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MBA OB Syllabus Hybrid Fall 2018 v. 1

Fall, 2018
Organizational Behavior Hybrid 2018 9 22 620 585 61 Room 1144
Syllabus Version 1
Learning Facilitator: Dr. Emilio DeLia
Email: edelia@business.rutgers.edu ;
Phone: 973-697-5285; Office Hours (In person days): 5-6PM Room 2149
Throughout your business careers, you will be confronted with problems and opportunities
which have people as the key ingredient. Fortunately, much excellent science has described how
to solve people centered challenges and, importantly, how to leverage human characteristics and
tendencies to provide greater advantage to your business. This body of science is called
Organizational Behavior (OB). OB deals with how individuals, groups, and organizations can act
and interact to either impede or impel business success.
There is no need for you to navigate blindly when many useful and proven strategies and tactics
have been charted by OB. This course is designed to help you develop and enhance skills and
competencies in managing organizational issues. You learn not only what to do but why it will
work by learning the OB concepts and theories about people and organizations. The goals of this
course are for you to improve management of yourself, others, groups and organizations and to
be able to recognize, diagnose, and address the problems and opportunities people present.
Organizational Behavior: Explores human dynamics by examining the role of management and
learning styles in the effective functioning of organizations. Topics include personality types,
motivation, cognition and learning, communication, team development, and leadership. Through
class discussions, case analyses, simulations, and group projects, students learn critical
managerial skills such as communication, decision making, conflict resolution, and team
This course has been designed to support all learning goals of the RBS Master of Business
Administration Program including:
1. Communication Skills Learning Goal : You will be able to more effectively perform managerial
communication both orally and in writing in a way that demonstrates understanding of your
audience’s needs.
2. Business Knowledge Learning Goal: You will be able to demonstrate knowledge of best
managerial practices in dealing with people centered business issues.
3. Critical Thinking Skills Learning Goal: You will be able to understand complex people centered
business situations and provide solutions to improve current business practices.
4. Ethics Learning Goal: You will be better able to judge ethical implications of situations to make
better business decisions in both domestic and international business contexts.
The course is structured in two dimensions: topics and learning techniques. The first dimension,
Topics, focuses on your skills to develop. Prevalent and pressing management and leadership
challenges are the vehicles to explore key OB discoveries and to apply OB theories and
researched practices to solve those issues. Your ability to apply OB knowledge becomes a
foundation for self-management and management of other individuals, groups, and
Course Topic Questions
1. How can I develop the skills to be capable of managing and leading myself and others?
2. How do I create an organization culture that brings superior results?
3. How can I motivate people to achieve high performance?
4. How can I and my groups make better decisions?
4. How do I lead my team so that we can have high impact and be high performing?
6. How do I lead my people to collaborate and have conflict that helps our performance,
resolving or negotiating any unproductive conflict?
7. How do I navigate the perils and opportunities associated with change to make my
organization successfully change?
8. How do I use power, leadership, persuasion and influence to expand my impact and my
The second dimension is learning techniques which span reflective learning to action learning,
and individual learning to group learning. Learning will happen through assigned readings of the
text book; the review and analysis of cases; online and in person lectures; online and in person
discussions; assessments that examine your own relevant beliefs, preferences and behaviors;
team exercises and team project work interactions; and the development of an individual report
and a team report. You can learn when you complete the readings and assignments, participate
constructively in discussions, and put attention and energy into developing your and your teams’
This course is delivered through a hybrid structure. Hybrid format involves both online lectures,
supported by other student self-managed learning material being delivered via online means, and
classes convening in person to reinforce learning gaps, do individual and group exercises where
face to face interaction helps the learning process and conduct assessments. Half of the planned
course time is therefore done virtually by students based upon instructions from the instructor
and half is done in person in the classroom. Hybrid courses are inherently designed to provide
greater self- managed control and responsibility to the students. Greater student selfmanagement occurs in a couple of ways. First, since lectures and other learning materials are
online and available, students choose the time they will attend to course materials. Deadlines are
established for assignments to be completed independently by students which enable the
instructor to assess the students’ self-study learning and augment the learning achieved through
self-study, for example, online discussion in which all students participate. Additionally, since
students are assumed to have gained a level of knowledge and mastery of the material through
their self-managed learning, students are asked to play more active roles in the in-person class
discussions and exercises, for example, leading a case discussion. Students taking this hybrid
course must be able to perform high levels of self-direction and management.
This course implements the hybrid structure by having weeks when an in-person class occurs and
weeks of exclusive online work and interaction when no in-person class occurs. Each week in the
class begins on Friday and ends on the next Thursday, except for the first week of the semester
which is scheduled to accommodate the start of semester on September 4. The first week of this
semester starts on the day each student chooses to begin to study for this course but no later than
September 4, and ends on Thursday, September 6 with no in person. The second week starts
normally on Friday September 7 ends on Thursday, September 13 with the class meeting in
person for the first time. Because this course gets off to a fast start, it is recommended that you
get the text and case books ASAP so that you can complete the work of the first two weeks in a
timely fashion. All subsequent weeks start on Friday and end on Thursday and follow the same
alternating pattern of one week online and in person and one week exclusively online through to
the end of the course which occurs in week 14. One additional exception is week 13 which starts
November 20 and ends on December 3 because of the intervening Thanksgiving week. There is
no final test for this course.
The preparation, study and activity assignments for each week are detailed below in the Course
Schedule sub-section of this syllabus. Very important to note, in Blackboard (BB) there will
be a folder for each week with will start with a list of all To Do’s and due dates in that
week. Also included in the folder are links to all assignments. All students should become
very familiar with BB and review each weeks To Do list to be able to manage their study
and assignment activity.
Academic Integrity: I do NOT tolerate cheating. Students are responsible for
understanding the RU Academic Integrity Policy
(http://academicintegrity.rutgers.edu/files/documents/AI_Policy_2013.pdf). I will
strongly enforce this Policy and pursue all violations. On all examinations and
assignments, students must sign the RU Honor Pledge, which states, “On my honor, I
have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination or
assignment.” . I will screen your written projects through SafeAssign, plagiarism
detection service that compare the work against a large database of past work. Don’t let
cheating destroy your hard-earned opportunity to learn. See business.rutgers.edu/ai for
more details.
Syllabus: While every attempt is made to include all course information on this syllabus,
some changes may be necessary. Any changes will be announced. Students are
responsible for abiding by the terms contained in this syllabus. All assignments are to be
delivered by the due date or points will be deducted from the grade.
Class Participation: You are expected to engage with the learning material outlined in a
timely, thorough, and thoughtful manner; and are encouraged to reflect on your own
work experiences as you read material for this course. Most of the assignments will
require that you provide evidence of understanding through your ability to conceptualize,
integrate and apply key concepts to different situations.
Email Communications with Professor: Email is the good method for quick responses.
However, it is essential that you put the class and your last name in the subject line of the
email (e.g. Online MBA OB – Your Name). I will normally respond within 48 hours.
Course Communications: At all times, course communications with fellow students and
the professor are to be professional and courteous. You are expected to proof read all
your written communications, including discussion posts, assignments and emails.
Online Resources: All students should check Blackboard (Bb) and their Rutgers email
account every few days for announcements.
Responsibility for Learning: You are responsible for your learning in this course. As
the professor, I will introduce you to new information, provide examples and
demonstrations to facilitate understanding, and will be available to help you with both the
content and processes explored during the course. It is your responsibility to master the
material and processes through critical thinking, active participation and consistent
Note: Rutgers University welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's
educational programs. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations,
a student with a disability must contact the appropriate disability services office at the
campus where you are officially enrolled, participate in an intake interview, and provide
documentation: https://ods.rutgers.edu/students/documentation-guidelines. If the
documentation supports your request for reasonable accommodations, your campus's
disability services office will provide you with a Letter of Accommodations. Please share
this letter with your instructors and discuss the accommodations with them as early in
your courses as possible. To begin this process, please complete the Registration form on
the ODS web site at: https://ods.rutgers.edu/students/registration-form.
Rutgers University welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University's educational
programs. In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, a student with a
disability must contact the appropriate disability services office at the campus where you are
officially enrolled, participate in an intake interview, and provide documentation:
https://ods.rutgers.edu/students/documentation-guidelines. If the documentation supports your
request for reasonable accommodations, your campus’s disability services office will provide you
with a Letter of Accommodations. Please share this letter with your instructors and discuss the
accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. To begin this process, please
complete the Registration form on the ODS web site at:
There is a University-wide policy on academic integrity, which will be followed. Every student
is expected to abide by the university’s honor pledge. .The honor pledge applies to all
assignments. Students need to acknowledge that they have read and understood Academic
Integrity at Rutgers University: Go to the link below review the policy and sign and submit the
attached document at the end of the syllabus.
Additionally, students must review, understand and agree to the requirements stated in this
syllabus. Both the Honor Pledge and he Syllabus Agreement are accomplished by completing
and submitting the form below which can be found in electronical form and submitted on Bb in
the Honor Code Pledge folder.
Please sign and submit by due date via Blackboard in the HONOR CODE PLEDGE folder.
If form is not submitted, 5 points will be deducted from your final participation grade
*This must be done electronically, therefore, you must have a digital copy of the Honor Pledge
in order to upload it to Blackboard. You may either:
 Print this page, complete, sign, scan, and then upload to Blackboard.
 Take a picture of the completed Honor Pledge and then upload the file to Blackboard.
Acknowledgement of Academic Integrity at Rutgers University and Syllabus Agreement
Organizational Behavior
Fall, 2018
I have read the University-wide policy on academic integrity, understand its implications, have
sought clarification of those parts that were unclear to me, and will abide by it. Further, on my
honor, I will not receive nor give any unauthorized assistance on any assignment in this course.
I have read the syllabus to this course, understand its requirements, have sought clarification of
those parts that were unclear to me, and agree to abide by it.
Student Name (Please Print):
Student RUID:
Student Signature:
Grades will be made based upon:
 Discussion Posts
 Personal Case Report
 In Class Participation
2 Points deducted for not providing feedback on peer Personal Case Report
5 points deducted if Honor Code Pledge and Syllabus Agreement is not submitted
 Team Case Presentation
 Team Project
o Progress Report
o Presentation
Absences; minus 4 points each after first excused absence (3 late’s = one absence)
*Team member feedback on individuals’ contributions will be solicited, and factored into the
individual’s grade.
Course Grades
Course grades will be determined according to the scales below. Periodically, grades for
completed assignments will be posted to BB throughout the term so you may track your
progress. There is no grading curve for this class or the required deliverables. There is no predetermined grade distribution. There is no rounding up to achieve a next higher grade.
70 – 72.99%
80 - 82.99%
If you have any questions about your grades during the semester, please contact me. It is your
responsibility to do so throughout the semester rather than waiting until final course grades are
TEXTBOOK: Managing Organizational Behavior: What Great Managers Know and Do, 2nd
Edition; Authors: Baldwin, Bommer and Rubin; ISBN is 9780073530406
CASE Book: All cases for team case reports will be sourced from Cases in Management and
Organizational Behavior: Volume 2 Author: Teri C. Tompkins; ISBN is 0130894648.
Both the textbook and case book can be purchased new from the books store and both new and
used online. If you buy used, ensure that you are buying the correct edition for the textbook and
volume for the case book. Other editions or volumes will not contain the content used in this
Note: Examples of excellent student submittals for the following assignments can be seen in the
Course Documents Folder on BB: Case Discussion Post, Chapter Discussion Post, Personal Case
Report, Team Case Presentation, and the Team Project Poster Presentation. It is in your interest
to review these examples in order to better understand what is expected by the course facilitator.
The purpose of these weekly assignments is for you to demonstrate your understanding of key
concepts about the topic or pertinent material, and to apply those concepts. Generally, for weeks
in which we are dealing with an OB topic, you will be given material and questions about which
you will post in Thread in that week’s BB Forum. For weeks in which we will be having Team
Case Analysis, you will post about each case in their respective Threads in that week’s BB
Forums. Team members do not post on any case in the week in which they are presenting.
You will be expected to provide one original and substantive post to each Thread. Each post
will be evaluated according to criteria such as: 1) demonstrates knowledge of the reading; 2)
thesis is clear; 3) provides solid evidence; 4) understands significance of the topic; 5) extends
topic to new area; 6) raises relevant questions about topic.
To summarize the high points about posts:
• This is not an opinion course. Rather, it is a course based on critical thinking. Posts that are
simply rehashes of the case or just statements of opinion without support do not meet the
requirements. It is expected that you will make cogent arguments supported by course
• If you use outside sources that have web links, these should be imbedded as active links in
your post as you explain and review them so we can directly link from your post to the
• Your posts should be no more or less than 200 to 300 words
• To receive credit the posts must be submitted by the due date and time.
• You are encouraged to read other student’s posts.
Your point grade is based on the quality (not the volume) of your analysis, recommendations and
any relevant external source data/information citations and that within 200 to 300 words the post
accurately applies relevant course material, that you show original thought, and that the post is
well written, that is, has a thesis and develops arguments supporting the thesis in a rational
manner. Grading follows this scale:
• Below 12: Did not meet minimal expectations for the posts
• 12: Met minimal expectations for the posts
• 15: Met acceptable expectations for the posts
• 18: Exceeded expectations for the posts
• 20: Far exceeded expectations for the posts.
20 % PERSONAL CASE REPORT. Please refer to Personal Case Report Guidelines in
Course Documents on BB for a complete explanation of this course element. The report must be
submitted through BB Assignments section, by the date and time listed in your syllabus.
Instructions for submitting your report is posted on BB. BB will electronically check for
You are expected to come to class fully prepared to engage in the class discussion or participate
in exercises. The syllabus and Weekly Do To’s indicate the material that you will be assigned to
prepare. In organizations where more work is done in teams, an important part of a person's
contribution is the way he or she interacts with others. Speech acts such as presenting,
commenting, critiquing, and persuading require understanding the issues as well as having
effective skills. Participation concerns both quality and quantity. Following is the grading and a
description of how your class participation will be evaluated.
 90-100 Exemplar Contributor. Contributions in class and group discussions reflect thorough
preparation and excellent critical thinking. Ideas offered are substantive and original,
providing excellent insights and direction for the discussion. Arguments, when presented, are
very well substantiated and very persuasive. If this person were not a member, the quality of
the discussions would be diminished considerably.
 80 – 89 Very Good Contributor. Contributions in class and group discussions reflect good
preparation. Ideas offered are substantive, providing good insights and direction for the
discussion. Arguments, when presented, are well substantiated and persuasive. If this person
were not a member, the quality of the discussions would be noticeably diminished.
 70 –79 Good Contributor. Contributions in class and group discussions reflect satisfactory
preparation. Ideas offered provide factual details, provide generally useful insights, add to an
ongoing line of analysis but do not offer a new direction for the discussion. Few arguments
are presented, and are minimally substantiated and persuasive. If this person were not a
member, the quality of the discussions would be diminished somewhat.
 Adequate Contributor. Participant joins in discussion, but in a limited way.in class and group
discussions. His/her contributions reflect adequate preparation. Ideas offered are seldom
substantive, providing few, if any, insights, and not in a constructive direction for the
discussion. Integrative comments and effective arguments are absent. If this person were not
a member, the quality of the discussions would not be affected.
 Unsatisfactory Contributor: Participant does not contribute to the discussion or when doing
so makes inappropriate or off-topic comments that very seldom link to other concepts, or
participation is inconsistent with conventional netiquette. Comments reflect poorly
conceived, unoriginal thinking, supported by no substantiation and persuasion. Demonstrates
no preparation: no understanding of case or topic, and has no notion of their implications
20% TEAM CASE ANALYSIS. An important component of the course is conducting case
analyses. To learn more about how to do your case analysis, please refer to Guide to Team Case
Analysis in Course Document folder on BB.
A team will be assigned to lead each case discussion. The case discussion session will be
comprised of two parts. In the first part, the team is to engage the class is active discussion of the
case by asking questions about the case and how it illustrates chapter material, and interacting
with students to deepen their thinking and learning. The second is a no more than 5 slide
presentation of the team’s view of the case. The team will provide in the appropriate Discussion
Forum by the date indicated in the BB TO Do’s, questions about their case which will be used by
classmates to post about the case
Teams should plan at least one discussion with the learning facilitator as they prepare this
assignment in order to understand important elements in the case as how to structure a
productive class discussion.
The team’s case analysis will be submitted in two ways by the date and time as listed in your
syllabus. First, your team’s PowerPoint presentation must be submitted as a ppt or pdf file
through Blackboard Assignments section. Secondly, the list of questions used to engage the class
and the PPT presentation in printed form is to be given to the professor at the time the
presentation. Your team will have 40 minutes for its case discussion.
The presentation will be assessed according to the following rubric:
Team Case ANALYSIS and DISCUSSION Assessment Sheet
Team______________________________ Date __________________
Case: ___________________________________________ Points Achieved: ___________
Class Discussion: Ability to engage class in discussion of key points and
questions/issues in case and application of course material
(Total = 65 points)
Provided classmates key questions about case for them to discuss in their posts and
asked relevant thought provoking question for in-class discussion
Assessment: Questions engaged classmates to contribute to the discussion with
thoughtful, original insights.
Elicited class participation in summarizing the case and describing the
Problem/Opportunity and its causes
Assessment: Quality and accuracy of the class discussion in summarizing the
case, describing the Problem/Opportunity, and its causes
Elicited class case discussion which identified relevant course material and applied it
to case
Assessment: Completeness and accuracy of the class discussion identifying
relevant course material and applying the material to the case.
Elicited class participation in formulating relevant responsive solutions and actions
Assessment: Completeness and accuracy of the class discussion formulating
relevant responsive solutions and actions which were grounded in relevant
course material.
Engaged students in discussion which elicited critical thinking and diverse viewpoints
Assessment: The degree to which the team’s interaction with the class led to
critical thinking in the discussion through explanations and elaborations which
diverse views into the meaning of the case.
Presentation of Team’s View of the Case
(Total = 30 points)
Problem/Opportunity Description:
1 Slide
 What is the problem/opportunity and why is this important?
 How does the organization/leader define the problem/opportunity?
 How does your group define the problem/opportunity if differently?
 What are its causes?
Assessment: Quality and accuracy of the team’s description of the
Problem/Opportunity of the case and answering questions raised in the rubric.
Problem/Opportunity Integration of Course Content
1-2 Slides
 Which course topics are most relevant for understanding the
problem/opportunity, and provide an organizing framework to “make sense”
of the symptoms and causes? How?
 What specific theories or frameworks from our course inform your analysis?
How do they apply?
Assessment: Completeness and accuracy of the team’s selection of course topics
and theories or frameworks which are relevant to the case.
Recommended Solutions
1-2 Slides
 Identify 2-3 recommendations for the organization to resolve or address the
problem/opportunity which incorporate course content.
 In your solution, be specific about the actions that should be taken, rather than
rely on broad prescriptions such as, "stronger leadership," "better
communication," or "do more research." Integrate course concepts into your
 What factors in the organization would be supportive of or facilitate the success
of your solutions, and what obstacles might there be?
Assessment: The relevancy, feasibility, completeness and accuracy of the team’s
proposed recommendations.
Stayed within specified time and slide limits
25% TEAM PROJECT: Progress Report and Presentation. Please refer to Groups Project
Description in Course Documents on BB for a complete explanation of this course element. The
progress report will be submitted by one member of your team through Blackboard according to
the instructions provided. You must do it this way so that I can turn around comments to you
asap so you can reflect changes in your final report presentation. The project report presentation
must be submitted in two ways by the date and time as listed in your syllabus. First, your group’s
PowerPoint presentation or image of its poster must be submitted through Blackboard by only
one member of your team through Blackboard according to the instruction provided. Second,
your presentation as a poster will be brought to class to the session on which it will be presented.
I will seek input from team members to ensure that everyone contributed to efforts for the Team
Case Review and the Team Project through a feedback device posted on BB in the Course
Information folder. All students you will submit the form after the completion of each team and
group assignment and will be. Negative feedback can result in from 1 to 10 points deducted from
the team grade for an individual member depending on its severity and consistency of team
member feedback.
Week#; Start & End Date; In-Person Date; Topic Question &Week’s Assignments
Week 1 Online Only Student Determined Start Date but no later than 9/4 ending 9/6
How can I develop the skills to be capable of managing and leading myself and others?
1. Read entire Chapter 1 and view all online lecture chunks.
 Closely study “Manage What” Numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4 and their debriefs at end of chapter
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits 1.1 & 1.2 ; Tables 1.1, 1.2, & 1.3; Figure 1. 1 and
Management Live 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4.
2. Do the following Essential Managerial Assessments:
3. Write and submit your discussion post answering the following questions: Identify two
situations, in which you personally are involved or were recently involved, which would be
more fully understood by applying to them the OB topics from the course, Which two of
the eight main OB topics could be applied to each of the two situations? Explain your
reasons for selecting the two topics for each situation.
Week 2 Online and In Person 9/7-9/13 In person- 9/13
How do I create a culture in my organization which brings superior results?
1. Complete Management Culture Self Assessments at
2. Read entire Chapter 13 and view online lecture chunks
 Closely study “Manage What” Numbers 1,2, 3 & 4 and their debriefs
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits 13.1, 13.3 & 13.4 ; Table 13.2 and
Management Live 13.5 & 13.6
3. Write and submit your discussion post about the A Selfish Request in Japan Case in the Case
4. Submit Honor Code Pledge And Syllabus Agreement. See Honor Code Pledge folder.
In-person Activities
- Instructor led lecture including introducing OB and reviewing student questions about the
- Instructor led class discussion of the A Selfish Request in Japan Case
- Management Exercise: Select teams and cases for presentation. See appendix for instructions.
Week 3 Online Only 9/14-9/20
How do I lead my team so that we can have high impact and be high performing?
1. Read Chapter 10 and view online lecture chunks including all videos.
 Closely examine the 5 Manager's Tool Kits Presented
 Digest the contrasts shown in the chapter’s 7 Tables
2. Take the “Am I a Team Player” Assessment on BlackBoard
3. View video about teams at W.L.Gore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cogPHPNN5g0
.Write and submit your discussion posts about the Gore Case at the end of the chapter.
4. TEAMS 1 & 2 - In a reply to the appropriate thread for your case within the forum, post list of
questions classmates can respond to in their posts about the case by COB Thursday
Week 4 Online and In Person 9/21-9/27 In person- 9/27
1, Read and prepare for in class discussion of the Computer Services Team at AVIONICS Case
2. Submit discussion posts on cases
In-person Activities
- Team 1 led class discussion of the Computer Services Team at AVIONICS Case
- Team 2 led class discussion of the Groupware Fiasco Case
- Instructor led discussion on Teams
- Team exercise on Norms Formation
Week 5 Online Only 9/28-10/4
How do I lead my people to collaborate and have conflict that helps our performance,
resolving or negotiating any unproductive conflict?
1. Take the Conflict Management Assessment
Take the Active Listening Inventory
2. Read entire Chapter 11 and view online lecture chunks including all videos.
 Closely study “Manage What” Numbers 1, 2 & 4 and their debriefs
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits 11.1 & 11.3 ; Tables 11.1, 11.4, 11.5, 11.6, 11.7 &
11.8 ; Figure 11. 1 and Management Live 11.1 & 11.3.
3. Read Chapter 5: Introduction & Active listening sections only.
 Closely study and examine: Manager's Tool Kits 5.4 and Table 5.5
4. View the video about IDEO and study the IDEO Selects for Collaborative Leaders case
provided on BlackBoard formulating your answers to the questions.
5. Write and submit your discussion posts about the IDEO case.
6. TEAM 3 &4 - In a reply to the appropriate thread for your case within the forum, post list of
questions classmates can respond to in their posts about the case by COB Thursday.
7. Submit Personal Case Proposal .
Week 6 Online and In Person 10/5-10/11 In person- 10/11
1, Read and prepare for in class discussion of the Cost and Schedule Team at AVIONICS Case
and the Negotiating Work Hours Case.
2. Teams come to class with ideas about the team project client organizations and the OB topics
that apply.
3. Submit discussion posts on cases.
In-person Activities
- Team 3 led class discussion of the Cost and Schedule Team at AVIONICS Case
- Team 4 led class discussion of the Negotiating Work Hours Case
- Instructor led discussion on Collaboration.
- Team exercise on Collaboration, Conflict and Negotiation: Formulating alternatives for Team
Week 7
Online Only 10/12-10/18
How can I motivate people to achieve high performance?
1. Read entire Chapter 6 and view online lecture chunks including all videos.
 Closely consider both parts of the first case, Ritz-Carlton and the last case, MGM Grand.
 Study “Manage What” Numbers 1, 2 & 5 and their debriefs
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits 6.2 & Management Live 6.3
2. Read Chapter 7 sections: Performance Management: The Day to Day Work of Great
Managers, Setting Expectations and Evaluating Performance, Dealing with the Problem
Employee and Managing, the Star Employee, Manage What 7.2 and debrief, Manager’s Tool
Kits 7.2 & 7.3 and Management Live 7.1, and Table 7.1 only
4.a. Do the following Personal Assessments:
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs
4.b..Do the following Essential Managerial Assessments on Motivation and Theory X and Y:
Take the “Theory X and Y” Assessment on BlackBoard
5. Write and submit your discussion posts addressing this question, “Given the results of my
Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and MBTI, what is the best way for me or others to motivate me?”
6. TEAMS 5 & 6 - In a reply to the appropriate thread for your case within the forum, post list of
questions classmates can respond to in their posts about the case by COB Thursday
Week 8 Online and In Person 10/19-10/25 In person- 10/25
1, Read and prepare for in class discussion of Changing Quotas Case
2. Submit discussion posts on cases.
In-person Activities
- Team 5 led class discussion of the Richard Prichard and the Federal Triad Programs Case
- Team 6 led class discussion of the Changing Quotas Case
- Instructor led discussion on employee engagement including Motivation and Performance Star
Employee and Manager Video.
- Class exercise on Motivation
Week 9 Online Only 10/26 -11/1
How can I and my groups make better decisions?
1. Complete CNN quiz online at:
2. Read entire Chapter 3 and view online lecture chunks including all videos.
 Study “Manage What” Numbers 1, 3 & 4 and their debriefs
 Closely examine the 4 Manager's Tool Kits Presented
 Review Tables 3.1, 3.2 to see tools for evaluating alternatives
3. Read Chapter 4, the Moral Intensity Sub-section, Table 4.1 and Management Live 4.1 only
4. Do the following Essential Managerial Assessments on Decision Making:
5. Write your discussion post Decision-Making and accounting for emotions, biases, and physical
conditions posted on BB.
6. Submit your team’s Project Progress Report to BB. Only one member of each team should submit
Team Progress Report).
7. TEAM 7 - In a reply to the appropriate thread for your case within the forum, post list of
questions classmates can respond to in their posts about the case by COB Thursday
Week 10 Online and In Person 11/2-11/8 In person- 11/8
1, Read and prepare for in class discussion of the Branch Manager Case.
2. Submit discussion posts on cases
3. Submit your draft Personal Case Report to your peer reviewers.
In-person Activities
- Team 7 let class discussion of the Angry Branch Manager Case
- Instructor led discussion on Decision Making including the Decision Making Pearson Edited
- Team exercise on Decision Making: Deciding about Henry's Situations
Week 11
Online Only 11/9-11/15
How do I navigate the perils and opportunities associated with change to successfully make
my organization change?
1. Read entire Chapter 14 and view online lecture chunks including all videos.
 Closely study the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicle Case at the beginning and end
of the chapter and formulate your answers to the questions.
 Closely study “Manage What” Numbers 1,2, 3 & 4 and their debriefs
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits 14.1, 14.2 & 14.3 ; Tables 14.2, 14.3, &
14.4 ; Figure 14. 6and Management Live 14.2, 14.3, & 14.4.
2. Do the following Essential Managerial Assessments on Change Management:
4. TEAMS 8 & 9 - In a reply to the appropriate thread for your case within the forum, post list of
questions classmates can respond to in their posts about the case by COB Thursday
5. Provide draft of Personal Case to two Student Peer Reviewers.
Week 12 Online and In Person 11/16-11/20 In person- 11/20
How do I use power, influence and persuasion to expand my impact and my opportunities?
1. Read entire Chapter 8 and view only three online lecture chunks including Introduction, and
Segment 82 and 83.
 Study “Manage What” Numbers 1, 2 & 3 and their debriefs
 Closely examine Manager's Tool Kits8.1 & Table 8.1
2. Read and prepare for in class discussion of the Leading TQM in Panama Case and The Safety
Memo Case
3. Submit discussion posts on cases
4. Student Peer Reviewers provide feedback to student authors.
In-person Activities
- Team 8 led class discussion of the Leading TQM in Panama Case.
- Team 9 led class discussion of The Safety Memo Case.
- Instructor led discussions on change, influence and persuasion
- Class exercise on Change, Influence and Persuasion: Leading the Safety Change Program using
influence and persuasion.
Week 13 Online Only
How do I use power, influence and persuasion to expand my impact and my opportunities?
1. Only view two online lecture chunks including Segment 84 and Segment 85.
2. Read Chapter 5, Creating Persuasive and Sticky Messages, Choosing Your Communications
Medium and Active Listening Sub-sections, Manager’s Tool Kits 5.2 & 5.3 and Management
Live 5.1 only.
Complete Active Listening Inventory at:
Complete influence skills assessment at:
3. Submit your Personal Case Report
Week 14 Online and In Person 11/30 12/6 In person- 12/6
Team Project Poster Presentations
1, All teams submit Project Poster Presentation
In Person Activities
1. Team members present Team Project Poster Presentation
2. Debrief Team Project Presentations and Course