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Sociology Discussion Questions: Social Problems

SOCI 1306: Social Problems
Discussion Question Prompts
For each chapter, you must respond to at least two of the discussion topics, and reply to at least
two other student responses, following the assessment guidelines posted in the Course
Orientation module.
Students’ post and responses should be at least one paragraph (4-6 sentences) in length. The
responses must be thoughtful and pose new ideas or questions. The response will not earn credit
if you 1) simply summarize what your classmate wrote, or 2) tell them good job on their
response. Please review the discussion board rubric.
Discussion Board Rules of Etiquette:
What you write is public—respect your audience and be mindful of proper netiquette. Netiquette,
also known as 'net etiquette,' includes using language free of profanity, proper tone and
mechanics (including full sentences), as well as courtesy and respect for others' opinions.
Instructors may interpret breaches of netiquette as "disruptive behavior." Remember to always
respect others. You are expected to be courteous when posting discussion question answers and
responses. Inappropriate postings to the discussion will be removed and will cause the author to
receive a 0 for that assignment. Examples of inappropriate posting would include, but not be
limited to:
Vulgar language
Derogatory statements
Anything you wouldn’t be proud to say in front of mom/grandma/*important person*
1) Chapter 1 Understanding Social Problems
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: Unemployment is a serious problem in our society. How might someone (not a
sociologist) using the individualist perspective explain what causes this problem? How
might a sociologist explain what causes this problem? In addition, choose one of the
theoretical perspectives (functionalism, conflict, or symbolic interactionist), and suggest how
the problem might be viewed from that perspective.
Topic 2: Do you believe that external social forces are more or less important than
individual internal characteristics and motivations in shaping our lives? Explain.
Incorporate something you learned from reading the lecture and/or textbook into your
Topic 3: How should we determine what is or is not a social problem? Who actually
determines if something is a social problem? Does there need to be a certain number of
people impacted for something to be considered a social problem? Does there need to be a
certain group of people who are impacted for something to be considered a social problem?
2) Chapter 2 Social Class & Poverty
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: Conduct a search of the Internet to find information related to the topic of social
class inequality. For example, you could look for information about distribution of income,
distribution of wealth, poverty in the U.S. or other countries, the minimum wage, the salaries
of CEOs, or any other topics related to social class inequality discussed in the text and/or
lecture. When writing your posting to the class, include the address of the site, what you
learned from reading the information, how the information might relate to the sociological
view of inequality, and whether you believe that the information at the site is valid.
Demonstrate an understanding of the information about evaluating internet sources at the
posted tutorial.
Topic 2: In spite of the overwhelming evidence of the impact of inequality on people’s life
chances (such as health, education, standard of living, etc.), most Americans hold to the
belief that people’s success in life is due primarily to their own individual qualities and
motivations. Why is this individualistic view so widely accepted? What could be the benefit
of thinking about this issue more sociologically? Refer to course material.
Topic 3: What did you observe about social class stratification from watching Inequality for
All? What do you think what the most important sociological point from the film? Why?
3) Chapter 3 Racial Inequality
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: As you have gone through your life and dealt with people who could have power
over you (such as teachers, principals, school counselors, employers, bank managers,
doctors, attorneys, etc.), have these people tended to belong to your own racial group, or a
different racial group? How could this have had an impact on your perceptions and
experiences? Now, take the other view. If these powerful people tended to be from your
group, discuss how your perceptions and experiences might have been impacted if they
weren’t. If these powerful people tended not to be from your group, discuss how your
perceptions and experiences might have been impacted if they were. Refer to the concept of
“white privilege” described in the textbook. I’m hoping that you will dig deep, and think
seriously about the impact of race and power on people’s lives and perceptions.
Topic 2: What did you observe about the impact of discrimination from watching the video
13th? How can you be more vigilant against institutional racism? Who would you want to
watch this video? Why? What is something that you would want them to learn? Why?
Topic 3: After watching 13th, Consider if you ever reflect upon the systematic privileges you
may or may not experience because of race, gender, age, class, sexual orientation, religion,
physical/mental abilities, etc.? Or, consider if you have ever had to confront direct or
systemic racism in your life? If so, how were you affected?
4) Chapter 4 Gender Inequality
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: Conduct a search of the Internet to find information about gender inequality in
other nations. For example, you could look for information about access to education and
employment, differential application of laws, power in the home, workplace, and political
institutions, or any other topics related to gender inequality discussed in the text and/or
lecture. When writing your posting to the class, include the address of the site, what you
learned from reading the information, how what you learned compares to the U.S., and
whether you believe that the information at the site is valid. Demonstrate an understanding
of the information about evaluating internet sources at the posted tutorial.
Topic 2: What do you think is the most important advantage, privilege, or benefit that men
enjoy in the United States? What do you think is the most significant cost or disadvantage
that men experience? Can this be changed? Base your response on course material, and your
own experiences that relate to the sociological perspective.
Topic 3: What are your own observations in terms of sexism in language, media,
housework, child care, and the workplace? How important are these issues? Prepare
examples, and demonstrate a knowledge of the course material.
5) Chapter 5 Sexual Orientation & Chapter 9 Sexual Behavior
Discussion Questions:
6) Chapter 6: Aging and Ageism
Discussion Questions:
7) Chapter 7: Drugs and Chapter 8: Crime & Criminal Justice
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: After watching Crack, what was the biggest take away in regards to the war on drugs
and mass incarceration? What do you think is the most important message from the
documentary? How does it relate to our course? Provide two terms (define & explain) that relate
to class material.
Topic 2: Prior to watching Crack, what did you know about the war on drugs? How is it still
impacting U.S. society today? Pull from the film and from lecture notes.
Topic 3: How does Tutwiler relate to our course? Think critically and deeply about this. Provide
at least 2 terms/theories (bold the term you select) from the course to describe how this
documentary relates to what we have discussed so far this semester. Make sure that you define
the term AND explain how the term relates to the video.
8) Chapter 11: Education
Discussion Questions:
Topic 3: After reading the material in text on education, what have you learned about a
quality education? Think about your own experiences with the educational institution (K-12).
Do you feel that you received a high quality education? Why or why not? What specifically
do you feel worked well to help you to achieve academic excellence? What could schools do
to help all children to achieve academic excellence?
9) Chapter 13: Health Care
Discussion Questions:
Topic 1: Do you think the U.S. should move toward the national health insurance models
found in other Western nations? Why or why not? Refer to textbook material.
Topic 2: