·213 21081'760 23455·057 26000·104 28722'900 19141.297 21369'234 23763·672 26330·609 21 22 23 ·670 6'592 23'764 58·j86 115'857 202''779 244·141 381 '078 561'516 791 '453 1076·891 14 20 '016 '0$3 1'953 2'600 11'391 13·396 38'443 34·328 76'766 83'740 , 144·703 , 155:287 229·783 361'705 536'377 759'799 1037'971 216 , 343 512 ·729 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 ' '002 1·424 9'596 30·518 70·189 134'611 18087-891 20234·828 22545'266 25025'203 27680·641 18347'521 20514'568 22845 '.865 25347·412 28025'209 4805'420 5711 '342, 6724'514 7850,936 9096,607 10467'529 11969·701 13609· 123 15391 ,795 17323'717 19410·889 21(J59'311 24074'982 26663'904 290"76'041 29432'076 291 , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. _. - CUBES OF NUMBERS AND FRACTIONAL PARTS. , ..No. 0 31 32 33 ~ Ys % 12 % ·4 % ?Is 29791. 32768 35937 34 . 39304 42875 35 30152·83 30517'58 33153'$0 33542'02 36346'92 36759'95 39739'10 40177-39 43336·02 43800·33 30885'26 31255,87 31629'45 33933'55 34328·12 34725'74 37176·10 37595'37 38017·'19 40618'90 41063·62 · 41511 '59 44267·94 44.738'87 45213 ·13 46656 50053 54872 59319 64000 47143·69 4,7634·77 51168'11 51686·70 55415·28 55962'14 59891· 21 60467'08 64601 ·88 65207'52 48129·24 48627·12 49128'43 49633·17 50141·36 52208·79 52734·37 53263·48 53796·11 54332'28 56512'58 57066·62 57624·28 58185,55 58750·45. 61046·63 61629·87 62216'82 62807'48 63401·87 65816'93 66430·12 67047 '12 67667·92 68292'54 68921 74·088· 79507 85184 91125 69553'30 70189·4-5 74751'47 '15418 ·89 80202'39 8090\ ·83 85912'06 86">44'27 91886'49 92b52·20 70829·47 71473'37 72121'17 76090'27 76765·62 77444·96 81605'32 82312,87 83024·51 87380'62 88\21 ·12 88865 ,81 931\22·16 94196'37 94974'85 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 97336 103823 110592 117649 125000 98131·66 104653'58 11'145(1,25 118551 '67 125939·85 . 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 32005'98 32385'50 35126·42 35530·17 38443'36 38.872 ·09 41962·80 42417,26 45690·73 46171 ·69 73428 ·47 78815,64 84400'06 83740'~' 89614·67 90367'73 95757'61 96544·65 72772·86 78128·30 102990·83 109730'25 116750·92 124064·84 131 678'0 1 98931 ·64 105488·58 112329 '"02 119458 ·95 126884 ·;19 99735·96 106328'01 113204'30 120370·85 127833 ·65 100544'62 107171 ·87 114084-12 121287 '37 128787,62 101357· 65 108020·20 114968· 49 122208·54 129746'34· 102175'05 108872'98 115857·42 123134'36 130709 '80 135598·69 143671'99 152059·54 16076'7' 33 169801'38 136590·$7 1.44703'12 153130'37 161878·62 170953·87 137587'88 145739' 18 154206·23 162995'03 172111'57 138589· 73 139596·44 146780·17 147826' 11 155287 ·11 .156373'03 164116'55 165243'20 173274:48· 174442·62 1'791 67,68 188872'22 198921-02 209320·07 220075'37 180362·12 190109'37 200201'62 210644·87 221445 '12 181561·87 1913.51'92 201487·71 211975·26 222820'56 182766'92 192599·86 202779·30 213311' 2'l 224201·67 , 132651 140608 148877 157464 166375 ,141624'44 149932·86 158560·03 167511·96 134611 ,33 142645' '17 150993 '70 159661·14 168654 ·08 17561 6 185193 195112 205379 216000 176794,63 186414·05 196376·22 206687' 14 217352'81 177978'52 187640·45 197645·89 208000-83 218711·27 133b~'77 , '. 183977·29 193853·22 204076'39 214652·81 225588·48 /, ,.::..1 292 -DORMAN, LONG & SQUARES, CUBE No. Square ROOTS, .Oube - .. CUBES, Square Root ,J Nos. Cube Boot V CO. LIMITED. SQUARE FROM No . ROOTS, 1 TO 1,000. Square Cube Square Root - ,,/ - C.ube Root - --. V --~ 1 2 3 4 1 4 9 16 1 8 27 64 1-0000 1 -4142 1-7321 2·0000 1-0000 1 '2599 1-4422 1·5874 50 51 52 53 54 2.500 2601 2704 2809 2916 17.5000 7 -0711 132651 7 -1.414 140608 7-2HI 148877 - -7,2801 157464 7'3485 3-6840 ' 3-7084 3 -7325, 3'7563 3 ·7798 5 6 7 8 9 _ 25 36 49 64 81 125 216 343 512 _729 2·2361 2·4495 2-6458 2'8284 3 ·0000 1-7100 1 -8171 1·9129 2'0000 2 ·0801 55 56 57 58 59 3025 3136 3249 3364 3481 166375 175616 185193 195112 205379 3 -8030., 3·8259 3·84$5 3·8709 3·8930 10 11 12 13 14 100 121 144 169 196 1000 1331 1728 2197 _. 2744 3·1623 3.'3166 3·4641 3'6056 3'7417 2·1544 2·2240 2-2894 2·3513 2-4101 60 61 62 63 64 3600 216000 7'7460 3·9149 3721 _ ' 226981 1· 8102 3'93t5 3844 238328 7'8740 3,-9579 3969 -250047 - '7'9373 3'97'!1 4096 - 262144_ 8'0000 - 4'0000 15 16 17 18 19 225 256 289 32.4 361 3375 4096 4913 5832 6859 3'8730 4'0000 4·1231 4'2426 4'3589 2-4662 2'5198 2-5713 2'6207 2'6684 65 66 67 68 69 4225 4356 4489 4624 4761 274625 . · 8·0t;i23 287496 8·1240 300763 8 '1854 314432 8'2462 328509 8'3066 20 21 22 23 24 441 484 529 576 400 8000 9261 10648 12167 13824 4-4721 4'5826 4'6904 4'7958 4'8990 2'7144 2·1589 2·8020 2·8439 2·8845 70 71 72 73 74 4900 5041 5184 5329 5476 343000 357911 373248 389017 405224 . 8'3666 8'4261 8-4853 8-5440 8·6023 25 26 27 28 15625 17576 19683 21952 24389 5- 0000 2'9240 5 '0990 2'9625 5-1962 3 ·0000 5·291s. 3 '0366 5·3852 3'0723 75 16 77 78 79 5625 5776 5929 6241 421875 438976 456533 474552 493039 8'7178 8 '7750 8'8318 8·8882 4-27Z1 29. 625 676 729 784 841 30 31 32 33 34 961 1024 1089 1156 900 27000 29791 :32768 35937 39304 5·4772 55678 5-6569 5·7446 5-8310 3 '1072 3·1414 3 ·1748 3'2075 3·2396 80 81 82 83 84 6400 6561 6724 6889 7056 512000 531441 551368 571787 592704 8'9443 9 ' 0000 9'0554 9 '1104 9 ·1652 4-3089. 4 '3267 4 ·3445 4'3621 4'3795 35 36 37 38 39 1225 1296 1369 1444 1521 42875 4665(:> 50653 54872 59319 5'9161 6·0000 6'0828 6'1644 6'2450 3 -2711 3·3019 3·3322 3'3620 3'3912 85 86 87 88 89 7225 7396 7569 7744 7921 614125 636056 658503 681472 704969 9'2195 9 '2736 ' 9'3274 9'3808 9·4340 4'39.68 4,,4140 4·4310 4'4480 4·4647 40 41 42 43 44 . 1600 1681 1764 1849 1936 68921 74088 79507 85184 64000 6'3246 6·4031 6'4807 6'5574 6-6332 3·4200 3·4482 3'4760 3'5034 3'5303 90 91 92 93 94 8100 8281 8464 8649 8836 729000 753571 778688 804357 830584 9·4868 9'5394 9'5917 9·6437 9·6954 - 4·4814 4·4979 4:5144 4-5307 4'5468 91125 97336 103823 110592 117649 0·7082 6'7823 6,8557 6'9282 7·0000 3'5569 3· 5830 3·6088 3·6342 3 ' 6593 95 96 97 98 99 9025 9216 9409 9(:>04 9801 857375 884736 912673 941192 970299 9 -'M68 4·5629 9 '7980 -4'5789 4'5947 § : ~~§ 4'6104 9-9499 4'6261 45 46 47 48 .49 , 2025 2116 2209 , 2304 2401 7·4162 _7,4833 7'5498 7'6158 7'6811 , 6084 8'6603 4'0207 4'0412 4.-0615 4·0817 4 ·1016 .. 4,121.34 ·1408 4·1602 4'1793 4'1983 4-2172 4'.2358 4·2543 4-2908 " 293 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. I SQUARES, CU 8E5; SQUARE ROOTS, CUBE ROOTS, Nos. FROM 1 TO 1,000. I No. Square Cube Square Root Cube Root ,J 3,J 100 101 102 103 104 10000 10201 10404 10609 10816 1000000 1030.301 106120.8 1092727 1124864 10'0000 10·0499 10 '0.995 10·1489 10·1980 105 106 107 108 109 11025 11236 11449 11664 11881 1157625 1191016 1225043 1259712 1295029 10 ·2470 10 ·2956 10'3441 10·3923 10·4403 1Hi . 12100 111 12321 112 12544 113 12769 114 1'-96 1331000 1367631 1404928 1442897 1481544 10'4881 4'7914 10·5357 4'8059 10'5830 . 4'8203 10· 6301 4'8346 10'6771 4·8488 Cube RilOt No. Square 4'6416 4'6570. 4'6723 4·6875 4·7027 150 151 15.2 153 154 22500 3.375000 22801 3442951 23104 . 3511808 23409 3581577 23716 .3652264 4'7177 4·7326 4·7475 4'7622 4.,7769 155 24025 '3723875 156 24336 3796416 157 24649 3869893 158 , 249M 3944312 159 25281 . 4019679 12'4499 12·4900 12 ' 5300 12'5698 12'6095 5·3717 . 5 ' 3832 5 ·3947 5'4061 . 5·4175 164 25.600 25921 26244 26569 26896 4096000 4173281 4251528 4330747 4410944 12'6491 12·6886 12'7279 12'7671 12·8062 5·4288 5·4401 5'4514 5·4626 5·4737 • 160 161 i62 163 Cube Square Root .I .... 'V ..- 12·2474 5·3133 12 ·2882 5'3251 12·3288 5·3368 12'3693 5·3485 12·4097 5·3601 115 116 117 118 119 13225 13456 13689 13924 14161 . 1520875 10·7238 1560896 10·7703 1601613 10·8167 1643032 . \0'8628 1685159 \0' 9087 4'8629 4'8770 4'8910 4'9049 4'9187 165 166 167 . 168 169 27225 27556 27889 28224 28561 4492125 4574296 4657463 4741632 4826809 12'8452 12'8841 12'9228 12 '9615 13 '0000 5·4848 5'4959 5'5069 5·5178 5 ' 5288 120 121 122 123 124 14400 1464114884 15129 15376 . 1728000 1771561 1815848 1860867 1906624 10'9545 11 ·0000 11'0454 11'0905 11 ' 1355 4'9324 4'9461 4·9597 4·9732 4'9866 1'l0 172 173 174 28900 29241 29584 29929 30276 4913000 5000211 5088448 5177717 5268024· 13'0384 13·0767 13'1149 13 ·1529 13'1909 5'5397 5'5505 5'5613 5'5721 5'5828 125 126 127 128 129 156?.5 15876 16129 16384 ,16641 1953125 2000376 2048383 2097152 2146689 !l ' 1803 11 ',2250 11'2694 11 ·3137 11'3578 5'0000 5·0133 5'0265 5'0397 5'0528 175 176 177 178 179 30625 30976 31329 31684 32041 5359375 5451776 5545233 5639752 5735339 13'2288 13'2665 13'3041 13'3417 13'3791 5'5934 5 ·6041 5'6147 5·6252 5·6357 130 131 132 133. 134 16900 17161 17424 17689 17956 2197000 2248091 2299968 23520.37 2406104 11'4018 11 -4455 11'4891 11'5326 11'5758 5·0658 5'0788 5 '0916 5· 1045 5·1172 180 181 182 183 184 32400 32761 33124 33489 33856 5832000 5929741 6028568 6128487 6229504 13·4164 13·4536 13'4907 13'5277 13'5647 5'6462 5· 6567 5· 6671 5 ·6774 5·6877 135 136 137 138 139 18225 18496 18769 19044 19321 2460375 2515456 25'71353 2628072 2685619 11'6190 11 ·6619 11'7047 11 '7473 11'7898 5 ·1299 5 ·1426 5 ·1551 5 '1676 5 ·1801 185 3422S 186 34596 187 34969 188 35344 189 · 35721 6331625 6434856 6539203 6644672 6751269 13'6015 13·6382 13 ' 6748 13·7113 13'7477 5·6980 5'7083 5·'1I85 140 141 142 143 144 19600 19881 20164 20449 20736 2744000 2803221 2863288 2924207 2985984 11·8322 1H1743 11'9164 . 11'9583 12 '0000 5'1925 5·2048 5'2171 5·2293 5'2415 190 191 192 193 194 36100 6859000 36481 6967871 368M . 7077888 37249 71.89057 37636 7301384 13'7840 13·8203 . 13·8564 13-8924 13·9284 5'7489 5·7590 5'7690 5'7790 5·7890 145 146 . 147 148 149 21025 21316 '21609 21904 22201 3048625 12'0416 3112136 12'0830 3176523 . 12·1244 3241792 12 ·1655 3307949 12·2066 5·2536 5'2656 5'2776 5'2896 5·3015 195 196 197 198 199 38025 38416 38809 39204 39601 13·9642 14·0000 14'0357 14'0712 \4·1067 5-7989 5'8088· 5·8186 5·8285 5'838.3 1'l1 7414875 7529536 764-5373 7762392 7880599 15'7287 5 : 738~ r 294 . , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. SQUARES, CUBE CUBES, Nos. ROOTS, SQUARE FROM ROO'rs, 1 TO 1,000. , I)quare Root Oube Root 14·1421 5'8480 14·1774 5'8578 14·2127 5'8675 14'2478 5'8771 14'2829 5 ·8868 250 251 252 253. 254 62500 63001 63504 64516 15625000 15813251 16003008 161 94277 16387064 15·8114 15'8430 15·8745 15·9060 15·9:374 6'2996 6' 3080 6,311':4 6·3247 6'3330 8615125 ·8741816 8869743 8998912 _9129329 14 ·3178 14 '3527 14'3875 14·4222 14·4568 5'8964 5·9059 '')'9i55 5·9250 5'9345 255 256 257 258 259 65025 65536 66049 66564 67081 16581375 i5 '9687 1677'12.16 16 '0000 16974593 16'0312 17173512 16·0624 17373979 I 16' 0935 6<3413 6'3496 6·3579 6'3661 6'3743 9261000 9393931 9528128 9663597 9800344 14 '49 14 14'5258 14 '5002 14'5945 14' 6287 5'9439 5' 9533 5'9627 5·9721 5·9814 260 261 262 263 264 67600 68121 68644 69169 69696 17571':000 17779581 17984728 18191447 18399744 16·1864 16·2173 16'2481 6·3825 6'3907 6'3988 6'4070 6·4151 18609625 ' 16'2788 18821096 16·3095 16·3401 U~t§~ 16'3707 '19465109 16·4012 6'4232 6'4312 6'4393 6'4473 6'4553 19683000 i9.902511 ·20123648 20346417 . 20570824 200 201 202 203 204 40000 40401 40804 41209 410.16 8000000 8120601 8365427 8489664 42025 42436 20 42849 208 43264 209 . 43681 8242408 ,J V 64009 ,J Root V 210· 211 212 213 214 44100 44521 44944 45369 45796 215 216 217 218 219 46225 46656 47089 47524 47961 9938375 1007'1696 10218313 10360232 10503459 14'6629 14·69&.9 14'7309 14·7648 14'7986 5·9907 6'0000 60092 6'0185 6'0277 265 266 267 268 269 220 221 222 223 224 .48400 48841 49284 49729 50176 10648000 10793861 10941048 11089567 11239424 14·8324 14'8661 14·899:7 14'9332 14'96.66 6·0368 6·0459 6'0550 0'0641 6'0732 270 271' 27'] 273 274 70225 70756 71289 71824 , '12361· ..' 72900 73441 73984" 74529 ·75076 .50625 ·51076 227 51529. 228 51984 229 ' 52441 11390625 11543176 11697083 11852352 12008989 15'0000 6·0822 15'0333 6'0912 15' 0665 6·1002 15'0997 . 6·1091 15 '13:27 6·1180 275 276 277 278 279 7562.'5 76176 76729 77284 77841 20796875 21024576 21253933 21484952 21717639 16'5831 6'5030 16 '6132 6'5108 1'6 ' 6433 6 '5187 16' 6733 6'5265 16'7033 6'5343 121 67000 12326391 · 12487168 538:?A 542~9 . 12649337 54756 12812904 15,1658 15 '1987 15'2315 15 '2643 15'2971 6 '1269 6, 1358 Ed 4-46 6'1534 6'1622 280 281 282 7.83 284 78400 78961 79524 80089 80656 21952000 22188041 224257(08 2266518'1 22906304 16·7332 16·7631 16 ·7929 16'8226 16" 8523 6'$421 6·5499 6'557.7 6'5654 6·5731' 12977875 13144256 13312053 13481272 . 13651 919· 15'3297 15'3623 15·394.a 15·4272 15'4596 6·1710 6·1797 6·1885 0.'1972 6'2058 285 286 287 288 289. 81225 81796 82369 82944 83521 23149125 23393656 23887872 24137569 16·8819 16·9115 16·9411 16· 9706 17 '0000 6' 5808 6'5885 6'5962 ' 15'4919 15'5242 15 '556.3 15·58.85 15' 6205 6'2145 6·2231 6'2317 6'2403 6'2488 290 291 292 293 294 84100 84681 85264 85849 86436 24389000 24642171 24897088 25153757 25412184 '\7'0294 17 '0587 17 ·0880 17·1172 17·1464 6·619 1 6'6267 6·6343 6'6419 6·6494 14706125 15'652$ 14886936 . 15' 6844 15069223 15·7162 15252992 15'7480 15438249 15'7797 6·2573 6'2658 6·2743 6·2828 6·2912 295 296 297, 298 299 87025 87616 813209 80004 89401 2567'2375 25.934336 26198073 26463592 26730899 17'1756 17'2047 17'2337 17 '2627 17'2916 6'6509 6·6644 6'6719 6·6794 6:6869 ~ 225 :.126 I' Sqoare Oube Oube 205 l Oube Square Square 20~ Root No. No. 230 231 232 233 234 52900 53361, 235 236 237 238 239 55225 55696 56169 56644 57121 · 240 241 242 243 244 571':00 13824000 58081 · 13997521 58564 14172488 59049 . 14348907 59536 14526784 245 60025, 246 oOS16 247 61 009 248 . 61504 249 62001 I' 2363990:3 16·1245 16'~555 16 '4317 16'4621 · 16·4924 16'5227 16'5529 . 6'4633 6'4713 6·4792 6·4872 6·4951 6·W39.: . 6·6115 295 DORMAN, LONG & , , SQUARES, CU.BE CUBES, ROOTS, Nos. CO. LIMITED. SQUARE FROM ROOTS, 1 TO 1,000. i I Square Cube Square Cube Root 300 301 302 303 304 90000 90601 91204 91809 92416 2700Q000 27270901 27543!o08 27818127 28094464 17'3205 17'3494 17'3781 17·4069 17'43.56 6'6943 6'7018 305 308 309 93025 93636 94249 94864 95481 28372625 28652616 2893444:) 29218112 29503629 310 311 312 313 314 96100 96721 97344 9'7969 98596 Root I Square Root Cub. Root No, Square Cube 6'7166 6·7240 350 351 352 353 354 122500 123201 123904 124609 125316 4:2875000 43243551 43614208 43986977 44361864 18·7083 18'7350 18·7617 18'7883 18'8149 7·0473 70540 7·0607 7'0674 7'0740 17·4642 17'4929 17'5214 17'5499 17'5784 6'7313 6'7387 6·7460 6'7533 6'7606 355 356 357 358 359 126025 126736 127449 128164 128881 4,4738875 18'8414 45110016 , 18'8680 4549929,3 18·8944 45882712 18·9209 46268279 189473 7 ·0807 7'0873 7'0940 7·1006 7'1072 29791000 30080231 30371328 30664297 30959144 17·6068 17'6352 17·6635 17'10918 17'7200 6·7679 360 6'7752 361 6'7824 362 6 ' 7897 ' 363 364 6'7969 129600 130321 131044 131769 132496 46656000 47045881 47437928 47832147 48228544 18·9737 19'0000 19·0263 19'0526 19'078'8 7 '1138 7· 1204 7· 1269 7 ·1335 7·1400 99225 31255875 99856 31554496 100489 31855013 101124 ' 321(;7432 101761 ' :l2461759 17'7482 17'7764 17'8045 17 '8326 17'8606 0'8041 6'8113 6'8185 6·8256 6'8328 365 366 367 368 369 133225 133956 134689 135424 136161 48627125 49027896 494398t3 4983!o032 50243409 19'1050 19,1311 19'1572 19·1833 19 ·2094- 7·1466 7'1531 7 '1596 7 ·1661 7'1726 102400 103041 103684 104329 104976 ;)2768000 33076161 33386248 33698267 34012224 17'8885 17'9165 17·9444 17'9722 18'ociOo 6'8399 6 ·8470 6·8541 6'8612 6·8683 370 371 372 373 374 136900 137641 138384 139129 139876 50653000 51064811 51478848 51895117 52313624 19·2354 19·2614 19'2873 19'31 32 19'3391 7·1791 7'1855 7·1920 7'1984 7'2048 325 105625" 326 106276 327 106929 328 107584 ; 329 108241 , , 330 108900 I 331 100561 , 332 i 10224 333 . 110889 334 111556 34328125 34645976 3496578:j 35287552 35611289 18'0278 18'0555 ' Hi '0831 18·1108 18'1384 6·8753 6'8824 6·8894 6·8964. 6·9034 37,5 ,140625 376 141376 377 142129 378 14:2884 379 143641 52734375 53157376 53582633 54010152 54439939 19·3649 7'21.12 19·3907 7,2171 19'41C!5 ,7'2240 19'4422 7'2304 19·4679 7·2368 35<)37000 18'1659 36264691 18'193436594368 18· 2209 36926087 .18'2483 37259704- 18'2757 6,9104 6'9174 6·9244 6·9313 6·9382 380 381 382 383 384 144400 145161 145924 146689 147456 54872000 55306341 55742968 5618188'7 56623104- 19· 4936 19'5192 19 ·5448 19·5704 19'5959 7'2432 7'2495 7·2558 7·2622 7'2685 335 336 337 , 338 339 112225 112896 113569 114244 114921 37595375 37933056 38272753 38614472 3895.8219 18,3030 18'3303 18'3576 18·3848 18'4120 6·9451 6·9521 6'9589 6'9658 6·9727 385 38.6 387 388 389 148225 148996 149769 150544 151321 57066625 57512456 57960603 58411072 58863869 19·6214 19·6469 19'672.3 19·6977 19'7231 7·2748 7 ·2811 7'2874 7·2936. 340 342 343 344 115600 116281 116964 117649 118336 39304000 39651821 40001688 40353607 40707584 18 ' 4391 18'4662 1.8'4932 18'5203 18'5472 . 6·9795 6'9864 6·9932 7'0000 7'0068 390 391 392 393 394 152100 152881 153664 i54449 155236 59319000 59776471 60236288 60698457 61162984 19'74.84 ·19'7737 19'7990 19·8242 19·8494 7·3061 7-3124 7 '3186 7·3248 7'3310 345 346 347 348 349 119025 119716 120409 121104 121801 41063625 41421736 41781923 42144192 42508549 18 '5747, 18'6011 18·6279 18'6548 18'6815 7·0136 7,0203 7'0271 7'0338 7'0406 ,395 396 397 398 399 156025 156816 157609 158404 159201 61629875 62099136 62570773 63044792 63521199 19·8746 19·8997 19·9249 19·9499 19:9750 7'3372 7·34347·3496 7'3558 7·3619 ,, No. , : , 306 307 " 315 316 317 318 , 319 320 321 322 : 323 324: I , 341 , , ,J I V 6,7002 ,J I I V 7'299~ 296 DORMAN, LONG & SQUARES, CUBE CU BES , ROOTS, CO. Ll¥ITED. SQUARE .ROOTS, Nos. FROM , No. Square , 400 160000 401 160801 402 161604 403 , 162409 , 404 163216 Root ,.j Cube Root V No. Square I Square Root Cube . - ,.j - Cube I Root V 64000000 64481201 .64964808 65450827 65939264 20 '0000 20'0250 20'0499 20 'Q749 20'0998 7·3681 7'3742 7·3803 7·3864 7'3925 450 202500 451 203401 452 204304 453 205209 454 206116 91125000 21·2132 7 '663'1 91733851 21 ·2368 7·6688 92345408 21·2603 7'6744 92959677 21·2838 ' 7,6801, 93576664 21·3013 7·6857 ' , 164025 164836 165649 166464 167281 66430125 66923416 67419143 67917312 68417929 20·1246 20' 1494 20'1742 20'1990 20'2237 7'3986 7·4047 7·4108 7'4169 7·4229 455 207025 456 207936\ 457 208849 458 209784 459 210681' 94196375 94818816 95443993 960719 12 96702579 410 411 412 413 414 168100 168921 169744 170569 171396 68921000 20'2485 69420531 20·2731 69934528 20 '2978, 70444997 20 ' 3224 70957944 20'3470 7·4290 7'4350 7'4410 7·4470 7·4530 460 461 462 46,3 464 415 416 417 418 419 172225 173056 173889 174724 175561 71473375 71991296 72511713 73034632 73560059 7'4590 7'4650 7·4710 7'4770 7'4829 465 466 467 468 469 97336000 21, 44'76 7 '7194 97972181 2.1 '4709 7'7250 98611128 21 . 4.942 7·7306' 99252847 21'51711 7·7362 998~4 21'5407 '7"7418 . 420 421 422 423 424.- 176400 '177241 178084 178929 179776 425 426 427 180625 181476 182329 1831,84 184041 430 ,184900 43 1 185761 432 186624 433 187489 434 188356 74088000 20'4939 7'4889 74618461 20·51'83 7'4948 75 151448 20'5426 7'5007 75686967 20'5670 7'5067 76225024 20'5913 7'5126 76765625 20'6155 7'5185 77308776 ' 20 ' 6398 7 ,5244 77854483 20'6640 7'5302 78402752 20'6882 7'5361 78953589 20'7123 7'5420 79507000 20'7364 7·5478 80062991 20·7606 7 '5537 80621568 20 ·7846 7'5595 81182737 20'8087 7'5654 81746504 20·8327 7'5712 435 436 437 438 439 189225 190096 190969 191844 192721 82312875 82881856 83453453 84027672 84604519 20'8567 20 '8806 20 '9045 2:)'9284 20'9523 7'5770 7'5828 7 '5886 7'5944 7·6001 440 441 442 443 444 193600 \9448 1 195364 196249 197136 85184000 857.66121 863S088B 86938307 87528384 20 '9762 21'0000 21'0238 21 '0476 21'0713 445 '198025 446 198916 447 199809 448 200704 449 20i601 . 88)21125 88716536 89314623 89915392 90518849 '21 '0950 21·1187 21 ·1424 21· 1660 21 '1896 429 ' Squar e 405 406 407 408 409 4~ I cu~ 1 T9 1,000 . 20'37 15 20'396.1 20,4206 20·4450 20'4695 \ ' 211600 212521 213444 214369 215296 .21 '3307 21·3542 21'3776 21'4009 21'4243 216225 100544625 21'5639 217156 101194696 2 1 '5870 , 218089 101847563 21,6102 219024 1025037.32 21 ·6333 219961 103161709 21 '6564 7· 69.\4' 7'6970 7 '7026 7·7082 7'7 138 7, 7473 7 '7529 7'7584 7·7639 7'7695 470 220900 471 221841 ' 472 222784 473 223729 474 224676 10.1823000 10448711 1 105154048 105823817 106496424 21·6795 21'7025 21 ,7256 21 '7486 21 '7715 q '7750 4'15 225625 476 226576 477 227529 478 228484 479 229441 107171875 21'7945 107850176 21'8174 108531333 21·8403 21 ·8632 l~b~~~ 21' 8861 7,8025 7 '8079 7,81347·8188 7·8243 480 481 482 483 484 233289 234256 23237,4 110592000 11 1284641 111980168 112678587 113379904 21'9089 21 ,93 17 21 '9545 21 ·9773 22 '0000 7·8297 7·8352 7·8406 7·8460 7 '851 4 485 486 487 488 489 235225 236196 237169 238144 239121 114084125 11 4:191256 ·115501303 116214272 11 6930169 22·0227 22'0454 22 '068 1 22'090'7 22' 11 33 7·8568 7·8622 7·8676 7 ,8730 7 ·8784 7'6059 7'6117 7'6174 7·6232 7'6289 490 491 492 493 494 240100 241081 242064 243049 244036 117649000 11 8370771 119095488 11 9823157 120553784 22'1359 1'8837 22 ' 1585 7·8891 22'18 11 7·8944 22·2036 7 ·8998 22'226\ 7·9051 7 '.6346 7·64-03 7 '6460 7·6517 7'65'14 495 496 497 498 499 245025 246016 247009 248004 249001 121287375 122023936 122763473 123505992 124251499 22'2486 22'2711 22'2935 22'3 159 22·3383 230400 23 1361 7 ' 7805 7'.7860 7 '7915 7' 7970 7·9105 7·9158 7·9211 7'9264 7'9317 297 DORMAN,. LONG & SQUARES, CUBE . ROOTS, Squaro. .', -' , ,, ,) . CUBES, No. Square Oube Root 42'3607 22·3830 22'4054 22'4277 22'4499 J , NOS. CO. LIMITED. SQUARE FROM ROOTS, 1 TO 1,000. Ouba Root Square No. square Cube Root 7 ·9370 7'9423 7·9476 7 '9528 . 7 '958 1 550 551 552 553 554 302500 303601 304704 305809 306916 166375000 167284151 168196608 169112377 170031464 23·4521 23·4734 '23 ·4947 23 '5160 23 '5372 V J Oube Root V 500 50t 502 503 504 250000 251001 253009 2540t6 125000000 12575150\ 126506008 127263527 f28024064 505 506 507 508. 509 255025 256Q36 . 257049 258064 259081 128787625 129554216 130323843 131096512 131872229 22·4722 22'4944 22'51'67 22 ' 5389 22'5610 7·9634 7'9686 ' 7·9739 7'9791 7'9843 555 556 557 558 559 308025. 309136 310249 311364 312481 170953875 171879616 172808693 173741112 174676879 23 '5584 8·2180 23·5797 8·2229 23 '6008 8·2278 23' 6220 8 ·2327 23'6432 8·2377 510 511 512 5.13 514 260100 261121 262144 263169 264196 132651000 133432831 134217728 1:15005697 135796744 22'5832 22'6053 22·6274 22'6495 22'67 16 1'9896 7'9948' 8 '0000 8.'0052 8'0104 560 561 562 563 564 313600 314721 315844 316969 318096 175616000 176558481 177504328 178453547 179406144 23' 6643 8·2426 23 ' 6854 8 '2475 23 ·7065 :8 '2524 23·7276 8 '2573 23'7487 8 '2621 515 516 517 518 519 265225 266256 267289 268324 269361 136590875 137388096. 138188413 138991832 139798359 22'6936 22·7156 22 ·7376 22'7596 22·7816 8'0156 8'0208 '8'0260 8 ·0311 8 '0363 565 566 567 568 569 319225 320356 321489 322624 323761 180362125 181321496 182284263 183250432 184220009· 23·7691 23'7908 23'81)8 23 ·8328 23 '8537 8·2670 8 '2719 8 ·2768 8 '2816 8 '2865 520 270400 140608000 22'8035 521 271441 141420761 22·8254 522 272484 142236648 22'8473 523 273529 lt3055667 22'8692 524 274576 J 3877824 22'8910 8'0415 8'0466 8'0517 8'0569 8'0620 570 571 572 573 57.4 324900 326041 327184 328329 329476 185193000 186169411 187149248 188132517 1891 19224 23 '8747 23·8956 23 '9165 23'9374 23·9583 8'2913 8 ·2962 8·3010 8 ·3059 8'3107 525 275625 526 276676 527 277.729 528 278784 529 279841 144703125 145531576 146363183 141-197952 148035889 22·9129 22'9347 22 '95.65 22·.9783 23'0000 8'0671 8·0723 8 '07(74 8'0825 8'0876 575 576 577 578 579 330625 331776 332929 334084 335241 190109375 191102976 192100033 193100552 1941-04539 23'9792 8·3155 24'0000 8 ·3203 24'0208 8 -.3251 24'0416 8·3300 24 '0624 8'3348 530 531 532 533 534 280900 281961 283024 284009 285156 148877000 14972-1291 15Q5687.68 151419437 152273304 23'0217 23 '043,~ 23 '0651 23'0868 23 ·,1084 8'0927 8 '0978 {l'1028 8' 1079 8· 11 30 580 581 582 583. 584 336400 337561 338724 195112000 196122941 197137368 198155287 199176704 24'0832 24·1039 24·1247 24 ' 1454 24'1661 8·3396 8·3443 8'3491 8·3539 8'3587 535 536 537 538 539 286225 287296 288369 289444 290521 153130375 153990656 154854153 155720812 156590819 23 ·1301 8 ·11 80 585 342225 200201625 23'1517 8 '1231 586 343396 201230056 23'1733 8· 1281 587 344569 202262003 23·1948 8 ' 1332 588 203297472 23 '21 64 8 ' 1382 589 ~~~ 204336469 24·1868 24'2074 24'2281 24 ' 2487 24'2693 8'3634 8 ·3682 8·3730 8·3777 8·3825 23'2379 23'2594 23 '2809 23·3024 23'3238 8 ' 1433 8 '1483 8 · 1533 8'1.583 8 '1 633 590 591 592 593 594 348100 349281 350464 351649 . 352831> 205379000 206425071 207474688 208527857 209584584 24'2899 8'3872 24'3105 8'3919 24·3311 8 '.3967 .24 '3516 8'4014 24 ' 3721 8'4061 23--3452 . 23'3666 . 23.'3880 23·4094 23'4307 8" 1683 8' 1733 8· 1783 8 ·1833 8 · 1882 595 596 597 598 59.9 354025 355216 356409 357604 358801 210644875 2117087(36 212776173 213847192 214921799 24'3926 8·4108 24'4131 8'4155 24'4336 8·4202 24'4540 8'4249 24·4745 8 ·4296 2S2004 540 291600 ,-157464000 541 292681 158340421 542 293764 1592~8 543 294849 160103007 544 295936 1'60989184 545 297025 546 298116 547 299209 5.48 300304 549 3014,01 161878625 162771336 163667323 164566592 165469149 33988~ 341'056 r. 8' 1932 8 · 1982 8.' 2031 8 ·2081 8·2130 298 CO. LIMITED. -- DORMAN, LONG & SQUARES, CUBE No. I I Square CUBES, ROOTS, Square Root Cub!! ..j -- 609 350000 216000000 24-4949 361201 217081801 24-5153 362404 218167208 24..-5357 363609 219256227 24-5561 364816 220348864 24 -5764 366025 221445125- 24'5967 367236 222545016 24-6171 368449 223648543 24-6374 369664 224755712 24-6577 370881 225866529' 24-6779 610 61.1 612 613 614 372100 226981000 373321 228099131 374544 229220928 375769 230346397 376996 231475544- 600 601 602 6::>3 604 605 606 .607 608 , 6i5 378225 2326083175 616 379456 233744896 617 -380689' 234885113 618 381924 236029032 619 383161 237176659 24-6982 24-7184 24-'1386 24-758.8 24-7790 2.38328000 239483061 240641848 241804367 242970624 24·8998 24-9199 24-9399 24-9600 24-9800 390625 391876 393129 394384395641 244140625 2i5314376 246491883 247673152 248858189 25-0000 25-0200 25-0400 25-0599 25-0799 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 038 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646. 647 648 649 FROM 1 TO 1,000. Ou~ Root No. Square 8-4343 650 8'4390 651 8 -4437 652 8-4484 653 8-45:)0 654 422500 423801 425104 426409 427716 8-4577 8-4623 8-4&70 8-4716 8-4763 429025 281011375 430336 282300416 431649 283593393 432964 284890312 434281 286191 179 V 655 656 657 658 659 8-4809 660 8-4856 661 8-4902 662 8·4948 663 8-4994 664 Cupe 4-16025 268336125 417316 - 269586136 418609 270840023 419904 272097792 421201 273359449 25·3969 25-4165 25-4362 2.5-4558 25,4755 ,,; V 25-5930 25-6125 25-6320 25-6515 25-6710 - 8-6845 8-6890 8 -6934 8 -6978 8-7022 , 8 -5270 670 448900 8-5316 671 4507Al 8'5362 672 451584 8 -5408 673 452929 8-5453 674 454276 , -. 675 455.625 8-5499 8 -5544 676 456976 8-55.90 677 45.8329 8'5635 678 459684 8:5681 679 461041 294079625 25--7876 8 -7285 . 295408296 25 -8070 8-7329 296740963 25-8263 8-7373 2980776.12 25 -8457 8,7416 299418309 25-8650 8-7460 300763000 302111711 303464448 304821217 306182024 , 307546875 308915776 310288733 · 311665752 313046839 - . 8-5726 - 680 4tJ2400 8-5772 681 463761 8 ·5817 682 465124 8 -5862 _683 466489. 8-5907 684 467856 8-6401 8,6446 8-6490 8-6535 8 .6579 Oube Root 274625000- 25-4951 8-6624. 275894451 25-5147 8-6668 277167808 -25 - 5~143 8-6713 278445077 25-5539 $ -6757 279726264 25-5734 8·6801 314432000 396900 250047000 31582124-1 398161 251239591 25-1197 317214568 . 399424 252435968 25 -1396 318611987 40061;9 253636137 25 -1595 3_200 1.3504 251794 ' 254840104 4019$6 , 3Z14J9125 685 469225 8 -5952 25-1992 256047875 4OJ225 404496 257259456 25-2190 8-5997 686 470596 322828856 405769 258474853 25'2389 8-6043 68-7 471969 324242703 407044 .259694072 25-2587 8-6088 68.8 473344 ~125660672 408321 260917119 -25-2784 8 -6132 61.\9 47472'1 327082769 409600 26214~ 25-2982 8-6177 690 476100 328509000 41088t 26337 721 25-3180 8-6222 691 47'7481 329939371 412164 . 264609288 25-3377 8 -6267 692 478864 331373888 413449 \ 265847707 25 -3574 8 -6312' 693 480249 332812557 414736 267089984 25-3772 8:6357 694 481636 334255384 25-0998 Square Root 435600 287496000 25-6905- 8-7066 436921 28880478 1 25-7099. 8-7110 438244 290117528 25-729'1 8-7154 439569 291434247 25-7488 8-7198 440896 292'754944 25-7682 -8-7241 24 -7992 8'5040 665 442225 24'8193 8-5086 666 443556 24-8395 8-5132 667 444889 24 :8596 8-5178 668 446224 8-5224 669 44756 1 ~4 -8797 620 i ;)84400 621 I 385641 622 ' :186884 623 I 388129 624 I. 389376 625 626 627 628 629 Nos. ROOTS, SQUARE 695 483025 696 484416 697 485809 698 487204 699 488601 335702375 337153536 338608873 340068392 341532099 258844 25 -9037 25-9230 25-9422 25-9615 8-7503 8-7547 8-7590 8-7634 8-7677 25-9808 26 -0000 26-0192 26 -0384 26-05.76 8-7721 -8-7764 8-7807 8-7850 8-7893 26-0768 8,7937 26-0960 8-7980 26-1151 8 -8023 26-1343 8-8066 _' 26 -1534 8-8109 26-1725 26-19 16 26-2107 26-22.98 26-2488_ 8-8152 $-8194 8,8237 8-8280 8·8323 26·2679 26-2869 26-3059 26-3249 26-3439 8 -8366 8 -8408 8-8451 8'8493 8-8536 26-3629 26'3818 26-4008 26-4197 26-4386 8-8578 8,8621 8-8663 8-8706 8-8748 -f _DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. f SQUARES, - CUBE No. Square CUBES, ROOTS, 'Cube Nos. Square Root Cube 'Root ,J V FROM No. ,J V 421.875000 423564751 425259008 426957777 428661064 27'3861 27·4044 27·4226 27·4408 27·4591 9'0856 9'0896 9·0937 9'0977 9·1017 570025 430368875 27'4773 571536 432081216 27'4955 -573049 433798093 27'5136 574564 435519512 27 ·5318 576081 437245479 27'5500 9 ·1057 9 '1098 9 '1138 9 -1178 9 ·1218 8·8790 750 562500 8·8833 751 564001 8'8875 752 565504 8'8917 753 567009 8'8959 754 568516 350402625 351895816 353393243 354894912 356400829 26'5518 26'5707 26'-5895 26'6083 26'6271 8 '9001 8'9043. 8·9085 8 ' 9127 8'9169 710 504100 357911000 26'6458 8'9211 711 505521. 359425431 26'6646 8'9253 712 506944 360944128 26·6833 8·9295 713 508369 362467097 26'7021 8'9337 714 5<:ft796 363994344 26'7208 8·9378 1 TO '1,000. Square Root 26'4575 26·4764 26·4953 26'5141 26'5330 755 756 757 758 759 ROOTS, Oube Squate 700 490000 343000000 701 491401 . 344472101 702 492804 345948408 703 494209 347428927 704 495616 348913664 705 497025 706 707 1~g~~8 708 50.1264 709 502681 I": SQUARE 760 5771nJ 761 579121 762 580644 763 582.169 764- 583696 438976000 27'5681 44071108.1 27'5862 442450728 27'6043 444194947 27'6225 445943744 27 '6.405 Cube Root 9·1258 9 ,1298 9·1338 9 ·1378 9·1418 715 511225 365525875 26'7395 716 512650 367061696 26'7582 717 514089 368601813 26·7769 718 G15524 370146232 · 26'7955 719 516961 371694959 26·8142 8'9420 765 585225 447697125 8-9462 766 586756 449455096 8'9503 767 588289 451217663 8'9545 768 589824 452984832 8'9587 769 591361 454756609 27'6586 9·1458 27'6767 9·1498 27'6948 9 ·1537 27'7128 9·1577 27,'7308 9 · 1617 720 518400 373248000 721 519841 374805361 722 376367048 723 ~~m~ 377933067 724 524176 , 379503424 8·9628 770 592900 456533000 8'9670 771 . 594441 458~l,4011 8·9711 772 595984 460099648 8·9752 773 597529 461889917 8'9794 774 599076 463684824 . 27'74.89 27'7669 27'7849 27·8029 27·8209 9·1657 9·1696 9·1736 9·1775 9-1815 775 1nJ625 465484375 27·8388 776 602176 467288576 27·8568 777 1:{)3729 469097433 27 ·8747 778 605284· 470910952 27·8927 779 606841 472729139 27·9106 9 · 1855 9·1894 9'1933 9·1973 9'2012 . 26·8328 26'8514 26'8701 26 ·8887 26'9072 725 726 727 728 729 525625 '381078125 26'9258 527076 382657176 26'91<14 528529 384240583 26 :9629 529984 385828352 26·9815 531441 387420489 27·0000 730 731 732 733 734 532900 534361 535824 537289 538756 735 736 737 738 739 540225 397065375 27·1109 541696 398688256 27 ·1293 543169 400315553 27 ·1477 544644 401947272 27·1662 546121 403583419 27 '1846 740 5471nJ 741 549081 742 550564 743 552049 744 553536 745 746 747 748 749 .. 3890.17000 390617891 392223168 393832837 . 395446904 405~4000 406869021 408518488 410172407 411830784 8·9835 8·9876 8·9918 8'9959 9'0000 27'018!i .9'0041 780 27'0370 9·0082 781 27'0555 9-0123 782 2.7 '0740 9'0164 783 . 27 '0924 9'0205 784 9 '0246 9'028,7 9'0328 9'0369 9'01-10 785 786 787 788 789 27'2029 9'0450 790 . 27'2213 9·0491 791 27-2397 9'0532 792 27·2580 9·0572 793 27 '2764 9 ·0613 794 555025 413493625 27·2947 9·0654 795 556516 415160936 27·3130 9 -0694 796 558009 41683214.3 27·3313 9'0735 797 559504 418508992 27'3496 9·0775 798 561001 420189749 27·3679 9·0816 799 608400 609961 611524 613089 614656 474552()00 27'9285 9'2052 476379541 27·9464 9·2091 478211768 27-9643 9·2130 480048687 27'9821 . 9·2170 481890304 28·QOOO 9'2209 61.6225 617'796 619369 620944 622521 483736625 485587656 487443403 489303872 491169069 28'0)79 9'2248 28-0357 9·2287 28 '0535 9'2.326 28·0713 9'23~ 28'0891 ·9·244 624100 493039000 28'1069 625681 494913671 28 ·1247 627264 496793088 28 '1425 628849 498677257 28'1603 630436 500566184 28 · 1780 9·2443 9'2482 9·2521 9 '2560 9·2599 632025 502459875 28·1957 633616 504358336 28 ·2135 635209 506261573 28·2312 636804 508169592 28'2489 638401 510082399 28.,2666 9'2638 9'2677 9 ·2716 9'2754 9'2793 300 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -. SQUARES, CUBE No. Square ROOTS, Oube - 800 801 802 803 804 ,. CUBES, Nos, square Root Cube Root ,J V SQUARE FROM ROOTS, 1 TO 1,000. Square Root Oube Root No. Square 722500 614125000 29·1548. 9''4727 724201 (>16295OSI 29'1719 9' 4764 725904 618470208 29 ' 1890 9 ·4801 727609 620650477 29'2062 9'4838 729316 622835864 29·2233 9 ·4875 731025 625026375 29'2404 ' 9'49 12 732736 627222016 .. 29"2575 9,4949 734449 629422793 29 ·2746 9'4986 736164 631628712 :29'2916 9 '5023 737881 633839779 29'3087 9'5060 Oube ,J V 641601 643204 644809 646416 640000 512000000 513922401 515849608 517781627 519718464 28·2843 28'3019 28'3196 28 ' 3373 28 '3549 9-2832 9'2870 9·2909 9'2948 9 '2986 850 85 1 852 853 854 805 806 807 808 809 648025 649636 651249 652864 65448 1 521660125 523606616 525557943 5275141 12 529475129 28-3725 28'3901 28'4077 28'4253 28'4429 9'3025 9'3063 9 ' 3102 9 ·3140 9'3179 855 856 857 858 859 810 81 1 812 813 814 656100 657721 659344 . 660969 662596 531441000 533411731 535387328 537367797 539353144 28'4605 28'4781 28'4956 28'5132 28 '5307 9 ,32\.7 9'3255 9'3294 9·3332 9'3370 860 739WJ 636056000 861 741321 . 638277381 862 743044 640503928 863 744769 642735647 864 746496 6#972544 815 664225 541343375 816 665856 5433384% 817 667489 545338513 818 669124 547343432 819 670761 549.353259 28'5482 28:5657 28'5832 28'6007 28'6182 9·3408 9 '3447 9 '3485 9'3523 9'3561 865 866 867 868 869 748225 647214625 29' 4109 749956 {>49461896 29' 4279 751689 651714363 29, 4449 753424 653972032 29 '4618 75516J. 656234909 -29'4788 ' 820 821 822 823 824 672400 674041 675664 677329 678976 551368000 553387661 555412248 557441767 559476224 28'6356 28'6531 28'6705 28'6880 28 '7054 9,3599 9'3637 9'3675 9'3713 9'375 1 870 871 872 873 874 756900 758641 760384 762129 763876 658503000 29.'4958 9·5464660776311 29'5 127 9 '550.1 663054848 29'5296 . 9·5537 665338617 29'5466 9'5574 667627624 29'5635 9'5610 825 826 827 828 829 . 680625 682276 683929 685584 687241. 561515625 28'7228 9'3789 563559976 28'7402 9 '3827 565609283 28'7576 9'3865 567663552 28'7750 9'3902 569722789 28 '7924 '9·3940 875 876 877 878 879 765625 767376 769129 770884 772641 669921875 672221376 674526133 670836152 679151439 830 831 832 833 834 688900 690561 692224 693889 695556 571787000 573856191 575930368 578009537 580093704 9 -3978 9'4016 9·4053 9·4091 9'4129 880 881 882 883 884 774400 681472000 29·6648 .9 ·5828 776161 683797841 '29,6816 9'5865 777924 686128968 29'6985 9'5901 779689 688465387 29,71.53 9'5937 781456 '690807104 29·7321 9·5973 835 836 837 838 839 697225 698896 700569 702244 703921 582182875 584277056 586376253 588480472 590589719 28'8964 28,9137 28·9310 28·9482 28'9655 9'4166 9'4204 9'4241 9'4279 9'4316 88.5 886 887 888 889.. 783225 693154125 784996 695506456 786769 697864103 788544 70022701'2, 790321 702595369 840 841 842 843 844 705WJ 70728 1 708964 710649 712336 592704000 28 '9828 594823321 29'0000 596947688 29'0172 599077107 29 ·Q321.5 60121 1584 29'05 17 9'4354 9,4391 9'4429 9·4466 9' 4503 890 792100 704969000 891 793881 707347971 892 795664 709732288" 893 797449 712121957 894 79923.6 714516984 845 846 847 848 849 714025 715716 717409 719104 720801 603351125 29'0689 605495736 29'0861 607645423 29 ·1033 6098b0192 29'1204 61 1960049 29·1376 9·4541 9'4578 9'4615 9·4652 9 '4690 895 896 897 898 899 29 '3258 29-3428 29·3598 29 ' 3769 29'39;)9 9 '5097 9 "5134 9' 5171 9 '5207 9'5244 " 28·8097 28·8271 28·8444 28·8617 28'8791 9' 5281 9·5317 9'5354 9539 1 9'5427 29'5804 9'5647 29'5973 . 9 '5683 29'v142 9'571.9 29·6311, 9'5756 29'6479 9' 5792 .' .I '29'7489 9'6010 29'7658 9'6046 29·7825 9·6082 29 '7993 9'6118 29·8161 9 ' 6154 '29'8329 29·8496 29'8664 29'8831 29 ·8998 801025 716917375 29 ·9166 802816 719323136 29·9333 804609 721734273 29 '9500 8Ob404 724150792 29,9666 808201 726572699 29,9833 9 '6190 9'6226 9'6262 9 ·6298 9·6334 9·6370 9'6486 9'6442 9·6477 , 9·6513 'j 6U! DORMAN, .... SQUARES, CUBE LONG & CO. LIMITED. •.._- -. CUBES, ROOTS, Square , No. S.q uare cube .. 900 901 902 903 904 . \. 905 906 907 908 , 909 810000 811801 813604 815409 817216 753571000 756058031 758550528 761048497· 763551944 915 837225 71:#)60875 916 839656 768575296 917 840889 771095213 918 842724 . 773620632 919 844561 776151559 • '! ) ., ~. 30-0832 30 -0998 30- 1164 30- 1330 30- 1496 ROOTS, 1 TO 1,000. Cube Root ""-/ 9'6727 9-6763 9 -6799 9'6834 9-6870 No. Oube Cube ,J V Root Root 902500 8573'/5000 30-8221 9-8305 904401 860085351 30-8383 9·8339 906304 862801408 30·8545 9 -8374 908209 865523177 30-870" -9 -8408 910116 8682506b4 30 ,8869 9 -8443 30'9631 30'9192 30-9354 30'9516 30·9677 9·8477 9'8511 9:854.6 9 -8580 9-8614 30 '1662 9·6905 30·1828 9'6941 30- 1993 9 -6976 30-2159 9'7012 30 -2324 9 -7041 960 921600 884736000 961 923521 887503681 962 925444 890277128 963 927369 893056347 964 929296 895841344 30 -9839 31 -0000 31 ·0161 31·0322 31 -0483 9-8648 9:8683 9-8717 9 -875 1 9 ·8785 30'2490 30-2655 30 -2820 30-2985 30 -3150 965 966 967 968 969 .898632125 . 31 -0644 901428696 31 ·0805 904231063 31 -0966 907039232 31' 1127 909853209 31 -1288 9·8819 9-8854 9 ·8888 9·8922 9·8956. 912673000 915498611 918330048 92 11 6731 7 9240 10424 9-8990 9·9024 9-7082 9'7118 9 '71 :;3 9'7188 9 ' 7224 778688000 '181229961 7<33777448 876330467 788889204 30 -3315 9 -7259 30 ·3480 9'7294 30'3645 9 -7329 3"0 -3809 9-7364 30-3974 9-7400 925 855625 926 857476 927 859329 928 861184 929 863041 791 453125 794(/22776 796597983 799178752 8017.65089 30·4138 930 931 932 .933 '134 864900 866761 866624 870489 872356 60435.7000 806954491 809557568 812166237 814780504 30 ·4959 9-76i6 30'5123 9 -7645 30 -5287 9-7680 30 -5450 9-1715 30-5614 9 ·nqa .935 936 937 938 939 817400375 30 -5778 876096 820025856 30'5941 877969 822656953 30 -6105 879$44' 825293672 30-6268 881721 827936019 30643 1 30' ~02 30· 67 30·4631 30 -4795 fl7422.~ 955 956 957 958. 959 Square Square 912025 870983875 913936 8737228 16 915849 876<\67493 917764 8792179 12 91968i 881974079 846400 848241. 850084 851'929 853776 920 921 922 923 924 FROM 729000000 30·0000 9 -6549 950 731432701 30 :0167 9'6585 9,51 733870808 30 -0333 .9'6620 952 736314327 30'0500 9 -6656 953 738763264 .30 -0666 9'6692 954 8J9025 741217625 820836 743677316 822649 746142643 824464 748613312 826281 751089429. 910 828100 9.11 82~921 912 831744 913 833569 914 835396 Root -, / Nos. 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LIMITED. LOGARITHMS OF N\,JMBERS No. 1 0 2 3 ' 4 FROM 5 6 0 TO 1,000. 7 8 9 --- D 10 0 QOO(X) 00000 00432 04532 08279 11727 14922 30103 00860 04922 08636 12057 15229 47712 01284 05308 08991 12385 15534 60206 6989'7 01703 02119 05690 06070 09342 09691 12710 . 13033 15836 16137 77815 84510 90309 95424 0253' 02938 03342 03743 06446 06819 07188 07555 10037 10380 10721 11059 13354 13.672 1;<988 14301 16435 16732 17026 17319 18469 21219 21805 26245 28556 21484 24055 26482 28780 19033 21748 24304 26717 29063 19312 22011 24551 26951 29226 19590. 22272 '2.4797 27184 29447 19866 22531 25042 27416 29667 20140 22789 25285 27646 29885 32015 34044 35984 37840 39620 12 18 14 04139 07918 . 11394 14613 15 16 17 18 19 17609 20412 23045 25527 27875 17898 2"0683 23300 28103 18184 20951 235.53 26007 28330 20 21 - -22 23 24 30103 32222 34242 36173 38021 30320 32428 34439 36361 38202 30535 32634 34635 36549 3838? 30750 32838 34830 36736 38561 :30963 33041 35025 36922 38739 :31175 31387 33244 33445 35218 35411 37107 '37291 38917 39094 31.597 33646 35603 37475 39270 31806 , 33846 " 35793 37658 39445 25 .26 27 28 29 39'194 41497 43136 44716 46240 39967 41664 43297 44871 46389 40140 41830 43457 45025 46538 40312 41996 43616 45179 46687 40483 42160 43775 45332 4!X335 40654. 42325 43933 45484 46982 40824 42488 44091 45637 47129 4099:3 426,01 44248 45788 47276 41162 41330 42813 42975 44404 44560 45939 46090 47422 , 47567 30 47712 49136 50515 51851 53148 4785'1 49276 50650 51983 532'15 48001 49415 50786 52114 53403 48144 49554 50920 52244 53529 48287 49693 51054 52375 53656 48430 48572 48714 49831 49969 50106 51188 ' 51322 51455 52504 52634 , 52763 53782 93908 5403j 54531 54654 54777 55991 57171 58320 59439 54900 56110 57287 584j3 59550 5502;3 56229, 57403 56546 59660 11 31' 32 33 34 85 36 87 38 39 54407 55630 40 41 42 48 44 . 60206 61278 62325 63347 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 5!X320 57978 59106 2{;7!X3 55Z51' 55871 187~2 , 56937 58092 59218 57054 5820.6 59329 60423 .60530 60638 60745 55145 5634.8 57519 58659 59i70 . 60853 48855 5024J 515d 52892 54158 , 48996 :;0379 51720 53020 54283 55267 . 55388 56467 . 56585 57634 57749 58771 ' .'58883 59879 -5998~ 55509 56703 57864 58995 qll72 62221 63246 64246 65225 fIXf17 64345 60314 61384 62428 63448 64444, 61595 62634 63649 64640 61700 62737 63749 64738 61865 62839 63849 64836 61)109 62941 63949 6493.3 64048 65031 61066 62118 63144 64147 65128 65321 66276 67210 68124 69020 ffl418 65514 65610 66:.170 664'64 66558 67302 67394 67486 682J5 '!X3305 68395 69i08 69197 ,69285 65706 66652 67578 68485 69373 65801 66745 67669 68574 69461 65992 '66932· 67761 67852 68664 68753 69548 69636 66087 67025 67943 .68842 6972:; 66181 "67117 68034 70070 70927 71767 72591 73400 70243 71090' 71933 72754 73560 70329 70415 71181 71265 72016 .12099 72835 72916 73640 73719 7050 1 71349 72181 72997 73799 70586 71433 72263 73078 73878 70672 71517 72346 73159 73957 69897 70757 71600' 72428 ·73239 69984 70842 71684 72509 73320 61490 62531 63548 64542 70157 71012 71850 72673 73480 6d959 62014 6304~ 65896 6!X339 !X3931 69810 303 DORMAN, LONG &- ' CO. LIMITED. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS FROM , No, 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 55 56 57 58 59 74036 74819 75587, 76343 77085 74115 74896 75664 76418 77159 74194 74974 75740 76492 772.12 74273 75051 75815 76567 77305 74351 75128 75891 76641 77379 74429 75205 75967 76716 77452 74507 75282 76042 76790 77525 74586 75358 76118 76864 77597 74663 75435 76193 76938 77670 74741 75511 76268 77012 77743 60 61 62 63 64 77815 78533 79239 79934 .80618 77887 78604 79309 80003 80686 779&:J 78675 79379 80072 80753 78032 78746 79449 80140 80821 ' 78104 78817 79518 80209 80889 78i76 78888 79588 'q0277 809,56 78247 78958 79657 80346 81023 78319 79029 79727 80414 81090 78390 79099 79796 80482 81157 78462 79169 79865 80550 81224 65 66 67 68 69 81291 81954 ' 82&:J7 8325 1 83885 81358 82020 82672 83315 83948 81425 82086 82737 83378 84011 81491 82151 82802 83442 84073 81558 82217 82866 83506, 84136 81624 82282 82930 83569 84198 81690 82347 82995 83632 84.26.1 81757 81823 81889 82413 82478 82543 83059 83123 83187 83q96 83759 83822 84323 84386 84448 84572 85187 85794 86392 86982 84634 85248 85854 86451 84696 85309 '85914 86510 87040 ' 87099 84757 85370 85974 86570 87157 84819 85431 86034 86629 87216 84880 85491 86094 86688 87274 84942 85552 86153 86747 87332 85003 85612 86213 86806 87390 85065 85673 86273 86864 87448 88024 88593 89 154 89708 90255 70 71 72 73, 74 , 84510 85126 85733 86332 ' 86923 75 76 77 78 , 79- , 87506 88081 88649 89209 89763 87564 87922 88 138 88195 88705 88762 8926,5 89321 898 18 89873 87679 88252 88818 89376 89927 87737 88309 88874 89432 89982 87795 88366 88930 89487 90037 87852 88423 88986 89542 90091 87910 88480 89042 8959'1 90146 87967 88536 89098 89653 90200 80 81 82 83 84 90309 90848 9138'1 ,91908 , 92428 90363 90417 90472 90902 90956 91009 91434 91487 91540 91960 ,92012 ', 920'64 92480 92531' , 9f583 90526 91062 91593 92117 92634 90580 9111 6 91645 92169 92686 90633 91169 91698 9222 1 92737 90687 91222 91751 92273 92788 90741 90795 91275 91328 91803 91855 92324 92376 92840 92891 85 86 87 88 89 92942 93450 93952 94448 94939 9~3' 935,00 94002 94498 94988 93095 93601 94 101 94596 95085 93146 93197 93247 93298 93349 93399 9365 1' 93702 93752 93802 93852 93902 9A 151 94201 94250 94300 94349 94399 94645 94694 94743 94792 94e41 94890 95134 95 182 95231 95279 95328 95376 95665 96142 96('14 97081 97543 95713 96190 96661 97128 97589 95761 96237 96708 97174 97635 95809, 96284 96755 97220 97681 95856 96332 ' 96802 97267 97727 98000 98453 98900 99344 99782 98046 98498 98945 99388 99826 98091 98543 98989 99432 99870 98137 98588 99034 99476 99913 98182 98632 99078 99520 99957 " r 0 TO 1,000. . 92 93 94, 95904 96379 96848 973i3 95472 95952 96426 96895 97359 95 96 97 98 99 97772 98227 98677 99123 99564 97818 98272 98722 99167 99&:J7 , 90 91 954?A 93044 93551 94052 94547 9!5036 95521 95999 96473 96942 97405 95569 96047 96520 96988 97451 95617 , 96095 96567 97035 97497 97 864 98318 98767 99211 99651 97909 98363 98811 99255 99695 97955 98408 98856 99300 99739 . , 304 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. MENSURATION. LENGTH. Circumference of Circle = diameter X 7r . = circumference Diameter 6f Circle Length of Arc X . 31831 = number of degrees X radius X '017453 o Degrees in an Arc whose length = radius = 57 ·295'7795 7r = 3'14159265 + 1 /. I I I I v= o= a= versed sine. R = radius. x= , 2 V= R - JR JR' 2 - I. I I V' -',---'-+ C' - I V ~ C· (0 +R- V) 2 .I AREA. 1 Area of Triangle = base X half the perpendicular height. . Circle = 7r D2 = 4 7r R2 where D R = = diameter of circle. radius of circ~E;. Area of Sector of Cirde = Area ABE D = length of arc X half the radius _ numbel- of degrees in arc X area of circle - ' 360 Area of Segment of Circle Area of Parabola = base = X ~ .I any ordinate. distance of ordinate from centre. o = JR2 - X' - (R - V). R = V' +V C" or diameter = X= half the chord. Area B D E = area of Sector less area of triangle. height. ~-------------------------------------------------.---- 305 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , r' , " TRIGONOMETRICAL F"U NCTION5. ~ Sine . Cotangent = Bas~. . Secant Perp.' a:. ,<,~~. " <U Coversed sine • " Base ~. _. _ _~.~,t~."..9.~.!._A,,-._.-.! . ~'::~_ /~1'-7.,,~,v \ I<-$l-c.'~~!~_~ .:! ~, ~ . . . , •., IA~ , '" .2 ~ ~~ /~r ~ t: Cot. - ..._L tan. ~ «~\ A~,_.~_ to = Hyp. - ,,;, Sec. =_1 . - . . ' oos . Ca,.sec. This diagram sbews tbe different trigonometrical fun ctions in terms ' of .the angle A to the radius of I. cos. veosee.· - 1 = -~' .51n . o V ' f +- tan. .- , ,- tan. sin . 1 - .= = -sm. -. vI +eot. ' Versin . = 1 j-cot. " .. , , . OF" . TRIANGLES. SOLUTION I , Cos. ' + sin." = 1 I+tan.· ";' seo.' 1 - cos. Coversin.= 1 - sin. , i· Base Perp. '. Hyp. I Sin. = tan. = '\/ 1 - cos." =cos. sec. cosec. cot. • v sin., Cos. = .c ot. = _1_ = l-sio.' = =5111. X cot. cosec.. sec . tan. T an. ~ sin. . x sec.= - = -I- = SI11. cos. cot. . . '\i'sec.' - I. A' ?-" r. ' g! c.71<:-· .-c: . )Y \l."lo i" /' ~y_ . _f{sd[us _,; = Hyp.; Cosecant = ~ ; Versed sine = Hyp."' Base ; Perp. Hyp. "Angle Perp .. Cosine. = ~ase ; Tangent = ~erp . . Hyp. ' yp . _ase ' = . a = b.cos. C b +. c = 2s abc b c· a sin. ,(= ,in: B = sin. C =--zQ" a' + .8 ~, A' \ 1 C. b . = cosec. " . + C.eos, B cos. A= b' ' + 2c'bc - . ,,' ora ' ""b' +c' -2 b .c.cos.. A s.in. A 2"= A ~(S-b) (s - ci. cbs. '2 = ~s(s-a). . bc ' be ' tan.A ~ ~(S-b) (s .:c) 2 s(s - a) , " sin. A I I t I t a C A , b C =--b2e vs(s-a) (s- b ) ($ - c) = 2Q whereQ = . . . be , vs(s - a) (s - b) (s -e) tan. B + C 2 b + c. t B-C b-c t A an'-2- = b + c x co' 2 tan. B - C = b - c' . 2 Area of triangle b.c.sin.A a.c.sin .B :2 2 v:;(s- a) (s - b) (s - cj - Q C }= a..b.sin. 2 - I r- 306 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. '"'" 51 NE '" !;j, ., ~ 0' .. 0 1 - lD' 20' 30' 40 ' 50 ' ·00291 ·02036 '03781 ·05524 '07266 '00582 '02327 '04071 ·05814 '07556 '00873 ·02618 ·04362 ·06105 ,07846 '01164 '02908 '04653 ·06395 '08136 '01454 '03199 . 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'99929 '99847 '99736 ·99998 '99973 '99917 '998:1\ ·99714 '99996 '99966 '99905 ·998 13 ·99692 '99993 ·99958 '99892 '99795 ·99668 ·99989 '99949 ·99878 '99776 '99644 -99985 ·99939 '99863 ·99756 ·99619 8.9 88 8.7 86 85 ·99567 '99390 '99182 '98944 ·99540 '99357 '99144 '98902 '99511 ·99324 , . ·99106 '98858 ·99482 '99290 ·99067 ·98814 '99452 ·99255 '99027 '98769 84 8.3 82 8.1 c 0 1 2 3 4 1· ·99985 ·99939 '99863 '99756 5 6 7 8. ·99619 '99452 -99255 '990'1-7 ·99594 ·99421 '99219 '98986 9 '98769 . '98481'98163 '9'1815 '9872..1 '98430 '98107 ·97754 '98676 ·98378 ·98050 '97692 '98629 '98.325 -97992 ·97630 . '98580 '98272 '97934 '97566 ·98531 '98218 . '97875 ·97502 '98481 ·98163 ·97815 '97437 80 79 78 77 '97304 ·96887 ·97169 '96742 '96285 ·95799 . ·971 00 ·96667 '96XJ6 '95715 ·9703.0 '96593 ·96126 '95630 78 75 74 73 10 11 12 '. I\ 1 13 14 15 1:8 . 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Q M I , r .312 CO. LIMITED. DORMAN, LONG & WEIGHTS AND LINEAR . , MEASURE. Yards Feel Inoljas MEASURES. Poles Furlongs MUe -. ~ '08333 1 ·02778 ·0050505 ·00012626 . ·00001578 ·33333 ·0606061 '00151515 ·00018939 ·1818182 ·00454545 '00056818 ·025 ·003125 , (2 1· 36 3· .198 16·5 1· I 5·5 1· , ~ 7920 660· 220· 1. 40' , .i 63360 1760· 5280' - 320" I ~ ·125 ,. 8- - I· , - . Inobes , ,, MEASURE (LlN·EAL) . I I Feet Yards Chains Mile ·12q ·0833 ·0278 -00126 -0000158 ·66 '22 ·01 -000125 -333 ·01515 -000189 · 7-92 1· 12- 1·515 1· -4-545 3- - .. 36' 792· ~OO- 63360· 8000· 0. SURV~YING I I LInks . l' -. , I . . 1· '04545 66-. 22· 1· 5280· 1760· 80- '000568 -0125 1· .CUBIC • .. Inches • MEASURE. Feet Yards \ 1 I ·0005787 1728 1· 46656 27· ·00002143 '03704 1· - ." - . .. . ;:)1;:) DORMAN, LONG & WEIGHTS AND SQUARE Square Inohes Square Feet 1 '00694 Square Yards MEASURE. 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OF 512 - Pecks Bushels 4- 1' 8- '2 , 1- 32 - 8- 4- 1 .. 256- M- 32 • 8- AVOIRDUPOIS Grains 127-34375 437-5 Drams -03657 1- Ounoes ~ I I Quarters Cubic Inches -125 2219-704 17757 -632 t - WEIGI-\T, Pounds _Uundredweights Gross Ton -002286 -000143 {)OOOOI28 -OOOOOOOI:J7 -0625 -003906 -00003488 -00DC01744 -0625 -00055804 -00002790 -0089286 -0004464 16' 1- 7000- 256 - 16 - . 784000 - 28672 - 1792 - 112 - I - 15680000 - 573440 - 35840 - 2240 - 20 - 1- -05 I- , MM , 314 DORMAN, LONG & METRIC MEASURES. LINEAR Millimetres CO. LIMITED. MEASURE _ Centimetres Deoimetres -1 -01 -00 1 -000 1 -0000 1 -00000 1 -1 -0 1 -00 1 -0 001 -00001 -I -a 1 -00 1 -0001 -1 -0 1 -00 1 -1 -0 1 1. Metres Dekametres Heotometres - 10 1. 100 10 - 1• · 1000 100- 10- 1- 10000 1000- 100- 10 - 1- 100000 10000 - 1000 - 100- 10 - 1000000 . .... 100000- 1000 - 10000' -- ... 100· .... .. Kilometre 1. -1 ." -- 10, .. .. 1_ .. .. , SQU-ARE - ;Square Centimetres Square Metres s~uare Dec metros I -a I 1000 0 100- I- 10000- 100 - 1- 1000000 - 10000- 100- cubic Centimetres 1 -00000 1 -0 1 -000 1 -01 I- MEASURE_ Cubic Decimetres -00 1 1000 1- 1000000 1000 - ~ -000 0000 1 . -0001 1- CUBIC Rectare or Square Hectometre -00000 1 100 1000'00000 .. Ares or Square Dekametres· -000 1 ·01 1000000 - " MEASURE _ Cubic Metre -00000 1 -00 1 1. 315 . DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. , • , ME"rRI.C MEASURES. MEAS\JRES ,. 1I1111l1ltref, i CentiJitres Decilitres I ·1 10 1- , , I Litres Dekalltres Hectolitres Kliolitre i " .. CAPACITY. OF ·01 -00 I ·0001 ,00001 -000001 ·1 -01 ·001 ·QOOI ·00001 -1 -0 I ,001 -0001 -1 ·01 ·001 ·1 ·01 100 10, I- 1000 100· 10- I. 1000· 100· 10· 100000 . 10000· 1000· 100 · 100000· 10000· 1000 · I t 10000 1000000 .. I I 1. I, 10· 1· 100· 10· ..• ·1 1. - = WEIGHTS . , Deka- Kilo- Decigralnmes Grammes grammes ·1 ·01 ·001 -0001 ·0000 I ·000001 ·1 ,0/ ·001 ·0001 ·00001 ·01 ·001 ·0001 .1 ·0 1 ·001 .1 ·01 - .. .... 1 Hectagrammes '. g.tamJlleS Cent!- Milli" grammes 10 1· 100 10· 1· 1000 100· 10· 1. 10000 1000· 100· !D. 100000 10000· 1000' 1000000 100000· 10000· --_.__. gramme ( .1 o I. . .100' 10· I. 1000· 100· 10· I .I t. I 316 LONG & DORMAN, CO. LlMITED. METRICAL EQUIVALENTS OF LINEAR 1 inch = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - " loot yard latham pole chain - - = = = flu'long = mile - Metrical Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 2'5399541 ceo tihletres ·02539954 metres '.30479449 " ·91438348 " 1·82876696 " 5 ·02911 " 20 ·116437 " 201 ·16437 " 1609 '3 1493 SQUARE - British Equivalents millimetre centimetre metre - = " kilometre I ·03.937 inches '393708 " 39'37079 "t 3 ·2$08992 fee 1 ·093633 yards 1093 '63306 " 49 '71059 chainS 3280 '89917 feet ·.6213824 mile = = '.' = - " 1 I - " = " = ., " .. MEA~URE_ , .~ BritIsh Units 1 1 1 1 1 1 Metrical Equivalents Metrical \Jnits 6 ;451367 sq. centimetres '09289968 sq. metTe '8360971 " ,J'. - .' '003360971" are " " -acre ' ·404671 hectare sq. (hile - 258 ·98945 sq. inch = foot = " yard O~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 " - CUBIC . British Units UN ITS. MEASURE. Metrical Equivalents British Units BRITISH sq. ;, • British EquIvalents cen tiioelre ~ "1550059 sq. inch 10 .7642994 " feet 1 ·1960333 " yards , = 119·60333 " " '2·47114 acres = '0038612 sq. mile metre " are - " hectare " - " . MEASURE. Metrical Equivalents Metrical Units . British Equivalents \ 1 cu1;>ic inch. = 16 '3861759 cubic centimetres metre foot = '02831531 1 " " -76451342 1 y.ard= J' " " • British Units 1 cubic inch 1 " " 1 gill 1 .piDt 1 quart 1 gallon 1 " 1 bushel 1 " 1 cubic centimetre = -0.61 02705cu bic inch metre 1 =35 '31658074 feet " " 1 1 ·30802151 yards = " " " .. CAPACITY . , ~ = = - = = = - Metrical Equivalents 16 '386176 roillilltres J -6386176 ceatilitres 14 ·1983 '567932 litre. " 1 '135864 4'543458 " " '4543458 dekalitres 3'634766 ., ·3634766 hectolitre ~ Metrical Units 1 milJi Ii ire 1 centilitre . 1 1 litre" 1 1. " " 1 clekalitre 1 " 1 hectolitre = = = -- = ~ = ~ ~ British Equivalents '061027 cubic ipch -61027 " ; , '07043 gill 1 .7<1:)77 pin ts ·880387 quart -2200967 gallons 2'20097 " -275121 bushels 2'75121 " .. .' 317 DORMAN, · LONG & CO. LIMITED . ... 'iviETRIC·· EQUIVALENTS OF BRITISH UNITS. WEIGHT. llrllish UnUs Metrical Equivalents ~ British Equivalents , d Avoirdupois 1 gnlin 1 1 MetrIcal Units = 64, 79895 m'illigramrnes = 6'479895 c.entigramrnes "0.1:479895 grammes = =28·34954 " '02834954ldlogrammes .. 453592c5 " " 1 ·oun ce 1 " 1 pound I hu n'cI red- ~ " " weight = 1 ton = '50802377 quintals \ '01604754 milliers or tonnes - MISCELLANEOUS I 1 milligramrne 1 ceo tigrarnt'J!t3 1 gramme' 1 " . 1 kilogl'amme 1 1 Avoirdupois '01543235 grains = '1543235 = 15 '43235 ". . 0352739 ounces =35 ·27394 = 2 ·20462125 pounds - 1'96841 hundred- - " .- " " quintal weigbts 1 millier or t9nne = . 98420591 tons . 1 2204·6 pounds " COMPOUND " MEASURES. I---------- ---------------~----~--------------~--Metrical Equivalents Metrloal Units Brltlsh Units BrItish Equivalents 1 ·f oo t per · 3048 met res per se.con l! · 3048 metres per s,econtl 1 foot per minute minute 1 mile per 1·6093 kilometres , per hOllr bour 1 pound per font t ·48819 1 pound per yard I pcund per kilograrnines per metre · 49606 ki logrammes per metre '07031 kilogrQrnmes square jnch pel' square' centimetrE'l 1 pound per ., sq uare foot. 1 ton per square inch '\ 'f J'=1l 1 t.on per J }={ " . centhnetr~ 'I\ fl ' 4·8820 1 kilogramme, pel' square metre 1 kilogramme '\ ( per square j' = -\ metre \ ·2041.< 1 pound~ 1 ·57493 ·ldJogrpmmes per square milliw rnetre 1 kiiogralllooe per square "J ~ - {' millil"etre . 63495 tom pet· 1 tonne per '09143 lons , per square foot =.{ 10,93704 tonnes per square foot } , square ,rnetre 1 pound per ,02768 kiJogrammes cubic inch = '\ per cubtc cen tl' \ metre 1 pound per } = { 16 ' 019 kilo~rammes . cubic foot per cubiC me tre 1 pound per '5933 kiJogrammes ' cubic, yard per cubic metre 1 pound per kilogrammes }~{ ·09983 gallon per .litre l ( 1 melre per } =,' {' 3 . 2809 fee t per second second 3 . 2809 feet per 1 metre· per } _ { . minute. minute 1 kilometre l _ {' '6214 miles per per bour .J-' hour 1 kijogromm e .} _ { . 67196 pounds per foot , per Illetre - l · 1 kilogrurnme \ _ { 2 '01587 pounds per metre J ,_ . per yard r ki logramme 14 , 22282 poun ds per· square = 'p er squnre inch f;q llare metre } . squar'e inch { =. } 1 kilograT\1Tt1e pel' cubic = centimetre per squ<11'e font {36 '1253 pounds per cubic inch 1 kiloSTarnme } , _, { . ' 0624245 pounds . per cubic metre . per cubic foot I _ 1 kilogramme per cubic metre J .- { . I '68546 pounds per cubic yard 1 kilogramme } ~ { 10 '0166 pounds' per li tre · perg"Uon· ~. 318 DORMAN, LONG & EQU IVALENTS OF INCH ES AND Inches ... ... 0 ... ... 111\ ... .f.. ... ... Ys 1 "" ... ... ... " "3"2"" .. - ... 3 TIT ... oJ. ... .. , ... !.. ... ... ~ ... ... " T"tT ... .. , ... .. % *... 1 :"\ 32" . ". ... .tn- i-G· .. ... H , , .. ... .. - .. . ... ... ~ .... ... 1'\ .. , = ... ... 1.:) ... ... ~' ,- " ", ... H 23 1l'lf ... ... .. , ... 20" fi ... H ... "0 ft- % ... ... ... % ... »... ... ... % ... ... .. . ... ... H H ... ... IN FRACTIONS OF AN CO. LIMITED. MiLLIMETRES INCH ADVANCING BY 32NDS. 0/1 1" 2/1 3" 41/ 5" .. ''794 1·587 2·381 25-400 26·193 26·987 27·781 50'799 51·593 52·387 53·180 76·199 76·992 77·786 78·580 101·598 102·392 103·186 103·979 126·998 127·791 128'585 129·379 3·175 3·969 4·762 5-556 28·574 29·368 30-162 30·956 53·974 54·768 55·561 56-355 79·374 80·167 80-961 81 ·755 104·'773 105-567 106-361 107-154 130·173 130'966 131·760 132·554 , 6·350 7-144 7·937 8·731 31·749 32·543 33·337 34·131 57·149 57-943 58·736 59·530 82·549 83·342 84·136 84·930 9·525 10·319 11·112 [ 1'906 34'924 35·718 36·512 37·306 60·324 61·118 61·911 62·705 85·723 86·517 87 ·311 88·105 133·348 107·948 134·141 108·742 109·536 _134'935 110·329.... . 135'·729 111·123, .. 136·523 111-917 . 137'316 112·710 . 138·110 138-904 113·504 12·700 13-494. 14·287 15 ·081 38·099 38·893 39·687 40·481 63·499 64·293 65·086 65·880. 88·898 89·692 9(j,486 91·280 114·298 [ 15·092 115·885 116·679 140'191 14'1'285 142·079 15·875 [ 6·668 17·462 18·256 41·274 42·068 42·862 43·655 66·674 67·468 68·261 69·055 92·073 92·867 93·661 94·455 117·473 118·267 119·060 119·854 142·872 143·666 . 144·460 145·254 [ 9·050 19·843 20·637 21"'131 44·449 45·243 46·037 46·830 69·849 70·642 71·436 72·230 95·248 96·042 96·836 97·629 120·648 121 ·442 122'235 123'029 146·047 146·841 147·635 148·429 22·225 23·018 23·812 24'606 47·624 48·418 49·212 50·005 73·024 73·817 74·611 75·405 98·423 99·217 100·011 100·804 123·823 124·616 125·410 126·204 149·222 150'Ql6 150·810 151·604 . 12 Inches - 304 '794 MiDimetres. 139'69"7~ ~ "- DORMAN, LONG & EQU IVALENTS IN OF INCHES AN ,D FI'tACTIONS OF AN Inohes , " ~J""'f , 0 " , , , " III " ':"("'1' " .. . " . . .. Ys 3~ ·" ... · l:!!i ,'Y: " ... ·" " 1 ' " " .;,!l' . " " . . " r. . " .~ ·" " ·M ·" , ." ·" ,~,~ ,. . " % . Tn n l. 6 ... .. " . " . . .. " . J1 1; :~ '1 " . , 7 ·" I) 'l~t .. 1 I! 3""Z , " . " . ... . % 21 n ... ... ... 11 16 .. . ... . .. ·" % .. , " , " 2 "i ' " Ttl' " I . . n " . :~ . ~ " !"i " " n ... N ,~t .. . ... " % ... ~n TIl" " ' ... . H ~{ ·" ·" ., '" " . ... CO . LIMITED. MllLiMETRES INCH ADVANCING BY 32 1'10s , 6" 7" 8" 152·397 153·191 153·985 154·778 177· 797 178·591 1'79,384 180·178 203· 196 203·990 204·784 205·578 155·572 156'366 157'160 157·953 180·972 181·765 182 ·559 183 ·353 228·596 229·390 230 ·1 83 230'977 206·371 231·771 207' 1,65 232 ·565 207'959 233·35 8 208·752 234·152 158·747 159·541 160·335 161'128 184· 147 184· 940 185·734 186·528 209 ·546 210·340 21 1·134 2 11'927 234'946 235·739 236·533 237·327 161·922 162'7 16 163·5 10 164·303 187 ·322 188· 115 188·909 189 ·703 212-'721 213·5 15 2 14·309 2 15 ·\ 02 23 8·121 263,520 238·914 264·314 239·708 265·108 240·502 : 265 '90 1 288·920 289·714 290 ·507 29 1·30 1 165'097 i 65·891 166·684 167-478 190·497 191·290 192·684 192·878 2 15·896 216·690 217·484 .218 ·277 24 1·296 266·695 242,08.9 267·489 242· 883 . 268 ·283 243:677 269·076 292·095 292·8.88 293·682 294'4'76 168 ·272 169,,066 J,69'859 170,6,53 193·672 194'465 195·259 " 196·053 219'071 219·865 -, 220·659 221·452 244·471 245 ·264 246·058 246·852 269·870 270·664 271-458 272·251 295·270 296·063 296·857 297·651 171-447 ' 172-241 173 '0:34 173·828 196·846 , 197'640 198·434 199·228 222·246 223·040 223'833 224'627 247 '646 248·43 9 249 '233 250 ·027 273 ·045 273 ·839 ' 274·63:3 ' 275 ·426 298,44,5 299·238 300'D32 300·826 174·622 175 ·416 176'209 177·003 200·021 200·8 15 201·609 202·403 225·42 1 226,215 227·008 227·802 250 ·820 251 ·614 252 ·408 253 ·202 276·220 277 ·014 277-807 278 ·60 1 30 1·620 302·4 13 303·207 304·001 12 Inches = :)04 ·794 9" lvIillimetres, 10" II " 253·995 254·789 255·583 256·37'1 279·395 280,189 280 ·982 28 1·776 257· 170 257·964 258·758 259·552 282·570 283 ·364 284 ·157 284,951 260·345 285 ·745 261· 139 286'539 261·933 . 287·332 262·727 288' 126 ., 320 DORMAN, EQUIVALENTS MIlIl- metres Inches MIUi- 'metres LONG & OF M I LLI METRES MlIIi- Inohes metres , CO. LIMITED. Milli- IN INCHES. Inches metres Inches MllIi- Inches metres I I 4 5 3 '039 ' ,079 ' 118 ' )57 ' 197 51 52 53 54 55 2 ,008 2'047 2'087 2, 126 2, 165 101 102 103 104 105 3'976 4'016 4'055 4' 095 4, 134 151 152 153 154 155 5,945 5,984 6'024 6'063 6' 102 201 202 203 204 205 6 7 8 9 10 '236 ,276 '315 ,354 '394 56 57 58 59 60 2'205 2,244 2'283 2,323 2'362 106 107 108 109 110 4, 173 4,213 4'252 4"291 4 '331 156 157 158 159 1.60 , ,6' 142 ·6' 181 6·221 6'260 0'299 206 207 208 209 210 11 12 13 14 61 62 63 64 65 2·402 2·441 2'480 2·520 2 '559 III IS '433 '472 '512 '551 '591 11 2 11 3 114 liS 4'370 4'409 4'449 4'4B8 4'528 161 162 . 163 164 165 6'339 6'378 6·417 ,6'457 6 ' 496 8'307 211 2 12 ' 8·347 213 ' 8 ' 386 214 8'425 215 8'465 16 17 18, 19 20 '630 ·669 ·709 ·748 '787 66 67 68 69 70 2 ·598 2 '63$ 2·677 2'717 2'756 116 117 118 119 120 4'567 , 4'606 4'646 4'685, 4·724 166 167 168 169 170 6 '535 6'575 6.614 6·654 6'693 216 217 218 219 220 8504 8'543 8'583 8'622 8'661 21 22 '23 71 72 73 74 75 2' 795 2'835 2 ·874 2'9 13 . 2'953 121 122 123 124 125 4'764 4'803 4'843 4'882 4·921 17l 172 173 174 175 6'732 6'772 6·811 6'850 .6,890 221 222 223 25 ·827 '866 ·906 '94,') ,984 8'701 8'740 .,8'780 8·819 8·858 26 27 28 29 30 1'024 1'063 1 ' 102 1-142 1 . 181 76 77 78 79 80 2'992 3'032 3·071 3' 11 0 3·150 126 127 128 129 130 4'961 5'000 5'039 5'079 5 ' 11 8 176 177 178 179 180 6·929 6'969 7'008 7'047 7087 226 ';.27 228 229 230 8 ·898 8·937 8·976 9'016 9,055 31 , 32 33 34 35 1 '220 1 ·260 1, '299 1 '339 1'378 81 82 83 84 .85 3'189 3:228 3'268 3'307 3'346 131 132 133 134 135 5 '15.8 5'197 5'236 5·276 5·315 181 182 183 184 185 7'126 7·165 7·205 7'244 7·284 231 232 233 234 235 9'095 9, 134 9· 173 9·213 9'252- 36 37 3.8 39 40 1' 417 1'457 1'496 1'535 1·575 86 87 88 .89 90 3'386 3 '425 3·465 3·504 3'543 136 137 138 139 140 5'354 5 ·394 5'433 5'472 5 '5 12 186 187 188 189 190 7'323 7'362 7,402 7,441 7·4.80 236 2.37 23.8 239 240 9 ' 29 1 9,331 9'370 9 '4,10 9,449 41 42 43 44 91 92 93 9495 3'5.83 3'622 3·661 3,701 3'740 141 142 143 144 145 5·551 5'591 5'630 5'669 5'709 191 192 193 194 195 7'520 7'559 7598 7,638 7,677 241 242 243 45 ' 1 ·614 1'654 1'693 1'732 1 ,772 9'4.8.8 9'..528 9'5'67 9 '606 9-646 46 47 48 49 50 1 .811 1' 850 1· 890 1 ,929 1 '969 96 3-780 3,819 3'858 146 147 148 149 150 5'748 5·787 5·827 5'866 5·906 196 197 W8 199 200 7·717 7'756 7'795 7' 835 7·874 246 247 248 249 250 I 2 24 97 98 99 100 ~l'898 3,937 I • I 8'110 8, 150 8, 189 8'228 8'268 224 225 244 245 7'913 7,953 7,992 8'032 8'071 I I 9'685 9'724 9·764 9·803 9'843 ;i DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , EQU IVALENTS OF , - MlIlimetres Inches' 251 252 9,882 9·921 9·961 253 254 iO·OOO MiIlimetres M I LLI M.ETRES Millimetres Inchos Millimetres I 301 1 11 '850 302 11 ·890 1l ·929· 303 304 11 ·969 305 12 ·008 35 1 352 353 354 355 13·819 13·858 13·898 13·937 13'97'7 401 402 403 12·047 12·087 12· 126 308 12·1 65 309 310 . 12'205 Inches IN INCHES. MlIltmetres Inches 15·788 'is ·827 15'866 404 1 15 '906 405 15·945 451 452 453 45:4 455 17 '756 17'795 17'835 17 '874 1" ,914 356 , 14 ·016 357 1 14 'OS5 358" 14 ·095 359 I 14 ' 134 360 1 14 ' 173 406 40'7 409 41 0 408 15·984 16 ·024 16'063 16· 103 16· 142 456 457 458 459 460 17·953 17·992 ]8 ·032 18 ·071 18 · 11 0 14 '2 \3 14'252 14·291 14 '331 14 ·370 411 412 413 414 415 16'1 81 16'221 16·260 16'299 16',339 461 462 463 404 465 Hi · 150 18 ·1 89 18'229 18'268 18·307 16'378 16·417 . 16'457 16· 496 16'536 466 467 468 469 470 18'347 18· 386 18 ·425 18'465 18·504 471 472 473 474 475 18 ·543 18'583 18 '622 18 ,662 18·701 Inches 255 10 ',039 256 257 258 259 260 10,079 10 · 118 10 ·158 10· 197 10'236 306 307 261 262 10'276 10'315 10'354 10·394 10 ,4.33 311 312 313 311l 315 12·244 12,284 12'323 ' i2 '362 12'402 361 362 363 304 365 266 1 10 '473 267 10'512: 268 I 10'55.1 ' 269 1 10 '59 1 270 10'630 316 317 318 319 320 12· 441 12·480 12,520 12,559 12·599 366 367 368 369 3'10 14 ·410 14·449 14 ·488 14 '528 14'567 41 6 417 418 419 420 271 ' '. 10·669 272 10·709 273 10'748 274 10'787 275 10 '827 321 322 323 324 325 12·638 12' 677 12 · '11 7 12' 756 , 12'795 371 372 3'13 374 375 I 14'606 14'046 14 '685 14'·'125 14·704 421 422 423 424 425 10.,866. 276 277 10'906 278 10 ·945 . 279 .10 ·984280'1 n ·024 326 327 328 329 330 376 37'1 378 379 380 I 14·803 14·843 14·882 14· 921 14 ·961 426 42§ 42 429 430 I 16 ·,772 16',811 16·851 16 ·890 16 ·929 476 477 478 479 480 28 1 1 11 '063 282 11·102 283 11·142 284 11·181 285 11 '221 33) ·333 334 335 13'032 13·071 13 , 110 ,13, 150 13, 189 381 382 383 384 385 15·000 15 '040 15·079 15·118 15·158 431 116 '969 432 17·008 4~3 17 ·047 4-34 17· 087 435 17' 126 481 482 483 484 485 18'937 18·977 19'016 19'055 19·095 286 28', 288 289 290 11 ,260 11 ·299 J 1·339 11·378 11 ' 417 336 337 338 339 340 li3 '228 13 '2Q8 13 '307 13 ·347 13 ,386 19· 134 19 ·173 19 ·213 19'252 1'9'292 291 292 293 294 295 11 ·457 11 ·496 11 '536 , 11 '575 11 '614- 341 342 343 344 345 296 297 298 299 300 11'654 11 '693 11 ·732 11 ·772 11 ,8 11 346 347 348 349 350 263 264 265 332 12 '835 , 12 ·874 12,913 12·953 12 ·992 I 16'575 16·614 16'654 . 16· 693 16·732 I 18-740. 18 ·780 18 ·819 18'858 18·898 436 437 438 439 440 17 ,166 17· 205 17 '244 17·284 17 ·323 486 487 488 489 490 13 ' 42513 ' 465 13504 13 '543 13 ·583 386 I 15 · 197 387 15·236 388 I 15 ·276 389 . 1 15 '315 390 .15'354 . 391 ' 15'394 392 15'433 393 15 ·473 394 . 15 '5 12 395 : 15'551 441 442 443 444 445 . 17 ·362' 17'402 17·441 17'480 17'520 491 19·331 492 19·370 493 • · 19 ·410 494 19·449 495 19·488 13'622 ' 13'662 13'701 13 ·740 13· 780 396 " 15'591 15 ·630 397 398 15'669 399 15·709 400 15·748 446 447 448 449 450 17·559 17· 599 17·638 17·677 17·717 496 497 4.98 499 500' • 19 '528 19'567 19 ·t06 19·646 19· 685 MM2 I ~ 322 DORMAN, -_.- EQUIVALENTS LONG & OF" CO. LIMITED. M I LLI METRES IN INCHES. MlIJi- metres Inches MlIIi- Inches metres MIllI- metres 1 MlIIiInches' metres MiIli· Inches Inches metres ---- 505 19'725 19·764 19'803 19·843 19·882 551 552 553 554 555 21·693 21 ·732 21· 772 21 '811 21·851 60 1 602 003 604 005 23 ·662 23'701 23'740 7.3'780 23·819 506 507 508 509 510 19-921 19 '961 20'000 20040 2D'079 556 557 558 559 560 21·890 21 '929 21 '969 22·008 22'047 006 607 608 609 610 511 512 513 514 515 20·118 20 '158 20· 197 20·236 20'276 561 562 563 564 565 22·087 22·126 22'166 22'205 22'244 516 517 518 519 520 20·315 20'355 20-394 20'433 20'473 566 567 566 569 570 521 522 523 524 525 20'512 . 20'551 20'591 20'630 20'669 526 527 SOl 65 1 652 653 654 655 25'630 25·670 25'709 25 ·748 25'788 701 702 703 704 70s 27'599 27'638 27'677 27'717 27·756 23 ·858 23'898 23·937 23 ·977 24 '016 656 657 658 659 6EIJ 25 ·827 2$'866 25'906 2S'94\j 25 '984 ' 706 70'1 708 . 709 71D 27· 796 27,835 27 ' 874 27·914 27'953 611 612 613 614 615 24·055 24095 24'134 24·173 24·213 661 662 26·024 26'063 , 26· 103 26·142 26' 181 711 71-2 713 714 715 ' 27'992 28'032 28·071 28' 11 0 28 '150 22'284 22'323 22'362 22'402 22'441 616 617 618 619 620 24'252 24·292 24'3;31 24·370 24· 410 666 667 668 669 670 26'221 26'260 26·299 26'339 26'378 716 717 718 71'" 720 28'229 28'268 28 ' 307 28'347 571 572 573 574 575 22'48 1 22'520 22'559 22'1199 22'638 62 1 622 623 624 625 24 ·449 . 24'488 24 '528 24'567 24'607 671 672 673 674 675 26·418 26'457 26-496 26'536 26'575 20'709 '20·748 20'788 20'827 20'866 576 577 578 579 580 22·677 22'717 22'756 22 ·795 22·835 626 &27 628 629 63() 24646 24'685 24'725 24'764 24'803 676 677 678 679 680 20 '9D6 20'945 20'984 21 '024 'd535 ' 21 ' 063 581 5.82 583 584 585 22'874 22'9)4 2;2'953 22 ·992 23'032 63 1 632 633 634 63s 24 ·843 24·882 24'921 24·96\ 25 '000 23.· 07.1 23 ·1 10 23 ' 150 23 ' 189 23'229 6.36 637 638 639 640 502 503 SOil, 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 '. 663 664 - 665 I.' . I 28189 121 722 723. 724· 725 28'386 28'42$ 2$'465 2s-504 28'544 26·614 26'654 26'693 26'733 26'772 726 727 728 729 730 28'583 28'622 28'662 28'701 28·740 68 1 '682 683 684 685 26'811 26·851 26,890 26'929 26'969 731 732 733 734 735 28·780 28'819 28·859 28·898 28'937 25·040 25·079 25 '118 25 ·158 25'197 686 68-' 688 689 690 27·008 27·047 27'087 27.'126 27'166 736 737 73~ 73 740 28 ,,.77 29·016 • 29·055 29' 095, 29 '134 27·205 27'244 27 ·284 27'323 27' 362 741 742 744 .1745 29'170 . 29·213 . 29'252 . 29 '292" 29'3.3 1 27·402 27441· 27 ' 481 27'520 27 '55.9 7.46 747 748 749 750 536 537 538 539 540 21 ·103 21 '[42 21 '1 81 21 ·221 2\-260 586 587 588 589 590 541 542 543 544 545 21· 299 21 ·339 21· 378 21-418 21"457 591 592 593 .'594 595 23'268 23·307 23·347 23·385 23·424 64-1 642 643 644 645 25-236 25'276 25'315 25·394 691 692 693 694 695 546 547 548 549 550 21 ,496 21 '536 21 '575 . 21 '614 21'654 596 597 598 599 600 23·464 23 '50:\ 23 '543 2J'582 23:622 646 64'1 648 649 650 25·433 25·473 25'512 25'551 25'591 696 697 698 699 700 1 ~ ,., 25'355 '143 . 1 , . 29,370 29·410 29 ,449. 29'488 .. 29 '528 323 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. EQUIVALENTS OF metres MiIIi- metres Inches MUlI- metres. Inches 751 1 29567 752 29· om "153 ' 29·646 29,685 754 29·77.5 755 801 802 803 804 805 31, 536 31 , 575 31, 614 31· 654 31·693 (lSI 852 853 854 855 33,504 33 ,544 33'583 33,622 33·662 901 902 903 904 905 35'473 35,512 35 :552 35,591 35 ,630 951 952 953 954 955 37 ·441 37,481 37,520 37,559 37·599 756 757 758 759 7f:IJ 29·764 29·803 29,843 29·882 29'922 806 B07 808 809 810 3 1·733 31 '772 31· 811 31· 851 31·890 856 857 858 859 8f:IJ 33 ,701 33'740 33''780 33·819 33·859 906 907 908 909 910 35· 670 35·709 35'748 35 ' 788 35,,827 956 '957 958 959 960 ,:37·638 37 ·677 37'717 37 ·756 37,796 761 762 763 764 76.5 29 ·961 30 ' 000 30·040 30 ' 0'79 30· 11 8 811 812 813 814 815 31 ,929 31'969 32'008 32· 048 32 '087 ,8& 1 862 863 864 865 33·898 33 . 937 33,977 34'016 34 ' 055 91I 912 913 914 915 35,866 35" 906 35 ·945 35,985 36,024 961 9.62 963 964 965 37 ,835 37,874 37·914 37 ,953 37 ,992 766 767 768 7Q9 770 30 · 158 30·197 30 ' 236 30'276 30 ·31 5 816 81 7 818 819 . 820 32 · 126 32,166 32'205 32 , 244 32 ·284 866 ' 867 868 869 870 34,095 34 · 134 34, 174 34· 213 34,252 ,916 917 918 919 920 36,063 36· 103 36 , 142 36 '181 36'221 966 967 968 969 970 38' 032 38·071 38·11 1 38 · 150 38 ' 189 771 772 774 77'.5 30,355 30 ,394 30 ' 433 30 ' 473 30,512 .821 822 823 '824 82$ 32 ·323 32'362 32 ' 402 32 ·441 32, 481 871 872 873 , 874 875 34 , 292 34'331 34<170 34·410 34-449 921 922 923 924 925 36,260 36·300 36'339 3,6 ' 378 36 ·418 971 972 973 974 975 38·229 38 ·268 38 '307 38,347 38'386 776 777 778 779 780 30,551 30·591 30 ' 630 30,670 30'709 826 827 828 829 830 32'520 32·559 32'599 32' 6..18 32'677 876 877 878 879 880 34·488 M·528 .34 ' 567 ,34' 607 34 ,646 926 .927 928 929 930 36 ·457 36,496 36'53t\ 36'575 36'615 r 6 77 , 978 979 980 38'426 38·465 38·504 38'544 38 ,583 781 782 '783 784 785 30,748 30'788 :30'827 . 30·866 30' 906 831 832 833 834 835 32,717 32'756 32'796 32·835 32·874 881 882 883 884 885 34 ' 685 34·725, 34 ' 764 34 ' 803 34·843 931 932 933 934 935 36,654 36 ·693 3&,733 36' 772 36·811 981 982 983 984 985 38 '622 38·662 38·701 38 ·741 38·780 786 787 788 30'94,5 30 ·985 31· 024 '789 I 31'063 790 131 ,103 836 837 83.8 839 840 32 ·914 32,953 32,992 33 ,032 33'071 886 887 888 889 890 34' 882 34, 922 34,961 35'000 35·04-0 936 937 938 939 940 36'851 36,890 36·929 36·969 37 ·008 986 987 988 989 990 38 '819 38'859 38 ,898 38 ·937 38 ·977 79 1 31 ' 142 792 1 31 ' 181 31'221 793 794 [ 31 ·260 31 ·299 7~5 841 842 843 844 845 33 -111 33 ·150 33·189 33 ·229 33 ·268 89 1 892 893 894 895 35'079 35 ·118 35 ,158 35, 197 35 ·237 941 942 943 944 945 37 ·048 37 ' 087 37'126 37' 166 37 ·205 99i 992 993 994 995 39 ·016 39 ' 055 39,095 39 : 134 39' 174 31 ·339 3 1'378 31· 41 8 31,457 800 I 31·496 846 847 33 ·307 33'3,47 33'386 33 '425 33·465 896 897 898 899 900 35 ·276 35,3 15 35·355 35·394 35 '43,3 946 947 948 949 950 37·244 37·284 37·323 37 ·363 37·402 77.~3 I I , , i , Inches metres I INCHES. M:illlmetres [n'ches _ .- i I ", Inc,he. MIlIl- I MILLIMETRES 796 797 798 799 MIIlI- 848 849 850 39 ·213 996 39 ·252 997 998 39·292 999 1 39 '331 ' 1000 39'370 324 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , , , / )< EQUIVALENTS METRES OF IN FEET. 1 Metre = 3, 230899 Feet. , J ·0 Metres ·1 ·2 ·8 ·7 ·6 ·5 4 r '8 ·9 0 1 2 3 ·3281 ·9843 '6562 · 3·2809 3'6090 3·9371 4·2652 6'5618 6'8899 7'2180 7·5461 9'8427 10·1708 10'4989 10·8270 1 . 3124 4·5933 7'8742 11'1551 1· 6404 1'9685 2'2966 2'6247 4'9213 5·2494 5·5775 5'9056 8'2022 8'5303 8·8584 9 ·1865 11 '4831 11·8112 12 '139~1 12.'4(174 2·9528 6·2337 9'5146 12·7955 4 1.3 ·1236 16'4045 19·6854 22·9663 14'4360 17'7169 20'9978 24·2787 14'7640 18'0449 21·3258 24'6067 16'0764 19' 3573 22·6382 25'9 191 5 6 7 8 9 10 13'4517 16·7326 20'0135 23 ·2944 13'7798 17'0607 20·3416 23'6225 14 ·1079 1'1,3888 20'6697 23·9506 , - I Foot ·0 ·1 ·2 FEET OF ~= 2 3 4 5 6 7 15'7483 19·0292 22 ·3 101 25'5910 .. ·30480 ·60959 ' ·9 1438 : '03048 ·33527 ' 64007 ·94486 121918 1 . 52:397 1 ·82871 2 '13356 1 '24966 1'55445 1 ·85925 2'16404 ·4 ',3 ·06096 ·09144 ·36575 '39623 . 67b55 '70103 '97534 1'00582' 1·28014 1·58493 1·88973 2'19452 - IN METRES. ., J " ·3047945 of a Metre. • ·5 -- 0 1 15 '4202 18'7011 21·9820 25'2629 26'2472 26'5753 26'9034 27'2315 27'5596 27·8876 28'215728·543828·8719 29·2000 29 ' 5281 29'8562 30·1843 30'5124 30·8405 31 ·1685 31'496631·824732·151.8 :l2'4009 32·8090 33 ·1371 33'4652 33'7933 34· 1213 34·4494 34· 7775135 . 1b56 3.5' 4337 35' 7618 EQU IVALE NTS Feet 15'0921 18'3730 21'6539 24'9348 . , '6 , :., , • . ·7 , ·9 ·8 . " '12192 ' 15240 '1 8288 ·21336 -24384 ·27432 . 4267i ' 45719 ' ·48767 . :;;1815 '54863 '57911 '73151 ' 76199 '.'79247 ·82295 '85342 ·88390 I ·b3630 1 '00678 [ '09726 1'12774 1'15822 \ · 18870 , , j'i2 • 205 1 '31 062 1·34110 1· 37158 1 '61541 1· 64589 1·67637 1'7 685 1·92020 1'950~ 1·98 116 2·oi 164 2·22500 2'25548 2·28596 2'31644 1'43253 1'73733 2·04212 2'34692 1·46301 1 ·76781 2·07200 2'37740 1 '49349 1 ·79829 2 ·1030(3 2·40788 B 2·43836 2·46884 2·49931 2'52979 2·56027 2'59075 2·62123 2'65171 2'68219 2'7126'1 9 10 2'74315 2'77363 2,80411 2·83459 2'86507 2·89555 2,92003 2,95651 2'98699 3·01747 3'04794 3·07842 3 '10890 3 ·13938 3 ·16986 3·20034 3·23082 3'26130 3'29178 3·32226 EQUIVALENTS OF SQUARE CENTIMETRES SQUARE INCH ES. 1 Squal'e Centimetre Square Cent. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 to ·0 '15501 '31001 ·46502 ·1 '01550 '17051 '325$1 '48052 ·2 .03100 ·18001 ·34101 '49002 ·3 '04650 ·20151 ·35651 ·51152 ~ IN ·1550059 of a Square loch. ·4 ·06200 ·21701 ·37201 ·52702 ·5 '07750 ·23251 ·38751 ·54252 ·6 '09300 ·24801 ·40301 '55802 ·7 . \0850 ·26351 ·41852 ·57352 ·.r ·B ·12400 ·27901 '43402 '58902 ·9 . 1305 i '29451 ·44952 ·60452 '62002 '63552 '65102 '66652 ·68203 '69753 ·71303 '72853 '74403 '75953 ·77503 ·79053 ·80603 ·82153 ·83703 ' 85253 '86803 ·8P.353 '89903 '91453 '93004 . '94554 ·96W4 '97654 ·99204 1' 00754 1 ·02304 1'03854 1 '05404 1'06954 1"08504' 1'10054 1·11604 1'13154 1·14704 1' 16254 1·17804 1·19355 1'20905 1·22455 1'24005 1'25555 j'·27105 1 '28655 1'30205 1'31755 1·33305 1'34855 1'36405' 1"37955 1'39,')05 1 '41055 1 ·42605 1·44156 1 ·45706 1'47256 1·48806 1 ·50356 1·51906 1 '53456 1'55006 1 '56556 1'58106 1'59656 1'61206 1'62756 1 ·64306 1 '65856 1 '67406 1' 68956 , q squarel Inehos 0 f 2 3 EQU IVAL.E NTS OF SQUARE INCHES SQUARE CENTIMETRES. , 1 Square Incb -2 -1 -0 .. " = IN 6-451367 Square Centimetres_ -3 -4 -5 -6 ·7 ·8 -9 '6451 6-4514 7-0965 ~.2-9027 13-5479 9-3541 19 9992 1·2903 7-7416 14'1930 20'6444 1-9354 8·3868 14,83$1 21·2895 2-5805 9-0319 15-4833 21·9346 3·2257 9-6770 16·1284 22-5798 3 ',8708 10·3222 16-7736 23'2249 4-5160 10·96'73 17-4187 23-8701 5'1611 11'6125 18·0638 24-5152 5·8062 12-2576 18·7090 25'1603 25,'8055 32·:;1568 38-7082 45 ' 1596 27-0957 33 -5471 39-9985 46 :4498 27-7409 28-3860 34·1922 34'8374 40-6436 41-2887 47·0950 47- 7401 29 '0312 35-4825 41 -9339 48'3853 29-6763 36-1277 42'5790 49 -0304 30-3214 36-7128 43-2242 49'6755 30-9666 37-4179 43·8693 50'3207 31-6117 38 '0631 44'5144 50-9658 4 ) DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. 5 6 7 8 9 10 26·4506 32-9020 39-3533 45-e047 51· 6109 52-2561 52-9012 53-5463 54-1915 54·8366 55-4818 56'1269 56-7720 57-4172 58-0623 58'7074 59'3526 59-9977 60-6428 61 ·28eD 61 -9331 62 '5783 63-2:234 63-8685 64·5137 65 -1588 65·8039 66'4491 67-0942 67-7.394 68-3845 69'0296 69-6748 70'3199 1 EQUIVAL.ENTS OF SQUARE METRES SQUARE FEET. IN 1 Square- Metre = 10-764299 Square Feet. Square ! M'etres 0 • 1 2 3 I -0 I -3 ·4 -5 -7 -6 43-057 53-821 64-586 7 , 75-350 4 44 -134 54-898 65-662 76·427 45-210 55 ·974 66-739 77-503 46'286 57 -051 67·815 78 -579 47-363 58 -127 68·892 79 -656 48-439 59-204 69'968 80-732 49-5.16 60-280 71 :044 81· 809 50-592 51'669 52-745 61 -356 62·433 63·509 12.·121 73'197 74-274 82'885 83'962 85'038 86-114 87 -191 88-267 89'344 90'420 91·497 92'573 93-649 94'726 95-802 90-879 97'955 99'032 100-108 101 ·184 102-261 103-337 104-414 105'490 106 '567 107-643 108·719 109·796 110·872 111 . 949 113 ·025 114-102 115-178 116-254 117'331 .. EQUIVAL.ENTS OF SQUARE FEET SQUARE METRES. 1 Square Foot eel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 ·9 .- - s~u"rc -8 1 '076 2'153 3'229 4'306 5-382 6·459 7'535 8·611 9-688 -. 10-764 11-841 12-917 13'994 15-070 16'146 17-223 18-299 19-376 20-452 21 -529 22-605 23-681 24-758 25-834 26-911 27·987 29'064 30-140 31-216 32'293 33·369 34·446 35'522 36'599 37-675 38-751 39'828 40'904 41'981 5 6 8 9 10 ·2 -1 ,2 = -"0928997 of a Square. Metre, ·4 -5 . , '00929 -01858 '027[37 '09290 -10219 '11148 -12077 -18580 -19509 -20438 -21367 -27870 '28799 -29728 -30657 -03716 '13006 -22296 -31586 -04645 '13935 -23225 -32515 -38089, -39018 ' 47379 -48308 '56669 -57598 '659:;,9 , ·66888 -40876 -50166 '59456 ·68746 ·0 -37160 -46450 ·55740 -65030 -1 -3 -39947 -49237 '58527 . 6781"1 IN -6 , -7 ·8 '9 -05574 '06503 '14864 -15793 -.24154 ·25083 -33444 '34373 ·07432 -16722 '26012 -35302 -08361 -17651 -26941 ·36231 ' -41805 -42734 '43663 -51095 -52024 '52953 '60385 -61314 '62243 '69675 ·70604 '71533 ·44592 '53e82 '63172 '72462 ·45521 '54811 -64101 ·73391 ·74320 '75249 :76178 -77107 '78036 ·78965 '79894 ·80823 -81752 ·82681 -83610 -84539 -85468 -86397 -87326 '88255 -89184 -90113 -91042 ·91971 -92900 -93829 -94758 -95687 ·96616 -97545 '98474 -99403 1'00332 1-01261 326 DORMAN, EQU IVALENTS LONG & CO. LIMITED. OF' CUBIC CENTI ME"rRES CUBIC INCHES. IN 1 Cubic Centimetre·= ·06102705 of a Cucic Inch. Cubic Cent. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I ·4 ·5 ·6 ·7 '006103 '012205 ·018308 ·061027 ·067130 ·073232 ·079335 '122054 ,123157 ·134260 ·140362 ·183081 '189184 '195287 -201389 ·024411 ·085438 ·146465 '207492 '030514 '091541 . 152563 '213595 '036616 '097643 ·158670 ·219697 ·244108 '305135 ,366162 -427189 '268519 '329546 ,390573 ·451600 ·274622 ·335649 '396676 '457703 '280724 '34·1751 -402'7'79 '463806 -1 ·0 ·2 ·3 . ·250211 ·311238 '372265 ·433292 -256314'317341 '378368 ·439395 '262416 ·323443 '384470 ·445197 I ·8 ·9 '042719 . 10;3146 ·164773 '225800 '048822 ·109849 ·170876 -231903 '054924 ·115951 ·176978 -238005 ·266827 '347854 '408881 ·469908 ·292930 ·353957 '414984 ·476011 '299033 '360060 ·421087 '482114 ·488216 ·494319 '500422 '506525 '512627 '518730 ·524833 '530935 '537038 ·543141 -549243 '555346 '561449 -567552 ·S73.654 '579757 ·585860 ·591962 '598065 ·604168 '610271 '616373 '622476 ·628579 '634681 ·640784 ·646887 ·652989 ·659092 -665195 EQUIVALENTS IN OF' CUBIC INCHES CENTI METRES. CUBIC 1 Cubic Inch = 16<l86176 Cubic Centimetres_ Oubic Inches 'j -0 ·1 -2 ·8 ·4 ·5 ·6 • ·7 ·8 " ·9 , 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 '639 3'277 4'916 6'554 8-193 9'832 16'386 18-025 19'663 21'302 22·941 24'579 26'218 32·772 34 ·411 36'050 37' 688 ~19'327 40'965 42·604 49 -158 50'797 52'436 54'014 55·713 57'352 58'990 65·545 81 ·931 98'317 114'703 67-183 83'569 99'956 116·342 68·822 85-208 101·594 117'980 70·461 86·847 103- 2.33 119'619 72'099 88-485 104·872 121'258 73'738 90·124 106'510 122·896 75'376 91· 763 108'149 124'535 11·470 27·856 44'243 110·629 13 ·109 29·495 45'881 62'267. 14 ·148 31 '134 47·520 63·906 77-015 93'401 109'787 126'174 78'654 95·040 111'426 127-812 80·292 96·678 113'065 129'451 131·089 132'728 134'367 136'005 137·644 139'282 140'921 142'5W 144·198 145 '837 147'476 149·114 150-753 152'391 154·0;\0 155-669 157·307 158'946 160'585 162 ·223 163·862 165-500 167'139 168·778 170·416 172'055 173'693 175·332 176'971 178'609 , EQUIVALENTS OF' CUBIC METRES CUBIC F'EET. \ . IN - .. 1 Cubic Metre = 35'31658 Cubic Feet. Cubic Metres 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ·8 9 10 ·0 . ·1 -2 ·3 .~ ·4 ·5 ·6 14· 12/ 49·443 84'760 120'076 17'658 52'975 88'291 123'608 21·190 56'507 91'823 127'140 155·393 190'710 226'026 261-343 158'925 194'241 229 '5.58 264'874 162·456 165'988 197' 773 201'305 233'089 236'62\ 268·406271'938 ·7 ·8 ·9 -3·532 7·063 10'595 35·317 38·848 42·380 45·912 70'633 74·165 77'696 81'228 105'950 109-481 113·013 116'5.45 141'266 176'583 211'899 247'216 144,798 180 '115 215·431 250·748 148'330 183'646 218'963 254'279 151'861 187·178 222·494 257'811 24·722 28·253 60'038 . 63'570 95·355 98'886 130·671 134 '203 :0 -785 67·101· 102·418 137·735 169'520 173'051 204'836 208'36$ 240:153 243'684 275'469 279·001 282·533 286'064 289,596 293·128 296'659 300'191 303'723 307·254 310'786314·318 317'849 321 ·381 324'913 328·444 331 ·976 335'508 339039 342'571 346'103349 ·634 353 ·166 356'697 360·229 363'761 367·292 370·824 374356 377'887 381 '4191384951 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , EQUIVALENTS .O F CUBIC FEET CUBIC METRES. 1 Cubic Foot Cubic Feet ·02831531 of a Cubic; Metre. . ·6 ·7 '8 ,9 2 3 .. ·002832 'OO5l'.>C3 ·008495 '011326 ·028315 '031147 ,033978 ·036810 039641 :()5663 1 '059462 '062294 '065125 ·067957 ·084946 ·087777 ·090609 '093441 '096272 '014158. ·042473 '070788 ·099104 ·0 16989 '045304 ·073620 ·101935 '019821 ,048136 '076451 ·104767 '022652 '050968 '079283 ·107598 '025484 '053799 .()$2 I 14 '110430 4 5 6 7 ·113261 ·141577 ·169892 ·198207 ·1274 19 ·155734 ' 184050 . 212,J65 ' 130250 ' 158566 · 186881 '215196 ' 133082 '161397 ·18971 3 ,21 8028 . 13:5913 . 164229 · 192544 ' 220859 ·138745 . 1670W ,19537" ·223691 -0 1 ; ~ ·5 ·0 8 9 10 ,2 ~ IN ·1 · 11 6093 . 1.44408 '172723 ·201039 ·3 ' 118924 ' 147240 . 175565 ·203870 '121756 ·150071 '178386 ,206702 ·4 · 124587 '1.52903 . 1111218 -209533 ·2'26522 '229354 ·:232186 '235017 ,,:237849 '240680 ·243512 '246343 '249175 ·?..52oo6 '254838 ·257669 ·2W501 263332 '266164 '268995 ,271 827 ·274659 ·277490 ,280322 ·2ll3153 ·285985 '288816 ·291648 ,294479 ·297311 ·300142 '302974 '305805 ·308637 EQU IVALENTS .oF . KI LO'GRAMMES . 1N I l{iJogcarnn,e ~ POUN OS . 2·20462125 Pounds . ,:!l <:>8 [;l [ . ·0 ·2 ·1 ·3 ·4 ,2205 ·4409 ,6614 ·8818 2·2046 2·4251 2·6455 2 '8660 3· 0865 4·4092 4·6297 4,,8502 5'0706 5'2911 6'6139 6·8343 7'054$ 7'2752 7,4957 0 1 .2 3 4 .. 8·81A5 5 11-·0231 6 . 13 '2277 7 15-4323 9,0389 11·2436 13 ·4482 15 '6528 9·2594 11·4640 13·6687 15,8733 9'4799 11 '6845 13 ,8891 16-0937 9'7003 11·9050 14· '1096 16· 3142 ·5 ·6 '7 ·8 ·9 1·1023 3'3069 5· 5116 7'7162 1"3228 3'5274 5'7320 "'9366 1'5432 3' 7479 5'9525 8·1571 1 ·7637 :3·9683 6·1729 8'3776 1 ·9842 4, 1888 6'3934 8·5980 9'9208 12·1254 14 ·3300 16'5347 10·1413 12'3459 14'5505 16·755 1 10 ·3617 12'5663 14·7710 16·9756 10'5822 12'7868 14·9914 17·1960 10-8026 13 '0073 i52119 17-4165 8 , 17-6370 17'8574 18 -0779 18·2984 18'51118 113,7393 18 ·9597 19'1802 19'4007 19,6211 9 10 19'8416 20'0621 20 ' 2825 20'5030 20·7234 20'9439 21'1644 21·3848 21·6053 21·8258 22·0462 22·2667 22·4871 22·7076 .22·9281 23, 1485 23, 3690 23'5894 23'8099 24 ,0304 EQUIVALENTS OF 1 Pound ,I Pounds ·0 ·1 -2 ~ POUNDS ·8 ·9 ·18144 ·22680 ·63503 ·68039 1 -08862 1' 13398 1 ,54222 1 '58757 '27216 '72575 1·17934 1'63293 . 31751 ·77111 1 ,22470 1·67829 'J6287 '81647 1'27006 1·72365 ·40823 ·26183 1·31542 1·76901 1'99581 2 '04117 2'44940 2;49476 2·90299 2·94835 3'35659 3 ·40194 • 3'628743'674103·71946 3"764823·81018 3·85554 4·082334'12769 4'17305 4· 2184.1 14' 26377 4,30913 4· 53593 4· 58129 4' 62664 4'67200 4'71736 4·76272 2·08653 2-54012 2'99371 3-44730 2 · 13189 2'58548 3·03907 3·49266 2·17724 2·22260 2·63084 2'67620 3'08443 3 ·12979 3'5:3802 3'58.338 4 6 6 7 1·81437 1·85973 1'90509 2·26796 2 ,31332 2'35868 2'72156 @'.· 76692 2,81227 3·17515 3·22051 3'26587 10 ,5 ·7 ·04536 '09072 . 13608 ,45359 ·49895 '54431 '58967 '907 19 ·95254 '99790 1'04326 1 '36078 1-406i4 1·45150 \'49686 9 KILOGRAMMES. ·6 ·3 0 1 2 8 8 IN -45359265 ola KiJogrammc. 1 ·4 1 -95045 2'40404 2·85763 3;,3 1123 1 3'90090 3·94626 3'99162 4·03697 4·35449 4'39985 4· 44521 4-49057 4·80808 4·85344 4·89880 4'94416 , 328 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. EQUIVALENTS OF KILOGRAlViMES PE.R SQUARE CENTIMETRE IN POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH. 1 I<i,lot\ram me ,per Square ten limetre=14 ' 22282 Pounds per Square Inch ." . .,G) f 2:! e~~ f!g.S S~:g ,0 '1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 -. 1 ,422 15'645 29,868 44·091 58'314 72'536 86'759 100·982 115 ,20.5 129·428 143'65.0 2,845 17'0.67 31, 290. 45·513 59·736 73,959 88, 181 10.2,40.4 116,627 130.,850. 145'0.73 4,267 18'490. 32·712 46'935 61·158 75'381 89,604 103,827 118'0.49 1;'32'272 146'495 5,689 19'912 34 · 135 48'358 62 '580. 76,80.3 91, 0.26 10.5,249 119 ,472 133,695 147 ,9 17 7, III 21'334 35·557 49'780 64'003 78,226 92'448 106,671 120.'894 135,117 149 ,340. ·6 ,8 ·7 ·9 ! ..~_M 0 1 2 14·223 28,446 42"668 56·891 71'114 85'337 ,99 '560 113'783 128'005 ,142'228 !• 8 4 6 6 7 8 9' 10 8'534 9 ,956 11 ,378 12 -80.1 22,757 24.'179 25·601 27,0.23 30·979 , 38· 40.2 39'824 41·246 $1 ,20.2 52'624 54,o.'t7 55 -469 65'425 66'847 68'270. 69'692 79·648 81 ,0.70. 82,492 83'915 93 ·871 95,293 96·715 98, 137 108·0.93 109,516 110'938 112· 360 122'316 123·739- 125,161' 126,583 13(,'539 137'961 139'384 f40.' 806 150'762 152'184 153'606, 155'C29 "'\ , " EQU IVALE NTS OF POUN DS PER SQUARE I N,cH IN KI LOGRAM M ES PER SQUARE CENTIMETRE. ' 1 Pound per Sql)are Inoh ~ '0.70.30954 of a Kilograrnme per Square Centimetre,: ., Pounds I ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 '4 '5 ·6 0 .. ,0070.31 ,0.77340. '147650 '217960 '288269 ,358,579 '428888 '499198 '56950.7 ' 6.39817 ,710.126 '0.140.62 '08437J · 154681 ,224991 ,295300 '365610 ,435919 '50.6229 '576538 ,646848 '717157 '0.21093 ,09140.2 . 161712 ,232021 ,30.2331 ' 3'72641 '442950. ,513260. '583569 '653879 ,724188 '-,028124 '098433 ' 168743 '2390.52 '309362 '379672 ,449981 ,520.291 '590600 '660910 ,731219 035155 ' 10.5464 ' 17,5774 ·246083 ' 31639~1 ,38670.2 '4570.12 '527322 '597631 '667941 ''738250 ·042186 ' 112495 '182805 ·2$3114 '323424. ·393733 ·4640.43 '534353 ·604662 '674972 '745281 ,0.70.310. · 140619 ,2 10929 ,281238 '351548 '421857 ,492167 '562476 '632786 '70.3095 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ,7 ·9 ·8 ·04921 'j '056248 '0.63279 ·119526 '189836 '260145 ·330.455 ·400764 ,471074 '54,1383 '611693 ·682003 . 7523,12 ·126557 · 196867 ·267176 ,337486 :40.779,5 ,478105. ',548414 '618724 '6890.33 '759343 '13.3588 ·203898 ,27420.7 '344,517 ,414826 ,4851 36 '555445 ,625755 '696064 ,766374, EQU IVALENTS OF KI LOGRAM MES PER METRE IN POUNDS PER FOOT. I Kilof(ramme per Meotre ~ '6719564 Pounds per Fool.' .,'" .4:lJ:: oS" =Slil ~., ... ,0 ,1 ,2 ,3 '4 ·5 ,6 ·7 '8 ·9 ,20.16 '8735 1 '5.45$ 2,2175 2'8894 3'5614 4'7333 4 '9053 5'5772 6' 2492 6'92!? ,2688 ,9407 1'6127 2,2847 2,9566 3,6286 4'30.(15 4'9725 5·6444 6,3164 16'9883 '3:)60 1,0079 I, 6799 2,3518 3'0.238 3,6958 4,3677 5,0397 5 ,7116 6,3836 7'0555 '4032 1 ,0.751 1, 7471 2,4190. 3 ,0910 3 '76..,0. 4,4349 5, 10.69 5 ,7788 6,4508 7,1227 ,470.4 1,1423 1'8143 2'4862 3' 1582 3'8302 4'50.21 5, 1741 5,84-60 6'5180. 7, 1899 '5376 1'2095 1 '8815 2'5534 254 '8973 4 ,5693 5 ,241 3 5,9.132 6'5852 7'257! ,6048 1'2767 1·9487 2'620.6 3,2926 3'9645 4'6365 5·3085 5·9804 6·6524 7,3243 ~~ ·1344 '80.63 , 1 ,3439 1 ,4783 2,o.I5~ 2·150.3 2,8222 2,6878 3,4942 5 . 3'3598 4,:0.31 '1 4' 1661 6 4,8381 7 14 ,70.37 8 1:';'3757 5·4428 5'5100 9 ,6·0.476 .6'1148 6, 1820. 10 1 6 ' 7196 6'7868 6'8540. 0 1 Z 3 4 ' , I ,6720. ·0.672 '7392 1·4111 2 ..0831 2,7550.' :J ,4270. 4-'0989 4·7709 F " u· 329 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. ECilUIVALENTS OF POUNDS PER FOOT IN KI LOGRAM IVIES PER METRE. 1 Pound per Foot ",'" !3~ ~ 1·4881918 Kilogramme. per Metre. ",,0 ·1 ·0 0'" -8 -2 -4- -6 ·7 ·6 ·8 -9 P;~ -- , . 0 1 2 3 I -7441 -8929 1 ·041.7 1-1906 -4465 ·2976 '1488 '5953 1 -4882 1- 6370 1 -7858 1 -9346 2-0835 2-2323 2'3811 2-5299 2-6787 2'9704 3 -1252 3-2740 3-4228 3-5717 3'7205 3-8093 4'0181 4-1669 4-4646 4-6134 4-7622 4-9110 5-0599 5,2087 5-3575 5'5063 5 -6551 6-1016 7'5898 9'0'780 10-5662 6-2504 7'7386 9 -2268 10-7150 6-3992 -7-8874 9-3756 10-8638 6'5480 8·0362 9-5244 11-0120 6-6969 8-Ul51 . 9-6732 11-1614 6-845'7 8-3339 9-8221 11-3103 6'9945 8-4827 9-9709 11 -4591 1-3394 2-8276 4'3158 5-8039 1- 1433 7·2921 4· 5 6 7 5'9528 7.-4410 8'9292 10·4173 8 9 11 '9055 12'0544 12-2032 12'3520 12-5008 12· 6496 12-7984 12-9473 13-0961 13-2449 13·3937 13'5425 13 -6914 13 ·8402 13,9890 14-1378 14-2866 14'4355 14-5843 14-7331 14·8819 15-0307 15-1796 15-3284 15·4772 15-6260 15-7748 15-9237 16-0725 16·2213 10 , i z 8,6315 8-7803 10-1197 10'2685 11·6079 11'7567 - EQU IVALE NTS OF MOMENTS OF INERTIA AND SECTION MODULI. Moment of Inertia in centimetre units = Moment of Inertia in inch units x 41 -62 Moment of Inertia in inch, units = Moment of Inertia in centimetre units x -024 Sec.tlon'Modulus in centimetre units = Section Modulus .in inch units x16 -386 = Section Modulus in c8l1timetre units x -061 Section Modulus in inch units -- CONTRACTIONS Linear Measure k,n = kilometre .I Square Measure kilometr~ GENERALLY' ADOPTED. Cubic l'r1easure km'=cub. kilorn'tre 1n:~= 11 metre m,~= II ·nl.(~tre 11t= lnctre ti1'l!= decimetre dm'~ \ I decimetre tim"- " decimetre cu'/J= cen tirnc-tre C11~:! = II centimetre t.--m 3 = II centimetre mm= millime tre 111'm2 = " millimetre 17nn 3 = " millimetre. ha. = hect.are a =al'e hAve lctt~.l'S km'==sq_ oapaclty Weight /11= hectolitre t= tonne= 1000kg i=Jitre q""quintal= lookg dl= decilitre kg= kilograrnrne cl=cerrtllitre dkg=dekagramrne g=gramme dg= decigramme cg= cenjigramme mg=milligramme arc used for these contractions, and no stop is used at the right of them. The contractions succeed the figures to whic:h they refer, on the same line and after the last decimal place, when decimals are used. 330 DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. COMPARISON OF WEIGHTS OF STEEL PLATES UP TO 1 INCH TH ICK; DIvided mto 32nds and 4 0 ths .of an Inch, a nd Millimetres. .,~ , Woight Milli- 1U per metres sq,Ibs,foot 25 r-3~23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 40'80 39'525 38 '25 36'97.5 . 35'70 34'425 33'15 31'875 30'60 29 '325 28'05 26' 775 25 ' 50 . 15 - 24' 225 14 - 22'95 21 '675 13 20'40 12 - 19'\25 I I - 17'85 16'575 10 15'30 . 9 14'025 320ds IGths 20ths 40ths 32 3 1 ,3 0 29 28 27 26 25 24 16 20 40 39 38 37 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 -'9 15 14 - - 18 '7 13 - 16 - 15 -- 14 - 12 II .- r- 13 10 12 9 8 I- - I I I- 10 15 - I- 9 ' 7 14 I13 8 12 6 7 II r---'- 8- 1275 10 5 6 9 7 - II "475 -10' 20 8 4 5 6 8'925 1 - I- 4 5 7'65 6 3 [A - 0'375 5 3 4 2 3- 5'10 2 3'825 3 2 2'55 2 I, I 1'275 - _. - - - -36 35 ' 34 33 32 3\ 30 2,9 28 . 27 26 25 24 · 23 22 ' 21' 20 ( 19 18 17 16 \5 14 13 12 \I 10 9 8 ,7 6 5 4 3 2 I Weight Milli· inlbs, per metres sq, foot 40'80 25 39 '78 38' 76 - 24 37' 74 23 36 ~ 72 35'70 r'" 22 34'68 33'66 . 21 32 ' ~~ f- 20 31'62 19 30'60 29'58 , 28'56 . 18 27'54 . I- 17 26'52 16 25'50 24'48 \5 23-46 1422'44 2\'42 - 13 . 20'40 19'38 - 12 18'36 II \7'34 16'32 - 10 15'30 9 14'28 13'26 f8 12'24 r 1'22 r- 7 (0'20 6 '. 9'18 8'16 7 ' 14 6 ' 12 5'10 4 '0 8 3'06 2 -04 1-02 - -3 ,- - ~ ,, 5 4 - \ 2 j .~ 661 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BRI"rlSH STANDARD SPEC! FICATION • [,'OR STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR SRI DGES. ETC., GENERAL BU I LDING (REVISED CONSTRUCTION. IVIAY, 1930.) . SPECIFICATION. , TABI.E I, Process of Manufilctilre~· 12. Te,s ts by Chemical Analysis. A Steel (Opcn Heal·th) B Steel (Open Hearth or Acid Besserner) 13. Maker's Tests at his Works. 14. PUl'chnser's Tests elsewhere. 2. Quality of Finished Stee\.. 15. Additiona l Tests. 3. Tcnsile Test Pieces. 16. Inspection. 4, Selection of Tensile 1'est Pieces .. , 17, Mar,g in Ovcr and • Under Dimensions and Weigh Is. 5., Tensile Tests(a) Plates) Sections and Flat Bars. (b) R()und and Square Bars. tc) Rivet Bars. 6. Number of Tensile Tests(A) Plates, Sections, and Flat Bars. I' 18. Calculation of Weight. i 19. Identification of Cit,t. I 20. Brandi.ng Or TI1srking. ! 21, Maker's Certiiicate(a) When no In spection has taken I ,. (a) R ound and Square Bars. (c) Rivet Bars. place. (b) Wben Steel is tal,en from Stoek. '1. Colel Bend Test Pieces, 8. Seiectio)) of Golel Bend Tes t Piece", I 22. Non·compliance witb Tests und Re· qui.rement,. 9, Cold Bend tests, I 10 . Number of Cold Bend Test,. I!. Number and Kind of factured Rivets. '., Of" CLAUSES. or",b of Manu- 23. Delivel'Y· i ' 24. Rejection after I)eJivery.. 25. Arbitr" tioll. APPE;.N DD:'. Forms of British Standard Tensile Te's t Pieces. NOTE.-l'he Associati.on des!;;'s to call aLtmtion to th~ tact that th.is Specifieatimt is il,{e"ded to inclu.d.e the technical provisiol1.S necessary for the supply ot the mat''I'ia.i' he>ei:>t fefer"ed to, btU do~s "pi purport to ;mclude all the necessary provisions of a Contract. ,', 1 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. FOREWORD. The British Standard Specificatien for Structural Steel fer Bridges and General Building Censtruction (B.S.S. No.. 15) was first issued ill 1906 amI a revised editien appeared in 1912. The follewing arc the principal alteratiens which have been made in the present €)ditien of the Specificatien :-, (i) All reference to. the . Basic Bessemer process emitted. IS new " , (ii) Drawn steel wire frem 0·5 to. 0·125 inches in dilmeter • which has subsequently been suitably heat treated to. ,e nable it t o. cenferm with the ,requirements ef this Specificatien is new included. Hard drawn Steel wire fer concrete re-infercement, net so. treated , is dealt with under Specificatien No. 165 . (iii) A tensile test in additien to. a bend test bars fer concrete re-inferCement. IS required fpr (iv) Temper b end tests are net new specified. (v) The l:adius of the bend in the celd l?end t~st has been made smaller fer bars of 1 inch diameter and under. (vi) Telcran,c es en. the specified depth ef beams and channels have be,ell inserted, The {i.gures in British measures ate to be regarded as tht Standwrd, Approximate metric equivalents are givetl fin' Ihe CliHVat,ience 0/ ' 'sen in countries in which the met'ric s)lsteln has btlm geltetaUy adopted. , • N01'E,-T.ll;S Specification shall apply to Drawn Steel Wi",; from Q'S.to 0'125 inches ., (12'70 to 3'18 mm,) in diamete,,, which has ,:;ub,equently heen suitably "heat treated and when so applied the words" bar " 01' " bars," where tbey occur, shaH be deemed to mtluc.le such wire and shall be read as /I wire" or It wire~)" " coil of wire" 01' coils· of wire" as the context may require. II ,, 000 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BR;nISH I. STAN DARD SPECI F"ICATI ON-CONTINUED. Process of Manufacture. IJ. steel shall be made by the Open Hearth Process (Acid or Basic), unless either process is required or specified, and shall not show on analysis more than 0·06 per cent. of Sulphur or of' Phosphorus. . . B steel may be made. either by the Open Hea.rth Process (Acid. or Basic)., 01' by the Acid Bessemer Process, and shall not show on analysis more than 0·08 per Cent. of Phosphorous, and not mOTe than 0·06 per cent. of Sulphur. N o'r£.- 8 steel is not intended for BriClges, P.hJtes t inch in ttiickness and over, Rivet B<lrs, or for He,\t Treated Wire. 2. . Quality of Finished Stee1. All finished steel as sent from the mills shall, subject to the provisions of Clause 17, be well and cleanly rolled to the dimensions, sections and weights specified 01' required. It shall be sound and free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations, rough, jagged and imperfect edges, and all other defects, shall be finished in a workmanlike manner and shaH in all respeGts comply v'vith the tests and requirernents, herein mentioned, applicable to the description of. material (e.g., plates, sect.ions, bars, rivets, etc.) required or specified. . . 3. .Tensile Test Pieces. , The tensile strengtl), and elongation of all steel shall be deter·· mined frorn Standard Test Pieces cut. lengthwi.se and crosswise froni plates, ane! .lengthwise from sections and bars. The test pieces shall not be annealed, or otherwise subjected to heat treatment, unless the material from which they are cutis simllarly , treated, in "hich cas.e the test pieces shall be similarly and simultaneously treated with the material before testing . Any straightening of test pieces which may be required shall be done cold. The rolled surface of the steel wherever practicable shall. be retained on two opposite sides of the test piece, but in the case of bars having diameters or sides not exceeding 3 inches (76·20 rom.) the bars may be reduced by machining. For bars having diameters or sides ·above; 3 inches the test piece may, at the· option of the Maker; be taken from the position shown in the sketches. , '~,::"", .. , --:,. ;;;:1 '" ' I .,-' \,' , ..... , J ,/ I "I 334 DORMAN, ' LONG & CO. LIMITED. BRITISH 4. EjTAN DARD .s~E' CI SelectioQ of Tensile Test F'ICATION-cONTINUED. Piec~s. · Ten~ile , test pieces shall be selected by the Purchaser or by the Engineer'" or Inspectort either~ (a)' from shearings or cuttings of the plates, sections, and bars, or (b) if he so desire, from the plates, sections, and bars, after they have been cut to the sizes required or specified . . In the latter ca.se (b), if the test is satisfactory, the Purchaser shall· pay the Makel' the value of the plate, section, or bar from which the test. piece ha' been cut, or accept delivery of the same as though such test' piece had not been cilt therefrom. In neither case (a or b) shall the test pieoes 'be detached from the plates, sections, or bars, except ill the presence or with the approval of the Purchaser or of the Engineer or htspector. ., 5. Tensile Tests. The tensile breaking str~ngth of all steel determined from the Standard Test Pieces hereinafter I"eferred to, shall be as .' : " follows : (a) Plates, SectiOns (e.g., Angles, Tees, joists, Channels, etc.), and Flat Bars.- The tensile breaking strength oJ ~ plates, sections (51\ch as angles, tees, joists, channels, etc.) and flat bars, shall be between the limits of 28 and 33 tons (62)720 and 73,920 lb.) per square inch (44·10 and 51·97 kg. per mm. 2 ) of section. The. elongation measured on the Standard Test Piece A (see Appendix, page.342) shaH be not less than 20 per cent. for steel,of 0·375 inch . (9'53 mm.) in thickness and upwards, and not l~ss .than 16 per cent. for steel below 0·375 inch in thickness. In the case of sections .the tbickness of which is not uniforrn throughout the profile, these limits shall be applied according to the actual maximum. thickness Cif the piece selected for testing. . ... " (b) Round and Square Ba.rs.-The tensile b1'eaking strength of round and square bars (o1:l1e1' than rivet bars) shall be between the limits of 28 and 33 tons per square inch of sectiOll, with an elongation of. not less tha.n 20 per cent. measured on the Standard Test Piece B (see Appendix, page 343), or not less than 24 per cent. measured on the Standard Test Piece F (see Appendix, page 344). The bars may be tested the full size as rolled. (c) Rivet Bars.-The tensile breaking strength of rivet bars sha!l be between the limits of 25 and 30 tons (56,000 and 67,200 lb.) ·per square inch (39·37 and 47·25 kg. per mm. 1 ) of section, with an I-----~--------·"- --- ------- The wqrd , II Engipeel"~ Sh~lll mean the EngiTJeer Or Archit.ect supervising or . acting as Engineer or Architect for the. PUI.chaser. • t The word" Inspector" sll.all ilJclude any person acting under ilie direction of snch Engineer <jr ArchItect. ltI" .oJ DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. B.RITI SH STAN DARD SPECI FI CATIO N-coNTINuED. elongation of not less than 2S per cent. measured on the Standard Test Piece B (see Appendix. page 343) or not less than 30 per cent. measured on Standard Test Piece F (see Appendix, page 344). The bars may be tested the full size as rolled. Generally.-Provided that, except for bars for concrete re~ infor-ceinent, bend tests only shall be required for steel under t inch (6·35 mrn.) in thickness or diameter. . 6. '. Number of Tensile Tests. (A) For Tensile Tests Clause 5; Sub-Section (a) .-One. tensile test shall be made from the :fi.nished steel from each' cast for a.ny quantity up to 2S tOilS (56,000 lb. = 25,400 kg.) of plates, each type of section, and. flat bars rolled from that cast, a separate test being. rnade for each class (e .g. , plates, types oJ sections, and fiat bars). A second tensile test shall be made of the material in any class when the qua.ntity in that class exceeds 25 tons. , Where plates, types of sections, or fiat bars of more than one ·thickness are rolled from the same cast, one additional tensile test shall be made from the material in each class for each variation in thickness of 0·2 inch (5·08 mm.) above or below the thickness of the test piece first selected in such Class. (B) .Pm' TensiIIJ Tests Clct.use 5, Sub-Section (b).-~.One tensile . test shall be made from the :fi11ished steel iront each cast for any quantity up to 25 tons, and a second tensile test shall be made where the quantity exceeds 25 tons. When more than one diameter or thickness of bar is required or specified one additionaJ. tensile test Shilll be made from each diameter or thickness of bar ordered, if desh'ed by the Purchaser or by the Engineer o~ Inspector. N01E.-For h.e at treatecl wire the words" JO coils of wire" shall be substituted for" 25 tOll"" in this Sub-Section. ,", (C) For Tensile T ests Clause 5, Sub-Section (e) ..-One tensile test shall be ma.cle from the fmished steel from each cast for- any quantity up to 10 tons (22,400 lb. = 10,160 kg.) and a second tensile test shall be mad e for each further 10 tons or part thereof, from that cast. Norc .- For heat treated wire tu" words" JO tons " ill thjs Sub-Se.ctil1n. coil~ of wire" shaH be substituted fc;)['" 10 7. Cold Bend Test Pieces. Bend tests of all steel (other Ulan rivet bars) shall be made from: test .pieces pl-epa,red as fo110ws :-Bend test pieces shall be sh.eared or cut lengthwise and crosswise from plates and lengthwise hom sections and round and square bars. and, when the section permits, shall be not less than Ii incbes (38·10 mm .) wide. In cafles where the section is less than 1t inches wide, or if the Maker so ' desires, round, square a,rid fiat bars shall be bent in the full section of the bar as rolled. . 336 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. 1== = = = = == = = == = == = = = =====' '.~-"= BRITISH STANDARD SPECIFICATION-coNTINuED. In all. bend tests the rough edge or arri:> caused by shea.ring may be removed by filing or grinding. and samples 1 inch (25·40 min.) in thickness and above may have the edges machined, but the test pieces shall receive no other preparation. The test pieces shall not be annealed, or otherwise subjected to heat trea.tment, unless the material from which they are cut is similarly tre,lted, in which cases the test pieces shall be similarly and simultaneously treated with the material before testing. 8. Selection of Cold Bend Test • Pi~ces. Bend test pieces shall be selected by the Purchaser or by the Engineer or Inspector either". Cal from shearings or cuttings of the plates, sections, and bars, o.r ' (b) if he so desire, fro.m the plates. sectio.ns, and oars, after they have been cut to the sizes regll1red or specified. In the latter case (b), if the test is satisfactory, the Purchaser shall pay the Maker the value o.f the plate, sectio.n, or bar fro.m which the test piece has been cut, or accept delivery of the same as tho.ugh such test piece had not been t;ut therefrom. " 9. Cold Bend Tests. Fo.r cold bend tests, except in the case of round bars 1 inch (25·40 mm.) in diameter and under. the test piece shall withstand, without fracture, being doubled over either by pressure or by blows from a hammer until the internal radius is not greater than q- times the thickness of the test piece, and the sides are paraliel. In the case of round bars, 1 inch in diameter and under, the internal radius of the bend shall be not greater than the diameter of the ba.r. Fot' sections having flanges less than 2 inches (50·80 mm.) -wide these beHd tests may be made from the flattened section. 10. Number of Cold Bend Tests; A cold bend test shall be made from each plate, section, or bar (o.ther than rivet bars) as rolled . • ' , • n For nvetbars bend tests 8.re Hot reqUlred. I I. Number and Kind of Tests of Manufactured Rivets. Manu:fa.cturec1 rivets selected from the bulk, in such number may 'be specified, or as may be approved by the Purchaser o.r by the Engineer, 'shall withstand the following tests :- as 667 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. i3.RITISH STANDARD SPECI.FICATION-·coNT,N'HD. (a) The rivet shanks shall be bent cold, and hammer~d until the two parts of the shank touch in the manner shown in Fig. 1, without fracture on the outside of the bene!. (b) The rivet heads shall be flattened, while hot, in the ma.nner shown in Fig. 2, without cracking at the edges. The head shaU be flattened until its diameter is 2t times the dia'met.er of the shank. FIG.l 12. f1G.2 Tests by Chemical Analysis. The Maker shall supply au analysis of each cast of .steel when required so to do by the Purchaser or by the Engineer, but samples I;nay also be taken by the Putchas.e r or by the Engineer or Inspector, ·and at the expense· of the Purchaser may be subjected t6 complete analysis by a metallurgi8t apPointed by him. I3. Maker's Tests at his Works. , . All the test piece~ after they have been marked for testing shall (except as provided in Clause 14) be prepared by the Maker and tested at his works and at his cost, and, if'the Purchaser or Ehgineer so desire, in the pI"esence of the. Purchaser or. of the Engillee.r .or' [nspector.' If the Maker fails to prepare properly the test .pieces for testing or to test: the steel properly at his works in tlle manner. herein provided, the' Purchaser or the Engineer may, ., at the Maker's cost, have the test piece~ prepared for testing and the steel te.stecI elsewhere. f . I4. Purchaser's Tests Elsewhere. . Fonr days' notice shall be given by the Maker to the Purchaser and to the Engineer of the elate when he will be ready for the Purchaser or the Engineer or Inspector to seJect the test pieces. If within 7 days after the receipt of such notice the Purchaser or the Engineer shall give notice in writing' to the Maker that he desires the test pieces to be. prepared and tested a.t a place to be named in the notice within the Unit.ed Kingdom, the tests shall then be car.ried out at such place and at the Purchaser's cost (and if the Maker so de$ire in the presence of the Ma.ker or of the person deputed by him to witness the tests), In the event of such notice 338 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. -' B.RITI SH ... STAN DARD SPECI FIC.ATION-coNTINu£o . being given by the Purchaser or by the Engineer, the Maker shall be allow~ at least 7 days from the receipt of such notice before the selection of the test pieces. The tests must be completed within .14 days from the selection of the test pieces, failing which the tests shall be carried out at the Makers' works. ' IS. • ,; Additional Tests. Should a tensile test piece break ou~sj.de the middle-half of its gauge length, the test may,.at the Maker's option; be discarded, and another test be made of tne same plate, section or bar. In all · other cases should anv one of the test 1)ieces or rivets first selected not fulfil the tests applicable to the description of material to be tested, two additional test pi.eces or rivet's in respect of ea.ch failure may be taken from the material represEmtecl by that test, and should either of them fail to fulfil such tests, all the matt)rial so represented may be rejected. The additional tests shall be carried ont i.t1 the same manner in all respects .as the test~ hereinbefore required to be made in the first instance, but at the cost of the .Maker. ',- , J ,', • 16. Inspection. The Purchaser, the Engineer and the Inspector shall at all reasQnable times have free accegs to the Maker's works, and to · all places under his control where steel is . being manufp.'ctured, · and shall be at liberty to inspect the manu:facture of the steel at all stages. . . 17. Margin Over and ljnder Dimensions and Weights: (a) . Specified length-s.-When steel in bars or sec1.ions is speciiied tb be cut to certain lengths it sha.ll be cut within a margin of I inch .(25·40 mm.) under or I inch over the specified length, but when minimum. lengths are specified the margin shall be Within 2 iriches (50·80 mm.) over. (b) " I ~xact;' lengths.·. When lengths are specifIed. 'to be " exact," the steel in bars or sections shall be cold sawn or niachined within a margin of t i.nch (3'18 mm.) over and it inch under the lengtl' ·peci£ed. (c) Weigh/s.-When a minimum weight is speci:fied the rolling margin on plates, sections. and bars shall be 5 per cent. over and when a maximum weight is speciiied the rolling margin shall be .' 5 per cent. under the specified. weight. ,, When the specified weight is not stated to be either a minimum or maximum, the rolling margin shall be between 2l per cent, over and 2t per cent. under the specified weight. I, DORMAN, LONG & BRITISH STANDARD CO. LIMITED. SPECIFICATION-coNTINuED. The margin shall be ascertained separately fOl: plates, each section. (e.[;., angles, tees, beams, ClliLnnels, etc .) and bars. NOTll.--In the cas.e of heat treated w.ire the toicrfll.lCe. shall be determined On the (iiamete, (mel !Jot on tb" weight. When a minimum ~i,\J(leter of wire is specified the tolcrance shall be 2 pel' cM t. over allel where the ruaxiniun'l diameter is specified the tolenlTl';e ,;];a1l be 2 per cent. under the specified dialTIder. When the specified diameter is not stated to be a mil.limurn or a ~naxim,un the toleranc-e shall be 1 per cent. oyer a.nd 1 per cent. under the ~pecili.eil diameter. Heat treated wi.re may be sheared to len gth . (d) C,;OSS sectional dimensions of' Beams a1(td Cha.n nels .-The permissible lIpwanls and downwards variatio n in the specified depth cif beams and channels shall not eJ!.ceect the following ; Variation Specified Depth of Beam or Channel Up to and including 12 in. (305 mm.) .. .. Upward Downward .. -/;in. (3·18 Inol .) i1in. (0'79 mm.) Over 12 in . and lip to .a nd inducting 16 in. (406 mm. ) . . ,;1,iri. (3·97 mm.)i'II·in . (1'59 mIll.) Over 16 in. and up to and .: includiog 24 in . (6 10 mm.) .. 18.. Calculation of Weight. i~in. (4·76 mm .) l.in. (1·59 mm .) > The weight of plates shaH be calc.ulated on the b~,sis tha.t steel weighs 40·8 lb. p er S(J.1.1are foot per inch of thickness (78·43 kg. per m.", 1 cm. tbick) and the weight of sections and ·bars on the basis that steel weigils 3·4 lb. 'per square inch of sectional area pel: foot nm (0·7843 kg. per·em." pel; metre fun). 19.' Identification of Cast . . The Maker shall mark the ingots. bill'e ts, slabs, plates, sections, bars; etc. , in such a way as to emi.ble all :finished steel to be traced to the original cast. ' EvelY facility for tracing the steel to the originabcast shall be given to the Purchaser and to the Engineer and Inspector . 20. Branding or Marking. Every piece of steel slla.!1 be legibly marked with the Maker's name or trade mark, and with cast' numbers or identiflca.tion !narks by wbich the steel can be traced to 'the cast from which it was made, except that in the case of such bars and small pieces as are securely bundled, a metal tag ' attached to each bundle and marked as above will be sufficient. . 340 ~,-------, DQRMAN, LONG & BRITI SH STAN DARD co. LIMITED. SPECI FICATI 0 N-CONTINU[D. Betore the test pieces are selected, the Maker shall furnish the Purchaser with copies of the mill sheets,givi'ng complete lists of all plates, sections or bars in each cast, with ,sizes and weights, and the numbers or marks by which each plat$, .section or ba:r can be identiue,l. 21. Maker's Certificate. (a) Wh en no Inspection has taken place.-In the case of any steel which h<ts not been inspected at the Maker's works, the Maker or Merchant, as the case may be, shallsu:I>ply the Purchaser and the Engineer with a certificate stating the process of manufac,hue and a test sheet signed by the Maker giving the results of each of the mechanical tests applicable to the description of material purcha.sed, and if and when required of the chemical ana.lysis also. Each test sheet shall indica.te the numbers or'identification rriarks of the casts t,o which it apli1ies, c9rresponding .with the numbers. to be found on the pla.tes, sections, bars, etc. (b) When Steel is taken from Stock.-Where airy steel is taken from a Merchant's stock, the Purchaser or the Engine~r TlJay either (i) have the steel tested at such place as is.in Cla.use 14 provided or (ii) the :Merchant sha.ll satisfy the Purchaser or the 'Engineer by means of numbers or identification marks on the steel, combined with a Maker's certificate, tha.t such steel has been tested, ,and· ·.complies with the whole of the tests and requirements ,of this 'Specification applica.ble to the description o:f material required or specified. 22. Non-compliance with Tests and Requirements. Should any steel not c9mply with the whole of the foregoing tests and requirements applicable to the description of material required or specified, all the steel in the cast from which the tests have been t:;tken may, subject tu the option of making additional tests as provided in Clause 15, be rejected. 23. Delivery. No steel shall be despatched from the lY1aker's works until it has been tested and complies with, or has been certified (in the cases mentioned in Clause 21) to comply with, the whole of the tests and requirements of this SpeciClcation applicable to the description uf materia:! required or specified. 24. Rejection after Delivery. The foregoing tests shall, except as provided for in Clause 14 and in Clause 21 Sub-Section (b), be made at the Maker's works prior to despatch, but in the event of any of the steel being found .1 341 . DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. BRITISH STAN DARD SPECI FI CATIQ N-CONTINUED. not to be in accordance with this Specification in the course of beiI'Lg worked, such steel may be rejected, notwithstanding any previous acceptance, provided that the steel has not been improperly treated in working. 25. Arbitration. In case any dispute shall arise between the parties to any '. contract in which this Specification is in whole.or part incorporated as to whether any process of·manufacture required · or specified, or allY test or requirement of this Specification has or has not been carried out or compli,e d with, or as to whether any steel is or is not of the quality or free from the defects mentioned in Clause 2, or as to whether any steel proves unsatis.f actory in the conrse of being' worked as pro:vided·in Clause 24, then such dispute shall be referred . to the arbitration of a person to be agreed upon between the parties or failing agreement to be appointed, at the request of either party to the said dispute, by the Chairman for the time being of the British Engineering Standards Association, provided always that if such dispute is within the terms of any other agreement to refer or submit to arbitration this Clause shall be of no effect, NOTE. Hard drawn steel Wire fOr cbncrete re-inforcement is dealt ~ithln British Standard Specification No. 165 . .. ." ., i III ;(.... J 342 DORMAN', LONG & CO. LIMITED. , BRITISH STAN DARD S PECI FI CATI ON ,-coNTINuED. APPENDIX. . • FORMS OF BRITISH TENSI LE TEST STANDARD PIECES. , TEST PIECE A. ,, <--- -- ---- - . ----- ---. ---- - --- -- -.·- -· ·T- ·· · -. - --.. _- -- .------- --- -- "' --- ------>: Gauge Length G = 8 inches (.2p;3.20 mm .). Parallel Length P to be not less than 9 i·aches (228 ·60 mm.). Total Length T - - About 18 inches (457·20 mIll.). Thickness oJ Test Piece Maximum Width allowed Oyer Jin. (22 ·23111m.) .~ in .to ~ in . (9'53 'VI - to 22·23 rum .) W" - 2 ins_ (50·80 ' 1111.) ! 'N , Uncler tin. (9 ·53 mru .) , .- Ii ins. (3S·10mm.) - 2t ins. (63·50 mm .) -,-----.~----,. . . ' The widths of the test pieces for plates were selected to IOP mply With the t wo followmg condItions. (I) As the great bulk of"plates to be tested are from i inch to incH (9·53 to 22'23 mm.) thief; it was deSirable for the sake of convenience that the test pieces for such plates should be of uniform width, and , in accordance with very general practice, a width of 2 inches (50·80 mIll.) was selected . (2) With a test piece of ;-\ givCIl form, the percentage of elongation was fOl.lndto be less.for thick plates than for thin ones ; with steel of the same quality in other respects it was desirable therefore to choose widths of test pIece '\~hich would be slightly in fa vour of the' thicker plates. This IS secured with the widths selected for the Standard T est pi ece of form A . * DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. , ~~='=----===~==~============~· · ·~~=-··=======·~--~·-·~========--== I BRrrlSH STAN DARD SPECI FICATI ON-CONTINUED_ TEST PIECE B _ 0' . '?- . -.':--~~--------'- - _ . ..L __ : ,:, D : ...;; . ~ I , :<- -. l ~ l~ \~ , ________ }~ %~----- _ ... ~------------~--------~----~ - ,:<-- ...................... -- ------ .. " _-+ ___ ~ " :: I --G-).--------·---· ---------'"'-- ~ -- ~ -'l: -. -----_.. ---- .----------. - p:- - - -- - . " . -- . -. -- - . - -- --- - - - -- - -- . -J>; Gatlge Length G to be not less than 8 times the diameter D. 'With enlarged ends:- Parallel Length P to be' llot less than 9 times the reduced diameter D. • , All test pieces of form B are strictly similar, and for the same .} material give the same percentage of elongation_ They are nearly similar to a test piece of form A,S inches (203-20 mm.) · in gauge length , 2 inches (50,80 mm .) wide and .~ inch (9-53 mm,) thick _ i ; TEST PIECE C, I I ; ! -&tJ]:.; ---t-f.----.--- I . I I I I ~ ~':. ~: - t , ,-: . 1• : I' ". " . I ' . I : • I \ : ,(------- G -------.->: ' :( -- -:- .......... p .. .. .. .. - .... .... ;.: , , I I - , i , I Gauge Length G - 2 inches (50-80 Illm .) , Parallel Length P to be not less than 21- inches (.57'loS mm.), Dia_ = 0-564 inch (14-33 mm_)_ Area - i sq_ inch (161'_29 mm.~ ), i : : I '" : TEST PI ECE O. I '" : i ,'" I I I I I I -~"J-~-,'. I , I : ~-t--------- -~'. -, ---H : ·" , I ~- , " ~ I ," :- " I I I I I 'i , : ," :<------ -... _· G --~ --- -------): : :<---------- - --.. p .. -..... - .. _... - --- A) : : I _ I ,\ , ·, , .i, I Gauge Length G ~~ 3 inches (76-20 mm,), Parallel Length P to be not less than 3~- inches (85,72 mm.). Dia, 0,798 inch-(20'27 mm.)_ Area - ~ sq_ inch (322-58 mm,~), 0 __ ,I . ' (-----------~--------------------~--------------------------~ I ! 344 .' l " DORMAN, LO'NG &' CO'. LIMITED . • ' BRITISH STANDARD SBECIFICATION-coNTINuED., lEST PI ECE E. ! " -+-+--~--, I ' ' i ' I : : I ', ' .--,.------ (@~ 'i ~-'~~~-- , +-~'I, , I I I ® ~ : I I : :, :'-----D---------~G-------- "' ------ .-:;>: :, .:< _.. ________ ________ P -I: ~ J ~ ____________ ~ ___ _ ' " Gauge Length G = 31 inches (88·90 rum.). Parallel Length P to be not less than 4 inches (101·60 mm.), • Dia. - 0·977 inch (24,82 mm .). , Area = it sq. inch (483·87 mm. 1 ). Test pieces C, D and E we're arranged to meet the very Gommon practice of maldng test pieces for forgings, axles, tyres, etc., of either t square inch or t square inch (161·29 or 322·58 mm,~) in sectional a,rea, With the gauge lengths decided 'upon, these three forms are very nearly similar, and, for a given material, give very approximately the same percentage of elongation. Though not exactly, they are approximately simila,r to the Standard Test Prece F, and for the same material give a nearly identical, but slightly greater, percentage of elongation, I, TEST PIECE ... . , (For Test Pieces over 1 inch (25'40 mm.) diameter.) l ~ A~ : ~ - ------ - ~----r~-~ ---+-+- I I , I " I :, I : D \'.: " \lI ~ I ;:::; " I I r J ' I I ! : :<,., - - - - _. .. ~- - ---p- --- ---- --- - - -- ->: :<--~---------G-------------:>: Gauge Length G to be not less tha,n 4 times the diameter D. , With · enlarged ends :-Parallel Length P to be not less than 4t times the reduced diametel: D. In some testing machines it was found inconvenient to use form B for bars of over I inch (25,40 mm ,) in diameter, and form F of half the gauge length is designed to meet such Cases. ' For a given material the percentage of elongation w~th test piece F is greater than with t est piece B, and this difference is provided for in the British Standard Specifications. F'ORM OF' ENOS. In thecasc of the rounel test pieces B, C,D, E and F, the form of the ends is to be as required in order to suit the vC\-rious methods employed for gripping the test piece. When enlarged ends are used the lengtll of the parallel portion of the test piece must in no case . be less than that noted on the diagrams, , I ... l' I 640 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. I I ' I r • I I • • • I ,,• ILLUSTRATIONS OF I THE COMPA'NY"S PROPERTIES AND OF . WORK EXECUTED; . I \, i. • • o u . >a: III oJ ..J o U :I: I- a: o~ til Z ct :i! ,, I -oJ • j . c • I ! 1'-' • '" ." .§ ~ I t: f Q i -'!' N " ., - .U1 ~ E o o o :rJ o 2 o. r 1"1 .< ill ~. !;: :2 . o • . .' B17£ · UJ w a: a: C( ~ G w Z o ~ w :!! - ..J UJ I a: w !. > j " 00 UJ Z o UJ a: ex: 0.. .' . ~, . • 350 :t (!J ::> 0 a: m til W. ;: I oJ C 0 :z , \ 1/)- :;:: a: 0 3: z 0 a: ~ c( ..J :;:::. () c( \ ; ci· <.) 'iJ .~ "c '-1 ., g Q "'" ri 0)\ { I ! ~ ~ ~ :r: :;! ~ (j' :> o· IX In I/) I.lI . -I. 0 C :s III ~ IX 0 3: c z « -I 1.11 ::- 1..1 -l 0 I- « I- Z « -I 01..1 0 0:( z '~' IX '-1 :> i ci .'-J LL I<0 III ~o c 0:( -I '-1 III ~ ~ ~ 352 I I I I .., , ' • • M iddl~,bro"gh. BLAST FURNACES, CLARENCE: IRQN IVII 0 DLESBROUG H. WORKS. I r . :c "' CJ ;:) o 0: m ... I/) ...I o o ::e iii lI:: 0:' o ~ z o a: ... o Z bI a: <I: ...I o iii z bI > o bI lI:: o o • ,f ; 354 " , . ~.: " , . , ' 00 J: Cl ::> o It: m 11) W ..J 0 . '~. ' o 0 :2:" 00 11) !.:: II: o :. 3: z o II: W o z WO II: <t ..J r I o t :I: C) :l a 0:: m UI • III ...I I 0 0 ~ . UI ~ 0:: a S I ...I I ', III III IUI :i! oct ...I ~ 0 oct . UI III 0 oct Z ' 0:: :> II.. C) f z I- '...I III :i! ''; III -l 0 \.l '<1) "" ~• ~ L c i:l ., ," .. 356 I > , ::c: Cl :) o a: ID ~\ ..J o o :!: (J) :c. a: o S' -I L.l. L.l I- (J) o z ·· e( -I L.l > L.l, -I I,) le( :!! z : o lI,) L.l (J) o z e( -I e( a: . , CO (') ,. ., ,. . c;. 22 D(jr",a~, . L(jng & Co. La. M iddlesbro-ugh . RA!I. MILL, CLARENCE STEEL WORKS, MIDDLESBROUGH . ~ .- . ~ ._ -'.- - .... II \ ...' . 0: ¢ 0 Q III II: ,.. • III III 0 ¢ Z 11:. ::> . I&. C} Z I- ...I III :E I/) 360 ~ \ , ~ I . It 'I 1 e{ 0 Q 101 11:, . . l~ ..J ..J :!: 101 le{ , ..J II. , ·t ) ~ CD Q) , .I I • uV..1. \ .a: <t U C w a: .i .... ,~ :E w ~ <t .... . ll.. .... .~ • <t a: w en -z> ~ I I \ I I I ,j j 1 I I \ J: (!) ::l o a: III (fJ III ...I C c :E IL. a: c( J: . ~ c( z z c( f- a: III " i :r: ' (!) ~ o IX m I o o , :IE f/) ILl ..J ,' . z o a: ILI- o Z ILl a: ~ ..J ~ o I': z ~ ...I ", 0.. (!) Z' 0.. 0.. :t (J) l .~ 1I o .';. , '. 364 I I " g " o 0:: m III \II -I C c :2: -0.. 1110 ~:r ~ ~ (/) ' " -I~ I ~ c:t 1-, Z ct oQ ;::~ om ::l c:t 0::4. l(/) Z o o '" '" \II C 0:: m r. - ~-'. -~ . .~- ~----- - . ~ - ----- J .,. CN g Dorman, Long & Co. La. M iddJ,es"'c~'gh. SHOP ASSEMBLY OF 100' SPAN BRIDGE FOR CROWN AGENTS FOR TH E COLONI ES. THE """TO / , ," 366 I • . z 0 Q Z 0 oJ . ' 0.. 0 :I: , \ i I/) ..J .:c Z 0 j: 0 ::> 1 , a: l- I/) Z 0 0 .. , ...... , ., z o Q Z o ...I • Q II: c( >- ~ () o I- (f) l, ?' 368 . :I: CI ;:) o Ir II) ~ o o ..J .:e ..: ~ :e i, I- Ir ct . Q. 1&1 o I- 1&1 1&1 l: I/) ..J ..J .1 f J: CI :::> 0 a: III -- ::: . -' 0 0 j \ ::s 1! ... . Z . III :!! ...a: • oct n. w. 0 ... .W w· ! ·x. 1/1 . n. 0 x 1/1 CI Z . ..J oct ,. lot Z Z oct j ., .. "CN -..J o :z 7 5M-= Darfnan, Lo-ng 6- Co, £d. COILING ;:..-- - AND BUNDLING SHOP, - ' CLEVELAND .....::....- - - WIRE~!'JIlla.S, Middlesbroj,gl" MIDDLESBR.OUGH: --- - - - -- -- ~ --- c ~ D orman, Long 0- Co. Ld. IMPERIAL TOBACCO ilt iddfes.omu gh. Co. L.D .• CIGARETTE FACTORY, NOTTINGHAM. "f :372 ,J Donn.afl, Long & Co, Ld, , M iJdlc>sbrou'gh, SASSOON HOUSE, l'pR • MESSRS . E. A rchiteet s a,<d Engineers D. SASSOON &. CO. Lo . - , ~, SHANGHAI, MESSRS, PALMER & TVRlIER, SHANG\fAJ. r J MiddlMbI'ough. DONna·li, Long & CiI. Ld. INDIA BUILDING, LIVERPOOL, FOR INDIA BUILDING, LTD. Architects - MUSSRs. BRIGGS 8: HERBERT H·t'gineers - ;\OiJ.:SSRS. TIIORNELY, J. SHARMAN ROWSE, & F.F.R.I.B.A. A.R.l.E.A. TR.\Vl':HS-MORGAN. AND C>l -.J '" DortNa1i, Long 0- Co. L d. LONDON --------------------------' NTiddlesb.,mglz . .\ COUNTY -- COUNCIL. -':"' LAtBETH BRIDGE .--CUTTING EDGE OF CAISSQN . ---...........--- -- --' - - --- . .. -- ~ -, " .,;~. ."J.' r: 111 idcIleshrough. DonnaN, L-ong & Co. Ld, NEW Engine~1S ~' TYNE BRIDGE . lvIESSHS. ~foTT', HAY & ANDERSON, AND MESSRS, COPDa::i V.!ILSON", Ml1CIlIiLL &. VAUGHA..:.'l-I:..EE, 4-N'IID RALPH FREEMAN, ESQ_, CO~SVLTING E:i"ofGtNEER FOR D ORMAN, LO"xG~ & Co., Lo. Anhif.~":ct jor Abut"rnents !l,f1.d TOtl)&1'S R. BeRNS DICK, ESQ. - -~ eN -..] CO 4 :DOri'1~anl Long & Co. Ld. , -' ..::Z M iddlesbrough. SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE, AUSTRALIA, In course of Construction. Total length, 3,770 feet. Main Arch, 1,650 feet clear span. Height to top <;If arch 470 feet "bove high water. Headroom for vessels wilen completed, 170 feet above high wa ler. ; ~".:f - t>y- F .,. d I,, '. DORMAN, LONG & . CO. LIMITED. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS. PAGES 3 to b ;REGISTERED OFFICE, DEPARTMENTS & BRANCHES .... ASSOCIATED COMPANIES 6 AGENTS IN THE. UNITED KINGDOM 7 AGENTS ABROAD PRODUCTS ._. ... 8 9 to 12 13 and 14 -rREFACE 15 to 19 GENERA.L NOTES . REDCAR IRON & STEEL WORKSOrdinary and Universal Plates and Slabs ... 21 to 28 BRITANNIA . STEEL WORKS &; ROLLING MILLS AND BRIDGE AND CON'STRUCTIONAL WORKSRolled Sections-Notes 31 32 to 55 " " Illustrations II II Dimensions and Properties 57 to 68' Notes o.n Beams. and Compounds :70' and 71 .Safe Loads on Beams 72 and 73 Compound Girders . .. . •. 74 to 109 ... . 110 DeflectIon Compound Crane Girders 111 Stanchioris :and Struts'" 112 to 157 . . , " , Type det<i,ils of Stanchions 158 to 164 St~ndard Connections for Beams 165 to 173 St~ndard Spacing of Holes ..•. 174 Plate Giiders .;. .,. ... 175 to 180 .. Roofs and Roof Trusses . 181 to 183 " Type details of Roof Trusses anclPurlins 184,- to 188 . Rolled Troughing . •, ' 189 to 202 , Types of Bridges with Holled Troughing . •. 203 to 208 209 to 209F Pressed and Built-up.Flooring Pink Pages-Old ~ritish Standard and other Sections 210A to 210Q ... 1 ' ~ . - SHEET WORKSSheets: Bla,ck, Annealed, Galvanized, Cornlgated, '&c. ...... 211 to 221 Gutters, Downpipes, Hidging, LOUVl"eS, Fittings 222 to 225 WIRE &; ROD WORKS'. Wire anel- Rods with tables relating thereto 227 to 238 p n I 380 I • DORMAN, LONG & CO. f ~MITED. CLARENCE IRON & STEEL WORKS- PAGES High Carbon and Electric (:onductor Rails and Special Steels. . . . ' ,I' 239 and 240 I ACKLAM IRON & STEEL, WORKS·R.aHway and Tramway Rails and A~essories 241 and 242 .CLEVELAND IRON &ST;Jl:EL WORKSRaiW and ~cces.;;ories, Steel Sleeper~, Plates, . Joists, Sections and Bars;, Pig Irons, Ferro Manganese and . Spiegeleisen, Steel Arches _ for Collieries ' - 243 to 245 .. ..- CLEVELAND CONCRETE WORKS ... NEWFIELD .BJUCKWORKSRefractory Materials , ... , 24.6 • I • 246 GENERAL INFORMATION, FORMULl:E;'TA13LES, etc. Formulre, Bending Moment, §i.c., of Beams 248 to 253 Standard Loading for Highway Brid'ges ... 254 . Loads on Floors, Weights of various 'Substances, &c. 255 Moments of _Inertia of Rectangks "and various Sect.ions ... •. . 256 to 261 . ~gles in tension and allowances for holing 262 to 264 Shearing and Bearing Values of Rivets .. , . 265 to 267 Weights of Rolled Materials, Bolts, Rivets, &c. 268' to 277 "Lps. into Cwts. Qrs. Lbs., and in decimals of a ton 278 to 280 . Decimal equivalents-linear measurements 281 to 283 Areas and Circumferences of Circles 284 to 287 ., Squares, Cubes, Square Roots and Cube Roots' 288 to 301 of N u m b e r s . . . ." . 302.an,d 303 Logarithms Of Numbers 304 and M~nsuration a.nd Trigonom'etrical Functions , 305 306 to 311 Sin!"s; Cosines, Tangents, &c., &c. ... . .. Weights, Measures and Equivalents-British 312'to 329 and .. Metric Comparison of Weights of Steel Plates 330 BRITISH .S,TANDARD SPECIFICATION No. 15, revised - August, 1912... ... 331 to 344 . PHOTO ILLUSTRATIONS . .,. SUMMARY OF CONTENTS AND INDEX 345 to 378 379 to 394 . [, DORMAN, LONG & CO~ LIMITED. INDEX. A Abbreviations -generally adopted in metrio system Accessories fo{ Rails .. .• • . , ., ,Ack la~.lron~nd, S~eel Works . Admlmlty "D" and" Dl " Steel Africa, South, Associated Company A.gents in the United Kingdom • • " Abroad Alloy Steel .. America, South, Associated COlDpany Amerlcan Wire Gauge .. .. Angles, areas and weights, tables of H as .struts .. 4 • " backmarkS' " bulb, see I, bulb angles n ,. " cen tre lines of holes in ' " cleats, standard .. " dimensions and properties . " In tenSIon, safe Ipads on reference marks .. ,. ' . . .'. " safe loads as struts " sections of ...' " spacing of holes in " weigh of Arches, Steel Colliery Architectural Dressings, Concrete Area, method of increasing sectional Areas of Angles, table of .. .. . . . .. 'I IJ ·se~. also dimensions and properties" " circles advan<;iog by 'J\!" 329 239,241,242-243 4,10,241-242 15 6 7 8 240 .. .. rJ ts 6 235 268-269 146-147,149-156 174 , 174 165-169 62-65 262-263 ' 43-45, 62-65 ' •. 112,146-147, 149-156 ' 43-45, 62-65 174 62-65,268-269 245 12,246 55 268-269 U " ri~e.ts " !=,'TI(a11 •. rivet 'holes Artilicial Stone, Ashes, weigh t of Asphalt " " .' . Associated Companies Australia, Agents for Avoirdupois weight A~is, minor Ayrton Sheet Mills " 284,285 .261 265 264 12 255 255 6 8 313 67, 62-66 4, 10, 211 " ';";/' ,.. .. ~'B Backtllarks for angles, beams, channels and tees ' aallast. weight of .. .. .. .. .. ·Bars',,' Con vex ~ . 'II , fiat, SlzeS " . -rivet " " t"Q.und " sheet. ' . . .. .. .. .. .. ., .. B,. salt Sett;;" weight of .. ,. .. .. .. .. .Beams, stanchions, dimensions, properties and safe loads " bending. moment, shear and dellection of ,; c.entres of boles in flanges of .. " connections for connections for, no't as on " deflectioo, bending moroeot 'and shear " depths of w,eb clear of root fillets .. "squar~ as' 1 )J • .. " 174 255 53 53 54 54,274 243 53,274 255 118-119 110, 248-253 58, 174 165-171 165 71, 110, 248-253 174 • ,I I I jI 382 I 1 ,I I' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED, II i I , l' t , I: i; I '1 -.: I : . " " Beams, dimensions and l;'roperties oJ ' , , distance pi00SS for .~ .4 " " fi"hplates for .' ',. " general fonnulre for flexure o·f " minimum spans for standard cleats, New British Standard " ",., ,, " " notes on . . . -'1> ...... • • " old British Standard anliSpecial " properties and dimensions, of ' .. . reference marks - ... . " " safe loads on ':' " sections of " separators' for ,, ,~ ,, ,, " standa,rd spacing of, holes in flanges of " systems of loading " type connections to Stan(,hiQris " uusymmetrically loaded', ' ' " " weight of " " " ,with, separators " Bearing and shearing values of rivet,S •, Bending moment, shear and deflection of beams Billets, stee!. ,. Bird Baths, Concrete Flinn nghani Wire Gnuge . , Black Sheets Blooms, steel Bobbin sections ., ,, , .... Bolts and Nuts, galvanized, size ~d weight" " ,,' sizes of Whitworth ,,' ' ' ' ' weights ,of Whit}"ortb Bolts, hook, sIZe and weIght ,, ., "lewis " " Box, Plate Girders , , Brands of Sheeting Brands of Steel Breaking strength of steel wire , , Brich,Coke Oven ,. '. , " Fire Ganister " " Ladle , ., Pressed Plate " Silica Brjck Works and Concrete Works Brickwork, weight bf ,, ,, Bridge and Construction,)l WorkS Bridge Rails, sectiot;s of Bridges, illustrations of applications of trotlghiDg " standard load for highway " troughing for ,, ,, Brita,nnia Steclworl<s and Rolling Mms Blitish and metric equivalents ;. ,, Standard Sections, new " " ." ". "n old. . .. .. " Standard Spe.cificatio" No, 15, revised May, 1930 " Structural Steel Co" Ld. ., ", .. Brown & Sharpe's Wire Gauge Buckled Pbies •" ,, Built-up and pressed li()9ting ., ,, Bulb Augies, dimensiQTls and properties " ,'1 ,.ef~renoe marks .. _. ,~ n scctions of .. ,, ...... ", ,; weight .per foot "1lulb Tee.', reference marks , " "sections of ', ' weight per foot Bulgaria, Agents teir ., Bulk anel weight of water 'Bullheacl Rails ,, ", By-Produds and Coke Dept, • 58-59 165,172-173 170-171 248 166-169 32'39,58,59 70, 71 210D-210E 58-59 32-:39, 58-59 72·73 32-39,58 165; 172-173 58, 174 249-253 162 252 .. 253 32-39,58 165, 172-173 265-267 ',' 249-253 239-241 12 235 221 239, 241 54 225 274 275 225 276 180 213 23 232-234 246 12,246 12,246 12,246 12 12,246 4,12,246 , " , 255 3,9,14,17,29 51 203-208 .. ' 254, 189-208,209, 209A-209F 3,9,29 316-329 , . 16,58·68 16, 21OA-21O~) " 331-3, ' ,. '. J. I • ".I ". t' • i I, • 'I 209-209~ 66'67 46-47, 66-67 46-47,66-67 46'47,66.-67 54 54 54 Jj 8 " , ,.' .' " ", k -______________ ~ ____ ~ ____________ ~ . 6, 1 235 209 j j " I ., _____________ , 255 245 4~11 ~--------------~-J I' DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. c Cable' Codes' used •. .. Cakutta, Oflic.e and Works Cambered PIa tes .. Olpacity, measure of, Brltlsh 3 5 209 . . 313 ". " "Britisb a'a d metric equiv~lents 316 " '." 11 metric .. 315 ' .' Carrying Capacity, see" safe loads" c Cast Iron Separat0rs, or distance pieces 165, '173 Cast Iron, weight of 255 Cast Ste~l, weight of 255 Cemen t, Silica 246 Cement,weight of Portland 255 Centre of Gravity of Sections, positioIl of, see" dimensions and properties" . Channels, as stanchions and struts .. ., .,," 120'121,142·143,157 " centre line of holes in . 174 " compounds ,. .. ,. .. 106-109 " depths of webs clear of root fillets , . 174 " dimensions 40-42, 60 " New Bdtish Standard 40-42,60-61, " prop,e rties ,. 61 " reference marks 40-42. 60 " sections of 40·42, 60 " spacing .o f holes in 174' _" weigh t per foot . _. 40-42, 60 China, A~ents, for " .. ,. 8 Chrome Steel 240 Cia. Bl'itiinic.~ de Construcciones de Acero, Ltda 6 Circles, areas of, small, advancing by !lo" •, 261 ' " tilhh. " " 'Is" 284·285 " circumference of, tables.. .' 286-287 Clarence Iron & Steel Works 4,9,239-240 Cleats, standard an@:)e 165-169 Cleveland Concrete Works ' 246 Cleveloud Iron and Steel Works 3, 9, 21-27, 29, 243-245 Cleveland Wire. Mills 4, 10, 227-23'1 Close Annealed Sheets 221 Coal Shil?ping Plant 18 " weIgh t 'of .. 255 Cadell, C"ble 3 Coefficients for lengths of members of l'oof trusses 182·183 " stresses in II " " 182-183 Coke, and B'y -Products Dept. .. •. •. 4, 11 " welgb t of 2q5 Coke Oven Bricks. . 24b Colliel), Arches, Steel 245 Collieries and Mines 11 Comparison of Wife Gauges , ',, 235 Compounds , dimensions, and properties of 74-107 " notes on 70-71 " reference marks of ,. 74·107 " riveting of (see also tables) •. 71 " safe loads . , ,. ., 76.-109 " type connections to stanchions 163 " weights per foot 70,74·]07 COlI! pound Crane Girders 111 , Concrete GoodS ,. •' 12, 246 Concrete, weigh t of .. ' .. 2.'55 Concrete Works and Brick Works 4, 12,246 C'lnduct()r Rails, &c. 239-240 connection for Beams, stand~rd cleats ." 165-169 "" " " dlstallce pIeces 165, 172: 173 . ,: " " Jishplates 170-171 " " "separators .. 165,172-173 " " to stanchions 162··163 CQnstructional Works, Bridge and ', ' , 3, 9, 14, 17,29 .Cqntents, summary of " . ." 379-381 • ,. 384 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. Contractions. generally adopted in metric system ConversIon Tables) British into metric units " •. ', " " Ibs. intO' qts., cwts. or decim~]s of a ton " " " metric into British units tons into lbs, . , Convex" Bars Coping, Cement ., Copper Bearing Steel Corbels, COJlcrete , . 329 316·329 278-280 316·329 280 53 12 15 12 12 Cornice, Concrete .. Corrugated Sheeting, see" sheets" '. Cosecant 01 an Angle " C"secants, table of natural Cosine of an Angle Cosines, table 0'1 natural Cotangen t of an Angle , Cotangen ts, table of natural , Crane Girders, compound , , 1 , Crippling Loads fnt various values of r ,.: Cubes, cube roots, squares and square roots of Nos. 1 t()),OOO. Cubes of numbers ~nd fractional parts ., , , '., .. Cubic measure, British ..... ' " equivalents, British and metdc '.' " ;, metric 'Curtailment of flange plates in plate girders . '.' . --' . ~'- o ~ D)) and Dl "Ac1miralty~Steel , 305 310·311 305 306·307 305 308-309 111 , 112, 117 292·301 290·291 312 316,326-327 314 176 .. ' : 15 281 282-283 ~, of a ton, lbs.) qn:;., aod cwts. expressed as 278-280 Deflection '11, 110 248-253 " bending moment and shear of beams ·.Denmark, Agents for Railway Rails 8 3,4,5,17,21,29,211,22'7,239,242-246 Departmen ts and Works " Depths of webs clenr of root fillets 174 Details for purlins , . 187·188 184·186 I' ) roof trusses Dimensions 'md Properties, notes on 57, 70 >I 11 of angle~, bulb 66·67 6HJ5 "equal H . unequal 62·63 of beams 58-59 " 60-61 channels " " 74-lO7 " compounds " " " compound crane girders III "' " " ,_ stanchions 118·145 , , " tees OS " " troughlng 200·202 .lI " Distance Pieces or Scpam tors 165,172-173 Downpipes, Gutters, &c: ,. 222·223 " fountain bead for 22S "s~oe . 223 .' . Dressings, C(m{~n~te ArChitectural 12, 246 It II ~ •. " ..pecimal equi.valents of fractions of an inch .. . " of a foot for eacb .r". of an inch· " 1 )l 1) , !J )J , . .1 IJ Ducheruin 's f~'ornluJffi 181~ E Effe~tl"e'length of stanchions Egypt, Agents for.. .• Elasticity, modulus of . Electric Conductor Rails, &c. , Equivalents in decimals of the ftactlons of an Inch •. of . British . and Metric Units " 112 8 248 ~? 316·329 ~ ... DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED . • Equivalents of kilos per square milUmetre In tons per square inch " pf Moments of Inertia and Section Moduli in British and Metric Units . • ,• •. . of tons per square inch In kilos per square mlllimctre " 237 329 2.36 F Feet into Metres Fence and. Gate Posts, COllcrete Fencing. standard, section' of I.' ··strand, galvanized .. . .. " Wire, galvanized steel barb Ferro-manganese and Spiegeleiseo, . '" " A g e o ts for Firebricks Fire Ciay Fishplates, for rails ,j standard 'Fittings, galvanized Flags, ' Concrete Flange Plates in plate girders, length of }) Rails Flanges, Moment of InertiU' of two .. Flu t Bottom Rails ,. Flats, rolled steel, weigh t per foot " I i sizes. . 324 12 54 229·231 229·231 24471 8 12, 246 246 24·2 170·171 225 12, 246 176 245 256-257 52 270-273 53 248 ' Flexure 01 Beams, general formulre for Flooring, rolle,l trough, pressed and· built. up Floor.s, approximate ~llperiropos(;'d 1oo.ds !JD Foot, decimals of, toJ:. eilch ~ll of an inch Formnlre for Flexure of BG~m';,general Foundation for Stuncbion, steel grillage Fountain Head for [)olVllpipes .. ,. Fracti<)ns of an inch illto Decimal Equivnleuts, " ~,)' '" Decimals or a Foot F:';~Lllce! Agents for Function". trigonometrlca] FUll1a:ce Bricl;;;.s : .. 189·209, 209A·209c . '2.55 282·283 248 114 223 281 ).82-283 8 305 12,246 G Galvanized " " " " '" " H " Corrugated Sheets, see" sheets" Downpjpes, &c. Fittings Gutters, &c. .. Louvre Blndes, Ridging Scandinavian TUes ., Stay Strand WaShers Wire Wire Strand Gani~ter Ganister Bricks <;orrs T.ubing, approximate weight and sizes ,; " as distance pieces or separators Gnte an.d Fence Posts, Concrete Gate Pillars, Concrete Gauge, Imperial Standard Wire, Gauges; comparison of wire General Notes •• ,• Girders,. Beam" dimensions and properties " H notes 011 •. u 1.1 ;, " safe loads "weigh t per foot of .. .'. .. " compound, crane dimensions and properties " 223 22Li 222-223 224 220 238 225 229-231 238 24·6 12, 246 276 . 172 12 12 234 235 15·19 58·59 70-71 72·73 32-39,58 111 74·107 " j 386 DORMAN, ,LONG & CO. LIMITED. Girders, compound, nqtes' on .'. " ,., s~fe loads .. ' .J " weights of . IJ plate,"notes on .. " ;, safe loads On GIa$S, wei!(h t Qf . •• Granite Setts, weiijht of .. , .. Grillages for Stanchions , . , 'C, G~ooved Girder Trarnwa~ Rails .' Guide Rods, pit . . •. .. Gutters, Downpip,es, &c. Gyra tion, radi i of :. ., t. , . ... , .. ', ' ;, .', .. " H , 70-71 76-109 70, 74-107 .. ' 175-176 175, 177-180 .. 25:; , 255 114-116,160 242 229 222-223 57 , 248 I) '. I " .':. I, " 'Half Rounds, Hollow 'mel Solid ·,,~ ',' He,a ds, Concrete' ' 'High Carbon Wear-resls,ting R,alls .. Class Steeli. ..... ' ..... Tensilo St.!el .... .. ' Highway Bridges, standard load for Holes, in tension members, rivet .. staodard spacing in angles, beams, ohannels .. rid tees Hollow Half , Rounds Hook Bolts. galvanized, Weight, &c. · . ., Hydl'aulic Press ., 53 12 240 240 15 254 II 264 174 53 225 14- , I .,' I ~eams, see u . Beams JJ Illustrations, Photo •. Imperial Standard and other Wire Ga'uges, comparison t~blo , .. j' Wire Gauge.. .. .. . . . .. Inch, decima equivalents of fractions of .. , . , ' ~, ' .. decimals 'of a foot for each ;(., of an , Imlhes into MiJl,imetres . India, Agents for .. In ella, Agents for N, W. . ' India, Offices and Wor]<s , Inerti,a cd rectangles, moments 0 f . " "two flanges, moments of " "various sections, moments of Iron, cast, weight of , " Ore, weight of .. 345-378 235 234 281 282"283 318"3!9 8 8 5 25.8-260 ;256-257 261 255 255 ~ J joints in 'St'anchions, types oJ 164- , K I Kenya ,Colony, Agerlts for Uganda and Kerbs, Concrete Kerb Plates, Pressed Steel Kilogrammes. Into· pounds . ,., per metre in to pOllnrls per foot KUGS per squate millimetre into tons per square incb 8 ., 12,246 , . 2091>, 209'1> 327 326 237 i L Ladle Bricks Lead, weigb t of . . ;. .. .. Lengths of flange plates in plate girders Le,wis Bolts, 'size and weight .. .. ' Limestone, weight of · .~ 12',24'6 255 176 276 255 DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED; .. Linear Measure, British .. .. .. .. " "equivalents, British and metric ," "metric .. L,onclf.l;lg. Oll Bp.am~) va[i~us systems of Loads, ~ippling, for various values of !:.r n 00 floor, approximate 1iv~ " see "safe loads" 5 Load, standard for bighway bridges Logarithms of Numbers from 1 to 1,000 London Offices and Works Louvre Blades . '.. 312 316.318'324 314 249-253 117 255 . ... 254 302-303 5,17 224 12 Lumps M Macadam, weight of Manchester Office " Margins, rolling " sheadng and cU'tting Masonry, weigh t of '" Materials, mode of ordering ,~ weigh ts of various. Measures and ·Weights, British . , "equivalents of Britisb' ~nd metric units " metric .. Members, rivet boles in tension Mensuration Metres into Feet • . Metric equivalents of Britisb units . " " Moments of Inertia and Section Moduli }; measures . 11 units) contractions generally adopted •. Mllwnetres lUto Inches .. •. .. .. Minerals Department Mines an.d Collieries Ministry of Transport, standard 10adJug for highway bridges. Minor Axis· Miscellnneous Com pound Measures 'H Sections. . .. ." Substances. weights of Mooe of ordering Ma teri,t! Modulus of Elasticity ,. .. .. •. "'" Section (see also tables of propertieS) H equivalents in metric system I • Moment of Inertia (Bee also tablos of properties) equivalents in metric system " H of rectangles ". " o f two flanges " Ii, of various sections" . lylullions, Concrete, . .. , .' H 'J J) I) I " N Nails, galvauized for sheetiog Natural Secants and Cosecants Sioes and CosilJes " Tangents and Cotangents " - New British ·Standard Beams .. r " " . 255 5 16,221,229 16,27,221 255 31 255 312-313 316-329 314-315 264 304 324 316·329 329 314-31$ 329 320-323 4 11 25.4 57,62-66 317 54 255 31 248 248 329 248 329 258, 259, 260 256-257 261 12 . 225 310-311 306-307. 308-309 31-39,58·59 31, 40·42, 60-61 . 246 4,10 8 Channels Newfield Brickworks ,. Newport Iron Works New Zeal,{nd, Agents for Nickel Steel Notes on Beams and Compounds Connections " Dimensions and Properties " \. H " .. ',' , 240 70-71 165 57· 388 ( DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. Notes, General " 011 Plate Glrders JJ 11 Pre~§ed and 15·1 9 .. built~u p .. 175 209,209A·209F 181 31 112·110 189 :190 .flooring .. Roofs . Sections " "Stanchions and Struts .. " ,; 'eroughing Nottingham Office ... Numbers, and fractional parts, cubes of " " " squares of " 1og\ari thU1S of .. .. •. '.. ,', squares, oubes" square and cube roots of Nuts aud Bol ts,g~l vanlzed, weight o,f Whltworth ., '.J " I) n , ... , 5 290·291 288-289 302,303 292-30 1 225 274-275 .' . . ". . o , OrrIl'ICES : - _Registered Lon don Mancoester Nottingham Oils, weigh ts of Old British, Standard Sections Orderi ng Malerial, mode of Ores, weight of iron 3 5 5 ,' S 255 2 1 0 ~'21O Q , " . ) ' ... ,' ( . 31 255 ' " p " " Parjs Wire Gauge .. Pateot Flattened Sheets Paving, weigbt of wood blcck Perm anent Way for Railways. weigh t of Petrol, weigh t of ,' ;' Photo Illustralions P ig Iron ' p Departmen t Pillars" Concrdc Gate Pit Guide Rods Pitch , weight of • _ Plant, coaJ-shippiog Plaster, weigb t of .. Plate Girders, notes on . • " safe loads on " stiffeners for Plato Glass, w~ight of Pia tes, ,buckled ., " ca.mbered .. " ord inary .. Pressed Steel Kerb )) universal .. .. weight of _. Portland Cemm t, wel\ih t o f Posts, Concrete P ounds into cwts.,qr,s., and decimals of a ton .. ' ... kiloljTammes _.. pe. foot. into kilogrammes per metre .. n tOilS into .. .. .. .. .. Preface _. ' Pressed Pia te Bricks .. and built-up flooring .. Steel Ke.b Plates " . JI Separators .. .. , ," Trou gh Section Pressure of Wind on Roofs _.. Piincipal~. roof ~ductSi '" " . .! • 23,5 221 255 255 255 315-378 18,244 , 4 12 ' 229 255 ',", 18 255 175-170 175, 177-180 175 255 209 209 17,2;)-25 . , 209E. 209)' 17.23.26,2'1 270-273 255 12, 246 27e-280 '327 329 280 13· 14 12 209, 209A~ 2091' , , , 209-",209(; 165, 173 209A-209~ 181 181-188 9 ,, 12 , DORMAN, LONG & CO, LIMITED. , 31-55 55 57 Profiles of Sections ~ II "chailge of Pr('-perHes aDd Dimensions, notes on " " o f angles, bulb " """ equal and unequal beaxns .. '!' channels .. ",, )) IJ cOlnpound craO,e girders " ." compounds .. . .. ,f II " stanchions '. ' -., n " tees " " !rougbing see notes o'~ roofs type details for II " Il " 66-67 62-65 58-59 60-61 III 74- 107 118-145 68 200-202, 209A-209F 181 187-188 " Q Quarls 12 R . II Radius of GYl"atioo lJ II for Stanchions for Stnlts .. 11 II Ii " o f va.Tious sections " 11 see notes Rajis, " ,_, " " 00 I 51 j' Ii 57 239-243, 245 properties Ac.c.essories for Hric;:lge Bullhead Electr-;c Conductor Fishphtes :fOt Flange " Fht Bottom " High CarbOl', Wear-resisting Railway and Concluctl,lr " 'I Triunway ., .. Redeal" Iron and Steel works _Reference Marks, notes 00 57;248 118-145 149-157 59,68 . .. 245 240 II " " " IJ \-. see. sections, tables~. Q.:.c. II [ 3, 9,21-27 31 i 246 3 224 54 264 I 71 I I 277 225 277 265-267 174 227 229 te~s .. II .1 239,240,241,242,243 241-243, 245 - t- ... I, .1 ?AO RMractory !vIa terial RegisteIecl Office Ridging. -galva.Flizec1 Rivet Bars, sizes of Rivet holes in tension members Riveting of Coml'ounc1s (see also tables) Rivets,'cupheaded; weight of , , _.' . ;-, -galvauizec1_, weight of -, " beads. weight of .. _" • shearing and bearinl$ values 01 ., " spacing of boles for, 1Il angles, -beams, cbannels and Rod and Wire Works Rods, pit. guide ·\vire .. Rolling Margin , 'I _ ~oofs, loads on I I ' ootes on " plressure of wind on " proportions of _" weigb f of, approximate .. __ Roof Truss,es, coefliclents for lengths pf members of stresses hI.members· of " " propo.rtions of " " type details fo.r • . Roots, squale and cube of numbers, -1 to 1,000 Rope Wire, plough steel and bright patent steel for )1 II 242 245 S2 I 229 16,229 I 181 181 I 181 181 _181 182-183 ! I 182-183 181 11 184-188 292-301 229 .. 241 ,., , i 390 DORMAN, ,LONG & CO, ,LIMITED, 53 Rounds, Hollow and Solid Hal! sizes weight p.er foot of see · also II rods '" ..... " 54 ' 274 s . Safe loads, on angleS'; lis struts, , 146-147, 149-156 , 262-263 " " .n angles in . tension .. " H ,., beams " 71,72.73 ,., " 11 channels as struts 157 70-71,76-109 ". 1.1 "compounds 175,177-180 "plate girders 112; 11 9-1 45 " " "stanchions " , 112,146-156 " " "stru ts, angle 157 " ,', " " channel 148 " " 11 tees as struts " 190. 201-202 " " ., troughing ~' ~candlna vian Tiles 220 Screws. galvanized 225 Secan t of all Angle 305 Secants, table of natural , . 310-311 Section-Modulus 248 329. "Britl"h and metric equivalents " " " see also" properties of sections Ii ,, Sections angles, bulb ,. ,. ,, ., 46-47 , , 45 equal " " ,{3'44 . " "unequal beams 32-39 '.' . 54 bobbin " channels 40-42 . ' .. dimensions and properties 57-68 " fencing standard 54 11 fta t bars .. 53 .,!, illustrations 32-55 miscellaneous ,, 54 moments of inertia of various 261 ... 16"New British Standard •• ,, 31 notes on .. " Old' British Standard " 16, 210A,210Q ",; 16,21QA-21OQ other than British Standard 209A-209F PI'esged Steel Trough . " profile of, when rolled to thickness other than standard 55 properties of 58-68 " rails , bridge ,, 51 " .. flat bottom 52 " rivet bars 54 " rounds 54 " squa.res 53 4B " Tees 54 " " bulb 49-50 " ttoughing . , 1\19-199 built·up 16q,173 Sepn.r ators, standard. Pressed Steel and C.L ,, " . 172 ." " " ,., "beams with .. Setts, granite, wlllD~t6ne and ' basa,l t. weight of 255 255 .. Yorkstone. weight of ,. .' .' ' Shear, bending moment and deflection of beams 249-253 Shearing'~and Bearing Values of Rivets ,, 265-267 ,, Sheet no.s ,. , , , , , , , .. 241 • i/ 'J 1/)101:1{s . 4, 5,211 -225 ,, Sheets, black and close allnealed 221 " 213 :" branc!s" " corrugated, ' cramped and curved , :' " , ,, 219 " ' '214-215 galvanized. al'I:fOl<imate number Jl.N' tOll " " fi ttings for ' " .", ,, 225 " 214,218 gauge and size of corrugations ' .. , J) " .. . ,. . .. .. . .. .... ,0 .. J') . . " It . ... " J, DORMAN,LONG & CO. ,L IMITED. Shipping, facilities ., ", Plant, Coal Silica B.l'icks '. , '" , Cement ". .'~' Silico-Mangallese Steel Sms, COIl crete ' ,; . Sine of an ' angle " SiDes, table of natural Slab 'Base for Stanchion Slabs, steel ' .' " , Sli\g ., .. . ,", Slag, weight of SI"te, weight of Sleepers, Steel Sleep~r 'Plates SIlOW; w~igh t of Sole Pia tes •. Solid Half Rounds , Solution of Triangles . " , South Africa, Associated C6mpuny , South America, Associated Company •. .., Spacing of holes in angles, beams. channels and tees Spec;ial S tee! '.. , .. , Specification, British Standard No. 15, revised May, 1930 Spel ter, weigh t 6f .. ,' ' SpjegeieisCIl and Ferro Manganese SpiegeleiSen and Fer.ro-mangane,;e, Agents for , Splice, Plates .lor beams ., ,. ' . . ,. Square Measure, British aod metric equivalents "" ,~ metric. Squares, cubes, square and cube roots of Nos. I to 1,000 " Qf numbers and 'fractiollal parts ". . " It .' " " beam '··.. " " ., .. 'i:rippling load for various values 01 " • " " " dunensiQns and pr9perties .. effective 'lengtb •• . grill~ges. . ., " join t !,>,:hites for " latticed beam " "channel" . , .. .. Ilrniting lengius for tabular foad . , l' notes on " properties of . • safe loads on " splice plates for " tabular weights " type details for ,. Slandard load for highway b.ddges Stay Strand .. •, ,. Steel .... Steel, Admiralty" D and "DI" " Alloy, , " Arches J' Chrallle .. Copper Beadng ' n concttictivity " expansion of 242 , ... !:., 6 6 174 15 331 '343 255 , " 244 , 8 17Q;1,71 , ,31,:) 117 118-145 112 ,. JI4,160 '113, 164 136-137 142-143 112 112 113,118-145 112, 119,143 164 " , , .. 00 113 158-1.64 254 00 . '53 305 . ," ' . . 316,3;M-325 ' II 00 ' , " 12,246 246 240 12 305 306-307 28, 161 239, 240 12, 246 255 255 243,245 242 255 314 292-301 288-289 ',' 53 274 112-157 H3,I,58-161 118-119,136-13'7 .. ' . . ' 162-163 '. . ,120-121, 142-143; 157 122"135, 138-141, 144-145 .,' 113 .. 113,162-1'63 brackets on ";" ': channel compound condition of ends .. .' • . •. connections of bea.ms and ciompounds to " " '. , )I " ' weigb ts per foot of Stanchions', and struts .' ' .. ' bases, and caps fOr " \8 .. ::size$ .,. 19 , , .' . 238 , 15 15 240 245 240 15 241 255 • 392 DORMAN, ,LONG & Steel, " " " "" " 0' " )J CO. LIMITED. 239,240 i5 hi~h class High Tensile Nicl<el Silica Nlanganese Sleepers Special Tube . ', weight of cast flat rolled , " rolled " .: 240 , . 0 240 : 0 w1re - " "breaking load on " "table ·of tensile strengtb. Sltcelworks Steps, ConGxe'~ . Stiffeners f()r pIa!;., girders Stone, Arti.6.cial Strand, Galvaliized Stay .. 11 ,'J ' Wire . . Strength of Wire . 1 Stress _ '' Stresses iD~einbers of Roof. Tmsses 0 ,- , 0 00 00 255 270-273 31,255 227-235 234 232-233 3,4 12 175 12 238 238 232-234 15 . 182-183 ,' 1' ." ) 1 240 243, 245 15 I~ ' • 00 .. •• : .. ,' .. .~ 0 , 0 Struts, crippling loads for varibus valnes of , ~ 1r .' 0 117 i -112 notes on ." , 112, i46-157 safe loads on .. .. ',' , 0, , .-;"bs~:inces; approximate weights of various 255 Summary of Contents ., . .. ... 379-381 Sundials, Concrete .. 12 Surveying Measure . 312 Systenls of Loading, bending m.orn'mt, shear and deflection for 249-253 . vario1ls _,., " 0 , • .' • , • • • 0 • • 0 - .. 'T ' . .' . Tangent of an Angle tangents, table of natural Tat, weigh t of Tees, 'as struts 1I bulb, see U bulb tees" " dimensions and proper!ie. ". reference marks " sections of 't " bulb " spacing of boles in " weights per f.oot Telegra,phic Addresses Telephone Numbers . Tension Members, rivet boles in Terra Cotta, weight of Tests ThIckness, variation fron;. publisbed Tiles, Scandinavian Timber, weight of , Ton, cwts" qt•. , lb •. as decimals of a Tons into Ibs, ., .. ' Tons', per squarl' inch into kilos per square millimetrc Tramrails " Agcn ts ·for Triangles, solution of Trigonometrical functions " , Trough,lng , . ' ,; application to bridgework of rolled, bniIt-up notes 0[1 .~' . " Pressed " rolled and riveted, calculation of suitable ., " " " dia.grams of ,. " " H dimensions and properties of 305 308-309 255.. 148 • , , , , 0 ..1255 15 31 , 220 255 0 0 0 " ' , • • • • ' ... 68 ...,If 48,68 ' 48,68 54 174 48,68 3-8 3,8 .264 0 0 ; 278-280 , .. 280 236 241-243, 245 7 305 305 49,50, 189-209 203-208 189-190 209,209A-209F 203-208 191-199 200-202 , DORMAN, LONG & CO. LIMITED. Troughing, rolled and riveted, safe loads on " sections of single trougbs riveted Il Trusses. see roofs" Tube Steel .. Tubing, gas, as distance pieces or separators Sl2e- .and weight of Type details for purllns .. .. " , . roof trusses " " stanchions 201-202 49-50 .191'199 !l II H . 240 172 276 187-188 184-186 158-164 " " u Uganda and Kenya Colony, Agents tor Ur:uted Kingdom, Agents .. U oiversal PIa tes . . .. Unsymmetrically Loaded Beams I ~ .v· '. I Values;-- crippfing loads for vanoua - r '~ .. 8 7 17,26-27 252-253 .. 117 265-267 31 12 " sbearing and bearing, of rivets VAriation from publisbed welgbts and thicknesses Vases, Concrete ' w " Wade & Dorman, Ld. .. . Washers, bevelled and ordinary, sizes and weights. , ,: " galvanized, Weight of Water, weight and bulk of fresh " I f I I) " " i t " Sea • 'Wear-resisting Rails, high carbon Webs, depth clear of root fillet, Weights and Measures :British equivalents, British and metric " ',' metric " .J' Weights of Angles, bulb >1 n equal table of " " unequal " " S ,beam, " bevelled washers " bobbin sections " bolts and !luts, Wbitwortb .. .'? ;) I " lewis .. " cast 1rOD " cbannels " " " " " " -" " "- " " '" " " compounds, .. ., 100 cup·beaded rivets 100 cup he~ds, rivet .. fia t rolled steel '• galvanized barb fencing wire bolts and nuts " book bolts " nails " rivets " IJ screws " spikes " washers gas tubing rails, bridge " 6, 17 276 225 255 255 240 .' 174 312,313 316-329 314-315 46,47,66 64-65, 268-269 268-269 62-63, 268-269 .. ' 32c39,58 276 ' 54 275 276 255 40-42,60 70,74' \ \1 .. 277 277 270-273 230-231 225 225 225 225 .. 225 225 225 276 51 .. ' ' .. 52 flat bottom i , ti L , ' ., 394 DORMAN; LONG & CO. LIMITED. '271 Weight of rivet heads " .' rivets . t . rivets,galvaruz~d roofs . . .. " rounds .. " squa£es .. " stanchions ." steel. " . '.' £l~ts " plates ",',' tees· , " " bulb " troughing " tubing, gas " variation from published' /I • various substances . washers, gal'l'ani2ed .. " " . ordinary and bevelled water 277 . I .J I 1 .1 I I l I i 225 '" 181 274 , : 274 113,118'145 31 ; 255 270·273 270·273, 330 . 68 , .', 54 191-202 276 31 255 ... ", 225 276 I.J. _ " " Wharves ., .. .. Whlt.stone setis, weight of . . Whi.twQrth Bolts and Nuts, standard sizes . .,') " " weights of 'Wind, pressnre 00 roofs Wire and Rod Works Wi.e Strand Wire, barb ferteing " bright · .. " fencing g(l.lvanized .1, " gauge, Imperial Stand,ud " gauges, comparison of ,; high conductivity . . " high strain, oval " Mills, Cleveland " patent steel hawser " plough steel rope . . " rods . . .. . ,' rope '" " .signal strand ;, specialJties .. " telegraph and telephone " tensile otrength of " weight of Wood .blod, paving, weight of Works and' Departments . • Wrought iron, weight of , ., 255 . , 230, 23 I, 234, 238 19 255 274 , wire '" ... • ' ! 275 181 227 238 23.0 ". ", , 229 ... 229<?31 , 229-231 234 235 ., 229 229 4,5, 227-238 . 229 229 .229 r •• 229 229 229 229 •• ,232-234 230,231,234 .. .. .. " .. 255 3, 4,5, 12, 17, 21,29,211,227, 239, 242 ..246 .. .. .. .... 255 y .. Yorkstone seits, weight of z Zigzag lines in 'tables. (see note on defiection) Zinc, weigh t of MIJ)DLESBROUGH: WM. APPLEYARb AND SONS . I,D., PRtNTERS , AX,BERT ROAD. 2.55 7J 255 , I "