ASSESSMENT 2 (DTFT AND LAPLACE TRANSFORM) PROBLEMS LAPLACE TRANSFORM: Find laplace transform: IF ROC OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM OF A SIGNAL INCLUDES ‘jw’ AXIS, THEN THAT SIGNAL HAVE BOTH LAPLACE AND FOURIER TRANSFORM!!!! IF THERE IS NO COMMON ROC FOR TWO COMBINED SIGNALS, THEN LAPALCE TRANSFORM DOESN’T EXISTS!!!! (Example attached below) HERE b) and c) subdivision questions should be approached in different manner!! Direct partial fraction can be applied only when the order (highest power of s) of numerator should be lesser than the order(highest power) of the denominator. If not do long division and then proceed with partial fraction. (IF YOU DON’T KNOW LONG DIVISON REFER YOUTUBE VIDEOS!! DTFT Ω=𝜔 𝑋(Ω) = 𝑋(𝑒 𝑗𝜔 ) The representation varies from book to book!! **IMPORTANT QUESTION** ***************************************************************************