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MBAF 503 Instruction File

Course Name: Basic Computing Skills
Course Code: MBAF 503
Name of the Student: ____________
Roll No. ______________
Instructor: Ms. Jasmeet Kaur
Time Allotted: 2 hours
Max Marks: 50
Marks Obtained: _______
 Make sure that you save your work often.
 A sample of the completed document has been provided for you as a reference at the end of this
Marks are given against each instruction.
After completion of exam, email your final excel workbook jasmeet.kaur@continental.ac.in
No extra time will be given for sending the answer script.
Small World Microloans (SWM) is a nonprofit organization in Washington, DC that connects aspiring
entrepreneurs in developing countries with individual lenders to encourage economic independence.
You are an assistant to a financial analyst who requests a summary of financial statistics, such as the
number and amount of loans made during the past five years. You’ve created an Excel workbook to
calculate the statistics, and now need to complete and format the worksheets.
Start File Small World Microloans.xlsx
1. Open the file Start File Small World Microloans.xlsx and save the file as Small World Microloans.xlsx
before you move to the next step. There are no marks awarded for completing this step.
2. Switch to Sheet1. In cell K1, enter 0.96 as the repayment rate. In cell K2, enter 0.68 as the percentage of
women entrepreneurs.
(1 mark)
3. Make the formatting changes summarized in Table 1-1 to make the worksheet attractive and easy to read. The
table continues to the next page of the exam.
(3 Marks)
Note that the formatting change indicated in the Cells column may involve more than one range. For
example, under the Cells heading in column one - row 3 indicates there are two ranges that require
formatting: H1-J1 and H2- J2.
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TABLE 1-1 Formatting Changes on Sheet1
Formatting Changes
Title cell style
Calibri font
16-point font size
03/14/01 date format
Merge cells
Right alignment
Percent Style format
No decimal places
Merge and center
Accent1 cell style
60% - Accent1 cell style
Center alignment
4. In cell B7, enter a formula that calculates the number of loans made in Ghana per donor. (Hint: Divide the
number of loans in cell B5 by the number of donors in cell B6.) Copy the formula in cell B7 to the range
C7:M7 to calculate the number of loans per donor in the other countries.
(3 marks)
5. In cell B13, enter a formula using the SUM function to calculate the total amount loaned to Ghanaian
entrepreneurs in 2009–2013. Copy the formula in cell B13 to the range C13:M13.
(1 mark)
6. In cell B14, enter a formula that calculates the average amount of a loan to a Ghanaian entrepreneur. (Hint:
Divide the total amount of loans in cell B13 by the number of loans in cell B5.) Copy the formula in cell B14
to the range C14:M14.
(1 mark)
7. In cell B15, enter a formula using the AVERAGE function that calculates the average amount loaned in
Ghana from 2009 to 2013. Copy the formula in cell B15 to the range C15:M15.
(1 mark)
8. In cell B16, enter a formula using the MAX function that calculates the maximum amount loaned in Ghana
from 2009 to 2013. Copy the formula in cell B16 to the range C16:M16.
(1 mark)
9. In cell B17, enter a formula using the MIN function that calculates the minimum amount loaned in Ghana
from 2009 to 2013. Copy the formula in cell B17 to the range C17:M17.
(1 mark)
10. In cell B18, enter a formula to calculate the amount of money loaned to Ghana in 2013 that SWM can expect
will be repaid. In the formula, use a relative reference to the loan amount in cell B12 and an absolute
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reference to the “Repayment rate to date” value in cell K1. Copy the formula in cell B18 to the range
(4 marks)
11. Apply the Number Format Accounting to the ranges B8:M8 and B13:M18. Apply the Style Format Comma
to the range B9:M12.
(2 marks)
12. Change the font color of the values in the range B13:M13 to Blue, Accent 1. Bold the values. Add a Top and
Thick Bottom Border to the range B13:M13.
(1 mark)
13. Add a Right Border to the ranges A3:A18, B3:D18, E3:G18, H3:J18, and K3:M18.
(1 mark)
14. For the range B14:M14, apply conditional formatting using Gradient Fill Blue Data Bars to show the
variation in average loan amount. For the range B15:M15, apply conditional formatting using the Gradient
Fill Green Data Bars to show the variation in the average amount loaned per year.
(2 marks)
15. Make the formatting changes summarized in Table 1-2 to format the ranges B20:E25 and H20:K25. Note that
the Cells column may contain multiple ranges for any one required formatting change.
(3 marks)
TABLE 1-2 Additional Formatting Changes (the table continues on the next page)
Row 20
Formatting Changes
Height set to 30.00 points
Merge and center
Fill color set to Blue, Accent1,
Lighter 80%
Heading 2 cell style
Accent1 cell style
Merge and center
Rotated up 90 degrees
60% - Accent1 cell style
Currency format, dollar
symbol, no decimal places
16. In cell D22, enter a formula to calculate the total number of loans made in Africa. (These values appear in
cells B5, C5, and D5.) In the range D23:D25, calculate the number of loans made in Asia, Europe, and Latin
America, respectively.
(3 marks)
17. In cell E22, enter a formula to calculate the total amount of loans made in Africa. (These values appear in
cells B13, C13, and D13.) In the range E23:E25, calculate the loan amounts in Asia, Europe, and Latin
America, respectively.
(3 marks)
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18. In the range J22:J25, enter formulas to multiply the total number of loans for each region (from the range
D22:D25) by the percentage of women entrepreneurs (cell K2). (Hint: In your formula, use an absolute
reference to the value in the cell containing the percentage of women entrepreneurs.)
(3 marks)
19. In the range K22:K25, enter formulas to multiply the total amount of money loaned in each region (from the
range E22:E25) by the percentage of women entrepreneurs.
(2 marks)
20. Apply an Outside Border to the ranges B20:E25 and H20:K25.
(1 mark)
21. Increase the width of columns C and I to 12.00 characters.
(1 mark)
22. Insert a new row 27. Enter the following text in cell A27: *Based on current repayment rate. Format the
text as italic.
(1 mark)
23. Select the ranges A4:M4 and A13:M13 and then insert a 3-D Clustered Column chart for the selected ranges
that shows the total amount loaned to each country in 2009-2013. Move the chart to a new sheet named Loan
Totals. (Hint: Use the Move Chart button and be sure to choose the “New sheet” option rather than the
“Object in” option.)
(3 marks)
24. Apply Style 34 to the chart, and then remove the legend. Edit the chart title to be Total amount loaned 20092013.
(2 marks)
25. Rename Sheet1 to Statistics.
(1 mark)
26. Move the Loan Totals chart sheet so that it becomes the last sheet in the workbook.
(1 mark)
27. Add a header to the Statistics worksheet that displays the current time in the center of each page. (1 mark)
28. Change the orientation of the Statistics worksheet to Landscape.
(1 mark)
29. Change the margins of the Statistics worksheet to Wide.
(1 mark)
30. Switch to Documentation sheet and write your first name in cell B4.
(1 mark)
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Final Figure:
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