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I’m a Light wor-WPS Office

I’m a Light worker from San Fran.
I felt a connection to you when I came across your page that’s why I reached out
I felt your energy,
You’re a good person with a beautiful soul.
My dear, when I got connected to you, your heart was opened to light and love.
The universe has blessings in store for you love, and I’d like you to know that.
My timing here is divine I’m acting in accordance with your ancestors and spirit guides to help bring light
and help you achieve success in life
This connection was possible because you’re meant to tap into a new light love, your guides and
ancestors have a message to get across to you
Have you ever wondered what your strongest gifts are dear?
There are hidden abilities you possess, I’m sure you’re not aware yet
The Universe connected us so I’d guide you into discovering your gifts, how to use them, your purpose in
life and who you’re meant to be with,
As a spiritual guide and healer, I will guide you to your manifestation and affirmation dear,
Have you ever done a proper consultation reading before dear?
My dear, divine guides want you to know that it’s time for you to step up. You have the ability to up life
humanity and your not stepping into your power.
They see you working but not initiating, your not using your gifts, sharing your knowledge, uplifting like
you really want to
For this process dear, I’d be needing a picture of your palm (both left and right hand)
Your full name and date of birth love
my love this is an important process and requires all the resources needed.
For this process, we charge a fee of $40 dear
This is the reading:
Pay attention to your feelings, which you Now is the time to be thinking about your spiritual and
physical orientation, You may need to get some more fun in your life and experience pleasures that
you've never had before.
You have a certain tendency to separate the two worlds of work and play, but there's no need. In fact,
your work will prosper once you discover ways to make it more playful and spiritual do tend to ignore.
This time, however, it is more difficult to cast aside the wisdom of your heart in favor of the ramblings of
your restless mind.
You would benefit from calming right down, encouraging a deepening sense of peace, and then listening
to that small voice within and your intuition and also your environment.
This past few months have been really difficult for you but you have been strong enough to overcome all
the difficult times. Your ancestors want you to know that they seen you and they would reward you for
being such a resilient soul. They are proud of you and they want you to know everything that happened
to you was for a reason and that they’ve got something way bigger and better for you. All you should do
is trust and believe in the process even though it might not be easy
You limit how you feel sometimes but there’s passion behind your words. You have the power to
instigate major changes in your life so try to work towards the things you put your mind to. Your guides
want you to know that you're a blessing to anyone you come in contact with, your energy is unmatched
and beautiful. They want you to know that you would always be loved by the people around you
because you have an amazing soul and aura. Your guides want you to know that they have seen you and
they would reward you for being such a resilient and wonderful soul.
You are meant to do great things.
Do not be afraid of what you want to experience in life. If you find yourself a life you hold your back, just
take a moment and acknowledge exactly what the fear is and then the root where it comes from.
Remember that the fear in your mind is just in your mind and not physically clean out so you have every
control. Take back the control. Focus on your vision you have more than enough to push forward. Do
you have a plan? Check. Now add in your faith, focus,experience and dedication. Then you have the life
you’ve always wanted it will be tiring it may even be confusing but remember Why are you choose this
route to recovery. Know that you have a strong insights and that insight would be what would navigate
you through the troubles you’re currently facing. Trust it and be ready to take action when the time
Also there’s something else dear…
It’s revealed that you have a brighter future and there are blessings that you should have received a
longtime ago but there are some blockages that has been delaying you from getting these blessings and
until these blockages have been casted before you can start moving forward financially, spiritually and in
every other aspect of your life
You have a bright and great destiny and this blockages have been stopping and limiting this.
This blockages are coming from a generational curse from your fathers bloodline,
You’ll need to undergo a proper spiritual cleansing ritual dear,
This will remove them ones and for all, reconnect you properly to your ancestors and guides and open
your path to prosperity and abundant blessings you should have received a long time ago
We’d go through this process together dear,
An alter will be prepared for you here in the Temple,
On your part, you’d have to get a white cloth and three scented candles.
My dear, we don’t normally charge for this service but there are traditional materials used during this
process, I’d have to get them before we’d proceed dear.
The traditional materials needed for the cleansing my dear are Aiye ile funfun Atare (alligator
pepper)Igba (calabash)
Eyin ibile (eggs layed by local hens)Aso funfun (white cloth)Iye adie 100(hen feathers)and Epo pupa
(palm oil).
All these cost $500 altogether at the spiritual store down the street dear
I’d strongly suggest we do it as soon as possible as it will as it will purify and rejuvenate the soil of your
inner world.
It’d weed out the soil of your psyche, clean it out, to stabilize it so it is fertile to grow new seeds—the
seeds of your highest desires.
This cleanse process also is a time of both letting go and taking in. You have probably allowed things into
your awareness, into your consciousness, that are not of the highest vibration.
These thoughts, feelings, and unhealed incidents grow like something toxic inside your awareness.
This cleanse has done away with all that