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iTEP Paper Test Answer Sheet Instructions

iTEP Paper Test
Answer Sheet Instructions
The new iTEP Answer Sheet is a one-sided answer sheet for iTEP paper tests. Unlike other
answer sheets, this one can be printed over and over again without having to purchase any special
paper, allowing you to copy it freely. There is also no equipment needed, other than your everyday
printer and scanner (to print the page for your test-takers and to scan the answers back into the
1) You will need each of the following:
a. printer
b. scanner
c. computer with internet access
2) The answer sheet does not have to be in color, so if you can print an image in black and
white, it will still work. Download your test’s answer sheet package (Academic-Core,
SLATE-Core, or Placement-Core – whichever you plan to use) from our website
(http://www.itepexam.com/formscanner) and extract the .zip file. You should see a PDF
file called “iTEP_[version].pdf” and a similar “iTEP_[version].xtmpl” created on your
3) The PDF file is the image you want to print. If you can’t open the pdf file, then please
download the JPG, GIF or other image file that your computer can support. If it is easier for
you, you may print one copy from a file and use this sheet to make more copies. The
important thing to check is that the four dots on the outside of the page are solid and dark.
If you do not see the dots, or they appear to be faded, the answer sheet may not work.
Once you have a single copy for each of your test-takers, you can begin administering the
1) Please advise your test-taker to fill out their information using a dark pencil or black ink. It
doesn’t have to be a #2 pencil or even a pencil at all; anything that makes a dark image will
work, but a pencil would be best for the test-takers, so they can erase their mistakes.
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iTEP Paper Test
Answer Sheet Instructions
2) Before the start of the test:
a. Test-takers should fill out the boxes by putting each letter of their “Family Name” in the
first row of boxes, starting from the left, one letter per box. Then the test-taker should fill
in the corresponding bubbles below each letter. If there are too many boxes, then leave
the boxes empty, as well as the bubbles in that column. If there are not enough boxes to
fit their full name, then only put the first letters that will fit in that area. The test-taker
should fill out their personal name and any other name they use in the “First Name” and
“Second Name” boxes, the same way they filled in the last name.
b. The “ID Number” can be any form of identification (including passport, student ID, etc.)
used identify the test-taker.
c. The “Test Form” can be found on the back of the test booklet, at the bottom of the page.
The test form may not take up all of the boxes.
a. Tip – if you are only using one test form, you can fill in these boxes and bubbles
in advance, to save time during registration. If you have more than one test form,
just be careful that students get matching test booklets and answer sheets.
d. The “Birth Date” is the test-taker’s personal birth date, and the “Test Date” is today’s
date (the day the test-taker takes the test). Both should be filled out using the numeric
date format day-month-year (example: January 31, 2016 is 31-01-2016).
e. Lastly, the test-taker should mark the bubble to select gender.
3) During the test:
The test-taker should fill out each answer for each question in each section, making sure that
each bubble is filled in completely and as dark as possible. If the test-taker makes a mistake,
then the test-taker needs to erase the bubble completely and fill out the correct bubble
darker. Once the test-taker finishes the test, the test-taker must return the answer sheet to
the test administer. At this time, the administrator should also collect any notes the testtaker took during the test.
4) After the test administration:
You can use your preferred scanner to scan the papers into image files. The answer sheet
must be scanned as an image file, such as JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, and not as a document file
like PDF, DOC, etc.
5) You have two options for receiving scores:
a. You may email the images to our company at answersheet@iteponline.com and we
will handle the rest of process for you. It may take up to two business days.
b. To process the tests more quickly on your own, you may follow the instructions on
the next pages.
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iTEP Paper Test
Answer Sheet Instructions
Download the formscanner software online here:
 https://sourceforge.net/projects/formscanner/files/latest/download
 or find it with other instructions on our website here:
1) The software uses the free JAVA program that comes with most modern computers. Please
start the formscanner download without installing JAVA and the installation guide will let you
know if you already have JAVA or not.
If it turns out that you need to download the software, please download JAVA from
http://www.java.com. Restart the formscanner setup again and follow the installation guide.
The program will open automatically when it has been installed.
2) The first time “formscanner” starts up, you need the load a template.
a. The template is the “iTEP_[version].xtmpl” file that came with the printed sheet
called “iTEP_[version].pdf”. This can be found in the .zip package downloaded from
our website during step 2) of “Getting Started.
b. To load the template, click on the “Template” dropdown menu at the top left side of
window and you should see the “Load saved template” option.
c. Click on the “Load saved template” option and a window should open showing the
location of your documents folder.
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iTEP Paper Test
Answer Sheet Instructions
d. Locate the extracted software package you downloaded from our website containing
the template, and click on it to open it. It should be the only visible file in the list.
e. Once the template loads successfully, it will automatically load each time you start
the “formscanner” program. You should not have to load it again, unless you move
the template file or load another template file.
3) To start importing the test-takers’ answer sheets:
a. Click on the “File” menu at the top left side of the formscanner screen, then click on
“Open images”.
b. You should see another window pop up showing your files again. Locate the folder
containing the scanned images and select all the test-takers’ answer sheets.
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Answer Sheet Instructions
c. Click “Open” and the images should go into a new list:
d. Try to get as many answer sheet images into one list. If you miss one, you will have
to create a new list, since the program does not allow you to add images to the
current list. You may create as many lists as you need, but it is usually easier to
handle just one long list.
e. Click on the play button (
), located on the top left side of the window, to
start the import.
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Answer Sheet Instructions
After a short amount of time a new “Save” window will show up
Name the CSV file whatever you would like and save it to a location you can easily find again.
This process creates the output file you will need to upload the iTEP website. Do not worry
if you or your computer cannot read the file, our system is the only one that needs to read it.
If you do open the file, do not save the file! Be sure that when you close it, you click “Don’t
g. Repeat the steps in 3) as needed until all your test-takers’ answer sheets are saved in
the CSV format.
4) Once you have all the tests in CSV format:
a. You can upload the CSVs to our system or you may email the CSVs to us at
answersheet@iteponline.com and we will finish processing the exam for you. This
may take up to two business days.
b. If you would like to upload your own exams for faster results, you may go to your
myTEP account page (https://www.besexam.com/admin/login.php) and continue
with the following import instructions.
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Answer Sheet Instructions
1) Login to your myTEP account page (https://www.besexam.com/admin/login.php). If you do
not have a login, please contact your iTEP representative.
a. Click the “Tests Administered” button. On this page, you should see a button at the top
left that says, “Import Exams”. If this does not appear, please contact your iTEP
b. To use the import feature, please click the “Import Exams” button. This will take you to
the page where you can upload the CSV file from your computer and into our system.
Please click “Upload Scanner File” to select the CSV files you want to upload. If you have
more than one CSV file, please upload them all first, before continuing to the next step.
You must upload each file one at a time, as single CSV files, and not together as a zip.
2) Once all of the files have been uploaded, click on the “Import Scanner File” button to begin
processing the data. This will need to be done once for every file uploaded.
a. If everything was done correctly, then your tests will be available on the “View Graded
Tests” section of your myTEP homepage.
b. If you have problems with this system, or there is an error with your CSV file, the file will
disappear and it will not be processed. You will need to correct the errors and repeat
steps 1) and 2).
 Typically these problems occur because the answer sheet was either printed or
scanned incorrectly. Sending the scanned answer sheets to your iTEP
representative at answersheet@iteponline.com will help identify the issue.
Receiving your results may take up to two business days, however.
 To troubleshoot on your own, you can try to open up the CSV and manually
enter the correct answers line-by-line and student-by-student, but if you cannot
open the file correctly, then do not attempt to make any changes, and close the
file without saving it.
If you encounter any problems during any portion of your paper test administration or file upload,
please contact your iTEP representative:
Phone: 818-887-3888
Hours: 8:00AM – 6:00PM Pacific Time
Email: answersheet@iTEPonline.com
Response time: 1 business day
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