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Sleep Why it's Good For You

English IV
December , 23,2022
Sleep , Why it is Good For You
Sleep is defined by , A condition or process that the body and mind undergo. As well
as it ocuurs everyday for serveral hours everynight , by which the eyes are closed , The
postural muscles are relaxed , and the brain activity is altered or slowed down .
Why Is Sleep Important ?
During Sleep , our bodies is working to support healthy brain function and activity as well as
to maintain our physical health and just our body as a whole . It is very important to take care
of your mental health as well as your physical health, but , both are equally as important .
And if we on’t get enough sleep our well being is thrown off and can affect not just us but the
people around us . It can affect our productivity , Mental Healtth - meaning it can make iyt
worse esspecially with Anxiety . Not enough sleep can also effect our mood , Behavior , and
attitude . So it is deeply important that you get enough sleep each night so you don’t feel like
a walking zombie . But also if you don’t get enough sleep you are just setting your self up to
fail and at the end of the day your the one that makes though decisions , your the one that
benefits from it not your friends , not your teachers . Your just making it harder on yourself to
get stuff done , to be motivated , etc .
In children and teens , sleeps also helps support growth and development both mental
, physical and intellectual ( meaning Academics ) . Getting inadequate sleep over time can
raise your risk for chronic (long - term) health problems . As well as mental health problems
,Mental Disabillity , learning Disabillity or making your Mental Health Diganosis worse . On
a side note studies and professionals say anything between 6 -8 hours is the perfect amount of
sleep for kids and teens . But since adult sleep is so unpridictable reserchers and professionals
can’t say a specific amount . But I think anything between 4-6 hours of sleep for adults would
be sufficient .
English IV
December , 23,2022
Source for Why is sleep important ?
What happens when people with ADHD don’t get enough Sleep ?
Individuals with ADHD releated sleep depriviation , May feel extra grumpy , irritable ,
restless , tired . As well as they will most likely space out , be more distracted , and will have
a hard time staying or getting on time . But also they might have trouble paying attention and
having motiviation to complete anything . But also these symptoms can be mistaken for a
mood disorder which is way more serious than ADHD .
Conclusions about Sleep
My Conclusions about sleep , you need to make sure you get plenty of sleep becuase if yiou
don’t it is not just bad for you . It makes the people around you misrable for having to deal
with you . Also It is reccomeended to turn off all electronics at least 45min - 1 hour before
you plan on going to bed . Reading helps relax your brain , esspecially with people with
ADHD , in case you doidn’t know people with ADHD our brains don’t know how to shut up
and we have random thought all night long a lot of the time but if we read it helps calm our
brains down so our thoughts aren’t all over the place as well as it makes it easier to fall asleep
. Also people who have mental health dissabillites / disorders or learning disorders have a
harder time falling asleep than it is for someone who doesn’t . if you are stressed out it makes
going to sleep nearly impossible , so try not to make yourself stressed out at night about
something you can’ty control . So Basically Sleep is very important , and it is on you to make
sure you are well rested so you can make it a good day .
Source for ADHD and Sleep
WC (633)
English IV
December , 23,2022