170220 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7 Practicum Case COMP6178 | COMP6178003 Introduction to Programming Computer Science Valid on Even Semester Year 2019/2020 Learning Outcomes LO1 – Explain the kind of the algorithm in problem solving LO2 – Explain the usefulness of java syntax and OOPs LO3 – Explain the algorithm using java syntax Topic Session 07 – Static and Dynamic Array Sub Topics Array Definition Array Declaration Two Dimensional Array Halaman : 1 dari 3 Page 1 of 3 C1-COMP6178-SH01-07 Revision 00 170220 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7 Soal Case Job Vacancy Job Vacancy is a program to help a company to insert, view, and search for a new applicant. As a programmer, you are asked to make the program that consists of 4 menus: 1. Insert new staff 2. List of staff 3. Search staff 4. Exit If user chooses menu 1(insert new staff), then: User will be asked to input: o Staff’s name must be between 3 and 20 characters. o Staff’s position must be “Manager”, “Analyst”, or “Programmer” (case insensitive). o Staff’s age must be larger than 17. Next, then the program will show message “Data has been successfully inserted!”. If user chooses menu 2(List of staff), then: If there is no data, the program will show “No Data!”. Halaman : 2 dari 3 Page 2 of 3 170220 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7 Otherwise, the program will show all the data. If user chooses menu 3(search staff), then: Ask the user to input staff’s name. Validate the input must be between 3 and 20 characters Show the staff’s data based on inputted staff’s name. If user chooses menu 4(Exit), the program will be closed. Please run the EXE file to see the sample program. Halaman : 3 dari 3 Page 3 of 3