148 Vasso Apostolopoulos Green bananas in general are incredibly nutri- activity [15]. Methanolic extracts found in green resistant starch [2], vitamin A [3], vitamin B6 [4, glutathione concentration in granulation tissues, made from dehydrated or naturally dried green banana (including monthan species) [1] are used green banana diet. Green bananas are also reported skin (unpeeled), has a higher nutritional value cyanidin [19]. Oral administration of green banana total phenolics and higher anti-oxidant activity - anti-fungal compounds in banana skins that need to be considered [8]. The human health implications both positive and negative may need to be gastric mucus thickness in aspirin-induced gastric are used in foods. Diarrhea is a common gastrointestinal problem in children. A green banana diet has been of cooked green bananas [9-12]. In one study, cooked green bananas given to 73 children aged Shigella, - [13]. These studies suggest green bananas could be included in the diet as an adjunct in the management of Shigellosis. Flavonoids and saponins present in green bananas might be responsible for the anti-diarrheal activity by inhibiting intestinal inhibiting the release of histamines [14]. Green ba- Flavonoids present in green bananas have phospholipids, free fatty acids and triglycerides in the serum, liver, kidney and brain of experimental animals. Higher rates of cholesterol degradation are also observed in rats through increased levels of hepatic, fecal bile acids and fecal neutral sterols [22]. Furthermore, consumption of green banana in rats [23, 24] and has been noted to reduce systolic blood pressure in humans [25]. There is evidence that lectins found in green bananas could provide a potential treatment for HIV patients and other viral infections such as, Ebola and hepatitis [26-28]. Other parts of the banana plant also have potential use in medical foods. For example banana leaf extracts from different species of Musa bananas have Musa paradisiaca Musa acuminata being the most active against multi-drug resistant nosocomial infection causing pathogens [29]. Musa paradisiaca species also demonstrates anti-bacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus [17] and anti-coccidial activity in chickens [30]. In addition, banana peel P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans [31]. Interestingly, Musa paradisiaca may also offer some protection against snake venom toxicity - figure 1. LET’S GO BANANAS! GREEN BANANAS AND THEIR HEALTH BENEFITS function induced by diabetes, can result in high levels of oxidative stress released by testicular Musa paradisiaca extract resulted in correction of testic- 149 rical study on inhibitory effect of vitamin B6 and banana-stem extract on calcium 5 the management of testicular disorders associMusa paradisiaca banana is reported to enhance the metabolism of carbohydrates in cholesterol free fed rats [34] and reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic induced rats [35]. In one Roth-Maier DA, Kettler SI, Kirchgessner M. Availability of vitamin B6 from different food Ginani JS, Montenegro FM, Pratesi R. Green banana pasta: an alternative for gluten-free Aziah AA. Chemical composition and physicochemical properties of green banana (Musa reductions in systolic blood pressure and fasting 8 unripe Musa paradisiaca context for human dietary interventions [37]. concLUSion studies to demonstrate that Green bananas appear - health, including their effects on immune cells as referenceS 1 Suntharalingam S, Ravindran G. Physical and 2 Faisant N, Gallant DJ, Bouchet B, Champ M. Prusky D. mechanisms of resistance of fruits and vegetables to postharvest diseses. Disease Resistance in Fruit, Proceedings of an interKabir A. Green banana-supplemented diet in the home management of acute and prolonged diarrhoea in children: a community-based trial in rural Bangladesh. Trop Med Int Health. 10 Rabbani GH, Teka T, Saha SK, Zaman B, Majid N, Khatun M, et al. Green banana and pectin improve small intestinal permeability 11 Rabbani GH, Teka T, Zaman B, Majid N, Khatun M, Fuchs GJ. Clinical studies in persistent nana or pectin in Bangladeshi children. Gas12 Triplehorn C, Millard PS. A rice-based diet in infants better than a rice-alone diet. ACP J intestine studied by electron microscopy. Eur 13 Rabbani GH, Ahmed S, Hossain I, Islam R, Marni F, Akhtar M, et al. Green banana reduces clinical severity of childhood shigellosis: a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical Fitzgerald MH, Marks GC. Carotenoid-rich bananas: a potential food source for allevi- Antidiarrhoeal activity of Musa paradisiaca Alternat Med. 2015:Article ID, 683726.