Uploaded by 蔡佳,穎

corn soup

McMuffin ___________
Hash Browns _________________
Apple Pie _______________
Apple Slices ____________________
Vanilla ___________ 香草蛋捲冰淇淋
Hotcakes/ Pancakes _________________
Filet O’ Fish 麥香魚 (Filet 其實是法語,就是菲力,一塊沒有
骨頭的肉。o 就是 of 的簡稱。)
McChicken _____________________
_______________ 薯條
_____________ 沙拉
Chicken ______________ (6-piece or 9-piece) 麥克雞塊
Oreo McFlurry Oreo 冰炫風 (My personal favorite 我個人最
Sundae 聖代
_______________ 漢堡
Cheeseburger 起司牛肉堡
_______________________ 雙層起司牛肉堡
corn soup ______________________
Cashier: Hi there, welcome to McDonald’s. What would you like?
Customer: Hi there. I’d like a Big Mac, but no pickles please.
Cashier: Would you like a combo meal or just the burger?
Customer: A combo meal, please.
combo meal_____________
Cashier: Alright. And what drink would you like?
Customer: A diet coke, please.
Cashier: Sure. Anything else, sir?
Customer: Yes, I’d like to have a happy meal.
Cashier: Sure thing! Would you like McNuggets, a grilled
chicken burger, or hotcakes?
grilled chicken burger _______________
Customer: McFish.
Cashier: And for the drink, would you like milk or orange juice?
Suzy: Orange juice, please!
Cashier: Okay.
Cashier: Will that be for here or to go?
Customer: For here, please.
Cashier: Okay. Your total comes to 159 dollars.
total ________________
Customer: Okay, here’s 200.
Cashier: Thank you. Here’s 41 dollars change. And here’s
your receipt and number.